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CassieMe1~ Let me tell you GF, everyone here is so wonderful! If you ever need anything these ladies are the greatest! So genuine and honest. IDK what I would do without this thread?

Ok everyone, I am over all of my disappointment crap that I had going. The fact of the matter is that I've lost 5 lbs. since I've been on my liquid pre-op, and like many of you have said, that is 5 lbs that I will never see again!!!! Thank goodness! So now it is 12 total thus far. I think that most of this is just nerves. I know that I am mentally prepared for the band, but really the only thing that I am worried about is the anesthesia.

My dad did the cutest thing yesterday! I spent all day with him helping him get his boat in the Water and cleaning it up and such. The BF helped too, his dad lives in AZ. Anyhow, we had such a good time. Then it was time to come home and "eat" dinner. My dad loves to BBQ and he made a HUGE slab of ribs (my fav) and mom made a greek salad and potato salad. I stayed out of the dining room and ate my yogurt. It didn't really bother me as much as I thought it would. Anyhow, after they were done eating, I was laying on the couch reading a mag. My dad came up to me, kissed me on the cheek and told me how proud he was of me for doing this and how difficult it must be! It was sooo nice! He did have his doubts, but now he is 100 percent behind me becuase he sees how important to me this is! What a wonderful moment that was. Something I will never forget. It is bringing tears to my eyes just typing it.

Janet~ I think that all of you are so amazing! I also think it is so fantastic that all of you are defying the odds! 50 percent! HA! WTG on your "normal" BMI and your size 4's! You are awesome GF!

Ok, well, just thought I would check in. Like I said, IDK what I would do without this thread? Oh, and Julie~~ NO PIE! Awesome!

CBL~ Meredith

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Fly By Post.........Just jumped in to say "Hey All"!

Took me awhile to catch up with my threads. I see we had a little debate going on in the 50's thread? Poster forgot to leave his negativity at home?

Congrats to all who have lost...especially Long for hitting first goal of under 180lbs. When do you see your doc, Long? Soon, right?

Laura...Nelson is adorable. Makes me miss those days. I was a stay at home mom till my two boys went to school. Happiest time of my life. They were the funniest, smartest, etc., etc.....I am a true believer that all parents should see their children that way!

Ok...been home for 2 hours and on my way out the door again till this evening. I'm AWFUL!!!!! Give me a little freedom and this is what happens!

Apples, I was supposed to see my doc on the 30th and it's awesome to know I would've made the goal of under 180 by then. But it got cancelled and rescheduled not til Jul 28th so I will be able to be firmly in the 170's! I'm shooting for 175 now.

Well gals, just got home from a Goodwill shopping trip. After wearing shorts this weekend, I decided I needed more than 1 pair so I got a pair at goodwill. Jones NY for only $3 not too shabby. Size 10's too!! WOO HOO!! I couldn't decide between 2 pairs and one was a 12 and one was a 10 so my daughter said when it doubt go with the better size. LOL

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Fly By Post.........Just jumped in to say "Hey All"!

Laura...Nelson is adorable. Makes me miss those days. I was a stay at home mom till my two boys went to school. Happiest time of my life. They were the funniest, smartest, etc., etc.....I am a true believer that all parents should see their children that way!


Apples~ Thanks hon. I take no credit for how adorable he is! I am not sure if I ever told you guys the story... Nelson is adopted. I know I told you all about the infertility nightmare... and the 10+ IVFs. After the last one failed, I came home and just cried my eyes out. My DH had already said that was it.. and we were done (emotionally and financially). I got a call from my DGM who lives in Turkey. She is a retired pharmacist and works with the Red Cross. That weekend she had been called to bring some antibiotics to a homeless family that was living in an abandoned building. It was winter in Istanbul and 10 degrees and snowing. Nelson was 6 months old, had a fever of 104 and his lips were blue. He was septic and had pneumonia. He was the 6th child to a 26 year old woman who was doing her best to hold her world together. When my GM told her he was going to die if he didn't go to the hospital she just said, "maybe it is God's will". My GM thought to herself, "not on my shift!" and took him to the hospital and stayed with him the entire week. The mother did not even come to check on him for 7 days! (she did have 5 little ones.. no money.. and no one to help her). Anyway, it's such a long beautiful story.. and one day I hope to write a book. When the pediatrician told her he had asthma and needed lots of care... he then asked her if she would consider letting another family love him. She said that THIS was the prayer she had been asking. <tearful here> Thus began the beginning of MY PRAYER being answered. The next day my parents dropped EVERYTHING they were doing and flew to Turkey. I stayed here and started the adoption proceedings. (home study, got a lawyer, drug screen, etc..) I left the next week and the rest is history. This beautiful angel who looks JUST like my husband... saved us. People always say.. "oh, he hit the lottery!" I say... we all won.

