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hi all~

I was without phone/computer all day. They are doing some work on our road and they accidently cut the cable. I had a lot of computer stuff to do (bills, appointments, LBT, etc.) and was told phone would be on TOMORROW at 6pm. Well, I was about to go to bed and called the home # to get messages and it rang! I think it should be mandatory that they call you when service is back. I must've picked up the phone 25 times today to check...LOL

DH is on call tonight. Not sure if it is a full moon but OB has been CRAZY! Epidural city! I hope the rest of the night is a bit calmer. We have to leave the house at 630am to fly to NC. I will be traveling with two cranky boys if they don't get a good night's rest.

Dad had surgery today (cystoscopy). During a CT scan yesterday they thought he had a kink in his ureter. Sure enough... it was kinked. They put a stint in. They aren't 100% sure, but this might have been what was causing his kidney failure. I am so happy if it is (but sort of ticked that it took them so long to figure it out!). DH even ASKED the kidney doctor this last week. <sigh> I just hope the kidney starts kicking in so they don't have to start dialysis tomorrow. My mom was so nervous today. I could hear her voice shaking on the phone. I just wanted to crawl through the line and hug her. I was at the mall for several hours today trying to find her a birthday present. At 72 she pretty much has everything she needs and wants. I couldn't go empty handed and ended up getting her a couple pairs of PJs from Macy's. I didn't realize they were having a major sale. $40 orig. down to $6 each!

I also went shopping in a department store for the first time in YEARS! For so long I was a 4x and bought most of my stuff online. The sweetest little black lady was working in the women's dept today. I told her about my surgery and she helped me find clothes. I kept grabbing the 22s and 20s and she said "honey, I think those are too big!" She grabbed me some 18s and they fit! Some pants were originally $80 and down to $11! I loved one pair of linen ones and she talked me into getting the next smaller size for later. : ) I bought 10 things for $80! I am excited to go on my trip with some new clothes. This is also the first time in a long time that I bought pants without elastic. I can tell that clothes shopping will be fun again in the near future. I am not quite enjoying yet.. but nice to fit in stuff again.

I won't be bringing my laptop to NC. Such a short trip and it will be busy. I packed WAY more then I need.. but wanted to have clothes choices. I hope everyone has a safe and wonderful weekend!

peasout~ Laura

PS Janet, you must be on at the same time I am. Your post just popped up! Sorry to hear about your car and the PB! popcorn is still one of those things that scare me. Moving is also never fun.

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Where is everyone !!!

I am here LOL Yes stress does that to my band to. Sorry about your sucky day. So you had an office an now have to move to a little cube okay that sucks to. Probably time to go to bed and then start fresh tomorrow. Hang in there We all love you.:)

Peas - Congrats on the clothes that is awesome. I am praying for Dad.

Edited by 1day at a time

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I have never had a problem w/popcorn and I eat it most night's for head hunger issues after dinner - when I'm not really hungry - It was a shock...

Glad to hear that your Dad's problem hopefully isn't going to be anything too serious and he won't have to go on dyiaisis (sp)

Congrats on the 18 & 16 and the prices !!!! WTG

See you when you get back - Have a safe trip!!! Hugs

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Yes stress does do that to the band. Sorry about your sucky day. So you had an office an now have to move to a little cube okay that sucks to. Probably time to go to bed and then start fresh tomorrow. Hang in there We all love you.:)

Thanks 1 day :unsure: But it's only 7 p.m. here :confused:- to early for bed :0)

Ya $$$ tight and they say that they have our side sub leased but I don't think they do - they are going to try - but half our blding is empty..

Plus our new office manager is using her power and doesn't like the lady sitting next to me - so I may have to suffer cuz of that - power goes to some pple's head...

Thanks for the luv ... I feel more relaxed after venting...

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Hey hey girlfriends!

Just wanted to check in and say "hello" and let all of you know that I have been reading. However, I have been so busy putting together a 450+ page portfolio for my Internship final report. I also have to write a paper tonight, so this is going to be quick. Sorry. I don't have time to comment on everyones posts, I usually try to, but not tonight.

I just wanted to let you all know that I made the Hungry Girl version of crab cakes tonight. Delicious! Only 117 calories each! They are soooo good and Andrew loved them! If you want the recipe, I have it. Let me know. They are kinda a lot of work though. Who cares? They are so worth it. Trust me.

Laura~ I just wanted to let you know that I am thinking about you and your Dad and praying everyday that he will get better. Hugs.

