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hi everyone~

apples~ hi and bye. safe trip to the lake. sorry to hear about your DH's finger.

Meredith~ you and your sweetie are such an adorable couple!!! You look awesome! And WTG on the weight! You are officially WAY less than me girl! <uurrggghh> But, for what it's worth, it is motivating me!

Rose~ I can't remember if we met on here. If it was, it was right after my surgery- and my memory is shot from that time. You look great my dear! So so sorry to hear about your loved ones health struggles. My dad was recently hospitalized for 5 weeks, so from that experience, I know how tough it is. And it was NOTHING compared to cancer. <hugs>

Janet~ That is so sweet what you are doing for that young lady. I know it means the world to her- to have someone like you pulling for her. I loved that movie PAY IT FORWARD. Just a wonderful way to live life. Sorry about the cavities. I just HATE dentists. But I guess there are not too many people that LOVE them. :blink: I did my masters thesis on dental fear. I had to be medically evacuated from Paraguay for a root canal. The medical care at that time- just didn't provide safe dentistry for surgery. The altitude KILLED my already achy tooth. Hope it goes ok.

DH was on call last night. <yawn> They don't get any easier. He left last time at 4am and I never fell back asleep. Today was busy. And tomorrow Nelson is the "helper" in his class which also means it is our once a month turn to bring snack for all 25 kids. I turned into Apples this afternoon and whipped up some banana muffins from scratch! I made the mini ones. Then cut up a couple huge cantaloupes and had to run and get the other stuff (cheese/crackers and carrots). Not sure why I am on an orange colored themed snack day. He also gets to bring his once a month "sharing" with his class (like show and tell). He has been asking me for MONTHS for a hermit crab. Well, yesterday I realized I had forgotten to feed his fish/snails/frogs and they all died. He was going to bring the frogs for sharing... oops. So, the short of it, I broke down and got the hermits. Good golly they have gotten expensive! By the time I bought all the stuff, it was $40! Let's see how long they can last..LOL. I am sure if they could speak, they would say... NO PLEASE don't' bring us to a class of kindergärtners!!!

I am waiting until Friday to do a final post-TOM weigh. <fingers crossed> I hope everyone is doing ok. We are carefully watching Tropical Storm Erika and hoping she doesn't strengthen or come this way. I hope we don't have to spend the holiday weekend putting up shutters! CBL~

peasout~ Laura

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Meredith and Rose you guys look great keep up the great work.!

Rose~ So sorry your DM and Mom in law are dealing with health issues. Stay strong

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Hey there Gang!!!

Rose~~ I haven't been on this thread very long, but I am glad to meet you, I just wish it was under happier circumstances!! I am so very sorry to hear about your DM and MIL. Times like these are so very hard on a person!! Please know that we are all keeping you and your family in our prayers!! Oh, btw, your pic is truly awesome!!!

If~~~ WTG!!!!! Hurray for you on getting to ONDERLAND!!!!4_1_112.gif Keep up the good work!!!

Apples~~~ have a good wkend!! All but one of my kids, and my DH and I are going to the first football game, complete with a tailgate party!!! And it's going to rain so it's going to be interesting!! But it should be fun anyways!! Sorry to hear about your pbing, haven't done that yet and for sure don't want to!!

Julie~~~ I'm so glad that you are getting a good nights sleep!! I have to have my 7 or 8 hrs a night or I just can't function!! Maybe this is the start to a good thing!!

Great~~~ Sorry to hear about your knee surgery!! I have a friend at work that had one done and when she came back to work, she could walk sooo much better!! So there is a light at the end of the tunnel, you just have to take it easy for a while, but it will get better!

Well, I'm going try to post some pics of Eli and one of my DH and myself at my DS outside wedding. I had lost , I think, around 30 pds when it was taken.


