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I guess this is what you might call a little NSV that happened this week...Like so many women, I have at least 3 different wardrobes--fat, fatter and fattest(not too mention the few dreaded-"omg even the fattest are tight" tent pieces:cursing:). My DH has always complained that I have too many clothes even though I always felt like I had nothing to wear :)...you know the story. Well, a couple of girls at work this week have been commenting on my "new" outfits. Funny thing is I have had these things for a long time but haven't fit into them for at least 2 years!!! :) Granted these are still "plus sizes" but it's still a great feeling. I can't wait to say goodbye to the plus sizes and have so many more options for clothes shopping! Definitely gonna need some new stuff this fall/winter I predict! (OMG I hope so!)

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Good Morning Gang - I read some post yesterday but had a full morning - My Fur Babies had Vet appointment at 9 - had to get to the gym by 7 so I would be home by 8 so that I could shower and dress - then didn't get home til after 12 (went and got new collars for the babies and food) then I read and napped most of yesterday :0)...

Hi all,

I wanted to check in a say hello. Everything is going really well. I have been working out and trying for the most part to eat well. Anyways Long congrats on the loss !!!

1Day - That's great - keep it up and you will get the hang of things - the more you do of that - the more it will just become habit..

Hello everyone! I'm back from my trip and happy to see all of you are doing well. Long, congratulations on another great accomplishment -- I think you already deserve the gold medal, but if Janet is making you do another 10 pounds for the gold, I know you will do it. Such a great inspiration!

I guess we're "lap band sisters.

" Janet, all I can say is "Wowzeeee!" You look fantastic and soooo skinny -- I'd never ever guess you were ever a fat chick. Love that color of your blouse on you -- so pretty with your skin and hair.

Well, I went to the Lake of Ozarks and behaved pretty well, had a delish margarita one night and a couple of other frozen drinks (someone brought one of those tubs you mix with vodka) and they tasted really great (considering I've had no alcohol since probably Nov. or Dec. LOL. I only had two meals that were not strictly on my plan. One was a chopped salad at an Italian restaurant that has a famous parmesean Salad Dressing and we went there ESPECIALLY for that salad. But I ordered a small and didn't touch the roll or butter, so that was a victory for me. That same night we met some other friends at a pizza place and the only thing I could order was some Pasta with a pink sauce with shrimp, so I ate the shrimp and had a few bites of the Pasta and then I offered it to another girl who ate some and so I wouldn't eat the rest I opened the salt shaker and dumped enough in it that would make me not want it. But I was bad and didn't get any exercise in (four days). But the good new is, is that my shoulder which has been bothering me for almost 2 months didn't hurt today when I went back to the gym, so I think that 4 days rest was what it needed to finish healing. So, that's a good thing. I won't weigh until my regular day on Tues., so I hope I did okay. But I had several NSV which I want to share. One of my friends I've always thought of as "thin" gave me an outfit to try on. She said, "it's a little snug on me, but I think it will fit you, so try it on. If you like it you can have it." I said, "oh, I don't think that will fit ME." But OMG, it DID! I couldn't believe it. However, like everyone else, when I look in the mirror, I still see the old me, not the new me when I look in the mirror. Well, after that, there was no stopping me. One of the girls had set up a fashion show at the Dress Barn at the outlet mall and I was shocked at what cute clothes Dress Barn has!

Well, to say the least, I spent the most money (by a large margin). I was so busy trying on clothes that I could probably have counted it as exercise (only kidding). But too many cute things and I made it into a size 16 without elastic!! Oh what a thrill! It's been over 10 years since I've had on any pants without elastic. So I'm happy happy now. LOL. And, I was able to wear Large tops and even some mediums. That's a big difference from 3X and 4X I was wearing in January. Just had to share all this good news with my friends here on LBT. Thanks to you all for your support every day. I love you all. Linda

Linda - You are too kind !!! The game I play in my mind to help with the fat chick vs skinny chick - is to say to myself when I meet new pple is this is how they know me - they don't know I use to be a fat chick - so I am a skinny chick as that's what they see - it takes awhile - and I have freinds who roll their eyes at me when I complain that I have gained 3 lbs... But I am very aware that those 3 lbs can have be back to 250 if I'm not careful and stay on top of them..

