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APPLES~~~~ OMG!! How do you do it!!!! I just got supper over with and all we had was DGS's fav's, fish sticks, fries, and mac & cheese!!! I had some left over taco Soup, it gets better every time you warm it up. No, really, do you make a menu for the entire wk or do you just go with what you have in the pantry? Sorry to hear about your MIL trying to start trouble. I have to say, I had a very good MIL. Every now and then she got on my nerves but not very often. So very sorry to hear about your good friend!! Hope all goes well wth her!!! TTYL Sharon

Edited by doodlebug11

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APPLES~~~~ OMG!! How do you do it!!!! I just got supper over with and all we had was DGS's fav's, fish sticks, fries, and mac & cheese!!! I had some left over taco Soup, it gets better every time you warm it up. No, really, do you make a menu for the entire wk or do you just go with what you have in the pantry? Sorry to hear about your MIL trying to start trouble. I have to say, I had a very good MIL. Every now and then she got on my nerves but not very often. TTYL Sharon

I just use whatever I have on hand. I make a trip to store about every 2 weeks to restock pantry. Pick up milk whenever in town. We live 15 miles from the closest grocery store. My few days at home are making meals ahead so that I can drive my A$$ to the lake and de-stress the other days of the week. It works for us and I would work around the clock in order to get those days up there. One meal a day is out of the lunch box when I am gone. I just make the sandwiches up ahead of time and DS just has to grab them and whatever else I leave for them. It all just comes down to being as organized as I can be.

I had sooooooooooo many years tied to this farm, even on weekends. After hiring DS, my life is so much easier and I have more free time. He has picked up where I left off and has been here 3 yrs. I love my newfound freedom and the fact that DH is so easy going!

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I have never checked our clinic to see if they have the equipment to do this test. I have seen others post about doing it and thought it would be really interesting to find out the #'s. Anxious to hear how you turn out with it and what you think of the outcome. I'll have to remember to check with my doc the next time I'm in for a checkup to see if it's available at our clinic. Did your doc talk at all about the accuracy rate?

No, she didn't talk to me about it. In fact, she gave my a pamphlet on it and I haven't read it. I just know it is 125 bucks. I will give y'all the scoop after I do this. I have a low thyroid so I am anxious to get the read out.

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No, she didn't talk to me about it. In fact, she gave my a pamphlet on it and I haven't read it. I just know it is 125 bucks. I will give y'all the scoop after I do this. I have a low thyroid so I am anxious to get the read out.

Arlene...you have done so well with losing what you have in the time that you have been banded. Given the fact that you have a slow working thyroid, your loss is even more amazing.

I would be willing to pay the price of the test just to see what the results would be. It would be great to have some idea what my resting metobolic rate is. :)

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Hi guys~

I am feeling a million percent better. It's usually a 24 hr crappy time. This weekend was a tad bit longer, probably b/c I didn't sleep well Saturday night. DH was great to step up to the plate this weekend with DS and cooking & grocery shopping. Today with my battery recharged, I got caught up on all my work. Tonight was grilled fish (haddock), green Beans (made with onions and tomato) and salad. Nels was in the mood to bake this afternoon- one of our favorite things to do together (but sadly I have not encouraged it in the last few months). A quick and easy thing we make is a box of Jiffy corn muffin mix made as directed and we add 1/2 can of corn. I found NASCAR muffin cup liners at Big Lots for $0.99. Those were a HIT with the little guy!

Apples~ So sorry to hear about your friend's health. <hugs> So glad you can be there for her and with her. The menu sounds Divine. I LOVE LOVE LOVE Alfredo.

Doodle~ Oh gosh, 2 out of 3 Fish sticks and mac&cheese my DS won't touch! I think he is the only kid on the planet that won't eat M&C.

Julie Bubba~ WOW WOW WOW!!! Love your photos! Your Mimi is absolutely adorable! Love those eyes! She will be a heart breaker one day. :) And you my dear, look amazing. I almost thought it was a different person.

