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Hi all, I just read all the posts, but can't respond right now.. I feel like I've been run over by a truck... I hurt so bad I want to cry and I just don't feel well at all..... I'm going to take some liquid Tylenol and try to rest tonight, but I'm not counting on it... I'm quite miserable............. Why can't I just get better and stay that way?????????????? UGH!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hope to talk to you all tomorrow...... Julie

Julie...I guess my first step would be to make a visit to my doctor. Pain is a signal that there is something wrong. Never hurts to get it checked out. Please take my advice and call your doc's office if you are still hurting in the morning. Take care.

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Apples, I think you did a great job of catching up...it took me three posts to get there.

Linda, yeah, how did we live without the cell phones...are truly are we better off being that connected? Sometimes I wonder. Of course I love my computer, but I don't want my email on my cell phone either.

Charlene, it's great to hear your DH is doing well too. And I too am interested in if it's any easier with both of you doing the WLS thing?

Janet, I'm so sorry you had such a crappy day. Isn't it weird that all the stuff seems to pile up on one day and we end up losing it...especially after a short night. I'm not going to tell you food isn't the answer, because you already know that. I also don't know if I can say anything that will help. Going to the gym will help you burn off some of the negative energy that is building up....maybe try a completely different exercise will get your mind off of it for a while. This too shall pass.

Lori, sorry to hear you are having a bad day too. Yeah, that trying to do the right thing and being squashed really pisses me off too. I hope that everything works out for you. Fritos are a good fire starter, but not one for you. Anybody you need to have us knock off for you? Hey, that's really cool that you get to talk about your weight loss. It's not easy to do and you excelled at it.

Cheri, glad your second fill is going alright. You may be right about the hotel....there may be a small hotel that we can book a bunch of rooms. I usually don't want to share a sleeping chamber because I snore. I really don't want to torture everyone else.

Laura, no we didn't get the extra insurance on the Volvo...but we did the following week on the HHR. Go figure. Really happy to hear your Dad is doing better and may get to go home soon. I bet your Mom is ecstatic. Cracker Barrel is one of my MIL's favorite restaurants. I always cringe when we go there for anything but Breakfast. Last Breakfast I ate there (in Arkansas with the dented Volvo) I actually was able to order 1 egg and toast. My DH ate the rest of the toast. That worked out well.

Julie, I hope you are feeling better. So sorry everything feels bad.

Well, today was a full day on solid foods again, and I don't have much restriction. I will be making another appointment for next month when I'm in San Diego again. I will have to do this on will power....yuck, I'm just not very good at that for extended periods of time.

Tomorrow is the last day of house sitting for a while. All I have to do tomorrow is put the trash out for pickup and my friend will be home tomorrow night. My friend went to Spain for two weeks and sounds like she's had a great time. She's emailed a couple of times.

We have a bi-monthly Friday night gathering and I'm hosting Friday. I'm thinking of taking the day off and going to Willcox to pick some fresh veggies at a u-pick-it place. We'll see if that actually happens. I have a recipe for an eggplant dip from Andrew Weil that I think I'll try. I might also do a stuffed poblano chili...stuffed with zucchini and mushrooms with wild rice (this is for my vegetarian friends). We'll just have to see how far I get and how busy I am at work.

I hope everyone has a good evening (although most of you are already asleep) and a better tomorrow.


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Hello all.

Geez, sorry about all of your bad days today. That stinks! Why does it all happen at the same time? Annoying.

Well, it's really late for me. I just cannot sleep lately since I too am a worry wart. I am just so sad/upset/nervous about my little sister moving so far away. We are so close, this is gonna be hard, but I am so proud of her.

Linda~ I despise cell phones and pretty much most technology. I turn my phone off whenever I go up north or on vacations. I figure if there is an emergency and someone needs to get a hold of me they will find me! I think that I am probably the only human on earth that doesn't have cable television. I don't even want it! Also, I don't have a major credit card. Strange I know, cash only. However, I do have credit cards to Macy's, Lane Bryant, and Best Buy, but I NEVER use them! Apparently I don't belong in my generation! LOL. I am more like my grandma and she is 90!

