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Hi everyone, I'm back and finally finished reading all the posts I missed during my trip. You've been busy and it took me a long time to finish reading. Welcome to all the new people, so glad you found this site -- this is the greatest group of mentors you could ever hope to find anywhere. I missed you all so very much! I would think of you throughout the days -- wondering what you were up to, how you were all doing, etc. I did have a few minutes two days on my DS's computer, but didn't have much time -- I wasn't able to read more than a couple of posts. Okay, first things first, Janet, WTG on saving Lucky! And congrats on becoming a GG (I also have "grandkitties", so I'm a little jealous that I don't get to become a GG). Laura, sorry to hear that your dad is still in the hospital, I am keeping him and your whole family in my thoughts and prayers. Thank goodness you and your DH are medical professionals and are helping to oversee his care. Is Nelson excited about starting school next week. OMG, I almost forgot! I'm in for February -- I like Janet's suggestion about Pres. weekend -- that works well for me too. Got some other good news when I went back to work tonight -- my move to days was approved -- I'll be working 9 to 6 starting week after Labor Day. Yeah, no more crazy night shifts and working on call overnight. I'm so excited and happy to get back to a regular schedule again. Plus, it'll get me up and out of the house every morning to do a Water aerobics class from 7 to 8. Right now the only one I can get to is a 1:30 to 2:30 p.m. class that is only held 3 days a week instead of 5. So, I'm happy about that too. Whoo Hoo! Had a wonderful, relaxing vacation -- first week was with my DSis and her family -- and yes, I gave her the ultimate 50th b-day gift -- I had my DS and DIL meet them at baggage claim (he told them our plane was late getting in), so I could walk up to them and see if they recognized me. They did NOT -- I walked right up to them and stood next to my DS. My DSis looked annoyed at me because at first she thought I was some stranger intruding on their private conversation. LOL. Of course after a few seconds, it finally registered and she just screamed. She could not believe that I could keep my secret that long. It was great, it sure kept me motivated during those months. She called me the "incredible shrinking woman" when she id'd me on her Facebook page. By the way, now that my secret is out, I'd like to invite any of you on Facebook to be my friend. My name is Linda Vilcone on facebook. My last name is very rare, so I'm easy to find. I'd love to have all of you be my friend on there as well. Julie, congrats on your bandanniversary! You've done excellent -- you have a lot to be proud of -- look at what you've accomplished this year -- besides 101 pounds, all your medical problems, etc. You've come a long way!! I understand all the concerns about flying -- I also had to have a seatbelt extension when we flew home from Hawaii on Jan. 13, 2009 - but when we flew to Vegas in April I no longer needed one -- just 40 pounds or so makes a HUGE difference -- so for sure you won't need one any more, trust me. If your DH can't go, I fly out of Des Moines, so if you want to come here and fly with me, I'd love to be your travel partner. I like the idea of the condo/house. We had a condo for the first week in Vegas and it was great -- I had my usual breakfast/lunch and then we went out for dinner each night -- saves $$$$ plus you aren't tempted to eat naughty foods. I am very happy to report that after 12 days in Vegas, skipping 5 days of exercise and eating 8 buffets I maintained - no loss and no gain! I'm so happy -- it was a great test for me as I worry constantly about what it will be like when I'm done with the weight loss phase. I had a few "treats" but basically still ate Protein first and didn't eat any starches to speak of, but did indulge on many occasions on dessert treats -- but did apply the one bite rule -- take one bite and passed it on to my DH or else it got salted -- but did enjoy quite a bit of gelato. Since my DS lives in Vegas we were able to get some great buy one get one free buffets during the week and with 8 of us, that saved us quite a bit on money. Also, with our Lapband cards, I was able to get child's prices on buffets when we didn't have a coupon. We find it ends up being cheaper this way -- but you have to tell yourself that you are going to control what you eat and not overdo. We love buffets cause we LOVE crab and shrimp -- as I've mentioned before, after my surgery I discovered that I love crab with cocktail sauce instead of butter - which was a shock to me, but I really do like it better than the butter. Who'd have thought? Meredith, congrats on finishing up summer school -- you are one heck of a young lady -- finishing beauty school, going to college, having lapband surgery -- all before you're 30 years old! You are a role model for your generation - too bad 60 Minutes or Oprah doesn't find you and do your story -- I'd love to see that. I tried to do college while I was working full time, married and had a baby. I managed to get 2 years done before collapsing in exhaustion. So we all know how tough it is! Well, I must get some sleep -- sorry if I missed responding to anyone -- please don't take offense - it'll take me some time to catch up. Oh, forgot, bad news on my friend who has lung cancer -- she had some sort of terrible reaction to her chemo last week and now they are saying she only has 1 to 2 weeks to live - they called in hospice. I'm glad she won't suffer, but this is so quick for her family, they aren't ready to say their goodbyes yet. So sad. Janet and everyone who had car problems -- glad that's over - was it a full moon or what? Apples, I laughed so hard at your "feeling" the men at meals - loved that typo -- or was it? LOL. So glad to be back. Love traveling but there's no place like home. Linda

