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Fill is still working. Can only eat Protein Shake for Breakfast. I eat a peel top can of chicken or tuna at work. Can just barely get it down. Gotta go real slow. Eat a peel away container of applesauce for snack mid-afternoon and a sm. low-sodium can of V-8 half hr after that. That keeps me from coming home ravenous. Then meat and a veggie for supper and a Kashi bar for mid-evening snack.

Decaf coffee with 1% milk either iced or hot depending on weather. Splenda if iced. I drink this throughout morning and again at home in evening. This is working really well for me. When it doesn't I'll definitely go in for another fill. I'm at 40 lbs weight loss. 30 more to go.Whoo hoo!

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Phyll...Way to go on getting out and to Cosco and out in the parking lot.

You are welcome for the package....you will notice some of the mags are pre-read but tend to read the same.

One the kidney stone issue...I have been to every specialist...body produces a lot of Calcium. Nothing they can do except blast them once in awhile if they build up.

Cheri...happy you have the restriction and you are comfy with it.

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Phyll...Way to go on getting out and to Cosco and out in the parking lot.

You are welcome for the package....you will notice some of the mags are pre-read but tend to read the same.

One the kidney stone issue...I have been to every specialist...body produces a lot of Calcium. Nothing they can do except blast them once in awhile if they build up.

Cheri...happy you have the restriction and you are comfy with it.

Love the restriction. Such a relief. I can't rely on my own judgement.

Phyll, I'm so glad you're doing so well.

I've had one kidney stone attack in my life. That was enough.

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Hey All,

You will be glad to know I am doing much better now my cold has let up. I started writing down my food and let's say I am way over doing it on my calories. I get a peppermint latte a couple of times this week and it was like over 350:ohmy:. And before anyone asks it is not SF and it is not non fat it was my little coffee heaven.:thumbup: I guess I need to re think it. since I always get the big one. Also so many places do not carry the peppermint in SF just vanilla.

Oh well back to cooking I know it is late but I worked late today.

Keep smiling everyone:biggrin:

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Good evening buddies~

Apples~ Welcome back from the lake! Can't wait to hook up and plan this "event"!!! :party:What do we call ourselves... the "I'm here to help" group?! LOL. I will PM you my info as well. I was googling some stuff about stones... it seems that "a family history of stones, especially in a first-degree relative (parent or sibling), dramatically increases the probability of having stones." Kidney Stones - The Urology Center of Florida

Interesting. I hadn't heard of that before. At first thought I would think that if people lived together and ate the same diet, drank the same water- that this would increased the risk. But for you guys, you are all over the map. I know other kidney diseases can be hereditary, just didn't realize stones were.

1day~ Glad you are feeling better. Also, isn't it amazing when you write things down and realize how many calories you had?! It adds up!

IYSOY~ glad you have good restriction. I love iced coffee too. I also freeze some of my leftover coffee and use the coffee cubes to make a Protein shake with vanilla or chocolate Protein Powder, milk and splenda. I usually bring one of these in the afternoon for carline to carry me for dinner.

Phyllllll~ WTG on getting up and out! You are doing so good! Very soon you won't need that scooter! and I had a chuckle about the sailor comment..LOL

Linda~ recipe sounds yummy. Especially since I am on liquids today..LOL.

So far so good today. I had a fairly thick Protein Shake for dinner and it went down fine. Had Soup this afternoon. The last couple fills I got a little lazy with the 2 days of liquids, but this time I am sticking to dr's orders. Interesting thought about the virus/sinus drainage... I hadn't thought of that. I am so ready to get back on track. This past month just pi$$es me off that I didn't lose. I know there is time... and I have done well... and it's a lifestyle change.. but still! I just hate the feeling of slipping. We have all been there with past healthy lifestyle attempts... where we let it all go. I just had that feeling this last month and I hate it.:ohmy::):crying: But no time like the present to kick myself in the butt and get back to biznessssssss! food journal and exercise!!!

Nelson got an incident report today...:eek: Apparently another kid took a ball he was playing with during PE. Nelson asked for the ball back and the kid refused. So he pushed the kid down and grabbed the ball. He's still so innocent that he did it right in front of the teacher... and the other kid skinned both his knees and started crying. Nelson cried so hard after he saw the blood and realized that he hurt him... that he vomited. (not from the blood but from crying so hard!) He told me that he hates school and doesn't want to ever go back! We had a long talk tonight and he's feeling a little better. It's tough being 5.:sneaky::thumbup:

Janet... I found those more smiles you were talking about!


CBL friends.. peasout... Laura

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I get a peppermint latte a couple of times this week and it was like over 350:ohmy:. And before anyone asks it is not SF and it is not non fat it was my little coffee heaven.:thumbup: I guess I need to re think it. since I always get the big one. Also so many places do not carry the peppermint in SF just vanilla. Keep smiling everyone:biggrin:

Find a place that has more SF flavors. I get a 16 oz almost every day.. FF, SF white chocolate/raspberry! Yummy!