Janet~ Sorry to hear the concert was el crappo. I guess it would be hard for anyone to replace the king. And I totally understand the ST memory problem.

I did the metabolic analysis at my docs. It is very neat that a machine can actually MEASURE the amount of oxygen you use/ thus your resting energy expenditure. How many calories your body uses at REST just to breath and other bodily functions.


Important things to remember before doing the test:

Avoid strenuous exercise, caffeine consumption, and tobacco products prior to test. Do not eat or drink 4 Hours before the test- only Water.

The test, if done correctly, is very accurate. Unfortunately I have seen people use it after exercising or after eating. Then it will give you an unusually HIGH reading, giving you a sense that you are a marathon runner and can eat 5000 calories a day! The number it gives you is how many calories you need to maintain, and then the range of calories you need to lose weight.

My dr's office started bringing it to the support group meetings in an attempt to increase the attendance. At the meetings it is free- in the office, it is $100.

Good luck with it Arlene. Let us know how it goes.

Hope everyone is ok. Off to watch the Country Music show on tv.


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Hey Gang

Back from the gym - got my excel spreadsheet done to pay bills - might just have to wait til tomorrow - DIL called to thank me for her bday card & $$$ then had to talk to the whole family :0)

Now it's 7 p.m. !!! still gotta feed me - GS & dogs..

Laura - That's great info on the testing...

Apples - I have more energy now - but girl not half as much as you :0)

Sharon - I was like you my MIL was a nice lady - hell they liked me better than their son ;0)...

ok Gang - I do need to vacum my room and cook...

So will cbl

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Thanks Laura for the info. She kept telling me to fast before coming in. This journaling has somewhat put me back on track. The 1000calories a day is tough. I have gone over everyday by 200. I guess I was really eating way to many calories.

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Saw kids for first time today. All the younger ones were so happy to see me. Older kids not so much. I teach 1st - 8th graders.

What amazes me is that no kids have commented on my weight loss. Only a few have commented on my hair. I have a lot of ADHD kids who are very impulsive so I'm a bit surprised. However, I just think they see me, Mz Flory, and they could care less how I look. They're also all African-AMerican where weight is not such a big deal.

I have much fewer kids this year and am concerned about keeping my assistant as well as renewing the licences on the highly effective computer programs I run. Not to mention not knowing whether the vendor who is taking over running all private, Christian, and parochial schools will hire me or put their own person in.

They could majorly change my program, too, even if they do hire me. I can't project into the future but I also have to prepare for a possible career change.

I'm really having to trust that God will provide.

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Hello everyone,

Sorry, but I took a day off....DH was camping and I was parked in front of the TV...didn't even look at my email (which is unusual).

Linda, you have a great heart and I'm sure it showed at your friend's funeral. You and your friend were lucky to have each other.

Laura, my sister had endometriosis also and had a hystericalectomy. She adopted her next two kids also. I know you don't want to go through surgery, but the surgery heals and from what she said, the endometriosis doesn't get better. Of course, you probably have the best medical advise around.

Sharon...funny I just read your post right after I got back from the sushi bar. I don't eat too much sushi...more sashimi (which is just the fish without the rice). Yum. Sounds like you had a wonderful Sunday. DGS's Dad sounds like a real jerk...good luck with that. He'll probably fade away again especially if he is expected to do something like be responsible.

Julie, WOW your daughter has really gone through the wringer. I don't understand how people can be so mean. Your pictures are GREAT!!! Mimi is so cute and you look pretty fantastic yourself.

Janet, sorry about the MJ concert....sometimes they are amazing and others...you just leave.

Apples, do you have help with all the corn freezing? Cleaning Blanching....do you cut it off the cobb? OMG that is a lot of work by yourself. You truly are amazing. I used to help my Mom freeze corn, Beans, can tomatoes, and many other things out of the garden. Sorry about your friend. Older people should be cherished, they have a wealth of experience and some even have wisdom to share. I never had kids, but I always had old people and still do.

