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First things first, Happy Birthday Meredith!

Sharon, my DH is a manager at the airport, if there's a security breach, emergency landing, etc. he gets phone calls, or when someone does something stupid like drive a truck into an airplane, etc. What do you do that you had to get up at 2am??

Janet, good job on getting to the gym when you really didn't feel like it. Maybe your trainer thinks you are one hot momma!!

I am taking Grandma for a drive up north to Loveland today (just might have to hit the outlet mall Coach and Ann Taylor are calling so loud I hear them here) and depending on if Grandma tires out we may continue to Wyoming as she wants to see WY. LOL Told her there's not much to see, but think the idea of crossing state lines appeals to her. Maybe we can go to KS and NE next (another time). I must get that from her as crossing state lines appeals to me and I have a goal to get to all 50, I have Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana and Arkansas to go.

See Girl I told you - you are a shopper !!!! I agree it's the cross a state line no matter if it's 20 miles away - you are in another state..

Well, went to wake GS up after my shower - and guess what he's sick and isn't going !!!!! I have been up since 5;30 changed my whole schedule - and now we aren't going...

I would go to the gym - but I have all ready taken my shower - put on my self tanner (I am a bottle tanner and everyone thinks I have this great tan that I either lay in the sun or a tanning bed - it's not orange at all -but it's a bottle tan (Jergens) not the dear old sun - I love a tan but it's too friggin hot - today is suppose to be 117 and just last week we were saying what a mild summer we have had and now a heat wave....

So I started a load of wash - hung up my clothes that I washed but didn't put away - I really should Iron them but not that inclined..

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Sharon, the time you spent with your Mom is very special and you were very fortunate to be able to do that. What sort of job do you have that you have to get up at 2am? Yuck!! You really must be a morning person. I just checked out your profile and it looks like you were remodeling when the picture was taken. I so understand about that....we have one room with no sheet rock or floor and half the ceiling insulation is missing. Now my DH is using it to store stuff in.

Lori, you don't have very far to go to hit all 50 states. Wow, I hope to be there some day too. And I agree, across the state line, you are in a different state. I remember taking my mother to Douglas, WY (I had an aunt there). We lived in florence, and my mother gripped the edge of the seat and looked like a deer in the headlights when we drove through Denver. We made it and she did much better on the way back through. I thought it was pretty funny. I think I've been in only 29 of the states. It's more than 1/2 way through.

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Meredith, Happy Belated Birthday. You are an amazing young woman. Have a safe trip.

Linda, I was a red hatter, too. It just got too expensive for me but I loved playing dress up. Cool funeral. I'm glad you got to see your friend 1 last time.

To those who lost parents, I know there's always mixed feelings. For those who had beautiful endings I'm so glad. For those who took care of themselves by staying away, that's perfectly understandable.

Family is always complicated. I live the closest to my parents but I'm ill equipped to deal with them as they start deteriorating.

My mom's dithering and victim mentality drive me nuts--she complains continually about my dad. I don't like my dad, though most people do. His religiousity and need to control--especially his daughters and his wife trigger my temper and I don't like getting mad. I only see them at family events. But they're getting to the point where they may need more help. I have one younger sister who lives nearby but she is very busy with a younger family. She handles both parents well, probably because by the time she was 10 she was the only child left at home. My parents were much different with her than with the rest of us.

My parents have stayed very heavily involved with her and her kids and still babysit for her frequently. But I know they can drive her nuts too sometimes.

Work situations and relationships often mimic family relationships. Janet, I perfectly understand your wierd husband/wife relationship with your boss.

I forget which one of you seems to be living with a divorce between you and your boss but you have to live in the same house. Yuck.

I went last night to a Tastefully Simple party where I did go ahead and "taste" the various offerings. I even had a Margharita. I didn't eat nearly as much as I once would have. I only bought spices and salsa and a jalapeno jam because I'll never make all the dips and cheese balls. I do love to cook meat and vegetables with their garlic/garlic. It was a planned break from my food protocol.

