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Doodlebug, Size 18 is not that big -- it's a normal size! Hooray for you on your success, you're doing a fabulous job. 40 pounds since April 9!! You too keep up the good work. Have a great weekend everybody! Linda

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Doodlebug, Size 18 is not that big -- it's a normal size! Hooray for you on your success, you're doing a fabulous job. 40 pounds since April 9!! You too keep up the good work. Have a great weekend everybody! Linda

I agree!! I'm just now getting in to some size 18s, too, and it's GREAT! Two years ago it was 3x, 4x, 28-30. I just don't want to get too content at this weight! Through this whole journey, I always have a few things in the next smaller size that I am looking forward to wearing... helps keep me motivated! Of course, there were a few things I didn't try on often enough and by the time I did..... too big or almost too big and didn't get to wear them very long!

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Peas-my NUT actually warned up preop about hormone changes post banding. She said with the wt loss periods often get worse. I've only had one so far postop and it was early and heavy. Think there might be something to this....

I always enjoy reading your posts...so positive and cheerful. And your little one is a doll! Love the story about the grocery store. We never know when we might be touching someone's life.

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Linda~ So happy that you are shrinking away! I was so surprised to see that dressbarn had such cute clothes too! I went there a few weeks ago just on a whim and I bought a few tops myself. They had the cutest dresses, but I haven't worn a dress in forever. Hopefully next year at this time I will be wearing them all of the time!

Laura~ More storms! Love them. When I visited friends in Boca Raton a few years ago in the summer time they had some amazing storms. We sat out on the patio and watched them all night. They had a golf course behind their house and I was pretty cool. Hope you and Nels have a good time at the beach. I love to swim!!! But in a pool or lake. Not a big fan of the ocean Water for some reason. I think that I don't like it when it gets in my mouth! Ick!

Well, I am pretty disgusted! I weighed myself today all excited to see some weight loss on the scale. I have been following my pre-op liquid diet plan to the "T". Still no cheats since the olives! My clothes do feel a bit bigger though and people at work are already telling me that my face is looking much thinner. However, when I got to my parents house today after work and weighed myself, I found that I was the EXACT SAME WEIGHT AS I WAS ON TUESDAY!!!!!! I am so mad. What is going on here? I'm getting between 800 and 1100 calories per day, and 45-60 grams of Protein. Why have I not lost? I've even been walking too! I'm frustrated now and am wondering if it is even possible for me to ever lose this? I keep hearing about all of these people who lost 10-20 pounds on the liquid diet before surgery! Mine is on Friday and it is not working for me yet! What is up with that? Can anyone help me figure this out?

Ok, sorry, needed to vent. I just don't get it.

CBL- We are having problems at home with our Internet connection.


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Meredith, please don't get discouraged. I only lost a couple of pounds on the 2 week liquid pre op diet. There are probably a zillion reasons why -- first of all, you have drastically cut your calorie intake which your body is probably wondering what is going on and gone into that hibernation mode by retaining all the calories because it thinks you need to store them. You need to be healthy for your surgery which may be why your nutritionist chose Boost for you - it might have extra Vitamins, etc. that you will need for your recovery. I didn't weigh myself during that time frame, but I remember being surprised when they weighed me at the hospital the morning of surgery that I barely lost anything. IMHO I think staying off the scale until your first fill would be the best idea (although I know you won't be able to stand it, none of us can). They want you to concentrate on healing the first 6 weeks and although you will probably lose weight, it's not really a true test of your success because of Water retention, etc. I didn't lose the majority of my weight until I started to do aerobics which you really can't do until after your surgeon clears you after surgery. So please please hang in there and keep the positive thinking flowing. Trust me, Meredith, if I can do this, YOU can do this, honest. But it does take determination, work and a positive outlook. I know you're going to do great so please don't get discouraged. Take the time now to take your measurements and record them. I did and even though I didn't lose a lot of weight the first month, I lost an incredible amount of inches. Your clothes are already looser and your beautiful face is already thinner -- that's a positive -- stay positive and look at that rather than the negatives at this point. Remember, you didn't put that weight on in a couple of weeks, it will take time to get it off. I know it's tough to be patient, but trust me, just look at Janet, Long, Phyll and you'll have to agree that the work is worth the wait for results. Hang in there, this really was the best decision of your life. You're going to love it in a few months. Linda