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Mrs. B~~~~OMG OMG OMG OMG! I cannot believe I forgot to congratulate you on your one year!!! I am so proud of you!!!! and proud to call you my friend. Job well done. : )

Linda~ Welcome back! Oh my- I would have loved to be a fly on the wall when you surprised your family!!! Congrats on that! And I am soooo happy you will be coming out in Feb!!! Hugs- on your friend in Hospice. Gosh, that stuff is tough and never gets easier.

Janet~ I have a confession to make. (That is one of your roles, right?! LOL) ALL this time, I thought your name was INDIGO girl! When I am on someone else's computer... i search LBT for indigo. It wasn't until your last post to the other desert girl... that I realized it was a LOCATION, not like the singers. <laughing here> And I just now had to double check my spelling b/c I always spell desert with two ss, sweets on the brain!

Dad had his surgery. Apparently it is helping! He had some blockage on his ureter that the stint wasn't helping with. I hope this is the solution!

Just wanted to say hi and do my confession!

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Morning.... It's Saturday and I should be sleeping in, but no..... I had to wake up early.... so I guess this is a good way to start...

Welcome home Linda.... It's great to come home from a wonderful trip and know that you don't have to be afraid of what the scale will say... Good for you... Your sis must have about fainted... I do love the surprised looks people give when it registers who you are and what you have done... Thanks for the offer about flying.. I'll keep it in mind while making my decision...

Laura, I'm sure hoping this surgery will turn a corner for your dad... This is just getting to be too much for any family.... good luck to all of you..

Well, today I have to make food for a potluck supper.. 50th birthday party for a cousin... I'm doing deviled eggs and a bean dip thing,, so I know there will be something good for me and my band..... I suppose there will be all that other "good/bad" stuff, too, but I usually don't over do at these things... It's at home that gets me in trouble when I get in a mood.... I know my mother is making fresh cucumber salad.... cucs from her garden, so that will be good, too....

Everyone have a great weekend... Next week should be interesting when Apples gets back to read all the posts about her idea to get together in Feb... She'll be going crazy with excitement.... Talk to you all later... Julie

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My My My !!!!! You guys have no idea how hard it is to read all your posts and then try to reply to all of them, well, there is just NO way !!!! First things first.

Laura~~~~ good to hear your Dad is doing better, for now. Maybe this last surgery will do the trick ! Will remember him in my prayers !

Janet~~~~ Congrats on saving the kitty !! Yes, my DD is in rehab for drugs and we are keeping her 4 yr old son. She is due to get out in 3 wks and then the real test will begin. Just hope she will be o.k. She got hooked on mj when she was 15 and later on, it was meth. We have been dealing with this for the last 11 yrs. And yes, I will trade food addictions any day for drugs !!!!

