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Hi lpglarry, I've had my Lap Band it will be 3 weeks ago tomorrow after a year and two days of waiting and I know what you are feeling. Just relax and as one of the gals said learn all that you can because it really helps to know what to expect. I followed their posts since last fall and really learned a lot. The surgery was not bad at all and I lost 15 lbs those first two weeks and feel so much better already. Do you have a date yet? Just hang in there and keep in touch with this group as they are one great bunch of gals and give a lot of support to each other.

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How do you check your metabolism? Yes I do have a thyroid problem but levels are in range. And I do have type 1 diabetes. so i do watch my carbs. Here is my usual meals:

Breakfast: yogurt, or toast , or eggs (hard boiled with on pc of ww tst 1 pc)

Lunch: chicken or shrimp salad with a little dressing

snack: fruit sometimes I have some popcorn

dinner: meat (chicken , beef, shrimp(i love shrimp)

veggies maybe some potato starch.

Yes occasionally I dont eat that good and just wondering if I could get some help on some menues.

When I talked to my dietician about giving me some examples 0f menues she said she didnt like to do that because people might have different taste preferences than her. She did email me on how many carbs and Proteins, veggies and fruit to eat for a 1200 cal diet but I am one that if I had a menu that said what to eat rather than you pick one carb and one fruit and so on. I really do appreciate all of your help.

You said that you sent a example of a menu but it did not show up..could you try again?

Thanks alot; hopefully I can get back on track soon

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Yeah!!! Janet had a good day for once and Laura and IF made it through the first day of school. Life IS good.

Laura...yet leaving in the morning for the lake. OMG...what a beautiful boy with beautiful curls! Happy dad is going home tomorrow and continues to recover quickly.

Good night everyone. Signing off to go finish the NY crossword.

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How do you check your metabolism? Yes I do have a thyroid problem but levels are in range. And I do have type 1 diabetes. so i do watch my carbs. Here is my usual meals:

Breakfast: yogurt, or toast , or eggs (hard boiled with on pc of ww tst 1 pc)

Lunch: chicken or shrimp salad with a little dressing

snack: fruit sometimes I have some popcorn

dinner: meat (chicken , beef, shrimp(i love shrimp)

veggies maybe some potato starch.

Yes occasionally I dont eat that good and just wondering if I could get some help on some menues.

When I talked to my dietician about giving me some examples 0f menues she said she didnt like to do that because people might have different taste preferences than her. She did email me on how many carbs and Proteins, veggies and fruit to eat for a 1200 cal diet but I am one that if I had a menu that said what to eat rather than you pick one carb and one fruit and so on. I really do appreciate all of your help.

You said that you sent a example of a menu but it did not show up..could you try again?

Thanks alot; hopefully I can get back on track soon

I forgot to attach it - sorry - I do that at work all the time :0)

I am a FIRM beleiver in keeping a food diary and measuring food til you know what 4 oz looks like and counting calories ... and that way you don't forget - the 100 calories here and there that we consume but don't consider a meal - like a hand full of nuts.. These are all learning tools you won't have to do it forever - but in the future when you look at 4 oz of shrimp you will be able to say that 200 calories - plus my veggies 35 caloires 50 for the butter - and another 120 for 1/2 cup of rice -

Also you could switch out your eggs for eggbeaters - less calories - are you eating lite bread theres another 40 calories if you are - you may not be eating enough either depending on your portion sizes - hows your restriction...

I think they have you blow into some machine to test your metabolism

Here' the menu - Yhe timer is going off - my dinners ready - I'm hungry - baked fish (catfish I love it like you like shrimp) butternut squash and rice...

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Good evening everyone. You have all been so busy!!!! It's late now, as usual, and I had a pretty long day. I just got into a huge fight with Andrew because I asked him a simple question about his mom telling me that someone once tried to drown her when she was little. All I asked was who tried to drown her? I understand that yes, it is something terrible, but she brought it up to me. Touchy subject. Then he tried to make me feel bad and hurt my feelings by asking about some sad things that happened in my life. I thought that was pretty shitty of him. Some people tend to do that to defend themselves though I guess. So now, my blood is boiling. Whatever, I will just let it roll of my back.

Ok, I totally sound like Debbie Downer here. Sorry.

Laura~ That little man is sooo cute!!!! Those curls are amazing! I wish I had them now. Thank goodness your dad is out of the hospital. Here's to a speedy recovery! Cheers!