Cheri...good luck with the job. Not knowing can sure be stressful. Even if kids notice the weight loss, they may not say anything. I don't think I would say anything to my teachers back then. IYSOY that was pretty cute.

Meredith.....I didn't go camping with my DH either this weekend because it's too much work. I haven't been home in two weekend and I wanted to stay home.

I was really hoping it would be a little cooler this weekend, but no it had to be hot. I was up late also and didn't get up early to avoid some of that heat, so very few outside projects got done this weekend.

On Saturday, I went shopping with my sister and to the new Harry Potter movie. It was really nice. I bought a couple of pairs of shoes, but I think I might have the wrong size. I wore the "on sale" pair today and they were tight after I walked in them for a while (field work again). I'm going to try on the other pair again and if they are as tight, then I'll take them back and get a 1/2 size larger. These are pricey tennis shoes that I use to walk in and I really need the support and comfort.

A friend's daughter just had another baby girl. She just sent pictures. She was a little early like the first one but seems healthy and I bet she will do just fine. She's all scruched up in the pictures, but I bet in a couple of days she'll be really cute.

Hope everyone has a good night and there will be more tomorrow!!!


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A friend's daughter just had another baby girl. She just sent pictures. She was a little early like the first one but seems healthy and I bet she will do just fine. She's all scruched up in the pictures, but I bet in a couple of days she'll be really cute.


That reminds me of something my mother used to say to new babies that were "scrunched up" so to speak. She was an L&D and Newborn Nursery Nurse for YEARS. She would say, with a very sweet Boston accent, "now isn't she just as cute as she can be!" My mother found beauty in all babies, even the butt ugly ones. But she found this way of phrasing it, the most unlikely to hurt feelings without lying or being mean.

I just found some of my mom's old nursing pics from Boston in the nursery. Priceless. And one of my Mom and Dad going to a school dance.

(My mom is on the left in the 1st and 3rd photo. The last one, mom is in yellow and dad is next to her in far right of photo. Not sure why when they were scanned their are some grainy areas.) شعقش

Edited by peascorps

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Good Morning!! I had to get up early this a.m. because I went to bed early!! Going back to work is sure going to be tough, especially on a new time schedule!!! But I'll get it worked out!

Octo~~ what kind of work do you do that you have to be in the field? I know how the heat can be in Arizona! I lived in Phoenix and in Gila Bend when I was a teenager!! It is just gorgeous there, especially at night with all the stars! Sometimes I miss it and would love for my DK's to see it but I don't think that they would enjoy the scenery like I would!!

Janet~~ sorry to hear the concert was a bomb!! I love music of any kind and some of MJ's I really liked! We used to go dancing and when the band was having a bad night, it was such a let down!!! You and Apples both have got more energy than any one I know!!!

If~~~ sorry to hear about your job and the kids not noticing your weight loss!! You know how kids are, it's all about them!! lol The entire world revolves around them and their needs and wants!! lol I understand the worry about your job, that's the main reason I took another job!! I want to be able to retire when I'm 62 and working 4 days a wk wasn't going to get me there!! I don't want to have a house payment, my poor DGF, had one until the day he died and I promised myself yrs ago that was not going to be me!!! ( OMW!! I sound like a kid ,don't I? It's all about me!!! LOL LOL) But I will keep you in my prayers about your job and you do know what ever happens, God will take care of you!! Who knows, He may have a better job down the road for you!!

Julie~~~ OMW!!! Your little Mimi is sooo cute!! I just love her smile!! How can anyone not want to be around her? I just don't understand ppl!! To me babies are a gift from Heaven, how could you just not want that gift??? I can tell by the way you talk about her that she is the joy in your life!! Yea, it doesn't take very much to get me started on Eli's Dad, either!! It's funny but he called last night so I let him to talk to Eli and the first thing Eli said to him was " do you want to talk to Paw Paw?" lol lol I'm sure that didn't go well with him!! Oh well, that's life!! He didn't stay on the phone but maybe 1 or 2 mins. and when he hung up, my DH asked Eli "was you thru talking and Eli said yea, Daddy can't talk very long cause he's in jail!! But I did tell the jerk what size clothes and shoes Eli wears and not to buy summer clothes!! I'm going to get everything I can while he's out cause I'm hoping that he won't be free long!!! Is that bad of me? NAWWWW