Apples, but you are right. I think every kid should be home until they have to be in school. This summer I have him in summer camp on Mon, Wed and Fri just so I can go to the gym! I pick him up at 12. He is the absolute funniest person I know. So witty and cute and sneaky and 100% boy! I don't remember my life before him.

ok guys... just wanted to share.


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Janet.........checking in...........need a fill........getting one on the 29th. I have had a monster cold. I can't stop coughing. Hey, you got me hooked on Farmtown, and now I can't stop.

Ah, QVC, I just love their stuff. I just bought a new white leather purse from there.

July Butterfly thread bandsters are adding up the weight we have lost in the last year. So far, over 400lbs and counting. Hard to believe it has been a year.

Charlene - Sorry about the cold - that's the pits - robatussin makes a long lasting cough sryup that works for me when nothing else will..

I haven't farmed in a bit - in fact lost a lot of $$ in my crops - been just too busy between lapband and my life - sometime I have no life and then other times I have one :blushing:)

Not sure what us #7 have done in the last 2 yrs - I know of at least 4 of us who have lost 112 maybe 1 more - and a few who have lost 40ish and one 80 ish..

Fly By Post.........Just jumped in to say "Hey All"!

Took me awhile to catch up with my threads. I see we had a little debate going on in the 50's thread? Poster forgot to leave his negativity at home?

Congrats to all who have lost...especially Long for hitting first goal of under 180lbs. When do you see your doc, Long? Soon, right?

Laura...Nelson is adorable. Makes me miss those days. I was a stay at home mom till my two boys went to school. Happiest time of my life. They were the funniest, smartest, etc., etc.....I am a true believer that all parents should see their children that way!

Ok...been home for 2 hours and on my way out the door again till this evening. I'm AWFUL!!!!! Give me a little freedom and this is what happens!

Girl I wish I had your energy !!!!!

ineed a buddy.cassieme1.

Welcome - Cassieme1 - Tell us where you are in your journey !!!

CassieMe1~ Let me tell you GF, everyone here is so wonderful! If you ever need anything these ladies are the greatest! So genuine and honest. IDK what I would do without this thread?

Ok everyone, I am over all of my disappointment crap that I had going. The fact of the matter is that I've lost 5 lbs. since I've been on my liquid pre-op, and like many of you have said, that is 5 lbs that I will never see again!!!! Thank goodness! So now it is 12 total thus far. I think that most of this is just nerves. I know that I am mentally prepared for the band, but really the only thing that I am worried about is the anesthesia.

My dad did the cutest thing yesterday! I spent all day with him helping him get his boat in the Water and cleaning it up and such. The BF helped too, his dad lives in AZ. Anyhow, we had such a good time. Then it was time to come home and "eat" dinner. My dad loves to BBQ and he made a HUGE slab of ribs (my fav) and mom made a greek salad and potato salad. I stayed out of the dining room and ate my yogurt. It didn't really bother me as much as I thought it would. Anyhow, after they were done eating, I was laying on the couch reading a mag. My dad came up to me, kissed me on the cheek and told me how proud he was of me for doing this and how difficult it must be! It was sooo nice! He did have his doubts, but now he is 100 percent behind me becuase he sees how important to me this is! What a wonderful moment that was. Something I will never forget. It is bringing tears to my eyes just typing it.

Janet~ I think that all of you are so amazing! I also think it is so fantastic that all of you are defying the odds! 50 percent! HA! WTG on your "normal" BMI and your size 4's! You are awesome GF!

Ok, well, just thought I would check in. Like I said, IDK what I would do without this thread? Oh, and Julie~~ NO PIE! Awesome!

CBL~ Meredith

Meredith how sweet of your Dad !!!! I am not a big fan of Mother/Father's day - since I don't have any... So please enjoy every moment that you have with him..

Yep we gotta prove to the world that we are not what they think we are.. We can lose 100% of our excess weight... And just think Apples Me & Long are 50+ so that just shows what you can do since you are our baby:0)

Apples, I was supposed to see my doc on the 30th and it's awesome to know I would've made the goal of under 180 by then. But it got cancelled and rescheduled not til Jul 28th so I will be able to be firmly in the 170's! I'm shooting for 175 now.