Apples~ I think that it is great that you are so open and honest about things. I think it makes people stronger and better able to cope with what has happened in their lives. Also, so glad you got your hair done! It is the best feeling when you get a fresh color and cut. Usually we are so busy at the salon that I never have time to get them both done at the same time. Boy, I want my hair done now!

Janet~ Hopefully your days will be better now that you got that crappy one out of the way!

Great~ LOL. Too funny asking if im single!! Love it. I guess I just kinda went through some stuff at a young age before everyone else my age did, and now I know the direction in which I need to be going. And, I am totally intent on getting there! No one will ever stand in my way! Right now, Andrew probably wouldn't care if I got another boyfriend anyways. HAHA.

Linda~ So funny about technology! I just have a cell phone and no house phone. My favorite button is the "ignore" one. But I'm not gonna lie, I've been known to spend hours on it with my besties. My television is the one that my grandma and grandpa bought for me when I left for college almost 10 years ago. It has a VCR built into it that I still use. None of my friends get it because all of them have very fancy tv's that rewind and pause and stuff. They are nice, but only for their compact nature. The only program that I have ever taped is the Bachelorette. I don't know why, but I got addicted. Otherwise, I don't care. I wish sometimes that I was more like Laura with all of her technology! Now that is impressive! I just cannot get into it.

Julie~ Take it easy girlfriend!!! Hope you feel better.

Oct~ I'm glad that there is someone on here that had their band around the same time as me. It kinda helps me gauge where I should be and how I should be feeling. Tonite I had my first real meal since my fill. Breakfast- Protein Drink, Lunch- oatmeal, Dinner- Tofu and steamed veggies. I took it easy, but do not think that I have the amount of restriction necessary for me. I did notice today though as I was drinking my iced tea that if i drink it quickly I get an uncomfortable pukey full feeling that I do not like at all. Does anyone else feel like this ever?

1day~ Thank you. I look to my grandmother as an excellent example of how to handle finances. She is 90 years old and has never had a credit card. She paid for her car when it was new with a personal check! Save, save, save! She and my grandfather worked so hard to have a nice, simple life. I love their example. Just amazing people really. I do have credit though from the macys charge and gym memberships that i have paid off. Stuff like that. I guess that I would rather have minimal credit than screw myself over like I know I would if I got a credit card now. Student loans will be enough debt for me once I start the PA program! EEK.

Well, I'm gonna get in the shower and hit the hay. I'm sad my sister left today, but I am so proud of her! I'm too pooped to participate. I feel like I'm missing a lot. Sorry. I had to give the condensed version of a post because I am sleepy and all of you have written so much!

More tomorrow.

Love, Meredith

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Julie, I sure agree with you on the support this group gives. It is friendly but can be tough when needed. It's a very good group. Sorry about your back...I hope you find some relief soon. Ocotillo is a desert plant. The flower is my avatar. It's my favorite plant in the desert. You can do a google images search for it and they have some pretty good examples. My cat has to stay inside...although I live in a city of 500,000 or so, we have a lot of wild life here. There are coyotes, bobcats, snakes, owls, and other stuff. My last cat became part of the food chain and I just don't want to lose another one that way. Annabelle (the cat) is a spoiled and pampered house cat.

Linda, CONGRATULATIONS!! Isn't it amazing how much positive reinforcement 2 little pounds can do for you!!! Seven months is great for losing as much as you have.

Janet, the $$ thing is such a problem within families sometimes. I've actually seen people doing awful things to each other because of it. It happend with my parents (adoptive) and the neighbors...sick stuff. I'm so sorry you have to deal with the stupid sister....all she sees is money and feels entitlement for who knows what reason. I understand about you not being able to let go....I'm still that way about my Mom, but I figure in time, that too will heal. You are allowed to resent her attitude and expectations. You are taking the moral high ground and doing the right thing, no matter what others think. I'm very glad there are people here that can support you. Thanks for sharing, I appreciate it. All this experience even the negative stuff helps in the wisdom catagory.

Laura, Nelson's pictures are great...thanks for sharing. I bet that was tough on you. Yeah, I like the technology too but we don't have a lot in the way of television. However, my DH is a programmer and we have computers everywhere. I have one, but DH has 5 or 6 working in the house. He is a geek. I do pay bills on line...it's so easy. I just got my sister doing it too....wow, you don't have to find a stamp.

Gitr.......there are a lot of posts in two days. So why were you hiding the last 4 years? You opened the door.....so fess up.

Apples, glad you DH noticed your new do.........mine always does. It one of the only things he ever notices. You know what they say...you can't pick your family, well that's not exactly true. You can choose wether or not to associate with them. We have one brother that chooses not to associate with us. Oh well, it's his choice. You sound like a very smart woman and made the right choices for you. I'm so sorry you had to go through what you did to get to this point. Your menu sounds great. We had chicken with garlic and a side of broccoli.