A lot of former teacher's from my school were there as well as two I still work with. They're all younger than me and most have small children or are pregnant. There've been a lot of issues with the school, particularly the former principal so I had to cautiously walk that minefield. There's a kind of "we survived RCS" mentality and part of the reason I went was to convey the message that the school has issues but is working on resolving them and that there's hope for the future.

We have a beautiful, cool day here in Chicagoland so I think I'm going to get outside and enjoy it. My DH and I might go thrift-shopping together. But that's indoors. I wish he were more of an outdoors person. Oh well.



Edited by ifyourstomachoffendsyou

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Morning.... I offically started Christmas shopping today.. I walked into Wal-mart and they were having a sale on any clearanced item.... I found a number of things for Mimi for Christmas... Saved 50% off clearance price... I feel good about that... I rarely start shopping before Thanksgiving.... so, I'm a jump ahead of myself this year...

Had a rough night again last night... Went to doc this morning,,,,,,,,,,he says it's a pinched nerve.. Gave me some weird cream and told me to take it easy... DUH!!! And by the way I felt I was taking it easy yesterday... Usually I do much more on an average day... But I guess I have to tone it down some more for a while... I'm very tired of feeling like an invalid.... It's been since the end of March and enough is enough!!!!! I'm going to try the "mind over matter" approach from now on... with a little common sense thrown in, of course..

DH got the furniture put back into my basement guest room this morning.. Had to have the carpet replaced after Water damage from a broken sprinkler near that corner of the house.. It was a big mess, but it should be back to normal soon.... I do have to do a few things as he isn't good at the little stuff... I should be able to do that.......slowly......... in the next couple of days.. Today I'm going to boil some eggs to make deviled eggs for tomorrow's church picnic.. Also going to make a bean dish... Good Protein for me...

I've got quite a ways to go on the seeing all 50 states thing... I've got all the western ones, but have never been to the east coast farther than OH... have a son in Cincinnatti.....So I have been to KY, too, in the airport... And I've not been southeast farther than MO.... I haven't counted, but I think there are quite a few left for me... Great, you have fun inter-state shopping!!! Your Grandma should love it.....

Janet, I have a daughter who has done that sort of thing to me numerous times in her life... Always ticks me off, but there's no sense trying to change her mind once it's made up.... Find something fun to do and enjoy you MJ thing tonight... Sounds fun..

Linda, love the ideas for your friend's funeral.. It will be very moving, I'm sure...

IF, we have a lovely day here, too, and DH is off, but when I asked what he wanted to do to relax he just blew me off.... he'd rather putz in his shop..... I guess that works for me... I feel a nap coming on.... WTG with trying to smooth the waters with your co-workers..

Meredith, have a great time off...

Hope you all have fun and refreshing things to do this weekend.... Talk to you all later or tomorrow.. Julie

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i have a plan,but i am not following it, i need to be stricter in my habits. hope your doing better,ty for your support larry

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It's me again, trying to get some more posts in! My Dh and DGS are gone for the evening so I have some free time!!! YIPEEEE!!!!! I took My DGS to town with me today and while we were gone his Dad, who just got out of prison for drugs, called and asked if "we" would bring him to another town so he could see him!!! Now this guy has been gone for the last 9 months and even before he left, he choose not to see my DGS and just out of the blue, he wants us to take him for a visit!!!! I DON"T THINK SOOO!!! Eli, my DGS, does remember his dad and had fun with him, when he wasn't messed, so we will let him see his dad but on our terms!! And not alone!! I thought I was ready for this day but now I don't know!! His dad has never really had anything to do with Eli, just when it was convenient for him. My DD gets out next wk and I am really worried about those 2 getting back together again, and they are sooo bad for each other!! All they do is fight, and I mean physically and verbally!! But I just have to take it one day at a time and hope for the best! And for sure, I am a lot more educated on drugs and the signs of drug use than I was 15 yrs ago, so I will always be looking!!