Laura~ Continuing to pray for dad and the fam. I don't care where we get a place, just as long as everyone can make it. Hell, I would tent it if I had to!

Janet~ Hugs on your rotten day. Tomorrow is a new one at least!

Eva~ I hear ya girlfriend on the not being very good at will power for extended periods of time! Ick. I think that I am going to be in the same boat with you for the next 4 weeks!

Julie~ You poor dear. It seems like you just cannot get a break! Hope that everything is ok.

If~ Good luck on your first day back to school. I know my mom always despises going back after such a relaxing summer. Heck, I take that back, she is such an exercise fanatic that I think that she relaxes her body more when she is in school than when she's not!

Apples~ I just lover your enthusiasm! We are going to have the best time ever! Yay!!!!

Great~ Be proud girl! It is GREAT to be thin and you should be yelling it from the rooftops! WTG on being asked to speak about your weight loss. That is awesome!

Ok, I'm going to try to get to sleep. Finally. Sorry this was on the shorter side. More tomorrow.

Night, Meredith

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Good morning, I am ready too early for work so thought I'd check it. I hate it when I have extra time this early in the morning as that means I could've slept another 10 min! :):sleep::)

Feeling a little better about things this morning. It's my mom and sisters that are driving me nuts. DH tells me that I have too much of a Norman Rockwell image in my head that we are some how going to be this close family and it isn't going to ever happen. I think at 50 yrs old I am finally getting that and am getting tired of trying. I put myself out there and then just get knocked down. I have a wonderful husband and kids and that is my family now and the heck with them! I can't force something that's not there. My folks announced yesterday they are coming for Christmas and it's already messy. :tongue2:

Meredith, you are the same age as my son, are you single? LOL I know you are in a relationship. You sound so much more mature than my 26 yr old! Neither of my kids can live w/o their cell phones. Good for you on the credit cards! We are almost debt free when it comes to cards and are strictly cash folks now as well. Wish I had done that at your age!

Eva, can you get a fill sooner than a month? I got them every 2 weeks at the beginning, it helped a lot. I unfortunately took many fills to get to my sweet spot. Hang in there it will get better, even if you have to wait.

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Good Morning Gang

Just a quick note before my shower and work

Yes today is a new day - it will be a better day - I didn't turn to any outside things (food - drugs - booze) I did go to bed early and feel better this morning - Yes this to shall pass....

Julie - you really do need to go see the doc - what's hurting - whip lash from the accident - Please take care of your self and don't ignore the pain..

Great - Hugs on your family issues - I don't have much of one anymore - just my sis and we really aren't talking - I dont feel like putting myself out there for her to say nasty things so I just don't go there and I don't feel like being fake and pretending that everything is just peachy - I have my DS & his family and gs and my freinds - thats all I need..

Eva - thanks - Yes I am better after some sleep.. Your food sounds good - I like eggplant I usually grill it or make lasagna with it - and you will find out you do have more will power than you think you do - even with good restriction this whole process take will power - before we just didn't give a hoot - now we do - that's the difference..

Laura - hope Nelson 1st day at schools is good for both of you :0) and that Dad keeps gettin better each day..

Meredith - Yes I am shocked that you aren't a cell phone person - kid's now a days have them glued to their ears or fingers texting - You will get to cut up that lane bryant card too... and no cable - well I gotta have my tv how many channels do you get on anntena ?? You are a very responsible young lady !!! WTG

Well gotta jump in the shower - TTYL

Hugs to all - hope you all have a better/good day !!!

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Eva and Meridith...hang in there on the "no restriction" issues. It will come. You will know when you get there. Just be careful not to get too tight. Remember, for some of us it takes awhile for the fill to kick in. I have only had two fills. The first did nothing for me. The second did nothing for me until it kicked in a month later. The band is very fickle. Even when you have adequate fill, there are days here and there that a person is hungry. Not sure why that happens but it does. I can feel perfectly satisfied for a couple of weeks and then I will have a couple of days where I am HUNGRY. I believe most LB ppl would tell you the same thing. (Not saying this to upset you guys....just so you are prepared to be strong on those days you feel more hungry).

