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If...to be perfectly honest...yes that's exactly how I felt. Had my first fill and felt tight the few days after and then back to where I was. Second and last fill a couple of months later and the same thing. I know I was struggling with it and asking for advice on this thread. Just could not wrap my head around what that sweet spot was. Well, about a month after the second fill I could tell it was there. Not overly tight but some restriction. I could request a fill from my doc at any monthly appt. I struggled for awhile deciding if I wanted another. Decided to sit where I was and am so happy I did. I never want to risk being too full and I also like feeling "normal" and being able to eat most things.

We are all different and require a different amount of fills. I just like where I have been with the restriction I have. I get hungry every two hours or so. Not where I feel overly hungry...just enough to know I should eat something. I love it this way.

You will know when you get to where you want to be. Wishing you luck!

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Raisins and coconut are the things I use to make sure I don't want to eat a cookie.... The ones I made yesterday are Salted Peanut cookies...with oatmeal and melted butter and all that other stuff I like... I guess maybe I had a craving or something... Anyway, I just took a bunch to my mother's house when she called to say she had company...family from Missouri.... and did I want to come over to visit.. So, there went half of them... Yeah!!!!! Oh and Apples, don't think the licking thing would stop me if I got it in my head to have a cookie.....

My little Mimi just woke up, so must leave the computer area again.. be back later.... Julie

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Girls~ You are so funny about your cookies! Since I've been banded I've only made healthy things. But, I am the one that makes all of the Cookies for Christmas since my grandma became ill and can no longer bake. So now, thats my job. Last year by the time I was done baking I didn't even want any more!

Ok, just wanted to check in.

TTYL~ Meredith

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Hi all~

Thanks for all the concern for my dad. $hit hit the fan again today. uurrrghhhhhh! His creatinine was down to 3.1 and he was doing great... except refusing to walk. He complained of fatigue, dizziness and inability to stand. Yesterday they said there was no medical reason to stay in the hospital and that his kidney was stable. They were discussing transferring him to a rehab facility near their house. Right now they are in Raleigh- 2.5 hrs from home! Well, he had a conniption- saying he didn't want to go in a nursing home! My dad was walking 3 miles a day, doing 1 hr Water aerobics and playing nine holes of golf a day before he got sick a month ago! He keeps complaining of things in the hospital and they keep giving him medications. Back hurts- here's 2 percocet. Can't sleep- here's ambien. Thirsty- here's an IV. What happened to basics??? massage... quiet room... cup of water! Well, this morning he STOPPED making urine! His creat. went from 3.1 to 5.2!!! They put the catheter back in- no urine. They did an xray and ultrasound- stint is in place. DH spoke to the urologist and asked if they should repeat the cystoscopy and she said she wanted to wait and see! DH said to her...It is either PLUMBING... or blood flow! What are we waiting for???? Holy crap. He was doing so good and now 15 + hours no urine output! It seems they are all scratching their heads with him!

My company left about an hour ago. We had such a nice time catching up about the 30 people that were in our Peace Corps group. Everyone enjoyed the food. I was so glad that last minute I bought some low fat wheat wraps- everyone used those for their sandwich! I served hummus with some pita pieces and made a black bean/corn/avocado salad. Someone was just talking about that- Octillo I think. I had it on the brain. It's interesting that everyone was making all the "healthy" choices- even though there were other things available. No one touched the chips or tortilla chips/salsa. The veggie dip and fruit salad were almost gone. Now we did kill 2 pitchers of frozen margaritas! I use the GOOD El Patron tequila, triple sec and JIMMY BUFFETT margarita mix! yum!!! The kids went swimming... ate Popsicles and then played Wii. I have so much lunch meat leftover! They all said... 3 lbs of deli meat.. what were you thinking?! LOL! Oh, they all almost DIED when they saw how much weight I had lost!!! They all saw me in Dec when I was at my heaviest. I realized when I saw one of my friends and I said I lost 70 lbs, that most people cannot wrap their minds around this. I think they have NO idea that I weighed 312 to begin with. When I say "I lost 25% of my body weight".. they can understand that. So that's my new way of telling people how much.