Octo and Great~~~ I work at a frozen food factory, that cooks and freezes chicken, t.v. dinners, and kiddie meals. So I was working in the fryer and they start to work at 3:30 a.m. And NO I'm not a morning person!!! lol Everyone that knows me, knows not to speak to me until 8:00 or 9:00!! I'm not rude to ppl but I don't want to have a conversation with them either! I have worked there for 23 yrs, it has good benefits and retirement. When I first started to work there, I was just going to work long enough to get my youngest out of school. She is now 26, and I'm still there! lol Guess my plan didn't work out ,huh!

I did go to the Dr. last wk with my shingles, got a shot and antibiotics, 5 pills a day!!! But I feel sooo much better!! I don't know what brought them on, but I had them before so I knew what they were!

Mrs. Bubba~~~ so sorry to hear about your little accident!! I've never been in one and I'm too old to start now!! You must have been sooo sore, take care of yourself for awhile! I have been all over the western states, central states, and a few of the eastern states. I've as far as Ky., Tenn., but I would love to go to North and South Carolina!!! I just love to go !! Start a car up and I'm in there!!

Well gonna go for now, catch you guys later! Sharon

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Meredith-Happy Happy B-day! Hope you and Andrew have a great time this weekend.

Linda-sounds like a bright colorful sendoff for your friend, nice. I really like a funeral that is a celebration of life, rather than a dwelling in death.

Sharon-nice to be on vacation, but from the sound of it you'll have to go back to work for some rest :-P. Good for you about the shift change. SS about the family issues. I admire your work ethic! Glad your shingles are getting better.

Great-sounds like a nice drive! Hope your Grand-ma enjoys her day out. I remember Loveland pass from when I was a kid [my Dad grew up in Grand Junction area], we used to stop at the top of the pass in summer and change into long pants and sweaters to play in the snow.

Indio-how frustrating about the appt., but at least you got your laundry done. Hope the concert was fun.

IYSOY-the party sounds like fun, glad you found some things you can incorporate into your food plan. Lucky you on your cool day, it's still in the 90's here and will be for a couple months yet.

Wow Mrs. B-Christmas shopping already! Good for you that you found some bargains. Now that I'm down to Bro/SIL, son, and hub I don't really have to Christmas shop anymore.

Larry-lap-band life is one day at a time. Start each day fresh and you'll get the hang of it!

Gators in the resevoir are really no big deal, they are more afraid of me than I of them. As long as I'm in my boat I'm not concerned. Now saltwater, I'm not a fan of saltwater...I don't like swimming anywhere I can't see 'who' I'm swimming with!

My hub and I hope to RV full-time when he retires. I look forward to catching any states I might be missing at that time. Was blessed as a kid, my Mom owned her own business and my Dad was a teacher, so the day he finished school we'd travel until he had to go back again. Or Mom and Dad would ship me off to one of her sister's in PA, and I'd either spend the summer with horses, or dairy cows lol. Either way, it was a win-win for me.

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GitR, oh no I didn't drive over Loveland pass. I'm not that brave of a mountain driver, I save those type of drives for DH. We went to the town of Loveland and then drove up Big Thompson canyon to Estes Park. For those that might remember in the 70's Big Thompson is where there was a huge flash flood and many folks were drowned. It's steep rock up both sides of the canyon and the Water just came crashing down. It's a beautiful drive but just that scared Grandma to death, she was so afraid of a rock breaking off and falling down on the road. I think she is scared of her own shadow, she has more fears. Then she was afraid of snakes, bears or anything that moved, though she wanted to see a big horn sheep and unfortunately we didn't see anyyesterday.

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You all are going to laugh but it took me awhile to figure out that IYSOY is me.


