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Hey everyone!

Janet, Charlene, and Phyl~ Happy Bandiversary to all of you!!!! I am thankful for each and every one of you for all of your help along this journey. Without all of you and everyone on this thread, I would be completely lost! Celebrate!!!!

Laura~ I got "muscle milk" today!! I keep seeing you write about it, so I figured that I would give it a try. Do I replace a meal with it? I think that we also have some other Protein Powder stuff here also. I'll have to look.

Today was my first "mushie" day. I had what I've been craving for so long......crushed lentil Soup. 1c. equals to about 150 cals, so I feel pretty good with my choice. Plus, it was the most delicious soup I think I have ever tasted!

I went on a walk after work with Andrew and it was so nice to walk along the lake. Well, until the rain came. Then we got in the car and went to the health food store (where I got the muscle milk), then to pick up my soup. I had a pretty full day actually! I think that I might jump on the wii fit when I'm done posting here also. May as well!

Just wanted to say "hello" to everyone and check in. CBL.


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Oh, I forgot.....

I need opinions from the veterans here! My dietitian says that I should consume 3-4 ounces at a time so I do not stretch the pouch. Well, 3-4 ounces does not do the trick! I find that I am full when I consume about 1 cup. Like tonight, with the Soup. 4 ounces and I was still hungry, 4 more and I was completely satisfied. Do you think that I will be okay if I have 1 cup at a time instead? I just don't want to risk harming my band or my success in any way. Hopefully some of you can offer some insight to help. Thanks! ~Meredith

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Oh, I forgot.....

I need opinions from the veterans here! My dietitian says that I should consume 3-4 ounces at a time so I do not stretch the pouch. Well, 3-4 ounces does not do the trick! I find that I am full when I consume about 1 cup. Like tonight, with the Soup. 4 ounces and I was still hungry, 4 more and I was completely satisfied. Do you think that I will be okay if I have 1 cup at a time instead? I just don't want to risk harming my band or my success in any way. Hopefully some of you can offer some insight to help. Thanks! ~Meredith

I would think you would be fine, you haven't had a fill yet so don't have as much restriction, plus you are on mushies which don't sit in the pouch long. My doc also says 4 oz and when I get to where I need 8 oz it's time for a fill. The time to be more careful is when you get the hard Proteins but still 8oz is good. Remember though that when they talk 4 and 8 oz they are talking volume not weight. So think in terms of 1/2 cup or 1 cup sizes. At least that is what I have been told by my docs office. I remember my first mushy after all those liquids never tasted so good! You are doing great.

Happy 2 yr bandiversary to you PHyl.

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I was reading my post op instructions and it mentions drinking 1 med cup full of liquids . Do I need to use ans buy these cups?:wub:

Bugs - I have 1 cup bowls that I got from Target and I also have a scale to weigh my food - it also tells me the calories Protein etc - it was $100 - but you can get a scale that just tells you the weight of the food 4 oz etc for like $20..

1 med (do you medical) cup??

What are your post op instructions - are you on full liquids or Clear Liquids after surgery??



Thanks Phyl - Your's is Monday isn't it ???

Meredith, I am so glad for you. I have been watchig and reading this groups posts since last fall when I started on a 6 mo. diet. I finally got a surgery date for Aug. 6th and I thought it would never happen. I live 2 hrs from the hospital where I am having it done. They do the Lap Band here in the town where I live and because they are not a COE I had to go to Pittsburgh for it. It was a tough year jumping throught all of the hoops as many of you know. I am just now getting nervous and scared. I am 67 and have diabetes, hypertension and arthritis. Exercising is hard for me so I mainly do the treadmill, and some on the recumbent bike. My endocrinologist feels that losing the weight will help my diabetes. I was just also diagnosed with mild sleep apnea and was put on the CPAP. I've been on it for 3 nights and so far have been able to sleep with it from 5-8 hrs a night. Anesthesia makes me very nauseated and that really scares me because of vomiting with the band after surgery. Has aonyone on here had that same problem and how was it handled? I am also a little concerned about the 2 hr ride home the next day. I will be staying over night. I think you are on terrific group of ladies and look forward to being part of your group.

Laura I see you are from Stuart FL. I have a daughter in Port ST Lucie and had planned a vacation down there towards the end of October and I sure hope I will be able to go after having the surgery .