Mrs. Julie B~ Sorry to hear about the cookie. I love salted peanut... and I KNOW I could not bake those yet. I bought yucky grocery store bakery sugar Cookies today and had one. It wasn't even good and I ate it. ugghhh. Don't overdo it with your little Caliou loving Mimi!

Apples~ Sounds like your visit with the Aussies was lovely! Your farm sounds like a LOT of work! I remember the very first garden I planted in Paraguay in the Peace Corps. Those were the best vegetables I had ever eaten in my LIFE! But I couldn't believe how much time and energy went into one broccoli plant! I preferred growing vines/leaf veggies that kept producing. These days I harvest on Farmtown..LOL. Even that is exhausting keeping up with the timing of the crops! ; )

Janet~ Glad to hear you are back on track with eating. You had a lot going on this week with the move and battery. Just hearing you talk about the gym is making me look forward to getting back after 1.5 weeks not there.

Meredith~ WTG on your paper! Please don't get frustrated with the slow weight loss. You are doing GREAT pre first fill. Some people don't lose at all until they have restriction and you, my friend, have done amazing!!! If nothing else try to add some walking/exercise to the program and you should see some results. I know from my support group that the people that exercise have the most success and the least amount of loose skin! You can do it!!!

Question for you experienced bandsters... how long would you go after your last fill until another? When I was in my dr's office last week they commented that they hadn't seen me in 2 months and that I might need a fill. But I have restriction.. is it ok to not have another one for a while?! OR should I go and have a tiny amount put in??? The first year fills are free.. but not sure how many one should have!?

ok guys... since I was writing this the urologist came back in to dad's room after talking to his other doctors. They will take him to the OR for another cystoscopy to see what is going on with the stint. She was very defensive and didn't think this would be the most usual cause. My mom is a mess. We told dad not to eat and he had cheerios 20 min ago... might have to wait 2 hrs for surgery. To be continued...


Edited by peascorps

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CHEEZ, Laura! What a mess! Hope things start looking up again soon. Wonder if the kidney quit working or stint problem or what??

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I just got this from Allergan the ppl who make LapBand - Thought you who have their bands might be interested in this info

Dear LAP-BAND® System Advocacy Council Members,

I hope the summer finds you well and enjoying vacation with friends and family. For some time now, I’ve wanted to introduce a means of sharing information and ideas. If you agree, I’d like to create an online exchange of valuable information. You’ve provided valuable insight in the past, and I’d like to make sure I continue to listen to your ideas, as well as provide you with new information that you can share.

Initially, I’ll be sending out information and resources via email for you to use on your discussion board, site and/or practices. Hopefully you can help me shape our experience over the coming months with information and resources that will benefit your members.

Did You Know?

My LAP-BAND® Journey email and online support program has added exclusive partnerships with Lindora® and Curves®, two leading weight-loss support companies.

My LAP-BAND® TLC Program by Lindora®

LAP-BAND® Therapeutic Lifestyle Change Program, from the medical weight-loss experts at Lindora®, is a free 10-week program to help maximize weight-loss results. LAP-BAND® Therapeutic Lifestyle Change Program participants get 24/7 access to a “virtual clinic,” two 1-1 personal support calls with a Lindora® Health Educator, and unlimited email support. Plus 20% savings on Lindora® TLC nutritional products, supplements and support tools.

