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Thank you for showing us all you are not just the butt kicker but some times we all have to kick your butt.:biggrin: Even though you had a moment of weakness at least you threw what you didn't eat away so you could move on. If you were like I was the sweet thing would have lasted way much longer before we all had the band.

Hang in their girl it will get better.:unsure:


I am glad your dad is doing better and his creat is alot lower. Good job on passing on the cake. Does it just amaze you what resturants serve as a portion size. It is crazy

Edited by 1day at a time

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Hey there gang !!! Well I had an emotional day but a good one ! My car did start so that was a good thing !! One of the girls that lives at the Luke 4:18 house with my DD, graduated today. I am really close to her, she has 2 children and her Mom has been taking care of the kids for the last 7 months, and her Mom isn't in the best health but any way when the girls graduate, the other girls stand up and tell them things that they will miss about them and how they have been touched by them. Well, the Mom stood up and thanked the house parents for opening up thier home and hearts to these girls that need help, and I have to tell you, there wasn't a dry eye in the place when she finished !! These girls have been in each others lifes for 7 months and then they leave so it's really sad but a happy time !! The good thing is they do stay in the community and will keep going to the same church. They will have each other to lean on if they need it ! My DD graduates in 3 wks so I'm looking forward to her coming home and raiseing my DGS but at the same time I dread it cause I know how easy it is to mess up !! I just have to leave it in Gods hands !! She is going to get to come home Tuesday to go to open house at school and then she's going to take him to school the next morning, then when he comes home that evening, I have to take her back. She is sooo ready to come home for good !!! Bless her heart, she has gained about 40 pds since she's been in there, so when she comes home, she wants me to help her lose some weight, I told her I think I know a thing or two about losing weight !! So I'll have a buddy to help me also !! Yall take care and ICYL

Sorry, Laura, but I guess we posted at the same time !! Sooo happy to hear your Dad is doing better !! Your Mom will do better now that she knows that your Dad is going to be o.k. OMW, all that food !! I'm not ready to face all that good food. I know that I probably mess up with all those choices !! I've never had oyster stew and what are steamers ?

Hope every thing is o.k. at home !! You have hurricanes and I have tornados, I don't know which is worse !!! Have a safe flight home !!

Edited by doodlebug11

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Good morning everyone! It's been awhile since I have been here and have spent the morning catching up.

Laura/peas--hope your dad is on the road to getting better. What a rough road!

Janet/indio--it's weird sometimes what sets us off into old patterns, huh? sometimes it's just an accumulation of too many little crappy things. we are all human, after all.

Sharon/doodle--thanks so much for your words of encouragement. this has been a tough time (another one :)) for me and my family but we are getting by--one day at a time, as they say! it's really true, the only way to go. I hope your DD has hit bottom and really can start a new life for good soon. I know how nervous that mixed blessing of coming home is. my DD finally got to a rehab again this week. She should be there a few weeks then hopefully a halfway house. She's still in the blackout pd so I haven't heard a word yet. Nice break for us since we know she is in a good place and we can breathe easy for now at least.

great--congrats on the updated title. you are an inspiration to us all!

i have been kinda stalled in the weight loss but have been maintaining pretty well during vacation last week and recent major family and job stress...I am back on track for the most part and know it will come off slooowwly but surely. But that's ok, I think. I don't really look at this as a "diet" but really I am trying to find a lifestyle groove that will be sustainable and keep me moving in the right direction. I know I'm not losing as fast as many of my fellow bunnies...but it is working for me. Believe me, I would have been pigging out and living like a slug normally under the circumstances of the past few weeks in my world. I am dealing with stuff better and keep learning as I go.

Speaking of which, I have my first real PB/slime event last week while driving in our truck/5th wheel to the beach. We didn't get to eat before taking off and were starving so we deciced to stop at McD's and I got a burger instead of my usual choice of grilled chicken. (it was vacay, after all...) well that thing tasted so good and I must have wolfed it down way too fast cause next thing I know I am running out of the truck and yakking in some bushes outside a motel next to the McD's. :sad: Ewww! but I did learn a great lesson about respecting the band. Needless to say, I have been trying to make better choices and slowww down and chew since then!

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Hello all.

