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I'm scheduled for surgery on 8/20. I'm 5'8" and right now at an all time high for me at 265. I've gained 14 pounds in the last 3 months due to stress at work.

I have a couple of questions:

  1. Did you lose slow enough that your skin didn't sag or hang? I"m worried about extra skin...
  2. Did anyone have problems with throwing up?
  3. What Protein bars have the most Protein and least amount of calories?

I am anxious and excited all at the same time. I want to get healthy and have energy. I'm in a new relationship which I think is going to turn into marriage. Starting "two" new lives..and life of being thin and healthy and being in love too!

Lisa in Memphis:tt1:

Welcome Lisa. I think some people have elastic skin that returns to normal and some don't. Not sure it has anything to do with speed of weight loss. I pb'd (productive burped) a couple of times. Once a laxative I swallowed before bed came up and exploded in my throat. Blech!! Once I had pita bread that expanded in my stomach. Don't know about Protein Bars but I'm sure you'll check the labels. Janet (Indio Girl) might know more. But whatever happens, you are not alone. You have us. Keep coming back.

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I'm scheduled for surgery on 8/20. I'm 5'8" and right now at an all time high for me at 265. I've gained 14 pounds in the last 3 months due to stress at work.

I have a couple of questions:

  1. Did you lose slow enough that your skin didn't sag or hang? I"m worried about extra skin...
  2. Did anyone have problems with throwing up?
  3. What Protein bars have the most Protein and least amount of calories?

I am anxious and excited all at the same time. I want to get healthy and have energy. I'm in a new relationship which I think is going to turn into marriage. Starting "two" new lives..and life of being thin and healthy and being in love too!

Lisa in Memphis:tt1:

Hi Lisa & Welcome

#1 - The saggy skin isn't got to kill you but the fat will is how I looked at it... You don't state your age - that and genitics is what the saggy skin issues are about. I carried my weight all over - my arms are the worse - but heck I feel to good to worry about them too much - I fret some cuz I live in the desert and would love to wear sleeveless - but maybe one day I will get surgery.

#2 - If you mean pbing (productive burps) I would say for the most part we all have done it - the cause - eating too fast not chewing and too big of a bite and that one more bite cuz it taste good. If you following the rules you have a good chance of not doing it.

#3 - Protein bars = candy for most of us and we have to be very very carefull of them - ya they have protein but just as many calories as a candy bar - I like the pure protein - thy have 190 calories for 20 grms protein - and for me they don't fill me up.. My doc wants you eating real food to get your protein (we this is after your liquid/pureed stages) I would say we all supplement our protein with shakes & protein bars in the beginning - I also like south beach protein bars - they are big and 19 grms of pt with like 200 - 210 calories - I may have them for Breakfast since I eat at work and need something portable..

Well good morning gang..

Had my mamo yesterday - got back to work - GS called cut his finger and needed stiches - so off I got to the emergency room was there from 9:20 to 2:30 yesterday !!!

Then had gym last night weights - and OMG my legs are sore after all that squating I did on Saturday and all I had to eat yeasterday prior to work out was 1/2 taco and some chips and salsa (went to eat after the hospitals)..

Lori - Great2bthin - LOVE IT CONGRATS AGAIN. I agree it's a little to early to get a dress as you may lose some more - take the whole gain out of your mind - I get where you are coming from - but it's not allowable - you will not let more than 5 lbs gather on your body with out getting them off..

Doddle - That happens all the time (posting at the same time) Yep food addicts...

Meredith - what are you putting in your salad - the lettuce is nothing so I wouldn't worry about that - but what's the other contents and dressing.. Usually it's the cheese, bacon bits and croutons and dressing that make a salads just as fattening as a big mac...

Cheri - I think I killed myself - I over did it - but I can be a perfectionist at times. My legs are killing me and I am still pooped. But ya I'll come and help :0)

EE - Welcome back - I have been hit and miss myself lately... Life keeps getting in the way :0)

Well off to get my pap - just had one 2 months ago - but came back with a typical cells - so need a repeat Uhg...

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Apples, I'm beginning to understand why you had trouble stopping the weight loss and regaining some weight. You must never stop moving. I suspect you need more calories than those of us who are more sedentary. Have fun with your Aussies. Were they surprised at your weight loss?

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Holy Crap, Mrs Bubba!! ! You're down 101 pounds!!! Thats so AWESOME !!!!!! :-) Whats your secret?

