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Can someone offer me some hope that I didnt screw up my band within the second week post op. I ate today, i was cleared for mushies yesterday and I had Soup first, eggs in the afternoon and had several rolls of sushi for dinner. Its almost 1 am and i'm so disappointed in myself. I cant sleep because Im worried I damaged my band, although I had no pain or difficulties during and after eating. this is crazy I thought I wouldn't be able to eat anything but apparently i'm losing this battle already. I know that the band is not a magic wand by any means but I think I ate out of frustration today tons of family over indulging themselves in sushi and I caved in and decided to try and boom no problem.

I dont even know why I'm posting this, maybe its to get the overwhelming guilt off my chest. But I have vowed to stick to my given diet. I just feel like i need to apologize to my band for abusing it already. I may sound super stupid but this is how i feel right now. Please do not bash me because i ate wrong and overate, I know this already. Im looking for someone to help me get over this hump and tell me its going to be ok. Even if no one says it will be ok I have hope to rely on.

Thanks for reading

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Gonnaget (you are going to have to change your name now that you are a banded person!),

First of all - just how many pieces of sushi did you eat? It is not the best for your overall plan, but not devastating to your whole banded future. The rest of your day sounded just fine, and the sushi is not the perfect mushie, but it probably will not cause you any permanent damage at this point.

Believe me, there will be plenty of times over your life when you will eat more than you should, or eat the wrong things for weight loss/maintenance. But this is a lifetime thing for you (and me). Life happens, sometimes we give in to temptation - and especially when everyone around us is enjoying those things we dearly love (or loved in our past life). A few pieces of sushi on rare occasions will not make you fat or keep you fat. It's those times you pig out 3 times a week on more sushi than they make on the island of Japan in a month, and add several helpings of cake and ice cream, corn dogs, fried chicken, french fries, etc., etc. - that's what makes us fat. and we are done with that.

Here is the way it is: You have begun a lifestyle change with the application of your new band. Right now it is healing time and very important to follow the doctor's instructions as closely as possible in order for your band to seat itself comfortably against your tummy and get ready to work for you. And it will work for you, but it probably will take it - and you - a little time and effort to learn to work together. THIS IS A LIFESTYLE CHANGE, NOT A DIET!!! That is the most important thing for you to remember. You will learn to eat healthy foods in healthy portions, and this tool called a band will help you become a healthy person of normal weight. That slim, good-looking part is just the outward bonus that comes along with that healthy body.

Feeling guilty gets you nothing. Give yourself one more hour to wallow in guilt over something you cannot change. Just 60 minutes left for that useless exercise. At the end of the hour sit yourself down and plan your menu for the day. Then go to your refrigerator and pantry and throw out anything you should not be eating. If you have a family that will cry and moan about no chips in the house, inform them they are responsible for moving them into a secret location and never bringing them around you again. They can eat their ice cream at the local Dairy Queen while you are in your exercise class. NO bad stuff within easy reach of your hands. Next - go to the grocery and buy the stuff you need for your mushies (if you haven't already). It's fine to use the bariatric stuff for this phase if you want to, but it's better for you to make your own meals with fresh food you buy at the grocery or farmers' market. There is a recipe thread on LBTalk for mushies - check it out. Back over many conversations on this thread you will find Janet's recipe for "cream of bean" Soup that she fixes and it is good. Doing it yourself is better because it is healthier to eat fresh food, and it's always available - no ordering and shipping, etc. It is also much more economical. The next part is harder - you may have to limit your time with friends and family members who tend to make social time their eating time. This can be tough, but for the next few months it will be so important to learn to work with your band and help that tool help you. It has to be your best friend. After a while you will establish your own techniques for avoiding what you should not have and you can slowly re-establish more social activities with these people. However, you may find your interests have changed, etc., and old friends who loved you fat may not mesh as well with the slimmer and more exercise-inclined new you. It is one of the hazards, but your healthy life is worth it.

You have spent enough of your life feeling guilty over diets that have not worked for you. You will never diet again. In 6 months you will have established a new way of life that will be so amazing it will seem like a miracle, even though it is simply a tool that works with you and your good choices to give you a long and healthy (and beautiful) life. Good luck to you. Get to work.

p.s. Sorry this is soooo long. I must be on my Saturday Soapbox today! I am just so happy with my band and the direction I am heading. I want everyone to succeed on this journey because it just feels so darn good to finally know I will be successful in my lifelong Quest for a normal, healthy body. Hugs...

