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Hi everybody..... I caught up on the reading and have so much to say that I don't know where to start or what to say.. Just got home from my second trip to Bismarck today... Had Laromi this morning until noon and then left for Bis... did some shopping, took the pickup in to the shop, had another treatment on my back, stopped at Wal-mart and then home by 6:15.... DD called to say Laromi was crying and running a 102 fever and would I come over... Left shortly after to take her to after-hours clinic in Bis... She has a sore throat, but no strep...... just a virus...... but she cries and says.."owie"... It's so hard when the little ones feel bad... So anyway I'm finally home again and my house looks like a cyclone struck it, but I don't feel too bad.. Did some very creative eating today, but mostly protein..... Jerky and nuts..... I did have oatmeal for breakfast..........

DH had a long talk with his DS yesterday.. We got told all about how terrible we are and how badly we treat them... Haven't had one call from them since Christmas and we're the bad ones..... I have such a terrible time with this being the "ugly step mother" thing... DH has two older children who are so jealous of everything we have because it's very different from what he had with their mother... They treat me and DD like we are criminals or something.. I have tried so hard to love them and treat them just like my own kids, but the reject everything and throw it in my face.. Now I don't love the 2 grandsons enough.... they don't let us see them much or be in touch, but I don't do enough.... I'm so tired of being called the bad guy.... I want to just give up, but that doesn't work either.. DH get so mad at them and wanted to write them out of his will even, but I have stopped him from doing that... I feel bad for him.... He can't understand how they can be this way... He let his DS have it yesterday... told him we were coming for a vist in October and asked if we were welcome... Of course he said yes, but I wonder if it's true... You can bet we won't be asked to stay at their house... But I'll be more comfortable in a motel anyway.... Enough of that... I could rant forever..

Cheri, my gosh Onederland... What an accomplishment.. That's my only real goal..... to say one hundrend something.... WTG!!!!

Doodle, what a beautiful picture of you and DH and the little one is so cute... You look fabulous....

Meredith, good luck at school tomorrow... I'm positive you'll do wonderfully....

Phyl, good to hear from you... Keep up the good work, it'll be worth it in the end....

I honestly can't remember who I missed and I'm sorry, but must get to bed. I'm very tired and need to sleep and clear my head some... You are all very important to me and I'm hoping you are all doing well.... Take care... Julie

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some more great pics. Thanks for the congrats. Gotta go to bed.

For more info I did get a few blogs in this week.


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Julie, I'm so sorry your DH's DS is such a pain. Some people just can't get over the circumstances of their birth. They would rather wallow in self pity than to something about it like be responsible and improve their circumstances. My DH's son likes to blame everyone else for his bad behavior, but we work on that with him and don't let him get away with not being responsible. His mom will make excuses for him. It doesn't help.

Phyl, it's good to hear from you and that you are getting through these first few weeks. You'll do great if you can get through the first 6 weeks.

Janet, glad your dentist appointment was relatively painless. I can't stand the drills and even the sonic cleaning thing, but I go 3 times a year and I might be able to keep my teeth for a few more years. I had a dentist tell me when I was 18 that I would have dentures by the time I was 30. Glad I'm not still going to that dentist.

I just wanted to post that I'm so glad it's Friday.

I also have a Facebook account and don't know how you guys keep up with both FB and this. I have been ignoring FB for a while because it tends to be overwhelming. I will probably go and look for some of you this weekend however, so if you get a friend request from someone you don't know...it might be me.

Okay, gotta go to work. Uuuggggg.

Have a great day!!


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Good Morning and Happy Friday!!!! I don't know why I'm so excited it's Friday, I've been on vacation all wk!! I think, tho, I'm ready to go back to work! I'm not much at a stay at home person, it's o.k. for a while but then I get bored!! I'm down another 1/2 pd this a.m., I guess I'm o.k. with that, but starting today, I'm going to start keeping a food diary. I have some bad habits that I need to concentrate on and I think a diary will help me. We have a football game to go to tomorrow, and my DS put me in charge of desserts!!!!! Now I'm thinking "WHY"? I could do the side dishes, maybe a veggie tray, maybe some baked Beans, but NOOOO I have to do desserts!!!! So I'm making Cookies. But all jokes aside, I am really looking forward to this, most of my kids and g.kids will be there and that by itself will be fun!!!

