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Sharon, Wow, all that canning....I'm envious. I grew up canning veggies/freezing veggies, canning fruit, etc with my Mom. She did most of the work, but I helped and it's always been a warm memory. I've also done some canning, but there just isn't a lot of stuff for canning in this area. We do have a U-Pick-it farm about 90 minutes from here and I plan on going down there at the end of the month and see what they have. I did applesauce a couple of years ago and it was wonderful.

Today was a non-exercise day since I had to be on the road at 6am to get to Phoenix for work. I did get out of there early, but DH was home early and we ended up going out for dinner. We really don't do that often, so it was sort of nice. Shrimp cocktail made with cucumbers, onions, tomatoes, chilies. Very healthy. Tomorrow will be pool day, one way or the other.

Great.....camping can be fun, but I ended up working harder to get ready, then to clean up afterwards than I normally do. However, finding that perfect spot where the air is clear and smells good and it's quiet....no cars, or people, maybe a little Water running....or the sounds of elk bugling at night...that is so nice. Of course, the really nice hotel with a comfy bed is very appealing too!.

Janet, I know you are right....exercise is important and I will exercise, just probably not at the gym. And I know it will get easier as my muscle tone improves and the weight comes off. I'm actually looking forward to that.

Ifyourstomach.........thanks for the info on the incline board. It's something I am considering. I don't have the stretchy tendon thing....just the oppoiste, I'm tight and very inflexible, but I think the reverse strech sounds like the right way to take some of the pressure off the hips and spine. Yoga feels great to me, but I've also damaged myself with it. It's one of those things you have to be careful with and there are some poses I don't even attempt now.

Julie, I'm so glad the party went well for your DH. It's very special that the girls appreciate him and he appreicates them. It not something that happens every day.

Laura, glad you are home. The picture was cute. Take care of yourself for a while and we'll be praying for your Dad.

Charlene, glad to hear your band is helping more now. I'm having the eating too fast thing too, mostly because I haven't had any side affects from it yet. I'm still trying to remember to slow down. You too....it works better that way.

I have an 80 something friend of the family person that lives in Colorado that I'm trying to keep an eye on. It's a little hard from 800 miles away, but she finally called me tonight while I was out at the restaurant. She has macular degeration but refuses the accept help from me. We have offered to help her move here and to help her set up in another place close to us so we can help out, but she is stubborn and wants to stay there. I'm hoping she changes her mind and will move close so we can help her. She has no one else. I really like this woman. She is smart and self reliant and speaks her mind. She was a good friend to my Mom and that is important.

Hope everyone has a good night.


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Meredith, great pics!

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Yawn! <stretch> It's so nice waking up in my own bed! It's been so busy being home. Unpacking, laundry, cleaning, getting cats squared away (DH fed them but that's about it... doesn't change their Water bowls cuz he says they have the whole pool! men! LOL, and he scooped the litter a couple times-now there is more litter out of the box), errands, shopping, etc.

While we were gone DH did not eat healthy. Several times he went out to eat with some of the docs. When home he usually grilled a couple hotdogs and had a few beers. Or threw a steak on. And instead of cooking some veggies- he would open a hummus and grab a couple pieces of pita. He gained 5 lbs while I was gone. Now we are back on track. Funny story, last night we decided to eat out (we were out anyway picking up his car from the mechanic). We went to Bonefish Grill, some of you may have this one. We ordered appet. and an entrée. He got the ceviche and I got the crab corn Soup. I ordered Nelson's chicken fingers to come out with the appet. Well, the entrées never came. Nelson was starting to get fidgety and after asking for our food a couple times we said just cancel the entrées. They had forgotten to put the order in anyway! The manager came and comp-ed the meal. We gave the waitress $20- she didn't MEAN to mess up. She started crying when I handed it to her. She went back to the office and came back out and gave us a $45 gift cert.! When we got to the car we both realized how full we were just from sharing each other's appetizers and how we didn't need the entrée anyways! 1/2 cup of soup... and 5 bites of ceviche and I was STUFFED! Who would have thunk it?! DH commented on my cheap date status..LOL

Tomorrow I will get back to the gym. I just cannot go until I can see my floors!