Edited by doodlebug11

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Hey Gang - this is going to be quick - I am really behind tonite - got home from the gym then had to wash the dogs - bear had butt poop (tmi i know ;0)

Sharon - See I told you we all are more alike - look at us mixed kids - same names - I love it

Rose - LOVE THE PICS - I was just thinking about you the other day - Hugs on your Mom & MIL - Prayers to you all

Meredith - LOVE YOUR PIC'S TOO - Looking good girl

Great - Phyl is doing better today - I'm not just saying this she posted that she even went outside and had a little walk and that the pain was better. You have to know Phyl, she's not one to sit still - we are going to have run just to keep up with her - Hugs - you will be in our prayer..


Apples - I love your logic - I want necessarily brought up prediujice - we had a black lady who was our housekeeper/nanny (hell my mom didn't even work so don't ask me why) she was/is like a mom too me - but I heard my mom use the N word a few times and I was very young and didn't understand - Miss Charlene got all our old stuff and my sisters prom dresses for her daughter - but oh my mom had a major shit fit when she found out about my ds dad - she kicked me out and said some very very very bad things to me - and this was a lady who married a full blooded indian in 1945 - now you tell me the diff.. My dad was never prejudiced .. My grandma (mom's mom) accepted my son and still loved me as the rest of my family - I don't know how my mom would have reacted...

Laura - I love my dentist they asked the 1st time I went what i was afraid of - I said the drill hitting the nerve - they give me gas... today while waiting for the Novocaine to work they had me hooked up to the gas - I was almost asleep but then the damn drill.. No root canal and the other tooth didn't need a filling it was just stained so all is good..

OK I did that all from memory - so if I forgot someone - you understand - I will review tomorrow morning - to see what I missed but it's now 8 and I need to get cooking - I think I am having steak tonite I want some bloody red meat - but my bbq is out of gas - so going to have to use good old george

Hugs & Love to you all - till tomorrow Janet

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58807-albums3992-picture23061t.jpg O.k. I think I've got it figured out. I'm going to try to do one of myself and DH later, I've got to make sure this future razorback is in bed. We got home late from church. TTYL O.k., maybe I don't have this figured out!!! lol Maybe someone could help me out, I created an album and then copied this pic to the message box on the bottom of the page. How do I put these pics on this post? When I clicked on his pic, it took me to my album instead of enlargeing it. I've got to run now so I'll have to try again in the a.m. I need a book on posting pics for dummies!! lol

Edited by doodlebug11

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onederland baby!




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Doodle~ Eli is soooo cute! He looks like such a happy little boy! When I was in high school, I met my best friend Andre. He was the only black kid in our high school, and let me tell you, until this day we are still best buddies! I just love him!

Oh, and, the other day, I went to visit my "sister" Neakia in the hospital. She is also black, and she was introducing me to all of the nurses and stuff. She always tells people that I am her sister. You should see the looks on their faces! When they leave the room, we laugh so hard! I do though feel as though she is really my sister. Who cares what color someones skin is? Geez, you would think that people would have realized by now?! Detroit and it's suburbs are the MOST segregated of any region in the US. It's so sad. You would think that living one mile away from Detroit people would realize that everyone is the same on the inside? Guess not.

Linda~ Girl, you look just awesome! So pretty! I love the curly hair too.

Laura~ I used to love show and tell day at school. I laughed at the hermit crabs! I think that I harassed my mom for months about getting me some! Who know whatever happened to them? Your little Nelson is just such a dear. What a great kid!

Rose~ So sorry to hear about your double whammy of bad luck with your mom and your MIL at the same time. Stay strong. Also, you look great! So beautiful! I love that lipstick too!

Apples~ Good luck to your "Mom". I will be thinking about her and her success with her surgery. You are so sweet to make all of that food for the fam. So thoughtful of you. Have a nice weekend at the lake house. Enjoy. You deserve it! Oh, and the melon..... LOVE IT! Sorry the canteloupe got stuck though. I was really surprised that melon got stuck.

Janet~ You are the best! Let me tell you, that girl will just remember you and love you forever and ever. What an amazing thing you are doing for her. Wow! And, as for your DGS, 18 is when I was at my sassiest! I think my mom did slap me a few good times! Also, tell Phyl hello for me! I hope she gets back soon!