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Meredith, please don't get discouraged. I only lost a couple of pounds on the 2 week liquid pre op diet. There are probably a zillion reasons why -- first of all, you have drastically cut your calorie intake which your body is probably wondering what is going on and gone into that hibernation mode by retaining all the calories because it thinks you need to store them. You need to be healthy for your surgery which may be why your nutritionist chose Boost for you - it might have extra Vitamins, etc. that you will need for your recovery. I didn't weigh myself during that time frame, but I remember being surprised when they weighed me at the hospital the morning of surgery that I barely lost anything. IMHO I think staying off the scale until your first fill would be the best idea (although I know you won't be able to stand it, none of us can). They want you to concentrate on healing the first 6 weeks and although you will probably lose weight, it's not really a true test of your success because of Water retention, etc. I didn't lose the majority of my weight until I started to do aerobics which you really can't do until after your surgeon clears you after surgery. So please please hang in there and keep the positive thinking flowing. Trust me, Meredith, if I can do this, YOU can do this, honest. But it does take determination, work and a positive outlook. I know you're going to do great so please don't get discouraged. Take the time now to take your measurements and record them. I did and even though I didn't lose a lot of weight the first month, I lost an incredible amount of inches. Your clothes are already looser and your beautiful face is already thinner -- that's a positive -- stay positive and look at that rather than the negatives at this point. Remember, you didn't put that weight on in a couple of weeks, it will take time to get it off. I know it's tough to be patient, but trust me, just look at Janet, Long, Phyll and you'll have to agree that the work is worth the wait for results. Hang in there, this really was the best decision of your life. You're going to love it in a few months. Linda

Wow Linda! I really needed that! Thank you so much. I do have a really positive attitude about this, but I just need to get over my "instant gratification" problems. I will take your advice and try to not weigh myself until after the six weeks when I get my first fill. Who knows, I might be surprised by the results! I just need to remind myself constantly about what you said about not putting it on in a few weeks. I need to let go of my obsessive compulsive self and trust in my Nutritionist and my Surgeon, and mostly myself. Thanks for your understanding and your help. I'm just so excited and ready to get the show on the road! If you know what I mean!? Thanks again for all of your encouragement! I am so blessed to have all of the support on this thread!:biggrin:

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Hi All.. I got Banned in March and have had 2 fills, but I am still hungry all the time.. I have lost 30 lbs, but I never seem to be full.. I find myself eating more than I should,, Does anyone else have this problem? What am I doing wrong..I get scared that I am going to mess this up like all the other diets I have been on.. Please help..:biggrin:

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Hi All -

Everybody seems to be doing well these days. I've had a computer issue for a couple of days - now resolved apparently. Just in case, we bought a back-up drive yesterday. I have MANY pictures of children, grandchildren and the little great-granddaughter - it would break my heart to lose those pictures. Also a few(!) quilt designs hanging around my harddrive... All three of my children are photographers, as is DH and one of my granddaughters. I'm working on some designs using hubby's flower pictures - he does amazing work, and does not refuse me the copyright (as long as I credit his photography)... haha.

But the real success of the costco shopping trip was the other bargain I found. WiiFIT!!! $78.00. I had almost given up finding one - they have been so scarce around here, and even online they have been gone before I finished the order form - and have not seen them under $120. We arrived at costco shortly after they opened yesterday morning and there was a big stack of them. We only went in for vegies and milk, so hubby did not expect to spend much - ended up with the external hard drive and a WiiFit. No way I was walking out of that store without it! I got it all set up this morning and got started with my assessment and first workout. I'm pretty sure I love it. They also had the EA game for $49, but I decided to go with the Fit first - we'll probably add the EA later. Lesson learned - go to Costco early.

Lori - congratulations on reaching your first goal. You deserve every medal out there - you will have that gold one in your hand very soon. You are so very inspiring to all of us.

Meredith - olives? ? That would be the last food I would cheat with! In fact, if olives were the ONLY food I could cheat with, I would not cheat. Not a fan. HOWEVER... there are lots of other things I would cheat with if I were to cheat... I know others have issues with head hunger and some days I do, too. But I am pleasantly surprised that food - even those things I could cheat with - just does not have the appeal it used to, esp after my last fill. This makes me very happy. I am losing slowly, but losing - also makes me happy.

