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Hey Janet...I have switched to Truvia also...about a couple months ago. I was sitting here typing to 1day and could not for the life of me remember what it was called so just typed Splenda. I like it a lot better than Splenda and I though that wasn't too bad at the time.

Hope you get over being tired....we know your tired when you only work 1/2 your A$$ in your workout!

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Janet... I'd be willing to bet that the AOL browser is your culprit! Use Internet explorer or Firefox. I set Firefox as my default browser because I was having trouble with some sites using Internet Explorer. And I say that having a SIL who works for Microsoft!

TOPS weigh in today... down 2.2 lb, 1.2 last week. But not much of a net loss for the month because I had that gain three weeks ago.

Out to dinner tonight with three neighbor ladies. We just went across the street to a sports bar but I had the best prime rib ever! It was so nice and tender and very lean. I had 1/3 of a baked potato, small cup of Tomato Soup and ate 5-6 oz of the prime rib. Brought the rest home to Earl but told him he can't have the baked potato!

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I am tired tonite - went to the gym - it's legs tonite - but worked out only half ass - did sweat a little but am tired for some reason.. It's Hot here but hell I work in a/c so I really can't blame that - was busy today again

Ok Ms. Janet~ Time for a dose of your own medicine. WTG on going to the gym!!! :cursing: It's ok if you were tired and maybe didn't workout as HARD as you usually do. The point is- you were tired and went ANYWAY! That is usually when I flake out. So often we have an all or none mentality, and it shouldn't be. You did it! YEAH!

You guys got me thinking during all this talk of body image, body acceptance and PS. I was one of those fat chicks that was sooooooooooo proud that I didn't have wing flaps yet! I was like woohoo, no flaps for me! Until I lost 60 lbs! Now they are flapping..LOL. I guess I was soooooooo good at filling them out before that they weren't there. Also, I am noticing that as the top layer of fat leaves... the layer underneath is globular. I was lying in bed the other night and I made my husband feel my upper arm (I thought it was a lymph node). He smiled at me, so loving and warm, and said "Honey, that is fatty tissue. :tongue2: Learn something new every day. I guess because it was always filled out so nicely.. and smooth with nice new fat, that I hadn't noticed the lumps. On another note... before my surgery we did have a talk about PS. The gold standard being, one year of keeping off the weight, after reaching normal BMI. My DH said whatever I wanted to do, I could do.. do PS or no PS. He just wants me to be happy. I guess it will depend what I look like in 100 lbs. At 42, it may be too late and too long for the skin.. it may not be able to bounce back! I don't think I would ever do extremities (b/c of the scars and such) but I would consider a Tummy Tuck. A close friend of mine who had 5 kids (one set of twins) had one recently. It was literally the only part on her body that was bothering her. She feels 100% better and looks it too. So, we will see. So much work to do first!

I am tired this a.m. But... I think I will go to the gym, even if it is 1/2 ass. : ) <hugs to Janet>

Writing Truvia on the grocery list.


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1day....I think if you took a poll, eating too fast would most likely be the number one trait that is so difficult to change. I know that I have to make a conscience effort with everything I eat to slow down, wait in between bites, etc.

I LOVE strawberries but I have to be very careful while eating them. I do know that they go down a lot easier if I cut them up a few hours b/4 eating them. I put Splenda on them when I cut them up and they get a little more juicy. I also keep fresh blueberries, blackberries and raspberries on hand. Have no troubles with them. I also love cantelope but have to be careful that it is ripe and that I eat slow. Mixing my fruit with FF Cool Whip also works well with getting the fruit to not stick. I sometimes make a mix of fruit and put SF Syrup on it. My DH loves it and does not know it's SF.

Just see if you can cut down on the sugar by replacing it with fruit or maybe SF Jello or pudding. I am a true believer that the more you have, the more your body will crave it. Another thing I do if I am craving sugar...I cut up a Pure Protien bar into about 10 pieces and pop a piece in my mouth while drinking coffee. Gives you a "fix". I then wrap the remainder and put it away for times that I have a craving.

Thanks for the ideas. I guess I wait to long to eat, then when I do I am totally hungry. I need to pause in between bites and really focus on that. I actually have not tried the Truvia I have tried Sun Crystals recently and liked it. It is grainy too. Well gotta run I am off work today and going to work out with my son which is fun b/c it is a competition to see who can keep up with what my trainer friend gives us to do. Thanks all for being supportive and very helpful.

Also on the skin issue I now have wiggly upper arms. Oh well I will live with it for now but it is like you wave goodbye to someone and your hand stops and your arm keeps on saying goodbye LOL

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Wow!! Just reading your words gives me great comfort!!! I am trying me best to eat period. When I do eat I make sure it's just Protein (chicken, fish, veggies, etc...)

