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Good Morning Gang....

Meredith - great going on ignoring the pizza - as to your draining I can't help - I didn't have any - is the site red & hot - I know that is a sign of infection - have you called the doctor - I would just to be on the safe side..

You don't want pple to go back to their original color - you would lose $$$ - I use to have my hair dresser color my hair but the end's just don't hold the color well plus I want to be a honey color blond but my hair dresser just never got me the right color - one time I said I wanted Jennifer Aniston hair color - ended up looking like Diane Keaton !!! She (hair dresser) and I just don't see the same color and she want's my hair beigy blond (cooler) where I want golden blond (warmer) so since October I am back to coloring my own hair and saving $35 a month :0) well a box of color is what $8 or $9 :0)

Well, not much to report - Laura you didn't post yesterday is your Sister still here - hope all is ok.

Well just checking in this morning - today is my 30 year anniversary for being at my job - OMW I have been here more than half my life !!!

My GF who I met when I 1st started this job are going to lunch to Celebrate our anniversary - we have become BFF/Sisters at heart over the last 30 yrs. I love this girl she is so funny and can make you laugh even when you are sad.. We finish each other sentences - I gotta say that's the best thing that has happend to me when I started working here was meeting her ....

Well off to work - will CBL

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Good morning. Funny Tuesday was DH's 32 yr anniversary at his job. It is unusual today for folks to have been at one job for that long.

Finally a day to myself. I just have to get some camping supplies (hope the bear doesn't like them this time) and am meeting DS for lunch at the new McD's, it's my McNugget day LOL And hopefully at 230 am going to go workout.

PJ, glad you are feeling better after the unfill.

Meredith, great job on being around the pizza!

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Doctor Davis' office just called.......DH surgery is next Wednesday. They had a cancelation so he got the spot. So, his liquid diet starts tomorrow.

Yeah, Janet, the Lifestyle lift without Lipo or eyes is 4,000. Not bad. Now, you are awake. They numb your face with shots. My friend said the ones around the eyes sting.

Long, please stay away from BEARS this weekend!

PJ.........I am so glad you are better.

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Hi everyone, just checking in. Not much happening with me. Meredith, I'm proud of you for not eating the pizza. I find it easier and easier to be around pizza and other foods that I'm not supposed to eat as long as I plan ahead and have my own food, it doesn't bother me. For instance, last night, DH and DGD and DD had bbq ribs so I grilled salmon for me instead -- much better for me and it didn't bother me not to eat the ribs. Janet, congrats on your 30 year anniversary -- that really is something to Celebrate - -the longest I ever worked at one job was 15 years. Good for you! Charlene, glad to hear your DH has his surgery date. Julie, keeping you in my thoughts, hope your surgery went well. PJ, so happy you had you unfill. I'm debating on whether to keep my appt. next week. I stay satisfied for several hours after eating, but I don't feel that full after eating the amount that should fill me up, so am thinking of getting another small fill -- last one was .5 ccs. I just don't ever want to get too tight and experience that. I started to do my workout this afternoon, but just felt like crap, so cut it short and decided I must need a day to rest. I still did about 40 mins. though, so I still got some good cardio in. Long, I'll be thinking of you camping -- good luck and stay safe. Yikes, I'm impressed with your courage. Have a great time!! Linda

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Had a terrible day today. My mom and I were going to ride the train to downtown Chi-town and couldn't find parking that wasn't permit parking in time to make the train. We decided to wait to catch the next, but then were told we were not in a valid parking spot. My mom, in hurrying to find out where we could park didn't see that she was on a 3 sided stoop with no railings and fell on her knee. (She's 76) She opted not to go for an x-ray and I took her home and propped up her knee, got pain meds in her, and started icing the knee. She was able to limp on that leg. My dad came home and eventually she had to use the washroom. She couldn't get out of the chair and my dad tried to turn the lounge chair with her in it (he's 81) and we both yelled at him to stop. He took offense. We managed to get my mom out of the chair and she used a walker to get to the washroom but had trouble gettin up from the toilet. She came out and said she wanted to call my bro who is a physician who lives in Mich. My dad said why bother, he can't come here to see it. (They have free long distance and why he should deny her calling someone for advice made no sense.) My mom was still walking around which I was afraid would cause even more pain and swelling once she sat down so I said I thought she should sit down and not keep walking. My dad told me I should just shut up. I screamed at him that he should shut up, that he knew nothing about medicine and he was too bossy, Then I went to the phone and called my brother who told us to take my mom to the hospital. Even though she could walk people her age might not feel that the bone (end of the tibia) behind the patella (kneecap) could be broken. So he ended up taking her there even though he had said she should wait a few days and see how she was doing. My poor mom. It's partly her fault because she's incredibly indecisive and has never handled my dad's bossiness well. I generally present her with options and try not to make the decisions for her, but its hard. Anyway, the whole day was a bust. I feel terrible for yelling at my dad but I'm still angry. I'm writing about it because normally I'd really get into the food about now.