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Janet, you are right. No more than 5 lbs is ever coming back on this body. I guess I am having a hard time wrapping my head around that. I have lost and regained weight so many times in the past that it's scary to think this is it! But that is one main reason I chose a band surgery, I want to always have that restriction to help me maintain. I am going to wait on the dresses. It was fun to try on, reassuring to know that yes I can do a dress now, and will wait til closer to the holidays to get one. Around that time of year they should have lots of nice dresses out and heck might even get a bargain after the holidays.

Just got home from taking Grandma to lunch. We went to Golden Corral and I can do a buffet no problem now. Was not tempted to over indulge even. It was the perfect place for me to take her to eat. If we go to a sit down place she only orders Soup as she is afraid to spend too much. If I buy she is even worse as she doesn't want me to spend money on her. If I take her there, it's paid for and she has to be sure she gets her money's worth. She's so funny that way and the whole family has been worried she's not eating enough or right lately so this was great. Think it might become a weekly stop for us. She loved it. BTW, this is my 100 yr old grandma, still going out to lunch and shopping one day a week with me. How cool is that?? We so hope she lives to see my daughter get married, it's one reason my daughter wants a shorter engagement, it would mean so much to her.

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Just checking in........Apples, it was me. When I lift I am now tight. I just have to wait awhile then I can eat. I haven't been able to eat more than a half a cup of food at a time. That is what the doctor wanted. Like today I ate 4 chicken nuggets from Wendy's for lunch, and half a cup of chicken salad for supper. I did eat two 100cal Snacks. I know I need to eat some veggies too. This restriction is new to me. I am still adjusting to finally having a "sweet spot". Oh, and Janet, I am still walking. I am looking forward to my ticker moving any day now.

I got a call today about my 40th high school reunion. I sure wish I had reached goal. I dread going with all this weight on me, but hey, it could have been much worse, and I know I would not have gone. I guess it is to late to lose 70lbs in 3 weeks. LOL

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Hi Gang..

Well, I'm back from the gry - I really really didn't want to go. I tried talking myself out of it 10 times this afternoon.. I am pooped - but went cuz I KNOW I have to if I'm going to maintain my weight loss.. It's 110 it's hot - I'm tired- I am stressed from work and hospital yesterday and pap & mamo and now a follow up pelvic ultra sound and my legs are still sore. But I the new Janet won - all those were excuses... Been there done that and just can't do it again.

Great2bthin - You will find this too - you have worked so hard to get where you are - I know that you are going to be diligent in not letting the weight come back..

Apples - Ya I do the same thing - if I start something - I usually make more work for myself and it ends up being an all day project - I was once told I was a perfectionist - I said ya right - they explained that just cuz my house could get messy - it was cuz I knew I didn't have the time to do it correctly so I just didn't start.. I said ya that's very true..

It's not like my house is super clean - in fact it needs a good deep cleaning - maybe this weekend...

Oh ya what's scalloped corn??? Sounds good..

Cheri - Ye Apples can eat more that most of us cuz she is so active - I wish I had half her energy... She's like the energizer bunny...

Charlene - Congrats on the sweet spot. Your 40 yr is in 3 weeks - well with this new sweet spot you can have another 10 off and heck you have what 78 since being banded and that's fantastic. Just think you could have be 100 heavier - but you are 78 lighter...

Well need to feed the dogs - cbl hugs

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Hey everyone!

Apples and Janet~ Thanks for all of the input! I really appreciate all of the advice you have given me. I have been eyeballing the salad. Not really more than about a cup and a half or two. I know that the both of you were concerned about what I am putting on my salad. IDK if you are familiar with middle eastern cusine, but I love it! AND, I'm IRISH!!! Anyhow, back to the point.... I get the Fattoush salad from this local restraunt. It's romanine, redcabbage, cucumber, Tomato, parsley, vinegar, extra virgin olive oil, and lemon juice. I put s&p on it too. I don't think that dressing is bad. The fat that is in the oil is good fat at least. The chicken that they put on it is marinated grilled chicken kabob. It is super lean and I eat about 4 cubes of it per sitting. At least until I get my band filled this isn't too bad. At least I don't each as much as I know I could. I've been doing really well limiting my portions I think considering no fill yet. :lol:

Great~ (you're right apples, it is strange) I'm sooo excited for you! WTG!!! Plus, your daughters wedding is going to be extra spectacular because you will feel good and look good! I know that sometimes when I would go to events that were really important to me I would only concentrate on my weight and not have a good time really. Like my best friends wedding. Anyway, you will be able to have the best time ever because you will feel so comfortable and confident. I'm just so happy for you. Also, it is so cool that you still have your grandma! I love my ladies (grandmas, 89 and 90). Awesome. I can tell that you are just glowing from reading your posts.