Best to all...

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Hi everyone~

We are home... a little tired, dehydrated and a bit sunburned (although we both had water-proof sunblock)! I ate a Protein Bar (Health Wise, 150 cal, 15 gr protein) and a yoplait 100 c yogurt for lunch. Nels had a cheese sandwich, pringles and an apple! We walked and played and swam. It was a beautiful sunny day!

Kath~ Thanks for the nice words. I am glad someone enjoys my posts. I post a lot sometimes. ; ) I don't like to journal, so this and FB are my outlet for writing. I actually did a bit of research on the cycle stuff. It seems it can go either way with sudden weight loss. Some people stop or get very light and others flood. I have a weird gyn history anyway, so I wouldn't expect it any different. (pre ovarian failure in mid 30s and endometriosis). The main thing is the estrogen stores in the fat. Anyway, I am too old and high risk for hormones and refuse to have any more surgeries for gyn stuff (unless one day I need a hysterectomy). My gyn last year wanted to do another exploratory lap and I we decided it wouldn't change our actions. So I guess it will all settle down. Reminds me of an old medical saying... all bleeding stops eventually! LOL And another old one.. the way to a man's heart is to saw through the breast bone. ; )

Meredith~ Dear one. Don't stress out! You are doing great! TRUST ME... it will start coming off. Right now your body is going "what the heck are you doing?!" I usually get good food and now I get this liquid stuff. Where are you... stuck on a desert island?! I better play it safe and hold on to this weight just in case it gets worse. Just stay hydrated and keep doing what you are doing. Friday is around the corner!!!

Linda~ I love your positive attitude too. : ) I love my band too.

I am going to try to attach a photo from the beach. Not of me.. but Nels.

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Hi All.. I got Banned in March and have had 2 fills, but I am still hungry all the time.. I have lost 30 lbs, but I never seem to be full.. I find myself eating more than I should,, Does anyone else have this problem? What am I doing wrong..I get scared that I am going to mess this up like all the other diets I have been on.. Please help..:biggrin:

Bettie, we're glad to have you here. Tell us what you are eating. Getting sufficient Protein is probably the most important factor in real hunger control. You should be getting 60-80 grams of Protein a day, eating protein first at each meal, followed by vegies, then (if you have room) starches. You may need another fill - some people are at the perfect level with 2 fills, but I would say most of us need 1 or 2 more to reach that level. If you are eating more than 1 cup at a meal and have between-meal hunger, that would be one of the criteria for another fill at my surgeon's office. It's not how many fills - it's how much restriction you actually have - and that is different for each person.

Please don't give up on yourself. Give your band a chance. You have been banded 3 months and have lost 30 pounds. I would give all the olives in the world to be able to lose 10 pounds a month (not saying much for me, since I don't like olives!). Think about what you have accomplished at this early date - you must be doing something right! Hang around here for support - you can do this.

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Hi everyone~

We are home... a little tired, dehydrated and a bit sunburned (although we both had water-proof sunblock)! I ate a Protein bar (Health Wise, 150 cal, 15 gr protein) and a yoplait 100 c yogurt for lunch. Nels had a cheese sandwich, pringles and an apple! We walked and played and swam. It was a beautiful sunny day!

Kath~ Thanks for the nice words. I am glad someone enjoys my posts. I post a lot sometimes. ; ) I don't like to journal, so this and FB are my outlet for writing. I actually did a bit of research on the cycle stuff. It seems it can go either way with sudden weight loss. Some people stop or get very light and others flood. I have a weird gyn history anyway, so I wouldn't expect it any different. (pre ovarian failure in mid 30s and endometriosis). The main thing is the estrogen stores in the fat. Anyway, I am too old and high risk for hormones and refuse to have any more surgeries for gyn stuff (unless one day I need a hysterectomy). My gyn last year wanted to do another exploratory lap and I we decided it wouldn't change our actions. So I guess it will all settle down. Reminds me of an old medical saying... all bleeding stops eventually! LOL And another old one.. the way to a man's heart is to saw through the breast bone. ; )

Meredith~ Dear one. Don't stress out! You are doing great! TRUST ME... it will start coming off. Right now your body is going "what the heck are you doing?!" I usually get good food and now I get this liquid stuff. Where are you... stuck on a desert island?! I better play it safe and hold on to this weight just in case it gets worse. Just stay hydrated and keep doing what you are doing. Friday is around the corner!!!