Congrats' on your 16's !!!!! You know what as I went down in sized - about once a month - I kept thinking that this was as low as I would get - but then I would go shopping again and the next month I was in a smaller size - Just make sure you have freinds to give your clothes away too :0) cuz that's what you will be doing in another month :0)

As to your weekend a few drinks -eating a little more than normal (and gf it's sure in the heck a lot less than what we use to eat) is normal - it's life - it's what skinny pple do - they just don't do it every day - they just do it now and again.. We have to live our lives as normal pple and normal pple have a couple of drink & higher calories food - but just like you did they skip the bread and butter... WTG...

And yes - trying on clothes is considered exercise ~~~~:)

Linda~ WOW! Sounds like your trip was a success! Thanks for the nice comments. : )

Your clothes stories are so cool! I know what you mean about the mirror. I guess we have seen the fat reflection for so long, that we do not see anything changing. Almost like people that are around us all the time. When I get in a funk, I look at the before and latest after pics I took in just bra and panties. No way to lie there! When I lose enough I might get brave enough to post one. I can't imagine buying a 16! Hell, I can't imagine buying in stores. For so long have bought my 4x shorts online at JJill. I am now in the 2x, but still don't find much stuff in stores. I think I haven't shopped for so long, that I don't know where to go. But, I don't want to buy too much b/c I don't plan on being this size for too long. I have two shorts, one pant, and one skirt in 2x. I have THROWN OUT (given to charity) all of my bigger clothes! That feels so good. It sounds like your eating was like mine on va-cay. It's tough. I wasn't perfect.. but did ok. You might be surprised on weigh day! And personally, I think the trying on clothes counts as exercise!!! Imagine if you had a pedometer on! Re: food you don't want to eat.. I do the same thing. Either salt or throw in garbage then throw coffee grounds and cat food on it. In a restaurant I put half a bottle of hot sauce..LOL Then it's OUT of the game.

Strange thing guys... after this last fill, I don't feel anything now. Absolutely nothing getting stuck (even tried a few times just to see)... and able to eat a bit more than I should. (although I am not). I was just hoping for a bit closer to sweet spot. My surgeon was so convinced this was "it" that he wouldn't let me make an appt for "next fill". He said call us if/when you need us, it might be a while. Hmmmm. So i will give it a week or so.

Meredith~ I am so proud of you!!! Keep up the good work!!! I too LOVE thunderstorms! FL is a nice place for those. Although Nelson hates them... and so it is a stressful time everytime it thunders. I KNOW you are going to do great! Just imagine a year from now we will be saying... do you remember a year ago.. wow! look at you now!!! :)

Today off to the beach with Nelson! (It's 5 miles from our house!) I am feeling better this summer just to get the energy to go... and to get on a nice suit. Although truth been told, I have never had much modesty when it comes to suits..LOL. DH is on call Fri, sat and sun. Maybe we will see him tomorrow for an hour... even if we have to put on scrubs and go sit in an OR..LOL



GF let me tell you when you were a 4 or 3 all you could find was 2's and when you are a 2 all you can find is 4 and 3's well let me tell you its always going to be that way no matter what size you are when you are looking for 16's you won't be able to find them - you will see tons of 2's & 1's and 14's then when you are a 14 all you will find is 18 16 -12 & 10

It doesn't seem to matter what size you are when you are looking for stuff in your size it's never there.. always tons above and below but never your size....

Who would have ever thought that looking for 4's would be a hard thing - well pple I am here to attest that it is - there are always 12' 10's 8's & 6s - I have a hard time finding 4's who would have thunk that !!!

Good Morning Everyone !! I've been up since 7:00, catching up on my reading and it sounds like you guys are doing so good !!! PJ, I am so glad you are better !! So far, I have not been sick and I hope I can stay that way ! I'm sorta worried about when I get closer to the "sweet spot" that I will have problems also, but maybe not ! ljv52, I love that feeling when you try on something and it fits !!!! Yesterday at work, a friend if mine gave me 2 pair of capris, size 18, that were too small for her and she told me to take them home and see if I could wear them. And , oh, the good feeling when I tried them on !!! I know an 18 is a big size, but when your used to a 22 or a 24, an 18 is AWESOME !! And I will get down to a 12 or a 10 one day ! I promise myself that !! But for now I'm going to enjoy the small victories !! I'm so glad everyone is doing good !! KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK !!! I almost forgot WAY TO GO L2bT on your goal !!! I didn't notice it untill I posted my loss this wk., but I feel short .5 of my 40 pd. loss, but thats o.k. I WILL get it maybe next wk. !!!