Some of you guys were talking about your fills, well, I went in this past Thursday for mine. Got there at 3:30, my app was at 4:00, cause I didn't want to be late. Went in there and he looked at what I had been doing, asked me if I was getting hungry between meals, how much I was eating, and how much exercise I'm doing and we decided to hold off on the fill because I am losing every wk, 1/2 pd to 1 pd a wk, and he's afraid if I get too much in my band, I will start to have trouble with it! He told me if I gain weight or get hungry between meals , to come back in and he would put some in. So I don't have to go see him until Nov. He talked to me, maybe 15 min., I walked out of his office at 6:3o !!!! GRRRRR GRRRRR All that time for NOTHING !!!!!! I do agree with him on not getting a fill for now because I am doing o.k. and I sure don't want to pb or slime !!!! Oh, yea, I signed up on the Lapband site when I had my surgery, they do have some useful tools there and I'm going to ck on the curves thing also.

Octo~~~~ you said you were in Ark visiting? What part of Ark. were you in?

If~~~~ looked at you pics and you look AWESOME !!!! I just love to look at before and after pics!! They are sooo inspiring !!! Maybe you didn't read my question before, but have you read the book " The Shack"?

Meredith~~~~ WAY TO GO on the weight loss and getting your paper done !!! I would love to go back to school and take computer classes, maybe when I retire, there will be time.

I know I've missed soooo many ppl but like I said, there is just no way to remember everyone, so please forgive me for not getting all of you in, just know how much I appreciate EVERY LAST one of you!!! I'll try to get back later!!!

Edited by doodlebug11

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Hello everyone.

I don't think that I posted yesterday, but I read everyones posts. I think we get busier and busier on here everyday! It's so wonderful. We celebrated Andrews 30th birthday yesterday. I was nice. dinner with his mother, sister and nephew, then to my parents house for ice cream cake. My stomach sometimes gets upset when I eat ice cream, and haven't had any since LB surgery, so I didn't chance it. Instead I had 3 small bites of the cake part and thats all. I was happy with myself for practicing some self control. However, I am not very happy with myself today. This is the first time I have felt guilty about eating since surgery and before that, the infamous olive incident! I started my day waking up late and not having time for Breakfast, so I grabbed a tablespoon and scooped out some all natural Peanut Butter and took it in the car with me. We definately need to go to the grocery store! This was my fault because I was unprepared and it set the tone for the rest of the day. I didn't eat all day at work except for 1 bite of a coworkers tuna Pasta salad. When I got home I was ravenous. I had a 300 calorie healthy choice meal and took a nap. A while after waking up, Andrew went across the street to pick up our dinner. I got a ceasar salad with grilled chicken on top. Which would be fine, EXCEPT...... I forgot to tell them no croutons and no garlic bread (one toast sized piece comes with it). He got home and I ate all of it!!!!! I made my calorie allotment for the dressing and everything else except for the garlic toast and croutons. I am disgusted with myself but starting to get over it. I'm sorry, I just had to vent. I have zero to minimal restriction and I am going to get my fill on Monday, so I guess after that I wont be able to fit all of this food. Ok, sorry again, I just feel so guilty. Ick. I hate this feeling.

Linda~ So glad you are home safe and sound! How great for you to be able to surprise your sister like that!!! IDK how you kept your secret for that long from her? I don't think I would ever be able to keep it for that long! You are doing great on your weight loss! WTG! Also, thank you for all of your kind words. I try to do what I can, but its tough. At least now I can see the light at the end of the tunnel now! I am just amazed everyday at all of the people I go to school with. So many of them work full time, have children and a husband and go to school! A week from Sunday I am going up north for four days with Andrew and then on the third, its back to the daily grind!

Laura~ Hopefully everything can get figured out with your dad. I am still praying for him and your entire fam. Hang in there. And.... i think that you are doing sooo well with your weight loss! I'm sure you just read about my issues. Also, wtg on the gym!!!! It takes so much some days to just get there. I give you so much credit. It has got to be so difficult with everything that is going on to be able to get the motivation. Especially when your partner in crime Nelson does not want to go! I really am excited for Feb! So fun! Nels will do great with his daddy. It will be good for the both of them to have a boys weekend!

