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Hi all, I'm back from my trip to Bismarck.. Had a day to myself and did some browsing and shopping.. I also attended a WL seminar they hold every Monday and I don't usually make it... Well, I was the only one there so it was short, but I got a personal visit with a dietician and it was good. Was able to have my fill early... got 2 cc's like I wanted.. I'm very happy to report that I had only gained 1.5 pounds from last time and with the loss I had before that it means that I have actually lost over 3 pounds since my medical fiasco began.. She was so happy with me and very complimentary.... She said that I needed this time to get strong and healthy and she was confindent that I can get myself back on the losing trail... I left feeling good and hopeful that this fill will give me the restriction that I need to lose the rest of this weight I don't want anymore... So, all in all it was a very good day. I have my purchases put away and am ready to think about supper for DH... I'm on liquids for 24 hours, so Soup for me.....

Long, I'm so proud of you for your accomplishment and I'm really glad I wasn't with you.... The bear or the steps would probably killed me at this point.....LOL!!!! I love that you did the bathing suit thing, too... It says so much about how your mind is letting you understand that you are just like all the other beautiful people..... I'm happy for you.....

Apples, the supper sounds great... How many do you cook for at each meal??? I love to cook, but not every day.. I hate planning the meals and finding something different... Once I have a plan the rest is so easy..

I, too, hate my legs... I have bubbles of fat at the upper inside of my thighs... It is very unsightly and I hate them.. No amount of exercise will every get rid of them... So no shorts for me, but they are noticeable no matter what I wear... I hope to have that removed one day..... Was just thinking of it on my return trip today and wondering when I'll finally be rid of them.... It'll be a while yet, but may call a PS sometime to get an idea of what they like to see in a patient.... I can handle my other body parts... I wear sleeveless all the time and don't really have a double chin, thank goodness.. It's just my upper legs I hate....

Well, time to get busy here, too.. TTYL..... Julie

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I do want to clarify...it's not that I judge anyone that has PS...when I was in the weighloss stage, I was certain that I would need PS. The farther along I get in maintenance, the more accepting I am of how I have ended up. It's all what you feel you can live with. I think back to when my oldest DS was 8. I was getting ready to go out on a date with DH. I was in my bathroom putting my makeup on and he happened to come around the corner and caught me in my bra and panties. (This is when I was a normal weight). Well, got dressed and came out and asked DH if I looked "fat" in my outfit. DS answered for him..."No, mom. not with your clothes on". I think back on that now cuz a person just has to remember that even though I was a normal BMI at that time, I still would ask that dreaded question. "Do I look fat?" Most of us look good with our clothes on. I think there's not much of the population that looks really good naked. I know people that have had PS and are not happy not matter how much they have done.

Julie... how many I cook for depends on the day. Some days I have 3-4 extra...some days I have 6-9. Depends on what the guys are doing. Tonight I have 6 and know that most of the pork loin will be gone. any leftovers will be made into sandwiches for when I am gone. DS is really good about getting lunches packed when I am gone so I don't need to worry about it. I make up as many sandwiches as I think they will need for the days I am gone, make Cookies or bars and they are set. I have three dozen eggs boiling right now to make into egg salad. Have two roast beef in the oven for sanwiches also. I find it easy to do it this way and have my freedom to run at the same time.

Good going on the pounds lost. You CAN do this. Hopefully this fill will help.

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I'll be banded 5 weeks this Thursday and I don't have much of an appetite AT ALL. I sometimes have to force myself to eat. I know that it's my nerves (when I get nervous I loose my appetite) but I'm scared that I'm not getting in the Protein I'm suppose to have.

I started on anti-anxiety medicine last week (gulp). I've never had to get on Med's for my nerves!! The thought of having to go on Medicine for my nerves/anxiety is making me more of a ball of nerves (crazy sounding I know) I'm loosing weight (20lbs) and I have not been filled yet. I'm suppose to go in July 22nd. for my first fill, but I think if I can't eat now, what will happen when I get filled.

I've been reading that a lot of people are really hungry after the first couple of weeks, but I'm afraid I'm the wierd one for loosing my appetite.

Any words of wisdom??