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Laura...thanks for the link regading the stones.

Poor Nelson...life is tough sometimes. Hope things go better for him here on out!

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Evening gang, Mimi is finally sleeping for a little while at least... I'm so tired and my neck and back are aching. I know I overdid it, but what can I do... can't send her to the sitter... It's me or DD has to stay home from work and she can't do that.........she needs the paycheck badly... So, I'll take Tylenol before bed and hope to feel better tomorrow... Mimi has times of seeming better... I can tell she's hungry and wants to eat but is afraid... I made mashed potatoes tonight and she took some bites, but cried after each one... bless her little heart... We had to force a bath on her a while ago, but then she settled down and went to sleep.. I got to put her blanket in the wash.. It was starting to smell!!!! It is so precious to her and she needs it for comfort... It'll be dry before she wakes again, I hope.. Sure hope they are right about the 7 - 10 days.. Tomorrow is day 7............

Apples, glad you are back... Your DH is a typical farmer..... works through the pain.... It's what makes him part of America's backbone!!!! Harvest is going full bore here, but we had rain last night so things slowed today.. DH's boss says this is the best crop he has ever seen!!!! Too bad the price of wheat is down so far... Good luck with all your baking.. I'm sure your guys are kept full and happy all the time.. Glad you "mom" is doing okay... Ouch........ after my gall bladder attach and the pain I had I can just about feel your pain.. I know it's different, but I can relate...... take care.

Meredith, loved your pictures... You are such a busy girl... I hope school is going well......

Laura, what an ordeal for Nelson.. It is so tough learning these life lessons... Mimi is very used to having her own way and that is something she would do.. Only children who don't get to interact to other kids often always have to learn alot when it's time for school.. You are doing a good job helping him adjust.. I think you did the right thing about the fill.. Hope it gives you what you are after...

Janet, Doodle, Linda, Eva and whoever I may have missed, hope all is well.... You all have a good sleep.. I'm very tired and praying Mimi will sleep well... DH is taking first shift.... He is such a good grandpa!! Night all................... Julie

If, I want your restriction... Wish my doc would agree, but they don't want me that tight... Congrats on your loss and getting into that suit... I have a dress from 25 years ago that I would love to be able to put on one more time... I had lost a lot of weight, was pregnant but didn't show, and had to sing for a wedding.. I was so poor, so my dad bought me a dress... I'll never throw it.... I may never wear it again, but it's special....

Phyll, WTG with your outing... I'm finding out one just has to go through the pain some days... It's not always fun, is it?? Glad you are coming along so well...

One day, I hear you about the coffee drink.. You just want to feel like you can do as you please... I had mashed potatoes and a piece of bread today.. Both on the same day.....don't know why, it just happened that way.. I don't usually eat bread at all.... I guess I just needed it for some reason.. So, I'm sure the scale won't be moving tomorrow morning!!!!

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It is tough being 5. My 2 yr old grandson, who is built like a tank is so used to dealing with his slightly autistic 4 yr old brother who is also well-built and when overwhelmed by stimuli can get very physical, I'm afraid he's going to be very surprised that other people aren't going to like the rough-housing and self-defense Josh thinks is absolutely normal.

He's very good-natured and tough as nails. Perfect for dealing with David but others may not understand.

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Hello all.

Real quick drive by post. I am so tired after this day at school I just need to take a shower and go to bed. Had Nutrition class and Medical Ethics class today. Was on campus from 1-7:30. Plus, the parking was horrendous so at least I got my exercise in. But, my NSV today was that I did not get tired when I climbed (quickly I might add) the 3 flights of stairs that in May had me exhausted! I was happy about that for sure.

Did well on my eating today. So that was good too. Ok, I'm so sorry, but I am so tired that I feel like my eyes are crossing.

Real quick though, Phyll.... You go girl!!!! Way to get out there and back into the swing of things! I give you a lot of credit. Super impressive. Oh man, you must have felt awesome getting out!

Ok, more tomorrow, will comment on everyones then. It took me awhile to read all posts bc I had been reading all day long. I start my weight training sculpt and tone fitness class tomorrow, then Physics in the evening. Will be on campus 3-10, so I wont check in til later since I have to get all my stuff together for tomorrow. I get nervous driving downtown sometimes. Its only a 15 min drive, but I have to go through some sketchy neighborhoods on the way there and back. Makes me kinda nervous, so I get super stressed now that I have to go there 4 days per week.

Ok, I thought this was going to be much shorter than this. It's already 12:30!!!!

Night. Love. Meredith

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:rolleyes:I had lap band on 8/20/2009. I need a mentor. I love hearing everyones story and reading the threads but sometimes I just need a quick answer that I cannot seem to find. (Not the best on computer). I am 55 years old. 5'7 tall and started 260#. Been fat all my life, a food addict. It WIS (is and trying to be a was) my whole life. Since my decision to have the lap band I think food 24/7. (Same as anytime I dieted).