Julie~ Congrats again on everything you have accomplished in your year since banding! WTG on the food choices for the party. Cucs sound so good. Mmmmm. I love vinegar, a little splenda, thinly sliced peeled cucs, and onion. I may have said that before. I can never remember and get too lazy to look back.

Janet~ Girl, I don't know how all of you do it in the desert?! Oh, and when Laura said that she couldn't remember if it was one s or two in desert i laughed. The other day I was stressed out and I posted my update on Facebook that I was stressed. My mom then commented by saying "Just remember that stressed is Desserts spelled backwards!" Thanks mom! Right? LOL. Oh, and everyone....add me on facebook if you want. My name is Meredith Angell in Detroit. I think that there is another Meredith Angell but she is in Indiana or something.

Doodle~ Still thinking about you and your DD. She will get home and hopefully have everything turned around for her. I totally understand about the mj thing. But, here in Detroit, meth is not very prevalent. The big thing around here is crack cocaine and heroin. But, in the urban areas further north I think there is a huge meth problem. It grabs such a hold of people from the very first time they use. It is unbelievable to me that it is so powerful. Scary really. Hang in there. I have faith that she will have changed her ways permanently if not just for her, but for your grandchild as well. Hugs.

Newbies~ This is a great site. I love it and don't know what I would do without it. Each of these women have helped me and inspired me on some of the most difficult days of my life during this journey. I love them so very much. Good luck!

Ok, it's late. I am only awake still because of the nap! Andrew fell asleep on the couch hours ago.

Good night, Meredith

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Good Morning All, I'm going to try to get some more shout outs this morning, it was late last night and I was tired.

Welcome aboard, Tick~~ Getr~~ JoJo~~ this is truley THE best place to get advice!! Everyone here is sooo good about helping out! So don't be afraid to ask for help when you need it, we all have!! Good luck on your new life and I really do mean your "life" because it is a life style change!

Mrs B~~~~ WTG on your 1 yr bandaversery!!! I hope when I reach my 1 yr, I can say I have lost 100 pds!!! But at a 1/2 pd a wk, it may be 2012 bfore I get to that point!! lol But I'm losing and that's a good thing!! So I'm not whineing!!!

If~~~ WAHOO on your loss!!!! It's those small victories that keeps us goiong!! Keep it up!! Congrats on the scripts, I don't take that many but I have stopped taking my depression meds, just don't think I need them any more!! I feel like I have MY life back in control!

Yesterday was another festivle but this was a lot better !! A whole lot cooler, 85, sat under a huge oak tree, lisitened to music, and after it was over, took my DGS fishing !! We got 2 trout and it was sooo much fun to watch him reel them in!! He was sooo excited!! But while we gone, my DH was working on our house. We are adding on to our house, a 20 x 20 addition. We are totally remodeling as we go for a rustic look, complete with cedar logs on the outside. But anyway, we are putting varnished boards on the ceiling and the room is, like I said 20x20, so the middle of the room is 10ft. from both walls and when we got home last night, he had the ceiling fan about 5ft from one wall and in the corner !!!!!! When I seen what he had done, I asked him WHAT have you done ???? Well, him being a man, he didn't see anything wrong with what he had done !!! I dunno know, maybe it's me, but I sorta like my fans in the middle of the room, maybe I'm way toooo picky!! LOL LOL So now he's going to have to tear down some of the ceiling and redo the fan, oh well, that's life!!! But what was so funny, he said no one's going to notice it's not in the middle!!!! WHAAAAT???? That's what I get for leaveing him alone for too long!!!

Well, I need to go, I'll try to get some more in later!! Oh, what does IMHO mean? I have tried and tried to figure it out and I can't. Sharon

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Hi everyone,

Have to get ready for church soon but thought I'd send a quick post.

