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I'm back home from surgery it went well.

Bugs...happy to hear from you and that all went well. Please fill us in on things when you are up to it. And remember, we are all here for you. There is not such thing as a "silly" question. Just ask away.

Take care of yourself and follow all of your doc's orders.

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Laura, sounds like you are having a wonderful time. Hope dinner tonight goes better than last. Isn't it funny how we are such cheap dates now? I have to look at meals now as more of what they should be, nourishment for my body and sometimes the experience of going out on a 'date'. Not at what food I am wasting, I figure it can either go in the waste or on my waist. :thumbup: But after years of hearing about cleaning my plate and the starving kids in China it is difficult sometimes. Many times I share an entree with my husband or daughter if she's with me.

Bugs, good luck on your recovery.

Apples, good to have you and your humor back posting!

Well gang, I didn't wanna do it tonight, but I just got home from the gym. Will I ever enjoy it? It's been a year into this progress and I still hate exercise, but I do like the results it gives me, so will keep at it. I think I am missing those mysterious endorphins that the exercise fanatics say I will get after exercise and I will grow to love it. It ain't happening! But I compare it to brushing my teeth, can't say I look forward to that but it's something I must do as well.

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Oh my you all have been busy today !!!

Long - I just got back from the gym myself - wanted to skip but know I can't (I skipped Saturday) and came home sweating like a pig - I can't say I love it - but I don't hate it and I feel good about myself for doing it.. And I know that it's key to keeping the weight off - and being able to have those treats.

Bugs - Glad you are home safe and sound - rest - drink - walk and keep us posted on your recovery...

Apples - Did I say I was 57 - well you all know what a great typist I am (not) - must have been a typo - nope I am loving 54 - age really doesn't bug me - it's just a number - but I still don't want to push it if I don't have to lol..

Cheri - I'm short - say I'm 5'4 but think I have shrunk am closer to 5'2. Hugs on being a teacher now a days...

Teaching today is so totally diff than it was when I was a kid - heck my GS had cornell notes in 6th grade - I didn't know what cornell notes were (way of taking notes for other dummys like me) - I am terrible in math - good in reading..


My Dad didn't like to travel either he told my stepmom the same thing - he did enough traveling during WWII..

Laura - glad you are having a good vacation - I must have missed the post about dinner - like they said - just eat super slow and chew..

Apples you have a perfect husband - that's the kind of man I would want - my gf dh is like that - but my xdh was a total control freak - I could have never done the things I am doing now if we were still together.

Well, I gotta go feed the fur babies and GS


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Hi guys, greetings from Quebec. Thanks for all the advice and well wishes for traveling. The trip up was fine. I brought a Protein bar for the flight and was surprised they served turkey subs. I ate a little of the meat and the Tomato. During the layover I found a ff yogurt. We went to an amazing place for dinner, I was so looking forward to it! I ordered curry scallops and shrimp. Not sure what did it but after only 3 bites I had horrible pain! I guess I didn't chew well. I was afraid of pb and stopped eating. I was so bummed! Now in the hotel I am hungry. : ( just ate a dozen almonds and feel ok now. Tomorrow is a busy day of sight seeing. I am writing on my blackberry. My laptop is On the fritz! I think Facebook farmtown gave me a virus! Dh is not happy. Tomorrow is our 8th wedding anniv! I told him... What do u get a guy who has everything? A really bad computer virus! Lol! Sorry for not commenting on posts, can't review while using phone. Will check posts in a day or two. Peasout!

Oh I see why I missed it we posted about the same time

Why didn't you take a doggie bag so that you could have eaten later..

As Longs said we were all brought up on the clean plate club - and I hate wasting food too - dinner I would have saved for later - that's what I do when I eat out - I do doggie bags and eat it later..

I know I am getting more spam since I joined FB... Havent gotten much since I haven't had the time in the last few weeks to be on it..

Happy Anniversary !!!

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Makes me wonder which one of you I'm going to dream about tonight. I'm telling you girls...keep your skirts around your knees and,please, wear a blouse.

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LOL...Janet...you said you were 57 IN YOUR DREAM!!!!!!!!!!!
Makes me wonder which one of you I'm going to dream about tonight. I'm telling you girls...keep your skirts around your knees and,please, wear a blouse.

Ok I said it in the dream lol !!!!

