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Meredith, you have something to crow about...no junk is quite an accomplishment. Keep shouting out about that. It's certainly isn't something I've managed to do. You will do wonderfully with your attitude.

Apples, sounds like you are having fun. What great meals you are doing!! That's a much better way to go than ones that are heavy and bad for you.

1day....you know about the stretch marks...I've had them since I was a kid....I don't like them, but I'd rather have the skin and marks than the fat. I guess I don't show them to anyone and then they don't bother me. Thanks goodness for shirts with sleeves.

Julie, glad to hear you have a special "old lady" to take care of. I feel they enrich our lives and I hope we do the same to theirs. Are you feeling a little better now that you are moving a little more? I hope so. Not feeling well is the pits.

Cheri, thanks for the play by play on the fill. I haven't had one yet and will be going next weekend for mine. Ooooh it sounds so weird. I hope my doc lets me see whats going on with mine too.

I have to go to sleep...I'll catch up later. Have a good night.


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Good Morning Peeps !!!

I read yesterday - was going to post last night - got on line and the phone rang - well never made it back to the computer...

Laura - you sure have a keeper there - Hugs !!! Cleaning house is exercise :0)

Cheri - Glad you had a great fill experience - it's not as bad as you read about - I think we are all a little scared with our 1st fill.

Meredith - WTG no Junk - Love the pics - I love horses - when my parents divorced my Dad took us on the weekends to a horseback riding class - We learned to ride - saddle and briddle the horse and all the parts of a horse - I won 1st place in our little rodeo at the end of the class.

Apples - Enjoy your company - we are all understand not having computer time w/company - As long as we know you are ok - that's all we want to know :0)... Have a great time...

Julie - When can you go and get a fill?? Hope you had a nice lunch with your friends...

Sharon - My DGS does that stay up all night sleep all day durning the summer - I use to be a night person when I was younger - but now a days I'm asleep by 9:30 and up by 5 - use to be to bed at 1 a.m up at 6:30 a.m

Stajin22- Welcome - Glad to have you.

Your band is only a tool - it doesn't make your food choices for you - that's the secert - Heathly food choices and exercise - This isn't another diet - it's a tool to help with Portion Control once you have gotten proper restiction..

Our bands don't make our food choices - if you chose to you can eat around it even when you are at your sweet spot.

I eat healthy 98% of the time - allow for treats 2% of the time. For the 1st few months I weighted and mesured my foods to learn what 4 oz looked like - to know what 1/2 cup looked like etc. I kept a food diary for the 1st year - During my weight lost phase I kept my calories between 800-1200 and varied them - and I exercised 4-5 days a week.

As to how fast or slow you lose the weight will depend on your eating - your exercise and your metabolism... We all lose weight differently - we all choose to eat differently

I have followed the rules - low fat - mostly sugar free and limited carbs - I eat off small plates - I take small bite - chew well and eat slowly - I don't drink with my meals - I eat Protein 1st - veggies next and then my carbs/starches if any room..

I was able to lose 105 lbs in 1 yr 1 week by doing the above and I was 52 when banded.

54 lbs is still a loss - it's better than being the same as they were 1 yrs ago.. We all lose weight diff - I never had a plateua - there are some who won't lose for a few weeks then drop 4 lbs in one. Again we all are diff - what has to be done IMHO is to change your eating to healthy - get some exercise and the weight will come off..

Like my signature says - Eat Healthy + Exercise + Band = Success...

Good luck on your journey...

If I missed anyone and I think I missed 1day - not intentional - I can only see back so many pages - but I know you posted.. Linda is in Vegas - Great & Charlene how are you 2..

Again if I missed someone - not intentional - I gotta get my butt in gear CBL HUGS:wub:

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Morning all, I've had and exasperating and exhausting morning so far... DH had to be at work at 7:00 today so I thought I should be able to handle Mimi for a couple hours and get her to the sitter... Well, she gave me a run for my money.... you know, running away from me and playing hard to get!!! finally got her in the car and took off out of the driveway and up the street a block... Stopped at the corner and 2 ladies started motioning to me so I rolled down the window and they said my tire was flat.... pulled over carefully.... got Mimi and all her stuff out and walked home ( I made it!!!).... called DH...... He's out of town working today.. We have 4 vehicles... He had one and the other 2 pick-ups had trailers hooked on behind so he didn't want me to drive them... Had to call a friend to help me get Mimi to the sitter... I'm finally home and I'm completely bushed and it's only 10:15...... Now another friend is here to try to get the tire fixed for me.. I was wondering what I would do today.... don't care anymore, I'm too tired!!!!! But all is well, so I guess I should just let it go......