Ok, gotta get to work! I'm such a procrastinator! It's already 12:20, here goes an all nighter! Thank goodness I took the day off of work tomorrow.


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Hello, it's been quiet on here the last little while.. Everyone must be gearing up for the weekend.... We have a 50th birthday party for a friend on Saturday in a town 180 miles away... But we decided not to stay at a motel like last weekend... We can drive home easier than the hard time I had sleeping in a motel bed... We aren't all night partiers anyway...

Mother got permission to drive again at the doc yesterday... However, she lost her license sometime while cleaning her purse... So had to go to get a duplicate... Well, they asked lots of questions so she had to tell them about passing out.... now the doc has to be contacted and the state has to give permission, too... We have to wait for a letter before that can happen... I was so hoping it wouldn't come to this, but it did... We've made it this far, so I guess we can do another couple weeks.... as long as they don't deny her.... Then I'll be going crazy.....

DH and I had a meeting with an attorney this morning to get our wills re-done... There were some very specific things that needed addressing, especially in mine.... It's never fun to get into all that stuff when family relations are not the best... I have one DD, but DH has 3 kids..... 2 from 1st marraige... And they are so jealous of my DD that they have ruined our family dynamic.... I have always tried so hard to make them feel loved and important, but they can't get past the fact that my DD was raised differntly than they were with their mother..... They are 36 and 33 and still can't grasp that things and circumstances change... Needless to say it was a stressful morning... DH just wants to leave everything to the grandkids and leave the kids out...... But I said we can't do that.... Anyway, hoping the new documents are ready to sign soon so I can put that subject away again............

We're having a grey rainy type day so far... We've been in the high 90's all week and with our humidity it's been tough.... Tomorrow is supposed to start our cool down... I'm ready for that... I could never live where it's hot all the time.... I'd suffocate if I couldn't have my windows open most of the time....

Paperwork is on the agenda for the rest of the day.. Meredith, I'm not into seafood, but it sure is great that you found such a good recipe for something that makes you happy... Good for you.....

Take care all................ Julie

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Hey guys !!! Janet~~~~ This must be the wk for dead batteries !!! I picked up my DGS at my DD2 house, took him by to get him a snack cause he had to get a hair cut before we went home and guess what !! DEAD BATTERY at the Sonic !!! A friend that lives in town, jumped me off so I could get him to the hair place, made it there in time, went back out to my car and again DEAD BATTERY !!! Called my friend back and we went to Wally World to buy a battery. There went this wks pay check !! or almost. I didn't have anyone that flirted with me so I had to buy a new one !!! LOL LOL I am glad you didn't have to buy one though. Sorry to hear about you pb'ing on popcorn, haven't tried popcorn yet, so I don't know if it will be a prob for me.

Laura~~~ good to hear maybe your dads prob has been found!!! Maybe things will work out for him. Don't you just love the feeling of being able to wear normal cloths again !!!! HURRAY for you !!! That feeling gets me thru some tough days some times !!

Meredith~~~ the crab cakes sound good !! What are you going to school for?

Julie~~~~~ sorry to hear about your Mom and her license hopefully she can find them !!! I just hate family problems !! They are the worst !! I've seen my kids have trouble with their step kids. But you would think at 36 and 33 they would be old enough to get past some of the things that are bothering them! Try to have a better day tomorrow!

Oh, by the way, I'm changing my name to "Pokey" cause I lost 1 pd this wk and a half pd last wk, so slowly but surely I'll get there !! Look at my ticker, I found a turtle to match my new name !! lol Talk to you guys later !!! Sharon

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You guys are not going to believe this. I already wrote about it in my blog so I'm copying part of it here http://ifyourstomachoffendsyoutieitoff.blogger.com

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Another Ticket! ADHD Strikes Again.

I am so sick of ADHD. All of a sudden I'm leaving my lights on in my car. I always drive with my lights on, day or night, and automatically turn them off when I park. I know people see me easier if my lights are on plus I got sick of forgetting to turn my lights on as it turned dusk while I was driving. Doing it all the time made it part of my routine. But this summer, the lapband thing (including this blog) has taken over my mind. So has Facebook.

I haven't been driving as much because I'm not teaching, I can't go shopping or places that cost money because I have no money--at least no extra money. So I'm out of my routine, and have developed a new passion that appears to have hijacked my remaining brain cells--at least the ones that involve driving.