I admire all of you for getting to where you are. I am sure the journey has been hard.

Thank you for your help.


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:rolleyes:I had lap band on 8/20/2009. I need a mentor. I love hearing everyones story and reading the threads but sometimes I just need a quick answer that I cannot seem to find. (Not the best on computer). I am 55 years old. 5'7 tall and started 260#. Been fat all my life, a food addict. It WIS (is and trying to be a was) my whole life. Since my decision to have the lap band I think food 24/7. (Same as anytime I dieted).

I admire all of you for getting to where you are. I am sure the journey has been hard.

Thank you for your help.


CJ...fire away with any questions you may have. You will find that there are quite a few people with a lot of experience on this thread and also people who are sitting where you are right now that you can relate to. Congrats on the steps taken to make your life a heathier one.

It is difficult the first few months and being banded is not and "easy fix". But, the Lap Band is a great tool to help you along your way. One of the best little pieces of advice I can give you is to make sure to keep a food log and document everything you put into your mouth. Make good healthy food choices. Clean your pantry of anything that might be a temptation for you. Make sure you get your hard Protein first with a meal and then if you have room, fruits, veggies, etc.

When you feel overwhelmed with thoughts of food (head hunger) try to find and activity to take your mind off of it. Brush your teeth, take a bath, pick up a book, take a nice long walk, etc. I found that making a cup of coffee or tea helped to head off that hunger.

Welcome to the group. Hope you come back here for support. You will find that this a very accepting and supportive group. I was trying to find a place to fit and had many questions when I first took a look at this thread. Now I feel like it's home to me and have formed some wonderful friendships. :thumbup:

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Morning all,

Another less than perfect night.. Mimi woke at 2:00.. We gave her Motrin (doc says this is better than Tylenol....IDK.....) and I sent DH back to bed as he had to work at 8:00..... She was up until after 4:00 then fell asleep on my lap... She scooched down on my relicner and was sort of sleeping next to my legs but with her head on my lap... About 6:30 I felt something warm.....Yup, she peed on me and my chair!!! She has finally started taking more liquids and her kidneys must have really gone to town..... cleaned that mess all up and tried to deal with her.. DH got up, too, and we swabbed her mouth... She was very crabby and just feeling ugly... She finally went to sleep about 8:00 on the couch and is still sleeping at 10:30.... She needs the rest I know for sure... She did eat a few bites last night so hope I can convince her to eat today.. Milk with ice has been about all she has had for days.... She did manage a little BM last night.. Just hard little mini bullets... At least her system is still working...

I'm sorry to be so consumed with this baby... Most of you have been mothers and grandmothers so I'm counting on you understanding... Thanks..... I'm trying to keep up with everyone's posts.... Just don't get to respond well.... All you new folks.........gosh you picked a good place to come... Welcome and I hope we can get to know you all better soon..........

I'm trying to finish laundry while Mimi is sleeping.. All of my throw blankets were either just soiled from her drooling or from being peed on, so blankets are almost done.. I had done the rest yesterday.... At least I'm keeping up with some of my work.... I have 4 tops to Iron yet and that should be enough....

And I was right about the scale not moving after bread and potatoes yesterday, but it didn't move at all.........not backwards either, so I guess this is a good thing!!! I just had a little cold ceral for Breakfast...too tired to do much else.. Need to get some fluids in... I'm very bad about that... It's hard for me most days.. I'm a sipper.... and can't seem to do enough sipping as I'd like.... Well, time to finsih.. She should be awake soon.... and I'm hoping in a good mood....at least for a couple hours.. Her mother will come at 2:00..... Oops, her she comes.......gotta go...

Love to all............Julie

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:rolleyes:I had lap band on 8/20/2009. I need a mentor. I love hearing everyones story and reading the threads but sometimes I just need a quick answer that I cannot seem to find. (Not the best on computer). I am 55 years old. 5'7 tall and started 260#. Been fat all my life, a food addict. It WIS (is and trying to be a was) my whole life. Since my decision to have the lap band I think food 24/7. (Same as anytime I dieted).

I admire all of you for getting to where you are. I am sure the journey has been hard.

Thank you for your help.


CJ Welcome !!!

They banded our stomachs not our heads - IMHO the majority of our problems lie in our heads and not in our stomaches !!!!

I'm 2 yrs out - I still think about food but now mostly it's about eating healthy - what are my choices - what taste good - and ya sometimes I miss pigging out - I miss the sugar and miss the high fat foods - but I am an addict (food) so I know why I think of these things and when these thoughts enter my head - I know it's that addiction talking to me - So I tell that little devil - no you are not going to get a hold of me again - I am not going back there..

This is going to be a life long struggle for us as addicts - it does take a lot of work - the band is a great tool - but it's not the cure all answer to our issues with food..

Look forward to having you join our group...

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      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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