Laura~~ loved the pic's of your Mom and Dad!!! It's so cute about the Nascar muffin papers!! It doesn't take very much to make our little ones happy,does it? Eli got to take a "all about me" bag to school yesterday, and he packed it on Friday when he got home from school!! He packed 2 small trucks, a football, 1 book, and 3 other balls. As you can see, he LOVES any kind of ball!! The "me" bag is the same thing as my show and tell, you put your favorite toys,book, or anything you like and you write things about yourself and you show it to everyone in class! It was so cute, the teacher told me when I picked him up, that Eli took his nap with his football!! Glad to hear you are feeling better!! BTW, how are your folks doing?

Well, I need to go for now, TTYL Sharon

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[QUOTE=Charlene K;1315457]Thanks Laura for the info. She kept telling me to fast before coming in. This journaling has somewhat put me back on track. The 1000calories a day is tough. I have gone over everyday by 200. I guess I was really eating way to many calories.

Yep - it's surprising at what we think we eat vs what we really eat... This is why it is scentifically proven that pple who log lose more than those who don't..

Hello everyone,

Sorry, but I took a day off....DH was camping and I was parked in front of the TV...didn't even look at my email (which is unusual).

Linda, you have a great heart and I'm sure it showed at your friend's funeral. You and your friend were lucky to have each other.

Laura, my sister had endometriosis also and had a hystericalectomy. She adopted her next two kids also. I know you don't want to go through surgery, but the surgery heals and from what she said, the endometriosis doesn't get better. Of course, you probably have the best medical advise around.

Sharon...funny I just read your post right after I got back from the sushi bar. I don't eat too much sushi...more sashimi (which is just the fish without the rice). Yum. Sounds like you had a wonderful Sunday. DGS's Dad sounds like a real jerk...good luck with that. He'll probably fade away again especially if he is expected to do something like be responsible.

Julie, WOW your daughter has really gone through the wringer. I don't understand how people can be so mean. Your pictures are GREAT!!! Mimi is so cute and you look pretty fantastic yourself.

Janet, sorry about the MJ concert....sometimes they are amazing and others...you just leave.

Apples, do you have help with all the corn freezing? Cleaning Blanching....do you cut it off the cobb? OMG that is a lot of work by yourself. You truly are amazing. I used to help my Mom freeze corn, Beans, can tomatoes, and many other things out of the garden. Sorry about your friend. Older people should be cherished, they have a wealth of experience and some even have wisdom to share. I never had kids, but I always had old people and still do.

Cheri...good luck with the job. Not knowing can sure be stressful. Even if kids notice the weight loss, they may not say anything. I don't think I would say anything to my teachers back then. IYSOY that was pretty cute.

Meredith.....I didn't go camping with my DH either this weekend because it's too much work. I haven't been home in two weekend and I wanted to stay home.

I was really hoping it would be a little cooler this weekend, but no it had to be hot. I was up late also and didn't get up early to avoid some of that heat, so very few outside projects got done this weekend.

On Saturday, I went shopping with my sister and to the new Harry Potter movie. It was really nice. I bought a couple of pairs of shoes, but I think I might have the wrong size. I wore the "on sale" pair today and they were tight after I walked in them for a while (field work again). I'm going to try on the other pair again and if they are as tight, then I'll take them back and get a 1/2 size larger. These are pricey tennis shoes that I use to walk in and I really need the support and comfort.

A friend's daughter just had another baby girl. She just sent pictures. She was a little early like the first one but seems healthy and I bet she will do just fine. She's all scruched up in the pictures, but I bet in a couple of days she'll be really cute.

Hope everyone has a good night and there will be more tomorrow!!!


