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Laura, is was just a little floor.... the swiffer did all the work.... I did a little grocery shopping but left all but the perishable stuff for DH to carry in when he gets home.. I'm glad you have been so good to yourself... That other mood seems to have passed on into history...

We are babysitting Laromi (Mimi....for short.... sorry Great!!!) tonight for a couple hours so DD can go out to a party with friends.... We are happy to do this as DD needs to get out more... DH is helping a friend work on his pontoon motor tonight so they invited us for supper.. They are hosting our church on Sunday as they live on the river and we do outside church there every year about this time... They give rides on the river after the potluck picnic which will follow services... It should be a fun day.. but the boat motor needs some tuning I guess...

Well, I may have time for a little nap now... Need to switch loads of laundry, but otherwise I'm clear for the rest of the day... Don't have to prepare supper... So, I should be good.. have a good one everybody.. Julie

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Just got up from my nap, 4am just comes so darn early and by Friday especially I am beat.

Funny, I got my hair cut and colored a week ago Tues. am still waiting for DH to notice. :w00t:

Laura, though my DH isn't a dr he gets many of those middle of the night calls from work, sometimes he has to go in which is one reason we bought a home in a community near the airport. So I know the feeling. Interestingly though, I don't mind the middle of the night calls if he has to go in as I can go back to sleep (hopefully) it's those calls that interrupt something that we had planned on the weekend etc. It's one reason I love cruise vacations, he can't leave the ship! And most times can't be reached.

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Linda-SS about your friend...peace to you all.

Meredith-you seem to have a great head on your shoulders...I'd like to be you when I grow up :w00t:.

Mrs B-I just KNOW you'll feel more yourself after the shot. BTW what happened to taking it easy? :w00t:

Great-Good for you! Exercise is an awesome stress reliever.

Laura-grats on the hair...makes you feel like a new woman doesn't it? Careful with Nelson and the kayaking...it's addictive! :w00t:

I had a great day myself, six weeks post-op and back in MY kayak for the first time this morning! I've really missed my boat, morning was hot but beautiful. Lot's of turtles making little turtles in the resevoir, got to see one of the alligators [my 14 foot kayak is still the biggest 'gator' in the lake thank goodness]. My son went with me in his kayak, I did two rounds of the resevoir to his 'Whew, you've turned into the Mominator' one lap :w00t:

Been stuck for over a week at the same weight, was just to a support meeting on Wednesday night and mentioned it...then got up Thurday morning and was down FOUR pounds...and they were still gone this morning lol.

Have a great weekend all, ttyl

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Good Afternoon

OMW - Oh my word :0)

Laura - clean house - all beautified what are you doing this weekend :0)... Well I have a dilema - I have a bridal shower at 6 on Sat xdil gs mom - but just got invited like monday -- Already had plans to go to a Michael Jackson Tribute show at the Rock Yard - outside venue free at one of the local casino - My Xdil really wants me to come - but I don't think I am going to maybe for an hour - have take gs to tattoo removal at 8 a.m. so that cuts into my gym in the morning and I really need to go - I could go at 9 but being the routine person I am - If I can't go at 7 then I can't go at all - I know silly but am weird like that - I need to go cuz the scales are up 4 lbs this morning - the last week my exercise has totally sucked !!! I think I am going to nite after work - am trying to talk myself out of it - but Friday's are dead at the gym and that's how I like it -

I watched BB in fast forward - omw - I know Russell went home but we don't know who's won HOH do we - isn't that how they left it they were still competeing.. Ya if I were Jeff I would have got rid of Kev & Nat - then Russ & Michelle - but I would have taken them to the final 4.. But the house is full of the other side - Jeff is a little to trusting and Jordon - cute but not the brightest bulb in the house...

Glad it was a smaller bag of fritos - There are friggin cupcakes in the lunch room - I hate being on this side of the office am exposed to so much food - but I am woman I am strong - I have said not me not today... !!!!