Lori, you are truly a wonderful person to put up with "stuff" for the sake of your grandmother. Doesn't it feel good to finally be the thin sister? If your sisters can't deal with that, then that is their problem. I'm not there yet, still the fattest, but I can't wait for that to happen. I wonder how my two sisters will react then. That should be interesting.

Cheri, your name for PB is funny....I like it. That's cool about the restriction, I think I actually might have some too!! I had a friend that I had a co-dependent relationship with. When I finally let that go, I find I run in the other direction (or I'm mean to the people) that try to draw me into those relationships. They scare the H&*% out of me. Good for you for letting go of them. You are a very talented writer and I'm glad you blog and post. I think you have friends here...even if we don't go out for lunch.

Hello to anyone I've missed.

I think I finally felt what it means to get stuck. I ate some turkey too fast and too much and ooopsss it kind of hurt, then I tried to wash it down with a sip of Water and that didn't work. It did go down, but I can see where it could have easily come back up if I had put anything else on top of it. I really needed this experience, because I was pretty sure there wasn't any restriction. Now I know better. I chewed my chicken and broccoli really well and slowly tonight.

I'm off to bed....I'm tired after the pool today.

Take care everyone.


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G'morning friends~

Just a fly by. Fixin' to take the little monster to school. (he is being a stinker this morning) Every step of our morning routine has been like pulling teeth. (add a whine to this) "I don't want to get up!.. eat breakfast...brush my teeth" Goodness gracious.

DH is on call again today. Poor N didn't get to see his daddy for almost 48 hours. I let him go "watch" daddy sleep this morning..LOL. I started making DH park in the driveway. His car is soooo loud when it starts and add that with the garage door (N's room is right next to the garage), it keeps waking him up early or in the middle of the night. DH thinks I am nuts. Afraid N won't be able to cope in the real world b/c I have him in a cocoon of comfort and quiet. My parents used to tell me to vaccuum while he was napping so he would sleep deeper. I tried it one time and he never took a nap that day..LOL. I decided from that day on that I liked it quiet when I slept... and so would he! Perhaps I created a monster. ???

Meredith~ Sorry to hear about your argument with Andrew. It's tough sometimes in dealing with someone you love and discussing their family. I know that with DH it's sort of the same thing with his sister. He can say whatever he wants about her.. but if I say something negative, he is quick to bring up how much better she is than my sister. It's some deep loyalty and need to defend family. Hope things are better this morning. : ) Also hope you start having some more restriction. Sounds like you ate VERY healthy yesterday! AND WTG on the 235!!!! You are officially less than me..... <whispering>, bitch. <evil grin> And I mean that in a very loving sisterly way. <hugs> You know I am kidding. I am proud of you. And in a way you are really motivating me to get back on track. xoxo

I need to go. CBL~ peas

Edited by peascorps

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Meredith, you must have been posting the same time I was. Yes, it is pretty cool to have someone that was banded around the same time. When I was on the July 09 date thread, there were very few people banded on July 2nd. I think a lot of the doctors were already on vacation. There are ton's of people that were banded on the 7th. My doc told me to start eating solid food on Tuesday....actually they really believe that once you are off liquids, it's right on to solids. He didn't allow for mushies and doesn't like blender foods. So Tuesday, I ate my normal food. Felt like I had no restriction, but after the turkey episode yesterday, I'm thinking there is probably more restriction than I think. I'm just doing what I'm supposed to do, chewing well and eating smaller bites slowly. Hey we are at about the same weight too only you've lost a lot more total than I have. Good for you!!!

Laura, with the roller coaster you've been on lately, no wonder your weight loss is taking a break....and you've lost an amazing amount of weight. 74lbs is great since February. Nelson is just being a kid and might be pushing your buttons a little. I'm sure once he's at school, he'll be fine and hopefully his momma will be too.

I think Meredith and I are the only ones without kids. They just didn't happen for me and now I'm okay with that. When DH and I first got back together, I was 40 and was very willing to have kids with him then, but I wasn't willing to jump through all the fertility hoops to get there. DH has a "son" which isn't biologically his, but it's a child from his heart and DH's name is on the birth certificate, so we have Robbie. He's 16 and learning to drive. His mom is a nut case so that always makes life interesting.

Okay, I have to go to work....yuck. I need to do field work again and it's hot!!!!

Have a great day everyone.