Eva - I take days off - sometimes you just have to let your brain veg !!! I am on the computer all day - then go home on the computer and sometime - I just don't turn the darn thing on..

That reminds me of something my mother used to say to new babies that were "scrunched up" so to speak. She was an L&D and Newborn Nursery Nurse for YEARS. She would say, with a very sweet Boston accent, "now isn't she just as cute as she can be!" My mother found beauty in all babies, even the butt ugly ones. But she found this way of phrasing it, the most unlikely to hurt feelings without lying or being mean.

I just found some of my mom's old nursing pics from Boston in the nursery. Priceless. And one of my Mom and Dad going to a school dance.

(My mom is on the left in the 1st and 3rd photo. The last one, mom is in yellow and dad is next to her in far right of photo. Not sure why when they were scanned their are some grainy areas.) شعقش

Laura - Love the pic's of your Mom & Your Mom & Dad - I forget how old are they - aren't you in your 30's?? ST memory laspe.. The pic's look like they were taken in my parent's era - My Mom would be 79 this yr..

Good Morning!! I had to get up early this a.m. because I went to bed early!! Going back to work is sure going to be tough, especially on a new time schedule!!! But I'll get it worked out!

Octo~~ what kind of work do you do that you have to be in the field? I know how the heat can be in Arizona! I lived in Phoenix and in Gila Bend when I was a teenager!! It is just gorgeous there, especially at night with all the stars! Sometimes I miss it and would love for my DK's to see it but I don't think that they would enjoy the scenery like I would!!

Janet~~ sorry to hear the concert was a bomb!! I love music of any kind and some of MJ's I really liked! We used to go dancing and when the band was having a bad night, it was such a let down!!! You and Apples both have got more energy than any one I know!!!

If~~~ sorry to hear about your job and the kids not noticing your weight loss!! You know how kids are, it's all about them!! lol The entire world revolves around them and their needs and wants!! lol I understand the worry about your job, that's the main reason I took another job!! I want to be able to retire when I'm 62 and working 4 days a wk wasn't going to get me there!! I don't want to have a house payment, my poor DGF, had one until the day he died and I promised myself yrs ago that was not going to be me!!! ( OMW!! I sound like a kid ,don't I? It's all about me!!! LOL LOL) But I will keep you in my prayers about your job and you do know what ever happens, God will take care of you!! Who knows, He may have a better job down the road for you!!

Julie~~~ OMW!!! Your little Mimi is sooo cute!! I just love her smile!! How can anyone not want to be around her? I just don't understand ppl!! To me babies are a gift from Heaven, how could you just not want that gift??? I can tell by the way you talk about her that she is the joy in your life!! Yea, it doesn't take very much to get me started on Eli's Dad, either!! It's funny but he called last night so I let him to talk to Eli and the first thing Eli said to him was " do you want to talk to Paw Paw?" lol lol I'm sure that didn't go well with him!! Oh well, that's life!! He didn't stay on the phone but maybe 1 or 2 mins. and when he hung up, my DH asked Eli "was you thru talking and Eli said yea, Daddy can't talk very long cause he's in jail!! But I did tell the jerk what size clothes and shoes Eli wears and not to buy summer clothes!! I'm going to get everything I can while he's out cause I'm hoping that he won't be free long!!! Is that bad of me? NAWWWW

Laura~~ loved the pic's of your Mom and Dad!!! It's so cute about the Nascar muffin papers!! It doesn't take very much to make our little ones happy,does it? Eli got to take a "all about me" bag to school yesterday, and he packed it on Friday when he got home from school!! He packed 2 small trucks, a football, 1 book, and 3 other balls. As you can see, he LOVES any kind of ball!! The "me" bag is the same thing as my show and tell, you put your favorite toys,book, or anything you like and you write things about yourself and you show it to everyone in class! It was so cute, the teacher told me when I picked him up, that Eli took his nap with his football!! Glad to hear you are feeling better!! BTW, how are your folks doing?