Julie~~~ so very sorry to hear about your DH's son!!! Family trouble are THE worst!!! My heart hurts for you!! But as long as you try to be the best, then there is nothing you can do to make things better, and I know you have been the best!! Last year my oldest DD got upset at me and she didn't speak to me for 6 months, it was sooo hard!! We even go to the same small church, everyone at church knew about it. OMG it was so hard!!! But, she did come around, I apologized for what ever it was that I did, still don't know, but I just let it drop. It's not worth it to try to find out!! But just know that you have family out here that love you!!

Well, I hope everyone has a really good wkend, I have to get off here and go make COOKIES!!!!! lol Be safe out there and have a fun wkend!!!!


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Drive by post... Just to let you know I am alive and well - don't want anyone worrying...

I had to go to funeral home and talk about another headstone - then to target to get the house warming - bread (so your home will never know hunger) Salt (so that life may always have flavor) Wine (So that joy and prosperity fill your home for a lifetime) Broom ( to sweep away your troubles) .

Then I had to wrap - cook dinner - feed the dogs and I just didn't feel like getting on the computer - went to bed at 8:30...

I will catch up to nite -

Sharon you are beautiful dh is handsome

Melinda - you are welcome to join in - just jump in this thread is for everyone..

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Good afternoon. Guess what I caught from this board today? a dead battery? wasn't there a case of that going around recently? LUCKILY, DH was still with me. We ran to McD's for him to meet up with DS by the freeway and then the 2 of them were going hunting and I was coming home. Well we go to leave and the car is totally dead. We have AAA and they came and tested it and voila totally shot, they had one on the truck and we probably paid a little more but got a new one then and there and he installed it. It was so weird as the car was totally fine one minute and totally dead (not even a radio) the next. That made me late to go visit Grandma so I went to Kohls and did some retail therapy instead. LOL I got new PJs for the hospital and some shorts for physical therapy. I bought big and loose and it's so cool that big and loose now means Larges and XL's!! When I was a 3X that wasn't even big and loose.

I gotta tell you all how great my lap band surgeon is. I emailed him this morning to ask if there was anything I needed to be concerned about or tell my knee surgeon about with the lap band. He answered in less than 15 min. He wrote a nice note then answered all my questions and lastly told me to have the hospital add him as a consult that way he will know I am there and can come see me in the hospital. I thought that was really nice of him.

Janet, how did you know I am giving a housewarming party in about 10 days? I love your idea of the bread, salt, etc. Do you wrap it all up? put sayings on the item? How do you present it?

Doodle, oh I won't be overworking on this wedding. There's really not much to do. Now, of course, it helps that DD is a wedding planner by profession, all I am needed for is the checkbook. LOL We are going to book the reception place next week.

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Just checking in..........wishing all of my LBT Buddies a great Labor Day Weekend!

Great........awesome that your DD is a wedding planner. Sorry about the battery. Mine went out last month too.

Found a new food. Orowheat Sandwich Thins.........a flatbread....100cal, 5protein. It makes a great sandwich, and I haven't been able to eat bread. I bought it at Sam's Club.

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Just checking in..........wishing all of my LBT Buddies a great Labor Day Weekend!

Great........awesome that your DD is a wedding planner. Sorry about the battery. Mine went out last month too.

Found a new food. Orowheat Sandwich Thins.........a flatbread....100cal, 5protein. It makes a great sandwich, and I haven't been able to eat bread. I bought it at Sam's Club.

The flat bread sounds good, I think costco has something similar but never looked much as I thought I wouldn't be able to tolerate it like bread. How many carbs does it have?? Might have to check it out.

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I got new PJs for the hospital and some shorts for physical therapy. I bought big and loose and it's so cool that big and loose now means Larges and XL's!! When I was a 3X that wasn't even big and loose.

I gotta tell you all how great my lap band surgeon is. I emailed him this morning to ask if there was anything I needed to be concerned about or tell my knee surgeon about with the lap band. He answered in less than 15 min. He wrote a nice note then answered all my questions and lastly told me to have the hospital add him as a consult that way he will know I am there and can come see me in the hospital. I thought that was really nice of him

Big and loose is GOOD! Big loose capris... even better. I don't like hospital gowns, but switched to my own nightgown in the hospital. Wore the big loose capris home.. with my Elvis shirt from Lucky #7's reunion!