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Eva~ I think you were on here when I told Nelson's story. Will repeat a bit of it. He is adopted. He was a little sick homeless baby in a cold Turkish winter. He has blessed our lives in so many ways. In my mid 30s I was diagnosed with ovarian failure. I DID jump through the hoops of infertility. 10+IVFs.. $100,000 later... no baby. Sometimes I wish we hadn't put our marriage and ourselves through that. On the other hand it made me who I am today. No regrets... is how I try to live my life.

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Laura....I know that you realize how lucky you are to have Nelson. I have friends that jumped through all the hoops you did to be able to have children and then adopted because treatments did not work. Was really tough on their marraige and their finances. I all levels out in the end and they were gifted with special little angels. I started out wanting at least 5 children. God only allowed me two special guys. My Water broke at 5 months along with my second and docs told me I would never carry another. (Uterus had a tear). Had my tubes tied on the table when they did the c-section and I never looked back. Just am very thankful for the two I have.

DH spent the first six months of his life in hospital. His mother delivered him and his twin brother when she was five months along. DH weighed 1.9 oz 55 yrs ago. A miracle baby. His brother only lived 12 hours and weighed 2lbs 12 oz. DH had not one thing wrong with him and thrived....just needed to be in hospital till he weighed 5lbs. He only weighed 18lbs at 18 months old. It amazes me when I think about the odds back then.

Eva...sounds like you have come to terms with not having children. All we can do in life is handle what comes our way and accept and not second guess how things turn out. Pats on the back to you for that.

Meredith...Just give Andrew a few extra hugs and kisses, talk about it all if he's willing. Hope things are back to normal for you today.

Getting my stuff together and then heading North to the lake. Have a wedding for DH's nephew tomorrow. 3pm on a Friday...weird time but what worked for them. Need to head to the closets to pick out a dress for the wedding and get DH's clothes ready.

Phyll...thinking of you and your hurdles during your recovery. Hang in there.

Hope you all have a great weekend. Sounds like we will have temps in the 70's..PERFECT! xoxoxoxo

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Hi everyone and thanks for the kind words about my reaching "overweight" bmi. It's still a thrill to say that. LOL. My friend died this morning. I'm glad she didn't suffer, although this was such a quick moving cancer. Just two months ago, she was still working and had no idea she had lung cancer. Just a reminder that we all need to appreciate each and every day we have with our loved ones here on earth. We spent yesterday with DGD in Iowa City getting her second infusion of steriods. It went okay -- it's just hard for them to get the IV in - we all have to hold her down and that's upsetting when a beautiful 2-1/2 year old child is so scared and literally kicking and screaming -- she's very strong -- all the nurses can't believe how strong she is. Afterwards we went out for a nice dinner. I had visited my friend before we left as they didn't expect her to make it until today. I'm so glad I got that visit in to say goodbye and hug her family. It's not surprising that so many of us have similar stories -- Apples, like you, I too had sexual abuse by family members when I was a child. My mother also defended the abusers. It took me until my late 30s before I finally learned that what happened to me wasn't my fault, but my mom and I never had a close relationship, we always had so much friction between us. My brother and sister don't speak anymore due to problems when my mom died. I'm the middle child, "the peacemaker" so I still speak to both of them, but I know they will never be part of each other's lives which is sad because they both have kids and now those kids have lost their extended families as well. I only had one child myself, my DS as I had terrible endometriosis and had a hysterectomy when I was 31. I was lucky to have him but then I inherited my three step children -- which was a struggle but also rewarding. My DGD is really my step granddaughter, but it makes no difference to me -- she actually has a lot of my personality and even smiles like me. LOL. Everyone thinks my step daughter is my daughter anyway as she looks so different from her siblings. Laura, all the Nelson pics are fabulous -- I loved the curly hair -- my nephew (who is now 19) used to have curls like that!! Hope he had a great first day at school. I did used to vacuum right under the crib while DS was sleeping -- I used to get up and get all my housework done early in the morning before he woke up. Wow, that's been 37 years ago!! LOL. Time flies, so enjoy it now. Phyll wrote on FB last night -- she's doing well. Glad that's over for her so she can now begin the recovery process. Oh, I do love my DVR -- couldn't live without it now -- that's the one technology I truly love. I also pay all my bills on the computer -- wouldn't want to go back to the old ways with that either. My DH is NOT very computer savvy so it drives him crazy, but I'm the one who pays the bills, so I do it my way. I do have a few credit cards for traveling only. Meredith, sorry about your disagreement with Andrew - this too shall pass - you have such a loving relationship i'm sure you'll get over this bump in the road. Got -- take Janet's advice and log your food -- I still do it everyday and it keeps you accountable -- www.dailyplate.com or www.sparkspeople.com are both good ones and easy to use. I got up early yesterday and went to the gym -- did 30 mins. on treadmill and weight machines and then did a 7:00 a.m. Water aerobics course -- this will be my new routine when I start working days in middle of September. It was great to get it over and done with early in the morning. I had extra energy yesterday. Julie, hope you're feeling better and glad you are going to the doc today. Great -- thanks for the congrats -- I read a story in today's paper about a bear in Colorado who got stuck in a skateboard park and couldn't get out because of the steep sides -- so they lowered a tall ladder and the bear climbed up the ladder and got out -- wow, those bears are so intelligent -- but of course, I thought of you immedately. Cheri hope your first week of being back at work is going wel. Larry, welcome and good luck to you on your lapband journey, we've all been in your shoes and will be happy to help out when you need support. Eva, thanks for your kind words about my weight loss -- I just hope that sharing my success will help those who are just beginning the process. Oneday hope all is going well with you. I'll CBL hope everyone has a good day. Linda

