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I am just days away from my 2 months post op. I was banded May 11, 2009. I started at 258# 5'5" and I am weighing in as of this morning at 217. I got my second fill today and I have a total of 5 cc's. I am having an issue with craving Dr. Pepper and eating way more than I should. My local support group here is always on a day when I work (I'm a RN and just can't get off to go) so I need so major support issues through this website. My doctor said I was doing great but I know what I have been and haven't been doing. I am working out 3-4 times a week and I am eating a few things I shouldn't be eating (sugar free chocolate chip ice cream :)) any advice on the sweet cravings and Dr. pepper cravings. I am open for all honest advice and opinions. Thanks!!

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I am just days away from my 2 months post op. I was banded May 11, 2009. I started at 258# 5'5" and I am weighing in as of this morning at 217. I got my second fill today and I have a total of 5 cc's. I am having an issue with craving Dr. Pepper and eating way more than I should. My local support group here is always on a day when I work (I'm a RN and just can't get off to go) so I need so major support issues through this website. My doctor said I was doing great but I know what I have been and haven't been doing. I am working out 3-4 times a week and I am eating a few things I shouldn't be eating (sugar free chocolate chip ice cream :)) any advice on the sweet cravings and Dr. pepper cravings. I am open for all honest advice and opinions. Thanks!!

Hey MN, I have a few tricks you can try that worked for me during the weightloss stage. I always kept Pure Protein (WalMart) on hand. Be careful...they are really good! I would but them up into about 10 peices and have a couple with a cup of coffee. It really would satisfy my cravings for a little chocolate. The way I looked at it is that I was getting some Protein and satisfying a craving at the same time. Also, try SF Jello with a couple of tsp. of FF Cool Whip. I would also buy Fiber One and Kashi Go Lean cereals. I would package them into one cup sizes in snack bags and use those as my treats. I would always keep fruit on hand. Blueberries and Blackberries are my friend!

As far as the soda goes....was not a soda drinker so cannot help you much there. Only advice I have on that is to NOT buy it and try to switch to a Crystal Light drink. You can buy the little packets to carry with you. They have so many flavors and lots of generic brands. My fav is Peach Tea in the Target generic.

"They" say it takes 18 days to break a habit. Got 18 days? :) Wishing you luck!

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Good Morning Gang..

I'm back safe & sound (thank God - since I work insurance I always worry about car accidents)..

You guys were busy this weekend :0) !!!!!!

I jotted little notes - hope I get back to everyone - it not - not meant as a slight - but it's taken me an hour just to catch up :0) and I'm at work so this will be a drive by post ;0)

Doodle - Congrats on 3.5 !!! you are at your half way mark CONGRATS !!! - Good going on throwing the Cookies out - MY DGS who lives w/me to :0) - but I'm lucky he like's chip ahoys - I can't stand them - try buying DGS Cookies you don't like - but I am so glad you got the stuff out of the house..

Moochie - Hi & Welcome - you have gotten great advice - Ya you gotta stay away from slider foods :0) (heck now I can't read my notes :0) Remember this isn't a diet but a lifetime lifestyle change !!!!! You gotta make if livable for you...

Joann - You are fantastic just like I knew you would be - GREAT GREAT advice !!! - Glad you threw the Ice cream out - I dont care how "healthy or low cal something is - if we eat too much - it's all about the calories - I am always throwing stuff out - cuz I think I can control something and really I can't - so in the trash it goes...

Meredith - Congrats on your 20 lbs - Yep you are going to get hungier as you heal - you are doing great !!! IMHO you should varie your calories - 910 wasn't bad - IMHO you gotta feed your hunger with in your calorie budget - that's what I did and still do..

Laura - Congrats on your 3 lbs - Hope your visit with family is great !!

1day - I hope to ck my FB later today - can't wait to see the real you... Fill - I measure mine by how much I can eat - some days I can eat a horse (not really but don't have much restriction) then other days I know I have restriction. This weekend - I was tight but that's from the stress of traveling - 5yr old who doesn't know how to be quite ;0) but as usual sliders not a problem..