You know, Meredith, I feel about you as Great does. From the first time you started posting, I thought you were very mature for your age. Sounds to me like you've got your s__t together. Now all you need to do is ride this LB train all the way to the end. You won't believe how good you will feel. You're well on your way, girl!

Appt. at 10am to get younger. Color and a cut. Stock up on groceries after that. The ole' farmers are going off in different directions (60 mile radius...helping other farmer) so I just packed them each a cooler this morning. I swear each cooler weighed 15lbs. I get a break...no cooking until they all get back to the farm at 9pm. I think something in the crockpot will fit into my day.

Off to do bookwork, shower and off to town. Maybe time for coffee with a couple of friends, buy a new sewer pump (more fun), and home again to get my things together and off to the lake in the morning. It's a tough life...but somebody has to do it!

Hope each and every one of you have a great day. I know I will. Life is good!

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Meredith, wow being technology free is pretty amazing in this day and age. I do have credit cards, but I'm down to 2. We travel a lot and it's helpful for car rentals and stuff. I have a cell phone for work and a personal one. I am not on the cell all the time, but I do enjoy texting because I can relay info without actually having to talk to someone. Bad isn't it? As for TV, we do have cable because we can't anything else here really and our internet is on it, but we have basic services and still have my 15 year old SONY. We hardly ever watch TV.

Lori, sorry about the family stuff. I started out with just my parents, an older brother (18 years older) so I never saw him, and me (I'm adopted and always knew it). At 31 my biological mother contacted me and now I have 6 more siblings (all half). Yes, it gets really messy with a big family. As for the fill, yes, I can probably get filled sooner, but I have to travel to Tijuana to get the fill. I can probably find someone in Phoenix to do it, but I like my doctors in Mexico and they do the fills with the fluoroscope. I'm going to be in San Diego next month, so it will save me a bunch of money to do it then. I'll have to exercise some control. I have lost another 1/2 pound, so that is encouraging.

Janet, glad to hear you are feeling better. Sorry you and your sister don't get along. I just had to have a talk with the sister that moved here in April. We needed to clear a few things up on both our parts. It's better now. Before I knew I had a huge family, I had wonderful friends (still do) and they really became family. I feel very lucky in my life.

Okay, have to go clean the cat box as it's trash day. Hope everyone has a great day!!

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Eva...you are right...friends can fill that void when your family of origin cannot or willnot. Long and messy story but I have not had contact with my family since 1995. (It all stems from 10 yrs of childhood sexual abuse...them defending the abuser, etc. and blah, blah, blah...they don't deserve to have me. My mother went to her grave defending that pedophile). Anywho...have worked through it all, nothing haunts me anymore. Missed them at first but filled the holes with many good friends. I would rather have my family in tact but they are so toxic that I know my life would be totally different if they were in it.

I guess the point I want to make is....if you have family and it's really worth keeping it all together then do what it takes to keep it together. If what they do is really affecting your life and the lives of your immediate family, rethink your relationship with them and do what you need to do to make YOUR life happy and sane without feeling guilty about your decisions to do so. Make sense?

Great...hang in there....sisters are just trying to get a reaction out of their "SKINNY" sister!

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Morning to you all,,,,,,,,,,, Yes, Janet, I think this is from the fender bender I had... My back and neck are not in good shape... and it didn't help that I had to do a couple things I shouldn't have because DH didn't get it done. The carpet layer called to say he could come yesterday afternoon while DH was still at work... So I had to get the room ready for him... Not a lot, but wasn't good for my neck and back... Anyway, I was so miserable last night.. Took as much Liquid Tylenol as I dared... finally got up at 1:00 and drew a hot bath with some of Mimi's "nighttime bath" with all the lavendar scent to promote restful sleep... then I situated myself on the couch with about 3 pillow under my knees to take the pressure off my lower back and must have fallen asleep at some point... Sent Mimi off to the sitter with DH when he left for work.. I plan to do mostly nothing today..... and will see my chiropractor tomorrow again. Hopefully with the little releif I got last night I'll make it through the day....