So did I have perky boobs - or my real grandma boobs :0)

I have never been a provocative dresser - I guess you must think that way - cuz I say I use to be a party girl...

Ya I partied - but I had the goody 2 shoes look - pple would never beleive I was as bad as I was.. You know the whole catholic school girl thing :0)..

Isn't it funny how much we have become part of each others lives... We even dream about each other and during our days we think to ourselves - Oh I gotta tell the girls about this or that..

We have new found sisters - I just love it..

Yep next year we do have to plan something ...

I know that we (lucky #7 ) want to do a cruise out of New Orleans next summer - heck since almost all of us #7 are over 50 - and so are we (yes 1 day & meredith are babies we have karri & steph who are 30 & 37 and denise 40 somehting ) we could combine this thread and the 50 thread (and half of us post on the 50 thread) and the #7 and all go together..

So we have a little time to plan something....

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Hey girls! Boy oh boy have you been busy the last two days!

I guess I really don't have anything new to report. I started my Wii Fit again tonight. I am losing, but I want to weigh on my doctors scale before I update my ticker. I go on Thursday. I guess I really don't believe that the pounds are coming off! I'm just trying to follow the program. I really really want to succeed with this and feel as though I'm on the right path. Also, I see what all of you lost in your first year and that really motivates me. Really, a year goes by pretty fast when you think about it.

Laura~ Glad to hear that you are having fun in Canada, but so sorry about the pain with dinner. Hopefully tonights dinner went much better for you. I go to Canada quite frequently since the border crossing is only about 20 minutes away from where I live. We used to run over to Windsor sometimes for dinner and come right home afterwards. It's like a mini vacation!

Janet~ Great pics! You grandkids are handsome and beautiful. Obviously they all take after their grandma!

Cheri~ My mom is a special education teacher also. She has been at the same school in the same district for 34 years and she is only 56! I know first hand what a tough job it is! She never looks forward to going back though!

Apples~ You are so silly! That dream is hilarious! I really do feel like I know all of you without ever having met any of you! We should all meet really. Can you imagine?!?! I'm going to NYC in December with my best friend, her little sister (who is turning 18) and her best friend. My gf's brother also lives there. It's been so long since I've traveled anywhere besides the aforementioned Canada. Flying kinda makes me nervous, but i have to remember that I only live once! (as far as I know). Your ds kinda reminds me of my dad. When I was little he became an aerobatic pilot. I remember sitting on the ground watching him with my mom and little sister. A guy came up to us and said "Look at that asshole." My mother then replied, "That asshole is my husband!" Nice. Since he became ill (shortly after this) he really hasn't flown much.

Ok, time for bed. I have so much studying to do for a mid-term on Monday in my Philosophy class. I cannot stand this class!!!!

Oh, BTW, have all of you seen this new "diet pill" that they are talking about on tv? Crazy! It's got to be too good to be true.

Check in tomorrow! Hope everyone has a wonderful night!


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Ok I said it in the dream lol !!!!

So did I have perky boobs - or my real grandma boobs :0)

I have never been a provocative dresser - I guess you must think that way - cuz I say I use to be a party girl...

Ya I partied - but I had the goody 2 shoes look - pple would never beleive I was as bad as I was.. You know the whole catholic school girl thing :0)..

Isn't it funny how much we have become part of each others lives... We even dream about each other and during our days we think to ourselves - Oh I gotta tell the girls about this or that..

We have new found sisters - I just love it..

Yep next year we do have to plan something ...

I know that we (lucky #7 ) want to do a cruise out of New Orleans next summer - heck since almost all of us #7 are over 50 - and so are we (yes 1 day & meredith are babies we have karri & steph who are 30 & 37 and denise 40 somehting ) we could combine this thread and the 50 thread (and half of us post on the 50 thread) and the #7 and all go together..

So we have a little time to plan something....

No, No, No....I have never even thought of you as provocative! I see you as this cool working woman who cold put any man in their place. I think I read people pretty good from the beginning and have clicked with you from the start...like all of you here.

And I feel really funny talking about your boobies, but, in the dream your bra was like one of those pointy ones from back in the 50's. Such a strange dream. I'm almost afraid to head to bed. Long, Phyll, Joanne, Meredith, Laura, Arlene, LVJ?????? Hopefully if you visit me in my dreams tonight, I will not have as much explaining to do!:thumbup:

I'm game for any kind of get together. As I've said b/4, I could travel every day of my life (preferably in a big ole' motorhome).

