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Hello all~

I am feeling better today. Last night I must've gotten up to pp about 5 times! Already this a.m. was back to 245, so we will see in the a.m. My feet are much much better. It's weird b/c this is the first time since surgery that I have had any swelling in my feet/hands. DH was also up 5 lbs or so from that trip. LOL Meredith! You are a trip, at least we are the same!:biggrin:

Linda~ <hugs> I am so sorry to hear about your DGD's diagnosis. DM is a frustrating disease. It is good they caught it early and it does respond well to steroids and the IV meds. I knew they gave IVIG, but didn't know that much about the methotrexate. I will definitely keep her in my daily prayers.

1day~ Thanks for your support. It does help knowing you guys are there. And even more... knowing we have all been in the same place.:thumbup:

Kath~ sorry to hear about your DD's relapse. Drug addiction is a horrible thing. It seems like your band is really helping you- glad you are having restriction with your 2nd fill!

Young~ thanks for the tip. I hope your A1C does get better. They gave you a surgery date! :tongue2: That usually means they are confident that you will get things under control. Buckle down and be good these next few weeks and you could bring that # down! I use a mask with my CPAP. (ResMed- Ultra Mirage). I tried the nasal pillows but always had a leak. My DH has had a CPAP for 9 years and tried every mask out there! The one thing that helps me is the humidifier! If you don't have one, it may make the difference for you. I don't want to repeat the sleep study, but I am fairly confident that the weight I have lost has cured my SA. My DH, being an anesthesiologist, will watch and listen to me sleep sometimes. He said I have stopped snoring. I never had periods of stopping breathing- just that my oxygen levels went down. When we went to Quebec I didn't bring my machine and did fine. I know my SA was induced by my weight gain. One more thing to say goodbye to soon! And, yes, I would love to meet you when you are town!

I've been busy unpacking, doing laundry, grocery shopping and getting back in the swing of things. Although we had a GREAT time in Canada, there is no place like home. :unsure: Here are a few pics from the trip. After we landed in Newark the pilots invited Nelson up front. (he had an airplane shirt on and had an identical plane in his hand!) He was thrilled!

Hope everyone is having a great weekend!


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Kath~ I too am sorry to hear about your DD. I really understand what pain drug addiction causes. One of my best friends and co-workers became addicted to crack cocaine several years ago. She lost her her job, lost her daughter, got married to another man, got pregnant, had twins, lost her home, then lost the twins. It is a horrible disease. My best friends husband was in rehab last summer just 3 months before their wedding for cocaine and prescription drug addiction. He battles with it every day and has relapsed recently also. If you ever need to talk, I too am here for you. I really think that ALANON is a great program for those who are in need of help because of a loved ones use. It helps to provide a better understanding of whats going on. I'm sure you are familiar with that program as well. Just remember that we are all here for you, no matter what. This is a great place to be because no one judges one another. Also, I was wondering since your DS is bipolar, might your DD be as well? It is quite possible since bipolar disorder is 1/2 genetic and 1/2 environment. This might be her way of coping. Just a thought. Doodlebug, how nice of you to share your story with us as well. I could never imagine how difficult it would be to watch your child go through all of this. I hope that everything for both of you works out. I will be praying for both of your daughters recoveries as well as the recovery of all addicts.

Laura~ Glad you are back down! I bet it feels great. Also, are you anywhere near Naples? My aunt has a condo there and I am probably going to head down there in Feb. I am not familiar with where anything is in Florida, so it could be clear across the state and I wouldn't even know!

Also, I know this is probably TMI, but I don't know who else to ask about this.....it's my 1st time having my TOM after my surgery and I am having a terrible time! My TOM was never that bad, but I am having SEVERE abdominal cramping that I think is gas. When I take gas-x strips or other anit-gas meds it feels so much better, but it is sooooo painful. At work today I was doubled over in pain and couldn't even stand up straight! And again tonight while exercising it happened again! Has anyone else had this problem? Apparently I should just carry gas-x with me everywhere I go? Geez.