Great~ How's the wedding planning going? Glad you have a date for your knee. Lots of people say that not living in pain anymore is worth it after the initial pain of the surgery.

Mrs. B~ Whew! Glad you are sleeping better now! I NEED my sleep! If not, I am a total "B word".

If~ CONGRATS!!!!!!!! You must feel great!!!!

Ok, sorry if I missed anyone. It wasn't intentional. Start classes again tomorrow. EEK! Time for bed. Love you all!


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Sharon, I work as a Telco engineer. I design jobs to put telephone cable in the ground or on poles. I love the desert but not everyone does. It does take a little getting used to, especially in the heat. It will be interesting to see if Eli's Dad comes through with some clothes for his son. You want to make bets on it? Some of the attitudes we ran into in Arkansas sort of turned me off too. I don't see it that much here. I work with men, women, blacks, hispanics, asians, arabic, native americans.....and it just doesn't matter...it the person themselves that make the difference, not their race, age, religion, gender, etc.

Laura, I loved the pictures of your parents. We've been thinking of scanning our old pictures too. They are fading and it would be nice to have them in digital form. I really like what your Mom said about the potty training. Kids will do what they need to do when they are ready. You still give them the tools and show them how to use them.

Julie, you and your DH have very big hearts. You DD is very lucky. Glad to hear you are sleeping a little better. That makes all the difference to me in how I feel.

Apples, your energy is amazing. I would love to be doing that, but not while working a regular job too. When I was young, I used to hang out with some "old people" and it was a wonderful way to grow up. The fact you have little ones coming over on the weekends will be very important to those kids when they grow up. Hope your DH recovers quickly....ouch!! Oh.....I think I have that game figured out already. :blushing:

One day....sorry about your sinus. Use any paper to jot down what you eat....you can transfer it to a computer program when you get to one. It really is easy on the computer. I use Fitday and once you've logged some food in there, it remembers it.

Linda, wow your pictures are great. It's just amazing what a few months and perseverance can do.

Janet, that so nice to help out your "little girl". Everyone needs a little help now and then and this should be wonderful for her. I bet the kitties are very cute too!!

Meredith, great picture!! You are doing great in stopping when you are full. I'm still not doing great with my food. Still too many head issues and not enough restriction. I emailed for new fill appointment, but my email has an issue and I need to get it fixed. It shouldn't be a problem.

Lori, I bet you are scared, but I think in the long run, you'll be happier you did the surgery. Being able to move is important and the new knee should help a lot.

I'm still struggling with food, not gaining, but not losing either. It's all head stuff and I'm not eating so much I PB or anything, but I could do a lot better. I will keep plugging away at it. I did start using my Walk away the pounds CD this week and will do that again tomorrow. We had company tonight and I just won't exercise in front of guests.

Okay, it's 10pm and I need to sleep. Have to go feed my sister's bird the morning...means up early and out of the house early.

Have a great night and day tomorrow everyone.


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Hi Indio. I wanted to tell you that I ask a question a few weeks ago on this thread and there were several of you ladies that were so nice and kind and gave such great advice that I find myself checking back in on you ever so often. I think it is great that several of you (and I am sure you ladies know who you are) keep up with each other, share so much and offer each other so much encouragement. In the post that you send one another you can tell there is true friendship and caring between you and that is such a wonderful thing to have someone to go through this journey with you. Good luck to all of you.

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Good morning, finally a day more or less to myself, but I got lots of cleaning etc. to do around the house.

Janet, how nice ofyou to help that gal out! I've been following Phyl's knee recovery on Facebook too, sounds like it was rough but getting better. It's the rough patch that I am worried about. Oh well, that too shall pass.

Apples, BTDT on the melon. Whodda thunk it on melon? But I tend to avoid it now.


Oct, my daughter's fiance is a 'telephony engineer', wonder if that is similar to what you do? It's all greek to me! LOL

Meredith, wedding plans are going well. We think we have the reception place picked out and when we get that done, we'll have a more definite date and can go from there.

