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Good afternoon. Guess what I caught from this board today? a dead battery? wasn't there a case of that going around recently? LUCKILY, DH was still with me. We ran to McD's for him to meet up with DS by the freeway and then the 2 of them were going hunting and I was coming home. Well we go to leave and the car is totally dead. We have AAA and they came and tested it and voila totally shot, they had one on the truck and we probably paid a little more but got a new one then and there and he installed it. It was so weird as the car was totally fine one minute and totally dead (not even a radio) the next. That made me late to go visit Grandma so I went to Kohls and did some retail therapy instead. LOL I got new PJs for the hospital and some shorts for physical therapy. I bought big and loose and it's so cool that big and loose now means Larges and XL's!! When I was a 3X that wasn't even big and loose.

I gotta tell you all how great my lap band surgeon is. I emailed him this morning to ask if there was anything I needed to be concerned about or tell my knee surgeon about with the lap band. He answered in less than 15 min. He wrote a nice note then answered all my questions and lastly told me to have the hospital add him as a consult that way he will know I am there and can come see me in the hospital. I thought that was really nice of him.

Janet, how did you know I am giving a housewarming party in about 10 days? I love your idea of the bread, salt, etc. Do you wrap it all up? put sayings on the item? How do you present it?

Doodle, oh I won't be overworking on this wedding. There's really not much to do. Now, of course, it helps that DD is a wedding planner by profession, all I am needed for is the checkbook. LOL We are going to book the reception place next week.

Great - I got it from "It's a Wonderful Life"

I bought a silver basket and put the loaf of bread/wine/salt in it - lined it with tissue paper - then typed up a paper saying Tradtional Housewarming Gifts Meanings - the wrote

Bread - so you home never knows hunger

Salt - So your life always has flavor

Wine - So Your life will have joy & Prosperity

Broom - To sweep away your troubles..

I'm the one who started the battery problems - AAA didn't have a battery for my car in their truck - Well really my DIL started it - it happen to her 1st and she told me about the battery replacement thingie

Just checking in..........wishing all of my LBT Buddies a great Labor Day Weekend!

Great........awesome that your DD is a wedding planner. Sorry about the battery. Mine went out last month too.

Found a new food. Orowheat Sandwich Thins.........a flatbread....100cal, 5protein. It makes a great sandwich, and I haven't been able to eat bread. I bought it at Sam's Club.

Charlene - Ya I know Phyl told me about them and I have seen them but - I didn't buy them - I can eat light sandwich bread but I try and stay away from bread - I was never a big sandwich eater to begin with - I had a grilled cheese last week on lite bread / lite cheese - could only eat half - then the stupid dog got the other half when I left the room

Hola amigas~

Great~ the ever contagious dead battery syndrome, eh? I must have built up some immunity or had a vaccine for it- cuz usually I get it, and this year <knocking on wood> I haven't. Lucky you to have big strong capable men around. ; )

Janet~ You sound busy busy. I also love the house warming present. Did your boss ever approve the early Christmas/house warming stuff?

Phyllllllll~ So glad to see you posting. The worst is over now in the recovery period. They say it is painful- it must be, your femur was sawed in half kiddo! It sounds like you are doing all the things they tell you to do.

Cheri~ WTG!!!!!!!!!!! We are sooo very proud of you! Congrats on onderland!

Julie~ Sorry to hear about the DS stuff. I know my parents have had a similar thing with my brother and his wife. The whole time my dad was in the hospital my SIL only visited him once and never even called. Get this- she is a nurse practitioner and lives 5 min. from the hospital!!! She is such a B. When their kids were young they wouldn't let my parents keep them for more than one night at a time. Once they became teens they wanted them to keep them a week and my parents refused. My brother has always let her dictate what he does and how he does it. My dad really could care less but it hurts my mother's feelings. Hope Mimi is feeling better.

My DH and DS both have colds. I think I am trying to get one too. Just feeling punky and stuffy. Thank goodness we have a long weekend to get over them. No plans here, except a babysitter on Sunday so DH and I can go see a movie.