I've been keeping up with all of your posts of the weekend, but I've been super busy. Yesterday I worked all day getting a friend of mine ready for her wedding as well as all of her bridesmaids. Two of my co-workers and I did the hair and makeup for all of them. It was really fun, but extremely exhausting since we had to go to the wedding in the evening too. So, today I'm completely pooped. Another wedding at the same place in 2 weekends! This summer has been packed full of weddings. It's fun, but ends up being so expensive for us.

Anyhow, enough about me!

Laura~ Great new about your dad! Sometimes you can tell a lot about how someone is doing by just looking at them! I'm glad you saw such a change in him from last week to this one. Hope his health continues to improve! I too cannot believe those portions! Holy moley!

Janet~ GF, I get it. Except the sweets are not my drug of choice. I would rather have meat, cheese, and bread. But, nevertheless, it's all the same food addiction. Props on throwing that away. 1800 is not bad at all considering that you are at maintence and exercising so much. Afterall, no one is perfect, right?

Julie~ Hopefully you are feeling better and better everyday. It sounds like you and the DH are getting around and going out and having fun! Hope you had a good time at the 50th party!

Doodle and Kath~ I continue to pray for the recovery of your DD's. Hang in there!

Oh, btw, I don't know if I mentioned this to all of you, but my friends are doing the PCT (Pacific Coast Trail) hike. I just talked to him today (Tom) and he got the package that I sent him to Crater Lake, OR. Anyhow, I encourage you to check out their website at JerryPaulTom.com It is soo cool to see the progress that they have made since they started this journey. 1,800 miles to hike in a few months is a tremendous feat and I am so proud of him. They will finish in about a month. I am so proud.

Ok, more later. I have to get cracking on this paper that I have to write. BOOOOOO!!!!! Philosophy is the worst. Cannot wait until after the final on Monday! Finally a break. Well, at least for a few weeks.

TTYL~ Meredith

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Hi everyone~ Greetings from Raleigh, NC! I am really glad we came up to see my folks. My Dad is doing much much better. His creatn. went from 9 to 3.4 - his baseline is 1.8 (normal would be 1.5). I am hoping tomorrow morning will be 2 something. He still has a foley cath in and it is still bright red from post op bleeding. They are hoping in 2 days they can take it out. He is still really weak and refuses to walk much. (only up to BR and took a shower, sat in the chair for dinner). He looks much better than even he looked last week.

My mom looks really stressed out. She breaks my heart. Her birthday is monday and she said his kidney doing better was the best present she ever had!

Tomorrow we fly back to Florida. Maybe just in time to put the shutters on for the tropical storm/hurricane. yikes!!! peasout~ Laura

So glad your Dad is doing better, Laura, and hope Mom feels some relief from the stress soon. Nice that you go to Celebrate her birthday with her.

Seafood... my very favorite, too. I have developed a taste for oysters this summer and had my first oyster stew a few weeks ago.

Hugs to all of you! My "Multi quote" didn't work this time so I don't remember what else I was going to respond to!! :)

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Thank you for your support. Where can I find the over 50 forum? I spoke to you the other night. I have a date of 9-2 and I am trying to find a buddy. Thanks again for your help.

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Laura, I am so glad your dad is doing better. I will continue to lift him up in prayer.

doodle.......sounds like things are looking up for your daughter. She must be in good hands. Taking care of small grandchildren can really wear you out. I hope she is home soon.

Kath........I know all about that yacking in the bushes. I have finally learned to take that first bite and wait until I burp, then I can eat more. I still pb if I have gone too long without eating.

Meredith.........awesome.......a hike.....keep us informed on when you do it.

Phyll.......I saw your pics of your 45TH aniversary.........CONGRATS!

Janet, Lori,Apples,(where are you?)...........I hope you had a great weekend. Oh, my SIL made me a lava cake.......nope, couldn't turn him down.......he made it from scratch. Sundays are turning into "cake day" for me. Next Sunday I am hosting a baby shower..........more cake! Yikes! I will just have to walk more this week.

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Thank you for your support. Where can I find the over 50 forum? I spoke to you the other night. I have a date of 9-2 and I am trying to find a buddy. Thanks again for your help.