Meredith~ You are doing great! Don't beat yourself up. Continue doing what you are doing until the fill. I will tell you, after surgery I made it a HUGE priority to exercise and that's one of the reasons I lost so much weight, so fast. And be careful with the derm for the scars. After my gall bladder surgery I couldn't stand my scars... so I went to my derm and had them injected with cortisone. Well, the result is thinner scars but the skin around them is like sunk in from the outer skin getting thin. I wish I had left them alone.

1 Day~ We've all been there, done that with the exercise. Just put your shoes on. 1/2 the job is getting dressed. Sorry to hear about your DS bus event. That would freak me out too.

Julie Bubba~ Sorry to hear about the night at the hotel. I am the same way with other beds. They kill my back. We have a sleep number bed and I LOVE IT. Squishy beds just belong in hell. Hope you are better.

My mom likes to can peaches and tomatoes and October Beans. I like to eat them, but I don't have the time or space for canning. I will be an official taster if anyone wants to send their canned goods..LOL:lol:

CBL~ peas

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Mornin' Gang...Got caught up on this thread but in no way am I going to try and respond to anything. Just too far behind.

We are having a great time with our "fake" DD and her DH. Picked them up at the airport last Monday and have been on the run since then. They are easy to have around and I have been having fun making all her favorite dishes that she grew to love while living here and while back to visit for four months a few years back. She's been complaining about gaining weight on their 3 mo. world tour so I made sure to alter all the recipes to be low fat and low sugar. She's actually not "fat". What I would call thinner than a normal person but in good shape. (She's a kick-boxer). So anyway, I have tried to really watch what I have around here. I make veggie/shrimp appetizers, have plenty of fruit around and make sure the meals are healthy.

Wish I had more time to share but DH is over my shoulder needing me. MEN!!!! Helpless!!!!!!!!!!!

Hope everyone is doing well. For any of you struggling....hang in there. It's all worth it.

Laura...thinking of you father and your family.

Julie...hope you are feeling better soon.

Janet...will get you that recipe when I have more time.

Catch you all in a week's time. XOXOXO

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1 day

Exercise - don't think of it in those terms - think physical activity - just move - don't think about it just put your tennis shoes on and go for a walk.. or turn on the radio or put in your fav cd and dance around the house.

I don't really thnk too hard about it - ya I try and talk myself out of it alot of the time - but when I walk thru the door - I just go put on my work out clothes and go - plus - how can i preach it to you all and not do it myself.. That's one thing I am not is a hypocrite - That's how I do it (just do it) and for me I know it's key - years ago i took dance 3 hrs 2x a week - I lost 20 lbs without even trying - just by doing the dance class - i didn't change my eating at all....

So tomorrow just put on the tennis shoes and tell yourself you are going to go exploring...

Thanks Janet I knew you would have great advice. You know I do climb stairs and park far away just the 30 mins constant of exercise i have trouble with.

1 Day~ We've all been there, done that with the exercise. Just put your shoes on. 1/2 the job is getting dressed. Sorry to hear about your DS bus event. That would freak me out too.

CBL~ peas

Thanks Peas I know I think I have to con my brain into thinking I am doing something else. B/C it is keeping me from doing it. But you are right getting dressed is the hard part

1 Day~ GF, I am stuck in that same funk! I cannot stand it and I am frustrated. We just need to force ourselves. I am still kicking myself for letting his happen to me (getting fat). I have totally ruined my body. In fact, I am going to the Dermatologist so he can help me with all of these stretch marks and my new scars. My skin is so fair that I just have to do this. We will get there, it's just getting there is tough.


We can do it!! My skin is fair to but I have a major scar from another surgery and I put Vitamin E on it and it healed nicly I have the stretrch marks though. Oh well it does not bother me as much anymore though.

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Morning girls..... I just finished doing some "light" housekeeping... the dust was getting pretty thick... don't think I over did anything, so hoping there will be no repercussions.... I'm going to lunch with a couple friends.. I decided I need to get out more... This laying around just isn't helping me that much, so am trying to be a little more active without actually doing too much.. My neck is still bothering me, but I'm trying to ignore it... Tylenol seems to help me forget it for a while..

Apples, glad you checked in... I'm sure your company is thrilled with all the good food you are preparing... I'm betting you're having a blast doing it, too....

Laura, I think I forgot to tell you the pic of Nelson and your dad was wonderful... I can tell you that grandchildren are one of God's richest blessings... Don't know what we would do without ours.... I also could relate to your story about eating out and not getting your meal.. That happened to us recently and I was just fine with the salad and veggies I ate... They actually brought my entree, but it was burnt and I sent it back...... Was content with what I did eat... It's a good feeling, huh????