Edited by JoannMarie

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Good Morning Gang

Up at 4:30 - did my wii - then went for a 2 mile hike 1000 ft elevation - This was a 1st for me - it was a great great work out - alot harder than the treadmill !!!

Gonnaget - GF don't know what to tell you - this is a lifestyle change that you gotta make - I can't tell you if you messed your band or not as I'm not a Doc -

All I can tell you is you gotta pull up those boot straps and move forward - you can't change the past - all you can do is move forward and make better choices

Your band is only a tool 75% of the work is going to be up to you -

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Let's see if I can do this. I am attempting to post a before pic taken the night before surgery and a 1 yr pic at 125 lbs lost.

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Wow wow wow!! Long, you are just gorgeous!! You look at least 10 if not 15 years younger. I am so inspired. Thank you for sharing those pics - it renews my determination. What a difference a year makes. Gonna, JoAnn gave you great advice -- she's spot on with everything. Janet, congrats on your hike -- sounds tough, not something I'm ready for yet. Laura, how's your sis? It's Sat., so I know you're there with her and I hope all is well. You'll be so much help to her, I bet she's very happy you could travel to be with her. Don't worry so much about your eating on vacation -- you'll find yourself automatically choosing the correct foods -- I know when I went to Vegas in April, I found that when faced with the temptation of eating carbs and other unhealthy foods, I actually didn't even want those anymore. Another thing, food used to be my whole world -- so when going on vacation the first thing I thought about was, "oh, what wonderful food will I'll be able to eat" -- I used to go and google up all the restaurants in the areas I was going and drool over the menus!! Sick sick sick! Now I've learned to dwell on the other things on vacation -- like the beauty, the PEOPLE I go to see, the sites (museums, etc.) the sun, enjoy the weather, etc. etc. you know what I mean and food is the LEAST important thing now. That's just the way it has to be for the rest of my life. And you know what? I like it this way much better. Meredith, so sorry for that rude woman. I think we've all had a similar experience. Over the years I've had many occasions to say (mostly to myself) "there's worse things than being fat, I'd rather be fat than be a B_____h, a cheat, a liar, etc., etc. you get my drift. It's all true, but unfortunately the people who say things like that wouldn't understand what we mean -- they are the self centered, self righteous, selfish people of the world who think it's their right to judge all other people. What a sad, sad world they live in. Honestly, I would rather be pbese than be like that, but fortunately, we have the skills and determination and courage to know we need to change, but they don't even realize they need to change. Laura said it best, it would be great to actually be able to say something like, "you need a lobotomy". LOL. Maybe in my next life. Julie, glad you are checking in and doing well, sounds like you're getting better every day. Linda

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Good evening to all,

Just got home from supper and pinochle with friends.. We had snow today in North Dakota!!!! Just some flurries, but snow none the less... I had to turn the heat back on in the house.. That's just not what it should be like in June!!! Anyway, us girls beat the guys at cards and that's always fun...

Long, you look just wonderful... I hope you are just so proud of yourself... And Great job getting the picutes on... don't know if I could get that done...

Linda, thanks, I am doing better... Wish I could feel some restriction and that I wasn't hungry all the time.. I feel like I'm back to square one, just 95 pounds lighter than the last time.. Guess that's a good thing.. I'm doing better with my food, but still need that help to know when enough is enough!!! I guess I'll get there again before too long.. Would like to get to 100 pounds down soon... I need to get past this place I'm in as I've been here many times before. I'm waiting for the uncharted territory....

Time to settle down for sleep... church tomorrow... I'll say a little prayer for us all, for continued success and healthiness... Night all......... Julie

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Hi everyone!

Greetings from North Carolina! What a long trip! Nelson did fabulous 10 out of 12 hours ; ) I finally broke a rule of getting out of seatbelt. He was tired and wanted to lie down on the floor board with blankets and pillow and nap. I figured he was more protected than up on the seats. I do have a bit of guilt ans was worried. We never had seat belts when I was young and we are still here!