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Funny you say you hate your legs. I had a note to myself to include that you looked nice in your shorts but by error omitted it. I know you have mentioned that b/4. I made a promise to myself when I started this journey that I was going to accept the body I ended up with. It's been a struggle at times but I have come to a very good place with acceptance. Thank God for 3/4 length sleeves and skimmers! I am not willing to go through PS for a few little wrinkles on my upper arms and thighs. I am venturing out and going sleeveless once in awhile. I look at my "skinny or normal" friends and you know what? They have the same flaws and wear shorts and sleeveless. It's kind of like accepting what our bodies do with age. It's all part of our journey and hopefully you will overcome!

Apples, Thanks for sharing that. That is where I am getting close to being, acceptance of the body I end up with. Though I'm less than thrilled with my legs, I do wear the shorts. And though my thighs are loose and flabby it's my calves that bug me the most. I've been told there's not much PS that can be done for them anyway. But I am wearing the shorts, sleeveless tops and bathing suit in public. The more I do that, the more accepting of it I am becoming, if that makes any sense. The first time I wore shorts out of the house I was convinced everyone was looking at me and talking about me, now I have a photo up on the internet both here and Facebook. :rolleyes2: I doubt I will go the PS route, one can never say never, but first I'd have to win the lottery. It's just not that big a priority right now financially, I have a lapband to finish paying for, vacations I want to take, clothes to buy, a car some day in the next year or so, etc. etc. And like you said when you look around at others they have some flaws too.

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Apples, Thanks for sharing that. That is where I am getting close to being, acceptance of the body I end up with. Though I'm less than thrilled with my legs, I do wear the shorts. And though my thighs are loose and flabby it's my calves that bug me the most. I've been told there's not much PS that can be done for them anyway. But I am wearing the shorts, sleeveless tops and bathing suit in public. The more I do that, the more accepting of it I am becoming, if that makes any sense. The first time I wore shorts out of the house I was convinced everyone was looking at me and talking about me, now I have a photo up on the internet both here and Facebook. :crying: I doubt I will go the PS route, one can never say never, but first I'd have to win the lottery. It's just not that big a priority right now financially, I have a lapband to finish paying for, vacations I want to take, clothes to buy, a car some day in the next year or so, etc. etc. And like you said when you look around at others they have some flaws too.

Long...you are so right about the more you wear shorts, tanks, etc., the more accepting we are. You know what? People notice their own body flaws more than they do the person next to them. I used to be self conscience of my calves also. Too skinny (11.5 inches). But, I truly believe we all have ways of dealing with what God gave us....and by choosing styles that compliment our body, we have not a thing to worry about!:rolleyes2:

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Long...you are so right about the more you wear shorts, tanks, etc., the more accepting we are. You know what? People notice their own body flaws more than they do the person next to them. I used to be self conscience of my calves also. Too skinny (11.5 inches). But, I truly believe we all have ways of dealing with what God gave us....and by choosing styles that compliment our body, we have not a thing to worry about!:rolleyes2:

Gosh, I have 17 inchers for calves, maybe I could loan you some of mine and between the 2 of us we'd be perfectly calved :crying:

And so no one gets me wrong, I'd much rather have the flaws of skin issues, etc. and have my skin 'deflated' instead of 'inflated' with the 126 lbs I've lost. The one thing that I see posted over and over and just can't relate to (and I don't mean to offend anyone, I am just saying I can't relate to it) is when people are having doubts about losing the weight because they are concerned they are going to have excess skin. I'd take excess skin over fat any day, and just don't relate to that line of thinking. But we all have our crosses to bear.

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1Day...Sweets are the pits. I have never been one to crave them but have friends that live on them. All I know is that the less you have, the less you will crave. Maybe try to replace them with fruit? ???? Just want you to know we all have a struggles and understand. My downfall is anything salty.

I have some problems with eating fruit it tends to stick. i think I eat it too fast so I eat applesauce Do you have any ideas on the fruit issue?

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I have some problems with eating fruit it tends to stick. i think I eat it too fast so I eat applesauce Do you have any ideas on the fruit issue?

1day....I think if you took a poll, eating too fast would most likely be the number one trait that is so difficult to change. I know that I have to make a conscience effort with everything I eat to slow down, wait in between bites, etc.

I LOVE strawberries but I have to be very careful while eating them. I do know that they go down a lot easier if I cut them up a few hours b/4 eating them. I put Splenda on them when I cut them up and they get a little more juicy. I also keep fresh blueberries, blackberries and raspberries on hand. Have no troubles with them. I also love cantelope but have to be careful that it is ripe and that I eat slow. Mixing my fruit with FF Cool Whip also works well with getting the fruit to not stick. I sometimes make a mix of fruit and put SF Syrup on it. My DH loves it and does not know it's SF.