Julie~ Hope you are doing well. Continue to heal and take it easy!

Laura~ Still thinking and praying for your dad and your family. Hope everything is ok.

And to all, I'm not very good at remembering what is going on day to day here sometimes! Especially after ALL day at the barn in the 90 degree humid heat. Horse poop + Heat + Sweat = Gross Girl.

Ok, I will CBL. I have to put some pants in the wash. Sheesh, its already 10:20! I only have about 4 pairs that actually fit right now. :) NOT COMPLAINING!!

Have a great evening,


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Hi everyone. scale was good to me today after not moving much for past 4 weeks and showed a 3 lb. loss today. I was thrilled. Only 3 more lbs. until I'm no longer obese -- I'll be "overweight." I can't wait! Only another fat chick could understand how thrilling that is! Apples, did your Aussie daughter know you as thin or heavier from 10 years ago? If you were heavier was she absolutely thrilled for you (I'm sure she was). Laura, hope all is well with your dad, still keeping you and your family in my prayers. Lori, congrats on getting your screen name changed, it fits you perfectly! It's so great to have your grandma there with you, that is smart of you to take her to a buffet. These seniors can be so weird about spending money. Janet hugs to you having all your medical stuff at once! Doesn't sound like fun at all! Hope your DGS is doing okay -- er visits are such a pain, they take so long. Julie, hope you are doing great this week. I had a weird injury Monday. A week or so ago I was working out on the bicep machine at the gym and I felt a little pull in my right bicep, felt like it was a bit strained. I hadn't increased the weight, so it was weird. I immediately stopped and didn't use that machine for a week. I used it this past Monday and it was fine, felt no pain, no strain, etc. Later, I was putting my gym bag (that held my wet bathing suit and towel from Water aerobics so it is a little heavy, but not any heavier than usual) in the van, so I opened the passenger door and swung it up a little (remember I'm a shortie, only 5'1") and I felt the bicep rip! OMW the pain! I got home and got an ice pack on it right away and managed to get dressed and go to work. I noticed it was quite swollen (I wish my bicep were really that defined). Anyway, make a long story short, it still hurts when I flex it but okay otherwise, still a bit swollen but I'll live. I just wanted to warn you all about over doing it -- just be careful. Part of it is probably my age (you know I think I'm young still). Meredith, your salad sounds okay to me -- I also eat a lot of main course salad with chicken -- I just LOVE salad -- and I crave it if I don't have it. I do put spinach in mine to get some extra Vitamins, and I normally use a fat free or low fat dressing, but I think you'll be fine with the EVOO. I know some doctors say to never eat salad, but I don't want to give it up, cause I truly love it. I put Beans in my salads sometimes for extra Protein as well and I can't see why it should be a problem. I've never pb'd (thank goodness) or had any issues. IMO I think docs say no salads because they want you to eat your protein first, but if you have the protein in the salad, I can't imagine why anyone would object to it. Just be careful with the dressings and like Janet said, the "extras" like cheese, nuts, bacon etc. can make a salad high in fats and calories. Lisa, welcome -- congratulations on getting your surgery date. I hope you'll become a regular here, it's a great group and everyone is so helpful and supportive. Got a new perm today, getting ready for my trip to Vegas where I'm surprising my sister with my weight loss -- she has no idea - I'm getting so excited - we leave Sunday. Hope everyone has a fabulous day tomorrow. Linda

Edited by ljv52

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I don't think I can keep up with all that's been going on with this thread.

Janet, great pics!! I know you posted them few days ago, but I just saw them. Yep, it's really nice and cool "up there" compared to where we live, but they do get snow. I never did like working and living in snow.

Long/Great, Colorado is beautiful....if you have a good life there it would be very hard to move to a new place. Your husband is a wise man to put his family before the paycheck.

Charlene, good job with the walking....I haven't been motivated to walk here because it's too hot. My sister and I have been doing some pool work instead. Glad to hear your husband is doing well.