Julie - girl -becareful - rest that shoulder ... Have fun tonite

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Julie, it took an MRI 10 years ago to show the two herniated discs in my neck and all the spurs and stenosis that were creating pressure on the nerves. I went to a neurosurgeon who very carefully cut out a lot of bone that allowed my vertabrae to spring open a little more and the discs were able to retract and sharp pressure was taken off the nerves and spinal column. I was not fused. A few years ago I reherniated the neck after a fall, but this time they were able to do an epidural that immediately relieved the pain and retracted the discs. Prior to having the surgery they could not do that. When they tried they couldn't get through all the spurs and bone compression. I still am very cautious with my neck. I hang upside down (almost) on my inversion table for just a minute or two to relieve pressure on my discs. I won't even let a massage therapist touch my neck because one wrong move can put me in major pain.

Hope you find a way to prevent yourself from injuring your neck. Some neck excercises help me and some hurt. overdoing anything can make it worse. Lifting my arms while working on a computer on a table is really bad for my neck. At home I sit in a comfy armchair with a laptap and my arms are down and resting between my sides and the arms and partially on my tummy. My wrists actually rest on the base of the laptop. I sort of slouch in the chair with my head tilted forward (my chin is down) to see the screen but the back of my head and neck is totally supported against the back of the chair. Looks wierd but my shoulders are also supported and relieved of the weight of my arms. I have a pillow supporting me behind my lower back and can put my legs up on my hassock. I also never do housework anymore, except a little dusting if company,s coming over. My husband does it all because any reaching or scrubbing puts pressure on the discs in my neck.

My assistant does any cleaning in my classroom and she's the one that bends over most of the paperwork.

I've set up my room at school to accommodate my neck problems as well as my lower back problems. I do not stand to teach most of the time. Like I said, I'm very careful. Otherwise I'll end up on disability. Well, I probably should have e-mailed you all this.

Just want you to know I've really been there with my neck. X-rays don't always show herniated discs. The MRI made it abundantly clear that surgery was my only option. Be careful.

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Happy Early Birthday :w00t:

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PS Julie, I also had referred pain going back and forth between my neck and right shoulder so a year after the neck surgery I had rotator cuff repair and a big spur removed from my right shoulder. Injections and therapy didn't work on my shoulder either. I'm a big believer in traditional Western medicine because that's what keeps me on my feet and moving, albeit cautiously. My knee replacements are fantastic and I suspect I'll need a hip replacement in the next decade. When I go in for a little R&R its not rest and recreation, its repairs and replacements. LOL

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Janet~ All beautified! ha. Plans? So sad... hanging out in my clean home probably. <sigh> I might try and get a sitter tomorrow night. Maybe movie with my DH. I NEED to work out. This week wasn't as productive as I had hoped. 2 days out of 6. I did rock the calories for 2 whole days. For today I am only at 700. Decided to leave more wiggle room for Snacks tonight. My band seems to open up at 9pm like clockwork.

GitR~ I used to work in Tampa/live in Clearwater Beach (Sand Key). I worked right across the street from St. Josephs Hospital @ the Doctor's Walk-In Clinic. I LOVED my drive home everyday. Just GORGEOUS. I am now on the other side of the state. CW will always have a special place in my heart b/c that's where DH and I dated our first 6 months. (back and forth btw there and Miami actually)

IYSOY~ Wow, you have been through the ringer with your neck. You have every reason to protect it at all costs! 10 years ago my mom was diagnosed with 3 herniated discs at Duke. They wanted to do immediate surgery. My Dad took her to Boston General for a 2nd opinion and the dr there recommended steroids and PT. They used that midevel looking over the door cervial traction. OMW... within DAYS it completely relieved her pain. Her neck eventually fused naturally which is what they said was the best case scenario. She is painfree these days.

Julie~ Glad you didn't overdo it. Your daughter and your mimi are SOOO lucky to have you! So nice of you to let her go out. All you gals that watch your grandkids need major high 5s in my book.

Great~ I hear you with the someone noticing the hair. If DH didn't see me with all the foils and coloring in my hair today, he wouldn't have noticed. I have come in with new earrings, new clothes, new hair, make up etc. and doesn't notice a thing. Nelson on the other hand notices EVERYTHING! lol. Especially when I get my toes done!

Time to tuck the little one in bed and watch a movie.

ta ta for now... peas

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I really get it when Cheri say's it's hard to keep up with you guys. BUT, with that said, that's what makes this a great place for support and socializing.

Julie and Gitr, you are so right about the DH's being like the kids. I really understand about the mess in the kitchen. He actually manages to hit the hamper, but it may take a day sometimes. I stopped picking up after him and it gets picked up usually within 24 hours.