Just see if you can cut down on the sugar by replacing it with fruit or maybe SF Jello or pudding. I am a true believer that the more you have, the more your body will crave it. Another thing I do if I am craving sugar...I cut up a Pure Protien bar into about 10 pieces and pop a piece in my mouth while drinking coffee. Gives you a "fix". I then wrap the remainder and put it away for times that I have a craving.

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Gosh, I have 17 inchers for calves, maybe I could loan you some of mine and between the 2 of us we'd be perfectly calved :rolleyes2:

And so no one gets me wrong, I'd much rather have the flaws of skin issues, etc. and have my skin 'deflated' instead of 'inflated' with the 126 lbs I've lost. The one thing that I see posted over and over and just can't relate to (and I don't mean to offend anyone, I am just saying I can't relate to it) is when people are having doubts about losing the weight because they are concerned they are going to have excess skin. I'd take excess skin over fat any day, and just don't relate to that line of thinking. But we all have our crosses to bear.

OK...send me the part of your calves you do not want. Heck, I'd be so happy to have it that I will even pay the postage!

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I'll be banded 5 weeks this Thursday and I don't have much of an appetite AT ALL. I sometimes have to force myself to eat. I know that it's my nerves (when I get nervous I loose my appetite) but I'm scared that I'm not getting in the Protein I'm suppose to have.

I started on anti-anxiety medicine last week (gulp). I've never had to get on Med's for my nerves!! The thought of having to go on Medicine for my nerves/anxiety is making me more of a ball of nerves (crazy sounding I know) I'm loosing weight (20lbs) and I have not been filled yet. I'm suppose to go in July 22nd. for my first fill, but I think if I can't eat now, what will happen when I get filled.

I've been reading that a lot of people are really hungry after the first couple of weeks, but I'm afraid I'm the wierd one for loosing my appetite.

Any words of wisdom??




What are you scared of GF... Be thankful you don't have an appetite ;0).... For some pple just having the band in - provides enough restriction and they don't need a fill - fills are not mandatory.... So don't sweat it - Did your band come prefilled - I have read now adays that some are.

5 week out you should be on regular food - how much can you eat at a meal... Again what are you eating - are you eating slowly - chewing and taking tiny bite.

And you are starting a new jounery - losing the weight can be scary -- we are losing our armour against the world -

Hugs - it will get better - remember this is a new lifetime lifestyle change... Janet

What are you eating - how much Protein are you getting - are you getting your fluids in ...

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Do we have any computer wizzies - I post and then the page just keeps reloading - wth is wrong - and now I think I have lost my post to Kim...

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Do we have any computer wizzies - I post and then the page just keeps reloading - wth is wrong - and now I think I have lost my post to Kim...

Janet....I have not had trouble posting (as you can see I have been quite active) but I have been having trouble brining up quite a few threads. I shut my computer down for about 10 minutes and came back on. I think it might be a LBT problem. Hope it gets resolved so we can hear your words of wisdom!:tongue2:

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test - I have now lost 2 post

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Ok I think it may be the site and my aol - now I am on internet explorer - but it's aol too - who the hell knows and I see my post have posted !!!

Long I'm with you on the pple who are afraid to lose the weight due to the flab issues - I am like you and Apples (well except for my arms they are VERY BAD) I except my body for what it is - I can't wear shorts or sleeve less but so be it..

I am tired tonite - went to the gym - it's legs tonite - but worked out only half ass - did sweat a little but am tired for some reason.. It's Hot here but hell I work in a/c so I really can't blame that - was busy today again

Apples dinner sounds great - I made a pork loin last night - I am really into pork loins - so tender....

Tonite fish - broc & rice...

I think I am converting from Splenda to Truvia - My LB DD brought some when she visited - we put it on fruit (strawberries blackberries rasberries) and it's just like sugar it stays grainy and doesn't melt the way splenda does - so you get that little crunch like real sugar..

1Day you gotta eat fruit slowly and chew well and like with apples I have to take the skin off or eat super slow and make sure I chew...

Charlene - hope this fill gets you back to that sweet spot

Julie - WTG girl 3 lbs lost !!! with all that you went thru and being unfilled you are doing great !!!

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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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