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Hi everyone, just checking in and taking a rest after my exercise. 65 min. walking tape and 60 mins. step aerobics. I have bunco tonight and have to get busy cutting up fruit for the fruit salad I'm taking. We all bring food and have dinner while we play. It's fun, but can be very fattening, so I make sure I take a couple of low fat things I can eat just so I'm not tempted. Meredith, before I forget, good luck tomorrow, you'll do great, will be looking for your posts when you feel well enough. Long, I love your new name Great2bethin and think it's perfect for you. Good luck on the steps -- you'll probably run up them and be waiting at the top for all the others. I told my DH about those cots - the reason we don't tent camp anymore is cause neither of us can sleep on the ground, so now it sounds like the cots could be our solution. I love to camp and have missed it terribly. PJ, have a great time off work, sometimes it's more fun to have a stay at home vacation instead of traveling -- you get so much done and no jet lag. Laura, hope you enjoy your parents - it's nice to have young acting parents. Julie, you are doing so good, I'm so proud of you. JoAnn, love your new picture, you two look so happy together. Have a great one everyone! Linda

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Hi all, taking a couple minutes while baby is watching her favorite cartoon.... Calliou..... Never heard of it til she started watching it!!!! It keeps her very still for half an hour and that's a good thing I guess....

julie~ Caliou has been one of Nelson's FAVORITE cartoons since he was 3! He STILL likes it to this day. Actually a lot of the PBS shows he enjoys.. like Curious George. It's funny that your dear likes it too, thought maybe it was just a boy thing. LOL.. They sell the DVD movies too! Then you can REALLY get some stuff done. Amazon.com: Caillou DVDs for Kids & Family

I think I saw them at Toysrus one time too, but I bought most on Amazon. FYI

It's looking like it will be Great2Bthin, I will change it when I get back this weekend.

I am climbing those stairs on Friday afternoon, then I am going to the gift shop and buying the Tshirt that says I climbed them. I'll try and get a picture at the top. Hope my knee holds out. It's worse on my knee coming down though than up.

Long/Great~ I like the new name, BTW. And I cannot wait to see a pic of that shirt! WTG! Just come down slow and easy. I haven't been camping since the Peace Corps. It's hard to believe way back then I hiked the Inca Trail in Peru! I joined the PC weighing 210 and left weighing 160. I remember thinking I would conquer the world at that weight and NEVER put it back on! I will do that trail one more time in this life time. On my bucket list.

Hi everyone, hope you all had a great day.

Peas....we are friends on Facebook now ! :bored: I also have your email addy. I'm on aol also, so I may see you online sometime. Have fun with your parents this weekend.

My vacation starts Friday at 4:45.

Take care all.


PJ~ ditto. I am enjoying the parents. : ) Enjoy your vacation!!! YEAH!!!

Hey Gang been busy at work and then last night had to do accounting stuff for bro's estate - pay some of my own bills and answer an email - didn't get off the computer til after 9 so we just to POOPED to post...

Laura - once you get your weight off you will have just as much energy as they have - WTG on the exercise


Bills bills bills... and pooped pooped pooped! I know I will have more energy. My parents haven't seen me in 3-4 weeks and were shocked to see the difference in me. Although there has only been like 8 lbs since they were here.. I have been at the gym a lot. Mom said it looked like more than 8.

Guys I have a question: Do you guys notice a correlation between getting pain/stuck when you are dehydrated? Yesterday I was so busy running around, errands and cleaning and didn't get in enough Water. For the first time since my last fill I had trouble with dinner.. and then noticed trouble at Breakfast. No PB, just severe pain that made me stop eating. Bites were not big and had just started eating- so had not had too much. I spent the morning drinking. LOL.. Water, not alcohol. I had 1.5 liters of H20 and LIVED on the potty today! : ) I ate lunch and was FINE.

Nelson was jumping on my bed yesterday afternoon (after I repeatedly warned him not to or he would get hurt). I was in the other room and heard a loud thud, but didn't hear anything for 20 seconds after that. He was doing one of those "hold the breath before I cry really loud" moves! I am still not sure exactly what he hit. Foot board? Rug? Post? But I was convinced he broke his nose when it happened.. bloody nose, indentation. But alas... all is well. We were soooo lucky it wasn't worse! BOYS!