The program is designed exclusively for LAP-BAND® patients who’ve had their first adjustment and need a little extra TLC as they transition from soft to solid food. It’s also perfect if you’ve had the LAP-BAND® for 6, 8, 12, 24 months or 5 years and feel like you need to “reboot” with a little structure to get motivated and back on track. Check out the details:

Lapband.com - Exclusive LAP-BAND® TLC - Lindora® - Post-Op Weight Loss Support Program

Discount Membership to Curves®

Curves®, the largest fitness franchise in the world, offers female LAP-BAND® System patients a 2-week free trial membership. After the free trial, get 50% off the membership initiation fee and 10% off monthly dues. Curves® offers trained coaches to help you incorporate safe exercise into the fitness journey.

Lapband.com - Curves® Free 2-week Trial - Lap-band® Post-surgery Exclusive

Visit lapband.com to take advantage of these partnerships, and please spread the word about these exciting programs with other LAP-BAND® System patients. I have attached a fact sheet on the new partnerships for you to read and pass along if you like.

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Foods that I try my best to stay away from - Sweet (mostly any and all kinds except I don't care for chip ahoy cookie they can be in the pantry and poptarts) cheese and High Fat foods.

I baked Cookies at Xmas when I was 6 months out and still in my weight loss phase - I just didn't eat any of the sweets at work and did an extra day or 2 at the gym - didn't gain weight that xmas - Did the same thing this last Xmas (but gotta say it almost got out of control this year)

I love raisins (oatmeal raisin one of my fav) I love cocunut too - Gotta say there isn't really anything I don't like.

If it's in the house and I can't say No it goes into the trash or into GS room... I grew up with the whole straving children in china - and Popeye clean plate eat your spinach - but these things are what made us learn to eat past full - (well me it didn't cuz I had do dishes and I was alway scraping the pots for the last bite of this or that - I was the only one in the family (us kids) who wanted 2nds) Ya it's wasteful - but I really beleive in better in thee than in me - and if I have thrown something out - I am less likely to buy it again cuz I know I can't say no to it..

Laura - Hugs on the Dad's med problens - Continued prayers - I know how frustrating it is..

Fill - Only you know if you need one or not - if you feel restriction and are losing weight then you don't need one..

I really only had 2 fills - cuz all but .1 was taken out of the third cuz I was too tight - My last fill/unfill really was 1/08.

With my doc you go in every 2 months for the 1st year - he won't give you a fill if you have lost weight - When I went Dec 07 said I needed one he said no you lost 17 lbs since your last one - but called in January said I need one that's the one that got me too tight..

They say as you lose weight you are losing the fat around your stomach and that's why you have to keep getting re-adjusted - well - I must not have had much fat around mine cuz I don't need one..

Sometimes I think I could use a tweak - like today had salad for lunch wasn't full at all then had some watermelon - lunch was over and I was still straving - went and found some peanuts and had a handful and was fine after that..

Our bands are very fickle - some days you are tight others you aren't.

It up to you - I'm comfortable eating 1 to 1.5 cups of food for dinner and being full - I never want to only eat 1/4 cup or 1/2 cup of food for the rest of my life - I love food too much - being banded has changed that - What has changed is me - in knowing that I can't eat tons of unhealthy things and expect my body to stay as it is now...

Cheri - I would love to go back to school just for the sake of learning - not getting a grade and writing papers - too much work :0).. I would hate writing and correctly at that :0)

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Cheri & Janet, I think I would like to go back to school until I actually do it. I've taken a class here and there, but with working all day, then class at night and homework, I just can't seem to commit to more than one semester once in a great while. I got my degree while working full time. It took me 11 years and I attended at least one class every semester during that time. My last year, I took 3 upper division classes, wrote 9 papers and and I can't remember how many tests. I used up a whole lot of vacation time that semester. I graduated in '93 and I still wonder about what I want to do when I grow up. I think I was so committed to the process and getting that BA that now I really don't want to commit to anything. I didn't get married (for the first and only time) until I was 50. On the flip side, I do enjoy learning, I'm just not motivated enough to apply myself to learning on my own with out school. Oh well, maybe when I retire.

Apples, can I ask what crops you grow? Harvesting in October through November is late for a lot of the country. So you take a little ice chest with you with Snacks? If you eat every couple of hours or so that would mean several very small Snacks all day.