Meredith, not everyone has to have children. I have several friends that are child less mostly by choice. I think a couple would love to have kids, but won't do it on their own. They want the stability of a relationship. (Yes, I know that doesn't guarantee stability). I also have several friends with children. We find we don't do too much with them now because they are so involved with their children and thats good. We still communicate and attend some functions and it's great. It's probably more fun being the "aunt". Is it your birthday? Well happy Birthday--hope you have a great day!!

Linda, I'm so sorry for your loss.

Janet, FNSC is Friday Night Social Club....it's a group of friends that get together on Friday night and chat, drink, eat, play in Cindy's pool, etc. They have been great fun and we've been doing it for a little over a year now. We change locations (who ever wants to host, and the fall back location is Cindy's) Cindy is my best friend and lives 1/2 mile from me which is darn nice.

Julie, cleaning really doesn't sound like taking it easy. Hope you take it easy for the rest of the day. I'd send you my cleaning lady but you would have to take care of her granddaughter while she cleaned.....and I think it might get a bit expensive with the airfare and all.

Lori, I think OMW means "oh my word" but I could be wrong about that.

Laura, you look mavelous dahling! Thanks for sharing the story of your son. You did a great thing adopting him.

Gitr, that's so cool you can go out kayaking....I'm not so sure about the 'gators though. I went canoeing with my brother in Bonita Springs and there were gators in the river. We don't see many of those in the desert. Great job on the weight loss. I seem to do the same thing...I would be losing, then no loss for a couple of weeks then I lose again and I'm at 8 weeks. Of course, I had 3 vacations in that time and some other stuff, so who knows. I just know it's coming off now.

Cheri, it's okay...sorry to hear about how bad your neck is. Sounds like you are doing what you have to to take care of it. I will probably be there with the hip replacements too...sometime in the future. I'm really hoping the weight loss will slow down the arthritis and keep the surgery away for a long time.

Well I'm cooking for my party. I'm deseeding some pasilla chilies and usually they are pretty mild, but oops, I think these may not be. My finger are a bit warm and I touched my lips and they are still warm. Time to get the old gloves out. dinner may be very interesting tonight.

I'll check back in tomorrow. Gotta get stuff done. Have a great night.


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Linda-SS about your friend...peace to you all.

Meredith-you seem to have a great head on your shoulders...I'd like to be you when I grow up :tt1:.

Mrs B-I just KNOW you'll feel more yourself after the shot. BTW what happened to taking it easy? :frown:

Great-Good for you! Exercise is an awesome stress reliever.

Laura-grats on the hair...makes you feel like a new woman doesn't it? Careful with Nelson and the kayaking...it's addictive! :w00t:

I had a great day myself, six weeks post-op and back in MY kayak for the first time this morning! I've really missed my boat, morning was hot but beautiful. Lot's of turtles making little turtles in the resevoir, got to see one of the alligators [my 14 foot kayak is still the biggest 'gator' in the lake thank goodness]. My son went with me in his kayak, I did two rounds of the resevoir to his 'Whew, you've turned into the Mominator' one lap :lol:

Been stuck for over a week at the same weight, was just to a support meeting on Wednesday night and mentioned it...then got up Thurday morning and was down FOUR pounds...and they were still gone this morning lol.

Have a great weekend all, ttyl

Gitrdone - I forget where do you live Gators in the Lake :eek:

My GS went to Florida a few yrs ago with his mom/stepdad - there were signs by the pool that said watch for gators he was afraid to go in the pool - he called me and asked me if it was safe - I said ya - but he was a big baby..

CONGRATS on your 4 lbs - I found them :lol:

Janet~ All beautified! ha. Plans? So sad... hanging out in my clean home probably. <sigh> I might try and get a sitter tomorrow night. Maybe movie with my DH. I NEED to work out. This week wasn't as productive as I had hoped. 2 days out of 6. I did rock the calories for 2 whole days. For today I am only at 700. Decided to leave more wiggle room for Snacks tonight. My band seems to open up at 9pm like clockwork.

ta ta for now... peas

Laura - Well I went to the gym tonite - did my 3 miles as I was leaving my trainer said I looked good - my hair dripping with sweat - the neck & front of t-shirt soaked only a trainer would tell a girl she looked good all sweaty :lol: I thought it was so funny :tt2:

I always leave wiggle room for night time Snacks - I wouldn't have gotten to where I am without it - I don't snack during the day - I save them for nights - it's my worse time and I don't have alot of will power then either..