CBL~ have a good weekend! peas.

Nope they only gave $100 that's it !!!! Cheap ass SoB's I can't beleive it -

Ah, yes... couldn't remember for sure who it was. That was excellent advice, but I would've benefited from working it a lot harder. I think my surgeon is one of the best in the area, but I wish he had the same philosophy re:knee replacements that yours does! I would've like them both done at once! CPM... continuous passive motion... my doctor apparently doesn't use them.

Granddaughter coming back to U of WA this weekend, so we'll get to see our oldest son and grandson for a few hours on Sunday, after he drops her off, though, so we won't get to see her for a while. When I'm ready to be out and about we'll probably take her out to lunch one day. She LOVES Red Robin and there's one near the campus.

Glad you are going to see your DS & Family - and that you are doing better..

Did you get my cards??

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Charlene - Ya I know Phyl told me about them and I have seen them but - I didn't buy them - I can eat light sandwich bread but I try and stay away from bread - I was never a big sandwich eater to begin with - I had a grilled cheese last week on lite bread / lite cheese - could only eat half - then the stupid dog got the other half when I left the room

Glad you are going to see your DS & Family - and that you are doing better.. Did you get my cards??

I DID get your cards, yes... they were waiting for me when I got home from the hospital. Thank you SO much!

Every card I have gotten has really meant a lot to me.

And these people from church... the ones who do the hospital ministry...

they were at the hospital at 6 a.m. the day of surgery,

then came by later in the day and

call me every couple of days to check up on me and pray for me over the phone.

He has had knee replacement, too, so he knows all about what I am experiencing!

Every expression of thoughtfulness really touches the heart when you're feeling crappy!

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Hi Janet,

What a wonderful thing you are doing. I am getting banded in 2 weeks, well possibly one week, I just got a call from the surgeons office and dependent on how quick my cardiologist gets his clearance over to them after my stress test today I could get banded on the 5th or 6th!

Anyway I'd love a buddy. I have a question, as now that surgery is around the corner. How did you deal with telling others? My hubby and kids (adults) know and are extremely supportive, but I'm torn on what and when to tell others. Some won't understand, some will be supportive and a few might not (namely my mother). I feel like I'm being dishonest if I don't fess up but am not sure I am ready yet either. My MIL will be very supportive to my face, but she's a gossiper and I know will be talking about me behind my back. I guess that shouldn't matter to me and maybe I need to work more on not caring what other's think. :sneaky:

I got my feeling hurt really bad today. . .I am researching lap band procedure and have a seminar upcoming and got my financing in place, doctor picked out and everything. . . now is the time to "talk" about it, everyone at work is happy for me and support me except for one gal. . you know what she said! "you're going to look like a freak if you loose weight" Can you believe that comment? Yes, I'm 6 feet tall, but I won't look like a freak! I suggested that perhaps she think about a lap band to since she has major diabetes, and is 5'0 and about 200 lbs. . . hehehe:lol:

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I DID get your cards, yes... they were waiting for me when I got home from the hospital. Thank you SO much!

Every card I have gotten has really meant a lot to me.

And these people from church... the ones who do the hospital ministry...

they were at the hospital at 6 a.m. the day of surgery,

then came by later in the day and

call me every couple of days to check up on me and pray for me over the phone.

He has had knee replacement, too, so he knows all about what I am experiencing!

Every expression of thoughtfulness really touches the heart when you're feeling crappy!

I know what you mean - it was like when I saw you & DH at my bro's wake - I remember how my heart lifted and a smile came to my face - I will never ever forget that feeling I had when I saw you for as long as I live.. You were my sunshine on a very cloudy day..

Well all of you who were around when I lost my bro - you guys will never ever know how much your support meant to me...

Oh my am I weepy today - had to go and pick out another headstone - Forrest Lawn messed up - couldn't do what I wanted with the pic's that I had - so luckly the old mortuaray is back in business - went across the street - got it done and it's was cheaper by $300...