CBL~ peas

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Peas, your story about Nelson brings back memories of my rambunctious son and our many trips to the ER. Worst one he went nose first over the front of his big wheels. Boys! You will do that Inca trail again soon! I charged my camera so I can get a pic from the top tomorrow. About this time tomorrow I should be climbing.

I do know I am tighter in my band some days than others, never noticed if it correlated to being dehydrated, will have to watch for that and see.

Linda, they do make some nice cots these days. We got a mid range one but it's higher and wider than the cheapie one but not as delux as the deluxe model.

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Hi everyone, just checking in and taking a rest after my exercise. 65 min. walking tape and 60 mins. step aerobics. I have bunco tonight and have to get busy cutting up fruit for the fruit salad I'm taking. We all bring food and have dinner while we play. It's fun, but can be very fattening, so I make sure I take a couple of low fat things I can eat just so I'm not tempted. Meredith, before I forget, good luck tomorrow, you'll do great, will be looking for your posts when you feel well enough. Long, I love your new name Great2bethin and think it's perfect for you. Good luck on the steps -- you'll probably run up them and be waiting at the top for all the others. I told my DH about those cots - the reason we don't tent camp anymore is cause neither of us can sleep on the ground, so now it sounds like the cots could be our solution. I love to camp and have missed it terribly. PJ, have a great time off work, sometimes it's more fun to have a stay at home vacation instead of traveling -- you get so much done and no jet lag. Laura, hope you enjoy your parents - it's nice to have young acting parents. Julie, you are doing so good, I'm so proud of you. JoAnn, love your new picture, you two look so happy together. Have a great one everyone! Linda

Wtg with your workouts. That is my problem area. I just can't get myself to work out like you all do. I know I need to. Will work out tonight..promise.

Thanks....my vacation will be very relaxing and fun !! I'm excited. I can't remember the last vacation I had to do just what I want. Either its been Dr appts or Surgery. Last year in May my Dad passed on my vacation time. :thumbup:

Will post later and let you know how long I did my walking tape. Its been awhile so may not be able to do the whole thing.

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Hi everyone, sounds like all are doing okay... Laura, thanks for the tip about Caillou tapes... We've looked and haven't found any.. Thank goodness for "OnDemand" on my DVR machine on cable... He's always there when I want him.. She is only 26 months, but sits completely still the whole time he is on. You can't get her attention for anything... It does help when I need to get something done..

My day out was good... Some shopping and lunch with friends... I tried the second hand stores, but nothing there for me today.. We don't have "Goodwill", but others like it... Did get a few things for the baby...They can always use an extra set of clothes at this age...

Home now and ready to crash.. We had a hot one today and that tires me out.. I did have a chiropractor treatment on my leg and back today.. He says I'm getting better, just will take a bit more time.. I can tell there is some improvement so will hope he is right...

Tomorrow after my workout I MUST get some of my house cleaned.. Have marked off a few items on my "list", but there is a lot to go.. Will try to get the living/dining room windows and blinds done and whatever else my body will handle... Wish it would stay clean for a while, but alas, it just gets dirty again... Darn!!! You all have a good night... TTYL... Julie

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Janet........checking in. DH went to the blood doctor today. The doctor said it may be a genetic thing. He is testing him for lupus too, but doubts that is the problem. He feels sure he can give him medication before the surgery that will prevent him from clotting or bleeding too much. We should find out something next week and then he can schedule another surgery date.

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Well Ladies...... next time I post, I will be an official member of your banded posse! I'm trying to get a bunch of stuff done tonite so I don't have to worry about doing it when I get home. I also put it off so I would have something tonite to do to keep myself from being so nervous!

Linda- Thanks for you luck! I hope that everything goes well! I'm sure it will. Thanks again!

Well, goodnight everyone! Surgery is tomorrow at one. I have to be at the hospital at ten-thirty.


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Well Ladies...... next time I post, I will be an official member of your banded posse! I'm trying to get a bunch of stuff done tonite so I don't have to worry about doing it when I get home. I also put it off so I would have something tonite to do to keep myself from being so nervous!

Linda- Thanks for you luck! I hope that everything goes well! I'm sure it will. Thanks again!

Well, goodnight everyone! Surgery is tomorrow at one. I have to be at the hospital at ten-thirty.


Thoughts and prayers going your way! I wish you a speedy recovery.

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Best wishes for a speedy recovery Meredith. I will be out of town for the weekend, but checking in on Monday to see how you are doing.