Linda Congrats on your 77 lbs

Cheri - Hi and welcome - I will ck your blog later - love the purple idea - we do have walks here for obesity - my doc and hospital helps sponsors them..

PJ - take the advice on reflux issues ...

Julie - Have they tested you for gallbladder - mine hurt me in my back & shoulder too.. Hugs hope they find out whats up with your pain..

LaDawn - Welcome !!

MNJhowell - Welcome !!

Apples & Phyl & Long - Thanks girls !!!

I gotta get to work - sorry this is so short ....

Will CBL :)

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I am just days away from my 2 months post op. I was banded May 11, 2009. I started at 258# 5'5" and I am weighing in as of this morning at 217. I got my second fill today and I have a total of 5 cc's. I am having an issue with craving Dr. Pepper and eating way more than I should. My local support group here is always on a day when I work (I'm a RN and just can't get off to go) so I need so major support issues through this website. My doctor said I was doing great but I know what I have been and haven't been doing. I am working out 3-4 times a week and I am eating a few things I shouldn't be eating (sugar free chocolate chip ice cream :)) any advice on the sweet cravings and Dr. pepper cravings. I am open for all honest advice and opinions. Thanks!!

I've been making myself iced Decaf coffee lattes with Splenda. I have a 20 oz container that I fill twice a day. I use a lot of 1% milk so that helps me get my milk as well as my 64 oz of Fluid a day. The milk provides constant Protein and a little fat and carbs and I think it keeps my blood sugar stable between meals. And it tastes good. The thing that made me want to totally stay away from pop is that the bubbles can stretch your new tiny tummy during the time when its still trying to stabilize and heal. I also don't want to get any more stuck gas in me than I already have. It can also cause reflux. You also lose some of your restriction if you stretch the tummy.

Find a tasty substitute for the pop. Also for the ice cream if possible. I try not to keep it in the house, but my husband bought it for himself. He did, however, make me some ff sf choc. pudding to eat at night.

The ice cream may be alright for you if you're sticking to the 1/4 to 1/2 cup guideline. Ice cream is one of my trigger foods so you'll have to judge whether it causes you to crave having more.

I find that exploring and posting on this site is helping me. I was banded June 18th and I started a blog the week before to help me deal with all the other issues that go along with compulsive overeating. Its like journaling daily. On yesterday's blog I talked about eating disorders and their causes and my history of weight gain and dieting. If you'd like to view the blog you can do it at: IF YOUR STOMACH OFFENDS YOU, TIE IT OFF

Dealing with the addiction in these ways has really helped me stay on top of my cravings. Don't beat yourself up. Guilting and shaming yourself will drive you right back into the food.

Edited by ifyourstomachoffendsyou

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What's a DGS? Dog Gone Spouse? Dog Gone Son? Diligent grand son?

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What's a DGS? Dog Gone Spouse? Dog Gone Son? Diligent grand son?

In Janet's case, that would be Dear Grandson. In my case it might be Detered Grandson (since I don't have any and can only wish).

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my 'selected' strange-minded friends:>.

> This is weird, but interesting!

> Fi yuo cna raed tihs, yuo hvae a sgtrane mnid, too.


> Cna yuo raed tihs? Olny 55 plepoe out of 100 can.


> i cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg. The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid, aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it dseno't mtaetr in waht oerdr the ltteres in a wrod are, the olny iproamtnt tihng is taht the frsit and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it whotuit a pboerlm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Azanmig huh? yaeh and I awlyas tghuhot slpeling was ipmorantt! if you can raed tihs forwrad it

You all have great minds cuz you can read my crap - misspelling dropping words writing hear when I mean here :0)


My DGS lives with me and I have 2 DGD's too who live with their parents - DGS has a diff mom and he and I have bonded since his birth (his parents lived with me) - They are the light of my life and one of the reasons I got banded - I want to see them grow up - and maybe - not to soon I hope - I will be a Great Grandma - My DGS is 18 and one DGD is 14 and my Baby is 5 yrs old - I have one DS who will be 38 this month - so heck in 5 yrs for DGS I would be 59 and could be a Great Grandma - how cool is that :0)....