I will probably have a lot more questions and will write more later.

Young At Heart :confused:

Welcome Young Congrats on your 8/6 date !!

My insurance also required that I go to a center of excellences too - but lucky its' only 20 miles away.. My insurance also required that I say 1 nite in the hospital

They will give you med to help with the nausea - after they took me for my barium swallow - the stupid tech had me drinking from a straw and I told him I'm not suppose to he said do it - so i did - by the time I got back to my room I felt like I was going to throw up - the nurse gave me a shot right away and the nausea went right away - all I know is that tech got in trouble - I think I remember them saying he had me drink too much of the barium- I'm not sure - but am sure that someone got in trouble..

The right home the next day shouldn't be bad, but again I didn't have have that far to ride - just make sure they give you a pain shot before you leave and recline you seat and you will be fine..

Happy Bandiversary Charlene and Janet and Phyll. I can really tell that posting and helping others has kept you on track. You are my heroes.

Thanks !! For me it does help keep me on track - plus I have a big mouth :o) and I am so happy at the way I feel now - I want ever other obese person out there to understand that we don't have to be that way - with the help of our tool we can become healthier pple and have so much more energy and a better quality of life...

Hi IndioGirl-

I enjoyed reading your posts and other people's posts. Congrats to you on your success. I am having a bit of down time and am wondering if I am doing something wrong...

Here is the story. My surgery was May 18th and tomorrow will be 2 months. I have lost 20lbs and 8 inches but nothing since then. I have been at the 20lbs for a few weeks now. My first adjustment was June 30th and I had 5cc's put in. I only feel restriction if I eat too fast but for the most part I don't feel anything. I am looking forward to my next fill in the hopes that I will feel more.

I am not hungry between meals and now am wondering if I am not eating enough (as funny as that sounds LOL). What I mean by that is enough protein... Today I just started journaling my food and counting Protein grams. I am thinking that I am not getting enough protein and then my body doesn't want to let me lose any more. I am exercising every day either by swimming or some type of other physical activity.

Any thoughts or suggestions are greatly appreciated. Good luck to all...

Also, how do you get a "ticker" on to your profile? I want one of those :-).


Hi Nicole

You are doing great - 20 lbs in 2 months that 2 lbs a week - and yes GF you gotta average it all out. Some weeks you may lose 2 or 3 lbs - then others only 1/2 lbs - but its all a loss and remember we didn't gain it over night - it's not going to come off over night ;0)

You are right you could be not eating enough - Are you logging your food - how much do you eat per meal - whats your calories for a day

During my weight loss phase - I kept mine between 800-1200 and varied them - plus went to the gym 4 or 5 days a week and just walked on the treadmill for the 1st 8 months - then March 08 got a trainer and started working out with weights.

Welcome young!

PSL is around the corner from me! WOW, if you do make it down, we should meet for coffee or something. :) I live in the boonies so it's exciting when someone has actually HEARD of this area! Good luck with your upcoming surgery. I also have sleep apnea. Silly me made the appt for the study before finding out if my surgery actually covered WLS. After I got the results, I found out I had an exclusion! I still got the CPAP. My sleep quality improved tremendously! I also find when I wake up around 3 or 4 that I have to take it off. Now that I have lost 1/2 of the weight my husband says I do not snore now. I never had true apneas, but rather my Oxygen levels dropped b/c of airway noise. My guess is at goal I will not need it. But I love the humidifier, it really keeps my nose clear with my allergies.

WOW WOW WOW!!!:cursing::thumbup::w00t: WTG~ Congrats on two years kiddo! You have been such a successful banster! We are all proud to know you and thank you for being a mentor and teacher to us all!


Laura - I didn't stop breathing either 02 just got low when I was in a deep sleep - I quit using mine after surgery...

Thanks for the props... I gotta say I feel pretty damn good today - and you all who are just starting your jounery - just keep plugging along - the weight does come off if you follow the rules - it may be slower for some and faster for others - but this isn't a race - and remember who did win the race - the turtle !!!

7/17/07 250 size 18/20 pants

7/17/08 148 size 6 pants

7/17/09 138 size 4 pants - with two size 2's in the closet

Secret - none really - don't diet!!! Eat healthy 98% of the time allow for treats 2% of the time - Keep a food diary and move your butt... It will come off !!!