Doodle - You have the right attiditute!! and 18 is smaller than a 24 or 22 - and yes it's hard to even think you will be a 10 or a 12 - I thought the same way (and I started out at 22/24 tops and 18 pants) I was happy when I got to a 14 pant and xl tops... I thought that was going to be it - but as long as you keep working your eating healthy & exercise - it will come - I promise you it will..

As to that 1/2 lb dont' sweat it - 39.5 IS EXCELLENT WTG!!

Well, I am pretty disgusted! I weighed myself today all excited to see some weight loss on the scale. I have been following my pre-op liquid diet plan to the "T". Still no cheats since the olives! My clothes do feel a bit bigger though and people at work are already telling me that my face is looking much thinner. However, when I got to my parents house today after work and weighed myself, I found that I was the EXACT SAME WEIGHT AS I WAS ON TUESDAY!!!!!! I am so mad. What is going on here? I'm getting between 800 and 1100 calories per day, and 45-60 grams of Protein. Why have I not lost? I've even been walking too! I'm frustrated now and am wondering if it is even possible for me to ever lose this? I keep hearing about all of these people who lost 10-20 pounds on the liquid diet before surgery! Mine is on Friday and it is not working for me yet! What is up with that? Can anyone help me figure this out?

Ok, sorry, needed to vent. I just don't get it.

CBL- We are having problems at home with our Internet connection.



You can't get discourage - I know it's hard - cuz we are eating so very much less than we use to we think that the weight is just going to fall off - well it doesn't I know that you expected a big loss on that scale and when it didn't show it to you it depresses you - but as you say your freinds are seeing a diff and your clothes are looser - that shows you - that you are losing - that's why it's a good thing to take measurements too - there will be weeks that you may not lose on the scales but your clothes will be looser and you will go down in your sizes... Your body is re-adjusting itself..

It can just be Water weight - if you got on the scales every day - every day it's going to give you a diff # - we need our scales - but sometimes they aren't a true reflection of our progress - So please don't let that # get you down - you are doing great - just keep it up and in the end it WILL all work out...

As to the 10 20 lbs - it all depends on how much you have to lose - and most of that is just Water weight -

I weighed 250 on 7/6 - I don't remember weighing in the morning of surgery - but weighed when I got home 242 - so on the pre-op (which was only a 1 week for me with 2 days of Clear liquids and 2 colon cleanings (had colonoscopy on 7/13 - I didn't lose crap like I thought I would have)

Hi All.. I got Banned in March and have had 2 fills, but I am still hungry all the time.. I have lost 30 lbs, but I never seem to be full.. I find myself eating more than I should,, Does anyone else have this problem? What am I doing wrong..I get scared that I am going to mess this up like all the other diets I have been on.. Please help..:unsure:

BSW Welcome..

Congrats on your 30 lbs - Remember banders are expected to lose 1-2 lbs a week - so you are right on schedule...

#1 this isn't a diet - please please don't think of it that way - this is a lifestyle change in your eating and exercise... Eating healthy isn't a diet - What we consider normal eating is what got us fat in the 1st place...

What are you eating - how much are you eating per meal are you full after a meal..

Like I have said a million times for me my band doesn't take away what I think of has hunger - most of our hunger is head hunger which manifest it's self into us feelling hungry when are tummys are actually full..

But again if you aren't full after a meal you may need another fill - but we need to know what you are eating hard protiens vs slider foods.

Hi All -

Everybody seems to be doing well these days. I've had a computer issue for a couple of days - now resolved apparently. Just in case, we bought a back-up drive yesterday. I have MANY pictures of children, grandchildren and the little great-granddaughter - it would break my heart to lose those pictures. Also a few(!) quilt designs hanging around my harddrive... All three of my children are photographers, as is DH and one of my granddaughters. I'm working on some designs using hubby's flower pictures - he does amazing work, and does not refuse me the copyright (as long as I credit his photography)... haha.

