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Janet~ Thanks. I hear you. Some days I FEEL it definitely when lying down and can feel my hip bones... or putting an old pair of pants on that finally fit. I know the visual will change eventually. But you are right... until the pooch is down it is a hindrance in the visual. Even before your coffee, I get you. :)

Good morning gang~ Last night I had my first PB in a LONG time. I had only had 3 bites of dinner- fish (grilled grouper), steamed broccoli, 2 of nelson's frenchfries. I have had a couple fries in the past (oreda steak fries) and done ok. I think I didn't chew well or something. OMG.... pain, like you wouldn't believe. Then SLIME... like you wouldn't believe. Then more pain, until tears were coming out my eyes. Went to the BR just to spit and take some deep breaths, but no go. What was so bad this time was that instead of literally a PB, this was the first time since surgery that I vomited/felt my stomch really twisting. I was nauseated the next couple hours. Finally about 3 hrs later I was able to drink sips ok, then had a 1/2 Cup of Soup. Hour later a yogurt. BIG SIGH. It's funny in a way, b/c I was JUST about to make an appt for a fill! Then an episode like that tells you you might not need one. I feel ok this morning.

Well, 2 more lbs down this morning. Not so sure it is real weight though after dinner's episode or some dehydration. But nevertheless the scale said 243! And the ticker says 69 lost 68 to go!!! woohoo, half way!!! Lowest in a LONG LONG time! And here is the clincher.... I WEIGH LESS THAN MY HUSBAND!!!!!!!! He is 245. His highest was 279 at the time of my surgery and he has been losing slowly but surely, but slowed down these last few weeks. He won't say, but I almost think, he was slowing down for me!:)

Back from the gym. Did only 15 min. on my step tread and then an hour long POOL-ates. (like Pilates) but in the pool! It was nice, but sun was hot. Only problem with outside Water class in Florida!

Yeah, Apples where are you?!



Laura - Hugs on the bping - I have never had a bad one - I know if it's going down or if I have to bring it back up and I usually can with no problem...

Ya I hear ya on the pools - they are beautiful but to hot during our summer months - they are like getting in a bath tub.

Congrats on the 2 lbs and weighing less than dh - I understand that one too ;0)

Thanks for the suggestions I'll let everyone know how I'm doing after I get home. I think one of the hardest parts will be Sunday when I have just have clear fluids. :)

Bugs - here's a link that should help answer all your questions

You have a date! Preparation for surgery - Lap Band Surgery and Lap Band Discussion Forum

(copy & paste it)

I know I printed the list - plus your doc should be giving you one too - cuz you want to be prepared once you get home

Hi everyone. Had a .250 cc fill yesterday - I love that my surgeon will give me teeny tiny fills, he's very good at listening to me. I spent the afternoon at the hospital with my friend and she is doing okay. They are doing a pet scan tomorrow -- and then she'll probably be coming home. She's doing very well considering her diagnosis. It brings up a lot of other memories for me as my mom also died of lung cancer six years ago. I need to adjust my ticker and go with my surgeon's goal for me -- I never had asked him before what his goal for me was so he checked the file yesterday and told me 132, so I'll change my ticker to that and if I can and want to lose more, so be it, but if not, I'll be happy with that - that'll be 113 from where I started. Bugs, as everyone else has stated, don't let your surgeon's staff deprive you of your decision to get the band. In looking back to how uncertain I was, I think, "wow, am I ever glad I didn't let that stop me!" So hang in there, you only have to see those people once every 6 weeks or so, so don't let them discourage you -- in fact use it to your advantage by showing them what a FANTASTIC patient/bander you'll be. Julie, you sound like you're doing very well -- hang in there, soon you'll be sweatin bullets like the rest of us. Ordered some new walking tapes cause I was so sick of my old one and truly, the new one I tried today was great and got me enjoying it again. Laura, I thought you're pics were amazing -- congratulations on your loss -- you've done a fantastic job! I've never let my weight stop me either -- I love to swim too much to ever stop, so even though my bathing suit size before I got the band was a 30, I still put it on and went to the beach/pool. I too had told myself I was fine with being fat, but truly I was absolutely miserable and only said that to cover the fact that I felt like an out of control eating maniac. I felt fat Monday all day and all night and was still feeling fat Tuesday morning. But, I got on the scale and I was down 2 lbs. so that fat feeling went away immediately. LOL. Bugs, the only think Laura forgot on her packing for the hospital list is Gas X strips. You'll defintely need them if you stay overnight in the hospital as I did. If you go home the same day, you probably don't need to take them, but be sure to have them on hand for when you get home. Hope everyone has a great day. CBL. Linda