I really get it when Cheri say's it's hard to keep up with you guys. BUT, with that said, that's what makes this a great place for support and socializing.

Janet, FNSC is Friday Night Social Club....it's a group of friends that get together on Friday night and chat, drink, eat, play in Cindy's pool, etc. They have been great fun and we've been doing it for a little over a year now. We change locations (who ever wants to host, and the fall back location is Cindy's) Cindy is my best friend and lives 1/2 mile from me which is darn nice.

Julie, cleaning really doesn't sound like taking it easy. Hope you take it easy for the rest of the day. I'd send you my cleaning lady but you would have to take care of her granddaughter while she cleaned.....and I think it might get a bit expensive with the airfare and all.

Gitr, that's so cool you can go out kayaking....I'm not so sure about the 'gators though. I went canoeing with my brother in Bonita Springs and there were gators in the river. We don't see many of those in the desert. Great job on the weight loss. I seem to do the same thing...I would be losing, then no loss for a couple of weeks then I lose again and I'm at 8 weeks. Of course, I had 3 vacations in that time and some other stuff, so who knows. I just know it's coming off now.

Well I'm cooking for my party. I'm deseeding some pasilla chilies and usually they are pretty mild, but oops, I think these may not be. My finger are a bit warm and I touched my lips and they are still warm. Time to get the old gloves out. dinner may be very interesting tonight.

I'll check back in tomorrow. Gotta get stuff done. Have a great night.



FNSC sounds fun - my x and I use to do that with another couple on Friday nights - got to their house have a few beers then go out and eat ..

Ya sometime chillies aren't hot then when you don't want them to be they are..

Ok gang just a quick ck in - I need to jump in the shower and wash this sweat off - CBL

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Hi everyone, you've all been busy today. Glad you got your hair done, Laura, always makes us feel better, doesn't it? My sister lives in Seminole both her and her DH work at the Veteran's hospital in St. Pete - it's a beautiful place! Congrats on the 4 lbs. Git -- that's how I lose weight too - I stay the same for several weeks and then lose 3 or 4 the next -- it's weird -- but I take it anyway I get a loss, but it can be frustrating until you get used to the way it works. Meredith, Happy, Happy Birthday! Hope this is the BEST year ever (I'm sure it will be). Thanks to all for your condolences -- I appreciate it and am getting through this okay. My friend and I are part of a red hat group -- and my friend requested that her red hat sisters be honorary pall bearers (dressed in full regalia). So I've been busy getting that organized and letting everyone know what is going on. Her DH and kids also asked me to speak at the funeral so I worked today on getting my little talk written down. I did find time to go to the gym. Someone was on "my" bike (the only one I like) so I decided to try an elliptical machine -- I really liked it -- felt like I got a good workout with that and then did my weights and my one hour Water aerobics. I also do a 100 calorie bag of popcorn at night -- it's the lesser of two evils. Like Janet, I couldn't get through the night without it. IMHO I think it's okay as long as you stay within your calorie budget cause I'd rather eat that little bag of popcorn than give up completely and eat something much worse. That's kind of the way I look at it anyway. Same thing if I'm hungry for sweets or chocolate -- I grab a Sugar Free Chocolate pudding or I do have skinny cow ice cream sandwiches I eat occasionally. Again, I'd rather do those than grab a regular ice cream or candy bar. So far in 7 months, I haven't had any regular candy, Cookies, pies or cakes (except on vacation when I had a few treats) -- I have made a couple of low fat cakes for dessert for special occasions -- which turned out really good (except you still can't eat the whole cake, you know LOL). Great -- hope DH has noticed your hair by now. Where is Joann? Is she back from Korea? Haven't seen her on here in awhile. Hope everything is okay with her. Janet, I'm like you -- I have to stick to my schedule with my work outs or I tend to not get them in also. Hope you all have a great weekend!!! Linda

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Hello ladies, and thank you for all of the birthday wishes!

We are going to a wedding on my birthday night, and I will have a piece of cake there. Hey, it only comes around once a year, right?! I took the day off of work, but have one of my best buds come over for me to do her hair for the wedding, then I will work on getting myself ready. She is such a great gal, shes the one who took me to get my mani pedi today.

