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Hi everyone,

I am totally sick right now with sinus stuff and a very sore throat. So my eating has sucked my excuse to eat bad. (AKA emotional eating)

How do you know besides the test how many calories to eat. I don't ever remember my Dr saying even though he probably did. I guess I never paid attention and since I am over a year out I think I need to really pay attention. Also any tips on the best way to journal food written. I really do not have time to do it on a computer since I can't use mine at work for non work stuff. I like a structure and was just wondering what you guys do or have a place i can get a cheat sheet of one.

I like the one Charlene mention place to write foods and feelings. Does that one have a name or can you scan a blank page and post it or rmail it to me?

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Good afternoon guys~

I just noticed that my posting last night, I accidently switched the keyboard to Arabic letters as I was finishing! Did it just show up on yours as jibberish after the last word I typed... areas).

Janet, dad was born in 1933 (he's 75)and mom, 1937. I was born in 1967- I am 42. Yeah, but I see where you are coming from, I look and act like I am 30...LOL:lol:

MRsB~ congrats on the sleep! Hope you are feeling better.

1day~ hon, hope you feel better soon!

Apples, I don't envy you shucking all that corn. But I would love to eat some! I can't believe the lady at the grocery store said that to you. Some people shouldn't leave the house with their tongues! I remember when Nelson was 3 and still using pull ups (Goodness, I thought the time would NEVER EVER EVER come to an end!). I was buying them at Publix and the lady said, "that boy should've been out of diapers a year ago!" I am actually ashamed to admit this, but I started buying them somewhere else- for fear she would comment again! I will never forget my mother's comment to all my worries. She said, "I don't remember that part on college applications. Age potty trained? Nope. Don't think it's there!"

I cleaned the pool filter this morning! Took me 2 hours. Last time I pressure cleaned the deck and lanai, I didn't do the filter. All the junk got in the filter and ALL THE hair I AM LOSING! It took forever to get it clean. And then I decided to get rid of the evidence of my failed attempt for a garden and flowers. I had put the pots on the side of my house. (the main garden was pulled months ago). Emptied them, washed them, put them up in the garage. Lots of bending and lifting. At least I did some leg and back work- since I skipped on the gym again. This is the LAST skip. Tomorrow I start back. (again)

I am down to 237 this morning. I have a feeling after TOM, it will be down 2-3 more. I will wait to adjust the ole ticker. It hasn't moved in so long, it might just have a heart attack from all the motion! LOL

Where did this day go? I have to leave in 45 min for car line. CBL~ peas

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Hi everyone! Apples, I used to be like you (in my 20s) - I still love to bake/cook garden/can/freeze but can't do as much since my back surgery 10 years ago. But I do admire you for still being ABLE to do it after 30 years of such hard work, and it IS HARD work. Janet, sorry about the concert -- but again, can anyone really compare musically to MJ? I think it would be disappointing no matter what -- it's just been too soon maybe. Eva, I never mentioned that I had a favorite cousin whose name was Eva June -- she was my mom's first cousin, so she was my mom's age -- she was a great lady! I love that name! Thanks for your kind words. Laura, your mom and dad -- such a handsome couple! That first picture was truly glorious - the look on both your mom's and the other nurse's faces -- that's frameable. Glad you're feeling better. Doodles glad you are keeping GS dad in place and hope he gets some clothes. Well, I gotta run, but I'm attempting to post some pics here -- first on was me in Hawaii a few days before I started my pre-surgical liquid diet on Jan. 13 -- the others are me in Las Vegas last month. I hope I did them right. CBL Linda

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Okay, in seond pic, I'm the curly haired one, the other is my sister. The fourth pic from left is my sister, Beth, my daughter-in-law and my son. From right is my neice, nephew, DH and me. Last pic is my neice, d-in-law, me and sister -- you can see how SHORT I am compared to everyone else! Linda

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Hi gang, how's everyone doing??? I slept about 6 hours in one stretch last night and that's a great improvement... Was hurting before I went to sleep.. Took Mimi for a walk to the park down the street last evening.. I put a little harness on her and we walk just great that way.... she played on the slide...that's her favorite, but she didn't want to leave.. I couldn't pull on her, but I did have to lift her on her feet from a kicking, screaming postition.. I think that wasn't good for me!!! Anyway walked the long way around to get home and did okay, but later in the evening my back started to ache... I sat in the hot-tub and then put an ice pack on before bed... It seems better today.. Maybe it will all improve soon, just seems to be inch by inch and I'm not very patient!!!!