Wonderful of your LapBand surgeon to want to come visit you in hospital! That's impressive. I wanted to know if I needed an unfill prior to surgery, but he assured me I wouldn't. I thought of a couple more things to tell you... I am thinking it's possible the pain pills aren't absorbing well sometimes, based on last time I ate and what might still be in my "pouch". You might consider asking for liquid pain meds. I think hydrocodone comes in liquid. Another thing is... if I had it to do over knowing what I know now, I would have paid a lot more attention to the booklet they gave me at the joint replacement class that showed all the post-op exercises. Because I'm thinking that it would have been extremely beneficial to me had I attacked those post-op exercises as aggressively as possible BEFORE surgery to strengthen the muscles as much as possible. Someone on one of the threads... maybe this one, and I don't remember who, gave me a few exercise suggestions but I should've worked a whole lot harder!

Just checking in..........wishing all of my LBT Buddies a great Labor Day Weekend!

Great........awesome that your DD is a wedding planner. Sorry about the battery. Mine went out last month too.

Found a new food. Orowheat Sandwich Thins.........a flatbread....100cal, 5protein. It makes a great sandwich, and I haven't been able to eat bread. I bought it at Sam's Club.

Hi, Charlene! That was you that sent me a card, right? THANKS so much! That was sweet!

Those sandwich thins... are those the ones that sort of look like anorexic hamburger Buns? ? Those are GOOD! Go down easy, too. Neighborhood BBQ on Monday so maybe I'll get some and splurge and have a hamburger!


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Phyl and Great................yes, hydocodone comes in a liquid!! I think I've been through gallons with all my surgeries this past year...... It works great for me and never felt as though I was getting to attached to it... I still use liquid Tylenol now when I'm feeling poorly.. I can do the caplets, but the liquid gives me faster relief!! and relief is what I have been needing.. Phyll, hope you won't be needing it much longer and will be out there running around very soon... Great, hope your sugery will do great things for you, too... My 76 year old mother had both knees done and is so much better for it... I have a friend who had both, too, but did have some pain for a few days... Everyone is different.. You both take good care............

I've been cleaning the fruits and vegetables that I bought yesterday... Made a big mistake and bought peaches at Wal-Mart superstore.... Maybe they'll make a pie that will taste okay, but they won't be good fresh, which is what I wanted them for... But, oh well, live and learn... The rest is done.. I vacuumed the garage floor this morning with the shop vac... just very easy back and forth walking so as not to hurt anything.. After my crazy day yesterday the scale was good to me.. I'm officially back to my lowest weight in a very long time and feel like I'm more in control of myself now.... Nothing like the cookie fiasco time... So, I'm feeling good about things now... or better at least.. The holiday weekend may be coming at the wrong time, but this too shall pass..... Okay, talk to you guys later. Julie

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Yes, Phyl.......it was me that sent the card.........so glad you are better. My DH had both knees done within three months of each other and he did so good. Now with the weight loss surgery he is even doing better. He is limited on the kind of exercise he can do, but he does get out and walk everyday.

The flatbread does look like a deflated hamburger bun, but it is so good. I just toasted one and ate a turkey sandwich......150cal. Oh, it has 5g of Protein, 1g of carbs, and 100cal. Great, like I said, I can't eat bread, but I can eat these sandwich thins. Yea! Phyl, using them for hamburgers is a great idea.

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Yes, Phyl.......it was me that sent the card.........so glad you are better. My DH had both knees done within three months of each other and he did so good. Now with the weight loss surgery he is even doing better. He is limited on the kind of exercise he can do, but he does get out and walk everyday.

The flatbread does look like a deflated hamburger bun, but it is so good. I just toasted one and ate a turkey sandwich......150cal. Oh, it has 5g of Protein, 1g of carbs, and 100cal. Great, like I said, I can't eat bread, but I can eat these sandwich thins. Yea! Phyl, using them for hamburgers is a great idea.

Wow--both within three months. That's great! I can see why the doc wouldn't do both at the same time, but I still think I would've been glad to just get it over with. Now I may have to go through this again next summer depending on how the right one is doing. I had a partial done on it about 6 years ago, but surgeon says it needs to be converted to total.

Does sound like the same bread we bought. I think DH must have eaten most of them because I think I only had two!