I never thought about just be having the band in would give me the restriction I need. And I didn't know fills were not mandatory. I thought I had to go in and get it filled.

I know I'm not getting in all the daily protein I need. Sometimes it just hard to eat anything at all.

I am keeping up with my Water and my body (going #1 & #2) is just fine. (sorry about this much info!!)

I guess I just need to relax and enjoy the ride. (easier said than done) But I'm just ready for this stress to let go of me.

I hope you have a great day!

Thanks again for your words...


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Laura...at my initial band informational seminar, my doc stated that he does not recommend PS until at least a year after reaching goal. Time to see what skin does, time for a person to see what they can live with. I can tell you from personal experience that things do change as time goes on after reaching goal. I was postive at the onstart that I would need a TT cuz I carried so much weight in that area. Nope, tummy turned out flat to my surprise. My boobs looked like tube socks six months ago. My arms looked like an 80 yr old ladies arms. I started doing 2lb weights 4xday (40x very slowly...elbows tucked into ribs...down to thighs and up to shoulders) and you know what? Boobs are back up to where they should be and the arms are really filling out and I'm not quite so self-conscience of my arms in sleevless tops. I know that everyone is different but it is worth working on it and seeing what the outcome is.

I would never judge anyone for wanting to have PS. As I stated yesterday, it's all what you feel you can live with, etc. I look at the b/4 and after thread. There are people proudly displaying their after bodies....bat wings and all. I have a difficult time picking out someone elses flaws but can easily find mine. My attitude has changed in the last few months on how I view my body. I've even come to look at the skin on my upper thighs (that look like melting butter) and know I will just live with it. They are battle scars that I can live with. I'm 53 yrs old and I bet it would be hard to find a woman my age that does like her thighs.

You will come to a point where you will know exactly what you think you can live with and if there's something you cannot, you will make your decision on what do to. Just give it a good amount of time after reaching goal b/4 making any decision on PS.

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Hi gals....Hope all is well. I have been at Mom's for a couple of days. I've had a headache for a week and a half, I figured it was allergies, well...I got sick and went to Dr yesterday and it's turned into a sinus infection. Fell some better, I have a headache still. I couldnt eat yesterday, everything came back up. Trying to eat a banana now and its kinda difficult. Will get a Slim Fast after I post this.

I'm on vacation this week. DIL is coming Thursday for a couple of days. Looking forward to that.

Joann....sounds like you had a great time on your camping trip except for that 1 hot day. 110* eek !!

I went to some Thrift stores and a Goodwill store Sunday after church and found 4 pairs of nice casual slacks. I paid 12.00 for all 4!! :tongue2:

Apples, how can you stand to be around all that wonderful food you cook. I admire your will power, that I don't have much of.

Lori...loved your picture on top of that mountain. You look so GREAT !!:cursing:

Charlene, have you heard back anything from your DH's test?

I try to come here daily but lately have been busy and not at home.

Have a good day everyone !!



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Hey Janet...I have switched to Truvia also...about a couple months ago. I was sitting here typing to 1day and could not for the life of me remember what it was called so just typed Splenda. I like it a lot better than Splenda and I though that wasn't too bad at the time.

Hope you get over being tired....we know your tired when you only work 1/2 your A$$ in your workout!

Apple - Can you cook with it Truvia?? Ya I got off the computer - made GS steak in my george foreman (bbq out of gas) he liked it - then I cooked my fish/broc/rice - ate and was full - no Snacks - didn't finish the book but watched "The Cleaner" I thinks that's the name benjamine bratt - who use to be a drug addict now helps others get clean.. Then to bed - Got the book finished this morning :0) now I get to start my Mary Kay Andrew book - I love her - she makes you laugh..

To nite is cardio - I will go - I didn't go last tuesday or saturday - I will not get out of the habit !!!

Janet... I'd be willing to bet that the AOL browser is your culprit! Use Internet explorer or Firefox. I set Firefox as my default browser because I was having trouble with some sites using Internet Explorer. And I say that having a SIL who works for Microsoft!

TOPS weigh in today... down 2.2 lb, 1.2 last week. But not much of a net loss for the month because I had that gain three weeks ago.

Out to dinner tonight with three neighbor ladies. We just went across the street to a sports bar but I had the best prime rib ever! It was so nice and tender and very lean. I had 1/3 of a baked potato, small cup of Tomato Soup and ate 5-6 oz of the prime rib. Brought the rest home to Earl but told him he can't have the baked potato!

Phyl - How do I get a new browser - just google firefox and down load it ???? It must me cuz that issue isn't here at work..