Laura, the story of you DH and your family is a great one.. My DH has a somewhat similar story and when I met him he really didn't trust anyone.. In his experience family only used and abused you so my close family was foreign to him... Didn't take him long to find his place.... My dad died soon after, but he and my mother have a great relationship... He's closer to my brothers than his own... It was always hard for me to understand how families can get so far apart, but as I grow older I understand better how things get in the way and feelings get out of control.... So glad your DH has a happy ending..... How is Dad today????

Eva, thanks for asking and I'm probably doing better than if I was just laying around all day...

Well, my tire guy is here so I have to go.... TTYL.... Julie

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Won't make it cuz I would eat the whole darn thing - but looks good !!!



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hey guys~ mrsB, thanks for your sweet note. Sorry to hear about your day with the tire. News from Dad is not any better today. His creat. is higher since they put in the foley catheter. His potassium is rising and he just has too many toxins in his blood. The kidney doctor told them today that by Friday if things did not improve he needed to start dialysis. He's too old for the data bank for a kidney. Only hope is private donor. I think we will cross that bridge when we get to it. Dialysis has come a long way. His doc said there are now centers where you can sleep while they give you a slow dialysis over night. The other option (if you have some extra $$$) is to have a dialysis nurse come to your house. My dad was very against the thought, but is now accepting it I think. The chief of nephrology gave mom his pager # and told DH to call him. They talked shop a bit. I am glad we are going up there Friday morning. Tomorrow I need to go find my mom a birthday present.

I went to the gym this morning. 30 min on treadmill at 3.4 m/h and 9 incline. Usually can do 10 incline but just didn't have it in me. Then did hour workout with trainer. I went by my surgeon's office to get some Protein Cereal and the nurse weighed me. It's been 2 months since I had my last fill. I lost 15 lbs in two months and she was thrilled. She said it was great progress. While we were talking my doc came in the hall. He said "long time no see, Slim"...LOL. Then he said "did we bill her to weigh her?" such a smart a$$. I am scheduled for a teenie tiny fill in 3.5 weeks. They are so booked that he said make an appointment, if you really don't need it, cancel it. Yesterday and today I have felt MUCH less restriction. It's so weird that last week I could barely eat two bites and today I ate a small Wendy's chili and 1/4 of a side Caesar salad. I might just need the fill. At the dr's I was 238.

ok guys. Making Ratatouille for dinner. And grilling a small piece of tilapia.


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hey guys~ mrsB, thanks for your sweet note. Sorry to hear about your day with the tire. News from Dad is not any better today. His creat. is higher since they put in the foley catheter. His potassium is rising and he just has too many toxins in his blood. The kidney doctor told them today that by Friday if things did not improve he needed to start dialysis. He's too old for the data bank for a kidney. Only hope is private donor. I think we will cross that bridge when we get to it. Dialysis has come a long way. His doc said there are now centers where you can sleep while they give you a slow dialysis over night. The other option (if you have some extra $$$) is to have a dialysis nurse come to your house. My dad was very against the thought, but is now accepting it I think. The chief of nephrology gave mom his pager # and told DH to call him. They talked shop a bit. I am glad we are going up there Friday morning. Tomorrow I need to go find my mom a birthday present.

I went to the gym this morning. 30 min on treadmill at 3.4 m/h and 9 incline. Usually can do 10 incline but just didn't have it in me. Then did hour workout with trainer. I went by my surgeon's office to get some Protein cereal and the nurse weighed me. It's been 2 months since I had my last fill. I lost 15 lbs in two months and she was thrilled. She said it was great progress. While we were talking my doc came in the hall. He said "long time no see, Slim"...LOL. Then he said "did we bill her to weigh her?" such a smart a$$. I am scheduled for a teenie tiny fill in 3.5 weeks. They are so booked that he said make an appointment, if you really don't need it, cancel it. Yesterday and today I have felt MUCH less restriction. It's so weird that last week I could barely eat two bites and today I ate a small Wendy's chili and 1/4 of a side Caesar salad. I might just need the fill. At the dr's I was 238.

ok guys. Making Ratatouille for dinner. And grilling a small piece of tilapia.


Laura - Congrats on your 15 lbs and total of 74 - you are doing fantastic !!!

Hugs & continued Prayers on your Dad...