Mrs B. Good for you in making that appointment for the fill. My first one is coming up this weekend. I'm hoping it will take me back to where I was at banding at least for a while. Those Cookies can get you every time. I really don't care for peanuts but oatmeal raisin, yum............

Meredith, hope you are getting through this last class. I do admire you for working and going to school. Hope you get a bit of a break here soon. Are you on quarters? Our fall semester is just beginning right now. You are still doing great with your food. I'm not so hot about watching what I'm eating (especially with 3 vacations since I was banded) but trying to listen to my band and not eat too much.

Hi Dee, welcome.

Great....I'm getting my hair done tomorrow. Getting up at 4am would be torture for me. I don't think you will have to worry about the insurance thing. A lot of stuff is being thrown out there and people are working at misinformation just to scare people. Sorry your knee is bothering you that much. I have a couple of friends that have already had knee surgery and think it's the best thing they could have done.

Laura, I'm so sorry to hear about your Dad. I'm sure he is frustrated and after being down for so long, he's letting it get to him. I hope he can pull through and get out of the hospital. Once he is on his feet and moving again, maybe he'll be able to go back to his old routines and that certainly will help. I'm glad to hear your party went so well and they noticed how much weight you've lost. That is such positive reinforcement. I'm not sure the chips and salsa would be by-passed here, but it's cool that all the healthy stuff was eaten and appreciated. The deli meat can be frozen can't it?

Phyll, are you getting excited about the knee surgery or are you anxious? I really hope all goes well for you and I bet you will breeze through it. Did they answer all your questions?

Sorry if I missed anyone, I'll catch you next time.

I have to sleep, need to get to work early tomorrow because I have to leave early for the hair appointment. Have a great evening everyone.


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Taking another break.....

Laura~ Sorry your dad is having such a difficult time! Gosh. However, I'm glad that you had such a wonderful time with your company. I think that when people see that you are watching what you eat, they are more inclined to watch what they eat when they are around you. I've noticed that people at work do it all the time now. I walked into the kitchen at the salon the other day and another stylist (who is probably 100 lbs overweight but doesn't act like she knows she is) and she was eating a donut. Well as soon as she saw me she threw it in the garbage! So strange. Like we are the new food police or something. Kind of entertaining. When I had surgery, so many people that had also had surgery told me that all of the sudden everyone around me would start a diet. Some have.

Everyone~ Well, I've dropped 3.7 pounds! I was so worried about being stuck at -38 for that week. I should have listened to all of you girls! You knew exactly what you were talking about! Awesome. Thanks for your support. Once again, I don't know what I would do without this thread.:D

Now, I'm getting nervous about my fill. I know that my doctor doesn't numb before he fills. I think thats mean. Also, that same night (monday) he is giving his seminar at the hospital. They always want someone that is semi-new to come and answer questions for the people who are deciding whether or not they want the surgery. I kinda want to go and tell everyone how happy I am that I got the band, but I think that it's still too early in the weight loss?

Ok, back to late night studying! Then after tomorrow I don't have any classes until September 3rd. We are on the semester schedule. Classes go all the way up until December 22nd! Eek! Hope everyone has a great Wednesday!



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Good morning!

Meredith, CONGRATS! I lost like that too, nothing and then suddenly 3 or 4 lbs. I never was numbed for a fill either and other than the first one, none of them ever hurt. The first one maybe I was still tender from surgery?? Who knows. My fills were just the opposite, they gave them if you lost weight because of losing that fat pad, evidently I had quite a bit as I had 7 or 8 fills in my first year. My first couple were only 2 weeks apart. My last ones were a few months apart. Now I am good and don't foresee ever needing another, but one never knows I suppose.

Laura, sorry about your dad, hope you get some answers soon.