I'm paying bills this morning and then trying Apples cucumber wrap recipe for lunch.. A friend/classmate is coming to start working on our 40th Class Reunion for next year.. Gosh, how did I get this old??????? Should be fun to have lunch and go over old times..

Apples, I used to help my mother with sweet corn, too, but she cooked hers and made a sort of creamstyle... Do you have a machine to the cutting?? And who does all the shucking?? I like the shucking best... haven't done much of any canning for years.....except apples.. We have a tree that usually over produces, but only a few apples this year.. I'm happy... Too many left from last year...

Thanks for all the comments on my pictures... I did have to cut my hair short recently... too much damage from all my surgeries... Have had lots of compliments, but I'm still getting used to it... And yes, my Mimi is a dear and is the light of our lives... We have 2 other grandchildren, boys, but the parents aren't good at sharing... Too long a story to share now, but a heartbreaking one that hurts us all the time... Mimi is about all we have..... her and her mother... and thank God for them... Lowell adopted DD 15 days after we got married......... she was 10 and her biological father was killed in a car accident before he even knew she was going to be........... DD and DH have a wonderful relationship..... It warms my heart....

Well, should carry on here........... Hope all have a great day.. Talk to you all later on... Julie

PS................I think DH has convinced me that I should come to Florida in February.... :frown:

Your DH sounds like a wonderful man !!!!

Laura...what wonderful photos of your mom and dad. Your mom looks sooooooooooo happy in those photos and is a real beauty. Pop is handsome also. Your mom's smile is just radiant in those photos in the nursery. Can tell she must have just loved those babies. Dream job. Thanks for sharing.

Eva...yet...I do the corn all by myself. I blanch on the cob in a huge stock pot, cool down right away in cold Water and cut off. I am almost done, plus fit a trip to town in the middle of it.

IF....sorry your kids didn't notice your weight loss. Me thinks they should get some detention!!!!! I would be willing to bet most of us have had that experience during our weightloss process. I am at the point now where I WISH people would not notice. I got another lecture in the grocery store this morning about being too skinny. Old Bat!

Janet...hope your dentist appt goes well. Sounds like you have a busy day ahead of you.

Good morning all others....hope you have a great day and hoping for all of you a healthy eating band day.

How ya doin', Phyll?

Hell I would tell them I rather be to skinny than too fat - what is the size of the person who said this...

You can never been too skinny nor too rich !!!

Phyl is hanging in there - she has quite a bit of pain - surgery was just a week ago today - she has a pt who comes to the house and she is doing her exercise - but pain has been pretty bad..

Julie...we must have been posting at the same time. Sad about DD daughter but sounds like DH stepped in and took over. She's lucky to have you guys watch over Mimi. Not sure how long I will need to wait for the little ones....I just adopt and spoil others kids and that's OK for now. DH and I both love kids. A typical weekend at the lake is filled with little ones in our house. They feel so BIG when they can walk over to Auntie's (fake aunt and uncle) all by themself and spend hours doing puzzles, watching Scooby Doo and Tom and Jerry, and baking Cookies to take home.

I cut my corn off with a knife. Still have my fingers and hope to keep it that way. DH has given me too many rings and I want a place to put them!

Arent you too sweet - I love doing that stuff w/DGD but not every weekend :0) holiday's are enought for me :0)

Hi everyone,

I am totally sick right now with sinus stuff and a very sore throat. So my eating has sucked my excuse to eat bad. (AKA emotional eating)

How do you know besides the test how many calories to eat. I don't ever remember my Dr saying even though he probably did. I guess I never paid attention and since I am over a year out I think I need to really pay attention. Also any tips on the best way to journal food written. I really do not have time to do it on a computer since I can't use mine at work for non work stuff. I like a structure and was just wondering what you guys do or have a place i can get a cheat sheet of one.

I like the one Charlene mention place to write foods and feelings. Does that one have a name or can you scan a blank page and post it or rmail it to me?

Melissa - I just kept a little 3x3 note book - ya maybe charlene can scan a page for you..

Hope you feel better soon - Soup - no sweets or carb :0)

Good afternoon guys~

I just noticed that my posting last night, I accidently switched the keyboard to Arabic letters as I was finishing! Did it just show up on yours as jibberish after the last word I typed... areas).