You did very well on your exercise !!! WTG

Julie - Hugs on the flat tire - this is why I have auto club.. I hate days that start like that !!!

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Won't make it cuz I would eat the whole darn thing - but looks good !!!

Eat Healthy, Nutritious & Delicious food - Eat Better America



That reminds me.. did anyone watch the "Closer" episode this week? Visiting (bad girl-teenaged) niece made some "special" brownies with ingredients a friend sent her. Brenda comes home and starts eating them and she has no clue! It was pretty funny!

Laura, so sorry about all your Dad is going through. Was hoping for a better report! Will keep him in my prayers.

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Laura...........Congrats on the 15lbs......that is awesome. I am praying for your dad.

Well, the nutritionist from Dr. Davis' office called me yesterday. So, I am writing down my food and exercise , and I will have a consult with her on the 27th. She said they have one of those machines that you blow into and it can measure your metabolism( I think). She is charging me 50 dollars for the consult. Just journaling my food with probably get things rolling better.

Janet , You are so right about choices.

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Well here you folks all are. I just knew that there was no way that everyone has been quiet for 2 days. I stopped getting email notifications again and that is how I usually always visit. So today I came to the site to find I am 3 pages behind on posts.

DH has been out of town to SFO but came home today. I didn't eat well while he was gone, too much snacking. Last night DD and I went to see Julie/Julia and my dinner was movie popcorn. I also didn't sleep well, my power went out for 4 hours one night and I was so afraid of oversleeping in the morning (I get up for work at 415am) that I didn't sleep at all til the power came back on which was 330. Tired + loneliness+stress for all I had to get done does not = wise food choices for me. But at least I was able to identify my problem instead of just eating more out of guilt, etc. like I did in the past.

Sorry I am so behind in reading to respond to each person.

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Well here you folks all are. I just knew that there was no way that everyone has been quiet for 2 days. I stopped getting email notifications again and that is how I usually always visit. So today I came to the site to find I am 3 pages behind on posts.

DH has been out of town to SFO but came home today. I didn't eat well while he was gone, too much snacking. Last night DD and I went to see Julie/Julia and my dinner was movie popcorn. I also didn't sleep well, my power went out for 4 hours one night and I was so afraid of oversleeping in the morning (I get up for work at 415am) that I didn't sleep at all til the power came back on which was 330. Tired + loneliness+stress for all I had to get done does not = wise food choices for me. But at least I was able to identify my problem instead of just eating more out of guilt, etc. like I did in the past.

Sorry I am so behind in reading to respond to each person.

I have found if I do not log on to the site at least everyday and look at this group I stop getting them to. I hate that so i try to come on everyday and just read to catch up even if I not really posting so I do not get behind.

I am the same way when it comes to eating when emtional stuff is going on. But at least you knew what was happening and were able to identify why you were or wanted to eat.

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Laura, so happy for your loss, (pun intended) but sorry about your dad. Hopefully, they'll get everything under control, and get your daddy back on his feet again.

Julie, hope you get your strength back soon.

Good on all of you who are getting your food on track and your butts in gear.

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Phyl, I didn't see it but it brings back memories of my youth. Poor Brenda, if she didn't know what it was, WOW would she be in for a surprise.

Great...sorry about the stressful day. Being able to identify the emotions is one of the ways to stop the eating to make us feel better. I have so much work to do on that. Hope your next few days go much better.

Oneday....I didn't know that's what caused the emails to stop. Hummmm. I'm going out of town again for a few days and won't be on the computer, so I'll be reading pages again when I get back.

Charlene, that's cool that you are going to a nutrionist. I hope that really helps and gives you insights. Logging your food is a great way to keep you in focus too.

Laura, good job on the WL. Sorry the conditions weren't optimal, but a pound gone is a pound gone. Sorry to hear about your Dad. It will be good for him to have you all there again. Do you have something in mind for your Mom? My Mom was really hard to buy for. She just didn't want anything.

Julie, so sorry about the flat tire. So glad you have friends to help you out. That's pretty special. Four vehicles and nothing to drive....sounds like my house hold. I have two and my DH has......uh......more. Not that I can drive any of them because they are all weird. My DH is 6'4" and has very long legs, some of his vehicles have seats that don't adjust and I can't reach the pedals, especially ones with manual transmissions and they are all manual transmissions. Guess that's how he keeps me from driving his vehicles.

I have to finish packing. Our flight is at 5am.........yuck.

Have a great weekend everyone.