CBL~ Meredith

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Meredith, Thank you so much for your kind words !! Even tho it I have been dealing with this for 11 yrs, it is still hard to talk about. I do love my DD and would do anything for her but now I have to think about this sweet, sweet boy that deserves a good life ! And the life style that he was being raised in was not going to give him that chance!! Please do keep us as well as kath in your prayers!! And THANK YOU for not judging!! She was not raised this way, she was raised the best that we knew how!!

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Doodlebug~ Of course I would never judge! I don't think that it has anything to do with how people are raised. Thats the thing that bothers me so much. There is no way to prevent it and I have seen drugs effect people that I never thought that they would. It's just sad. I'm so happy that your grandchild has you and your husband to love and take care of him. You are providing him with a wonderful oppurtunity as well as your daughter....a second chance. Everyone deserves another shot.

Laura~ Oh, btw, I forgot to mention how great your pics are of your vacation! Looks like the three of you had a great time!


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Blessed Sunday morning to you all..... I have a few minutes before leaving for church... We are going to our youth Bible camp for outside services this morning.. We usually do something outside in the summer and this is such a good cause... Then they serve us a nice Sunday dinner after... we just have to drive about an hour to get there... it's on a big lake... Should be nice and relaxing... DH and I went with friends on their pontoon on the river yesterday... took a drive up-river and it was wonderful..... We happen to live right along the mighty Missouri river and our friends have river front property with their own dock... I did have a little struggle walking uphill back to the house after, but mostly was just a nice time... Going to rest my muscles today...

Kath, you hang in there... I've never had that specific problem, but have had to help my DD through a very terrible time in her life... PTS, survivors guilt, depression......after a car accident when her best friend was killed... DD was not the driver, and was hurt the least of all 4 girls, but suffered greatly from guilt and such... it nearly ruined her senior year of high school.... she made it and finally got the treatment she needed to get back to her life... I wish you luck getting her back on track and leading a productive life... God bless...

Everyone else, have a great Sunday... rest, relax, and refresh... You'll be in my prayers.... Julie

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Good morning gals~

I've been up since 6, it's 1130 now. Put up 8 loads of laundry and been puttering around the house, playing with the little one. DH took him to see a movie (G-Force), about guinea pigs who are police. I politely passed on that adventure. (I would rather clean!)

Meredith~ Naples is across the state..LOL :mad:, BUT... I used to live near there and we LOVE that area of FL. To me the west coast of Fl is the best! It's not that far, only 2.5 hrs. I would LOVE to meet you. We are always looking for a reason to get out of town, I could leave the boys at the beach and join you for a band friendly lunch. Something to look forward to!

Julie/Mrs. B~ Good morning to you. Your pontoon ride sounds so beautiful! I have never seen the Missouri river, or that area of the country for that matter. We must put it on our to do list.

I LOVE your new profile pic! SOOOO cute!:(

Doodlebug~ Your DGS is so lucky to have you and your DH in his life! My DH was raised by his GP, and he wouldn't have had it any other way. The love and wisdom that was instilled in him is priceless. They had a special relationship.

I pray that your DD does well with the program she is in. I am sure knowing her son is loved and cared for helps her. Wow. I can feel the love & pain through the computer. <hug>

I was talking to my DH about my weight gain this week. He said I really really did not eat that much. Some of the meals did have sauce and there were certainly a bit more calories than normal- but he said not representative of 4 lbs weight gain! He said he thought to himself at meals at how lucky I was to have my band. He would find himself really hungry and unable to resist the bread for example. I couldn't even get one bite in. He said it was night and day how I would have eaten before WLS. It was interesting to see the event through his eyes. Basically, I went on vacation- I ate pretty well but had some treats- and now time to get back in the swing of things. :tongue2:

We have a baby sitter tonight! We will go see a movie. Usually we love going out to eat, but I am so sick of restaurant food- think we will skip eating out!:mad:

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Happy Sunday everyone. Kath and Doodle, I understand your pain. My DD also was a drug addict -- she lost her parental rights for her son (whom we never even got to meet as she was living in Oregon at the time and we were in LA). It is in an "open" adoption, so maybe someday we will get to know our GS. He just turned 5. We get pics once a year or so, but that is difficult. DD is actually my step daughter, but I raised her and her brother from young ages, so she is just like my own. She was a meth addict (started at age 15 and she went to 4 or 5 rehabs over the course of 6 years. She's only been clean 4 years. She is the mother of my DGD who we just found out has Dermatomyostis and so I pray this will not put DD back at risk - I always worry that anytime there's a "problem" she'll turn to drugs. She is also a juvenile diabetic so that is why we stay very involved and live very close by to her and DGD. Thank you all for your prayers for DGD, I do appreciate it. She is doing well with her steriods - had her first one yesterday and didn't seem to affect her at all. Her muscles continue to seem quite normal - she was here yesterday running, dancing, playing as usual, so we continue to pray that because we caught it so early that she will have minimal problems. Julie, your boating adventure sounds lovely and your outside service today as well. We used to do that when I was a kid - we always had an outside service followed by a picnic at a lake that lasted all day -- it was always a highlight every year. Our church here doesn't do anything like that. Laura, loved your vacation pics -- it looked like fun and of course, Nelson is so darn cute! I remember when my DS was that little --he will be 37 this year -- which seems utterly ridiculous to me! Enjoy your time with him in these pre-teen years, cause it goes soo fast. Meredith, happy to hear your incision is finally healed up. Welcome to the newbies. Well, my DGD is here again so I must go play!! Have a good rest of the day! Linda

Edited by ljv52

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Thanks guys for the warm thoughts and hugs! They mean so much to me. Kath, I just want you to know that you are not alone in this problem, there are lots of us out there and we are all sending good thoughts out to you!! And when you have good people like you have here praying for you and your DD, it HAS to turn out o.k.!!

Linda, we're also praying for your DGD and her recovery!! I also worry that when my DD gets home that something will upset her and set her back. I know that it is a very good possibility, but will cross that bridge when it comes when we get to it!

Julie, it sounds like you have had a wonderful Sunday!!! I would love to be on a river right now but I would also have a fishing pole with me!!! I love looking at the Water but not too crazy about being "in" the water!!

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Thanks to everyone for all their kind words and prayers. It's amazing how many of us have been through this horror as parents. It's so hard to watch your beautiful babies self destruct.

Doodle-thanks for sharing your story and for your wonderful words of support. I wish you and your DD and DGS all the best. It's really hard to do the tough love thing. Actually my DS also has a long history of addiction too. He's been clean about 2 yrs so we have been living this a long time too. Never thought DD would have this problem too but goes to show you never know. She saw what her brother went through and swore she would never do that. Nar-anon and a private counselor have helped me survive this far. DD just got herself kicked out of the rehab she was in for less than a week. Had to tell her she couldn't come home. Really hard. But my brother is trying to help her get into another program. Hopefully being homeless will shock her into getting treatment. But I know it is up to her, I am powerless to control this situation.

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Thanks Doodle for your concern and prayers. Kath, keeping you and your family in our prayers as well. You did the right thing, it was hard, but it was the right thing. Linda

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Okay I promised I will post a pic of me. So here is my family and I today at my son's 14th birthday.

So this is me half way to my goal. I will get a closer pic of me later for my avatar but right now here it is.

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My heart goes out to everyone dealing with addiction with their grown children. I have attended Alanon for years, gone to counseling, work currently a little bit with Celebrate Recovery. My first husband had an issue with alcohol and I believe my son does as well.

One of the best things I'm doing is dealing with my own addiction to food. I see codependency as closely tied into food addiction. Tough love and taking care of ourselves in relationships aides our own recovery and sets a good example to the other addicts in our lives.

Everyone is doing so well. I, too, had a wonderful Sunday. Church this morning and then a luncheon with a group that 20 years ago sponsored several Ehiopian refugees at a former church. One of the refugees was out here visiting with his wife and kids. We all reminisced about that time and some of the funny cultural differences and situations that arose. I ate a little bit of everything that looked good to me but did not overindulge.

Then I sang on a praise team at a special service this evening. We're a multicultural church and we had our annual taste of reconciliation. I had a few tastes of various countries, focusing on Protein, a little of this and that. Did not overindulge. Didn't want to bp in the middle of a song on stage. LOL.

Then we moved into the sanctuary where my praise team and invited singers and groups from other churches also sang--sometimes in other languages. We had a dynamite short sermon, dynamite music of all styles, I got to sing in Spanish. Haven't sung all summer since choir took a summer break. People left on such a spiritual high. Loved it.