Linda - my doc didn't give me a goal to begin with either - I asked him once along the way he said 145 - I thought to myself at the time - ya right - I'll never see that # (my original goal was 170 - then moved it to 160 and was afraid to move it to 150 so left it at 160)

Well, got to 160 - then wanted that 10 lbs to be able to say that I lost 100 lbs - then I wanted a normal bmi - and got there too - and all I did was keep eating healthy and exercising - you body will find it's happy weight all by itself as long as you keep up your new lifestyle :0) You will get there I promise you that -

I'm fluctuate between 136 - 140 and have done this for almost 1 yr now.

Hugs again on the GF being sick - I lost my stepmom to lung cancer and my BFF to it too..

God will help you thru it - and the way I look at these things is that we have a lesson to be learned somewhere, just be there for her - she need you ..

We are home! DH had surgery at 2pm yesterday. He is doing so well that Dr. Davis released him. The drive home gave him some discomfort, but it was probably my driving gave him anxiety. Thanks for your prayers and concerns.

Charlene - LMAO on your driving gave him anxiety too fun

Glad he's home and doing well - Tell him we send our best

Hey everyone!

It looks like all of you are doing really well! I'm so happy for all of the losses that everyone had this week! Awesome. Just wanted to stop in and say "hello". I've been tired lately after work and school in the summer is kicking my butt. I despise it. Other than that, everything is great. Down 27 pounds and happy! Hopefully by next Thursday when I go to the Dr. to get my incision checked out I will be down 30 and be able to put another bead on my bracelet! It is great incentive. I will CBL and see what going on. Just got home from work and need to do some reading.

Oh, btw MUSHIES TOMORROW!!!!!! Any suggestions on what I should try first? I think I still really want the crushed lentil soup that i've been talking about so much. I'm kinda nervous about this whole food thing. What if I stop losing?



Refired Beans were my 1st mushies I think and not everyone stops losing weight during the mushies stage - I didn't - I only had 1 week in my 1st year that I didn't lose anything..

Just keep your mushies as healthy as you can - and I was lucky enough to have some restriction and I also used a lot of will power and I ate very heathly and kept the calories around 800 - 1000

There is a thread on the main page that gives you ideas for mushies - zuchinne and yellow crooked neck squash I ate tons of that (still do;0)

Arlene, So glad DH is doing so well!! Now he has an excellent nurse to take care of him and how lucky for the 2 of you to be able to travel this path together.

Meredith, I don't want to be a naysayer, but also want you to be prepared. Many people do stop losing when they start the mushies. I know I totally panicked. I was losing so much so fast during my liquid phase then started mushies and it stopped for about 2 or 3 weeks. I was in a major panic thinking I just had major freaking surgery for this???? But never fear, that too shall pass, I found out reading the boards and stuff here that is very common until you get your first fill. Your body is kindda in shock and just sortta slows down. My first mushy was egg beaters and then later that day refried Beans. I was so nervous and they tasted so good. Just go slow, but am sure you will do fine, you've been a model patient so far, well except for the olive incident. :tt2::lol::)

IYSOFU, PB = Productive Burp, it's when food gets stuck and you more or less burp it back up. Like vomiting but it's just the food and no stomach acids etc. involved generally.

Buns, I never needed to pack a thing for the hospital I was in and out in about 4 1/2 hours. It would depend on if you are staying the night. I barely woke up and was on my way home. But if you wear reading glasses bring those as you may have to sign more forms. I forgot mine and had to rely on others to read them too me. And leave all jewelry at home.

Long - I can't and don't go anywhere without my readers :0)

Since I had to stay overnight - I had them packed so that I could read the book I took with me..

