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I have a story I want to share with you before I get off and go Iron a blouse for tomorrow. Last night I was over at DS & DIL for dinner. After dinner we were sitting around and I took out this little book I carry that has my before pic in it. I showed it to DS and he said Wow...he was amazed. He called his wife to take a look and she was shocked too, she said " you look like a totally different person "

. I think since seeing me twice a week at least they didn't notice the weight change that much. janet...lol,

It made me feel great !!!!!:thumbup:

Nite all, hope you are all doing well.

Hugssss !!

What did I tell you GF !!!!! LOL:lol: - I am glad you took that book with you !!!! See I was Wright (pun intended) I was born that way :) !!!!

I love that story - I am so happy for you -!!!

Have a great time at your reunion and ya we all have avoided those types of functions cuz of our weight -

Just think you are 64 lbs thinner and will be getting tons of complements - that will be great...

Hugs Janet

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Can I have your attention please????

After being stuck for over a month, I hit my first goal this morning!!!

I have finally hit the 170's!!!! 179.5 this morning! A normal BMI for me is 169 but my doc said he'd be happy with anything under 180. Yes I am going for the 169, but this is so cool!!

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Morning all.....

Long, congratulations.... what a wonderful feeling, I'm sure.... Can't wait to have it.... I actually had something similar when I hit the "2's"........ good for you..

Pam, so glad you are feeling better..... I'm sure you are so relieved that nothing of a serious medical nature was the problem...

Laura, glad you had such a wonderful experience.

I'm doing okay still.... We got all of our ice cream froze last night... took a while, but it's all in the pails in the freezer ready to be served tomorrow... I'm praying for good weather and lots of people to eat all the pie and ice cream.... Had a taste last night, but the scale was down this morning, so I'm happy with that... Had my 30 minute "Curves" type workout this morning. A friend is doing it with me and it makes the time go so much faster...

Lots of odds and ends to do today, so I'd better get moving.. But first, must watch my "Young and the Restless" for a bit.... Don't stay home to watch it, but like to when I'm here... You all have a great weekend.. I'll be back when I can... Julie

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Can I have your attention please????

After being stuck for over a month, I hit my first goal this morning!!!

I have finally hit the 170's!!!! 179.5 this morning! A normal BMI for me is 169 but my doc said he'd be happy with anything under 180. Yes I am going for the 169, but this is so cool!!



I'm very happy that you are not limiting yourself and going for the Gold (normal bmi) !!!!

Morning all.....

Long, congratulations.... what a wonderful feeling, I'm sure.... Can't wait to have it.... I actually had something similar when I hit the "2's"........ good for you..

Pam, so glad you are feeling better..... I'm sure you are so relieved that nothing of a serious medical nature was the problem...

Laura, glad you had such a wonderful experience.

I'm doing okay still.... We got all of our ice cream froze last night... took a while, but it's all in the pails in the freezer ready to be served tomorrow... I'm praying for good weather and lots of people to eat all the pie and ice cream.... Had a taste last night, but the scale was down this morning, so I'm happy with that... Had my 30 minute "Curves" type workout this morning. A friend is doing it with me and it makes the time go so much faster...

Lots of odds and ends to do today, so I'd better get moving.. But first, must watch my "Young and the Restless" for a bit.... Don't stay home to watch it, but like to when I'm here... You all have a great weekend.. I'll be back when I can... Julie

Julie - So glad to hear the scales are moving in the right direction !!!! WTG - Keep it up girl !!!!

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Can I have your attention please????

After being stuck for over a month, I hit my first goal this morning!!!

I have finally hit the 170's!!!! 179.5 this morning! A normal BMI for me is 169 but my doc said he'd be happy with anything under 180. Yes I am going for the 169, but this is so cool!!



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Okay now I have more time to post. When I posted my excitement this morning I had 2 minutes til I left for work so copy and pasted the same post here and my JuneBug '08 thread. I am so excited and thank you for the kudos. One year ago I never imagined I could ever weigh under 200, and just wanted to be 'normal' which was my term to be able to wear a normal size and the ultimate goal was to be a size 12. Well here I am in the 170's, 10 lbs for a normal BMI, wearing 10's and knocking every so loudly on 8's door. I LOVE MY BAND!!! To Celebrate I am wearing shorts today, first time in many many years. I still don't like my legs as that's where most my loose skin is, I have very long legs, in fact it's what DH says he first noticed about me were my 'hot legs'. Now they look like melting candles, that's hot right??? LOL But I'll take the melting candle over the fat any day.

Laura, what an awesome experience you had at the grocery store. It's so neat to hear when we've influenced or helped others.

