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Hi friends, I'm back from my trip to Bismarck to the doctor today... Saw my GP for lab results and ect... I got a very good report in general... however, learned that my Vitamin d levels are very low.. Got a perscription for mega doses for 3 weeks... Mine was 16 and should be 50 to 80.... I had never heard of this before, so got quite a lesson about it... It is evidently something that has been overlooked here in ND far too long... Our lack of sun exposure makes us more prone than other areas of the country... Anyway, she says that with these mega doses of Vitamin D and some good healing time, I should feel like a whole new woman by my birthday in October......... I'm all for that...... The trip was a bit exhausting for me, so will be taking it easy for a spell to catch up... Had a good day yesterday, too, with outside church and such.. The meal wasn't that great... I have really turned a corner about that.. I no longer eat anything and everything just because it's there.... If it doesn't taste wonderful, I don't eat it... And this was not great and I left it on my plate and went home to get something decent.... I was proud of myself and glad to realize that this has happened to me... I can't count the number of times I ate something and felt full and miserable afterwards only to admit that it didn't even taste good.... NEVER AGAIN!!!!!....

1 day, love your picture.. Your family is beautiful.... Soon you'll be just where you want to be and so proud...

Apples, I'm glad you had such a proporous weekend... Just makes the smile even wider!!! I'm thinking you're right about the trip to Fargo or Valley City... Let's try for fall sometime when I'm stronger and you aren't so busy.... It'll be great... Whatcha cooking today??? We're having leftovers for supper... They gotta go, too.... and after a long day, it really works for me....

God's blessing to all of you struggling with family addiction problems... My husband is a 37 year recovering alcoholic, but I never knew him then. But I do know what it means to have an addiction.... Duh!!! That's what this food is for us... I always wished my addiction was alcohol or something I could quit, instead of food that I needed to stay alive... I don't drink or smoke and have never done drugs, but I sure have abused food.... So, bless your hearts for continuing to do what needs to be done for the ones you love so much... Best of luck.... and like Apples said, it's great you all have found this common link with each other....

Well, DH is home and mowing a little before he goes to get our little one for the night.... I better go figure things out before then... TTYL................. Julie

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Julie...supper menu: BBQ's country style pork ribs, grilled potatoes and carrots, homemade whole wheat rolls and homemade apple pies.

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Hi Indigo,

I have enjoyed reading your posts and say "way to go" getting on the other side of the fence. You are where I want to be. I was banded 2/28/9 and have lost about 18 pounds, just by eating less cause i eat all the wrong foods. I seem to feel sick if i eat healthy and the Protein gets stuck cause i still havent learned to chew and take small enough bites. I am going to try to turn over a new leaf tomorrow. If it were not for the band i would be hopeless, so no regrets about getting it- i now weigh about 198. i exercise but not consistently. i am always amazed at people like you who can make these changes and wonder why i have not, except for they seem hard to make and i am still looking for an easier fix. i love tough love cause that is all that works for most of us in the boat i am in. just reading your posts helps, but if you have a word for me, that would be great. i have been sober for over 5 years and that is a miracle, but have not been able to" get with the program" with the food.

thanks for caring and being a light in the tunnel!

blessed in texas-

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On a lighter note. Constipation. Anybody besides me got a problem? Hi Protein, no whole grains, little fruit, some veggies, and a lifelong history of constipation. I used to take unbelieveable amounts of Fiber, both Psyllium husk and ground flax seed as well as fish oil. Never was a huge raw veggie person or salad person or fruit person. Can't have much of any of that. Dr. gave me a script for a laxative, but that's just one more pill to take and once I get my fill, I'm assuming I'll have trouble with all my pills again. I feel like I'm going back in time to when I was a child and BMd 1x/wk after my weekly huge Sunday dinner. AARGH!

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On a lighter note. Constipation. Anybody besides me got a problem? Hi Protein, no whole grains, little fruit, some veggies, and a lifelong history of constipation. I used to take unbelieveable amounts of fiber, both Psyllium husk and ground flax seed as well as fish oil. Never was a huge raw veggie person or salad person or fruit person. Can't have much of any of that. Dr. gave me a script for a laxative, but that's just one more pill to take and once I get my fill, I'm assuming I'll have trouble with all my pills again. I feel like I'm going back in time to when I was a child and BMd 1x/wk after my weekly huge Sunday dinner. AARGH!

I take Miralax everyday. It solved my problem.

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Laura...forgot to add...we spend a little over a month in a cabin in the Ocala National Forest during the month of Feb. When the time gets closer, we should make a date to meet for lunch!

Hi there! The dinner menu, BTW, sounds devine. I would seriously take up farming just to be able to cook. I've stopped all my major cooking since surgery. (back in the day I was known to make homemade pita bread and other sweets and meals.) It's hard for me to spend hours cooking to have a 5 year old stick his nose up at it and for me to only eat 1/2 cup. DH usually cooks these days b/c of it..LOL. He's a good cook but makes a mess! :lol:

It's so funny that you mention Ocala... DH and I were just looking at the houses there. Not sure which area to go to. It seems there are rustic cabins and then really nice houses. If you have a reputable company- would love the info. And, YES! would love to meet you for lunch!