Well off to work. Why do I suddenly want a cookie??? :D

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Good morning, hope everyone slept well and is refreshed for this new day.. I just got DH and Mimi off, so now to decide about my day... I'm thinking a dip in my hot-tub sounds relaxing right now... I still have that pain in my side and maybe that will help a bit... Then I have some regular laundry to got done.. I finished all the "fat" clothes that got wet in the basement fiasco and got them off to the Resource Center.. They are now history and will never need that size again..... There are still a few more I need to get out of the closet but I'm leaving that for later when I switch to winter clothes.... I will definately need to shop before winter... I need a new coat for sure... and some long pants that don't let my ankles show.. I'm 5'9" and regular pants are just too short... I need talls.... and they are hard to find around here....unless you order.... I was hoping to never order from a catalague again..

Laura, good wishes for your dad to get things back on track.. I've been in that spot - something going wrong just when you think you are finally better - and it sucks, to be honest... A person starts to lose hope and that isn't good... And your poor mother... trying to put on a good front for him and being scared to death!! I wish them well and you, too.... You have your DH and Nelson to distract you, but it's such a worry all the time, too... We are all praying this will get figured out real soon...

Meredith, congrats on the loss.... Yes, this band is fickle and just when you are about to think you'll never lose another pound 3 or 4 just fall off... It's like a miracle... and I guess we aren't supposed to understand, but just keep doing what we know is right for us.... Glad you get at least a week off from school to regroup a bit..

Hope everyone else is doing fine... Have a safe day and we'll talk again later...I'm off to soak for a bit....


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hi janet

you look great,i am waiting to get banded,i live in mass, ty for your input i am nervous about surgery but i am ready your fat friend larry

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Happy Hump Day to my LB friends!

Laura...congrats on your successful party. Sounds like fun was had by all. Sooooooooooo encouraging when friends notice the weight loss. Such a boost and helps keep a on track. Keep goin' girl!

You were talking about leftover deli meat. I freeze it all the time. I need to have it on hand all the time when I pack lunches for guys that are out in the field and cannot make it back to the house for meals on certain days. I HATE throwing food away so I just freeze the leftovers and use at a later date. I never notice that it affects the quality of the meat. In fact, today the guys are getting grilled ham and cheese sandwiches with chili. (Both ham slices and chili are getting pulled out of the freezer).

Hopefully you will get the answers you are looking for with your Dad. Sometimes it is totally frustrating. It sounds like the docs are not truly listening to your father and the symptoms he has. I know from personal experience that docs do not like it when a patient (or family member ) self-diagnos. It's almost like it's an egotistical thing with them. Hang in there and keep us informed.

Meredith...wanted to comment on your post about the fact you have only made healthy choices in cooking and eating since surgery. GOOD FOR YOU!!!! That's huge part of the battle in forever changing the way you eat.

Funny how you talked about people at work changing the way they eat, throwing a donut away, etc. You will notice a lot of different reactions from people. Some good...some not so good. Just be tough and try to ignore what bothers you. I have been through the wringer with this type of thing. At first there were things I could not blow off. Getting comments about "being too thin" and "you better not lose any more weight". I was bombarded for quite some time with comments....even when I was 50lbs from goal. Well, pretty difficult at first but then realized it just made me tougher. Not their business...Made me so angry sometimes. But, I bucked up and just focused on me and being healthy.

Try not to be nervous about your fill. I was and wondered afterwards what the big deal was.

Congrats on the weight loss. So fun when it comes off like that all of a sudden.

You talk about not knowing what you would do without all of us....Right back at you. It's all of you that keep me coming back every day. Good luck getting through the rest of this semester and enjoy your down time until starting up again. All of this will be worth it in the end!

Julie...enjoy your soak! Good feeling getting rid of the larger clothes. I, too, need long pants. I have the best luck just ordering online. There's not too many places around here that carry them. I ordered from Woman Within, J Jill, Macys, Champion and Amazon.com (have free shipping with them).