Arlene, any word on DH's blood yet??

Julie, good luck with your pie event this weekend and those gals!

Meredith, Back away from the olives!! :blink: Just giving you a bad time. You are doing so great and will make a great bandster. YOu are going into this so informed, you are like our JoAnn, she posted regularly before she had her band that by the time she did, she was an expert and a model bandster.

Janet, I like your analogy of going for the gold! Maybe I got the silver today! Heck I've lost 126 lbs., what's 10 more?? :sad:

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I hit my first goal this morning!!!

Long~ OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG!!!:sad::thumbup::D:blink::wink2:

Congrats! YOU guys are sooooooo darn inspirational! Shorts! WTG! LOL about the melting candle analogy! Candles are HOT! ; )

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Long, DH goes to the blood specialist next thursday. Then after a diagnosis he should be able to get another surgery date. I think it will be late July or August. Dr. Davis is booked, but he said he would give him priority.

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Janet, I like your analogy of going for the gold! Maybe I got the silver today! Heck I've lost 126 lbs., what's 10 more?? :tongue:

Yep GF you have the sliver metal today !!!! and the Gold will be 10 more pounds.

I know how you feel today - and just remember this feeling when you do want one to many treats - it's those memories moments of getting to goal that keeps me from over doing it most days :0)

Long, DH goes to the blood specialist next thursday. Then after a diagnosis he should be able to get another surgery date. I think it will be late July or August. Dr. Davis is booked, but he said he would give him priority.

Good to hear Charlene...

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Hi all,

I wanted to check in a say hello. Everything is going really well. I have been working out and trying for the most part to eat well. Anyways Long congrats on the loss !!!

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:biggrin:Long~ YES YES YES!!!!!!! You are such an inspiration! What a wonderful feeling. Keep up the good work!

One week from today, and I will be banded! Since my olive issue, I have had no other mishaps. I am doing pretty well. I actually feel really great. I have much more energy and I can tell that I am losing weight. I haven't gotten on the scale since Tuesday, so I'm not sure how much yet. I think that I am going to weigh tomorrow. Since I've been fat for awhile, when I moved 2 years ago I didn't even want a scale in the house. So, I go to my parents house to weigh. My mom has a "Biggest Loser" scale and it is very accurate. Anyhow, thats about it. We are getting some pretty bad storms here tonight. It's ok though, I like sleeping when there are thunderstorms! Have a good weekend all! CBL

~ Meredith

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Hello everyone! I'm back from my trip and happy to see all of you are doing well. Long, congratulations on another great accomplishment -- I think you already deserve the gold medal, but if Janet is making you do another 10 pounds for the gold, I know you will do it. Such a great inspiration! Julie, hope you have other people helping out making pies and ice cream as it sounds like a lot for just you to do! I'm sure it will be a great time. Sounds like fun. Wish I could be there too. Meredith, just another week! That will go by fast! You're doing great, and I know you'll do great after your surgery too. I loved that you "cheated" with olives. LOL. I too love olives and pickles and crave them sometimes, so I completely understand. I was like you when I did my 2 week liquid diet -- I felt great and was so sick of food by that time that I too was happy to get started with my new life. Pam, so happy that you are feeling better. I also love that your boys said "wow" at last. I think it's true that when we're with people everyday, it is harder to notice the changes. I'm sure you'll get lots and lots of compliments at your reunion. Have a great time. Laura, what a nice experience you had with that woman. It's nice to talk in person to another bandster, isn't it? I have one friend that I met on LBT that had the same surgeon as me and we try to get together after the support group meetings to talk and we e-mail several times a week. I guess we're "lap band sisters." Janet, all I can say is "Wowzeeee!" You look fantastic and soooo skinny -- I'd never ever guess you were ever a fat chick. Love that color of your blouse on you -- so pretty with your skin and hair. Laura, so sorry you are still bothered with TOM. Oh my goodness, that's the ONE advantage of getting old. I don't miss that at all. Charlene, so sorry about your hubby's surgery being postponed, but have faith that it will happen before summer is over. Glad they are so careful so your DH is not in danger. Love your Dr. Garth -- saw some new shows recently - he and his dad are great with their patients. Well, I went to the Lake of Ozarks and behaved pretty well, had a delish margarita one night and a couple of other frozen drinks (someone brought one of those tubs you mix with vodka) and they tasted really great (considering I've had no alcohol since probably Nov. or Dec. LOL. I only had two meals that were not strictly on my plan. One was a chopped salad at an Italian restaurant that has a famous parmesean Salad Dressing and we went there ESPECIALLY for that salad. But I ordered a small and didn't touch the roll or butter, so that was a victory for me. That same night we met some other friends at a pizza place and the only thing I could order was some Pasta with a pink sauce with shrimp, so I ate the shrimp and had a few bites of the pasta and then I offered it to another girl who ate some and so I wouldn't eat the rest I opened the salt shaker and dumped enough in it that would make me not want it. But I was bad and didn't get any exercise in (four days). But the good new is, is that my shoulder which has been bothering me for almost 2 months didn't hurt today when I went back to the gym, so I think that 4 days rest was what it needed to finish healing. So, that's a good thing. I won't weigh until my regular day on Tues., so I hope I did okay. But I had several NSV which I want to share. One of my friends I've always thought of as "thin" gave me an outfit to try on. She said, "it's a little snug on me, but I think it will fit you, so try it on. If you like it you can have it." I said, "oh, I don't think that will fit ME." But OMG, it DID! I couldn't believe it. However, like everyone else, when I look in the mirror, I still see the old me, not the new me when I look in the mirror. Well, after that, there was no stopping me. One of the girls had set up a fashion show at the Dress Barn at the outlet mall and I was shocked at what cute clothes Dress Barn has! Well, to say the least, I spent the most money (by a large margin). I was so busy trying on clothes that I could probably have counted it as exercise (only kidding). But too many cute things and I made it into a size 16 without elastic!! Oh what a thrill! It's been over 10 years since I've had on any pants without elastic. So I'm happy happy now. LOL. And, I was able to wear Large tops and even some mediums. That's a big difference from 3X and 4X I was wearing in January. Just had to share all this good news with my friends here on LBT. Thanks to you all for your support every day. I love you all. Linda