Anyhow, I just wanted to let you all know (like apples has to do now) that I will be up north until Wednesday night. I know how all of you worry. I will post at more length when I get home, but I need to swiffer the floor now before Andrew and I watch our late night movie. BTW, I must add how sweet he is..... He went to the movie store all by himself tonight while I was taking a nap and picked out a movie for me all by his self. Guess what he picked without me telling him I even wanted to see it? Bride Wars! What a great guy! Love him.

Ok, g2g, love you all, I read everything, but I was too late checking in to post on all.


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Good Morning, Gang !! WHEEEWWW All the posts!! I hope I can remember SOME of them !

Meredith~~~It may be too late to wish you a Happy B-day, but here it is HAPPY BIRTHDAY !!!!! I'm not as excited about mine any more, but I'm always ready to wish someone else a happy one !

Linda~~~ Sooo sorry to hear about your friend!! It is so tough to lose some one that you've been close to like that! But I do think it is hilarious that you girls would dress up in your Red Hat formals!! That's exactly what I would want!! You know she's going to be smiling when she sees you guys!!

Laura~~~ AKA Pretty Woman~~ Nothing like a new hairdo to make us gals feel better!! I just got mine cut last wk and I told her to go a little short on top as it grows faster than the rest, well she did and it's short!! But it'll grow back, my Dh doesn't like short hair but mine is naturally curly and if I let it grow out, it gets fuzzy. But this style is a LOT shorter than I've ever had but I've gotten a lot more comments about how good I look with it so I think I'm going to keep it for a while. As far as coloring, I need to but haven't started that just yet, I'm a little chicken! I've seen toooo many blue, green and orange haired granny's out there!!! Yea, I think it's harder on us when the kids go back to school! My little DGS just LOVES school, all summer long he has been so bored, he likes to play BB, football, skateboard, any kind of sports and he's been stuck with 2 old ppl all summer!! We are taking him to his 1st football game, college, GO RAZORBACKS!!!!!, next wk and I can't wait to see his little face! Last yr we took him to a college bb game and got some pics of him and the razorback hog mascot!! It was sooo cute, he had a blast!!

Janet~~ sorry to hear bout your Jerky boss!! I have one also and he doesn't speak to me and I don't speak to him. Yrs ago, we had words and now every chance he gets, he will tell some one else that I'm doing some thing wrong, and they will say something to me! When we have been on our jobs for 5, 10, 15 yrs and so on, they give us a dinner and he tells us how valuable we are and the place would close down if it weren't for ppl like us!! Well, everyone knows he's a jerk and he's lying about being glad we're there! I didn't go to my 20 yr dinner and I told my boss I didn't want to hear him lie, if he can't speak to me in the hallway then I don't want to hear him at a dinner!! Man, I sure do have alot of anger, don't I? lol

Gitrdone~~ WTG on the kayaking!!! Don't you just love to out do the kids!! But I don't know about being in the Water with an alligator!!! But, then, I'm not a Water person! We went canoeing one time with our church, and, I can't swim so I had 2 life jackets on !! A vest and one that went around my waist, old man river wasn't going to get me!! But anyway by the end of the day, I promised God if He would get me back off the river and on to dry ground, I wouldn't be back!! Well, He did and I haven't!!! Just tooo much water for me!! But I do love to watch other ppl! Good for you on losing 4 pds!!! I'm still losing 1/2 pd a wk but I'm o.k. with that!

Great~~ what kind of work does your DH do that he has to get up in the middle of the night? I would LOVE to go listen to the elks, that sound like sooo much fun!!