Well, I need to go for now, TTYL Sharon

Sharon - Ya it seems like when you are looking forward to something too much expecting to have alot of fun - that's when you are the most disappointed.. MJ Jackson 5 ABC album 1st came out when I was a freshman/Soph - so alot of my high school memories revolve around his songs - then in my Disco days - Off the Wall...

Well gang just popping in to say good morning..

I have a dentist appointment this afternoon - GS needs hair cut and I need to hit the gym - so I might not be on til later than usual tonite :0)

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Hi gang, how's everyone doing??? I slept about 6 hours in one stretch last night and that's a great improvement... Was hurting before I went to sleep.. Took Mimi for a walk to the park down the street last evening.. I put a little harness on her and we walk just great that way.... she played on the slide...that's her favorite, but she didn't want to leave.. I couldn't pull on her, but I did have to lift her on her feet from a kicking, screaming postition.. I think that wasn't good for me!!! Anyway walked the long way around to get home and did okay, but later in the evening my back started to ache... I sat in the hot-tub and then put an ice pack on before bed... It seems better today.. Maybe it will all improve soon, just seems to be inch by inch and I'm not very patient!!!!

I'm paying bills this morning and then trying Apples cucumber wrap recipe for lunch.. A friend/classmate is coming to start working on our 40th Class Reunion for next year.. Gosh, how did I get this old??????? Should be fun to have lunch and go over old times..

Apples, I used to help my mother with sweet corn, too, but she cooked hers and made a sort of creamstyle... Do you have a machine to the cutting?? And who does all the shucking?? I like the shucking best... haven't done much of any canning for years.....except apples.. We have a tree that usually over produces, but only a few apples this year.. I'm happy... Too many left from last year...

Thanks for all the comments on my pictures... I did have to cut my hair short recently... too much damage from all my surgeries... Have had lots of compliments, but I'm still getting used to it... And yes, my Mimi is a dear and is the light of our lives... We have 2 other grandchildren, boys, but the parents aren't good at sharing... Too long a story to share now, but a heartbreaking one that hurts us all the time... Mimi is about all we have..... her and her mother... and thank God for them... Lowell adopted DD 15 days after we got married......... she was 10 and her biological father was killed in a car accident before he even knew she was going to be........... DD and DH have a wonderful relationship..... It warms my heart....

Well, should carry on here........... Hope all have a great day.. Talk to you all later on... Julie

PS................I think DH has convinced me that I should come to Florida in February.... :frown:

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Laura...what wonderful photos of your mom and dad. Your mom looks sooooooooooo happy in those photos and is a real beauty. Pop is handsome also. Your mom's smile is just radiant in those photos in the nursery. Can tell she must have just loved those babies. Dream job. Thanks for sharing.

Eva...yet...I do the corn all by myself. I blanch on the cob in a huge stock pot, cool down right away in cold Water and cut off. I am almost done, plus fit a trip to town in the middle of it.

IF....sorry your kids didn't notice your weight loss. Me thinks they should get some detention!!!!! I would be willing to bet most of us have had that experience during our weightloss process. I am at the point now where I WISH people would not notice. I got another lecture in the grocery store this morning about being too skinny. Old Bat!

Janet...hope your dentist appt goes well. Sounds like you have a busy day ahead of you.

Good morning all others....hope you have a great day and hoping for all of you a healthy eating band day.

How ya doin', Phyll?

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Julie...we must have been posting at the same time. Sad about DD daughter but sounds like DH stepped in and took over. She's lucky to have you guys watch over Mimi. Not sure how long I will need to wait for the little ones....I just adopt and spoil others kids and that's OK for now. DH and I both love kids. A typical weekend at the lake is filled with little ones in our house. They feel so BIG when they can walk over to Auntie's (fake aunt and uncle) all by themself and spend hours doing puzzles, watching Scooby Doo and Tom and Jerry, and baking Cookies to take home.

I cut my corn off with a knife. Still have my fingers and hope to keep it that way. DH has given me too many rings and I want a place to put them!

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      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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