Well gals, just got home from a Goodwill shopping trip. After wearing shorts this weekend, I decided I needed more than 1 pair so I got a pair at goodwill. Jones NY for only $3 not too shabby. Size 10's too!! WOO HOO!! I couldn't decide between 2 pairs and one was a 12 and one was a 10 so my daughter said when it doubt go with the better size. LOL

Heck GF you should have gotten and 8 while you were at it for $3 !!!!!

Apples~ Thanks hon. I take no credit for how adorable he is! I am not sure if I ever told you guys the story... Nelson is adopted. I know I told you all about the infertility nightmare... and the 10+ IVFs. After the last one failed, I came home and just cried my eyes out. My DH had already said that was it.. and we were done (emotionally and financially). I got a call from my DGM who lives in Turkey. She is a retired pharmacist and works with the Red Cross. That weekend she had been called to bring some antibiotics to a homeless family that was living in an abandoned building. It was winter in Istanbul and 10 degrees and snowing. Nelson was 6 months old, had a fever of 104 and his lips were blue. He was septic and had pneumonia. He was the 6th child to a 26 year old woman who was doing her best to hold her world together. When my GM told her he was going to die if he didn't go to the hospital she just said, "maybe it is God's will". My GM thought to herself, "not on my shift!" and took him to the hospital and stayed with him the entire week. The mother did not even come to check on him for 7 days! (she did have 5 little ones.. no money.. and no one to help her). Anyway, it's such a long beautiful story.. and one day I hope to write a book. When the pediatrician told her he had asthma and needed lots of care... he then asked her if she would consider letting another family love him. She said that THIS was the prayer she had been asking. <tearful here> Thus began the beginning of MY PRAYER being answered. The next day my parents dropped EVERYTHING they were doing and flew to Turkey. I stayed here and started the adoption proceedings. (home study, got a lawyer, drug screen, etc..) I left the next week and the rest is history. This beautiful angel who looks JUST like my husband... saved us. People always say.. "oh, he hit the lottery!" I say... we all won.

Apples, but you are right. I think every kid should be home until they have to be in school. This summer I have him in summer camp on Mon, Wed and Fri just so I can go to the gym! I pick him up at 12. He is the absolute funniest person I know. So witty and cute and sneaky and 100% boy! I don't remember my life before him.

ok guys... just wanted to share.



What a lovely and tear jearking story !!!! What a blessing for you... I am so glad that you are getting healthy so that you can be around for a long time to come for your precious angel...

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Janet, I was thinking the same thing after I left

Goodwill especially since the 8s had a yellow tag which meant 50% off so they'd have been $1.50, what was I thinking? But alas, Grandma loves to go to Goodwill so there's always next time.

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What a wonderful story, Laura. I went through the infertility thing with my BF for years. She had tubal pregnancies and finally was able to adopt 2 children. They are 24 and 19 now and she was a very good momma. I don't care how kids come into our lives...they are just ALL precious. I think that the most wonderful thing about our large group of friends is that we get to enjoy all of their grandchildren and children. They all know where "Aunties" treat basket is and "Auntie" always has a kids puzzle or movie for them. I would have had 1/2 doz if God would have let me.

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Yeah, I have pretty much stopped going to the chat room and some of the other threads. One day all the chatters could talk about was some baby mama drama among the banders. Who needs that??? :confused:(can always watch Jerry Springer show)

You guys are always there with a word of encouragement and positive attitude and us newbies are soooooo grateful! :blushing:

And I love QVC tooo! Love BE, Laura Geller, cooks essentials and too many more!! I would end up paying them more than they paid me if I worked there I think (and DH would agree--lol)! I always hit the QVC outlet store when we go to the beach in Delaware. Great deals :biggrin:

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Laura, a beautiful story, and again, just reaffirms my faith that everything happens as it's supposed to happen -- it is all out of our hands. I raised my 3 step kids - my DS was already 21 and then I met my hubby and his kids were 3, 8 and 11 -- so I started over again, but it was a blessing and I love them just like they were mine. My precious GD is really only a step GD, but I love her just as much as if she were my blood -- my saying is blood may be thicker than Water, but love is all that matters. I always tell everyone that my GD has my smile because she really does -- honestly, if you look at pics of me when I was a kid and then look at her and her smile you'd understand what I mean. LOL. Nelson is very lucky -- as you and your DH were as well -- what a wonderful happy ending for all 3 of you! Linda

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To all of you~Thanks for all of your kind words. It is so true that so much of what happens in our lives is fate. And then the other half is what we do and how we react to our fate!