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Good Sunday afternoon folks~

Hope everyone is having an enjoyable weekend. Meredith in New England... apples at the lake... Janet doing the moonwalk... and Julie playing Santa before Labor Day! You guys make me tired just listening. I have had a laid back weekend with the boys. It's my TOM and I have spent the better part of my time hugging my heating pad.:blink: In two weeks I have a bunch of dr's appts. I have my 6 month appt with my internist. He hasn't seen me in 50 lbs or so..LOL. I have a fill appt as well, but not sure whether to do one or not. I might do a teenie tiny one. I can cancel that if I change my mind. Hard to believe Sept 2 is 6 months since my band surgery! WOW! And then my favorite, have a f/u gyn appt. Not much she can do for me though... short of a D&C or hysterectomy. Combination of years of endometriosis and now pending menopause... and now weight loss is making my TOM just nearly unbearable. She wanted me to go on the pill but I just don't want the added risk of hormones when I am finally getting healthy. And I don't want another surgery any time soon.

The boys have been in the pool most of the weekend. I did go to the Y on Saturday morning. Then we went out to lunch at this cute seafood place near all the local marinas. I was so proud of myself- ordered 6 raw oysters and the vegetable of the day (zucchini). Done. I was really proud of myself. :wub: oysters were 60 cal. and the zucchini was cooked with some oil. Let's give it 100 cal. Still, not bad considering I was dining out. For dinner I had some lentil Soup and grilled eggplant. (and 2 bites of Nels' chicken finger:eek:) Breakfast was my same ole same ole... Muscle Milk. Snack... was my same ole... yoplait with Kashi Go Lean Cereal. I did have 1 cup last night though. (290). 1100 for the day. (I am not entirely sure about the lentil Soup calories- don't measure ingredients) I guess for a cup it's 200- 250 cal?

Well, looking forward to hearing about everyone's exciting weekend. CBL.


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I went to a Tastefully Simple party Friday night with some current and some former colleagues where I sampled everything but did not go nuts. I broke off tiny pieces of tortilla chips and bread to put the dips and cheese balls on. I actually had a Margharita. Haven't had a drink in ages. Enjoyed myself, didn't pb, felt like I ate appropriately. Saturday my DH and I went to Taste of Greece in Chicago and I had small amounts of Saginaki, Spanakopita, chicken kabob, and gelato. Wonderful. Watched a belly dancer, dancers in Greek costumes and the Jesse WHite tumblers. Had a great time. Sang on praise team this morning in church and went for a walk with my DH on a bike trail in the Forest Preserve this afternoon. Great weather. Cool but sunny. More like October than August weather-at least around here. My favorite weather.

I'm thinking which of my sons to call up so I can go see my granddaughters. I miss them.

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Hello ladies!

I know, I'm supposed to be up north, but I woke up today and decided that I have far too much to do here at home and really just do not feel like going anymore since I start back to school on Thursday. I kinda just want to lay around and relax since I know that I won't be able to again until Christmas time. It will feel much better staying home and not working until Thursday anyhow. Going to the cabin is far too much work for it to be relaxing.

Laura~ WTG on the eating! You have every right to be proud of yourself! I am proud of you too! Oh, btw, when I say "up north" I mean, up north Michigan. I guess when we say "up north" here, we stay close to home. We have a cabin about 3 hours away. I would love to go to New England some day though! Haven't been there since I was about 12.

More later, gonna take a nap. It is so cool here! About 65. It seems like everyone has already begun their hibernation!

Oh, and thank you to all for the birthday wishes!


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LOL Meredith, sorry about thinking New England. I think I knew that... but I have someone on my FB that was writing about Maine lobster. I think their posting was right under yours and I confused the two. And I agree with you- sometimes a Stay-cation is better then leaving! You don't have to pack/unpack/travel etc. But good thing you have some time off to chill. Good for you.

IYSOY~ LOL.. that you realized it was you! Funny. WTG at the party! Also, hope you get to see your granddaughters soon.