Hi friends, I'm back from my trip to Bismarck to the doctor today... Saw my GP for lab results and ect... I got a very good report in general... Julie

Wow Julie B~ Vit D huh? That's an easy fix though. My sis who has gastric bypass had the same problem pre-op. She has always avoided the son like the plague. She is on the Vitamins as well and encouraged to get some moderate sun.

Congrats on your band saving you from food that doesn't even taste good! I have had that experience too and it is wonderful! It's funny how we suddenly have more discriminatory tastes and demand for quality food! I LOVE that! :smile2:

On a lighter note. Constipation. Anybody besides me got a problem? !

The first month of two I was fit to be tied- literally! It was such a problem for me. These days it is a rare problem. I found the Miralax to be very effective also. This was a prescription a few years ago and then went OTC. It's expensive but works and is gentle with less side effects than other laxatives. They also recommend it to RNY patients. I am particular to PER DIEM (made with senna, 100% Natural Fiber Plus Vegetable laxative). The other thing that I do is good old fashioned prunes/prune juice. I was using dates until I realized they were 140 cal for 2 of them!!! yikes!!!

ok guys~ I am off to the gym this morning.

My body is frustrating me. I skipped my TOM last week! I was sure I was going to start on my anniversary, was PMSing big time... and then POOF, nothing! I feel bloated and yucky. Up another 2 pounds! (yes Meredith, I am either the same or more than you now!) Either the food I did eat is settling on my hips or I have some incredible Water weight! SIGH:mad2:

have a great day! CBL!!!


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Laura...sent you a PM with info on company we go through in the Ocala area.

Up the Fluid intake and be patient. Bet you will step on the scale in a couple of days and the lbs will be gone!

Woke up to my side by side freezer and frig thawing. Yep....not working. FRUSTRATING!!!! We live in a small, rural area and cannot find anyone to take a look at it. Expecting my Aussie friends in a few days. What a mess. I will have guys lined up for two meals today. My nerves have kicked in and I'm in the process of biting any butt that's available. Just need to BREATH and calm down!

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Morning.......... I decided to chance a bath this morning.. Didn't use too much Water so it didn't cover my incision.. One little part is still weeping a bit.... But, oh, did the soak feel good... A shower is refreshing, but I love to sit in the bath and relax...... So, bath accomplished... I feel pretty good.... Had a long day yesterday and need to regroup a bit today... Doing dishes, planning supper and ironing my DD bridesmaid dress for Saturday wedding is what's on my work list for today.. Should be able to get that done..

Apples, love your menu.... BBQ's spare ribs is about my favorite meal.... But DH isn't that fond of barbeque sauce, so don't do it too often... I may do ribs and kraut for supper... He loves that... and I like it, too... Now, the homemade rolls would be my downfall... I love bread and fresh homemade smeared with real butter.... Oh, I'm in heaven....... Glad I'm not there today.. I'd be cheating!!!! I totally hear you about losing a freezer... It's such a mess and what to do with the things that don't save well...... We lost our garage refridgerator a couple weeks ago... The stuff in the freezer part belonged to our other daughter, so no big loss as she didn't take it when they moved... But the extra fridge space is sorely missed... We are looking for a replacement, but just want something old and cheap!!! I have a spare freezer just sitting empty you could use if you were a lot closer!!!LOL!!!.......... Anyway, good luck... You'll be fine and those butts just need to stay out of your way!!!!!

Laura, I'm thinking your weight gain has more to do with other things than food... Just wait it out and you'll be fine...

If, I suffer with your problem sometimes, but a generic stool softener from Wal-Mart does the trick for me... You'll have to find what works for you....

Well, off to my chores... Everyone have a wonderful day.... TTYL.............. Julie

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Good Morning All

I'm back!!! Had a Great Time - I will post pictures tonite

I got a full desk - I gotta get busy - will catch up tonite.



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Welcome back, Janet! Good to hear you had a nice time. That catching up when you return is sooooo much fun, isn't it!

Found a guy to look at freezer/frig combo...looks like it needs to be replaced. Crap! Only 8 yrs old and special ordered it to fit flush in cabinets. Oh well, that's life! Now I'm off to shop and hopefully will not have to special order but most likely will be the case.

As far as Constipation issues....I had some trouble in the beginning. Did the Mirilax but would rather eat my fiber. I know it is tough to get it in on such a restricted diet as us bansters have. I have found that a serving or two of Kashi Go Lean or Fiber One Cereal does the trick for me. From day 1 of eating these cereals, I have had no trouble. I just take the box of cereal when I buy it and put into 1 cup servings and put into snack bags. (Now in my weight gaining stage I do not pay too much attention to how many of these a day I eat but a person needs to be careful due to calories).

Beautiful day here on the farm. Perfect temps in the low 70's.....perfect for me and my 100lbs black lab. 80's or 90's would be better for the crops but for today, I'll take it.