Well, gang, I'm on vacation this wk, not doing anything just working on the house and making sure everything is installed in the right places!!! I think after the ceiling fan being tore down and moved into the proper place, he's a little leery about doing things by himself now!! lol That was sooo funny but yet at the same time I was sooo furious!! He has worked so hard on this and it looks awesome!! I start a new job when I go back to work. I won't have to go in so early, reg hours, 7:00 to 3:30, and in Jan, this department will start working 5 &6 days a wk. I've only been working 4 days a wk for the last 2 yrs and it's getting harder to pay everything! I just pay the min and hope for more next month! But so far, I'm not fallen behind on anything so that's good!! But I'm just tired of worrying about money and not never having any to just go spend!! But , really, I know I'm blessed to even have a job and I do thank God that He has taken care of us so far!! I know I'm alot better off than some ppl!! But back to my new job, I hope that with normal hrs, that I will feel like walking in the evenings, I can go to watch my GK's s play ball and just be able to stay up past 6:oo and be with my DH!! On my old job, I had to go to bed early so I could get up at 2:oo a.m. and a lot of the time I was just getting to little sleep and to tired to do anything when I got home. So I hope this is a good move for me!! I will miss working with my old friends, but we will stay in touch by phone and e-mail.

Some one was talking about friends being closer than family, well, I totally agree!! I came from a family of 8 kids, 3 rd to the oldest, and we are not close at all!! I love my family but most of them are in bad relationships, and have so many problems, that I'm better off without them! My Mom died in 99 and I was with her thru the end, she had a sad sad life and I wanted her to know that I loved her, so I stayed with her for about 3 wks before she died, cried with her, prayed with her, sang to her and even laughed with her! It was so special!! And when it got to where she couldn't talk any more , I found a letter that she had written to me before she had gotten so bad and in the letter, she told me how much she loved me and my Dh and kids!! Isn't that just amazing!!! I kept the letter. My father died last yr and I chose not to go to his funeral, he was mean, abusive,and had to be in control of everything around him. I did not want to pay my respects because I had none for him. He is the reason that we don't have a close family! As far as my bro. and sis's go, I am close to my sis just younger than I am, she is my best friend, I can talk to her about anything . She lives in Utah, where her kids live, and we try to see each other once a yr.

Well, talk about a Debbie Downer, I sure sound like one this morning!!! I know it doesn't sound like it but I'm usually upbeat and positive!! I like to look for the good things in life and most of the time I can find them!!

I know that I've missed alot of ppl and I'm sorry, I'll try to do more later on today but I need to go for now!! TTYL Sharon

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Hi everyone, you've all been busy today. Glad you got your hair done, Laura, always makes us feel better, doesn't it? My sister lives in Seminole both her and her DH work at the Veteran's hospital in St. Pete - it's a beautiful place! Congrats on the 4 lbs. Git -- that's how I lose weight too - I stay the same for several weeks and then lose 3 or 4 the next -- it's weird -- but I take it anyway I get a loss, but it can be frustrating until you get used to the way it works. Meredith, Happy, Happy Birthday! Hope this is the BEST year ever (I'm sure it will be). Thanks to all for your condolences -- I appreciate it and am getting through this okay. My friend and I are part of a red hat group -- and my friend requested that her red hat sisters be honorary pall bearers (dressed in full regalia). So I've been busy getting that organized and letting everyone know what is going on. Her DH and kids also asked me to speak at the funeral so I worked today on getting my little talk written down. I did find time to go to the gym. Someone was on "my" bike (the only one I like) so I decided to try an elliptical machine -- I really liked it -- felt like I got a good workout with that and then did my weights and my one hour Water aerobics. I also do a 100 calorie bag of popcorn at night -- it's the lesser of two evils. Like Janet, I couldn't get through the night without it. IMHO I think it's okay as long as you stay within your calorie budget cause I'd rather eat that little bag of popcorn than give up completely and eat something much worse. That's kind of the way I look at it anyway. Same thing if I'm hungry for sweets or chocolate -- I grab a Sugar Free Chocolate pudding or I do have skinny cow ice cream sandwiches I eat occasionally. Again, I'd rather do those than grab a regular ice cream or candy bar. So far in 7 months, I haven't had any regular candy, Cookies, pies or cakes (except on vacation when I had a few treats) -- I have made a couple of low fat cakes for dessert for special occasions -- which turned out really good (except you still can't eat the whole cake, you know LOL). Great -- hope DH has noticed your hair by now. Where is Joann? Is she back from Korea? Haven't seen her on here in awhile. Hope everything is okay with her. Janet, I'm like you -- I have to stick to my schedule with my work outs or I tend to not get them in also. Hope you all have a great weekend!!! Linda

Linda the Service for your GF sounds wonderful... Hugs I know how hard this is going to be - just know we are with you in spirit !!!