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My doc didn't give me a goal weight at first. He just told me what a normal BMI was. As I got closer and closer he told me he'd be happy with anything under 180, I hit that and am now working on 169 which is the normal BMI. When I first had surgery I couldn't imagine anything in the 100's. If I never lost another pound, I'd be happy where I am, of course, I'd be happier in the 160's. LOL

I didn't mean to make it sound like everybody stops losing when they hit mushy stage. I just know it freaked me out and was fairly common. Sorry about that.

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My doc didn't give me a goal weight at first. He just told me what a normal BMI was. As I got closer and closer he told me he'd be happy with anything under 180, I hit that and am now working on 169 which is the normal BMI. When I first had surgery I couldn't imagine anything in the 100's. If I never lost another pound, I'd be happy where I am, of course, I'd be happier in the 160's. LOL

I didn't mean to make it sound like everybody stops losing when they hit mushy stage. I just know it freaked me out and was fairly common. Sorry about that.

Oh Long you didn't make it sound that way - I know that alot do gain or don't lose - it's fairly common - I think I am one of the few who didn't just like I never hit a plateau ...

If I remember correctly it was like 8 weeks til my 1st fill and by then I was eating my 4 oz of fish - 1/4 c rice and like 1.5 cups squash - but my squash is a total slider...

IMHO if you stick with healthy stuff you do have a very good chance of not gaining... I did - well expect for the time I came home and was beat - and started to make white gravy to go over my mashed potatoes - that was unheatlhy but again that was my ah ha moment too - Janet did you just have major fricken surgery to keep on eating like you use to..

Nope and I threw it away...

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Today is my 2 yr band anniversary !!!

OMW I can't beleive 2 yrs has gone by - but gotta say I am enjoying life so much more these days with the weight gone...

I am really proud of myself that for the last year I have kept the weight off - that was always my fear (not getting it off but keeping it off). Well it's still a fear - cuz I know I am an food addict - for me it's one day at a time - making the lifestyle change - allowing treats occaisionally and the exercise and the help of the band.

Well, I gotta get my butt in gear - I only have 4 working days till I leave for Canada - and my desk it a total mess.

CBL :scared2:

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Happy Bandiversaries to Arlene and JAnet!! One and 2 years!! WOO HOO!!

I just got home from work and am off to costco. If I go early the sample ladies won't be out to tempt me! Then workout this afternoon. One whole week back on track with my Power 90 workouts. I just ordered another series of DVD's in this Power 90 series from beachbody.com. We have been doing phases 1 & 2 and 3 & 4, and we started over from the beginnning because a new gal joined us. But they are getting easier and boring. They came out with a Power 90 Master series and it's phases 5 & 6 plus 4 or 5 other videos to rotate with. It's like an intermediate step between Power 90 and P90X for those familar with that. Yesterday I did my push ups in the plank position instead of on my knees and I really feel it in my chest and shoulders today. But was so impressed I could sortta do them. I couldn't get my nose all the way down to the ground only about half way but it's a heck of a lot more than I used to be able to do.

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Meredith, I am so glad for you. I have been watchig and reading this groups posts since last fall when I started on a 6 mo. diet. I finally got a surgery date for Aug. 6th and I thought it would never happen. I live 2 hrs from the hospital where I am having it done. They do the Lap Band here in the town where I live and because they are not a COE I had to go to Pittsburgh for it. It was a tough year jumping throught all of the hoops as many of you know. I am just now getting nervous and scared. I am 67 and have diabetes, hypertension and arthritis. Exercising is hard for me so I mainly do the treadmill, and some on the recumbent bike. My endocrinologist feels that losing the weight will help my diabetes. I was just also diagnosed with mild sleep apnea and was put on the CPAP. I've been on it for 3 nights and so far have been able to sleep with it from 5-8 hrs a night. Anesthesia makes me very nauseated and that really scares me because of vomiting with the band after surgery. Has aonyone on here had that same problem and how was it handled? I am also a little concerned about the 2 hr ride home the next day. I will be staying over night. I think you are on terrific group of ladies and look forward to being part of your group.

Laura I see you are from Stuart FL. I have a daughter in Port ST Lucie and had planned a vacation down there towards the end of October and I sure hope I will be able to go after having the surgery .

I will probably have a lot more questions and will write more later.

