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update on my sis. She had a ROUGH night! The bypass was her first surgery EVER and she's one of those who cry with a hang nail. They wanted her up and walking yesterday and she couldn't/wouldn't do it. She said she was in too much pain. She called me crying her eyes out last night! She was so nauseous. I told her to lay off the ice chips and let the IV hydrate her. She wanted to take off the Sequential compression devices (the squeezy things on your legs to prevent blood clots) and I advised against it. And she thought the pain medicine would magically take away all her pain, and it didn't of course. So I think she was a bit unrealistic in her expectations. But I spoke with her nurse and she said other than B&M she is doing good. (bitching and moaning..LOL). She didn't say that...just my translation of nurse talk. Although her dr didn't require preop bowel prep... i highly advised her to take something. She is SOOO thanking me that I made her do that. Hopefully by the time I get up there Saturday she will be MUCH better. I will be more helpful to her preparing Protein mess and various liquids in 30cc shots.

ok friends, just felt like sharing. Time to clean house... do laundry... wait for AC guy for 6 month maint of AC and pool heater.. make calls... pay bills. The fun never ends!

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update on my sis. She had a ROUGH night! The bypass was her first surgery EVER and she's one of those who cry with a hang nail. They wanted her up and walking yesterday and she couldn't/wouldn't do it. She said she was in too much pain. She called me crying her eyes out last night! She was so nauseous. I told her to lay off the ice chips and let the IV hydrate her. She wanted to take off the Sequential compression devices (the squeezy things on your legs to prevent blood clots) and I advised against it. And she thought the pain medicine would magically take away all her pain, and it didn't of course. So I think she was a bit unrealistic in her expectations. But I spoke with her nurse and she said other than B&M she is doing good. (bitching and moaning..LOL). She didn't say that...just my translation of nurse talk. Although her dr didn't require preop bowel prep... i highly advised her to take something. She is SOOO thanking me that I made her do that. Hopefully by the time I get up there Saturday she will be MUCH better. I will be more helpful to her preparing Protein mess and various liquids in 30cc shots.

ok friends, just felt like sharing. Time to clean house... do laundry... wait for AC guy for 6 month maint of AC and pool heater.. make calls... pay bills. The fun never ends!

Abdominal surgery is tough especially for someone who has never had surgery. You will be able to help her because the recovery is the same. She really needs to walk.

My DH started shakes today for his pre-op, I am so glad we are going to be on the same page as far as a eating plan. You and your sister will be too. My friend had gastric bypass when I had lap band. She has lost all of her weight.....120lbs.........I have another 80 to go. I do get down sometimes when we are together and people are commenting on her weight loss and don't notice mine, but then I just remind myself the band is what was right for me. So Laura, don't let people distract you from your goal. You will get there and may even lose more than you had planned.

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Awww, Laura, your poor sister. I have a friend that had bypass and she says she did not handle it well at all. More than she expected (didn't know her when). Said it took her two weeks to accept it all and by then most of the pain was gone. She admits it was just plain unpreparedness. I hope today goes better for your sister and that she is up and walking. Bet you cannot wait to go see her.

Wishing everyone a great weekend. Mine is starting early again. Heading out for the lake in a bit and will be back maybe Monday. Gotta get our wireless installed up there!

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Meredith - I am glad you had that talk with your Dad..


I woke up from my surgery being a big B - my DIL say I used the F word alot - I was B&M about being hot - wanting more ice etc... I had a pain pump so I just pushed the button and went to sleep - that Night the nurse from my doc office came to see me and gave me a grape popsicle - I cried cuz I was so happy !!! and I had shots for the 1st 24 hrs after the pump was taken away that night and the next day had gas pains so bad that I was afaird to go home.. I remembering crying to the doc - they let me stay another night - but truly after the last pain shot @ 1 on 7/18 I could have went home that night - it was my 2nd surgery my 1st was gall bladder when I was 30 - and back then you got cut open and stayed in the hospital for 3 days then went and stayed w/my Dad for 2 days then when home...

the 2 lbs - this is why I stress not to get on the scale every day...

Glad you can eat w/o pain

Charlene - My gf who had bypass has stalled and she's 7 months out - 97 lbs. I really beleive your wl is going to jump cuz you are supporting your DH - so the out to dinners - snack here and there are going to go bye bye for a while :0)

Well gotta get my butt in gear - CBL

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Thanks, Janet. I think you are right. No more eating out at least for a few months. My DH is religious about doctor's orders. He will lose fast, and I will try to keep up with him.