But the real success of the costco shopping trip was the other bargain I found. WiiFIT!!! $78.00. I had almost given up finding one - they have been so scarce around here, and even online they have been gone before I finished the order form - and have not seen them under $120. We arrived at costco shortly after they opened yesterday morning and there was a big stack of them. We only went in for vegies and milk, so hubby did not expect to spend much - ended up with the external hard drive and a WiiFit. No way I was walking out of that store without it! I got it all set up this morning and got started with my assessment and first workout. I'm pretty sure I love it. They also had the EA game for $49, but I decided to go with the Fit first - we'll probably add the EA later. Lesson learned - go to Costco early.

Best to all...

Joanne - I live my Wii fit and it's a great starter - I also got the EA but if you haven't been working out it's harder - so I say that the fit program is a good starting place -

As you all know I do work out - cardio & weight training and the Wii Fitness - does make me sweat !!! My LB DD tried my EA (now remember she runs marathons now so she is in shape) when we 1st started the EA she said - oh this is to easy - well by the time we got 1/2 way thru she was sweating and it takes a lot for her to sweat,,

Good afternoon! All my jumping up and down yesterday over my hitting the 170's, I must've worked off another pound, in the 178's now. :)

BSW, hard to say what you are doing wrong, if anything, without knowing what you are doing. What are you eating? how much? how often? exercise?? water??? Are you eating 4 to 8 oz a meal, 80% hard Protein first, then veggies, then starches if room. Are you not drinking with meals? Are you having slider foods, Snacks? etc. Some folks take many fills to hit that sweet spot and for some it's just one or two. Janet here only needed 2 fills, I've had 7. Everyone is different. Give us some more to work with, there are many successful folks here and Janet is an amazing mentor and am sure will be happy to help you as well.


You are my jedi warrior !!! CONGRATS ON YOUR 178!!!

I guess this is what you might call a little NSV that happened this week...Like so many women, I have at least 3 different wardrobes--fat, fatter and fattest(not too mention the few dreaded-"omg even the fattest are tight" tent pieces:cursing:). My DH has always complained that I have too many clothes even though I always felt like I had nothing to wear :sad:...you know the story. Well, a couple of girls at work this week have been commenting on my "new" outfits. Funny thing is I have had these things for a long time but haven't fit into them for at least 2 years!!! :) Granted these are still "plus sizes" but it's still a great feeling. I can't wait to say goodbye to the plus sizes and have so many more options for clothes shopping! Definitely gonna need some new stuff this fall/winter I predict! (OMG I hope so!)


Fantastic - it's funny how pple think that some of our clothes are new - when they really were old and that we had just got too fat to fit into them - I too had tons of stuff to wear like that :0) - In fact - I had this dress I just loved - and I put it on and it was one of my skin fat dresses - well it hung on me - that was such a great feeling

Remember hope is not an option - You WILL be needing new clothes by this fall :0)

Well, gang - I started this an hour ago - my paper should be here - gotta see what's on sale - get dressed and go get nails & grocerys done - Will CBL Hugs :wub:

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Thanks, IndioGirl, for the shout out !! YES YES YES, I will get there but for now, I'm definitely going to enjoy the compliments, and all the "new" cloths that have been in my closet forever!!! You are such a sweetheart for all you do !! It's ppl like you that is making this journey much more pleasant!!

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Thanks, IndioGirl, for the shout out !! YES YES YES, I will get there but for now, I'm definitely going to enjoy the compliments, and all the "new" cloths that have been in my closet forever!!! You are such a sweetheart for all you do !! It's ppl like you that is making this journey much more pleasant!!


Gotta tell you there were a few items that I hated to give away - the were in my "plus skinny size" I hung on to a few - saying I was going to get them altered - but I would alway look at those as my fat clothes - so I got rid of everything- i didn't keep anything....