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Hello everyone! I'm back from my trip and happy to see all of you are doing well. Long, congratulations on another great accomplishment -- I think you already deserve the gold medal, but if Janet is making you do another 10 pounds for the gold, I know you will do it. Such a great inspiration! Julie, hope you have other people helping out making pies and ice cream as it sounds like a lot for just you to do! I'm sure it will be a great time. Sounds like fun. Wish I could be there too. Meredith, just another week! That will go by fast! You're doing great, and I know you'll do great after your surgery too. I loved that you "cheated" with olives. LOL. I too love olives and pickles and crave them sometimes, so I completely understand. I was like you when I did my 2 week liquid diet -- I felt great and was so sick of food by that time that I too was happy to get started with my new life. Pam, so happy that you are feeling better. I also love that your boys said "wow" at last. I think it's true that when we're with people everyday, it is harder to notice the changes. I'm sure you'll get lots and lots of compliments at your reunion. Have a great time. Laura, what a nice experience you had with that woman. It's nice to talk in person to another bandster, isn't it? I have one friend that I met on LBT that had the same surgeon as me and we try to get together after the support group meetings to talk and we e-mail several times a week. I guess we're "lap band sisters." Janet, all I can say is "Wowzeeee!" You look fantastic and soooo skinny -- I'd never ever guess you were ever a fat chick. Love that color of your blouse on you -- so pretty with your skin and hair. Laura, so sorry you are still bothered with TOM. Oh my goodness, that's the ONE advantage of getting old. I don't miss that at all. Charlene, so sorry about your hubby's surgery being postponed, but have faith that it will happen before summer is over. Glad they are so careful so your DH is not in danger. Love your Dr. Garth -- saw some new shows recently - he and his dad are great with their patients. Well, I went to the Lake of Ozarks and behaved pretty well, had a delish margarita one night and a couple of other frozen drinks (someone brought one of those tubs you mix with vodka) and they tasted really great (considering I've had no alcohol since probably Nov. or Dec. LOL. I only had two meals that were not strictly on my plan. One was a chopped salad at an Italian restaurant that has a famous parmesean Salad Dressing and we went there ESPECIALLY for that salad. But I ordered a small and didn't touch the roll or butter, so that was a victory for me. That same night we met some other friends at a pizza place and the only thing I could order was some Pasta with a pink sauce with shrimp, so I ate the shrimp and had a few bites of the Pasta and then I offered it to another girl who ate some and so I wouldn't eat the rest I opened the salt shaker and dumped enough in it that would make me not want it. But I was bad and didn't get any exercise in (four days). But the good new is, is that my shoulder which has been bothering me for almost 2 months didn't hurt today when I went back to the gym, so I think that 4 days rest was what it needed to finish healing. So, that's a good thing. I won't weigh until my regular day on Tues., so I hope I did okay. But I had several NSV which I want to share. One of my friends I've always thought of as "thin" gave me an outfit to try on. She said, "it's a little snug on me, but I think it will fit you, so try it on. If you like it you can have it." I said, "oh, I don't think that will fit ME." But OMG, it DID! I couldn't believe it. However, like everyone else, when I look in the mirror, I still see the old me, not the new me when I look in the mirror. Well, after that, there was no stopping me. One of the girls had set up a fashion show at the Dress Barn at the outlet mall and I was shocked at what cute clothes Dress Barn has! Well, to say the least, I spent the most money (by a large margin). I was so busy trying on clothes that I could probably have counted it as exercise (only kidding). But too many cute things and I made it into a size 16 without elastic!! Oh what a thrill! It's been over 10 years since I've had on any pants without elastic. So I'm happy happy now. LOL. And, I was able to wear Large tops and even some mediums. That's a big difference from 3X and 4X I was wearing in January. Just had to share all this good news with my friends here on LBT. Thanks to you all for your support every day. I love you all. Linda