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Peas, that test sounds neat. I'd love to know what mine is.

Well I am off to get my hair cut and colored. It's pouring rain out today so it won't last long!

Long & others~ I just discovered that you can see people's graphs when you click on their tickers :confused:(if someone didn't know what we were talking about... that statement sounds so nasty! LOL) Anyway, it is so motivational to see your progress! You have made such an AMAZING accomplishment, as have many of you on here!!! I cannot get over how inspirational it is to talk to this fabulous group of women. I ditto what was said about their support group being a bunch of people complaining about not losing whilst they eat a 1/2 gallon of ice cream each night. I find it MUCH more helpful to talk to a group of people who have been successful with this band tool. And the really neat thing is that it is a reciprocal relationship. As you help us... we help you keep in check. (like running support groups MAKES you keep yourself on top of things). Just amazing.

I love this thread and I love you all. Despite what the scale said today, feeling strong and motivated. If we just keep doing what we are supposed to... the weight HAS to come off eventually!

Janet, I hear you girl. I know. I know. (re: the scale)

Update from my sis. She DID get up... and again thanked me for telling her she HAS to! She actually felt a LOT better. I made her laugh by telling her about the poor little trapped fart inside her that needs to get free! She said she stood up and passed some gas and was about to say "be free little fart", but was afraid the nurse would take away her morphine pump or think she was nuts! LOL. She is also happy to have the catheter out. I am so happy for her- that she had the surgery and her journey begins. I am sure there will be that comparison of us.. especially this coming December for my parents 50th wedding anniversary party! So it gives me something to work for!!!

<stepping off my soap box and getting back to chores>

Edited by peascorps

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Long & others~ I just discovered that you can see people's graphs when you click on their tickers :confused:(if someone didn't know what we were talking about... that statement sounds so nasty! LOL) Anyway, it is so motivational to see your progress! You have made such an AMAZING accomplishment, as have many of you on here!!! I cannot get over how inspirational it is to talk to this fabulous group of women. I ditto what was said about their support group being a bunch of people complaining about not losing whilst they eat a 1/2 gallon of ice cream each night. I find it MUCH more helpful to talk to a group of people who have been successful with this band tool. And the really neat thing is that it is a reciprocal relationship. As you help us... we help you keep in check. (like running support groups MAKES you keep yourself on top of things). Just amazing.

I love this thread and I love you all. Despite what the scale said today, feeling strong and motivated. If we just keep doing what we are supposed to... the weight HAS to come off eventually!

<stepping off my soap box and getting back to chores>

Yes Laura on the ticker issue as long as the pple have it as public and not private - I know you can click on my ticker and see my weight loss week by week - click on see all data (i think that's what it says) at the bottom. I posted every Thrusday as that was my weigh in day... I go back to it everynow and then :0)

Yep Charlene - You and DH are going to be one healthy couple and just think of all the flying and place you are going to be going and activities that you couldn't do before.

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Thanks, Janet. I think you are right. No more eating out at least for a few months. My DH is religious about doctor's orders. He will lose fast, and I will try to keep up with him.

Bet you will do just fine with everything, Arlene. Watch for stress symptoms. My band tends to get really tight when stressed. Not sure if you have experienced that. Just had a bout of it from Friday thru yesterday. I've bumped my calories again to make up for the loss over the weekend. My point is....if you know you are under stress because of this big step your DH is taking, just be cautious with certain foods so you don't get in trouble with getting stuck and not getting your nutrients in. Make sense? :confused:

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Thanks Apple.......I do forget about the stress. Well, Hee Hee, I was helping Janet harvest on her farm and my computer hiccuped and I lost her. So, back to Facebook. Have fun this weekend. It sounds like you have a blast at the lake.

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Hi gang, the baby is napping so can take a couple minutes to chat.... My re-fill on Monday had me worried yesterday as after my 24 hours of liquids was up, I was starving and wanted to eat everything in sight.. And I did eat too much last night... I hadn't eaten except Soup since Sunday night and just couldn't do the right thing and eat what I needed instead of what I wanted.. And I didn't feel any restriction at all!!! But today seems different.. I had a half cup of cottage cheese with some fruit this morning and some Jerky mid-morning... Now I just tried to have some ham salad with a boiled egg on some lettuce... Three bites and I was PB ing.... I hate that... But I must have some restriction.......either that or I have a problem with lettuce that I didn't have before my unfill... Anyway, I feel a bit of relief in my mind that the band is working and that I'm not just going to go backwards after all I've accomplished.... I've been worried about that so much..... I did a half mile of my walking tape yesterday and after my Water aerobics was cancelled today I took my little one for a walk outside this morning.. I actually made it a more than a block past my house and back without huffing and puffing.. My left lung has been hard to get back to full force after all the medical stuff it went through lately.... I'm happy with what I did.... I hope all this means I'm headed in the right direction...