Janet, dad was born in 1933 (he's 75)and mom, 1937. I was born in 1967- I am 42. Yeah, but I see where you are coming from, I look and act like I am 30...LOL:lol:

MRsB~ congrats on the sleep! Hope you are feeling better.

1day~ hon, hope you feel better soon!

Apples, I don't envy you shucking all that corn. But I would love to eat some! I can't believe the lady at the grocery store said that to you. Some people shouldn't leave the house with their tongues! I remember when Nelson was 3 and still using pull ups (Goodness, I thought the time would NEVER EVER EVER come to an end!). I was buying them at Publix and the lady said, "that boy should've been out of diapers a year ago!" I am actually ashamed to admit this, but I started buying them somewhere else- for fear she would comment again! I will never forget my mother's comment to all my worries. She said, "I don't remember that part on college applications. Age potty trained? Nope. Don't think it's there!"

I cleaned the pool filter this morning! Took me 2 hours. Last time I pressure cleaned the deck and lanai, I didn't do the filter. All the junk got in the filter and ALL THE hair I AM LOSING! It took forever to get it clean. And then I decided to get rid of the evidence of my failed attempt for a garden and flowers. I had put the pots on the side of my house. (the main garden was pulled months ago). Emptied them, washed them, put them up in the garage. Lots of bending and lifting. At least I did some leg and back work- since I skipped on the gym again. This is the LAST skip. Tomorrow I start back. (again)

I am down to 237 this morning. I have a feeling after TOM, it will be down 2-3 more. I will wait to adjust the ole ticker. It hasn't moved in so long, it might just have a heart attack from all the motion! LOL

Where did this day go? I have to leave in 45 min for car line. CBL~ peas

I think your pic looks like you are in your 30's !!!! I think you are very grown up - but did think you were like 36-37...

My Mom born 1930 - so ya the same time frame :0)

Congrats on the weight - yes no more excused - but that was a work out...

Car lines - omg another thing I don't miss :0)

[QUOTE=ljv52;1315925]Hi everyone! Apples, I used to be like you (in my 20s) - I still love to bake/cook garden/can/freeze but can't do as much since my back surgery 10 years ago. But I do admire you for still being ABLE to do it after 30 years of such hard work, and it IS HARD work. Janet, sorry about the concert -- but again, can anyone really compare musically to MJ? I think it would be disappointing no matter what -- it's just been too soon maybe. Eva, I never mentioned that I had a favorite cousin whose name was Eva June -- she was my mom's first cousin, so she was my mom's age -- she was a great lady! I love that name! Thanks for your kind words. Laura, your mom and dad -- such a handsome couple! That first picture was truly glorious - the look on both your mom's and the other nurse's faces -- that's frameable. Glad you're feeling better. Doodles glad you are keeping GS dad in place and hope he gets some clothes. Well, I gotta run, but I'm attempting to post some pics here -- first on was me in Hawaii a few days before I started my pre-surgical liquid diet on Jan. 13 -- the others are me in Las Vegas last month. I hope I did them right. CBL Linda

OMG Linda - FANTASTIC PIC'S Would have never beleived that was you in the before- WTG GIRL !!!!!

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Thanks, Janet. Here's a couple more I missed. The first was Jan., 09 in Hawaii on the beach with my d-in-law. The second is my DH and me in April 08, the third was me being really "bad" with Desserts at a buffet. The others are just two more from vegas that I liked.

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The first pic below was me in summer of 2007. I was about the same weight as I was when I had surgery. Okay, I may as well include some of DGD as well -- my darling Aylah. These were taken this Spring around Easter, before she got sick.

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Linda....OMG, what a difference!!!!!!! I saw some collar bone showing! You would never know it's the same person! Great job! You get the "Thumbs Up" award for the day! Love your eyes and DH is an awfully handsome man also.

1-Day...no advice on any food journals...I just had a small spiral notebook that I carried with me and just documented what I ate and calories. My doc required it the first year of the process. Now I just jot down my cals without writing the type of food. Keeping track really does make things easier as far as staying accountable for what goes in the mouth. Sorry to hear you are not feeling well.