Meredith, loved the horse pics, but wish you had been in them, too..... I have always loved horses but have only been on one about twice in my adult life... Always figured it was a terrible thing to do to a horse at my weight!!!! Maybe I'll try it one day when I'm skinnier...

Eva, so good you keep track of your friend even though she is so far away.. I have one like that... She is widowed and lives alone in Lodi, CA.... She is a best friend of my mother's and has known me since I was born.. No children of her own, so I get treated very special... my DH and DD and DGD, too.... I worry about her.. She was burglarized recently in the bright of day... All her worthwhile electonics and some money taken.. She installed a security system now, but I still worry.. I try to be in touch one way or the other often...

Well, I should get ready for my lunch date.. I'm planning on having a salad of some sort... Should be an okay lunch.. Had yogurt and a slice of meat for breakfast.... I've been doing too many carbs lately because they are so easy and go down so well... gotta stop that now and get back on the Protein wagon... You all have a great day............. TTYL.......... Julie

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Beds.... We have sleep number bed both in our condo and in our RV! We LOVE them! Although, since I've gotten older, I rarely meet a bed I don't like! LOL.. seem to be able to sleep anywhere these days!


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Hi guys, I haven't had a lot of time to do more than read your posts. I appreciate each one of you. Everyone brings something to the table. Humor, honesty, healing, headaches (real and PIA types).

My proteinfest paid off. I lost lbs before my family reunion on Protein, gained some at the reunion (mostly Water because because of salt content) and immediately lost it back on Protein the last two days.

I had my first fill this morning. Fascinating. Someone at UIC invented a device for injecting lidocaine without a needle. The Dr. presses the device against your stomach, it poufs, and the site is numb. I have only one incision and the port is only an inch below it. I could feel the band expanding, then I had to keep swallowing the barium while he made adjustments. Afterwards I looked at the picture of my stomach and he showed me the esophagus, the pouch-which wasn't much wider than the esophogus, then the extremely narrow opening between the pouch and the stomach, and the barium squirts into the old stomach. Very cool! I could really see how I'm going to have to go back to very small bites and chewing food to death. liquids, of course, for the next day or two.

I think the fill should make a difference right away.

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MrsB~ So glad you are getting up and going out. A lunch with the girls sounds nice. It is funny about restaurants these days.

Phyl~ Go sleep number! I don't know how we lived without one. The bed reduced our back pain by 90%. I recommend them to everyone! I should get paid for product endorsement! I always hear the jokes, if the bed is so good- why does Lindsay Wagner look so awful..LOL.

IfYour~ Congrats on your fill!!! You are so lucky your doc fills to restriction! Many many do not! How many cc is your band? How much did he put in? WOW. My doc doesn't even do a barium swallow b/c he fills so slowly. You should have great restriction now. Some people argue for the type of fill you have b/c mentally seeing it helps the patients feel full.

Latest news on Dad: The head of Nephrology at Duke seems to think he figured out what caused his sudden stop in the kidney recovering. On Friday he had the endoscopy. They gave him Fentanyl and Versed (common sedation narcotics), but it was just enough to cause urinary retention. They found his prostate to be enlarged and urine remained in the bladder after voiding. It was backing up into his kidney even! This is medicine101, so I am really a little ticked off that the Charlotte doc didn't pick up on this. My DH even asked if they checked this and I ASSUMED they had. ugghhh! So today putting a foley cath in for 48 hours.. and see how that does. Cross fingers. Oh, last night DH spoke to my mom after I did. She was sounding a little teary eyed and he is always so good at talking to her and reassuring her. After he spoke to her, he had tears in HIS eyes! He hung up the phone and purchased tickets for us to fly to Durham NC on Friday! So so sweet. We will fly up Friday morning, stay two nights and then return on Sunday midmorning. Tickets weren't bad, only $150 RT each person. She is staying at a little hotel across the street from hospital. Nothing fancy but you don't have to worry about parking. Mom's birthday is on Monday- a hell of a way to Celebrate. This is her two year anniv. of her uterine cancer diagnosis and she was in the same hospital for her hysterectomy. She is cancer free now, but getting that diagnosis the day before her 70th birthday was tough. I don't want her to be alone. I wish we could stay through Monday but DH has to be at work at 630am.