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Hola amigas~

Great~ the ever contagious dead battery syndrome, eh? I must have built up some immunity or had a vaccine for it- cuz usually I get it, and this year <knocking on wood> I haven't. Lucky you to have big strong capable men around. ; )

Janet~ You sound busy busy. I also love the house warming present. Did your boss ever approve the early Christmas/house warming stuff?

Phyllllllll~ So glad to see you posting. The worst is over now in the recovery period. They say it is painful- it must be, your femur was sawed in half kiddo! It sounds like you are doing all the things they tell you to do.

Cheri~ WTG!!!!!!!!!!! We are sooo very proud of you! Congrats on onderland!

Julie~ Sorry to hear about the DS stuff. I know my parents have had a similar thing with my brother and his wife. The whole time my dad was in the hospital my SIL only visited him once and never even called. Get this- she is a nurse practitioner and lives 5 min. from the hospital!!! She is such a B. When their kids were young they wouldn't let my parents keep them for more than one night at a time. Once they became teens they wanted them to keep them a week and my parents refused. My brother has always let her dictate what he does and how he does it. My dad really could care less but it hurts my mother's feelings. Hope Mimi is feeling better.

My DH and DS both have colds. I think I am trying to get one too. Just feeling punky and stuffy. Thank goodness we have a long weekend to get over them. No plans here, except a babysitter on Sunday so DH and I can go see a movie.

CBL~ have a good weekend! peas.

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Big and loose is GOOD! Big loose capris... even better. I don't like hospital gowns, but switched to my own nightgown in the hospital. Wore the big loose capris home.. with my Elvis shirt from Lucky #7's reunion!

Wonderful of your LapBand surgeon to want to come visit you in hospital! That's impressive. I wanted to know if I needed an unfill prior to surgery, but he assured me I wouldn't. I thought of a couple more things to tell you... I am thinking it's possible the pain pills aren't absorbing well sometimes, based on last time I ate and what might still be in my "pouch". You might consider asking for liquid pain meds. I think hydrocodone comes in liquid. Another thing is... if I had it to do over knowing what I know now, I would have paid a lot more attention to the booklet they gave me at the joint replacement class that showed all the post-op exercises. Because I'm thinking that it would have been extremely beneficial to me had I attacked those post-op exercises as aggressively as possible BEFORE surgery to strengthen the muscles as much as possible. Someone on one of the threads... maybe this one, and I don't remember who, gave me a few exercise suggestions but I should've worked a whole lot harder!

Hi, Charlene! That was you that sent me a card, right? THANKS so much! That was sweet!

Those sandwich thins... are those the ones that sort of look like anorexic hamburger Buns? ? Those are GOOD! Go down easy, too. Neighborhood BBQ on Monday so maybe I'll get some and splurge and have a hamburger!


That was me who sent the exercises. I was religiously faithful before surgery about the exercises. My Dr. told me to do them and I did. I had double knee replacements and was on my feet the next day and out of the hospital the day after that and walking outside without a walker within a week. When I was evaluated by the physical therapist I was told I was like someone finished with physical therapy. I had a top surgeon who specializes in double knee replacements and who has patented improvements in the fake knees that allow much more flexibility and get you back on your feet more quickly. The hospital had this contraption that kept my legs moving almost constantly, so I had a lot less swelling and stiffness once I got on my feet. My Dr. believes its much better to do them both at once, if you have the kind of determined personality I have. My father had both his done a few years before me and he was in his early 70's.

WOOOOOOWWWW!!!! I did it, I really did it!!!!!! Suddenly I feel sooooo smart!!! lol

You are. Wish I were as smart. I find technology frustrating.

Hi everybody..... I caught up on the reading and have so much to say that I don't know where to start or what to say.. Just got home from my second trip to Bismarck today... Had Laromi this morning until noon and then left for Bis... did some shopping, took the pickup in to the shop, had another treatment on my back, stopped at Wal-mart and then home by 6:15.... DD called to say Laromi was crying and running a 102 fever and would I come over... Left shortly after to take her to after-hours clinic in Bis... She has a sore throat, but no strep...... just a virus...... but she cries and says.."owie"... It's so hard when the little ones feel bad... So anyway I'm finally home again and my house looks like a cyclone struck it, but I don't feel too bad.. Did some very creative eating today, but mostly protein..... Jerky and nuts..... I did have oatmeal for breakfast..........