I got my feeling hurt really bad today. . .I am researching lap band procedure and have a seminar upcoming and got my financing in place, doctor picked out and everything. . . now is the time to "talk" about it, everyone at work is happy for me and support me except for one gal. . you know what she said! "you're going to look like a freak if you loose weight" Can you believe that comment? Yes, I'm 6 feet tall, but I won't look like a freak! I suggested that perhaps she think about a lap band to since she has major diabetes, and is 5'0 and about 200 lbs. . . hehehe:lol:

Darling - You aren't going to look like a freak - and you have to consider the source - this is coming from a morbitly obese person - they don't want to be left behind -

I have read where some pple have lost freindships when they lost weight..

It's all about our health - the looks is icing on the cake as far as I'm concerned..

Good Luck on your Journey - You are welcome here - hope you come back...

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I got my feeling hurt really bad today. . .I am researching lap band procedure and have a seminar upcoming and got my financing in place, doctor picked out and everything. . . now is the time to "talk" about it, everyone at work is happy for me and support me except for one gal. . you know what she said! "you're going to look like a freak if you loose weight" Can you believe that comment? Yes, I'm 6 feet tall, but I won't look like a freak! I suggested that perhaps she think about a lap band to since she has major diabetes, and is 5'0 and about 200 lbs. . . hehehe:lol:

Sweetheart, my sister is 6 ft, thin, and gorgeous. She draws eyes wherever she goes. She is so far from a freak just the thought is laughable. My assistant is at least 6 ft tall and thin and elegant. The PE teacher at my school is six two or six three, thin, and very attractive. AMong the Dutch, which I am, 6 ft is a normal height for women. I'm short at 5'9". I've never been a freak. Whether I was 137 or 237 lbs.

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I got my feeling hurt really bad today. . .I am researching lap band procedure and have a seminar upcoming and got my financing in place, doctor picked out and everything. . . now is the time to "talk" about it, everyone at work is happy for me and support me except for one gal. . you know what she said! "you're going to look like a freak if you loose weight" Can you believe that comment? Yes, I'm 6 feet tall, but I won't look like a freak! I suggested that perhaps she think about a lap band to since she has major diabetes, and is 5'0 and about 200 lbs. . . hehehe:lol:

Wow I posted that a year ago, and so much has changed in my life. I did end up telling everyone but not til a few months after my surgery when they started noticing my weight loss. At first everyone was supportive. A few, namely my sisters, became less supportive as I got thinner than them. No way will you look like a freak. Some folks don't like to see us change because it makes them ahve to examine what they are doing. Best of luck to you!