Arlene, sounds encouraging for DH. Hope he gets a new date soon. I just got done watching an episode of Big Medicine and thought of you. It was actually one I must've missed.

Not sure I'll have time to post in the morning, if not I will let you know MOnday how my climb went.

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Well Ladies...... next time I post, I will be an official member of your banded posse! I'm trying to get a bunch of stuff done tonite so I don't have to worry about doing it when I get home. I also put it off so I would have something tonite to do to keep myself from being so nervous!

Linda- Thanks for you luck! I hope that everything goes well! I'm sure it will. Thanks again!

Well, goodnight everyone! Surgery is tomorrow at one. I have to be at the hospital at ten-thirty.


Good night Meredith, will be thinking of you tomorrow.

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Best wishes, Meredith, you're on your way... It's quite a journey... We each take our own route to get to the same place.... Everything will be fine... Julie

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Morning.... DH is off to work and I'm up.... dang!!!! would rather be sleeping in on this nice morning. Don't get many to do that....

Laura, how is your little one? Those little heads take some hard knocks.. Last week my GD took one and DD thought she had his her cheek on the coffee table... Next morning she had a big mark on the middle of her forehead, so she figured she had misjudged where Mimi had hit... However as the day went on this lump started to grow and grow and grow.. DD said it looked like she was about to sprout a rhinoserous horn!!!! She got alarmed and we ended up taking her to ER... It was a bug bite!!!! I've never seen anything like it... Said to give her Benedryl and watch her.. It was down the next morning... DD was afraid she had a bleed in her head that was causing the swelling... thank goodness it wasn't.. But those falls are tough... Last night Mimi jumped off the new deck DH is putting up on their house.. Only 3 feet, but she cut her had pretty good... I'm sure she'll be hurting today... Good things these little people are tough.....

Arlene, hope things work out for your husband... And hope it's not Lupus... I have a friend who has it and it has attacked her kidneys and etc... Not a fun thing to deal with.... Best of luck to him...

Linda, thanks for the praise, but I'm not sure I deserve it.. I'm doing okay with exercise, but not the food... But I am feeling back to my old self for the most part.. Seem to have left my latest medical fiasco behind me.. Hoping to find my new "committment" just around the corner!!!

Well, better go start my day.. Hope it won't be as hot as yesterday.. I like warm, but not hot.... Stay cool everybody... Julie

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Long - soon we will be addressing you as "Great." Bet you will like the sound of that... Good luck on those steps, girlfriend. You will do a GREAT job!

Peas - send me a friend request on FB - I'll be watching for Laura (or peas??). Joann Haley Farley.

Meredith - I have probably missed you till after you are safely home and recovering. Know that my thoughts are with you today. You are starting on an incredible journey and it's an honor to travel the road with you.

and all my other LB friends. Thank you all for your caring support.

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Good Morning Gang.

Had to watch the Michael Jackson coverage last night - I grew up on the Jackson 5 - off the wall album was in my disco days - In high school we had little dance routines to his song.


Prayers Safe surgery & speed recovery - Hugs GF xoxo Janet


Ya I though lupus was a girl issue - show's what I know :0)

Hope they get it all cleared up soon..

Well everyone I got tons to do - next week a short week we have the 3rd off - Im going to visit DS and taking the 6th off too - so I won't be back until the 7th of July,..

Will cbl - Hugs to all - Janet

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Meredith~ You should be out of surgery by now! Am sending plenty of positive vibes your way for a speedy recovery! Congrats!!!

MrsBubba/Julie~ Thanks for thinking of Nelson. He's doing fine. He looks like a spotted puppy..LOL. It's healing fine and hope it doesn't leave a scar. Found a huge bruise on his bottom during bath today. Not sure how he hit his butt and face at the same time! BOYS! Wow, I can't believe Mimi hit her head and had a bug bite! Thank goodness it wasn't serious. Those falls are so scary. And I hate that PAUSE between the injury and the cry. Nelson always held his breath when he gets hurt.

Joann Marie~ I sent the friend request. Anyone else on Facebook that wants to friend me, send request to peascorps@aol.com

I haven't announced my band surgery on FB. Not that it's a secret, just my family and close friends know. Just didn't feel the need to tell highschool friends that live in Seattle about it..ya know?

Hope everyone has a great weekend!

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    • Bashbee91

      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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