I am no diff than anyone else here !!! I love food just as much as anyone else - I have had drama and stress in these last 2 yrs - but I didn't turn to food during those times - I turned to all my friends here on LBT instead

And I will attest to this 110% You all are a part of my life - I share in your joys - and cry with you in your sad time and am here for each and everyone - just like you are here for me.

I want you all to know - it can be done - it's work - but you are worth the work - and once you find your groove - it's really not that hard..

Janet, you are such an inspiration to us all... congrats on your wonderful success.... We should all be so blessed.... and hopefully we will be....

Charlene, congrats to you, too... Such accomplishments should never go unnoticed.... And Phyll, too.... Your picture is so nice...

When I stepped on the scale this morning I'm down 99.6 pounds since August 21 2008 with 2 major surgeries thrown in just for fun.. I'm proud of myself, too... Can't wait to see it roll over to 100 pounds....

all you new folks are so welcome... This is a great place to be for whatever you need...

Gotta go rest.... pain meds are kicking in.... TTYL..Julie

Julie - GF you are one heck of a trooper !! .4 to your 100 OMW THAT'S JUST SO FANTASTIC - Especially all that you have been thru these past few months

I am so happy for you - You are doing so good - I'm so proud of you !!!

Hey everyone!

Janet, Charlene, and Phyl~ Happy Bandiversary to all of you!!!! I am thankful for each and every one of you for all of your help along this journey. Without all of you and everyone on this thread, I would be completely lost! Celebrate!!!!

Laura~ I got "muscle milk" today!! I keep seeing you write about it, so I figured that I would give it a try. Do I replace a meal with it? I think that we also have some other Protein Powder stuff here also. I'll have to look.

Today was my first "mushie" day. I had what I've been craving for so long......crushed lentil Soup. 1c. equals to about 150 cals, so I feel pretty good with my choice. Plus, it was the most delicious soup I think I have ever tasted!

I went on a walk after work with Andrew and it was so nice to walk along the lake. Well, until the rain came. Then we got in the car and went to the health food store (where I got the muscle milk), then to pick up my soup. I had a pretty full day actually! I think that I might jump on the wii fit when I'm done posting here also. May as well!

Just wanted to say "hello" to everyone and check in. CBL.


Yea Meredith - Mushies - you go girl - yep they are the best and you have done so well !!! Proud of you too !!!

Well gang - it's 9 and I haven't eaten yet - went to Marshalls & Target after work - answered a few emails - fed the dogs and now I got to feed me :0)..

Tomorrow - gym - hair cut - nails/toe and try to figure out what to pack for my trip to Canada on Thursday..

So will ck with you all in the morning..

Sweet Dreams !!!

I am going to go look for apples email - I am getting concerned - Also - Joann where are you ???

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Hi everyone! Congratulations to Janet, Phyl and Charlene! Also congrats to you Julie, you've done an amazing job -- you'll lose that 100 before your anniversary. Good for you! Welcome to the newbies, this is the greatest thread of Lap Band Talk. Meredith, glad to hear you had your Soup -- sounds good and I'm glad you enjoyed it. I weigh my Protein and I always eat it first and then eat my veggie. I hardly ever eat carbs, and although I never measure out the cupful of food, just eyeballing it looks to be about 1 cup at each meal. IMHO, if you aren't eating carbs, you shouldn't really have much to worry about. I wouldn't over stress about the amounts as long as you don't try to stuff yourself with unhealthy foods and feel miserable you are most likely just fine. Hope everyone has a great weekend. Linda

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Oh, I forgot.....

I need opinions from the veterans here! My dietitian says that I should consume 3-4 ounces at a time so I do not stretch the pouch. Well, 3-4 ounces does not do the trick! I find that I am full when I consume about 1 cup. Like tonight, with the Soup. 4 ounces and I was still hungry, 4 more and I was completely satisfied. Do you think that I will be okay if I have 1 cup at a time instead? I just don't want to risk harming my band or my success in any way. Hopefully some of you can offer some insight to help. Thanks! ~Meredith

It's soup so no I don't think you have hurt anything - I was on full liquids and I would eat about 1 cup..

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Yeah.... Monday 7/20 -- 2 years! And I give my weight loss "story" at TOPS that day. Didn't realize when I agreed to do it that it's my 2 yr anniversary!