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Hello everyone, I've been busy pasts few days, but finally caught up in reading the posts. First of all, congrats to you IfYour on Onderland! That's fantastic! Julie, I hear you about your step kids. I have three step kids too and it is more than difficult -- I always feel like I'm walking on egg shells - and I raised all three of them - they were 3, 8 and 11 when I married their dad and their mother decided she didn't want to be bothered. But there are times (especially from the boy and the oldest daughter where I am the "evil" step mother -- it's very sad, but I think Cheri had helpful advice -- it's them and not the "facts". Your DH sounds like mine - a wonderful man who supports us. My D-in-law is weird too -- I never did anything but she holds me at "arms" length which was hurtful for me -- I always thought I'd have the type of relationship with her where we'd go to lunch, shop, etc. but no -- she is very "private" and doesn't share with me. I've learned to accept it and she's very nice and sweet, but not the relationship I expected to have since my DS and I were so very close. Sigh. But, it's fine, I have a wonderful DH and wonderful friends and all of you new friends who are fantastic. Janet, you are busy. Doodles, loved your pic - you looked so good - am I understanding correctly that that pic was before your surgery? You must look really awesome now - DH is very handsome too. And of course, the GS is extremely handsome - wow! They are too much fun, aren't they? Phyll glad to see you're back in action and posting again - missed you on here. Laura, hope the boys' colds are getting better. Julie, hope you have a great weekend. Great, sorry about the knee surgery, but you'll feel so much better afterwards - good you can get it done so quickly. Ery, you hang in there and ignore that woman - she's obviously jealous - you will never be a freak -- tall women are so beautiful with their long legs -- I'm only 5'1" and always wished I was taller. I hope I haven't forgotten anyone, please don't take offense, but my memory isn't what it used to be. I had a .250 fill on Wednes. and I do feel good restriction. I'm happy I had it -- I'm not going back for 3 months unless I need another tweak - but I have 6.0 cc's in my 10 cc band and my surgeon thinks I should be "good" and I think based on last fill that I am good. I'm just so grateful that this didn't make me too tight (at least not yet anyway). It's so funny about those buns/bread whatever they are - I saw them about a month ago at Sam's and passed them up but saw them again Wednes. and thought, "gee a burger on one of those might work (I do miss a good old hamburger with pickles and Tomato on it), so I bought some Wednes. thinking, "if I toast it, maybe it will work". I haven't tried it yet - waiting for this fill to settle in a little bit, but sounds like maybe it will work. They are very thin - to me they look like thin english muffins almost. I can't wait to try them. I moved into my new desk at work tonight. I'll be working this Tues., Wed. and Thurs. days and then finish up my nights/weekends next weekend and start a full week of day shift on 9/14. It's exciting for me to get back to a "regular" life again. We had Aylah overnight and until 3:30 today while her mom worked. Her regular babysitter is on vacation. I did one of my walking tapes this afternoon and she got right up with me and tried to do it too - it was too cute watching her march, etc. She's just too much fun. Well, it's time for me to get out of the office and go home, so I will close - still working from home but at least I can change into my nightgown. Have a great Labor Day weekend everyone. Linda

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Julie, I'm so sorry your DH's DS is such a pain. Some people just can't get over the circumstances of their birth. They would rather wallow in self pity than to something about it like be responsible and improve their circumstances. My DH's son likes to blame everyone else for his bad behavior, but we work on that with him and don't let him get away with not being responsible. His mom will make excuses for him. It doesn't help.

Phyl, it's good to hear from you and that you are getting through these first few weeks. You'll do great if you can get through the first 6 weeks.

Janet, glad your dentist appointment was relatively painless. I can't stand the drills and even the sonic cleaning thing, but I go 3 times a year and I might be able to keep my teeth for a few more years. I had a dentist tell me when I was 18 that I would have dentures by the time I was 30. Glad I'm not still going to that dentist.

I just wanted to post that I'm so glad it's Friday.

I also have a Facebook account and don't know how you guys keep up with both FB and this. I have been ignoring FB for a while because it tends to be overwhelming. I will probably go and look for some of you this weekend however, so if you get a friend request from someone you don't know...it might be me.

Okay, gotta go to work. Uuuggggg.

Have a great day!!


Eva, send me a friend request in FB - Linda Vilcone in Des Moines, IA and anyone else that wants to as well. Linda

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Good Morning Gang

Great - Ya when I read the quote - I thought to myself oh wow that's like one of her 1st post.. But I am glad pple start at page one - sometimes they don't realize that the page they are reading is so old - since they just found the thread - I myself have read and old post that someone just posted to - I don't always look at the date..

But this is what I did when I first started on lbt - the 50 thread - I started at page one and read till I got caught up - and sometimes it's fun to go back and read where we came from..

Cheri - Well like I said - I'm suppose to have a little dutch (per my maternal GM) but alas I didn't get those genes - I use to be 5'3 3/4 now I'm 5'2 !! My Mom was 5'8 and my GM about the same..

Linda - Glad you are working days - back when I was young I could have worked nights - cuz I use to be a night person - now a days I'm a morning person - heck I hate the fact that on a Fri or Sat nite by 9 - 10 I am ready for bed :0) I would love to work from home sometimes - but going to work puts me in touch with pple - I could become too much of a hermit if I was home 24/7.. But it would be nice to work in my nightgown.. (I'm a night gown person - not a pj person ;0)

Well gang just cking in before I hit the gym - It' hot & humid here - ugh - I don't have any plans for the weekend - need to do a deep cleaning and organization - I am having a jewelry party on the 19th so baseboards - blinds need cleaning - Wedding next weekend (my GS Mom) so need to get Andrew some shoes and a wedding gift.. Need to stay busy cuz if I'm not then I want to eat..