The drive up was good. Some rain. The eating was a bit challenging. There are no "nice" restaurants at exits and we didn't want to wander too far from the highway looking. lunch I had my Protein Cereal at home with skim milk, snack handful of Nelson's peanuts, lunch the meat only from a Jr whopper. had the Tomato, ordered a side salad but only had 4 bites. My son had chicken fingers and didn't want to eat, and I ended up eating one might I didn't need. : ( no symptoms. dinner we stopped at a Breakfast place. I ordered eggs over medium and pushed the yolks to the side. I had one sausage patty and 3 bites of DH's grits. Again Nels didn't want to eat and had a piece of toast. His grandma will fix his wagon now that he is in her house! I can relax. Other than a few bites of Nels' Snacks, I did really good.

My sister almost cried when we arrived. She is doing great though. I am so proud of her. She has little energy though, which i know is common with bypass. We got in late and didn't get to talk too much. She had taken her pain meds and was ready for bed. Nelson brought her a small hotwheels car in her favorite colors... and told her he hoped her belly button felt better! So sweet!

ok guys, more update tomorrow.


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Lori - you look FABULOUS! and SO HAPPY!!! No wonder about the happy. You are amazing, girlfriend. You should be proud, and your family so happy to have you gorgeous and ready to play... for a long time to come.

Julie, you are sounding a bit better every day you post. It will come together for you, just as your healing has - a little at a time. It must feel good to be getting back in the groove, even though for a while you may be depending more on your own will power. You can do it because you know how and you know the success you will have as you keep to the program.

Peas, good thoughts for you and your family - particularly your sister. Her lack of energy probably has a lot to do with the pain meds she's on, right? Maybe she will gain that energy back faster once she can get past the meds. Kids + long drives - wow - does that bring back memories. 3 of them in the back seat getting more irritable the longer it goes on... Youngest DD once whined "will I be alive when we get there?" Under his breath, DH muttered, "maybe..."

Good Sunday to everyone.

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Long - OMW YOU LOOK FABULOUS !!! I know you feel 10 yrs younger and have 10x more energy !!! WTG - You have done such a fantastic job !!!

Linda - gf I when I got there I said to myself you can't do this.. but you know our old minds like to trick us into thinking this way - went in all reality we can do it.. My calfs are are little sore this a.m. but not bad - we will see how tomorrow goes - it usually takes me a couple of days to get sore..

Laura you are so right about how things use to be and we are still here - 12 hrs is a long time for a little one..

Why did you push the yokes to the side - that's where the Protein is - it's the part that I eat 1st.. and it's my fav - i put them over my tatos and just have a few bites

Julie glad you had a good time playing cards - I like playing myself - but I only know how to play gin - spades - I love playing spades

Well off to do my wii and read the paper - cbl

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Thanks for all the kind words about my pictures. You are all too sweet. One thing I really struggle with is how I see myself. I still see myself as the before picture. I know I see more door in my after picture, I am wearing size 10's, etc. but when I look in the mirror size 26 is still looking back. They say the head takes awhile to catch up. It's almost like I am afraid to think of myself 'almost thin' now as I will jinx myself. Does that make any sense? Or if I say heck ya I do look good then in some way that is cocky or tempting fate or prideful. But I am getting there.

Am going shopping today, heard of a banana Republic and Gap outlet that aren't too far from me. Who knew? Gap discontinued my favorite jeans so am hoping to find a good deal and stock up. Do I dare buy the size 8's for future use??

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Long- You look fantastic!!!!! You go girl! You should be so proud of yourself!

Just got home from a bridal shower. Gonna take a nap and do some wash and clean this house. It is quite a disaster!

Ok, not much else to report. The count down to liquids is on. I start them on Friday.

CBL- Meredith

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Long your pics are awesome you go girl.

Peas - I am glad you sister is doing well. Are kids not the sweetest.

Makes you wonder how we all survived growing up. My sister and I use to sit in the hatch back area of my parents car with our pillows and stuff and we made it to adult hood. Now if you breath wrong something might happen LOL at least that is what all the "experts" keep telling us.

Well I am doing well just relaxing this weekend then back to the gringd on Monday.