You know, my DH was raised by his DGP... he never knew his Dad (met him when he was 21 and wished the piece of shit had remained a mystery) and his mother remarried and left the two kids with her parents and went and had 3 more. He was never welcomed in the new husband's home. My parents are really the FIRST parents that ever loved him, appreciated him, or were proud of him. Since the day we got engaged he has called them "mom" and "dad". That same day my dad said, "here in the US, usually the grooms family pays for this and that & does this and that, well- I want you to know that we are your family now. Don't worry about any of that stuff". My DH has never forgotten that.

Nelson is a little less enthusiastic about the trip. "I don't want to go to NC again!" <said with a whine> I totally understand. It was tough on him. Sitting still... and seeing DGF sick. I tried telling him it was a different city and that we would go in a big plane. He usually likes hotels too. I think he will be ok since DH is coming too.

I didn't exercise again today. I had so much cleaning to do. I couldn't bare the thought of leaving again with stuff still in my bags! Emptied everything, did all my laundry, house clean and spotless. Then picked up Nelson from camp. Now time to figure out what to make for dinner. Meredith has made me have lentil Soup on the brain. Nels gets nauseated just LOOKING at soup! LOL. He is a tough client for this chef.

Will CBL~ peas

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You know, I have no idea how many Ccs my band is or how many were put in. I totally forgot to ask. I am at University of Illinois Chicago which is what my HMO requires, so everything is very up to the minute including my surgery only requiring 1 incision. My surgeon had just gotten started with that option. Apparantly, because of my lower BMI (I think) I qualified. Everybody at that hospital has the fill done the same way. There's no guesswork. We line up in the waiting room, go in, lay down under the floroscope, get lidocained, get the needle put in and start drinking the barium while he fiddles with the amount. None of the regular Drs. are there, this is a guy who specializes in just this one thing, all day long as far as I can tell.

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I am to be banded on thursday, I really need a buddy. How did you get the weight off. In speaking with another indivdual yesterday I was a little dicouraged. the lady told me she has been banded for a little over a year and have only lost 54 pounds. I don't want to be in this situation.

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I am to be banded on thursday, I really need a buddy. How did you get the weight off. In speaking with another individual yesterday I was a little discouraged. the lady told me she has been banded for a little over a year and have only lost 54 pounds. I don't want to be in this situation.

Sweetheart... it's NOT an easy fix and the weight doesn't just fall off! Please don't go in to this with false or unrealistic expectations. Loss is slower than bypass, so don't get discouraged. It's a much healthier approach than bypass, in my opinion. Really.... 54 lb in one year is not that bad, though most of us lose faster than that. But you must make up your mind to change your lifestyle.... especially the way you've always eaten. I've eliminated all sweets except for an occasional treat... maybe once a week, and a very small portion. I rarely eat bread, potatoes or Pasta, and, again, when I do, it's in very small amounts. Also, exercise is a MUST. Support is very important, too... this website is my support group. But, if you have a local group you can attend, you might want to visit and see if that is something you could benefit from as well. Best of luck to you!

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Hey Gang !!! Just a short post, my DGS is at my DD2 house for a couple of days, he loves my 16 yr old DGS3 !! They do guy things like rough housing, basket ball, staying up all night and sleeping all day !! Got all my tomatoes done, finally !!! My DD1 wants to learn how to can because my MIL, her DGM, canned for years and it brings back good memories for her !! Plus I just love teaching her, I love to can when I have time.

Laura~~~ glad to hear your Dad is doing better !! Maybe the foley will work !! This is me crossing my fingers !! lol Loved the pic of Nels and your Dad, it was so precious!!! Sounds like you have a very thoughtful Hubby to take you back to see your folks !! The ladies in our church went to a retreat in March and we slept on sleep number beds, well my DD2 and I shared a bed, she had the control on her side and I think you can guess how my night went !!! ALL NIGHT LONG !!! lol hard and soft hard and soft

Stajin22~~~~ I have a hard time, too, comparing myself to what others are doing and it's gets me in trouble !! I have to remind myself that we are not all the same, some of us will lose faster than others, some will lose slower. I am a slow loser, I guess cause right now I'm just losing a half or a pd. and I have to be happy with that !! As long as it's coming off, that's o.k. with me. But just keep coming back here, these are a GREAT group of ppl !!! They are my support system and I don't know what I would do with out them !!