Young At Heart :scared2:

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Happy 2nd Bandiversary Janet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Girl, I could not have gotten through this last year without the threads you started and all my lap band buddies. Thanks!

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Meredith, I am so glad for you. I have been watchig and reading this groups posts since last fall when I started on a 6 mo. diet. I finally got a surgery date for Aug. 6th and I thought it would never happen. I live 2 hrs from the hospital where I am having it done. They do the Lap Band here in the town where I live and because they are not a COE I had to go to Pittsburgh for it. It was a tough year jumping throught all of the hoops as many of you know. I am just now getting nervous and scared. I am 67 and have diabetes, hypertension and arthritis. Exercising is hard for me so I mainly do the treadmill, and some on the recumbent bike. My endocrinologist feels that losing the weight will help my diabetes. I was just also diagnosed with mild sleep apnea and was put on the CPAP. I've been on it for 3 nights and so far have been able to sleep with it from 5-8 hrs a night. Anesthesia makes me very nauseated and that really scares me because of vomiting with the band after surgery. Has aonyone on here had that same problem and how was it handled? I am also a little concerned about the 2 hr ride home the next day. I will be staying over night. I think you are on terrific group of ladies and look forward to being part of your group.

Laura I see you are from Stuart FL. I have a daughter in Port ST Lucie and had planned a vacation down there towards the end of October and I sure hope I will be able to go after having the surgery .

I will probably have a lot more questions and will write more later. Young At Heart :scared2:

Welcome, "Young"!

Glad you decided to "chime in". This is a great thread. Also, have you checked out the "60+" thread?

Our medical histories are very similar except that I'm not diabetic. I've been on CPAP for about 5 years and just had to have a repeat sleep study because my machine needs to be readjusted because of the weight loss. And BP and cholesterol meds are now half what they used to be. Knee replacement next month should help the exercise problem for me. I had the COE problem, too, so I have to travel about 60 miles to follow-up/fill appointments, but half that for the actual surgery... which was 2yrs next Monday... 7/20/07.

We'll all be rooting for you. You'll do great.

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Today is my 2 yr band anniversary !!!

OMW I can't beleive 2 yrs has gone by - but gotta say I am enjoying life so much more these days with the weight gone...

I am really proud of myself that for the last year I have kept the weight off - that was always my fear (not getting it off but keeping it off). Well it's still a fear - cuz I know I am an food addict - for me it's one day at a time - making the lifestyle change - allowing treats occaisionally and the exercise and the help of the band.

Well, I gotta get my butt in gear - I only have 4 working days till I leave for Canada - and my desk it a total mess.CBL :scared2:



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I was reading my post op instructions and it mentions drinking 1 med cup full of liquids . Do I need to use ans buy these cups?:scared2:

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Meredith, I am so glad for you. I have been watchig and reading this groups posts since last fall when I started on a 6 mo. diet. I finally got a surgery date for Aug. 6th and I thought it would never happen. I live 2 hrs from the hospital where I am having it done. They do the Lap Band here in the town where I live and because they are not a COE I had to go to Pittsburgh for it. It was a tough year jumping throught all of the hoops as many of you know. I am just now getting nervous and scared. I am 67 and have diabetes, hypertension and arthritis. Exercising is hard for me so I mainly do the treadmill, and some on the recumbent bike. My endocrinologist feels that losing the weight will help my diabetes. I was just also diagnosed with mild sleep apnea and was put on the CPAP. I've been on it for 3 nights and so far have been able to sleep with it from 5-8 hrs a night. Anesthesia makes me very nauseated and that really scares me because of vomiting with the band after surgery. Has aonyone on here had that same problem and how was it handled? I am also a little concerned about the 2 hr ride home the next day. I will be staying over night. I think you are on terrific group of ladies and look forward to being part of your group.

Laura I see you are from Stuart FL. I have a daughter in Port ST Lucie and had planned a vacation down there towards the end of October and I sure hope I will be able to go after having the surgery .

I will probably have a lot more questions and will write more later.