Busy weekend... planning that... they want it written up for our newsletter so I'm inserting photos. And I have to finish my packing by Monday. We leave very early in the morning on Tues. And we have BBQ at noon tomorrow... Primetimers... and driving a teenager to her 16th birthday party in the old Chevy at 4:30pm.

Visited my friend again today... had total hip replacement on Tues., moved to rehab today. She's in the same hospital I'll be in. Note to self: do NOT overdo pain meds! She is lying in bed in lala land not moving at all! I'm not going to do that when I have my knee surgery next month! I'll use the morphine pump for a day or two, but then as little pain Rx as I can get away with. Have to get up and MOVE! Granted, she's at least 10 years older than me and a whole lot heavier, but I am afraid for her at this point! They gave her two pain pills, but probably at least an hour before we got there because she'd already had them when I called her to see if it was okay if we came over. She could barely keep her eyes open and kept falling asleep while she was talking and was saying weird things! When they switch me to oral meds it'll be one at a time if at all possible!

Problem with reflux last night and didn't sleep well. So tonight I'm afraid to go to bed!

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Yeah.... Monday 7/20 -- 2 years! And I give my weight loss "story" at TOPS that day. Didn't realize when I agreed to do it that it's my 2 yr anniversary!

Busy weekend... planning that... they want it written up for our newsletter so I'm inserting photos. And I have to finish my packing by Monday. We leave very early in the morning on Tues. And we have BBQ at noon tomorrow... Primetimers... and driving a teenager to her 16th birthday party in the old Chevy at 4:30pm.

Visited my friend again today... had total hip replacement on Tues., moved to rehab today. She's in the same hospital I'll be in. Note to self: do NOT overdo pain meds! She is lying in bed in lala land not moving at all! I'm not going to do that when I have my knee surgery next month! I'll use the morphine pump for a day or two, but then as little pain Rx as I can get away with. Have to get up and MOVE! Granted, she's at least 10 years older than me and a whole lot heavier, but I am afraid for her at this point! They gave her two pain pills, but probably at least an hour before we got there because she'd already had them when I called her to see if it was okay if we came over. She could barely keep her eyes open and kept falling asleep while she was talking and was saying weird things! When they switch me to oral meds it'll be one at a time if at all possible!

Problem with reflux last night and didn't sleep well. So tonight I'm afraid to go to bed!

How cool that you will be telling your story on your anniversary...

I hear ya on the busy weekend - Mine will be too getting ready to fly to Canada on Thursday (Gang - Phyl is a #7 to and she's going to Canada too for those who don't know this)

Your flying to NY then driving up to Canada right?? You are coming on Thursday or Friday???

I had a pain pump after my band surgery but they took it away that 1st night around 7 - omw I said no don't take it but they did and they gave shots not pills after they took it and the pain meds always make my sleepy..

Darling I know that you will be the energizer bunny after surgery - I can't see you over doing your pain meds - you have youth on your side and the weight loss and the diff between hip and knees - I had a gf who had hips replaced - and you can't sit at a 90 degree angle for quite a while.

Your surgery will be a whole lot easier than hips..

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Oh, I forgot.....

I need opinions from the veterans here! My dietitian says that I should consume 3-4 ounces at a time so I do not stretch the pouch. Well, 3-4 ounces does not do the trick! I find that I am full when I consume about 1 cup. Like tonight, with the Soup. 4 ounces and I was still hungry, 4 more and I was completely satisfied. Do you think that I will be okay if I have 1 cup at a time instead? I just don't want to risk harming my band or my success in any way. Hopefully some of you can offer some insight to help. Thanks! ~Meredith

Look how much fill I have, and I still eat a cup. In the morning I eat less because the band is tighter I still can eat a whole Lean Cuisine. I get a tweak of a fill on the 30th and I hope it will do for a few months or more. Lately, I have been working on my head hunger. My doctor wants me to eat 800 calories a day.........1/2 cup six times a day. I am not there yet. I still eat too much.....probably why my ticker isn't moving.

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Everyone's doing so well. I'm so proud of everyone. Just the past few days my energy has started coming back and today it roared into town. I walked for an hour and a half and then worked in the garden pulling weeds. Actually its my neighbor's garden. They generally grow weeds and their garden borders mine all the way between our long driveways. They actually have flowers buried in there this year but for years it was mostly weeds. I've been getting in there this year to help them, they're elderly and both have severe diabetes.