50+ thread... click on the above and it will take you there

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Kath, good to see your back ! We miss you when you're not around ! Sorry to hear about your pbing, I haven't had that to happen to me yet, I go for a fill Thursday, hope it doesn't put me in the danger zone ! My weight is coming off slooowly also but I guess that's o.k. as long as I'm losing !! We WILL get there just not as fast as some of the others!! Glad to hear your DD found a place to go , maybe now she will wake up and start doing better!!! I really don't think that they realize the choices that they make, also affect us , good or bad !! I know that's how my DD is but maybe now things will be different!!

Meredith~~~~ thanks for the prayers for ,both our DD's !!! They really do help ! Have you ever been to Oregon? It is just awesome ! Everything is green and the trees are sooo tall and beautiful !! I just got thru reading a book, The Shack, and the story takes place in Oregon, in fact some of it was at Crater Lake !! I think that's why I loved the book because i have been to some of the places it was talking about !!

Good luck on your test today, it's my turn to say a prayer for you to pass !! I know you will do really good on it !

Charlene~~~ YES YES YES having to take care of a little one can wear a person out, especially at our age !! He has such a strong will, just like his Mom, he has to have the last word even if it's "so" ! But we wouldn't have it any other way. He starts school this wk and that will help ALOT !! He will see all his friends and hopefully get rid of some of that energy!!! I'm with you, girl, on the cake issue !! They serve cake at the grad and we told them that they need to start having fruit also ! All the girls are having to watch their weight also cause when they go in and get all that junk out of their system, they eat and gain weight!! My DD has gained probably 40 pds so I'm going to have a buddy when she comes home.

Well I need to get off here and get some work done, I'll catch you guys later !! Sharon

Edited by doodlebug11

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Hey Gang! Nice to be back. Didn't get home till about an hour ago. Got caught up on this thread but will not try to respond to all....sorry.

Had a wonderful time with Aussie DD and her DH. Was heartbreaking to say goodbye to her. We fell in love with DH while he was here. It was all good with no bumps in the road. She has really matured since her last visit 10 years ago. I, of course, could not eat the day she left. Was so sad and band tightened. Then had a major stresser over the weekend (too long to explain but not too major...just something we had to deal with) and band has been tight ever since. Never thought I would complain about MAKING myself eat but that's just how it is. Chose high caloric foods that would slip through band so I could eat more often. Made sure that I got my Protein grams. Didn't lose weight thank goodness. Will need to keep a check on it and eat more this week but not easy since I am still tight.

Janet...thanks for being so open and sharing your eating downfalls. It can only help the rest of us. Sounds like you had a number of "crap" days last week.

Laura...hope your dad continues to improve.

Everyone else....(love ya...just don't have time right now to respond to your posts). Hope you all had a great weekend!

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Good afternoon. Today was my turn to see the nutritionist in my docs office (never saw her before) and she helped me tweak things a little so I can maybe lose a few more pounds so I have some cushion at the upper end of my range. Things like put my Kashi Cereal in the morning in yogurt instead of milk to make it last longer, cut down on the calories, and more Protein. There was a discussion a bit ago about nutritionists that charged. Mine charges too, but I am over a year out as well. It was $55.

Today has been a whirlwind of a day. Went to work, got off an hour early to go to court with DH. Today was the day FINALLY that one of the carjackers in DH's carjacking attack last month was to be arraigned (the other was killed in the shoot out). Well seems they got a delay now til the 9th of Sept but is sounding like he may plea bargain and get 30 to 40 yrs!! If not it will go to trial and DH will have to testify. But in between work and court I got a flat tire in my brand new tires! GRRRR seems I picked up a screw. So tomorrow will have to take it back to costco to be repaired. I hate driving that far on that baby spare tire. But first things first tomorrow, first it is my hair appt! LOL Today I got a pedicure to relax me. LOL

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Hi everyone~

I have some friends that I was in the Peace Corps coming to visit tomorrow. One couple (with their two teenage daughters) from Sacramento and the other from Miami. I saw them all last year when I was at my heaviest. I told them about my surgery via email. Not sure why I felt obliged... but I guess I wanted to say "don't expect the usual hostess with the mostest" without saying that exactly.:) I have not had guests for meals since surgery, other than family. I know many of you continue to cook regular food for everyone... but I just don't care to. I decided since we were having a day out by the pool, that I would make it easy. I bought a variety of BoarsHead deli meats (ham,beef, turkey) along with several cheeses. (tomato, lettuce, banana peppers)Then bought wrap bread, wheat and one 4 pk of sub rolls. I will have a big veggie plate. Some hummus. I bought some of the small bags of chips- so I am not stuck with 1/2 a big bag open!:hurray: Nelson can always use those for lunch. I bought a BIG Patron Tequila and Margarita mix and several bottles of wine! Done. They are only here for the day. I don't know how you guys plan meal after meal for a week with guests!