Yep routine - isn't that funny what happends to us when we add a few yrs - I wasnt routine when I was younger - but now - don't let anything interfer with is - and I hear you on eating the whole thing even when it's a low cal version - 10 100 cal snack is still 1000 cal :0)

Hello ladies, and thank you for all of the birthday wishes!

We are going to a wedding on my birthday night, and I will have a piece of cake there. Hey, it only comes around once a year, right?! I took the day off of work, but have one of my best buds come over for me to do her hair for the wedding, then I will work on getting myself ready. She is such a great gal, shes the one who took me to get my mani pedi today.

Anyhow, I just wanted to let you all know (like apples has to do now) that I will be up north until Wednesday night. I know how all of you worry. I will post at more length when I get home, but I need to swiffer the floor now before Andrew and I watch our late night movie. BTW, I must add how sweet he is..... He went to the movie store all by himself tonight while I was taking a nap and picked out a movie for me all by his self. Guess what he picked without me telling him I even wanted to see it? Bride Wars! What a great guy! Love him.

Ok, g2g, love you all, I read everything, but I was too late checking in to post on all.



Thanks for letting us know you would be gone - cuz yes we would worry..

Andrew is a keeper ;0)

Good Morning, Gang !! WHEEEWWW All the posts!! I hope I can remember SOME of them !

Meredith~~~It may be too late to wish you a Happy B-day, but here it is HAPPY BIRTHDAY !!!!! I'm not as excited about mine any more, but I'm always ready to wish someone else a happy one !

Linda~~~ Sooo sorry to hear about your friend!! It is so tough to lose some one that you've been close to like that! But I do think it is hilarious that you girls would dress up in your Red Hat formals!! That's exactly what I would want!! You know she's going to be smiling when she sees you guys!!

Laura~~~ AKA Pretty Woman~~ Nothing like a new hairdo to make us gals feel better!! I just got mine cut last wk and I told her to go a little short on top as it grows faster than the rest, well she did and it's short!! But it'll grow back, my Dh doesn't like short hair but mine is naturally curly and if I let it grow out, it gets fuzzy. But this style is a LOT shorter than I've ever had but I've gotten a lot more comments about how good I look with it so I think I'm going to keep it for a while. As far as coloring, I need to but haven't started that just yet, I'm a little chicken! I've seen toooo many blue, green and orange haired granny's out there!!! Yea, I think it's harder on us when the kids go back to school! My little DGS just LOVES school, all summer long he has been so bored, he likes to play BB, football, skateboard, any kind of sports and he's been stuck with 2 old ppl all summer!! We are taking him to his 1st football game, college, GO RAZORBACKS!!!!!, next wk and I can't wait to see his little face! Last yr we took him to a college bb game and got some pics of him and the razorback hog mascot!! It was sooo cute, he had a blast!!

Janet~~ sorry to hear bout your Jerky boss!! I have one also and he doesn't speak to me and I don't speak to him. Yrs ago, we had words and now every chance he gets, he will tell some one else that I'm doing some thing wrong, and they will say something to me! When we have been on our jobs for 5, 10, 15 yrs and so on, they give us a dinner and he tells us how valuable we are and the place would close down if it weren't for ppl like us!! Well, everyone knows he's a jerk and he's lying about being glad we're there! I didn't go to my 20 yr dinner and I told my boss I didn't want to hear him lie, if he can't speak to me in the hallway then I don't want to hear him at a dinner!! Man, I sure do have alot of anger, don't I? lol

Gitrdone~~ WTG on the kayaking!!! Don't you just love to out do the kids!! But I don't know about being in the Water with an alligator!!! But, then, I'm not a water person! We went canoeing one time with our church, and, I can't swim so I had 2 life jackets on !! A vest and one that went around my waist, old man river wasn't going to get me!! But anyway by the end of the day, I promised God if He would get me back off the river and on to dry ground, I wouldn't be back!! Well, He did and I haven't!!! Just tooo much water for me!! But I do love to watch other ppl! Good for you on losing 4 pds!!! I'm still losing 1/2 pd a wk but I'm o.k. with that!

Great~~ what kind of work does your DH do that he has to get up in the middle of the night? I would LOVE to go listen to the elks, that sound like sooo much fun!!