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Hey there gals, how's everyone doing today?? I'm fine, I think.... A little stiff from swimming last night.. DH and I took Mimi to the outdoor pool that is a block from our house... She had fun and it was nice and refreshing for us as it was 100 here yesterday.. and we get the humidity, too.... I tried to do some of my Water aerobic exercises so I think that is why I felt stiff this morning... Anyway, just had a shower and am moving on with my day.. going to put a load of towels in the washer and do my dishes and get ready to take Mother to Bismarck for doc appts today.. Hopefully she will get permission to drive again.. We are both anxious for that to happen!!!! It's almost 6 months since she passed out and no more incidents so he said he most likely would let her have her wheels back... It's been a very long 6 months in more ways than one!!

Eva, my DH once bought a little pickup at an auction sale... came home so proud... It didn't have tilt wheel so I couldn't even get behind the wheel... I was so mad at him... He'll never buy a vehicle without me again!!!

Phyll, I love the Closer!!.. and yes I saw that episode... pretty dumb on the girl's part.... but I liked how Brenda ended it not giving up on the kid....

Well, off to start my chores... Hope everyone has a wonderful day.... TTFN..............Julie

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That reminds me.. did anyone watch the "Closer" episode this week? Visiting (bad girl-teenaged) niece made some "special" brownies with ingredients a friend sent her. Brenda comes home and starts eating them and she has no clue! It was pretty funny!


Laura, so sorry about all your Dad is going through. Was hoping for a better report! Will keep him in my prayers.

LOL - I have never did have those special brownies - but did inhale :tt2:. Too funny...

Laura...........Congrats on the 15lbs......that is awesome. I am praying for your dad.

Well, the nutritionist from Dr. Davis' office called me yesterday. So, I am writing down my food and exercise , and I will have a consult with her on the 27th. She said they have one of those machines that you blow into and it can measure your metabolism( I think). She is charging me 50 dollars for the consult. Just journaling my food with probably get things rolling better.

Janet , You are so right about choices.

Charlene - What a rip off that they are charging you.. But alas doc's do have to make $$ too - we think that they make ton's but when you look at your eobs you see that most insurance companies really don't pay that much.

Ya that test is suppose to measure your metabolisim... I they have the machine at my doc's office but guess since I didn't have any plateaus they never had me do it..

Yep food choices - Yesterday my excuse for eating barbacoa (mex meat - 1/2 cup Beans - 1/4 cup rice & 1/2 tortilla) for lunch - was cuz I needed the fuel for my weight workout last night - I didn't fade but the scales where up this morning - but the food was very salty and eye are puffy so - blaming it on Water retention.

I agree - just logging your food and exercise will be a bit of a wake up call - and you aren't going to want to put down that you ate 3 100 cal snack packs - so you will stick to just one. lol...

How's dh doing - are you both eating the same things - or are you snacking more??

Well here you folks all are. I just knew that there was no way that everyone has been quiet for 2 days. I stopped getting email notifications again and that is how I usually always visit. So today I came to the site to find I am 3 pages behind on posts.

DH has been out of town to SFO but came home today. I didn't eat well while he was gone, too much snacking. Last night DD and I went to see Julie/Julia and my dinner was movie popcorn. I also didn't sleep well, my power went out for 4 hours one night and I was so afraid of oversleeping in the morning (I get up for work at 415am) that I didn't sleep at all til the power came back on which was 330. Tired + loneliness+stress for all I had to get done does not = wise food choices for me. But at least I was able to identify my problem instead of just eating more out of guilt, etc. like I did in the past.

Sorry I am so behind in reading to respond to each person.

Great - Hugs on no sleep - I hate that - I know I do it before a trip - and I do have a clock that has a battery so if my power went out I would use that - hell if my power went out I would have to go to a hotel - it's to damn hot to have no a/c here :0)..

Yep - I agree even when we do over do it - we now are aware of why and may have a few extra treats but nothing like we use to and those few extra's really bug us - when usually they really weren't all that bad. and most importantly we are aware and we stop..

I have found if I do not log on to the site at least everyday and look at this group I stop getting them to. I hate that so i try to come on everyday and just read to catch up even if I not really posting so I do not get behind.

I am the same way when it comes to eating when emtional stuff is going on. But at least you knew what was happening and were able to identify why you were or wanted to eat.

1Day - I quit subscriping to email notifications as it would just clog up my email - I usually just ck user cp to see who has posted to threads I have posted on -

Phyl, I didn't see it but it brings back memories of my youth. Poor Brenda, if she didn't know what it was, WOW would she be in for a surprise.