WTG on the 2.2 lbs !!!! It's a loss and that is what counts..

Prime rib sounds good - I am hungry this a.m. I guess it's cuz I didn't snack last night :0)...

Ok Ms. Janet~ Time for a dose of your own medicine. WTG on going to the gym!!! :cursing: It's ok if you were tired and maybe didn't workout as HARD as you usually do. The point is- you were tired and went ANYWAY! That is usually when I flake out. So often we have an all or none mentality, and it shouldn't be. You did it! YEAH!

You guys got me thinking during all this talk of body image, body acceptance and PS. I was one of those fat chicks that was sooooooooooo proud that I didn't have wing flaps yet! I was like woohoo, no flaps for me! Until I lost 60 lbs! Now they are flapping..LOL. I guess I was soooooooo good at filling them out before that they weren't there. Also, I am noticing that as the top layer of fat leaves... the layer underneath is globular. I was lying in bed the other night and I made my husband feel my upper arm (I thought it was a lymph node). He smiled at me, so loving and warm, and said "Honey, that is fatty tissue. :tongue2: Learn something new every day. I guess because it was always filled out so nicely.. and smooth with nice new fat, that I hadn't noticed the lumps. On another note... before my surgery we did have a talk about PS. The gold standard being, one year of keeping off the weight, after reaching normal BMI. My DH said whatever I wanted to do, I could do.. do PS or no PS. He just wants me to be happy. I guess it will depend what I look like in 100 lbs. At 42, it may be too late and too long for the skin.. it may not be able to bounce back! I don't think I would ever do extremities (b/c of the scars and such) but I would consider a Tummy Tuck. A close friend of mine who had 5 kids (one set of twins) had one recently. It was literally the only part on her body that was bothering her. She feels 100% better and looks it too. So, we will see. So much work to do first!

I am tired this a.m. But... I think I will go to the gym, even if it is 1/2 ass. : ) <hugs to Janet>

Writing Truvia on the grocery list.


Thanks Laura - I know you are right - and I agree with the all or none thinking - I would have flaked except I pay for the trainer and if I didn't show then $$$ down the drain - so this is one reason I keep the trainer - I have to go..

Thanks for the ideas. I guess I wait to long to eat, then when I do I am totally hungry. I need to pause in between bites and really focus on that. I actually have not tried the Truvia I have tried Sun Crystals recently and liked it. It is grainy too. Well gotta run I am off work today and going to work out with my son which is fun b/c it is a competition to see who can keep up with what my trainer friend gives us to do. Thanks all for being supportive and very helpful.

Also on the skin issue I now have wiggly upper arms. Oh well I will live with it for now but it is like you wave goodbye to someone and your hand stops and your arm keeps on saying goodbye LOL

1Day - My DS is overweight (but he had a prior drug problem so if I have to choose between the 2 - I would rather have him fat) but we too will compete to see who can do what - I can out last him walking ;o) and we ran once and I really did beat him :0)

Wow!! Just reading your words gives me great comfort!!! I am trying me best to eat period. When I do eat I make sure it's just Protein (chicken, fish, veggies, etc...)

I never thought about just be having the band in would give me the restriction I need. And I didn't know fills were not mandatory. I thought I had to go in and get it filled.

I know I'm not getting in all the daily Protein I need. Sometimes it just hard to eat anything at all.

I am keeping up with my Water and my body (going #1 & #2) is just fine. (sorry about this much info!!)

I guess I just need to relax and enjoy the ride. (easier said than done) But I'm just ready for this stress to let go of me.

I hope you have a great day!

Thanks again for your words...


Kim - Heck I went in for a fill - the doc would not give me one cuz I had lost 17 lbs since the last one - imho pple really can put to much emphasizam on fills - cuz that's all we read about - but no GF if you are losing weight without one and don't feel you don't need one than you don't have to have one...

General rule of thumb - 1 oz meat/fish has 7 grms of protein

I'm suppose to get 60 grms a day - Since I don't log anymore I not 100% sure but I know I get real close to it - yesterday 4 oz of pork loin for lunch 28 grms - then dinner was 5 oz of fish 35 = 63 grms and heck there was pt in my yogurt - so I get my protein in most days.

With the help of your meds and now the knowledge that you don't have to have a fill - maybe things will calm down for you...


Well gang need to get back to work - cbl

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Janet...when are you going to your sons? If I don't make it back here before then, you have a fun, safe trip. !



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Hi. I was banded on 6-3-09, I am excited but at the same time I feel lonely, especially when the hunger pangs come on me. My first fill is scheduled for 7-13-09, I need help finding the right recipes so that I can feed both my family and myself.