Well, my earlier post had mentioned something about keeping all my fingers and not cutting them off while doing corn. About 2 minutes after I typed it, DH came in the door and asked for a ride to ER. Three hours later we are home and he is drugged up. Smashed finger to smithereens while hanging off a scaffold 20 feet in the air. 2 breaks and 12 stitches. After doc did the best he could to stitch it up, it looked like the stuffed pork chops that I am making for supper. Oxecodon and antibiotic. He says all is fine after popping 2 Oxecodons and the DA (you can all take a guess at what that stands for) is out in the field again and his DW is not real happy with him for not taking a break. Back to doc tomorrow for a check and to put a guard on it.

Thanks for your supportive posts about comments from ruddy faced, morbidly obese woman from the grocery store. I get it all the time. I have learned to turn and walk.....sometimes just helps to stare at their shoes...trick I learned years ago from a professor in college and makes a person real nervous.

Edited by Apples2

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Apples, sympathies on the DH...... both the injury and the attitude... Mine had to be near dead before he'll go to a doctor... And he pushes himself so hard... I get frustrated often....sounds like they are made of the same cloth...... Also, glad you can let that "old bat" and her commments roll off your back..... I guess if you looked sick it might be understandable, but you aren't sick and just being slender is no reason to comment.... People who have to comment about others must be insecure about themselves....

Linda, wonderful pictures... you look amazing.... Can hardly wait for "amazing" to be a word that describes me!!! Your little one is beautiful..... of course grandmas are always a bit biased, but how can you not love such a pure little spirit.... We sure love ours....

1 Day, hope you are better very soon... No fun to be sick............

Janet, yup, DH is a keeper..... I'm thankful for him everyday, even when he does dumb things.........LOL..

If, I think the kids not noticing your weight loss is typical of kids... They know who treats them right and who doesn't .....size doesn't matter to them... They are so much more accepting than adults...

Apples, I made your cucumber wrap salad for lunch, but I added some tuna and it was delicious...

Laura, I'm not a plant person at all... I made my DH pour concrete where the flower beds used to be. I do a few pots some years, but mostly just do a few lawn type ornaments and call it good.... I have the opposite of a green thumb.... plants die when the belong to me...

Well, I better get moving before my Mimi comes... TTYL.............Julie

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Julie...DH really is the sweetest man in the world but work ALWAYS has come first. He was in a bit ago asking if he could help finish up the corn with me. Told him to keep away from the knives....hang onto the fingers he has. Painkillers and knives don't jive as far as I'm concerned.

Laura...must be the year for crappy flower beds. I usually have a green thumb but this year they just look sick. I always start seedlings in my sunporch in the spring and plant about Memorial Day. This year they just did not take off like usual. I'll chalk it up to the cold nights we have had.

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I'm not disappointed my kids didn't notice. In a way its very reassuring. They just don't notice things like weight. They notice kindness and caring and love. They're not stuck on physical things. Enough adults have noticed to let me know that the weight loss is showing. I have trouble trusting my own eyes.

I teach a lot of grandchildren being raised by grandparents or aunts or foster parents. The chaos in their backgrounds can be astonishing. I got a Facebook friendship request from a student who graduated last year. He was raised in a foster home by a diabetic lady in her 70's who died when he was in 7th grade. He was taken in by one of her relatives, Thank God. I went to his profile page and almost all his friends were former teachers. I think we provided the stability in his life.

Great pics people. Laura, my mom is 76 so that era is right. Her pictures are a lot the same. Your mom's beautiful, just like you. My baby sister is 42. She was our "caboose." Phenomenol weight loss Linda. Cute hair, cute smile.

Cute grandkids, everyone. I have to get more tech savvy and post some of mine. Lost some more weight. Will let you know tomorrow if I've really acheived onederland or if its an aberration.

Great restriction. It takes me so long to eat my food that I finally lose interest in it. LOL. Gotta wait to burp. Gotta wait to get over the hiccups. Now the food is cold. Tiny bites and chew forever. Forget about it.

Gotta take a walk now. Great weather. Love to all.


Edited by ifyourstomachoffendsyou

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The first pic below was me in summer of 2007. I was about the same weight as I was when I had surgery. Okay, I may as well include some of DGD as well -- my darling Aylah. These were taken this Spring around Easter, before she got sick.

Linda - We have even more in common besides the weight and age - we have mixed grandkids :0) - My Son is 1/2 black & 1/2 white - Mom of GS is Mex - Mom of DGD is 1/2 mex & 1/2 white - I always say we need an Asian and we would have a UN Family (we also have Indian blood too - my GGM was 1/2 cherokee & DS dad's grandma was cherokee too)

Great pic's and sweetie it looks like you lost more than 88 lbs - it looks like you have lost 150 !!! You are really doing good..