So far I've been in an accident that got me a ticket, my grandson asked me why the lights were on after we exited the car, some kind neighbors of the school where I work knocked on the door to tell me my lights were on, and I didn't turn the lights all the way off when I went to Borders to read for an afternoon, and had to call my husband to come jump the car. Twice this week I found myself driving south down 394 to my daughter's when that wasn't where I was going. Today, I didn't notice the Do Not Park signs on the trees at work.They post these when the street cleaner is coming by and I got a parking ticket. Aargh! I'm going broke(er)! I need school to start to get me into a routine so my brain starts functioning again.

LOL. I am not alone. But I think I win!

Edited by ifyourstomachoffendsyou

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1ST Andrew (gs) won't wake up this morning (he stayed home last night so I don't know why) so I go to make my salad for lunch - find that Andrew put the defrosted ground beef on top of my lettuce and blood has dripped into my lettuce - so nothing to take for lunch !!! Said oh you can call Karen's and have one delivered - so you will be ok - Andrew still won't get his A$$ out of bed - so I say F it and leave for work - go out to the car - click click click - won't start !!!!! Call AAA they jump me - 1/2 hr late to work..

Ok I am at work now and GF comes to give me hug - I start crying - just so pissed about this whole move issue - placement of filing cabinets - car issue !!!

So I call Karen's to order my salad for lunch - They are closed for vacation !!!! Ok well decided I would go to the taco shop and get a mexican shrimp cocktail - go out to the car at noon - it starts - go get my cocktail - get in the car to go back to work - CLICK CLICK CLICK !!!

So call AAA again (3rd time in less than 24 hrs) it took them about 45 min to come and it's hot - I have my shrimp cocktail that I just want to throw away cuz I have totally lost my appetite..

Well this guy comes - he's good gives me some read out - my GF candy comes and follows me to the shop that yesterday said my battery was ok that I must have left something on - Well - they believed me now since I have this print out (think yesterday it was close to closing and they didn't want to deal )

So get back to work - again 1/2 hr late...

Then have this $4.4 mil building that insurance expires on at midnite tonite - boss come and wants me to do this and that - well at 3:45 I see I have the info I needed on this 4 mil bldg so I email to underwriter - tell my boss he says oh they are there to 7 or 8 - well hell it almost 7 back there (florida) So I call as I am waiting for call to go thru I start crying - it' 4 (that's when I get off work) I have to get this blding insured - I still have to finish packing my desk and then go pick up car..

I talk to some other underwriter as the one my boss had talked to is gone for the day - they say they can't help me - so I had him the phone - he tells me it will be ok - so I go to finish packing my desk - then he comes in at 4:20 and tells me I have to do something on the website to bind coverage

well I have signed off and unplugged my phone and my computer is dead - and I have to leave soon to get car - so go to his computer can't do what I am suppose to do cuz there is an underwriting hold on the account. By now it's 4:30 and no one is there to take my call - so Boss just tells me to email them and tell them coverage is bound.. Please pray for no fire this weekend..

Well most of you would say you deserve to come home and have a stiff drink or 2 ... Well alcohol isn't my drug of choice - food is - candy at this point -

I went to wallgreens - got a giant Hershey w/almonds and 2 pints of ice cream - one cake batter w/choc frosting marble in it (doesn't that sound delicious) - and I think the other was cookie dough (price is what drove this purchase of 2 - cuz it was 2 for $4)

Now remember I am still carrying around my shrimp cocktail that I never ate for lunch - instead I had this GREAT Peanut Butter Protein cookie that I just got with my order of Vitamin (proti bp cookie 15 grams pt 160 calories it big and soft and very good) - bariatic choice is the webiste - got my lapband vitimans - Calcium - sublingual B12 and some pt bars and these Cookies and choc chew Calcium too

Well, I decide I want tacos for dinner - so I make me 2 cocktail size tacos (300 cal max) the proceed to eat the candy bar (570 calories):thumbup: and the ice cream is still in the freezer..

Calorie wise - I have had only 1030 for the day(so far)- but I am unhappy with myself - for turning to food for comfort - I guess I could have taken a Xanxa instead... But which is worse - alcohol - candy - drugs..

But in all reality - these things that are happening aren't that bad - I have dealt with worse in the last 2 yrs - why is some that as stupid as the car & moving issue got me all messed up..

Heck - it's not like I'm broke - pple here have real $$$ problems - the car is fixed - I had the $$ - the move well it's it what it is and I thought I was ok about it - til the last 2 days.. Whats' going on - why am I reacting like this...

Well your little food cop - idea band mama - the preacher of not turning to food - fell flat on her frigging face today ...