Great....No raisins??????????? I eat about a cup of them a day. It's like I crave them. I mix them with my smoked almonds. B/4 banding I never ate them. Now it's like my body is telling me that I need them.

Janet...have a question for you about watermelon. I notice that I can eat more than 1.5 cups of melon. It's like it is a slider food for me. Same goes with most fruit. Do you notice that. My family thinks I am really strange. I cannot eat melon without salt on it. Best thing ever!

Eva....to answer your question on the crops. We grow corn and soybeans. We usually do not get into the fields to plant until mid-May and finish the first week of June. Our harvests can be wonderful with great weather and then we can have very bitter, cold harvests with snow and ice. Just depends on what the weather is any given year. I LOVE harvest. Besides feeling an average of 6-8 men each meal, I unload the semis when they bring them into the yard. One truck after the other. I have to be pretty innovative with meal planning. Time bake on my oven and the slow cooker are my friend that time of the year and in the spring during planting. I usually do my baking and make the meals at 4:30am, get my cleaning and laundry done and then I am free when the trucks start coming in.

As far as my eating every 2 hours. I sometimes carry a cooler but I prefer not to. When I do it's something life lettuce wrapped chicken with mayo, greek yogurt with Kashi Go Lean Crunch Cereal, smoked salmon, etc. I prefer carrying snack bag sizes of beef Jerky, Fiber cereal that is high in Protein, dried edamame, dried soy nuts, Protein Bars (Myoplex or Pure Protein which I buy on Amazon.com or Walmart or Target). I am a planner and make sure I am never without a couple of these items in my purse.

Welcome Larry! Take a deep breath...try not to be nervous about your upcoming surgery. See this as a life changing, positive experience. Good into it KNOWING you can succeed. Come back here often with any questions you may have. This thread and LBT in general helped me a tremendous amount. We are a tight group and always willing to welcome new people. Fire away with any questions you have!

Looks like I really like to hear myself talk! Better get back to work. Force feeding today. Band is still tight due to stress. Like I said the other day...nothing too major and it should all calm down soon. DH handles everything a lot better than I do. To think, b/4 the band I would have been STRESS EATING.

Hope everyone has a GREAT day!

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OMG...just re-read my last post and notice that I stated that I "feel" 6-8 men every meal. OOPS. Maybe that would ease my stress!!!!!!!!!!! Naw...I'll just feel DH and average of 6-8 times during a meal and all will be fine.

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I love watermelon, but must have salt, too... I'm glad to know someone else likes it that way.. Don't care for other melon, but DH does so have it around all the time...

Apples, you feel your DH all you want... I'm sure it will make his day go much better..

I think it is so worth noticing that we all have different stories to tell about fills...... Apples and Janet only had one or two if I remember correctly, but Great had 7 or 8..... I had like 5 or 6 before being unfilled 4-1-09 and now that I've started to fill again I'm going in for my 3rd on Monday as I have very little restriction... Everyone is different and we just have to figure it out.. I have to admit I'm envious of those who are at their sweet spot and get the restriction that they want.. I feel like I've lost most of the 101 pounds I'm down with just my own willpower... That's why those dang Cookies got me the last couple of days... I'm wishing for the restriction to stop me from making any stupid food choices.... maybe that's too much to ask for.. but I'm asking anyway...

Well, it's cool and rainy here today.... DH could come rolling in anytime to say he's done working for the day.. We have had about 6 days of summer (over 85) all season and although I like the cooler weather, it isn't very condusive to harvest...

My soak was great and now I've got my laundry all going and need to do a bit of paperwork.. Not a bad day at all.... Had a Protein drink for Breakfast.. I find that I can do the Special K ones without gagging, so thought I would try to calm my system after those Cookies. Maybe a salad for lunch and a nice supper with meat and veggies.. That should defuse the sugar!!!

Take care all. Apples are you off to the lake soon??


Edited by Mrs. Bubba

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      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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