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IndioGirl--I could read it, but then I work with kids with reading problems who sit across a half-moon table from me and I can read words upside down and at any angle. I can write upside down and do math upside down, too. Wierd.

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Does anyone have any advice about this drainage that I am experiencing? It is making me kinda nervous. I cannot stand the tape that I bought, so I must go to the drug store and buy another brand. Also, since I cut hair and start back to work on Thurs, I do not want any hair getting in there so I am hoping that there is a band aid like product that will cover the incision on all four sides so nothing gets in or out!



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I have had my folks in from out of town and very busy so have been behind in keeping caught up here and trying to at least read. This post caught my eye however, since I experienced this last April. Turns out it was because my band was too tight. I was having no issues until then and then suddenly I was having the same issues every night and especially if I ate anything past about 6pm. I mentioned it at my 9 mos post op check and they said it meant the band was too tight, they took out .5cc's and it went away, I could even eat up until bedtime after that. A few months later they put .25cc of that unfill back and I've had no problems. They did tell me it was dangerous for the reasons Phyl posted but also that if it goes on for too long can cause the band to slip, so please don't ignore it if it continues.

Phyl and Lori thanks for the info. I called the nurse today, she wants me to go in tomorrow morning. She said I'm too tight. Couldnt keep lunch down today, ate a bit for dinner but part of itcame up. It is so confusing tho. I did so well with my eating last week up until Monday, yet I've had the problem at night for awhile with the acid reflux. I'm so afraid they will take too much out and I will be starving. Nurse told me stress could cause it, and I'm very stressed right now with AC being out and staying at Moms 45 min away from my job. Hopefully Ac will be fixed this weekend. Plus not being with hubby. He is staying with his sister since she doesnt mind pets in the house. So...should I just stay on liquids and get thru this stressful time, or go on in and get some out?

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Forgot to mention I have an appt set up already for July 15th, think I should wait until then and see how I do? I want to make the right choice. I hate taking so much time off from work for this even tho its FMLA and I was told by supervisor that it doesnt count against me.

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Forgot to mention I have an appt set up already for July 15th, think I should wait until then and see how I do? I want to make the right choice. I hate taking so much time off from work for this even tho its FMLA and I was told by supervisor that it doesnt count against me.

I'm not comfortable giving you advice because you have to know and listen to your own body. July 15 is still a long time to be miserable.

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Janet..........just checking in. DH was cleared for surgery.....now he needs a date. As for me, well I am somewhat discouraged. I haven't lost in months. I think I need help. Do you think I would benefit from WW? I can't go to support groups. They are downtown Houston at night, and I don't drive the freeways at night. Got any ideas?

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Hey gang,

So I went for my 1 year check up yesterday and my Dr said I gained 7 pounds.:smile2: I actually said what the crap what are you talking about.:biggrin:

I keep track of my weight on the ticker website and I think I have only flucuated 3 lbs this whole time and my scale is like a pound less than his. That whould have meant that at one time I weighed 222 and I would be jumping up and down if I did. Anyways he decided or should I say we decided to give me a tiny fill basically I have 7.34 cc in my band at least I think that is right. Anyways it is really only day two and everything I eat and drink is hanging in my throat. I do not have the tightness in my chest when I am full it is all in my throat. He said 1 day of liquids which meant yesterday and i could start putting foods back in today which I am but it seems no matter what it is it just feels like it is hanging there. I am concern I have reflux cause it feels like a stinging feeling. And all my liquids make a bubbly sound going down which they didn't really before. i don't think I like this fill very much how long should I give for it to settle do you guys think? I can eat Soup and stuff so i know it is working but still.

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Janet..........just checking in. DH was cleared for surgery.....now he needs a date. As for me, well I am somewhat discouraged. I haven't lost in months. I think I need help. Do you think I would benefit from WW? I can't go to support groups. They are downtown Houston at night, and I don't drive the freeways at night. Got any ideas?