I had wonderful ladies who helped me along the way - That's why I call Long my Jedi Warrior - she as been posting since day one of this thread and look how far she come - it's not just about the weight she's lost (oh someone said why doesn't she have the gold now - well it's not that doesn't but it's about striving for something that has been totally out of our reach before - even with the band we are only suppose to lose 50% of our excess weight - I think that's saying something about fat pple that we can't do it - and in 10 lbs - she has proven the #'s pple how wrong they can be - and another plus - is our age - we aren't spring ckickens any more - but look - we can lose the weight even at our age.. She's my jedi warrior cuz she knows her stuff she understand the changes in our mind that have to be made to be successfull

I always say if they could only band our heads - the real problem with our weight would be solved - cuz the majority of our problem with food is more in our heads than in our tummys.. The statistics prove that threory...

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Ah Janet, your post almost brought tears to my eyes. You have been such an intrigal part of my journey and I owe a lot to you! I mostly just post here and my Junebug thread now. I still go to 50's somewhat but am finding it not to be as friendly or supportive anymore. Too much band bashing between the person that got sleeved and the other that got bypassed. I understand the band isn't for everyone and some have had bad experiences, but feel this is a band support forum and they shouldn't be so negative about it either, I mean to tell a newly banded person that maybe they didn't get the right surgery more or less was cruel.

Yes I do feel in a way I have earned the gold. I am far beyond where I ever thought possible for me to be weight wise. If I never lose another pound this will all be totally worth it. I can live in the 170's and wear a size 10 and stay off my b/p meds forever. BUT....it would be so cool to lose every ounce of my 'excess body weight' to first of all be a 'normal BMI' and 2nd of all to prove all those stats wrong that say banders lose only 50% and it takes them 2 to 3 years. I lost about 90% of my excess body weight in a year. So I am in no way offended by saying I still have the gold to reach, heck maybe it's the platinum? :)

Doodle, enjoy those 'new' clothes. I still have a few in my closet that I hang on to, but am probably going to be tossing them soon. Goodwill has gotta be liking me these days. Speaking of Goodwill am taking my grandma shopping there tomorrow. Maybe I'll have to check it out too. I am loving my shorts and only have one pair, if I can find a cheap longer pair that would be great. My legs are what bother me the most skin wise.

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Ah Janet, your post almost brought tears to my eyes. You have been such an intrigal part of my journey and I owe a lot to you! I mostly just post here and my Junebug thread now. I still go to 50's somewhat but am finding it not to be as friendly or supportive anymore. Too much band bashing between the person that got sleeved and the other that got bypassed. I understand the band isn't for everyone and some have had bad experiences, but feel this is a band support forum and they shouldn't be so negative about it either, I mean to tell a newly banded person that maybe they didn't get the right surgery more or less was cruel.

Yes I do feel in a way I have earned the gold. I am far beyond where I ever thought possible for me to be weight wise. If I never lose another pound this will all be totally worth it. I can live in the 170's and wear a size 10 and stay off my b/p meds forever. BUT....it would be so cool to lose every ounce of my 'excess body weight' to first of all be a 'normal BMI' and 2nd of all to prove all those stats wrong that say banders lose only 50% and it takes them 2 to 3 years. I lost about 90% of my excess body weight in a year. So I am in no way offended by saying I still have the gold to reach, heck maybe it's the platinum? :)

Doodle, enjoy those 'new' clothes. I still have a few in my closet that I hang on to, but am probably going to be tossing them soon. Goodwill has gotta be liking me these days. Speaking of Goodwill am taking my grandma shopping there tomorrow. Maybe I'll have to check it out too. I am loving my shorts and only have one pair, if I can find a cheap longer pair that would be great. My legs are what bother me the most skin wise.

I don't venture to the 50's often - don't have the time between here and my #7 thread and a life :0)...

Do I didn't know there was stuff going on about the sleeve person ?? And well HH is a butthead... Like I said our paths have crossed before - There are many on this board who like to get personal and attack others - I have seen some big fights - This is why I am so careful with my post - I want to give tough band love but you can't hear the tone of my voice or the expression on my face when I post - so I am very mindful of my tone and really truly try not to come off to abrupt...

Yes GF I knew you weren't offended - and I always admired that you are reaching for the brass ring - I was exactly like you - but I really really wanted that normal bmi...