Great, I'm like you about the Norman Rockwell idea of family and the funny part is that is really what I had up until shortly after my dad died... We all lived here in this little town in ND with families of our own, but were always together.. We had a family band and did lots of playing and singing.. But then the dreaded "Trust" that my dad left for us with one of my brothers as Trustee..... This had ruined my family... My brothers can't all be in the same place anymore... I hate it and have fought it and tried to fix it for 13 years.... No more... I do what has to be done, but I'm not going to try to make them friends again anymore.. It's their problem if they choose to give up the greatest gift God gave them..............family!!!!

Janet, dear, glad you can shake it off and go on today.. You seem to be made of some tough stuff and you'll be back to where you feel like yourself soon, I'm sure.. It is sure nice to have this place to come to vent isn't it.. And no one judges, but just encourages or suggests a solution... Makes this the greatest kind of support group ever..... and we don't have to wait for a weekly meeting or anything!!!!

Apples, I used to pack a lunch box (cooler) like that for my DH every day when he was still working at the power plant.. 12 hour shifts....... It takes a lot of food and it's always nice to get a break... Your day sounds nice a relaxing with the hair appt and all.... Enjoy...

Meredith, I agree with the others about you seeming mature.. It's probably why you fit in here so well... My youngest is 25 and I'd wish her to be a little more like you sometimes.. However, we are going to see a doc tomorrow as I think maybe she might have diabetes... She is showing all the signs and it runs in my family... That could explain all the tiredness that I sometimes think is laziness..... I'm hoping it's not, but we'll find out I guess... Anyway, you should be proud of yourself.

Laura, hope Nelson enjoys his first day... Takes me back 20 years when DD had her 1st day of kindergarten.. I was so nervouse and scared and feeling weepy like mothers do..... and she just shoosed me out of the room and was embarassed..... I hope her daughter does it to her!!!!! And good news about your dad... Let's hope he just continues to get better and better..... Enough is enough.... That's about how I feel with all this stuff going on with me.... I'm tired of it already!!!! Have a good day to yourself....

Ocotillo,(Hey what does that name mean??) don't you just hate doing the cat box?? I do..... My cat's get to be outside during the day if they choose, so the inside one isn't too bad except in the winter... But the outside one in the garage gets nasty... They get shut in the garage overnight... and Louis ( neuterd male) can make a big mess.... He isn't good at covering up after himself... Not my favorite job....

Well, all you other gals........If, Charlene, 1Day, Linda... (okay, who'd I miss....sorry, but you, too) glad you all are doing well and I hope it stays that way.. Enjoy every day...

I'm going to do only the necessities today.. I'm about ready for a nap I think.. Took some Tylonol and have my heated neck wrap on so maybe I can find a few minutes of what I lost last night... You all have a great day and I'll TTYL.................... Julie

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Hi everyone. Janet, hugs to you -- hope today is much better. I'm glad Kim stood up for you too -- that should help -- your boss was out of line -- sounds like he's PMS. Hope he apologizes to you. I know how you feel -- I worked with attys. for 35 years and most of them were unappreciative and demanding. I worked with one atty for 15 years and he treated me like crap the whole time -- after I left he sang my praises -- but then it was too late. Heck, I never even wanted a pat on the back -- just common courtesy, as I'm sure you do too. I'm glad you didn't let it affect your healthy lifestyle. Well gang, I couldn't weigh yesterday (regular day) cause we have a contractor redoing our shower and my scale was in that bathroom and I couldn't get in there to weigh, and especially couldn't have weighed naked. So, I weighed this morning and the scale shocked me -- I've lost 2 lbs. (since I returned on Friday) and I'm officially overweight, NOT OBESE!!!! I'm so happy and thrilled. It's almost 7 months exactly since surgery. This is so much more than I ever expected. I never dreamed at the beginning of this process that I would be at this point in just 7 short months (and it has gone so quickly). Julie, hope you feel better today -- please go to the doctor -- you probably at least need some muscle relaxants to help with your whiplash. I do hope it resolves itself quickly. Meredith, you are amazing -- I can't believe how mature you are -- and not to be techonology dependent -- how refreshing -- I only have a cell phone cause I use it for long distance. I hate talking on the phone - I much prefer e-mail over talking. Just got a call from my friend's DH -- not looking good - I gotta run down there for a quick visit before I take DGD to Iowa City doctor's appt. Have a great day everyone! Linda

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Meredith, wow being technology free is pretty amazing in this day and age. I do have credit cards, but I'm down to 2. We travel a lot and it's helpful for car rentals and stuff. I have a cell phone for work and a personal one. I am not on the cell all the time, but I do enjoy texting because I can relay info without actually having to talk to someone. Bad isn't it? As for TV, we do have cable because we can't anything else here really and our internet is on it, but we have basic services and still have my 15 year old SONY. We hardly ever watch TV.