If you are on Facebook you can look me up as Cheryl Poortenga VanTil Flory. (maiden name and former name before remarriage)

Doodle, I started The Shack and skimmed and read the end (I was in a bookstore where I sit and read but don't buy books cause they're too expensive) I really liked it. I want to do a more thorough read some day.

Meredith, you're too hard on yourself. Sounds like overall, you really didn't eat that much that day. My first fill didn't help much so don't expect miracles. I'm hoping to get my 2nd this Tues if insurance approves.

Laura your poor dad has been thru the mill and so has your family. Hope the roller-coaster ends soon.

Janet, I thought at first you were Indigo Girl and then realized you were Indio Girl and always wondered what that meant and now I know. How did the town get its name?

Ms. B--wtg again on the weight loss

Linda--love the story about your DS.

Apples we miss you but you always make up for it when you get back. I always grin when I see one green post after the other.

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Doodle IMHO = in my humble opinion. I agree, the fan needs to be in the middle of the room. LOL, men are such different creatures, aren't they? Why in the world would they put a fan up in a corner? LOL. Too funny. Glad he's willing to move it for you though. Meredith, forgive yourself -- just go take a few laps around the block to make up for those croutons and bread. Remember, we all allow for some treats some days and I'd say Andrew's birthday was a day for celebration and having a little treat is okay on special days. Remember, I just got back from vacation where I indulged in some extra treats for many days and I stayed the same weight. We have to remember this is a lifestyle change and not a diet. I think we constantly panic if we eat something that normally would be a "no no on a diet." In our new lapband reality, we are never going to ever diet again -- rather, we make healthy food choices and exercise to control our weight. As Janet says, she eats healthy 98% of the time -- that is what we all have to aim for. So a few croutons and toast are not going to keep you from losing this week. Just make sure you get back track and eat healthy today. CBL Linda

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Good Morning All

Drive by post as I need to get dressed - going shopping w/gf today...

Had hair cut yesterday at 8:30 then grocery shopping - target shopping - take gs to get hair cut etc - so had a busy day

Gang MOST pple think it's INDIGO (Like the indigo girls) so don't feel bad - I get it all the time - it is Indio and yes it's the name of the town that I live in - "Indio" means Indian That's all I know - Not a big historian about my town - Know it started cuz of the Railroad - We were the Date Capital of World at one time (know this cuz my Dad was a Date Grower).. We are 20 miles east of Palm Springs - We use to have to say palm springs cuz no one know of Indio - but now a day I can say Palm Desert - or Rancho Mirage - but alot more know about indio cuz they drive thru it going somewhere...

Well gang I gotta make this short

Hugs & Love to all of you - Janet :0)

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Okay, I'm going to try and catch up here. I'm really behind, sorry. No more traveling until mid-September and DH is not going so he can take care of the household.

Meredith, I had my fill this weekend and the needle thing wasn't bad at all. The doctor found the port with the x-ray...it has 4 little metal clips besides the stitches holding it in place and you could see those clearly on the x-ray. He stuck the needle in and besides when I was sitting up for the fill, it really didn't hurt. You'll do just fine.

Julie, good thing getting rid of the old clothes. I've already done a little of that too. I had some stretchy pants and they are in the charity box. I am not going back there anymore. Not sure you won't be ordering from a catalogue anymore because of your height. One of my girl friends is 5'11" and has a very hard time finding long enough pants. She actually goes to Phoenix to find them or orders them.

Apples, thanks for the info. The farming sounds like very hard work, but fulfilling......especially "feeling" the 6-8 men. That could be very interesting. LOL. The snack ideas are great too. I keep worrying that I'm not eating "solid" foods. I know it will work out in time but it's not easy now. Glad to hear you eat beef Jerky. I love that stuff and it's a great way to satisfy my hunger. I just have to make my own because I do not like the commerical stuff.

OH...and a get together in Florida in Feburary would be great. I would love to do that. I'm not big on Orlando either, I've done that, but I'll go with the flow. As far as the cooking goes, I can go either way with that. I love to cook and it's always a challenge to meet other people's dietary needs. I love doing that. I also like to go out to eat, so once again, I'll go either way.