But I haven't done any gardening since my surgery. I didn't want to dislodge my band with all the bending over, plus digging with the shovel puts pressure on the disc in my neck. Fortunately, I did an excellent job weeding my own gardens before surgery. They're just starting to need attention, but the neighbors weeds were tree sized. Some of them were trees.

I've finally got my blood pressure in the normal range--had to go back on all of my meds but the magnesium and potassium gluconate finally pushed it down the rest of the way. That means I feel safe hanging upside down on my incline board and that is really helping my neck. In fact my whole spine is decompressed and I have less trouble with my hip and lower back.

Yeah! My food is doing well even though I'm no longer feeling restriction. My first fill is on Aug. 11. I'm so glad I can garden again. It always keeps me busy and gives me serenity which in turn boosts my willpower.

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If anyone needs inspiration the last two pages of this thread is GREAT.


It's truly an accomplishment what you all have done.

Nicole, my weight isn't coming off as fast as it did at first either. I think the veterans here have the key...just stick with it and the scale will move down again.

Well my weigh loss has slowed significantly. I'm still alright with it and figure this is what it needs to be. It sure is a "high" when the weight is coming off every day, but 2 pounds a week is much better than none and a whole lot better than gaining. It will help with the obsession with the scale too. I really don't like weighing myself every day because I can't wait to see how much I lost. So I'm back on the weekly thing.

I'm still on liquids and try to do the 4oz of thicker liquids, like Soup, but find 4oz is not quite doing it for me either so end up eating maybe 5 or 6 oz. I'm drinking fluids, Water, coffee, watered down fruit juice, V-8, etc, without much limit, but even these aren't going down as fast as they used to and I do get full on them. I sometimes find it hard to listen to that full feeling. I want to shove more in, but then I have to tell myself I'm not really hungry.......head hunger I suppose. Oh this is going to be a constant battle.

I have posted that there are times when I don't even think of food, which is nice because it's been a rarity in my past. I really want that to be part of my life.

Yes Janet, reading and posting takes a lot of time and then the weekend is over. Oh well, I guess I need to do this more than I need to do other things. Besides it's over 100 here again. Too hot to be outside.

I just bought Walk away the Pounds by Leslie Sansone. I used this before on VCR and bought the DVD's now. I plan on using this when it's just too hot to walk outside. My stomach is still tender and I'm not quite up to this yet, but it's getting much closer. I am walking a lot more and parking on the far side of parking lots to get extra walking in. I'll get there pretty soon!!


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Hi, I'm a new bandster. I was banded on 7/16 and I'm doing well. Making sure I'm walking everyday and drinking all my yummy Clear Liquids. I'm looking for a buddy. I'm sure I"m going to need a friend through this and all your stories are so great. I've lost 15 lbs so far since 6/1. :smile: I only have 188 to go...:rolleyes: till goal. Any July bandsters?

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I am on full liquids post op. But I think tomorrow will be hard cause it's my pre op clear liquids afternoon .

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I haven't slept well since I decided to have surgery it's all I think about I don't even want to eat. I hope it's just nerves.

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Look how much fill I have, and I still eat a cup. In the morning I eat less because the band is tighter I still can eat a whole Lean Cuisine. I get a tweak of a fill on the 30th and I hope it will do for a few months or more. Lately, I have been working on my head hunger. My doctor wants me to eat 800 calories a day.........1/2 cup six times a day. I am not there yet. I still eat too much.....probably why my ticker isn't moving.

Charlene - I had a WW meal for lunch on Friday and I ate the whole thing - but I was full - it was 6 points 300 calories - and I did do the 800 a day but varied it up to 1200 some days -

For me being able to eat 1 cup of food and being full is my sweet spot...

Everyone's doing so well. I'm so proud of everyone. Just the past few days my energy has started coming back and today it roared into town. I walked for an hour and a half and then worked in the garden pulling weeds. Actually its my neighbor's garden. They generally grow weeds and their garden borders mine all the way between our long driveways. They actually have flowers buried in there this year but for years it was mostly weeds. I've been getting in there this year to help them, they're elderly and both have severe diabetes.

But I haven't done any gardening since my surgery. I didn't want to dislodge my band with all the bending over, plus digging with the shovel puts pressure on the disc in my neck. Fortunately, I did an excellent job weeding my own gardens before surgery. They're just starting to need attention, but the neighbors weeds were tree sized. Some of them were trees.