Lori, sorry about the family stuff. I started out with just my parents, an older brother (18 years older) so I never saw him, and me (I'm adopted and always knew it). At 31 my biological mother contacted me and now I have 6 more siblings (all half). Yes, it gets really messy with a big family. As for the fill, yes, I can probably get filled sooner, but I have to travel to Tijuana to get the fill. I can probably find someone in Phoenix to do it, but I like my doctors in Mexico and they do the fills with the fluoroscope. I'm going to be in San Diego next month, so it will save me a bunch of money to do it then. I'll have to exercise some control. I have lost another 1/2 pound, so that is encouraging.

Janet, glad to hear you are feeling better. Sorry you and your sister don't get along. I just had to have a talk with the sister that moved here in April. We needed to clear a few things up on both our parts. It's better now. Before I knew I had a huge family, I had wonderful friends (still do) and they really became family. I feel very lucky in my life.

Okay, have to go clean the cat box as it's trash day. Hope everyone has a great day!!

Eva - How interesting - having bro 18 yrs older - being adopted and meeting birth mother and other sibling.. I have a gf who was adopted - but I don't think she ever met her birthmother - and she had a baby at 16 that she gave up - I don’t think they have ever been in contact..

My sis is my half sis from my mom's 1st marriage - then there were 3 of us from my parents marriage me & 2 bro's both younger - My one bro died in 99 and the baby died this past October - My Dad & step mom died in 92 with in 1 month of each other and my Mom died in 70 - My dad left a trust too like Julies' my sister wasn't included (no reason to she wasn’t my dad's child my dad made his $$ with my step mom - oh I have 1 stepbrother) - Well when Michael died she said some nasty stuff to me that he didn't like me or trust me - My bro had some mental issues from his past drug use - he thought all kinds of crazy crap - Well what it boils down to is that supposedly Michael said that he wanted her younger son to inherit his stuff - well it wasn't in a will - we found a will that he had done in 99 (when he was really heavy into his drugs/meth) - he left everything to charity - without the will his estate would have gone to me - her - and my 2 nephews from my other bro Jimmy - Well they were pissed that their kids didn't get any thing - I tried to explain the law and if sis was dead then her share would have gone to her kids. At one point she said we should have burned the will that we found - he left everything to Charity - you see he thought he was howard huges. She said things like your Dad's precious money - well ya - operative word MY Dad...

Anyway point is that she's 60 and all her life pple have made excuses for her for her nastiness – she is a mean drunk and she drinks daily.. And this isn’t the 1st time I have been at the receiving end of her nastiness..

She insisted on being co administrator to my bro’s estate – she lives up north and had done nothing – I am the one here who pays the bills – see the lawyer – has the house up for sale etc.. Well, the only reason she wanted to be co-administrator is for the $$ that she will get – she doesn’t do crap and didn’t when planning the funeral and everyone was at my house – I fronted the $$ to bury my bro – I hosted everyone being at my house for 4 days – she didn’t pay for a thing – I had more support from the ladies here than I did from her. And IMHO she doesn’t have an interest nor is it any of her business about the ranches that are owned by me, Michael & stepbrother.. Then she wants copies of the Estate banking statements etc.

I know this is more than you wanted to know – the others already know – but this is my family dynamics – I pretended for a minute that things were cool between us – but I can’t continue to be fake – it’s not in my personality – I am not a good actor and if I do have to act – I can’t do it for long… I resent the fact that she questions my integrity and that she will get $$ for doing nothing and that she could attack me the way she did..

I know I should let go – but I can’t – maybe when the Estate is settled I can – but right now I can’t – I have prayed on this I really have tried to let go – but I can’t. Even prior to all this when I was around her – I was always wary of her when she drank and was careful about what we talked about.