Linda....OMG, what a difference!!!!!!! I saw some collar bone showing! You would never know it's the same person! Great job! You get the "Thumbs Up" award for the day! Love your eyes and DH is an awfully handsome man also.

1-Day...no advice on any food journals...I just had a small spiral notebook that I carried with me and just documented what I ate and calories. My doc required it the first year of the process. Now I just jot down my cals without writing the type of food. Keeping track really does make things easier as far as staying accountable for what goes in the mouth. Sorry to hear you are not feeling well.

Well, my earlier post had mentioned something about keeping all my fingers and not cutting them off while doing corn. About 2 minutes after I typed it, DH came in the door and asked for a ride to ER. Three hours later we are home and he is drugged up. Smashed finger to smithereens while hanging off a scaffold 20 feet in the air. 2 breaks and 12 stitches. After doc did the best he could to stitch it up, it looked like the stuffed pork chops that I am making for supper. Oxecodon and antibiotic. He says all is fine after popping 2 Oxecodons and the DA (you can all take a guess at what that stands for) is out in the field again and his DW is not real happy with him for not taking a break. Back to doc tomorrow for a check and to put a guard on it.

Thanks for your supportive posts about comments from ruddy faced, morbidly obese woman from the grocery store. I get it all the time. I have learned to turn and walk.....sometimes just helps to stare at their shoes...trick I learned years ago from a professor in college and makes a person real nervous.

Apples - Men - that says it all - only 3 hrs in the ER that's better than what I had to do w/Andrew and his cut finger a few weeks ago -we were there 5 hrs..

Apples, sympathies on the DH...... both the injury and the attitude... Mine had to be near dead before he'll go to a doctor... And he pushes himself so hard... I get frustrated often....sounds like they are made of the same cloth...... Also, glad you can let that "old bat" and her commments roll off your back..... I guess if you looked sick it might be understandable, but you aren't sick and just being slender is no reason to comment.... People who have to comment about others must be insecure about themselves....

Linda, wonderful pictures... you look amazing.... Can hardly wait for "amazing" to be a word that describes me!!! Your little one is beautiful..... of course grandmas are always a bit biased, but how can you not love such a pure little spirit.... We sure love ours....

1 Day, hope you are better very soon... No fun to be sick............

Janet, yup, DH is a keeper..... I'm thankful for him everyday, even when he does dumb things.........LOL..

If, I think the kids not noticing your weight loss is typical of kids... They know who treats them right and who doesn't .....size doesn't matter to them... They are so much more accepting than adults...

Apples, I made your cucumber wrap salad for lunch, but I added some tuna and it was delicious...

Laura, I'm not a plant person at all... I made my DH pour concrete where the flower beds used to be. I do a few pots some years, but mostly just do a few lawn type ornaments and call it good.... I have the opposite of a green thumb.... plants die when the belong to me...

Well, I better get moving before my Mimi comes... TTYL.............Julie

Julie - Like I said to Apples - Men - that says it all :0)

I like your hair on the shorter side - it looks really good and with all you have gone thru - You are looking great and have done an excellent job on your weight loss too... WTG

I'm not disappointed my kids didn't notice. In a way its very reassuring. They just don't notice things like weight. They notice kindness and caring and love. They're not stuck on physical things. Enough adults have noticed to let me know that the weight loss is showing. I have trouble trusting my own eyes.

I teach a lot of grandchildren being raised by grandparents or aunts or foster parents. The chaos in their backgrounds can be astonishing. I got a Facebook friendship request from a student who graduated last year. He was raised in a foster home by a diabetic lady in her 70's who died when he was in 7th grade. He was taken in by one of her relatives, Thank God. I went to his profile page and almost all his friends were former teachers. I think we provided the stability in his life.

Great pics people. Laura, my mom is 76 so that era is right. Her pictures are a lot the same. Your mom's beautiful, just like you. My baby sister is 42. She was our "caboose." Phenomenol weight loss Linda. Cute hair, cute smile.

Cute grandkids, everyone. I have to get more tech savvy and post some of mine. Lost some more weight. Will let you know tomorrow if I've really acheived onederland or if its an aberration.