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Good Morning Gang!!! 1day, what a beautiful family!! And your half way to your goal? You are doing AWESOME!!! I think I am too but not for sure right now.

Kathe, I have tried tough love so many times, I'm embarrassed to say. I think it's called tough love because it's tougher on us that it is the other person! I can not imagine having to go thru this with my other kids!! They all have their problems but not this bad! My hearts just cries for you!! If you ever need to talk, just holler at me! I'm here for you!!

If, it sounds like you had a FUN Sunday!! I would love to go to a Multi race Church!! What a singing that must have been!! My DD is going to Celebrate Recovery, and when she gets out, they are going to put her to work as as leader, so I think that will help to keep her on the right road! I'm also going to go for help cause I know I'm an enabler! In a way I have helped her in her addiction by supporting her when she had no money, so I need to get help in stopping that!

Well, I need to get off here, the garden is coming off and I have purple hull peas and tomatoes to can, and I don't think anyone else is going to do them!! lol I'll catch up with you guys later!! Sharon

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OMW you girls have been busy.

First off....prayers to all who are suffering with their children's addictions. I hope to never say that I can relate to your stories but do appreciate that you all talked about it and found each other for support. It certainly does not mean that you lacked parental skills. There's so much that comes into play when it comes to this problem.

Joanne...Yoohoo on reaching Onderland and have a safe trip. Those quilts that you make for your family are going to mean so much now and for years to come. I have some stored away to give to my boys (their baby and toddler quilts) when they finally settle down. (Not something you give to a 26/28 yr old for safekeeping).

LJV....I will keep your DGD in my prayers. Hoping that catching her illness early will be the trick. I know you are probably sick with worry and sending hugs your way. Good job on the eating out. Isn't it great when the band helps us? There are sooooooo many times I have been thankful I have it.

Arlene...great to hear that your DH is doing good and on the road to recovery. Hope you are doing well also and able to take some time to care for yourself.

Laura...What great photos!!!! Such a great looking family. That Nelson is just adorable. I raised two boys (the prettiest in the world...mother talking here) and just love kids that age. I have a trail of them every weekend. I keep a treat box and a library of movies at the lake. What a better way to lure them in for a good visit. (Nope...not a sicko...just love their little faces and what they have to talk about).

Try to not worry about the scale. If you felt that you ate right, don't worry. It is most likely that you did not get enough fluids and flying never helps the situation.

I, too, am sleep apnea free. It was about after my first 50lb loss that DH noticed I no longer snored and stopped breathing. I was so large breasted and had to sleep on an incline so I didn't get choked by my boobs. Happy to hear that you had a wonderful trip.

Julie...nice to hear you are out and about and feeling so good about yourself. Keep it going, girl! Positive thinking is a huge part of the game. We still need to meet half way through ND some day. Maybe this fall when you are feeling better?

Meredith...good job on not doing the impulsive eating when you were upset. Way to go!!! Happy your incisions are finally healing. Each day gets better and you will have more energy b/4 you know it. I certainly feel like a 19 yr old again. (And, yes, happy to admit that I sometimes act like one).

Doodlebug...hugs on the DD situation. Also, thanks for the concern when I was awol.

Kath...ditto on the DD. Hoping for peace and healing.

1Day.....Great family photo. You look GREAT! You look to be a "normal" size. I see you are 1/2 way to goal. You will be there b/4 you know it!

Hope everyone had a great weekend. Phyll and Janet...hope you had a great time with your monthly group in Canada. We had a wonderful weekend. Full of activity and only got a couple hours of reading done. Spent part of a day and an evening at a county fair, had a big party and campfire in our front yard on Sat and a huge group for brunch on Sunday (which the last persons left about 6pm). Was great and so nice to see the friends we did. Even won $100 at the pig races at the fair and won another $200 cash in another game. Woohoo!!! Now better catch up with laundry, cleaning, etc. Have Aussie company coming for a few weeks and better get this place spiffed up!

Have a great evening...sending love your way!

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Laura...forgot to add...we spend a little over a month in a cabin in the Ocala National Forest during the month of Feb. When the time gets closer, we should make a date to meet for lunch!

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      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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