Meredith, I bet you will do just fine with your GPA. What a great career and future you have! I believe our weight will go up and down as we go through this journey. Please don't let the scale depress you. It's just a number and that number will go down again. It just takes time and patience.

Laura, sending you and your Dad positive thoughts. Thanks for checking in and keeping us updated. You are so lucky that you can be there to help with your parents.

Cheri....you have good advise. Great teachers are so important...glad you are there and doing a great job.

Doodle, I agree with the "big picture" the loss is great, whether it's every week or every month. It's still a loss. I think we have to mess up now and then. It puts everything in perspective and sometimes it will help us deal with those feelings in the future. You just can't do it every day.

Julie, I hope you start feeling better. How was the wedding?

Linda, the best to you and your DGD. I'm not good at saying the right thing when our loved ones are sick, but my heart goes out to you and your family.

Apples, WOW are you every busy! Glad you have the chance to spend time with your daughter. Farm life is tough and although I envy that life sometimes, I don't know if I have the stamina to keep up with it.

If I missed anyone I'm sorry. I'll try to keep up better.

I'm struggling a little, nothing terrible, but I can see where I could slip back to my old habits very easily. Taking time to read and post keeps me busy at least and away from the food. Now if I can keep the stress level under control at work and not keep sticking stuff in my mouth, we'll have some of the battle licked (pun intended).

It's late and I have to go to bed. Take care everyone.


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Good Morning Vietnam (said in my best Robin Williams impression)!!!!

I FEEL like I am at war! This must have been a touch of what the navy nurses felt like. Then to top it off, TOM decided to visit last night and OMW, how! I feel like a truck ran over me. But this too shall pass, right?

NEWS NEWS... Dad is still in the hospital. The numbers are coming down a little. But a few are still up. They will know Thursday whether he will go home... or do dialysis. He only has one kidney so they will not do a renal biopsy. They would have loved to do one, as it is the gold standard, to figure out what caused the renal failure. But it is just too risky. Things we know for sure: he will stop all oral diabetic meds and the BYETTA! (just researched and found that there is a class action lawsuit against Byetta manuf. for renal failure! They have been under the microscope for pancreatitis, but the RF is new. Won't even go there right now).He WILL be on insulin. His doctor has the "flying" talk with him. He won't be able to fly solo anymore. He will always have to have another pilot with him. I know he is really sad about that. 10 minutes after the doctor left he got a call on his cell phone from the airport manager where he keeps his little plane (cessna 210p), who said there was a guy looking at his plane and wanted to know if he would sell it. He was like "holy shit! look at the vultures flying!" My parents were supposed to leave in a week for a 2 month trip to Europe. (Turkey, Greece, Russia) Well, somehow dad thought it would still be possible. I don't think so. Another blow for my dad was a phone call from his oldest and best friend... he was just put under hospice care for pancreatic cancer. They sat and cried on the phone together. My dad was a mess after that. Later mom told me that the last time she saw him cry like that was when his mom died in the 70s. geez. (holding hand over my heart)

So, not sure when I will go home. Still playing the wait and see game. My DH wants me home NOW! It's a tough call sometimes, especially since I am not working. I want to be sensitive. But, as one of you said, sitting in hospitals is boring and tiring. ESPECIALLY for a 5 year old! He has gotten more toys this trip than ever! He has been such a good boy though. He bought himself and my dad a matching stuffed animal puppy from the gift shop. He has a bit of a stuffy nose this morning. That might be my ticket home! I know that sounds funny, but noone wants to be around a kid with a cold right now... and we might be kicked to the curb. :)

Well, I am down to 238 yesterday! Today though was 239 so I won't change the ticker until it's a few days of 238. But I have been "good" while here. I exercised two days. My parents have an indoor pool, so one night I went swimming and did Water aerobics. Yesterday my sis and I walked and did weights together. I miss my gym and my routine. I never thought I would say I miss my gym!

I have been reading everyone's posts. Will try and respond when I get a chance. hugs to everyone. Thanks for the prayers. You guys rock.


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Laura, I'm so sorry you have to go through this. My father decided he was "ill" 15 years before he died. He sat down in a chair and basically didn't move. He fell apart and the doctors medicated him to death....he was on morphine for several years. He had no cancer, heart disease, or diabetes, he just didn't move. In the end he had senior depression (which I didn't know about until after he died) and he took his own life. He could have lived a full and wonderful life, instead he chose to sit. Your father is still active (or will be again soon) and seems to have the will to keep going. As hard as this is on you and Nelson and him, you will get through it. My heart goes out to you all and I wish you the best.