Okay....I'm house sitting and need to check in on the kitties and my sister. I will continue with the rest of your posts when I get back.


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Second fill on Tuesday. Hope it does the trick. School starts on Weds. I'm tired of hanging on by my fingernails with the food. And I can get it done first thing in the morning rather than after teaching. I'd have to go on the busiest expressway to a very busy part of Chicago and then sit in an office waiting my turn. I would imagine it'll be a long wait if I go at the end of the day.

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Hi guys~

Good news regarding my dad... his creat. is down to 3.3!!! It seems there WAS an obstruction somewhere between the kidney and bladder. Although they put two different stints in, they were not staying patent. Now he has a tube directly from the kidney to the skin at his back. Not very sexy but it is WORKING! His latest problem is a severe head to toe rash with blisters! They are thinking it was one of the antibiotics he was on. He had to have a biopsy yesterday. If it's not one thing.. it's.... another.

Today was Nelson's open house at his school. He is starting kindergarten!!! My little baby is growing up :unsure:. He is in a Montessori school, so he is a 3rd year of the pre-primary class. (they have ages 3-6 in the same class). So this year he is the big kid/leader/helper. He has been at the same school since he was 2. We wanted to switch him to either public school or another main stream private school, but decided to keep him there for one more year. He is still so sensitive, and I feel his emotional needs are better met in an environment where everyone knows him and where he feels comfortable. I figure the academic side will come. (although the school is good in that as well). But it's not structured- if they want to work in the garden all morning, they are allowed to.. if they want to paint.. they can. His class is beautiful and he was so excited!

We took him to ToysRUs to get a big-boy-going-to-kindergarten present. He got a toy airport. Then we decided to go to Benihana (Japanese steakhouse where they cook in front of you). I LOVE this restaurant but have not been since surgery. They bring a broth type onion Soup and small salad with each meal. I had the Soup, but only took a small bite of salad (wanted to save room). I ordered the scallops. It came with 8 large scallops.. i had 5 and gave DH 3. I only had 1/2 cup of the fried rice, but ate all my veggies (onions, mushrooms and zucchini). I took a bite of DH's steak and lobster. I also had a gin and tonic. :rolleyes: The food there LOOKS healthy, but they put way too much oil, butter and soy sauce when preparing it. But boy was it good! I ate too much, but had planned for it somewhat. Breakfast was 1 egg (90)and a laughing cow cheese(35). I only had a 100 cal. Muscle Milk and 100 cal yogurt for lunch. But I would guess that dinner was 1000 calories.

I am really looking forward to seeing everyone in Feb! Another option instead of Orlando is meeting in Miami. The only problem is renting a house would be more expensive there and flights might be more as well. Just a thought since everyone is not 100% keen on Orlando. But I figure the main point is just getting together and it wouldn't really matter where we are.

Meredith~ Go easy on yourself GF. You will not be perfect all of the time. You did fine in my opinion. Think about what you would have eaten pre- band!

Janet aka Indio Indigo girl~ Buy anything good on your shopping spree?! Your weekends always sound so exhausting!

Doodles~ had me laughing about the fan! That would drive me nuts too.

If your~ I will friend you on Facebook! As I told others, I have not announced my surgery on FB. Many of my close friends and family know, but there are so many people that I just haven't told on FB. Just FYI.

JulieB~ You are such a party animal! All those 50th birthday parties... and bringing food.< /p>

peasout~ Laura

Edited by peascorps

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Laura, I use the inbox feature if I want to say something private. I never talk about my lapband unless I'm notifying people that I've got new posts on my blog. Everyone on Facebook knows I had the surgery because of my blog. I'm using my blog as a ministry to those with food addiction and informing them about recovery and using the lapband as a tool. I think there'd be a lot more recovery if people saw this as a disease with biological roots that can be medically treated. I want it to come out of the shame closet the way breast cancer did. Too many people are dieing from this disease.