Edited by ljv52

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Apples-great on the new hair and sexy outfit! Your menu for last night sounds awesome!

LOL Mrs B-your 3 'ewws' are 3 of my favorites. If I knew I were to die tomorrow, I'd eat a whole German chocolate Cake today :blushing:.

Larry-WOOHOO for you. You'll be on the banded journey before you know it!

IYSOY-Grats on the fill working! Your resend on your blog worked fine, thanks so much.

Peas-Super about your Dad! Glad Nelson's first day went well. With those two burdens off your shoulders will be much easier for you to take care of YOU again.

Hmmm, a little about me eh?-I'm 54 years young, live in Tampa Bay area of FL, have 2 boys, one 17 almost 18, the other 57 almost 58 :w00t:. I've not worked for about 7 years now, used to work with speech-delayed pre-k kids. I have 5 Border Terriers and used to show. Before that I had a Walking Horse and was heavily into showing her also. I have been 'heavy' most of my life [can't believe I weighed 150 when I got married and people were always telling me I was FAT...now that's my goal weight!]. My hub is also very reclusive and I just found it easier to live like that too. Four years ago I discovered the online game 'World of Warcraft' and became addicted. It seems the only way to have 'friends' for me is through my computer, but at least here I'm forming supportive, possitive relationships. You guys ROCK. :thumbup:

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Good Morning! Home from work already and also met DH for Breakfast, just at McD's. Had half the egg and half the sausague in a Sausage McMuffin.

ON the technology, I just recently started paying bills online, I resisted forever thinking it wasn't safe. It wasn't until the gal at the bank convinced me it was safer than putting a check out in my mailbox and now I love the ease and convenience of it. DVR, couldn't live without one anymore, kindda like the microwave when it came out, I didn't think I'd need one and now couldn't live without that either. I rarely watch a show live anymore. THe closest I get to live is pausing the show when it starts and coming back about 15 to 20 min later and start watching and then zap through commercials and then finish watching the show live if I timed it wrong and get caught up. Been watching that dumb Big Brother show this summer. I think it's the dumbest show ever and the people on it are so strange, but suppose being locked up in a house wiht strangers and no outside contact messes one up, I say every year I won't watch it and then I do. Anyone else watching?

Linda, they also recently had a bear in Aspen crawl into a window of a house and attack the lady that lived there. They showed pics on the news of the bear crawling back out the window. She is fine, the bear returned a few nights later and they killed it. The bears are getting so brazen. Even have sightings of mountain lions in town, someone opened their shed and there was a big ol' kitty kat in there! Wouldn't that freak you out? We have coyotes near us, I hear them in the night or early mornings. I can't believe my next door neighbor lets her cat roam all night with coyotes so close.

Well the Fritos are gone, I wish I could say I tossed them, but, alas, I didn't. I've calmed down about the family issues and am ticked at myself that I let them get to me. I've been better lately about either standing up to them, or letting things slide but once in a while I get my hackles up I guess. And sometimes well it just plain hurts!

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well lets get motivated,start a food diary,write down everything you eat ,it helps me honestly

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I just got back from the doctor. The PA took out another.1cc. Then I saw the nutritionist. I am on a 1,000 cal a day. At the next appt I am going to blow in this machine that measures my metabolism. It tells how many calories I should be eating. It costs $125, but think it will be beneficial to my weight loss. I like this better than WW because I need the personal help.

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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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