Hope you all have a great day and no band struggles.

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I actually wrote about the topic of Constipation in my blog yesterday. The title is Getting the Crap Out. You can read it at http://ifyourstomachoffendsyoutieitoff.blogspot.com/

I used to gorge on food I didn't like just because it was there and I needed something to do. Now, with limited room, I save my stomach for foods that taste good and are good for me.

Man, its hard when a fridge or freezer goes out. Both my frugal Dutch genes and my food addicted mind can't stand the waste.

Laura, you aren't pregnant are you?

By the way, my e-mail is cherifl@comcast.net. If anyone is struggling with codependency issues or other issues I'm here to help. I have 20 years in Alanon and I sponsored an Alateen group for 6. I am currently involved in Celebrate Recovery at my church.

I believe codependency is a huge issue for food addicts and part of recovery is dealing with it.

Edited by ifyourstomachoffendsyou
fixed link

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All right....first let me apologize for ranting about my frig problem right off the bat this morning. Boy, Janet, it's all your fault...when you started this "I'm here to help" thread, I thought it meant help with every little thing! (BTW...it got fixed...just a wire...whew).

I've been noticing the last week or so people talking about food like they feel really "blah" about it. Not getting the joy they used to when they go out to eat, etc. Believe me...I went through that stage. DH was always asking me on a date but never wanted to go cuz was really difficult for me. Was worried about "wasting" food, paying a price for a dinner that was not just worth it. Well you can turn a corner on these feelings and you will. I'm just not so uptight anymore about any of these things. I am now at the point and have been for quite some time that I enjoy EVERYTHING I eat and enjoy every meal and every snack. At the beginning of this journey (about the first six-eight months) I ate just to eat. Now I eat and enjoy food like I used to. My tastes have changed but I can say I get more out of my little quantities than I used to with the large amounts I used to eat. I tend to steer towards healthier choices. I actually am turned off by refined sugar or and pre-packaged foods.

My point in this post is to let those know that are having those "blah" feelings about food; it does get better.

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Welcome home MOM!!! Glad you had a good time. Now get your work done so you can come play on line with us!

apples, glad the fridge was just a wire!

Constipation? yep, my doc said not to take the Miralax every day but I started eating the kashi and it's help a lot!! I get the higher Protein kind of Kashi or the Go Lean bars (I only have half a bar a day).

Food blahs? guess I was lucky, I never really got that. I loved going out to eat from day one and have made it work. I try to look at eating out as the experience and not the meal. So what if I waste the food? I'd have spent that and more and eaten it all before and not thought twice about it, so what if I spend it now but only eat what I need now? though many times I share with DH or take doggie bags home and he eats them later. My food blahs are at home, I hate making the same stuff over and over, but that has nothing to do with my surgery, I jsut hate cooking and am not adventurous to try new things either.

Sunday night we had the engagement party for my daughter, it went well. Yesterday I went looking at wedding dresses with her. Goodness I got teary eyed already! I'm anxious to look for my dress but got lots of time!! Sure would be nice to be at goal then or below!

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Laura, you aren't pregnant are you?.

Holy crap! I would literally poop a brick! (That would cure the constipation!):thumbup::biggrin: After 9 years of infertility, that would just be a trip wouldn't it? I seriously doubt that is the problem- though I am sure Nelson would love a sibling. But my gyn told me I was in peri menopause last time I saw her. My ovaries have been scrambled, poached and boiled. As a matter of fact I asked her about post surgery if I would need to be careful, etc. After looking at my labs, she told me I had a better chance of winning the Florida Lottery.

Apples~ I almost peed myself laughing at your comment about the "I'm here to help" meaning about every little thing! :thumbup::lol::lol: OH gawd that was funny! Glad the freezer is fixed.

Went to the gym. Did 30 min on my step tread and then 30 min of weights and then my stretches and situps. Then I got Nelson out of the playroom and took him to the YMCA kids exercise class. My trainer teaches it and boy was it fun! She made this huge obstacle course and then made them act like animals and walk funny. They had no idea the positions they were in were really stretches and exercise!

Now time to deal with the daily chores. CBL!

Welcome back Janet!!!

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Okay...since Janet hasn't commented yet on the fact that I am using this thread for petty personal complaints...here goes.....I SHOULD HAVE STAYED IN BED THIS MORNING!!!!!!!!!!!! Someone should wash my mouth out with soap. The words I have used today are going to be used against me when judgement day rolls around. The frig was nothing compared to what has gone down the rest of the day. Will outline just a few things:

*Sewer system has failed and needs repairing

*I burned (really, really burned) 8 steaks on the grill

*Cheesy potatoes boiled over in the oven

*Slipped and wiped out on my newly scrubbed floor, spilling HOT peach cobbler EVERYWHERE. Salvaged 1 1/2 peices and I ate that with most of the whipped cream.

*Walked out (long driveway) to get the mail and got three letters whipped out of box by wind and chased 1/2 way across a quarter of land to pick it up.

Damn that cobbler was good!

Gotta go....I hear Janet coming

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      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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