I've been blogging everynight to help me deal with both the food and all the issues that go with it. Emotional, spiritual, psychological, thinking issues. My goal is to be free of the food obsession. That includes diets. I'm ADHD and not capable of planning or keeping food plans. I think that's actually a gift. I got the surgery in order to let the band do the weighing and measuring for me. I checked out a new 12-step program on-line called Eating Disorders Anonymous. I really like their approach. I wrote about it in my blog last night and the night before. Here's the latest post from IF YOUR STOMACH OFFENDS YOU, TIE IT OFF

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Balance--Eat When You're Hungry, Stop When You're Full

I love the internet. One of the sites I visited was the official homepage of a 12-step group called Eating Disorders Anonymous. I've copied some of their guidelines here because some of the 12-step programs and church programs for compulsive eaters have turned into highly restrictive, food plan obsessed, weight obsessed, rule obsessed places. I've made the comment that they have not freed themselves from food obsession at all. Having read more about anorexia and bulimia, I believe they've merely traded labels for their disorder. Even after lapband its still easy to stay stuck in that mentality. I see it in a lot of posts.

Now, this program (EDA's)makes more sense to me.

Our primary purpose is to recover from our eating disorders and to carry this message of recovery to others with eating disorders. In EDA, we try to focus on the solution, not the problem. Solutions have to do with recognizing life choices and making them responsibly. Diets and weight management techniques do not solve our thinking problems. EDA endorses sound nutrition and discourages any form of rigidity around food.

** Balance – not abstinence -- is our goal. **

In EDA, recovery means living without obsessing on food, weight and body image. In our eating disorders, we sometimes felt like helpless victims. Recovery means gaining or regaining the power to see our options, to make careful choices in our lives. Recovery means rebuilding trust with ourselves, a gradual process that requires much motivation and support. As we learn and practice careful self-honesty, self-care and self-expression, we gain authenticity, perspective, peace and empowerment.

There are no EDA meetings near me but I would go if there were. Instead of abstinance (which you can't do anyway since we have to eat), the focus is balance. For anorexics and bulemics, diets and weight management techniques, rigidity around food, including rigid restrictions and food plans, are recognized as part of the disease, not a cure for them.

For those of us with compulsive eating disorders who do not purge (except when in our dieting phase--the diet being the purge) lap band surgery is a tool we use to achieve balance. Once I get to my lap band fill I won't be restricted from any food, I'll just have to be careful with some that don't work well with the new tummy. The lap band will do the weighing and measuring for me leaving me free to not obsess over food. I would like to be able to occassionally have a treat without it triggering old unhealthy thinking (like guilt) and cravings that will lead me back into the food.

I don't want my time being spent on food plans and obsessing over my next meal. In fact, with my ADHD, I'm pretty incapable of that anyway. Tonight I looked in the cabinet and decided I wanted salmon. There was no low-fat mayo which I'm not that fond of, but I saw some spinach dip, not low-fat but good fats. I mixed that in, put in some Tomato and basil pesto, and chopped some green olives into it. I couldn't eat a whole lot of it because it was so filling, but it tasted great. My husband polished off what I couldn't eat, which was most of it. So, no food plan, no obsessing about supper, just look and see what's there that puts Protein first and make it taste good. I'm doing so well, I actually have to force myself to eat more between meals in order to get enough dairy, fruit, and veggies and even enough Protein. I'm just not hungry.

I have developed a bit of an internet obsession for exploring websites related to the disease, but that's because its summer and I'm not working. It's also related to my ADHD. I'll get passionately interested in a subject and fill my mind with all kinds of info about it, relay that info to people to whom it would solve a problem or be helpful, and then, eventually, my active interest fades. But this is a life-long problem, so I'll probably always keep abreast of the latest thinking on the subject-especially if its helpful to me.

It's about balance and allowing the pendulum to swing back. Eat when you're hungry, stop when you're full.

All things in moderation was what Paul said in the New Testament. Eat when you're hungry, stop when you're full.

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      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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