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Lot of fun posts today. You guys inspire me. I'd love to do something to meet you guys. I'd have to start saving my $ right away. Last night I wrote in my blog about "banding our heads." Tonight I may write about the importance of laughter in dealing with addiction. Check out my blog at:


Apples, thanks for the inspiration.

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Mornin' Gang...Meals are made, lunches are packed and I am heading North to the lake. You all have a great weekend! Safe travels Janet and Phyll and anyone else on the go. I have a couple good books, a good dog, a comfy beach chair. What else could a girl ask for?????????????

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Have a great weekend, Apples..... Mine will be quiet again, but that's okay, too.... My incision sprung a leak during the night.. I woke at about 2:30 and felt that my midrif on the right side was wet... Sure enough... Had to bandage it.... It's not bleeding, but draining, I think... Called the doc and left a message in case he is worried about anything... I think it will be fine, just need to let it drain and then the incision will heal back up again...

Going to do paperwork today and try to bake a pan of bars... DH needs something baked for his lunches.. It doesn't really tempt me very much.. I may have a little piece or so, but don't overdo....

To be honest, I've never even considered traveling without my DH.... Not really my style, but maybe I should give it some thought... Might have to talk to some of my friends.... Most of them don't go without their DH's either... I guess we're a square bunch....

Have a good day everybody... TTYL...Julie

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Good morning gang - just a quick ck in...

Apples - too funny - I had a dream this morning about bras - but it was with a girl who use to work here and she and a very unsupported one on :0)....

Have a good weekend !!!

Ya you have me pretty well tagged - except I can tell you all I come off a lot stronger than I feel sometimes It's my front

Last night I wanted to eat - couldn't sleep - but thought - you can't so many pple think you are some lapband godess - so you can't let them down - So I didn't eat - wasn't really hungry just wanted to knock out...

Got a busy day today and to nite - but will check in later


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I 'm following all my Dr's orders and I feel good right.:lol:

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Good afternoon guys~

We are back in the hotel for a litte R&R after being up early and out the door by 7. We are having a great time. So glad we went on the ferry boat tour yesterday and horse & carriage ride. This a.m. woke up to rain and low 50s. That is really wet and cold for us south floridians! It was actually pretty refreshing to put on long pants and jackets! We decided to hop in a cab and go clear across town to the La Gallerie de la capitale. It's a HUGE mall that has a roller coaster and 10 other rides inside! (Train, bumper cars, carrosel, etc.) And a big arcade and food court. We went to one of those build-a-bear stores (the Canadian version anyways). Nels picked out a baby lab puppy. The girl made him pick a star and place it on his forehead and make a wish before placing it in his heart. He held it on his forehead for 30 secs. Later he told me he wished that one day the puppy would become real! : ) awwww. We decided not to lunch at the mall. food court crap and so busy. We came back to Old Quebec and went to a little cafe. I am getting smart now at meals. Had a cup of Tomato and cabbage Soup. (mainly a broth with some little bits of tomato and cabbage.) Then ordered the crab cake appetizer. It was the perfect amount. I did the same for dinner last night; cup of Soup and small appetizer. I know many of you recommended doggy bag. This sounds weird but I cannot stand bringing leftovers home. I don't know why but I have never liked restaurant food reheated. My DH is the same. It's one of the many things we have in common.

This cold rainy weather has me wanting to nap. Boy I wish the days when Nelson would nap! Now he is content watching cartoons and playing with his new puppy. We will recharge our batteries and then go out again in a bit.

We are walking a lot but no other exercise really. I feel like I should be in a gym. I will have to hit it every day next week!

You guys are all cracking me up with the crazy dreams! LOL. As far as making a plan to meet up... Let me know and I'll be there! Any excuse for a trip! I would even sponsor it, though I am sure FL is too far for most to travel.

Mrs Bubba~ hope your incision is ok. That is a little scary for any drainage. Get better!

Meredith~ How is your incision? You sound like you are doing good. Let us know what the dr says!

Bugs~ Glad surgery is done! Glad to hear you are ok.

Janet~ Have a great trip! Be good and have fun! Loved your photos!

Time to go, just wanted to check in!


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      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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