And I haven't even talked about my car. Let's just say its making more noise than my stomach and once I got my son to take it seriously he discovered major issues and now I've got to decide whether to fix it or replace it and I hate buying cars and I've got conflicting advice from my husband, my son, and my dad. aargh.

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I would give it a little time (a day or 2) - and yes no more glupping I think that's one of the biggest clue if you need a fill is if you can gulp Water... When I was too tight I could barely drink my coffee in the morning and could barely eat Soups..

You may have to go back and have a tad taken out - cuz you do have to be able to eat real food.. You can't live on soups..

But my doc wants us to go back to post op diet - 1 week each stage - cuz you are irritated from the fill -

My scale and the doc's scale is diff by like 4 lbs - I only count the weight on my scale..

Congrats on you 1 yr Anniversary !!!

Really 1 week for each stage hmmm maybe i should try that he just said 1 day liquids then slowly reintroduce foods into my diet. I swear I feel tighter at night at the moment which is crazy because it has always been the other way around. it is a little better i just had some Soup but itis sitting in my throat i think I drank to fast again(it is a mexican cheese broth Soup with shredded pcs of small chicken) I think the spicey is starting to get to me now. Oh well I am still a happy camper. :thumbup:

Charlene K,

I am so excited your DH will have surgery next week.

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Really 1 week for each stage hmmm maybe i should try that he just said 1 day liquids then slowly reintroduce foods into my diet. I swear I feel tighter at night at the moment which is crazy because it has always been the other way around. it is a little better i just had some Soup but itis sitting in my throat i think I drank to fast again(it is a mexican cheese broth soup with shredded pcs of small chicken) I think the spicey is starting to get to me now. Oh well I am still a happy camper. :thumbup:

Charlene K,

I am so excited your DH will have surgery next week.

Thanks! I am so glad he was able to get in next week.

I think you might ought to watch the spicey stuff. I noticed that when I eat spicey stuff gas builds in my stomach and I feel stuck. I have to stop eating till I burp. I found taking pepcid in the morning helps.

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Hi Everyone!

I just did a quick read of the posts! WOW! I take a few days off and you guys add like 20 pages!:drool:

Had a GREAT visit with my sister and my niece. They left yesterday. I have been busy cleaning the house and getting caught up on all my work. My parents are coming tomorrow! They just decided last night to come down. They are going to Europe for two months in a few weeks and want to see Nelson one last time. awwwwww :thumbup: (and they have some work to do on their condo in West Palm) So, had to change all the linens in the house.. wash all the linens in the house.. clean.. shop... etc. etc. etc.

I will write more about my sis' visit. Nothing like another WLS patient to help keep you in check. I found myself really trying to be extra "good" to be an example for her. I had been slacking on my food diary and it's amazing how it shows. more later...

Nelson is having some dental surgery tomorrow.:) Poor kid! We are OCD about his teeth and he keeps getting cavities. The dentist thinks it is more genetic/lack of prenatal care from the birth mother than what we are doing now. It will be another $1000 for 4 fillings! Geez!

So much going on with you guys!

Julie~ GOOD LUCK with your surgery! I will be thinking about you. I had mine out in 2005 after having attacks for 3 months. I felt a million times better after.

Meredith~ SO proud of you! You are doing great. I hope the drainage is ok. Let us know what your dr says. I would insist on seeing him asap.

PJ~ Hope you are feeling better. It's horrible to be too tight. I know you are bummed that so much had to come out. Once the swelling goes down you can get some back in. Don't fret.