If~~~~ good for you on your weight loss !!! Keep up the good work !!!!

Meredith~~~~ Those pic were just beautiful !! That must be rewarding work !!

Well gotta run, catch up with you guys later, Sharon

Edited by doodlebug11

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Phyl~ Go sleep number! I don't know how we lived without one. The bed reduced our back pain by 90%. I recommend them to everyone! I should get paid for product endorsement!

Latest news on Dad: The head of Nephrology at Duke seems to think he figured out what caused his sudden stop in the kidney recovering. On Friday he had the endoscopy. They gave him Fentanyl and Versed (common sedation narcotics), but it was just enough to cause urinary retention. They found his prostate to be enlarged and urine remained in the bladder after voiding. It was backing up into his kidney even! This is medicine101, so I am really a little ticked off that the Charlotte doc didn't pick up on this. My DH even asked if they checked this and I ASSUMED they had. ugghhh! So today putting a foley cath in for 48 hours.. and see how that does. Cross fingers. Oh, last night DH spoke to my mom after I did. She was sounding a little teary eyed and he is always so good at talking to her and reassuring her. After he spoke to her, he had tears in HIS eyes! He hung up the phone and purchased tickets for us to fly to Durham NC on Friday! So so sweet. We will fly up Friday morning, stay two nights and then return on Sunday midmorning. Tickets weren't bad, only $150 RT each person. She is staying at a little hotel across the street from hospital. Nothing fancy but you don't have to worry about parking. Mom's birthday is on Monday- a hell of a way to Celebrate. This is her two year anniv. of her uterine cancer diagnosis and she was in the same hospital for her hysterectomy. She is cancer free now, but getting that diagnosis the day before her 70th birthday was tough. I don't want her to be alone. I wish we could stay through Monday but DH has to be at work at 630am.

You know, my DH was raised by his DGP... he never knew his Dad (met him when he was 21 and wished the piece of shit had remained a mystery) and his mother remarried and left the two kids with her parents and went and had 3 more. He was never welcomed in the new husband's home. My parents are really the FIRST parents that ever loved him, appreciated him, or were proud of him. Since the day we got engaged he has called them "mom" and "dad". That same day my dad said, "here in the US, usually the grooms family pays for this and that & does this and that, well- I want you to know that we are your family now. Don't worry about any of that stuff". My DH has never forgotten that.

Touching story about your DH. Sounds like a very sweet, sensitive guy. Glad to hear some encouraging news about your Dad. Hope it all goes well.

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Hello all.

Just quickly wanted to stop by and say 'hello' and see whats going on. Today was my last day at the barn :(. I had a great time with all of the horses, patients and volunteers. I'm going to go back in January I think just to volunteer. It is really rewarding.

Julie~ I didn't even remember to get any pics of me with the horses! Dingbat me! Hopefully in January I will have lost enough weight to ride again. Can't wait for that!

Laura~ What exercises did you start out with? I just need to do it and not make any excuses. So little extra time, but I just need to make time! Glad that they figured out what is going on with Dad (well, kinda). Hopefully he will be on his way to getting better. I know that your mom will really appreciate that and you might feel better after you go back with your DH to see him again. Tough times. Hugs.

1Day~ Ok, I just decided now that I am going to wait until the school summer semester is over next wednesday and start to exercise then when I have a set schedule. Right now is finals time and it is the worst! You're right though, we WILL do this!

Phyll~ You're the best with all of your positive reinforcement and great attitude!

Stajin~ Well, this is not easy. I will tell you that much. It is at times frustrating and you do get discouraged, but to me, so far, it has been completely worth it! I just got banded June 26th and I am so happy that I did. Before I even went in for surgery, I made a promise to myself that I was going to completely change my old habits. AND.... I HAVE! No junk, no cheating, everything that goes in my mouth get written down. With the right mind set, you will do just fine. Also, I don't know what I would do with out all of these wonderful ladies on here! Without them I would have been completely lost and nervous some days.

Ok, well thats about all for now. Let me tell you, I cannot wait until this fill!!!! Thank God I am not putting any junk into my mouth though. All lean Protein, low fat, no breads, pastas or anything. NO JUNK AT ALL! So as long as I can keep it up, I should be doing just fine after this fill! YAY!

Ok, apparently I like the sound of my own voice....

Goodnite~ Meredith

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      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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