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Good Morning!!!! As the great and all knowing Spongebob Squarepants would say" I'm ready I'm ready!!! Made 3 batches of Cookies made, I made some that I really don't care for sooo maybe I won't be tempted, got my rain gear ready, supposed to rain, and got all my Razorback red things ready!! I don't know a thing about football, well I lied, I do know that when the refs throw up their arms and the ppl in red go crazy, that's a good thing! But it should be fun!!

If~~~ don't say your not smart, you are!! Look at what you do for all those kids!!! I couldn't have done it by myself, I had to ask for help!! BTW good job on being in onderland!! Keep up the good work!! And I SOOO understand about the remodeling, some times it feels like your never going to get your house back in order!!!

Linda~~~ The pic were taken about 6 wks after surgery, by then I think I had lost 30 pds from my pre-op diet. I had bought the dress before surgery so it was too big but I wore it anyways because of the colors and I' m too cheap to go buy another!! But thanks for the compliment! I start a new job when I go back to work, Tuesday, with reg. hours. Sort of nervous about it but also excited to be able to stay up past 7:00 at night!!

Ery~~~ hang in there, girl!! Ppl can be soo mean!! I choose not to tell anyone at work but 2 of my best friends, because ppl where I work are sooo negative anyways and I just did not want to deal with them!! So choose carefully who you tell and keep coming back here!! These ladies are soo very nice and will walk with you on this new journey that you're about to make!!! Good luck!!

Laura~~ so sorry to hear your not feeling good and the guys also! Eli had a runny nose for a couple of days but he's better now! Hope you feel better soon!

Janet~~ Here's a big ole HUG for you!! I hate days when all I want to do is cry and when I have them, that's just what I do!!! CRY!!! We all have to do it sometime. You deserve it with all you do!! When did your Bro. pass? Sorry to hear about your bosses not doing the right thing!! I don't know why ppl are like that!! My oldest DD started a new job about 3 months ago and when she went to work yesterday, they laid her off!! She was soo upset, she's a single

Mom of 2 teenage girls, a house payment, just bought a new car and boy did she give them an ear full when she left!!! She is an office manager and had a steady job that she left to go to work for this new place. I'm trying to talk her into going back to school and go into something that she won't have to worry about having about being laid off!

Great~~ sorry to hear about your dead battery bug!! I had it also and it is sooo not fun!! Mine went dead st the Sonic drive in!! The carhops had to walk around the back of my car because I pulled too far!! I was SOO embarrassed!!!

Well I need to get off here and get thing ready. Everyone have a good wkend and a safe one!!! Sharon

new_inflatable_razorback.jpg&h=94&w=94&usg=__PHSdoTndWWy1At4cxGFky8HIzIs= WHOOOOOO PIG SOUIEEEEE GO HOGS GO !!!!!!

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Good morning gang~

We are a bunch of snot monsters around this house today. I couldn't even use my cpap last night b/c I was so stuffy. DH said I snored for the first time in 5 months. It seems it's a virus. No fever.. just punky. This too shall pass.

Well, I have a fill scheduled for Tuesday. This is the first month that I haven't lost. I was looking at my ticker and realized although it fluctuated up a pound or so- I really am going no where. I spoke with the nurse on Friday. I told her that in the evening it's like the flood gates just open. She said really the only way to see if I would benefit is to try. I am able to eat more than I should. And I am ok with only being able to have a shake for Breakfast, and only eating solids at dinner. (at least until I start losing again). For the last 7 days I have been making good choices and have been exercising- it's just not budging. I am finding myself more and more frustrated. If I get a fill it will be a tiny one. Maybe a tweak will help. It's tough when you get close to where you need to be... deciding if you will benefit from a tiny bit more restriction.... or if it is entirely in the brain. (or both!):)