Well, gang, I'm on vacation this wk, not doing anything just working on the house and making sure everything is installed in the right places!!! I think after the ceiling fan being tore down and moved into the proper place, he's a little leery about doing things by himself now!! lol That was sooo funny but yet at the same time I was sooo furious!! He has worked so hard on this and it looks awesome!! I start a new job when I go back to work. I won't have to go in so early, reg hours, 7:00 to 3:30, and in Jan, this department will start working 5 &6 days a wk. I've only been working 4 days a wk for the last 2 yrs and it's getting harder to pay everything! I just pay the min and hope for more next month! But so far, I'm not fallen behind on anything so that's good!! But I'm just tired of worrying about money and not never having any to just go spend!! But , really, I know I'm blessed to even have a job and I do thank God that He has taken care of us so far!! I know I'm alot better off than some ppl!! But back to my new job, I hope that with normal hrs, that I will feel like walking in the evenings, I can go to watch my GK's s play ball and just be able to stay up past 6:oo and be with my DH!! On my old job, I had to go to bed early so I could get up at 2:oo a.m. and a lot of the time I was just getting to little sleep and to tired to do anything when I got home. So I hope this is a good move for me!! I will miss working with my old friends, but we will stay in touch by phone and e-mail.

Some one was talking about friends being closer than family, well, I totally agree!! I came from a family of 8 kids, 3 rd to the oldest, and we are not close at all!! I love my family but most of them are in bad relationships, and have so many problems, that I'm better off without them! My Mom died in 99 and I was with her thru the end, she had a sad sad life and I wanted her to know that I loved her, so I stayed with her for about 3 wks before she died, cried with her, prayed with her, sang to her and even laughed with her! It was so special!! And when it got to where she couldn't talk any more , I found a letter that she had written to me before she had gotten so bad and in the letter, she told me how much she loved me and my Dh and kids!! Isn't that just amazing!!! I kept the letter. My father died last yr and I chose not to go to his funeral, he was mean, abusive,and had to be in control of everything around him. I did not want to pay my respects because I had none for him. He is the reason that we don't have a close family! As far as my bro. and sis's go, I am close to my sis just younger than I am, she is my best friend, I can talk to her about anything . She lives in Utah, where her kids live, and we try to see each other once a yr.

Well, talk about a Debbie Downer, I sure sound like one this morning!!! I know it doesn't sound like it but I'm usually upbeat and positive!! I like to look for the good things in life and most of the time I can find them!!

I know that I've missed alot of ppl and I'm sorry, I'll try to do more later on today but I need to go for now!! TTYL Sharon

Sharon - you aren't debbie downer - we all have same crap :0)

My boss and I are back talking to each other - we are office husband & wife - and I am a person who speaks her mind and I have a reputation for being out spoken and you know what they call an outspoken women "B" ring any bells.. I have worked w/Paul for 30 yrs - but sometimes they just get on your friggin nerves - you hate them some says and love the hell out of them the others...

I spent the last 6 month of my parents life (I consider my stepmom as my mom cuz she was my mom longer than my real mom who died when I was 15 (suicide) taking care of them..

I wouldn't trade that time for anything in the world - I was able to give back to them - My Dad wrote on my last bday card - how proud they were to have a daughter like me...

Well gang just a quick ck in gotta get going my Andrew has tattoo removal at 8 we have to leave about 7:45 - so I need to go jump in the shower...

Will most likely cbl - Am going out tonite - Michael Jackson tribute show - so who know's if I will have one to many cocktails or not 4 of us gf are going - their dh's don't want to (yea cuz one of the dh is a pain in the tush)

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First things first, Happy Birthday Meredith!

Sharon, my DH is a manager at the airport, if there's a security breach, emergency landing, etc. he gets phone calls, or when someone does something stupid like drive a truck into an airplane, etc. What do you do that you had to get up at 2am??

Janet, good job on getting to the gym when you really didn't feel like it. Maybe your trainer thinks you are one hot momma!!

I am taking Grandma for a drive up north to Loveland today (just might have to hit the outlet mall Coach and Ann Taylor are calling so loud I hear them here) and depending on if Grandma tires out we may continue to Wyoming as she wants to see WY. LOL Told her there's not much to see, but think the idea of crossing state lines appeals to her. Maybe we can go to KS and NE next (another time). I must get that from her as crossing state lines appeals to me and I have a goal to get to all 50, I have Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana and Arkansas to go.

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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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