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Hi everyone, hope your Sunday was restful and relaxing.. DH and I went on a pontoon cruise with friends on the big muddy Missouri River... It was so beautiful out... very nice... got back to their house to get a call from DD that someone had hit her car and could we come... She had gone to my mother's, parked in her driveway and just as she and Mimi were getting out a pickup that had been up on blocks rolled down and across the street and kissed butts!!!! Lots of damage on DD's car, but luckily she and Mimi were out and not hurt... She was so upset... gets a little worked up... When she was 14 she was a backseat rider in a car full of her friends that was hit broadside while crossing the highway.. Her best friend was killed instantly.. She was the only one conscious and hung upside down in her seat belt with her dead friend... Life changing event for her!!!! Needless to say, she is a nervous driver.....very cautious.... Of course she has had more than her share of mishaps... 3 years ago someone hit her in downtown Bismarck.... totaled her car, but she was fine... Anyway, they are fine and the car is driveable and fixable at the other guys expense... We can handle this..

Yes, we have had our share of parties lately.. Next Sunday we have church at the river with a potluck picnic... more food!!! Then Sept 15th a family reunion for DH with.............more food!!!! October has a wedding and a 60th birthday party, but I don't think I have to do any food for those two......thank goodness...

Laura, glad to hear good news about your dad... And I think you are doing the right thing for your little guy.. In this day and age they have to do so much so soon that they need all the advantages they can get..

If, good luck on your fill and on your new school year.. sometimes the routine is very good for us...

Sharon, girl I hear you about the husband thing and him not thinking about where things go.. Mine did the same thing with a light/ceiling fan that he put in a bedroom he added on to DD house last year... And I didn't see it until it was too late.. He put it in the center of the room but before he built the closet, so it's really not in the center of the room and the door barely misses hitting the blades when it opens!!! We have done lots of construction project in our marraige, but there have been lots of arguements because of this kind of thing... He can handle it if it's "okay" and I'm of the attitude that if we're doing it we should do it right and be able to be proud of the finished product... Yup, they just don't think like us!!!!

Eva, glad you are back... I like Jerky, too, but don't want to make it... Doesn't it take forever???

Well, I have my fill tomorrow and I'm a bit anxious... I really need for this one to give me restriction... I'm worried about the scar tissue from my surgeries making it hard to accomplish.. I'll let you know how it goes.. Must take Mother along for an appointment, too... Would really enjoy a trip by myself once in a while, but it seems like I either have her or DD and Mimi with me... Oh, and I'm still considering the FL trip... Haven't decided for sure what to do..... Thanks for all your encouragement

Time to sleep.... TTYL........... Julie

Edited by Mrs. Bubba

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Hi everyone, Julie and If good luck on your fills this week. I was supposed to have one Wed. but will have to reschedule as DGD has dr. appt. in Iowa City Wednes. and I can't do both in same day, so I can wait an extra week or two. I'm so close to my sweet spot, but want to try one more tiny fill as I still think I can eat more than I should be able to. Want to get it done before I start working days again in middle of Sept. Apples and Janet, I never noticed any difference in my band after flying -- I know both of you have mentioned you get tighter when you fly. Nothing seems to make my band tighter. I don't get very nervous flying, maybe that's why. Laura, I'd rather check out places on the Gulf side (St. Pete area) rather than go to Miami -- we stayed at a lovely condo a year ago at Redington Beach and it was only $900 for an entire week - 2 bedroom, 2 bath, slept 6. I love the beaches on gulf side. But that's just me, I'll go wherever the rest of you want to go. Flying in to Tampa is just as easy as Orlando I believe -- I get good flights and good rates going there all the time. Especially if you book in advance. I finally got some exercise in today -- I spent yesterday cooking for my friend's family (one who has cancer) as all her family came to town. I spent about 5 hours in the kitchen cooking and then cleaning up of course - probably got some calorie burn from that as well. It felt good to do some aerobics again today though. I just don't want to get out of the habit. TTYL. Linda

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    • Bashbee91

      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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