My sister went for her 3 month check up. She is in the 40th % of wt loss for gastric bypass patients. She is losing 1.3 lbs a week. My parents have been really giving her a hard time- fearing that she is "screwing this up too". I feel sorry for her. She isn't doing all she is supposed to. She isn't exercising and she is eating way more than she is supposed to. I guess the one thing with RNY is you can still lose if you eat too much- but my fear is she will gain it back if she hasn't changed any of her habits. And everyone is comparing us. "Laura's color is so much better and look how tone she is..." My wish for my sis is that she is healthy. I hope she finds a good job and can move out of my parents house. As wonderful as they are- it cannot be healthy for a 48 yr old woman to be back home with the rents.

I better go get on with my day. Hi to everyone. Will write to indiv. later when my brain is turned on. peas...

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Good morning gang~

We are a bunch of snot monsters around this house today. I couldn't even use my cpap last night b/c I was so stuffy. DH said I snored for the first time in 5 months. It seems it's a virus. No fever.. just punky. This too shall pass.

Well, I have a fill scheduled for Tuesday. This is the first month that I haven't lost. I was looking at my ticker and realized although it fluctuated up a pound or so- I really am going no where. I spoke with the nurse on Friday. I told her that in the evening it's like the flood gates just open. She said really the only way to see if I would benefit is to try. I am able to eat more than I should. And I am ok with only being able to have a shake for Breakfast, and only eating solids at dinner. (at least until I start losing again). For the last 7 days I have been making good choices and have been exercising- it's just not budging. I am finding myself more and more frustrated. If I get a fill it will be a tiny one. Maybe a tweak will help. It's tough when you get close to where you need to be... deciding if you will benefit from a tiny bit more restriction.... or if it is entirely in the brain. (or both!):)

My sister went for her 3 month check up. She is in the 40th % of wt loss for gastric bypass patients. She is losing 1.3 lbs a week. My parents have been really giving her a hard time- fearing that she is "screwing this up too". I feel sorry for her. She isn't doing all she is supposed to. She isn't exercising and she is eating way more than she is supposed to. I guess the one thing with RNY is you can still lose if you eat too much- but my fear is she will gain it back if she hasn't changed any of her habits. And everyone is comparing us. "Laura's color is so much better and look how tone she is..." My wish for my sis is that she is healthy. I hope she finds a good job and can move out of my parents house. As wonderful as they are- it cannot be healthy for a 48 yr old woman to be back home with the rents.

I better go get on with my day. Hi to everyone. Will write to indiv. later when my brain is turned on. peas...

Laura, go with a small fill. I had the PA put a .4cc in me in July only to go back the next week and have Dr. Davis take out .3cc. I was miserable. I slimed when I drank Water. I did lose 3lbs in a week. Everybody's system is different. I am logging my food now, and losing very slowly, but at least I am not pbing.

My DH had gastric bypass in July. He is losing without much effort. He does walk everday. I think he has lost 25lbs. My friend had bypass when I got my band. She lost 120lbs .....did not exercise. Her appetite has returned and she can eat more than me. She may be a size 8 now, but at the rate she is eating she will start putting it back on. Your right.......it is a lifestyle change. That is the hardest part about weight loss surgery.

Okay, sorry to get off track. I hope you get some restriction.

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Quick post....on my way to Globe. This is a small mining town about 2 hours north of here. There is an art gallery there that does framing and I had a picture framed there and need to pick it up. I really like the people there and like to support them when ever I can.

Had my first experience with sliming yesterday. I was eating thin ham slices but wasn't paying attention. OOOppps...one more experience to avoid. It's good for me to know what it feels like when it's not right. This will keep me focused.

I'll post individually tomorrow when I have a little more time. Sounds like everyone is having a quiet weekend.

Laura, sorry about your colds. Hope you feel better soon.