Hope everyone is ok. I didn't exercise today. Per usual... cleaned.... and unpacked.

CBL~ peas

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Good Evening, Girls!

Great...sounds like you had quite the day with your flat tire. What is it with all the auto troubles with you girls lately???????????

I see my nutritionist on a regular basis. There is no charge and just nice to check in for ideas once in awhile.

Laura...sounds like you have a handle on the menu for tomorrow. Don't sweat it. Sounds like a great summertime meal. And, remember, they are there to see YOU.

How were your dad's #'s today?????

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Evening to everyone,... I've had my first day with my granddaughter today... Lifted her a a couple times and etc... I can feel it in my right side, but I think I'm okay.. Will send her off to the sitter tomorrow for a few hours and take a break again.. But I feel as though I'm doing better finally.... I still have to go slow and use my head, but can at least take care of my house and such....

Yesterday I needed to stretch out my dining room table for guests and sent DH down to spare bedroom to get a leaf.... He found it covered in water... found a leak in the sprinkler that was right outside the window and Water had seeped in for some time... What a mess.... He got everything out and pulled the carpet and pad....got it out the window so didn't have to drag it through the house... got things cleaned up and have fans blowing to dry things out good... We went shopping later this afternoon and found a remnant carpet... it was just the right size and a perfectly good color... It had a $100 rebate, so got it for $79... The pad cost about the same, so it was a pretty cheap fix... have to pay the installer, but he's a friend and is very reasonable..... Sure could have been worse... It's only a guest room that doesn't get much traffic, so didn't need something real high end.... I'm happy with it... Also got DD a table and chairs for her new deck for $99...... 42" round table and 4 chairs..... can't beat a deal like that... She'll be very pleased.. She has an old wooden picnic table of ours right now and this will make her happy... So it was a productive trip to Bismarack....

Well, my little girl just finished watchin Caillou and wants to play with the computer... I don't let her do that yet so must sign off for now and go distract her some other way... Now she's trying to clean my desk drawers and very mad because I won't let her... Talk to you all tomorrow... Julie

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Hey Gang - I am alive and well - Saturday Gym - met gf for bf - took Andrew to the mall to get his hair cut - I went to Macy's - A few months back I tried on this Ralph Lauren dress - loved it - but then looked at the price tag $176 :) Just a regular summer dress - So it went back - even though it looked really good on me.. Well they were having a sale & I had a 20% coupon

Guess what I got the dress for !!! $44 !!! Yep that's right a 176 dress for 44 !!! Then nails then drinks & concert -

Yesterday slept til 9:30 !!! Then another GF came over at noon and stayed til 3 -

Work today - had to unpack and set up my new work space and that took all morning.

food good - no more junk !!! Had gym tonite and then had to go food shopping since I didn't this weekend...

Thanks gang for your support and yes even your Mentor is human !!! But it's wasn't as bad as it could have been

Ya I am a very honest person and as a fat chick - I can talk freely with my Fat Chick Sisters - Cuz you all understand where I was coming from - like I always say - no one understands a fat chick like another fat chick...

My little pitty party is over - and I am back on the healthy road -

The gf who picked me up on Friday from the shop - well Friday evening her battery went dead...

I will post in the morning - it's 8 and I haven't cooked yet...

Sorry for the drive by post - but I didn't want you all to worry -

I'm Ok - Hugs & prays & Love to all my peeps.. J

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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

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        Thank you ❤️

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        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        That's a great choice! 😊

    • DaisyChainOz

      Surgery done!  Really looking forward to the next chapter 🥳😁
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        Fantastic! Best of luck to you & I hope you're healing nicely & not having much pain!🙏

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