Ya we will call it the Platinum Ring with some diamonique :0)

Girls - Long use to work at QVC and I'm a big Qvc girl :0)

Hugs gf - you have and are doing wonderful !!! And like I said you have been around the longest - I sent beckyo and email the other day - but no reply :) I miss her - you her charlene - I hate losing my kids :0)

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I thought of Beckyo the other day. She used to post what she ate every day. And Ellen (Wiredshut) where are you??

Just ordered me some QVC today. My DD got an email to advance order the Bare Escentuals Todays special Value so we got our's ordered. Love that make up!

Janet, the sleeve person on 50s wasn't stirring up too much like the other person but she's just so negative about the band to others. I feel for those that had bad luck with the band as it's been so wonderful for me, but sometimes think they get a little zealous trying to save the rest. We all need to be aware of the risks of whatever procedure we have but because one has a bad reaction doesn't mean another will. I believe all types of WLS are good for different folks for different reasons. Of course, I am partial to my band right now, but sleeve was not an option for me at the time either.

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I thought of Beckyo the other day. She used to post what she ate every day. And Ellen (Wiredshut) where are you??

Just ordered me some QVC today. My DD got an email to advance order the Bare Escentuals Todays special Value so we got our's ordered. Love that make up!

Janet, the sleeve person on 50s wasn't stirring up too much like the other person but she's just so negative about the band to others. I feel for those that had bad luck with the band as it's been so wonderful for me, but sometimes think they get a little zealous trying to save the rest. We all need to be aware of the risks of whatever procedure we have but because one has a bad reaction doesn't mean another will. I believe all types of WLS are good for different folks for different reasons. Of course, I am partial to my band right now, but sleeve was not an option for me at the time either.

Well, I agree with you 100 % I love my band - and have been very lucky - luckier than most 2 fills to my sweet spot..

I like the BE eyeshadow - I like the smashbox bare mineral stuff better than BE - BE is to yellow for me and felt like a mask one my face.. And Leslie bugs me - one time she was sorta rude to one of the models... I know her and lisa are ace coom boom buddies ... I love the phylosophy lady - she seems really nice - can't think of their names at the moment - you know 50 moment ;0)

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Well, I agree with you 100 % I love my band - and have been very lucky - luckier than most 2 fills to my sweet spot..

I like the BE eyeshadow - I like the smashbox bare mineral stuff better than BE - BE is to yellow for me and felt like a mask one my face.. And Leslie bugs me - one time she was sorta rude to one of the models... I know her and lisa are ace coom boom buddies ... I love the phylosophy lady - she seems really nice - can't think of their names at the moment - you know 50 moment ;0)

I didn't even know Smashbox had a bare mineral makeup that must've came out after I left there. Have you tried other shades of BE?? I get the tan. Leslie is a little phony and Lisa R OMG. All the hosts there were pretty nice except her and Bob B. (he's no longer there) they had a real celebrity air about them. They'd hardly acknowlege you if you ran into them in the halls etc. Everyone else there was a joy to work with and it was really a fun place. The Quacker Factory lady, Jeanne Bice, was a hoot and her shows were fun to work.

Question, I get up a little after 4 every day for work. How come some days I am ready 20 min early and have time to kill before work and others I am rushing out the door? GRRRR Don't like having spare time I could've slept in the early morning hours. :(

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Morning everyone, I'm back.... took me an hour to catach up with all the posts from just 2 days.... some weekends are very quiet on here, but not this one.. Anyway, I made it through the big "pie and ice cream" event here at my house... It was a success with over 200 people and making almost $800 for our church.. Too much of the work fell to me and DH, so will want that to change should they want to do it again next year.. I DID NOT EAT A PIECE OF PIE!!!!!!! I licked a finger once or twice, but did not take a piece to eat. I did have a cup of the homemade ice cream.. It was just so good..... Yesterday was more relaxing with church outside at a local park... Then just at home with some friends and family... Today I'm home alone and loving it... Just need some time to regroup and catch up a bit.. Have some clothes in the washer... Need to get something planned for supper....

I love all the talk about sizes... Congrats to all who are enjoying getting into a size that amazes them... I, too, have been experiencing this.. I just bought a shirt that is a size 18/20..... Haven't had one for YEARS!!!! It feels so good... I was sitting on my deck and caught a glimpse of myself in the glass door reflection... I couldn't hardly believe it was me!!! We need to remember all these feelings on the days that we start fleeling blue or out of control....