I am sorry about whinning about nothing - when some of you have so much more important issues that you are dealing with

I know this intellectual;y - I keep telling myself - Janet this is nothing - pple have it way worse than these stupid little inconveniences...

So thanks for listening - I know I'm blessed and shouldn't be feeling sorry for myself - but I am - tomorrow will be a better day !!!

Meeting another GF who I haven't seen in months for Breakfast at 9 after I go to the gym at 7 and am going to work my butt off

- then have to take Andrew car in as it needs a battery :)- then Nails - and tomorrow nite going out - pre concert party at gf down the street - cocktails & finger food then Grandfunk Railroad at 8 - Then Sunday I need to go to work to set up my office (well may be - why do it on my time)

Ok - that's my sad tale of woes...

Thanks for listening !!!!

Meredith - I would love the recipe ... Well as long as it isn't too much work - most of my meals are 30 minute meals :0)

Julie - Hugs GF on the will issues - Here in California you can't skip a generation -(well this was 16 yrs ago - you got penelaized or something) Since my stepkids weren't with me but a yr or 2 I never changed my will - wasn't going to.

My stepbro - got just as much as my 2 bros and me - but I gotta say my dad made his $$$ while married to my stepbro - so I didn't think anything of it - it's that my 1/2 sister from my mom who thinks she should have gotten something from my dad - (why my parents were only married 12 yrs and she only lived with us 4 of those those yrs) and like I said my dad made his $$ w/Stepmom.. But I totally get the whole family issues... Good Luck on that...

Sharon - my gf candy who came and picked me up for the shop and took me back to work - well guess what happend to her - she just called from costco - her battery went dead too this afternoon.....

Cheri - Hugs - ain't age just a B - I haven't done some of those things - but totally understand - where has our brains gone !!!

Well gang it's 9 - I am going to go watch some tv - will talk to you all in the morning - before I hit the gym

Thanks again for listening to me whine !!!!

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Good Morning Gang

I THREW THE ROCKY ROAD AWAY !!! But did eat the cake batter w/choc marble icing - it was ok - but as usually when I start eating sweets don't stop - ate the whole pint (to me that's still a serving size lol) So calories for the day about 1800 - so not that bad...

Up at 5:30 -this was afte waking up around 2 and couldn't go back to sleep till after 3:30 a.m this morning

Got 2 new bracelets from QVC - love them - Steel by Design - one in silver and other 18k gold clad - love them so today has started well... Good thing I went and ck'd the mail at 6 this a.m. :0)

I got some sub lingual B12 from Bariatic Choice along with my other Vitamins - they may have been the part of the reason I didn't sleep well last night - besides Andrew turning the house upside down looking for his keys... He had them Thursday..

Well need to get dressed for the gym - Must go want to clean instead but I gotta go to the gym - especially after yesterday :0)

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Good Morning Gang

I THREW THE ROCKY ROAD AWAY !!! But did eat the cake batter w/choc marble icing - it was ok - but as usually when I start eating sweets don't stop - ate the whole pint (to me that's still a serving size lol) So calories for the day about 1800 - so not that bad...

Up at 5:30 -this was afte waking up around 2 and couldn't go back to sleep till after 3:30 a.m this morning

Got 2 new bracelets from QVC - love them - Steel by Design - one in silver and other 18k gold clad - love them so today has started well... Good thing I went and ck'd the mail at 6 this a.m. :0)

I got some sub lingual B12 from Bariatic Choice along with my other Vitamins - they may have been the part of the reason I didn't sleep well last night - besides Andrew turning the house upside down looking for his keys... He had them Thursday..

Well need to get dressed for the gym - Must go want to clean instead but I gotta go to the gym - especially after yesterday :0)

Janet--OK GF, you win. My DH replaced my battery even though it had one more year on the warranty. Said it shouldn't have gone dead in just 2 hours with only the parking lights on. Bless him. He has also started keeping a calendar on his computer for all the meetings I have to attend that are starting up now that the school year is starting up. I am notorious for forgetting meetings or forgetting I have a conflict when scheduling something.

You have every right to your feelings about a move that makes you feel like you're going backwards at your job. You have a routine and a comfort level that were already being disturbed and then car troubles came and food troubles came through no fault of your own (in fact you did what you should and others let you down) and destroyed your routine. I'm so glad you posted about the situation and that you're going to go work off a lot of the frustration. I'm glad you also have some real fun scheduled this weekend.

You limited your food foray and stayed within 1800 calories. You threw the Rocky Road away! Wow! Good for you.