Great...sorry about the stressful day. Being able to identify the emotions is one of the ways to stop the eating to make us feel better. I have so much work to do on that. Hope your next few days go much better.

Oneday....I didn't know that's what caused the emails to stop. Hummmm. I'm going out of town again for a few days and won't be on the computer, so I'll be reading pages again when I get back.

Charlene, that's cool that you are going to a nutrionist. I hope that really helps and gives you insights. Logging your food is a great way to keep you in focus too.

Laura, good job on the WL. Sorry the conditions weren't optimal, but a pound gone is a pound gone. Sorry to hear about your Dad. It will be good for him to have you all there again. Do you have something in mind for your Mom? My Mom was really hard to buy for. She just didn't want anything.

Julie, so sorry about the flat tire. So glad you have friends to help you out. That's pretty special. Four vehicles and nothing to drive....sounds like my house hold. I have two and my DH has......uh......more. Not that I can drive any of them because they are all weird. My DH is 6'4" and has very long legs, some of his vehicles have seats that don't adjust and I can't reach the pedals, especially ones with manual transmissions and they are all manual transmissions. Guess that's how he keeps me from driving his vehicles.

I have to finish packing. Our flight is at 5am.........yuck.

Have a great weekend everyone.


Eva - Hope you have a great time !!!

Hey there gals, how's everyone doing today?? I'm fine, I think.... A little stiff from swimming last night.. DH and I took Mimi to the outdoor pool that is a block from our house... She had fun and it was nice and refreshing for us as it was 100 here yesterday.. and we get the humidity, too.... I tried to do some of my Water aerobic exercises so I think that is why I felt stiff this morning... Anyway, just had a shower and am moving on with my day.. going to put a load of towels in the washer and do my dishes and get ready to take Mother to Bismarck for doc appts today.. Hopefully she will get permission to drive again.. We are both anxious for that to happen!!!! It's almost 6 months since she passed out and no more incidents so he said he most likely would let her have her wheels back... It's been a very long 6 months in more ways than one!!

Eva, my DH once bought a little pickup at an auction sale... came home so proud... It didn't have tilt wheel so I couldn't even get behind the wheel... I was so mad at him... He'll never buy a vehicle without me again!!!

Phyll, I love the Closer!!.. and yes I saw that episode... pretty dumb on the girl's part.... but I liked how Brenda ended it not giving up on the kid....

Well, off to start my chores... Hope everyone has a wonderful day.... TTFN..............Julie

Julie - Congrats on the swimming - the more you move the lest stiff you are going to be - and I agree getting out makes you feel better - I know if I am not feeling well the more I stay in the house the longer I feel icky.. But if I get up dress and out - I will eventually feel better..

Well just cking in this morning - I have a busy day - last night after gym went to the store and had a couple of telephone calls that I had to return - so that cut in on my computer time (well I never turned on the computer last night :drool:)

Well I have a busy day - have to have my desk packed up by tomorrow evening as they are moving me (and 3 others) back to the main office site - right now I have a big office - will be moving back to a small cubical with a desk that 19 yrs old. Not much I can do or say about it- they can't afford the rent over here and with the lay offs that have happend in the past there is room for us now.

Have a great day peeps - good food choices and drink your water...

I'll ck back later :blink:

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Where is everyone !!!

Well gotta tell you all stress tightens the crap out of my band..

I am moving offices from a 20x20 to a 6x6 - getting a desk that's 19 yrs old - and other power trip crap.

Then leave work and the car won't start - AAA comes - tells me I have a dead cell - but they don't carry my battery

So call the Dealership they don't close til 5:30 (it's 4:30) but if I wanted them to fix my battery I had to be there by 3:30..

So AAA jumps my car - I go to the place I get car serviced at and they say ya they have a battery ...

One of the mechanic's is being really friendly- well go inside to wait - they Mechanic (the friendly one my age) came in and said your battery is just fine - you must have left something on - I said something about it being 4 yrs old and he said just cuz it's old doesn't mean it doesn't work (or something like that) he was flirting with me :confused:

Well came home to watch the soap w/GS and made some popcorn cuz I was hungry - well guess what - I pb'd on popcorn - I have never ever pb'd on popcorn - I eat popcorn most night's after dinner ...

Well I think I have relaxed enough that I can go finish it...:)

Well I was lucky cuz I didn't have to buy a new battery - but it was still a stressful day... (I did thank the Man above for saving me the cost of a new battery)

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      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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