Welcome to all the new friends! ifyour, your blog sounds interesting.. i will check it out this weekend.

more later... just wanted to let you all know I was ok.


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HI Janet and everyone else,

I haven't posted for quite awhile but have been following as often as I could. It has been a year and 1 months since I had lapband and I have lost 44 lbs (over half way there). I know it is not as much as many of you in a year but with all the medication I was taking, etc. my doctor is very happy with my progress even though I have been a "lot" impatient. He tells me it is a 2 years process. I am off a lot of my medicine. I have gone down 4 sizes in clothes and everyone is being very complimentary when they see me especially if it has been a while. I just returned from a family wedding in Manchester, England and was able to wear a dress that I thought I would never be able to wear. It fit perfectly and I felt very proud of myself. Everyone at the wedding had not seen me for 1 1/2 years and one person even said he did not recognize me--said I looked great. What a fun trip and a big boost for my ego. I have myself in a routine with meals and eating and have not had any problems. I have a lot of restriction and I am very confident I will be at my goal or better by my 2nd anniversary.

I just want to say that everyone on this thread has been an inspiration and to thank you all. Keep up the ggod work.:tongue_smilie:

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Jill,congratulations on your year bandanniversary and also on your losses -- both pounds and sizes -- it doesn't matter how much someone loses -- what matters is that you continue on your path to a new healthier you and it sounds like you have been and will continue to be very successful. I'm so happy that you had such wonderful NSV and especially at the wedding - wow! I bet you were glowing! That should help you stay inspired for your next year with the band! So happy for you!! Laura, so happy you had a great time with your sister and now you're mom and dad coming - that's nice too -- I'm jealous -- I still have 4-1/2 weeks until I get to see my family -- can't wait! Meredith, can't imagine that you have that much drainage but maybe it's cause they only used one incision (right? you had the new one incision band, I think). So none of us would have any idea because all of us had the old, 5 incision bands. I'm sure you'll be fine if you continue to follow doctor's orders and keep a close eye on it. Ifyourband, I'm so sorry you had such a bad time with your folks and that your mom got hurt. Hope she's doing better and everything has calmed down. Proud of you for recognizing that you needed to write rather than eat -- it's hard to get through the first few eating triggers, but sounds like you did a good job. Hope everyone has a great weekend. Linda

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HI Janet and everyone else,

I haven't posted for quite awhile but have been following as often as I could. It has been a year and 1 months since I had lapband and I have lost 44 lbs (over half way there). I know it is not as much as many of you in a year but with all the medication I was taking, etc. my doctor is very happy with my progress even though I have been a "lot" impatient. He tells me it is a 2 years process. I am off a lot of my medicine. I have gone down 4 sizes in clothes and everyone is being very complimentary when they see me especially if it has been a while. I just returned from a family wedding in Manchester, England and was able to wear a dress that I thought I would never be able to wear. It fit perfectly and I felt very proud of myself. Everyone at the wedding had not seen me for 1 1/2 years and one person even said he did not recognize me--said I looked great. What a fun trip and a big boost for my ego. I have myself in a routine with meals and eating and have not had any problems. I have a lot of restriction and I am very confident I will be at my goal or better by my 2nd anniversary.

I just want to say that everyone on this thread has been an inspiration and to thank you all. Keep up the ggod work.:tongue_smilie:

Congrats on the weight loss. Stay proud of yourself you are doing great and everyone loses at there own pace. :frown: Keep up the great work.

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Hi all.

Janet~ I was kidding when I said "natural" color! I really mean getting rid of their grey! Whenever I'm done I say "Ok, back to your natural color!" It's fun. Don't worry about doing your own color, esp if your girl didn't do it the way you liked it. Just make sure you put it on your roots only and rarely pull it through. This will make sure that your hair stays in good shape.

Laura~ Glad you are back! Also, glad to hear you had a good time with your sis and niece. Can't wait to hear more about it! Sorry that poor little Nelson has to have his teeth worked on. Eeek! Have a good time with your mom and dad.