Sorry, but I'm not going to respond to each one today... just too many to catch up on... Everyone, just keep the faith and be proud of what you have accomplished already.. Even better things are right around the corner for all of us.... Thanks for being here for me.... and I'm here for you if you need me.... Have a great day....... Julie

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I didn't even know Smashbox had a bare mineral makeup that must've came out after I left there. Have you tried other shades of BE?? I get the tan. Leslie is a little phony and Lisa R OMG. All the hosts there were pretty nice except her and Bob B. (he's no longer there) they had a real celebrity air about them. They'd hardly acknowlege you if you ran into them in the halls etc. Everyone else there was a joy to work with and it was really a fun place. The Quacker Factory lady, Jeanne Bice, was a hoot and her shows were fun to work.

Question, I get up a little after 4 every day for work. How come some days I am ready 20 min early and have time to kill before work and others I am rushing out the door? GRRRR Don't like having spare time I could've slept in the early morning hours. :(

Lisa Mason is one of my most fav - she seems very real..

Ya on saw on FB that Bob had gotten too big for his briches - I like David better anyway..

Smashbox stuff is new - you shave it off - they have a regular foundation that's mositurising and then the glow which I love this time of year for color.

Some days our hair and makeup go on faster than others - I too hate when you have 15 min to kill nothing really to do in that period of time cuz you are watching the clock - I just come to work...

Morning everyone, I'm back.... took me an hour to catach up with all the posts from just 2 days.... some weekends are very quiet on here, but not this one.. Anyway, I made it through the big "pie and ice cream" event here at my house... It was a success with over 200 people and making almost $800 for our church.. Too much of the work fell to me and DH, so will want that to change should they want to do it again next year.. I DID NOT EAT A PIECE OF PIE!!!!!!! I licked a finger once or twice, but did not take a piece to eat. I did have a cup of the homemade ice cream.. It was just so good..... Yesterday was more relaxing with church outside at a local park... Then just at home with some friends and family... Today I'm home alone and loving it... Just need some time to regroup and catch up a bit.. Have some clothes in the washer... Need to get something planned for supper....

I love all the talk about sizes... Congrats to all who are enjoying getting into a size that amazes them... I, too, have been experiencing this.. I just bought a shirt that is a size 18/20..... Haven't had one for YEARS!!!! It feels so good... I was sitting on my deck and caught a glimpse of myself in the glass door reflection... I couldn't hardly believe it was me!!! We need to remember all these feelings on the days that we start fleeling blue or out of control....

Sorry, but I'm not going to respond to each one today... just too many to catch up on... Everyone, just keep the faith and be proud of what you have accomplished already.. Even better things are right around the corner for all of us.... Thanks for being here for me.... and I'm here for you if you need me.... Have a great day....... Julie

WTG JULIE NO PIE !!!!! So proud of you girl you are doing fantastic !!!!

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Janet.........checking in...........need a fill........getting one on the 29th. I have had a monster cold. I can't stop coughing. Hey, you got me hooked on Farmtown, and now I can't stop.

Ah, QVC, I just love their stuff. I just bought a new white leather purse from there.

July Butterfly thread bandsters are adding up the weight we have lost in the last year. So far, over 400lbs and counting. Hard to believe it has been a year.

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Fly By Post.........Just jumped in to say "Hey All"!

Took me awhile to catch up with my threads. I see we had a little debate going on in the 50's thread? Poster forgot to leave his negativity at home?

Congrats to all who have lost...especially Long for hitting first goal of under 180lbs. When do you see your doc, Long? Soon, right?

Laura...Nelson is adorable. Makes me miss those days. I was a stay at home mom till my two boys went to school. Happiest time of my life. They were the funniest, smartest, etc., etc.....I am a true believer that all parents should see their children that way!

Ok...been home for 2 hours and on my way out the door again till this evening. I'm AWFUL!!!!! Give me a little freedom and this is what happens!

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ineed a buddy.cassieme1.

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ineed a buddy.cassieme1.

There's a whole bunch of us here, Cassieme1. Tell us about yourself... Lots of supportive people post here.

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    • Bashbee91

      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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