Linda~ WOW! Sounds like your trip was a success! Thanks for the nice comments. : )

Your clothes stories are so cool! I know what you mean about the mirror. I guess we have seen the fat reflection for so long, that we do not see anything changing. Almost like people that are around us all the time. When I get in a funk, I look at the before and latest after pics I took in just bra and panties. No way to lie there! When I lose enough I might get brave enough to post one. I can't imagine buying a 16! Hell, I can't imagine buying in stores. For so long have bought my 4x shorts online at JJill. I am now in the 2x, but still don't find much stuff in stores. I think I haven't shopped for so long, that I don't know where to go. But, I don't want to buy too much b/c I don't plan on being this size for too long. I have two shorts, one pant, and one skirt in 2x. I have THROWN OUT (given to charity) all of my bigger clothes! That feels so good. It sounds like your eating was like mine on va-cay. It's tough. I wasn't perfect.. but did ok. You might be surprised on weigh day! And personally, I think the trying on clothes counts as exercise!!! Imagine if you had a pedometer on! Re: food you don't want to eat.. I do the same thing. Either salt or throw in garbage then throw coffee grounds and cat food on it. In a restaurant I put half a bottle of hot sauce..LOL Then it's OUT of the game.

Strange thing guys... after this last fill, I don't feel anything now. Absolutely nothing getting stuck (even tried a few times just to see)... and able to eat a bit more than I should. (although I am not). I was just hoping for a bit closer to sweet spot. My surgeon was so convinced this was "it" that he wouldn't let me make an appt for "next fill". He said call us if/when you need us, it might be a while. Hmmmm. So i will give it a week or so.

Meredith~ I am so proud of you!!! Keep up the good work!!! I too LOVE thunderstorms! FL is a nice place for those. Although Nelson hates them... and so it is a stressful time everytime it thunders. I KNOW you are going to do great! Just imagine a year from now we will be saying... do you remember a year ago.. wow! look at you now!!! :tongue:

Today off to the beach with Nelson! (It's 5 miles from our house!) I am feeling better this summer just to get the energy to go... and to get on a nice suit. Although truth been told, I have never had much modesty when it comes to suits..LOL. DH is on call Fri, sat and sun. Maybe we will see him tomorrow for an hour... even if we have to put on scrubs and go sit in an OR..LOL


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Good Morning Everyone !! I've been up since 7:00, catching up on my reading and it sounds like you guys are doing so good !!! PJ, I am so glad you are better !! So far, I have not been sick and I hope I can stay that way ! I'm sorta worried about when I get closer to the "sweet spot" that I will have problems also, but maybe not ! ljv52, I love that feeling when you try on something and it fits !!!! Yesterday at work, a friend if mine gave me 2 pair of capris, size 18, that were too small for her and she told me to take them home and see if I could wear them. And , oh, the good feeling when I tried them on !!! I know an 18 is a big size, but when your used to a 22 or a 24, an 18 is AWESOME !! And I will get down to a 12 or a 10 one day ! I promise myself that !! But for now I'm going to enjoy the small victories !! I'm so glad everyone is doing good !! KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK !!! I almost forgot WAY TO GO L2bT on your goal !!! I didn't notice it untill I posted my loss this wk., but I feel short .5 of my 40 pd. loss, but thats o.k. I WILL get it maybe next wk. !!!

Edited by doodlebug11

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Laura, Thanks for the nice comments -- I've never been modest in bathing suits either cause I love, love, love the Water. Hope you and Nelson have a great time at the beach today, I'm jealous. It won't be much longer until you will be out of those 2x, trust me, it went so quick, I can't hardly believe it. It is amazing - I love this band!

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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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