Boy is in bed... feet up.. 60 min. on and now a little me time. TTYL


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Granddaughters weren't home so I went to my daughter's and saw my two grandsons. I see them the most and they adore me. I get all the hugs and kisses I need. Good day food wise. I could wish the band would stay tight all day, but it doesn't. Still, I definitely can't pig out at night, so I'm grateful. Still, I'm probably more hungry at night because I'm so limited during the day. But I'm dealin'.

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Hi everyone, just checking in. Everything went fine at the funeral -- service was truly joyful and that made it much easier. My little talk went very well. I was the only person who spoke so I'm glad I took my time and wrote it out and "read" it to keep me on track. I had never done that type of thing before and honestly, it's been over 20 years since I've been to a funeral, so I wasn't really sure of what to say so I just tried to incorporate a little memory of each of her children/grandchildren that she had told me as well as some fun "red hatter" stories. Everyone seemed to enjoy it which was a relief for me and I also was complimented on what I said by many including her DH and children. Lori, lol on your grandma's fears -- just remember when she was born, cars weren't even all that common -- so it's no wonder that so much scares her. Bless her little heart -- she must be just so cute -- it's so wonderful that you are able to do things with her, what a wonderful gift for you. Meredith, glad you stayed home to relax -- I agree, driving up and back and loading and unloading the car, etc. sounds like too much work for just 3 days -- enjoy your time off, you certainly deserve it. Janet, anxious to hear how the MJ tribute concert went. I hope you had a great time. Laura hugs hugs and more hugs to you for TOM. I know how it is, as I had endometriosis myself -- I had a hysterectomy at age 31 and I never had one regret -- had so much pain for so many years -- that's been almost 30 years ago - you would think medicine would have found some way to treat it by now to alleviate some of that but obviously not. Sorry and hope the cramps are gone in the next day or so. I'm kinda surprised you can still eat raw oysters (I've never had them ever) but I understand you swollow them whole, so am just surprised (but glad for you) that you don't get stuck -- I guess maybe that's a "slider" food? Ifyour, sounds like you stuck to a great plan at the party -- living near Chicago with all that wonderful food makes it even tougher for you. Doodle, sorry about your GS's father - you know, I just don't understand these absentee fathers -- then to "demand" you bring him the min. he's out of jail -- he's lucky you would even CONSIDER letting him see him -- I'd make him jump through a lot of hoops -- like getting a job and giving some money to you for taking care of HIS son. I will pray your DD will not get involved with him again -- especially not right after leaving rehab. I know how worried you will be. Wow, you must be so thrilled to get back on a regular work schedule. I can't believe you've been working those hours -- I couldn't do those hours, no way. And hugs on the shingles -- hope you get better quickly. Larry, GitRdone gave you good advice -- just try to do your best everyday and incorporate healthy food and some exercise into your new lifestyle and you'll find success with the band. Just try your best everyday -- that's what it's all about -- remember this is not a "diet" but a "lifestyle" change. Read what IFyour wrote about how she handled her little party and that's the kinds of things all of us try to do now - by incororating these types of changes into how we approach food on a daily basis, we are able to reach our goals. You might find it helpful to set some type of food or exercise goal for every day to start with -- don't make it too hard - for example, you could say, my goal for today is -- to not eat any "bread" or something easy like that or my goal is "to walk around the block 3 times today before dark." You don't have to make them big goals or hard goals - just something you can definitely be successful at. By keeping the goals simple, they don't seem so overwhelming -- I thought you sounded overwhelmed in your post, so just wanted to try to give you some positive reinforcement. Julie, good for you on the Christmas shopping -- I shop year round for Christmas - in fact, I think I'm pretty well done for this year -- I always buy on sale -- I think toys and kid's clothes are overpriced anyway and you usually don't see sales after Halloween. Also, hope you feel better this week. Well, my dear friends, I lost a special friend this past week, but I am very greatful that I now have all of you. Truly, I think how much harder this week would have been without all of you, and there's just no comparison -- I am so greatful for your friendship -- thank you all so very much - can't wait to get together in Feb. CBL Linda

Edited by ljv52

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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

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        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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