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Don't know if I mentioned it, but first full week of school really kicked my butt. Need the extended weekend to recover. Went to a Greek restaurant tonight and had my first glass of wine in forever. It tasted really good and I used it to moisten my appetizers since I'm so restricted and I did want to enjoy my food without pbing. Had some flaming Greek cheese, some stuffed vine leaves(pork and rice) with yoghurt, and ate some of the spinach filling out of some spanokopitakia or something like that. My husband also ordered a salad and I had a few bites of that. I love sharing appetizers. My husband is a very slow eater and I used to gobble my food and then have to sit there and wait while he finished eating. It took forever. Now, I'm eating more slowly and much smaller bites than him. I actually ate for an hour and didn't eat too much! What a change.

Wonderful food. I only had 2 Protein shakes all day so I could enjoy my meal out without guilt.

Then we parked where we could walk to downtown Chicago and just walked around enjoying the crowds and the sights. I had walked in the morning for an hour, too, so got plenty of exercise.

I got called to sing on the praise team tomorrow morning so I'll be up bright and early since we practice before the early service. That's always a great start to my Sundays.

Had a DGD (3yrs.) demand that her dad take her over to see me, so she was over a few hrs. today. She's a stitch. Talks non-stop. Huge words. Took her to the park and was actually able to go down the slide with her. Haven't done that in a long time. Hope to see a few more DGKs this weekend.

My mildly autistic DGS is very dear to my heart. He's 4yrs old and I see him and his little brother Josh (2yrs) a lot. They get so excited when they see me. Grandkids are the best therapy.

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Hello Lovelies!

Sorry I haven't been writing as much as I should. I've been obsessing about school starting and with work...whew! I have worked so much the last few days! It's a good thing though. Making money is never bad. It does cramp my social style though! LOL. Today was absolutely gorgeous and my best friend and her husband took Andrew with them out on her in-laws boat. Gosh! It would have been so nice to go, but I think that we might go tomorrow also, so thats great! No other plans this weekend though. Just laundry and cleaning. My rents are having both of my grammys over for a bbq on Monday. So I am looking forward to that also.

Laura~ I too feel like I'm stuck. The scale has not been the nicest to me by not moving. Also, I can eat way more than I am supposed to. So, I try to eat mostly lettuce or veggies once I am done with my Protein. I do need to exercise more, but after such a long day at work it is difficult to find the motivation. However, I do start a weight lifting sculpt and tone class at school 2x per week. It's Mondays and Wednesdays. I guess this instructor also likes people from her classes to go to her other cardio classes too! Free of charge! So, thats even better! It does not hurt to have this class count for 2 credits either. At least I know I will have to work out twice a week now. Hopefully that will kick my butt into gear. Also, I get my next fill at the end of the month. Whew!

Also, who was it that was talking about the shack? I got it on itunes for my ipod the other day so that I can listen to it at nighttime with out bothering Andrew in the bed next to me. I have been listening to about a chapter per night. It's pretty good so far. Different, but good. I didn't realize it, but my mom read it too. She said that she liked it also. Anyhow, I'm only on chapter 6 or so, so I have a lot more to go. Thanks for the recommendation!

Have we decided anything more on our vacation/meeting? I was just telling my aunt about it today and she was asking where we decided to go, but I wasn't really sure. Should we decide soon? Perhaps we should get a feeling on exactly when (Pres. day weekend?), where, who has decided to go for sure, and how much each of us are willing to spend on accomadations. Ok, well, I just want to get some planning out of the way because I need to decide when I am going to California to visit my sister. Sheesh, I wouldn't even mind to just travel for the whole month of February! Not that I have the funds to do this, but a girl can dream, right?

Ok, well I am sitting here with a very sunburned boyfriend waiting to watch our Saturday late night movie. Since I come home from work and take naps on Saturday afternoons, I am always up so late. Oh well, I like it. I feel like a teenager when I stay up late on the weekends! Fun.

Alright, goodnight. I will check in tomorrow. It looks like everyone is still doing really well. Love ya!


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    • Bashbee91

      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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