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Hi. I was banded on 6-3-09, I am excited but at the same time I feel lonely, especially when the hunger pangs come on me. My first fill is scheduled for 7-13-09, I need help finding the right recipes so that I can feed both my family and myself.

Hang in there jarronz...it only gets better when you get to the right amount of fills. Continue to make good food choices and try to find some activities to keep you busy when the hunger pangs hit. Take a walk, grab a book and sit in the tub for a soak, call a friend, etc.

I cook for a group of farmers most days and have revamped most of my recipes to low fat (or fat free), low sugar, etc. and I eat with them. I just make sure that I get plenty of protien with each meal (I get at least 70gr/day). I always make sure to eat protien first and then whatever fruit or veggie that I can still get in. I allow a few Snacks throughout the day. I still get hungry every 2-3 hours but actually have gotten to the point of detecting "head hunger" rather than real hunger. You will get there. Just be patient and see how you react to your fills.

Just go online and type in low fat or fat free recipes. Good for you and a good idea to get your family used to eating healthily! Good luck...you can do this!:thumbup:

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Janet...I have tried three different baked goods made with Truvia. pumpkin pie, shortcake and shortbread Cookies. I really didn't see or taste the difference (with using Splenda). There's a lot of recipes on their website. My DH didn't even notice the difference and he LOVES my recipe where I used to use sweetened condensed milk in my pumpkin pie recipe.

PJ....darn...too bad you are sick during your vacation. Hope you are feeling better soon. Have fun with your DIL. As to your ? about cooking and being around food. Well, I can truly say it does not bother me a bit. I guess I just make sure I have good/healthy choices on hand. I do eat what everyone else eats most of the time unless it is not band friendly. I believe a person has to live life and not be deprived. All about a true balance in what we eat.

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I'm here!!!!!! Everything went really well! I only have 2 small incisions. One is about an inch and a half and the other is about two inches. In the hospital they gave me liquid vicodin and morphine. The morphine only worked for about 20 minutes and that was it. Thank goodness for the vic! I couldn't sleep the entire night after surgery. Idk why, but that was torturous. In the am they took me for my swallow test and then took out my foley. That was a relief! The nurse even said that i was like a slug in the morning, but once i got that out, i wanted to leave asap!

It's kinda been a slow go since i've been home. i'm tired and uncomfortable. should i be having about 800 cal? thats what the dr said right after surgery, but i forget to eat! thats about all for now. i'm going to take a nap! i finally ventured out, and now i'm at my parents. new change of scenery!

Thank you everyone for everything!

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I'm here!!!!!! Everything went really well! I only have 2 small incisions. One is about an inch and a half and the other is about two inches. In the hospital they gave me liquid vicodin and morphine. The morphine only worked for about 20 minutes and that was it. Thank goodness for the vic! I couldn't sleep the entire night after surgery. Idk why, but that was torturous. In the am they took me for my swallow test and then took out my foley. That was a relief! The nurse even said that i was like a slug in the morning, but once i got that out, i wanted to leave asap!

It's kinda been a slow go since i've been home. i'm tired and uncomfortable. should i be having about 800 cal? thats what the dr said right after surgery, but i forget to eat! thats about all for now. i'm going to take a nap! i finally ventured out, and now i'm at my parents. new change of scenery!

Thank you everyone for everything!

Yea!!! Meredith is back! So glad to read everything went well. What's a foley?? During my healing time, they weren't too concerned about the calories I got, just make sure I got my Protein grams in. However, once I started eating I ate 700 to 900 calories a day and would usually have one higher calorie day on the weekend by higher it was 1,000 or so. Lucky you only 2 incisions, I got 5, one is like a pin prick though.

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I'm here!!!!!! Everything went really well! I only have 2 small incisions. One is about an inch and a half and the other is about two inches. In the hospital they gave me liquid vicodin and morphine. The morphine only worked for about 20 minutes and that was it. Thank goodness for the vic! I couldn't sleep the entire night after surgery. Idk why, but that was torturous. In the am they took me for my swallow test and then took out my foley. That was a relief! The nurse even said that i was like a slug in the morning, but once i got that out, i wanted to leave asap!

It's kinda been a slow go since i've been home. i'm tired and uncomfortable. should i be having about 800 cal? thats what the dr said right after surgery, but i forget to eat! thats about all for now. i'm going to take a nap! i finally ventured out, and now i'm at my parents. new change of scenery!

Thank you everyone for everything!

Meredith...welcome to Bandland! Happy to hear that everything went so great. Take care of yourself. Try to get your required cals in...important for healing and for losing. Get plenty of fluids and rest. Keep us informed on how you are doing and dealing. Hugs:wub:

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      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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