Eva...you are right...friends can fill that void when your family of origin cannot or willnot. Long and messy story but I have not had contact with my family since 1995. (It all stems from 10 yrs of childhood sexual abuse...them defending the abuser, etc. and blah, blah, blah...they don't deserve to have me. My mother went to her grave defending that pedophile). Anywho...have worked through it all, nothing haunts me anymore. Missed them at first but filled the holes with many good friends. I would rather have my family in tact but they are so toxic that I know my life would be totally different if they were in it.

I guess the point I want to make is....if you have family and it's really worth keeping it all together then do what it takes to keep it together. If what they do is really affecting your life and the lives of your immediate family, rethink your relationship with them and do what you need to do to make YOUR life happy and sane without feeling guilty about your decisions to do so. Make sense?

Great...hang in there....sisters are just trying to get a reaction out of their "SKINNY" sister!

Apples – I am amazed at how far you have come and how you have not let your past life ruin your current life – I think that you and I are a lot a like in that respect – pull up those boot straps and move forward – Hugs to you I really do admire you and your courage…

Morning to you all,,,,,,,,,,, Yes, Janet, I think this is from the fender bender I had... My back and neck are not in good shape... and it didn't help that I had to do a couple things I shouldn't have because DH didn't get it done. The carpet layer called to say he could come yesterday afternoon while DH was still at work... So I had to get the room ready for him... Not a lot, but wasn't good for my neck and back... Anyway, I was so miserable last night.. Took as much Liquid Tylenol as I dared... finally got up at 1:00 and drew a hot bath with some of Mimi's "nighttime bath" with all the lavendar scent to promote restful sleep... then I situated myself on the couch with about 3 pillow under my knees to take the pressure off my lower back and must have fallen asleep at some point... Sent Mimi off to the sitter with DH when he left for work.. I plan to do mostly nothing today..... and will see my chiropractor tomorrow again. Hopefully with the little releif I got last night I'll make it through the day....

Great, I'm like you about the Norman Rockwell idea of family and the funny part is that is really what I had up until shortly after my dad died... We all lived here in this little town in ND with families of our own, but were always together.. We had a family band and did lots of playing and singing.. But then the dreaded "Trust" that my dad left for us with one of my brothers as Trustee..... This had ruined my family... My brothers can't all be in the same place anymore... I hate it and have fought it and tried to fix it for 13 years.... No more... I do what has to be done, but I'm not going to try to make them friends again anymore.. It's their problem if they choose to give up the greatest gift God gave them..............family!!!!

Janet, dear, glad you can shake it off and go on today.. You seem to be made of some tough stuff and you'll be back to where you feel like yourself soon, I'm sure.. It is sure nice to have this place to come to vent isn't it.. And no one judges, but just encourages or suggests a solution... Makes this the greatest kind of support group ever..... and we don't have to wait for a weekly meeting or anything!!!!

Apples, I used to pack a lunch box (cooler) like that for my DH every day when he was still working at the power plant.. 12 hour shifts....... It takes a lot of food and it's always nice to get a break... Your day sounds nice a relaxing with the hair appt and all.... Enjoy...

Meredith, I agree with the others about you seeming mature.. It's probably why you fit in here so well... My youngest is 25 and I'd wish her to be a little more like you sometimes.. However, we are going to see a doc tomorrow as I think maybe she might have diabetes... She is showing all the signs and it runs in my family... That could explain all the tiredness that I sometimes think is laziness..... I'm hoping it's not, but we'll find out I guess... Anyway, you should be proud of yourself.

Laura, hope Nelson enjoys his first day... Takes me back 20 years when DD had her 1st day of kindergarten.. I was so nervouse and scared and feeling weepy like mothers do..... and she just shoosed me out of the room and was embarassed..... I hope her daughter does it to her!!!!! And good news about your dad... Let's hope he just continues to get better and better..... Enough is enough.... That's about how I feel with all this stuff going on with me.... I'm tired of it already!!!! Have a good day to yourself....