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OMW, Janet !!!!! As I am reading your post, I am so laughing out loud !!!! Only those of us who have been there can truly understand !!! And anytime you want to "whine", you just let loose and squall your eyes out !!! I haven't tried to start my car yet, this morning, but it had better start after I just bought it a brand new battery !!! Maybe today will be a better day for you !

If~~~ sorry to hear about you getting "another" ticket ! I'm alot like you, I have my routines and if I get out of them, things start getting complicated for me. Oh, I was going to ask you , have you read the book " The Shack " by Wm. Paul Young ? I just finished it this wk and OMW, it was so good !! It's the kind of book that makes you think about it after your done reading it !! Has anyone out there read it ? I highly recommend it !

I had a pretty good wk this wk, other than the dead battery, lost 1 pd and I go in for a fill Thursday. So maybe I'll get a little more restriction, hopefully !! Catch you guys later !! Sharon

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Hey gang, let's hope all the vehicle woes are behind us now... That's enough batteries and tires and tickets to last for quite some time......

DH and I are off to a 5oth birthday party tonight... The birthday boy is going to be Elvis and the guests are to dress in 50's-60's attire... I have never been one to do costumes... tried to hard to look presentable in my "fat" clothes to draw attention to myself in a costume... But this time I'm going to be brave and do a little bit... DH will do jeans with a cuff, white t-shirt, white socks and black shoes.... I'm doing jean peddle-pushers (capris), white tennis shoes, some sort of shirt and a little scarf around the neck.... Will just have to be good enough!!!! Most of these people haven't seen me since I lost weight so I figure I can chance a little costume without feeling self-conscious.... I don't expect the food to be an issue... DH and I don't drink, so that isn't a problem either... I'll just take my lemonade and Water along and I'll be fine..

Janet, props on throwing half the ice cream away... Don't know if I could have done that, yet....... Better days ahead for you I'm thinking.... Keep the faith....

If - at least you think your absentmindedness is because of summer off from school... I think mine is from old age!!!!!

I wish all you wonderful ladies a safe and enjoyable weekend..... Will catch up with you again tomorrow I hope... TTYL....... Julie

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Oh Janet, so sorry about your bad day, but thanks for being so honest and transparent with us, to show us even our 'hero mentor' has bad days and they are to be expected and we can learn to deal with them. Even though you were upset with yourself in turning to food, etc. it is so much less than what you would have done prebanding.

This must be the weekend for car woes. DH is out in the garage replacing the brakes on our mountaineer. Last weekend at 10,000 feet elevation they started making noises. I was a tad nervous with all the steep inclines we had to go down if they brakes were wearing He kept reassuring me that it was just an indicator telling him they were going not that they went yet. I figure at that elevation you need every bit of brake you can have!

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Hi everyone~ Greetings from Raleigh, NC! I am really glad we came up to see my folks. My Dad is doing much much better. His creatn. went from 9 to 3.4 - his baseline is 1.8 (normal would be 1.5). I am hoping tomorrow morning will be 2 something. He still has a foley cath in and it is still bright red from post op bleeding. They are hoping in 2 days they can take it out. He is still really weak and refuses to walk much. (only up to BR and took a shower, sat in the chair for dinner). He looks much better than even he looked last week.

My mom looks really stressed out. She breaks my heart. Her birthday is monday and she said his kidney doing better was the best present she ever had! Friday night we took her out to dinner. There is this famous restaurant called ANGUS BARN here in Raleigh. They have a 28 oz porter house steak! LOL. Really this restaurant is all about excess. They put two kinds of spread cheese and crackers... toast with butter.... pickled peppers, olives, pickles just on the tables. I had the sweet potato Soup and then a crab cake appetizer. Nelson ordered chicken fingers (and I am not lying when i say there were 8 large tenderloin tenders! at least a pound and a half!) the poor child could barely eat one whole one! My sister had a shrimp cocktail and a side of steamed broccoli. My better half had the chateaubriand and mom had prime rib. They brought a whole pound cake for her bday. I was so proud of myself- passed on the cake! We took the rest to the nurses who were thrilled! I still managed to eat a little too much. Had some crackers and cheese... and had a bite or two of DH's. Tonight we went to a famous fish place. I had oyster stew and 6 steamers. yum. i could live on shellfish!

Tomorrow we fly back to Florida. Maybe just in time to put the shutters on for the tropical storm/hurricane. yikes!!!

ok friends. Hope everyone is having a safe and fun weekend!

peasout~ Laura

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      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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