Linda~ I love your positive attitude too. : ) I love my band too.

I am going to try to attach a photo from the beach. Not of me.. but Nels.

Oh, Laura, he's so gorgeous! What a handsome young man! Sons are just so special. And now I'm really jealous. Just finished my 2 hour work out and clicked on those pics and boy, does that ocean ever look inviting.:biggrin::tongue::(:tongue:

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Hi All.. I got Banned in March and have had 2 fills, but I am still hungry all the time.. I have lost 30 lbs, but I never seem to be full.. I find myself eating more than I should,, Does anyone else have this problem? What am I doing wrong..I get scared that I am going to mess this up like all the other diets I have been on.. Please help..:biggrin:

Yes, let us know what you're eating. If you're eating slider foods that may be why you can eat more. I agree, though, 30 pounds in 3 months is a great result. I've had 3 fills and am scheduled for another in July which I think I'll need as I am still not at my sweet spot. My fills are very small now, less than 1 cc at a time, but even those make a difference in your restriction. Hang in there, you're doing great. Maybe just talking to your surgeon and explaining how you feel would be your best course of action. Good luck and hope you'll come back here for support. This is the best support group in the world. Linda

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Laura~ Nelson is soooo cute! It sounds like the two of you had a great time! I find now that I am writing more on here than ever. It's nice to know that there are all of you out there that can identify 100 percent! Also, I will quit freaking out! Apparently my body is liking me fat and will give up on storing it soon! LOL

JoAnn~ Glad you are getting a kick out of my olive mishap! Hehe! I feel better about it now, but boy oh boy was I upset. I know that I am the type that gets head hunger too. I didn't think that I was until I started this whole liquid business. But now, I totally get it!

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Good afternoon! All my jumping up and down yesterday over my hitting the 170's, I must've worked off another pound, in the 178's now. :biggrin:

Meredith, this too shall pass. Hang in there. I don't want to discourage you but do want you to be prepared. After surgery, many lose a good chunk right away and many do not. FOr me I lost until I hit mushies and then I even gained a couple. I was so freaked out and just so sure this surgery wasn't going to work for me. It wasn't until my fills that I really started to drop, so hang in there.

BSW, hard to say what you are doing wrong, if anything, without knowing what you are doing. What are you eating? how much? how often? exercise?? Water??? Are you eating 4 to 8 oz a meal, 80% hard Protein first, then veggies, then starches if room. Are you not drinking with meals? Are you having slider foods, Snacks? etc. Some folks take many fills to hit that sweet spot and for some it's just one or two. Janet here only needed 2 fills, I've had 7. Everyone is different. Give us some more to work with, there are many successful folks here and Janet is an amazing mentor and am sure will be happy to help you as well.

Laura, what a cutie!! I wanna go to the beach now.

JOann, Missed ya! Congrats on the Wii Fit, I hope you enjoy it. I really like the 'Active' progam, it's a much better workout once you get the hang of fit or if it starts to get easier.

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Doodlebug, Size 18 is not that big -- it's a normal size! Hooray for you on your success, you're doing a fabulous job. 40 pounds since April 9!! You too keep up the good work. Have a great weekend everybody! Linda
Thanks so much for the shout out !! You know, 18 is not that big, is it ! I am really happy with my progress and I know that I will continue to do good as long as I keep in touch with all you guys !! You are a super group and I really enjoy reading what all of you are up to ! Someone asked me today how I had lost 40 pds. and I told them the LB and that is was the smartest choice I had ever made ! Oh, just to get something straighten out, I have lost 40 pds but that is including the pre-op diet that I started in March. When I had surgery, I weighed 219 pds. Catch up with you guys later !!

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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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      Bought a treadmill and some 5 lb weights. Time to get off my butt and get moving!
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      1. DaisyChainOz

        That's a great choice! 😊

    • DaisyChainOz

      Surgery done!  Really looking forward to the next chapter 🥳😁
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      2. Bugzy46


      3. Alisa_S

        Fantastic! Best of luck to you & I hope you're healing nicely & not having much pain!🙏

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