Ocotillo,(Hey what does that name mean??) don't you just hate doing the cat box?? I do..... My cat's get to be outside during the day if they choose, so the inside one isn't too bad except in the winter... But the outside one in the garage gets nasty... They get shut in the garage overnight... and Louis ( neuterd male) can make a big mess.... He isn't good at covering up after himself... Not my favorite job....

Well, all you other gals........If, Charlene, 1Day, Linda... (okay, who'd I miss....sorry, but you, too) glad you all are doing well and I hope it stays that way.. Enjoy every day...

I'm going to do only the necessities today.. I'm about ready for a nap I think.. Took some Tylonol and have my heated neck wrap on so maybe I can find a few minutes of what I lost last night... You all have a great day and I'll TTYL.................... Julie

Julie – I bet moving the furniture really didn’t help – I am glad you are going to the dr tomorrow – take it easy..

Yep – I love having all of you to talk to – I really don’t know where I would be without you all – you all give me the support I need and sometimes it just feels so go to vent to pple who UNDERSTAND !!!!

Yes – you and I are in the same boat with family & trust – I am glad though that when my dad died his trustees were our accountant & lawyer – OMW had he left either of my bros as trustees – that would have been disastrous – and I sure wouldn’t want to have been – I wouldn’t wanted to deal with my bro’s. As it was I told them when we got our $$ that I didn’t have Bank of America – do you know what – that didn’t stop them from asking – and I just said no..

Hi everyone. Janet, hugs to you -- hope today is much better. I'm glad Kim stood up for you too -- that should help -- your boss was out of line -- sounds like he's PMS. Hope he apologizes to you. I know how you feel -- I worked with attys. for 35 years and most of them were unappreciative and demanding. I worked with one atty for 15 years and he treated me like crap the whole time -- after I left he sang my praises -- but then it was too late. Heck, I never even wanted a pat on the back -- just common courtesy, as I'm sure you do too. I'm glad you didn't let it affect your healthy lifestyle. Well gang, I couldn't weigh yesterday (regular day) cause we have a contractor redoing our shower and my scale was in that bathroom and I couldn't get in there to weigh, and especially couldn't have weighed naked. So, I weighed this morning and the scale shocked me -- I've lost 2 lbs. (since I returned on Friday) and I'm officially overweight, NOT OBESE!!!! I'm so happy and thrilled. It's almost 7 months exactly since surgery. This is so much more than I ever expected. I never dreamed at the beginning of this process that I would be at this point in just 7 short months (and it has gone so quickly). Julie, hope you feel better today -- please go to the doctor -- you probably at least need some muscle relaxants to help with your whiplash. I do hope it resolves itself quickly. Meredith, you are amazing -- I can't believe how mature you are -- and not to be techonology dependent -- how refreshing -- I only have a cell phone cause I use it for long distance. I hate talking on the phone - I much prefer e-mail over talking. Just got a call from my friend's DH -- not looking good - I gotta run down there for a quick visit before I take DGD to Iowa City doctor's appt. Have a great day everyone! Linda


Congrats on you 2 lbs !!! Yes I agree with you about this whole journeys – I too never believed in 100 yrs that I would get to a size 4 – that’s why I put my original goal at 170 – I never believed I could get to 138-140 (this is what my weight fluctuates at)

Yes – If you eat healthy and exercise – it will come off – it’s such a rewarding feeling and unbelievable what a healthy lifestyle will give you..

Hugs on your DH’s friend –

Well, I gotta get my butt in gear - TTYL

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Hi guys~

Wow, busy last 24 hrs on here! Hugs to everyone who is having struggles. Stress no matter the cause can just mess up our day. I won't talk to each one indiv. but just remember: Tough times never last- but tough people do. My mom used to say that to me all the time. And my Dad's favorite one- when you are talking about "I shoulda, coulda, woulda".. is, you are an airplane that's landing... you only have the runway that's in front of you, the runway behind you is no use to you now.

This morning was one of the toughest days of my life. Holy shit. I was sooooo strong in front of Nels. After I dropped him off in car line, I heard him shouting.. "bye mommy, I love you. But I forgot to give you a hug!" I parked and told the head of the school that I was breaking the rules... and went to the benches (where they wait to go to class) and gave him a hug and a kiss. I was going home and Travis Tritt's "IF I LOST YOU" came on and I LOST it! CMT : Videos : Travis Tritt : If I Lost You

If you have never seen this music video, grab a kleenex and click on the link.