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Well today I went to the knee dr as my pain is just getting too much. I'm following in PHyl's footsteps and having knee replacement. Mine is on Oct 5th. EGADS, I am scared to death, especially after reading how much pain Phyl is having. I hear the recovery is a ____________. I wanted both knees at the same time but the dr advised strongly against it so will heed his advice.

Hi, there. I am surviving!! LOL! Yeah, recovery is not fun, but I knew it would be difficult. I'm in my second week and it is getting better. But the first couple of weeks, pain control is the challenge. Finding the right balance... so you're not in agony but not in a coma either!! :biggrin: And move, move, move, even though it hurts. My doctor's office encouraged us to buy this ice wrap thing from them... Aircast... Well, it quit during the night ....they replaced it, no questions asked. But you might ask your doctor about it. Medicare won't pay, and I don't know if other insurance does or not, but at $125 I'd say it was well worth it. After I exercise it feels SOOOO good to put that thing around my knee. I have it on most of the time, actually. It really helps ease the pain. Have to take it off from time to time so you can get the constriction/relaxation cycle thing going on... helps the body to pump the excess Fluid back out of the leg to the kidneys and get rid of it. But... I LOVE it! Can't imagine just ice bags because this thing pumps the ice Water through the bag.. has an attached thermos type thing that you fill part way with Water and then ice. DH is getting his exercise walking across the street to buy bags of ice! Go through about 2 bags a day and don't have a very big freezer!

I have in home PT for about a month, then I'll be going to outpt therapy. I have had MANY people tell me... the first few weeks are a BEAR, but you'll be so glad you did it.. well worth the pain.

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Thanks Phyl for the pep talk! I may need a few more before Oct 5th and that first week after! You can remind me how worth it it is! I am looking forward to about 6 weeks plus after surgery and hope my new knee changes my life as much as my lapband did for the better.

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Wow ljv....just WOW! Your GD is beyond cute!

Apples-sorry but LOL about your hub! Sorry he hurt himself but what a typical MAN :biggrin:. I remember summer on family farms, work never stops. Too bad he got in such a hurry with his buttons, you both could have taken a morning 'break' :tt1:

Hope your "Mom" does really well!

Meredith-you and Andrew are a BEAUTIFUL couple!

Cheri-OMG I am SO happy for you! Way to go :lol:.

mrose-gosh! I'm so sorry about your Mom and MIL. Wishing strength and peace for you all. You look amazing in your photo, your hub looks SO proud!

Janet-what can I say....YOU ROCK!

Great-good for you getting your knee done...You'll be glad you did!

Phyl-we've not 'met' yet but glad to see you back and doing better. Everything I hear about joint replacement is it's SO worth it!

Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!

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Phyl~~~~ soo good to hear from you!! It sure sounds like you have a rough time of it but you are coming out on the other side!! I had a friend that had the same thing done and she gets around sooo much better!! Just be sure and take of your self!!

Great~~~ make sure you don't over do it with the wedding plans!! I know with my DS getting married this past June, it is sooo easy to over whelm yourself. I was sooo stressed by the wedding, I was drained, emotionally and physically!!

Octo~~~ That must be interesting work!! I would love to have a job that I could be outside but only when I want to!! lol Maybe from Oct. to March!!! I am also having problems with my eating habits. So I decided, today I am going to start writing down everything I eat!! I used to do that when I was on WW and Tops, so I know it works!! Just to lazy to start it, I guess!! But I do need to get serious about this new life I've started, I find myself being satisfied with weight that I've lost. But this is what I do, I lose for awhile and then I slow down, I have got to break this cycle!!!!!!

Well, I asked a fellow bandster how to post pics on here and she pm'ed me and told me how soooo I'm going to try this one more time! Hope it works!!! This is my future Razorback, my Dh and myself at my DS's wedding. This was taken about 6 wks after my banding and if I remember right, I've lost around 30 pds since my highest weight.

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WOOOOOOWWWW!!!! I did it, I really did it!!!!!! Suddenly I feel sooooo smart!!! lol

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    • Bashbee91

      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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