I hope everyone one is having a good weekend

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Hey guys,

I don't have time to really read the last few threads. But wanted to say hello. Actually shocked that I am DOWN 2 lbs since I left home! : ) I actually am so busy, forgetting and not concentrating on eating. We are actually trying to make Breakfast fast and easy. Cereal or whatever and eating out, so not to make it harder on my sister. She is doing good but having a hard time smelling foods. Although she has no hunger, smells are making her head hunger kick in... and making her nauseous?! Not quite she of the connection.. not sure she understands what she is feeling yet. But we all remember being on Clear Liquids but wishing we had something else. We went for a walk down to the lake today (my parents live on a huge lake - Lake Norman) in NC. The weather is perfect. Later in the day we all went out on the boat for a nice ride. My sis opted to rest. Tomorrow night is her montly support group and she asked me to go with her. She still isn't driving yet. It will be good to go with her, both for me and her.

Most of my family (other than folks) have not seen me since last summer, so they were all shocked to see me! 57 lbs is 57 lbs. I do have a bitch of a SIL who does not believe in WLS and walked to the other room as we were talking about it. She is ex army lt. colonel and is rigid in all her life. 0600 exercise 0630 shit 0635 eat.... anyway. She showed her true colors this visit, never said a word about how i looked, never asked me how the surgery went, NOTHING. ANd better yet, she is a women's health nurse practitioner!!!

Tomorrow we are taking Nels to Carowinds, the big Carolinas amusement park! Lots and lots of walking there! Should be fun for him. The food will be VERY challenging there. Will likely eat a good breakfast... and plan on a Protein bar or drink for lunch. I don't want to have to search high and low for something to eat while they are looking for rides!

ok guys, LOVING Long's photos! Holy cannoli, gives me so much motivation!!!!!!! Way to go!

Hope everyone had a good weekend!


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Good morning everyone!

Meredith~ OMG, I cannot believe some people! I am sure you handled the situation with grace and elegance. I don't know why some people (and I have had young people do it too) think it is ok to be so offensive to someone. Had you not been at work it would have been so nice to say... "and you obviously have a personality disorder which allows you to be so rude. Have you scheduled your lobotomy?" That is great though that you can take away the positive and see it as an affirmation that you are doing the right thing by getting banded! way to go.

Joann~ It sounds like you and I are near the same sweet spot. It's such a nice feeling. I feel more confident in eating now. Getting back to the reimbursement issue with Medicare. Holy cannoli! I get so tired of the health care system having to change the correct way of practicing medicine because of what the insurance company says! My DH has been on the same cholesterol medicine for 5 years and suddenly his insurance decided they won't cover it. (after trying 5 others that either didn't work or he had side effects) It took 10 phone calls and 5 letters to get it approved. But it shouldn't be this way! And I doubt the average jane or joe would know the hoops to jump through to get something like that done!

1 day~ Sorry to hear about the loss of your friend. So sad. {{hug}} And hope the computer problems are fixed! Hello back at ya.

Rainy day here in southern Florida. DH is post call and sleeping (worked all night). DS is out of school for the summer but woke up at 6:30am per usual! I want to go to the gym but he wants to stay home and play. I feel bad b/c it is the first day of summer vacation... but I also want to get a good workout in before we go to NC tomorrow, as we'll be in the car all day! If it was any normal day I'd say, get in the car.. we are going to the gym NOW! (they have a playroom/babysitting there). But I am trying to be a little more kind/diplomatic today and might resort to some sort of bribe to the dollar store for a toy..LOL! I am usually in a rush as I have an appointment with my trainer, but she went to Puerto Rico for the week. Funny as we both had our vacation planned at the same time months before we ever met!

ok.. this morning finally back down to 257! : ) I had been riding at that 259 point all week and REFUSED to adjust my ticker. At least I can leave on vacation back at ground zero. I am a little anxious, as this is my first time away from my "safe house" where food is safe and I have everything I need. (food scale, measuring cups, healthy food) I hear all of you experienced bansters going on cruises and doing fine. I just don't feel I have that much of a grasp on finding good choices out in the real world! The good news is the first 3 days of the trip will be in NC at my moms. And for the day in the car I will bring along stuff in my cooler as the boys eat fastfood. It's next week I am worried about... during the day in Charleston with my son. I guess it's always good to keep a Muscle Milk Light or Protein bar in your bag for emergencies? I know I will do it, just stressing me out a bit. : ) Any suggestions for vacation eating will be much appreciated.

ok friends, TGIF!

I have heard you mention the Muscle Milk several times and I have looked and can't find it. Just wondering where you get yours?

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