And I am so THANKFUL that I did get this band and help take control of my health and my future! Nelson was a big reason for wanting to live a long and healthy life. We are older parents, and I would hate to leave a child with parents full of health problems that were all my fault and could have been prevented. At least now I have a good shot at living longer!

Meredith~ Your story about what happened with your Dad was so sweet! You are so blessed to have such a support system. You are going to do great! I just know it! : ) My family was instrumental with my "recovery". My mom helped take care of Nelson and the house. Mom would usually give Nelson his dinner early and then when they (DH, mom and dad) would eat... Nelson and I would go to my room and watch cartoons and play! And I know I helped pave the way for my sis's surgery. Everyone has been so careful to not sauté' garlic and onions while she was on Clear liquids, for example.

Mrs Bubba~ WTG! So proud of you! No pie?! After all the talk of those berries! I am very proud of you. : )

Long~ I love your Goodwill story! I need to go there and look. (especially after all the stuff I have sent there!)

Our next support group with my dr they are having a clothes exchange! I feel bad cuz I JUST got the email today and last week I took 3 bags of stuff to goodwill! Oh well. Also we are having a recipe exchange.

Hope everyone is having a great Monday night!


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Meredith...nice to hear that you are hanging in there. What a special Papa you have. Looking forward to walking through this jouney with you. It's people in all different stages that keep me coming back. I love "meeting" and visiting with all of you.

Julie...whew.......done with the pie social for this year. I have to commend you on not eating the pie. I LOVE pie and make it quite often. Cannot tolerate the crust.

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Yeah, I have pretty much stopped going to the chat room and some of the other threads. One day all the chatters could talk about was some baby mama drama among the banders. Who needs that??? :confused:(can always watch Jerry Springer show)

You guys are always there with a word of encouragement and positive attitude and us newbies are soooooo grateful! :blushing:

And I love QVC tooo! Love BE, Laura Geller, cooks essentials and too many more!! I would end up paying them more than they paid me if I worked there I think (and DH would agree--lol)! I always hit the QVC outlet store when we go to the beach in Delaware. Great deals :biggrin:

Kath - I use to venture all over LBT and post - have butted heads with a few - rarely do it now adays - I will read the rants & raves - but usually don't reply - well the other day I did and I posted cuz someone really pissed me off on their response to the OP

Sometimes you just have to take a stand - well a lady from my Original 50+ thread from 2 yrs ago had posted too - and I pm'd her - to say hi as she doesn't post in the 50 thread anymore - well she gave me some bad news - Green who was also in the 50+ thread when I joined 2 yrs ago has passed away..

I am very sad about her passing - she was a funny and great lady - I would say her & bjean were my mentors - they told the truth that the band was just a tool and would explain pbing - sllime etc without getting pissed ;0)

So Gang if you would do me a little favor - say an extra little prayer for her & her family... I would greatly appreciate it..

Laura, a beautiful story, and again, just reaffirms my faith that everything happens as it's supposed to happen -- it is all out of our hands. I raised my 3 step kids - my DS was already 21 and then I met my hubby and his kids were 3, 8 and 11 -- so I started over again, but it was a blessing and I love them just like they were mine. My precious GD is really only a step GD, but I love her just as much as if she were my blood -- my saying is blood may be thicker than Water, but love is all that matters. I always tell everyone that my GD has my smile because she really does -- honestly, if you look at pics of me when I was a kid and then look at her and her smile you'd understand what I mean. LOL. Nelson is very lucky -- as you and your DH were as well -- what a wonderful happy ending for all 3 of you! Linda

Oh Linda I couldn't agree with you more - I truly beleive everything does happen for a reason !!!

To all of you~Thanks for all of your kind words. It is so true that so much of what happens in our lives is fate. And then the other half is what we do and how we react to our fate!

And I am so THANKFUL that I did get this band and help take control of my health and my future! Nelson was a big reason for wanting to live a long and healthy life. We are older parents, and I would hate to leave a child with parents full of health problems that were all my fault and could have been prevented. At least now I have a good shot at living longer!

Meredith~ Your story about what happened with your Dad was so sweet! You are so blessed to have such a support system. You are going to do great! I just know it! : ) My family was instrumental with my "recovery". My mom helped take care of Nelson and the house. Mom would usually give Nelson his dinner early and then when they (DH, mom and dad) would eat... Nelson and I would go to my room and watch cartoons and play! And I know I helped pave the way for my sis's surgery. Everyone has been so careful to not sauté' garlic and onions while she was on Clear Liquids, for example.