Great restriction. It takes me so long to eat my food that I finally lose interest in it. LOL. Gotta wait to burp. Gotta wait to get over the hiccups. Now the food is cold. Tiny bites and chew forever. Forget about it.

Gotta take a walk now. Great weather. Love to all.


Cheri - I wish I could lose interest in food.. I know that lately I have been eating when not really hungry - for the taste of the food - I love the taste -- last night I had second helping of yellow crooked neck squash - I was full but it just tasted so good - ya it's a veggie (and a slider) and to me they are free foods but the fact that I was eating even though I was full bugs me - I gotta learn to quit this bad bad habit - being 2 yrs out - I still eat when not truly physically hungry - it the whole head hunger manifesting it's self in to physical hunger for me..

How sweet/sad about your x-student - I feel so bad for kid's who don't have families - I know that we all have some messed up one (some worse than other) but when I look back I gotta say I did have parents who loved me.. Even my Mom who took her own life and left 3 kids me 15 bro 14 bro 13 but her mental pain must have been so bad that she saw no other way out and figured we were better off with our Dad - I personally don't understand it - I could have never left my son not even now that he's grown - I have my grandkids and I want to be around for as long as I can - hence -the reason why I got banded :0)

Well gang home from taking GS to get hair cut - didn't go to the gym !!!

Dentist - have 2 cavities - the one I can see and the reason I went and one infront of that tooth - it's the bad one and he won't know till he drills (the part I hate the worse) if I will need a root canal or not -I go back tomorrow at 2 - I have no pain - tooth has just been whispering to me every now and then like somethings wrong - so hopefully I won't have to have one but the decay is right next to the root - thankfully I get gassed when he drills !!! it helps so much and they have to turn it up to xtra when I have a root canal..

The nurse today who has been my nurse ever since I have gone to this dentist (14/15 yrs) said she saw me on t.v. (my dr bobbie wls commercial) and said I know her she's my patient - I explained to her what I had done.. I love my dentist & nurse - they are the greatest - now understand I hate the dentist - but if I have to see one - He's the only one I will see - they tried to get me in to see his partner (female) said no thank you I'll wait for Dr LeBlanc..

We have a little girl (well 23 yrs single mom and son has some leg issues/handicap or whatever the new pc word for that is) Well she just bought a house - got the keys yesterday - but has nothing to put into it - no beds etc - she got rid of all that when she moved back home with mom a couple of years ago...

So I gave her some $$ to day to help turn on the utilities and then I went to her supervisor and said we need to have everyone donate stuff they have that they don't need - I am giving her my fridge that's in the garage - I really don't need it - we just keep Water - soda - beer - wine in it..

So we are having a house warming for her Friday - its' a surprise - she was so thankful for the $$ I gave her - she was crying - I told her that I was glad to be able to help - she has worked hard in getting this house and I know how tough it is to be a single mom - and that I was lucky I had my dad to help me and that she doesn't have that - so I am glad that I can help her...

We have asked our bosses to give an early Xmas present - we (office) gives to the less fortunate instead of having an Xmas Party - we asked that they give to her this year and do it early Xmas in September - they gotta meet on it but hopefully they come thru with some $$$ so she can buy some mattresses !!!

Anyway I went to Target and got an ironing board - Iron and a set of pots and pans (on sale for $35) and a ladies tool kit (hammer - screw drivers - measuring tape wrenches etc that are pink)

If just feels so damn good to be able to help someone like her - she is just the sweetest little thing a good worker a good girl I just love the hell out of her.....

I have vaccumed and paid bills (I won't be going shopping on this long weekend ;0) fed the dogs - made the kittens a new bed - they kept getting out of the box that Andrew made (he cut a door in it - men and doing dumb stuff - the box is only 6 inches high so mommy can get in and out w/no problem and didn't need the doorway) and the kittens kept getting out so found a box in the garage that my pool lounger came in and made them a new bed without a door so the kitten can't escape - their eye are opening all but one have opened...

So that's my ecapades for this evening... I am off to go cook my fish and watch some tv...

Hugs peeps - Love to you all - Janet

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Awww, Janet. How nice of you to help that girl out. That's what life is all about....a helping hand when needed. An extra pat on the back for you today for initiating the deeds of kindness and also for being a good mom to DGS and DK (Dear Kitties)!

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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
      · 1 reply
      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

      · 3 replies
      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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