DH had a long talk with his DS yesterday.. We got told all about how terrible we are and how badly we treat them... Haven't had one call from them since Christmas and we're the bad ones..... I have such a terrible time with this being the "ugly step mother" thing... DH has two older children who are so jealous of everything we have because it's very different from what he had with their mother... They treat me and DD like we are criminals or something.. I have tried so hard to love them and treat them just like my own kids, but the reject everything and throw it in my face.. Now I don't love the 2 grandsons enough.... they don't let us see them much or be in touch, but I don't do enough.... I'm so tired of being called the bad guy.... I want to just give up, but that doesn't work either.. DH get so mad at them and wanted to write them out of his will even, but I have stopped him from doing that... I feel bad for him.... He can't understand how they can be this way... He let his DS have it yesterday... told him we were coming for a vist in October and asked if we were welcome... Of course he said yes, but I wonder if it's true... You can bet we won't be asked to stay at their house... But I'll be more comfortable in a motel anyway.... Enough of that... I could rant forever..

Cheri, my gosh Onederland... What an accomplishment.. That's my only real goal..... to say one hundrend something.... WTG!!!!

Doodle, what a beautiful picture of you and DH and the little one is so cute... You look fabulous....

Meredith, good luck at school tomorrow... I'm positive you'll do wonderfully....

Phyl, good to hear from you... Keep up the good work, it'll be worth it in the end....

I honestly can't remember who I missed and I'm sorry, but must get to bed. I'm very tired and need to sleep and clear my head some... You are all very important to me and I'm hoping you are all doing well.... Take care... Julie

So sorry about your stepson. Remember, their feelings are not about you but about them. They're feelings not facts.

Drive by post... Just to let you know I am alive and well - don't want anyone worrying...

I had to go to funeral home and talk about another headstone - then to target to get the house warming - bread (so your home will never know hunger) Salt (so that life may always have flavor) Wine (So that joy and prosperity fill your home for a lifetime) Broom ( to sweep away your troubles) .

Then I had to wrap - cook dinner - feed the dogs and I just didn't feel like getting on the computer - went to bed at 8:30...

I will catch up to nite -

Sharon you are beautiful dh is handsome

Melinda - you are welcome to join in - just jump in this thread is for everyone..

Love the housewarming stuff.

Still in onederful onederland. First full week of school kicked my butt. Trying to walk every night and I climb a lot of stairs at work. Hip pain has been waking me up at night--probably the stairs. Woke me up at 4 and had trouble falling back to sleep. Was really sleepy at work this morning, made me kind of punchy, but I can be more fun that way with the kids. I don't take myself or them or my lesson plans as seriously. Got a boring weekend planned. We never do much. We are going out to eat at a Greek restaurant tomorrow night. I'm thinking I'll get the stuffed grape leaves covered with a lemon sauce. That'll be easy to reheat in the microwave and we didn't try that at Taste of Greece last week. I'm singing on a praise team again on Sunday, which I love. Maybe we'll go to Navy Pier on Monday aft. and evening and dance a little and watch the fireworks.

Haved a great weekend everyone.

Edited by ifyourstomachoffendsyou

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That was me who sent the exercises. I was religiously faithful before surgery about the exercises. My Dr. told me to do them and I did. I had double knee replacements and was on my feet the next day and out of the hospital the day after that and walking outside without a walker within a week. When I was evaluated by the physical therapist I was told I was like someone finished with physical therapy. I had a top surgeon who specializes in double knee replacements and who has patented improvements in the fake knees that allow much more flexibility and get you back on your feet more quickly. The hospital had this contraption that kept my legs moving almost constantly, so I had a lot less swelling and stiffness once I got on my feet. My Dr. believes its much better to do them both at once, if you have the kind of determined personality I have. My father had both his done a few years before me and he was in his early 70's.

Ah, yes... couldn't remember for sure who it was. That was excellent advice, but I would've benefited from working it a lot harder. I think my surgeon is one of the best in the area, but I wish he had the same philosophy re:knee replacements that yours does! I would've like them both done at once! CPM... continuous passive motion... my doctor apparently doesn't use them.

Granddaughter coming back to U of WA this weekend, so we'll get to see our oldest son and grandson for a few hours on Sunday, after he drops her off, though, so we won't get to see her for a while. When I'm ready to be out and about we'll probably take her out to lunch one day. She LOVES Red Robin and there's one near the campus.

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    • Bashbee91

      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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