Mrs Bubba~ WTG! So proud of you! No pie?! After all the talk of those berries! I am very proud of you. : )

Long~ I love your Goodwill story! I need to go there and look. (especially after all the stuff I have sent there!)

Our next support group with my dr they are having a clothes exchange! I feel bad cuz I JUST got the email today and last week I took 3 bags of stuff to goodwill! Oh well. Also we are having a recipe exchange.

Hope everyone is having a great Monday night!


Laura - Yep it's fate and the choices we make that brings us to the now

Meredith...nice to hear that you are hanging in there. What a special Papa you have. Looking forward to walking through this jouney with you. It's people in all different stages that keep me coming back. I love "meeting" and visiting with all of you.

Julie...whew.......done with the pie social for this year. I have to commend you on not eating the pie. I LOVE pie and make it quite often. Cannot tolerate the crust.


I wish I couldn't tolerate crust :0) - I have maybe 3 piece of pie in 2 yrs - it's not a problem for me - I don't think I have any problems with any food.. Well can't say I have tried a submarine sandwich or hamburger - I think those 2 things wouldn't go - but everything else - watch out...

Well gang back from the gym - got the kitchen clean and dinner started - omg - I almost burned my artichoke... the Water was all gone - see what happens when I get on the computer and don't set the timer.. :0)

Well off to eat my artichoke and fish and maybe some cauliflower - I will cbl :blush:

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Janet....I, too, enjoyed Green's posts. She was straight to the point. I had heard a couple of weeks ago that she passed. Didn't know that she was one of the original 50's. So sad.

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Apples, Congratulations on your 1 year band anniversary - I missed it last week, so just wanted to say congratulations and thanks for sharing with us newer bandsters and inspiring us. So sorry to hear of your friend's passing Apples and Janet, I will say a prayer for her family. Meredith, I loved your story about your dad -- what a great dad you have -- and now you only have 3 days left till your band day!! You're going to do so great. Julie, hope you can relax now and get some rest. My dept. was celebrating its 10 year anniversary at work - and we had a little party -- cake and punch. Since I work at night and weekends, I rarely see anyone except my immediate co-workers. Several people from different departments told me how great I look and one girl even told me I look younger! I was worried before that I'd look older after I lost weight, but so far so good. I talked to two different people who didn't even recognize me at first -- then all of a sudden they said, "oh, Linda, it's YOU!" That was fun too and the best NSV I've had to date. I brought home the piece of cake they had put on my desk and gave it to my sweets loving DH. Better in he than in me! Have a great day tomorrow everyone. It's supposed to be 105 here in central Iowa -- along with 98% humidity! Linda

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Apples, Congratulations on your 1 year band anniversary - I missed it last week, so just wanted to say congratulations and thanks for sharing with us newer bandsters and inspiring us. So sorry to hear of your friend's passing Apples and Janet, I will say a prayer for her family. Meredith, I loved your story about your dad -- what a great dad you have -- and now you only have 3 days left till your band day!! You're going to do so great. Julie, hope you can relax now and get some rest. My dept. was celebrating its 10 year anniversary at work - and we had a little party -- cake and punch. Since I work at night and weekends, I rarely see anyone except my immediate co-workers. Several people from different departments told me how great I look and one girl even told me I look younger! I was worried before that I'd look older after I lost weight, but so far so good. I talked to two different people who didn't even recognize me at first -- then all of a sudden they said, "oh, Linda, it's YOU!" That was fun too and the best NSV I've had to date. I brought home the piece of cake they had put on my desk and gave it to my sweets loving DH. Better in he than in me! Have a great day tomorrow everyone. It's supposed to be 105 here in central Iowa -- along with 98% humidity! Linda

Good goin' on the cake, Linda. The band sure makes it easier to pass all that stuff up. It's not going to make food choices for us but just having it is a reminder of our new and healthy way of living. I hope and pray that it is with me (and works as well as it does) until I leave this world. Also, great NSV with the co-workers. Isn't it fun when people really start to notice???? VERY warm this week in MN also. Crops look good though with the rain we had over the weekend.

Mornin' to the rest of the gang. Hope everyone is having a great day. Running around getting caught up so I can leave again in the morning. Have a bunch of GF's :wub:joining me for a few days. Floating rafts, foo foo drinks, movies, board and card games, etc. :smile2: Big celebration over the weekend in the little town close to our resort. Should be a fun filled weekend. Wish I could snap my fingers and all of you could join me. I am fun....honestly....I would make sure you all had plenty to do, drink and eat. Ohhhhh, maybe next weekend?

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    • Bashbee91

      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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