I've finally got my blood pressure in the normal range--had to go back on all of my meds but the magnesium and potassium gluconate finally pushed it down the rest of the way. That means I feel safe hanging upside down on my incline board and that is really helping my neck. In fact my whole spine is decompressed and I have less trouble with my hip and lower back.

Yeah! My food is doing well even though I'm no longer feeling restriction. My first fill is on Aug. 11. I'm so glad I can garden again. It always keeps me busy and gives me serenity which in turn boosts my willpower.

Cheri- My GF has one of those machines - I tried it once but it hurt my ankles .. I only did it once - my lower back bothers me - right now my siatic (sp) is hurting a tad..

Yep as you heal you will lose your restriction and most pple are ready for that first fill - some don't need it but most do - my doc had a lady who didn't get a fill for 6 months..

If anyone needs inspiration the last two pages of this thread is GREAT.


It's truly an accomplishment what you all have done.

Nicole, my weight isn't coming off as fast as it did at first either. I think the veterans here have the key...just stick with it and the scale will move down again.

Well my weigh loss has slowed significantly. I'm still alright with it and figure this is what it needs to be. It sure is a "high" when the weight is coming off every day, but 2 pounds a week is much better than none and a whole lot better than gaining. It will help with the obsession with the scale too. I really don't like weighing myself every day because I can't wait to see how much I lost. So I'm back on the weekly thing.

I'm still on liquids and try to do the 4oz of thicker liquids, like Soup, but find 4oz is not quite doing it for me either so end up eating maybe 5 or 6 oz. I'm drinking fluids, Water, coffee, watered down fruit juice, V-8, etc, without much limit, but even these aren't going down as fast as they used to and I do get full on them. I sometimes find it hard to listen to that full feeling. I want to shove more in, but then I have to tell myself I'm not really hungry.......head hunger I suppose. Oh this is going to be a constant battle.

I have posted that there are times when I don't even think of food, which is nice because it's been a rarity in my past. I really want that to be part of my life.

Yes Janet, reading and posting takes a lot of time and then the weekend is over. Oh well, I guess I need to do this more than I need to do other things. Besides it's over 100 here again. Too hot to be outside.

I just bought Walk away the Pounds by Leslie Sansone. I used this before on VCR and bought the DVD's now. I plan on using this when it's just too hot to walk outside. My stomach is still tender and I'm not quite up to this yet, but it's getting much closer. I am walking a lot more and parking on the far side of parking lots to get extra walking in. I'll get there pretty soon!!


EE - This afternoon around 2 my car said 118 - so I would say that it got up to 120 here today !!!

I weighed daily that 1st week after surgery - but then after that only on Thursday mornings - our weight can flucate too much from day to day and the scales will drive you crazy.

In fact I was getting on the scale every day 2 time a day (panicing about maintenance) and it was driving me crazy - so I am back to just eating healthy - and weighing in once a week..

I walked for the 1st 8 months - walking is the best exercise - yes working with weights if really good too cuz the more muscles you build the more calories your burn - it takes more calories to maintain muscles than fat...

Hi, I'm a new bandster. I was banded on 7/16 and I'm doing well. Making sure I'm walking everyday and drinking all my yummy clear liquids. I'm looking for a buddy. I'm sure I"m going to need a friend through this and all your stories are so great. I've lost 15 lbs so far since 6/1. :smile: I only have 188 to go...:rolleyes: till goal. Any July bandsters?

Ally Cat - Welcome and Congrats - We are here for you...

I'm a July Bander - I just celebrated my 2 yr anniversary - I was banded 7/17/07....

7/07 weight 250 - 7/07 weight 148 - 7/09 weight 138

I am on full liquids post op. But I think tomorrow will be hard cause it's my pre op clear liquids afternoon .
I haven't slept well since I decided to have surgery it's all I think about I don't even want to eat. I hope it's just nerves.

Bugs we all had nerves prior to surgery. I am like you when I am nervous I am not hungry so the clear liquids the day before surgery wasn't that hard - I was scared - it's normal - major surgery but gotta tell you I would do it all over again in a heart beat - I feel 10 yrs younger and have 110% more energy...

Hugs & Prayers for a Safe Surgery and Speedy Recovery..

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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
      · 1 reply
      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

      · 3 replies
      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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