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Good Morning !!!

Meredith - Your salad sounds fine - I agree the dressing isn't bad as long as it's not drenched - I have been eating alot of salad's lately... Mine are simple lettuce red onion grated carrot avocado & yogurt dressing (bolthouse ranch 80 cal for 2 tblspn) I may throw some sliced deli chicken on it for the Protein - but today I didn't cuz I brought a piece of fish to eat..

Your day sounds like my Satuday - but I didn't have the poop to deal with - It does make you feel good to do all that moving even when it makes you exhausted..

Yes you are doing wonderful - keep up the good work...

Linda - You may want to get that arm check out - my trainer did that the other day - getting in a boat - something popped and his arm swelled up - He was suppose to go to the doc - but I don't think he has - He may not have insurance - I will have to ask him about it tonite..

Congrats on almost being overweight - Yes we totally get it - it's a great thing!!! I met a lady yesterday - who is another Dr Bobbie patient - she is one of our insureds (not my client) and my gf pointed to me and told her I was a bander too.. The lady is at the only overweight stage too and we both agreed only x morbitilty obese pple would understand how happy being just over weight is..

Isn't it funny that pple say banders can't do salad - I too have never had a problem with it - I have had more problems eating butternut squash which is a puree than I have ever had with salad...

I think that when our bodies crave certian foods - it's telling us we need the vitimans - last night at the store - I wanted veggies - so I bought califlower - squash - salad - carrots.

Oh girl friend I hear you about the age thing - our #'s may be up their but in our heads we are still teeny boppers and can do anything - Ya right then we try - and BAM our age hits us in the face..

How long will you be in Vegas??? Oh I bet your Sis will be so happy for you..

EE - Thanks - we had a great time - go go go - and was beat by the time I got home - but can't wait for next years gathering...

I have never lived in snow - well as a child we had a house in the mountain that was a weekend home - we got snowed in a couple of time - we loved it no school - but I wouldn't know how to drive in it and I sure and the heck don't want to be shoveling it - I think dressing for it would be like dressing for the heat - I could deal with that but not the ice and shoveling :0) - So I guess I will just have to stay put - well that's until I win the lottery and can by a house right on the beach lol..

I don't know if it's the full moon or what - but I have been hungry lately - I just don't keep food around to eat - or I would be munching all day at work - oh that reminded me I forgot my yogurt for bf... Well, I think I have some oatmeal somewhere..

Did your Dad lose your Mom and that's why he gave up.. How sad... Hugs - that had to be so hard to deal with..

Laura - Hugs gf w/your Dad... I know how hard it is for you and your Mom - even your Dad. Continued Prayers..

Ya I hear you about missing your routine - glad you got some time to get a little work out in...

Well, gang - gotta get to work - Julie where are you - hope you are ok.. 1 day we haven't heard from you lately - how are you doing.

Hugs everyone

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Just a fly by post...heading out to the door. Up North to the lake.

We are having the time of our lives with our DD and her DH. About a 20 hour visit yesterday until early this morning. Lots of catching up to do. Taking them to a "hick" bar tonight....they gotta see how we live out here. DD is turning 30 next week and we will be hosting a party on Friday night for her. Activities planned for the weekend from sun up till sun down (or later). Just love that girl and her DH is wonderful and has a great sense of humor. Clicks with DS.

Just wanted to check out....know it's important. Wouldn't want to start the "panic chain". (You know I love you guys for even noticing I was missing).

Take care and have a wonderful weekend. Talk to you all on Tuesday of next week. XOXOXOXOXO

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Hi everyone.

This is going to be quick, but I will for sure CBL and write more. I just had to tell you that I had the craziest dream this morning right before I woke up. I was at the McDonalds drive through (except i was walking through) and I ordered 35 dollars of food for myself! SICK!!!!! I went to bed really hungry last night, so maybe my stomach was like "hello, get up"!? I then woke up thinking it was real and was panicked!!! Thought some of you might get a kick out of that one!

CBL~ Meredith

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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

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        Thank you ❤️

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        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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        That's a great choice! 😊

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      Surgery done!  Really looking forward to the next chapter 🥳😁
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        Fantastic! Best of luck to you & I hope you're healing nicely & not having much pain!🙏

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