Young At Heart :scared2:

Congratulations. I'm 57 but I am full of arthritis and have high blood pressure and cholesterol and the beginnings of diabetes. I also get very nautious with surgery. I told everyone that who pre-interviewed me, I told them all the morning of surgery, and after I woke up I told everyone as soon as I felt it. They managed to keep it at bay, but I ended up sleeping a lot from the medicine and not going home till late. I slept on the ride home and tumbled into bed and slept till late morning. My philosophy is, wake me up when its over (pain, nausea, whatever)

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Happy Bandiversary Charlene and Janet and Phyll. I can really tell that posting and helping others has kept you on track. You are my heroes.

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Hi IndioGirl-

I enjoyed reading your posts and other people's posts. Congrats to you on your success. I am having a bit of down time and am wondering if I am doing something wrong...

Here is the story. My surgery was May 18th and tomorrow will be 2 months. I have lost 20lbs and 8 inches but nothing since then. I have been at the 20lbs for a few weeks now. My first adjustment was June 30th and I had 5cc's put in. I only feel restriction if I eat too fast but for the most part I don't feel anything. I am looking forward to my next fill in the hopes that I will feel more.

I am not hungry between meals and now am wondering if I am not eating enough (as funny as that sounds LOL). What I mean by that is enough protein... Today I just started journaling my food and counting Protein grams. I am thinking that I am not getting enough Protein and then my body doesn't want to let me lose any more. I am exercising every day either by swimming or some type of other physical activity.

Any thoughts or suggestions are greatly appreciated. Good luck to all...

Also, how do you get a "ticker" on to your profile? I want one of those :-).


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I think you are on terrific group of ladies and look forward to being part of your group.

Laura I see you are from Stuart FL. I have a daughter in Port ST Lucie and had planned a vacation down there towards the end of October and I sure hope I will be able to go after having the surgery .

I will probably have a lot more questions and will write more later.

Young At Heart :wink2:

Welcome young!

PSL is around the corner from me! WOW, if you do make it down, we should meet for coffee or something. :angry: I live in the boonies so it's exciting when someone has actually HEARD of this area! Good luck with your upcoming surgery. I also have sleep apnea. Silly me made the appt for the study before finding out if my surgery actually covered WLS. After I got the results, I found out I had an exclusion! I still got the CPAP. My sleep quality improved tremendously! I also find when I wake up around 3 or 4 that I have to take it off. Now that I have lost 1/2 of the weight my husband says I do not snore now. I never had true apneas, but rather my Oxygen levels dropped b/c of airway noise. My guess is at goal I will not need it. But I love the humidifier, it really keeps my nose clear with my allergies.


Today is my 2 yr band anniversary !!!

WOW WOW WOW!!!:scared2::thumbup::scared2: WTG~ Congrats on two years kiddo! You have been such a successful banster! We are all proud to know you and thank you for being a mentor and teacher to us all!

Girl, I could not have gotten through this last year without the threads you started and all my lap band buddies. Thanks!

Happy Anniversary to you too!!!!!!! WOW! Congrats!


Conrats Phyllis! And I LOVE the new hair! Your band anniversary is one day before my wedding anniv!

I was reading my post op instructions and it mentions drinking 1 med cup full of liquids . Do I need to use ans buy these cups?:cursing:

You can ask them for some at the hospital, you don't need to buy them. They also sell little plastic cups at the grocery store that are 60cc, so you can just fill them half way.

Bill4/Nicole~ Welcome! Congrats on your success so far. It is sooo important to keep a food diary! I find that if I don't get 60-80 gms of Protein a day, then I am hungry. Really keep track, and that will help.

Weight Loss - Diet Ticker

Then go to edit signature and paste your link there. Make sure and put the privacy to public if you want people to see your graph. Hope this helps

OK... CBL!


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Janet, you are such an inspiration to us all... congrats on your wonderful success.... We should all be so blessed.... and hopefully we will be....

Charlene, congrats to you, too... Such accomplishments should never go unnoticed.... And Phyll, too.... Your picture is so nice...

When I stepped on the scale this morning I'm down 99.6 pounds since August 21 2008 with 2 major surgeries thrown in just for fun.. I'm proud of myself, too... Can't wait to see it roll over to 100 pounds....

all you new folks are so welcome... This is a great place to be for whatever you need...

Gotta go rest.... pain meds are kicking in.... TTYL..Julie

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    • Bashbee91

      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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