I am sure today was a million times harder on me than him. I know this sounds crazy but I can't wait to pick him up at 2:30! He drives me nuts sometimes when we are around each other 24/7 for weeks on end, but then I miss the booger when he's gone. I will post a photo.

I had a trainer appt this morning at 10 and COMPLETELY forgot. She called me at 10:02 b/c I am always there 30 min early doing cardio on treadmill. Oh well, there's always tomorrow. For some reason I didn't write it down and had a lot on the brain. I have never missed an appt with this gal.

I have to laugh when I think about all the electronics and tech stuff in my life. My DH is a self-professed GEEK. He loves tinkering and building computers, media centers and networks. We have so many spare computer parts here, that recently when my sister needed a new one- he built her one that day with just leftover parts! We don't keep anymore paper files. We have a document scanner and everything gets scanned and named. I keep everything so organized that way. We have not ONE... but TWO satellites! One is regular directTV and the other is international tv. (So DH can watch the local news in Damascus. Dad can watch Turkish tv when he is here) Our two main tvs have TIVO/DVRs. I don't remember life without them now! I NEVER watch live tv anymore. I can watch a 1/2 hr show in 10 min by deleting commercials and the promo and boring parts. It's great for saving shows for Nels when I need to get stuff done. I never rearrange my life for tv- record it and watch it when I can. I don't even watch that much- usually after I put N to bed and while I fold laundry. We can access any file on the computer from any computer in the world. It is handy if you are somewhere and need a document. When my Peace Corps friends were here last week, I pulled up a slide show on the tv. With the phones I can share photos with my family (since we live all over). And mom can notify one of us with dad's condition without repeating herself. (can forward the text or voicemail). I guess I am one of those who uses technology but doesn't let my life slip by because I am so busy using it. There is a difference. I guess as a mom I feel I need to always be able to be reached in case there were an emergency with N. DH would like to throw his beeper and phone in the pool. But boy are they handy for emergencies. When we are all together on vacation, we go DAYS without touching tecnology. I have credit cards, but have never paid interest. It is VERY important to have credit to get credit. So Meredith, all though you like to use cash, you should get a card to use but pay off monthly. It helps you keep track of where your money is going. At any moment I can pull out a pie chart or graph and tell you to the penny how much of our budget goes to groceries or gas. I pay all of our bills online. It's easier and organized. You can't forget bills b/c you will get an email or can set your computer to remind you. I love it.

I had leftover okra and lamb stew from last night. (yum. made with garlic, cilantro and olive oil). Okra is one of those things I didn't care for before surgery and i like it now. So weird how taste changes.

I will CBL, need to go enjoy my time.:thumbdown:

peasout~ Laura

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FYI, Phyllis wrote this on her FB:

"the GRAMINATOR is trying hard to stay awake to visit with two daughters and one son-in-law. knee feels great. nerve block still in effect."

So glad surgery is done for her!!! Yeah!!!

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First Great pictures !!! First Day of School !!!! Love it - I'm not watching video - I am still fragile and I cryed enough yesterday :0).

You need to come to my house and organize my computer !!! I have all my pics on it but it's unorganized..

I pay bills online too - but don't get ebills - well for my visa I do (I pay it off every month ;0)

I dvr too - in fact too much - I just deleted a whole bunch of stuff I am never going to have time to watch - I have like 6 "Lost" shows I haven't' watched.. Those I am saving cuz I do love that show..

Yes I was thinking a while back before all these little nuisance started popping up - Oh things are going so well - well I guess I jinked myself :0) - They won't last for ever and I am good most of the time about not worrying- my fav line is from Scarlett O'Hara - Well I will just worry about that tomorrow :0) - I can be a big procrastinator - I work all day then when I get home I can get sloppy with my own stuff - I do keep excel worksheets for my bills every month so I guess I could do the pie chart too :0) - but it doesn't include my discretionary spending - shopping food etc - just bills

Can't wait to hear how Nelson liked his 1st day at school - he looks very grown up and handsome!!!!

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    • Bashbee91

      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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