Linda~ Exactly!! My surgeon told me that it is common for people to experience this after when they have just the one incision. I want it to be over with though! I called the office today and told the nurse that it looked the same and no changes since I saw them on Monday. I go back this coming monday. She did say that if there were any problems then I should call the Dr on call but she thought that I would be okay until then. She also said there might be a seroma under there? Didn't someone on here have a seroma? I remember reading it a few months ago, but I cannot recall who it was.

Well, work is exhausting me! I come home from working all day on my feet and sleep for several hours. My customers keep telling me that after surgery when your body is trying to heal it takes awhile to "get back to your old self".

Going to take a shower and go back to sleep. TTYL.

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Good morning. Funny Tuesday was DH's 32 yr anniversary at his job. It is unusual today for folks to have been at one job for that long.

Finally a day to myself. I just have to get some camping supplies (hope the bear doesn't like them this time) and am meeting DS for lunch at the new McD's, it's my McNugget day LOL And hopefully at 230 am going to go workout.

PJ, glad you are feeling better after the unfill.

Meredith, great job on being around the pizza!

Thanks Lori, and enjoy your weekend. I hope you don't have any Bears visiting this time.

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Hi Everyone!

I just did a quick read of the posts! WOW! I take a few days off and you guys add like 20 pages!:blink:

Had a GREAT visit with my sister and my niece. They left yesterday. I have been busy cleaning the house and getting caught up on all my work. My parents are coming tomorrow! They just decided last night to come down. They are going to Europe for two months in a few weeks and want to see Nelson one last time. awwwwww :confused: (and they have some work to do on their condo in West Palm) So, had to change all the linens in the house.. wash all the linens in the house.. clean.. shop... etc. etc. etc.

I will write more about my sis' visit. Nothing like another WLS patient to help keep you in check. I found myself really trying to be extra "good" to be an example for her. I had been slacking on my food diary and it's amazing how it shows. more later...

Nelson is having some dental surgery tomorrow.:sad: Poor kid! We are OCD about his teeth and he keeps getting cavities. The dentist thinks it is more genetic/lack of prenatal care from the birth mother than what we are doing now. It will be another $1000 for 4 fillings! Geez!

So much going on with you guys!

Julie~ GOOD LUCK with your surgery! I will be thinking about you. I had mine out in 2005 after having attacks for 3 months. I felt a million times better after.

Meredith~ SO proud of you! You are doing great. I hope the drainage is ok. Let us know what your dr says. I would insist on seeing him asap.

PJ~ Hope you are feeling better. It's horrible to be too tight. I know you are bummed that so much had to come out. Once the swelling goes down you can get some back in. Don't fret.

Welcome to all the new friends! ifyour, your blog sounds interesting.. i will check it out this weekend.

more later... just wanted to let you all know I was ok.


Good to hear you had a nice visit with your niece and sister. You have been so busy this past month.

Yes, I'm feeling to much better, but...had trouble keeping dinner down tonight, I pb'd twice. :ohmy: Its stress I know, hopefully this time next week my problems will be resolved. I'm not losing much at all, the nurse said because my body was in starvation mode. Have a great time with your parents, so sweet of them to fly back to see you before they leave. Wow...Europe!!

How is Nelson? Is he feeling ok?

Julie, you are in my prayers, hope all is going well for you.

Well, gotta run, I'm having a jewelry party tomorrow morning.

OH Charlene, I was so happy to hear that your hubby has been cleared for surgery. When will it be?

Hugs everyone...have a great weekend.


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Good Morning Gang..

I was MIA with a hangover !!!! My employers didn't/don't think that 30 yrs means squat... Nothing from them - after someone brought it to there attention the whole office came over to my desk and said congrats.. Big whoop!!!

A couple of pple were pissed and said we'll take you out for drinks - so I said yes.. Well we went and drank then went over to one of the girls house and continued to drink and trash our bosses... I ended up spending the night and called in sick yesterday - slept and ate...

Oh ya they sent flowers yesterday - well it's an after thought and they can jump in a lake as far as I am concerned...

Jill so glad to hear from you !!! Congrats on your 1 yr anniversary and weight loss....

Cheri - Hugs on the parent issues !!!

Well this is going to be short - I'm still dragging butt - my coffee hasn't kicked in and I gotta get ready to go to the gym- don't want to but I HAVE TO..


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