Girls, I'm glad you got your dad's under control again.. It's so hard when family members say things that hurt... I'm afraid I'm guilty of doing that to mine about topics other than weight... My mouth gets away from me and it comes out different than I mean it!!! My mother used to make me so mad earlier in my WL journey... I would say that I couldn't eat bread after my surgery and she would always ask why not.... I'd tell her the medical reason and also that I was choosing not to eat bread as it is a problem for me..... She just kept on offering it to me or making a fuss when I would say I couldn't have it... After 9 months she has finally quit commenting on it... She is very contrary some days and can really get to me.... But I try to remember that she is getting old and one day it will be me in her place driving my daughter crazy!!!!!

Charlene, good luck to your husband.... My husband's eating sometimes is hard for me.. He can and does eat anything, anytime and never gains weight.. Well actually, he did gain once... while he was in Iraq... While he was gone those 15 months he had a critical job and was always so busy that he didn't take time to go to the chow hall 5 miles away from his office and dorm.. He would eat MRE's (military "meals ready to eat'). They are meant to sustain a soldier in the field for 24 hours and have about 3000 caleries each.. He would mix and match and eat lots and then sometimes have a buddy bring him a "loaded sandwich' from the mess hall.. He is by nature a very active person and runs all the time, but while in Iraq he had a desk job (good for a 58 year old soldier!) . Those things worked together to let him be his heaviest weight when he came home.. Had to get him new clothes... But in 2 months of regular life it was all gone again... and I gained!!!!

Laura, glad your sister is doing well... I had the band, but had to have a full incision and 4 days in the hospital.. Those first time movings are difficult, but it gets easier... You'll be a great help to her.. enjoy your trip...

Better do a few things before baby wakes up.. Talk to you all later.. Julie

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Thanks Apple.......I do forget about the stress. Well, Hee Hee, I was helping Janet harvest on her farm and my computer hiccuped and I lost her. So, back to Facebook. Have fun this weekend. It sounds like you have a blast at the lake.

Well, Arlene...you and Janet will just have to custom hire your harvest. Experience has proven that you can get it done for about $95,000 on 2500 acres!

Yep, we do have a nice time at our lake place. Usually have friends come up and stay on Wed and Thurs and DH comes on Friday nights. He is such a workaholic...he's up and heading home to work each weekend by 7am. We only live 40 miles away so very convenient. DH learns to relax about 1/2 through the summer and then starts gearing up for harvest about the same time. Could be worse...he could be in the bar or a couch potato!:confused:

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Peas, thanks for the kind words about my weight graph. Friday marks my one year bandiversary. I can not believe it, one year ago I was on the liquid diet right now and very nervous and so sure that I would fail at this too and now one year later I am down 125 lbs!!! Who knew??? I love my band and am so grateful for it, and for everyone here that has been such a great support.

Arlene, you and hubby are going to do so great together.

Apples, your DH sounds like mine. IN fact he came home from work a few hours ago, and is going back in a bit. But he'd much rather be farming, I think it's a regret of his. There's some land in the family in SD and if circumstances ever warranted it, he'd be there in a heartbeat. In the meantime, my backyard is the envy of the neighborhood if I do say so myself. He's out there 'putzing' as he calls it, all the time.

Bubba, I can't do lettuce. It balls up and gets stuck on me just like bread, so it might have been just the lettuce. Kindda keep track of when it happens and what you ate, and you'll know for sure soon.

Well I am having some exercise issues. I had it going so good for awhile. But I went with a few friends daily at 230pm and we did that Power 90 DVD. It's great to have workout partners, WHEN they are motivated too. However, when they peter out, it's tough. I didn't own the Power 90 and one of the other gals that has become very spoaradic did, however, I did get to burn a copy so have my own now. But when they don't go it's so easy not to. I've been doing my Wii Active at home and think DH is going to soon be my new partner, but I gotta stay consistent and am struggling.

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Charlene - that happens to me sometime - I get booted out - I was at work and didn't want my crops to rot and I had hired someone from the market place but then you and Aunt Coco (nichole from my #7 thread) were on my farms - so wanted to give you guys a chance to make some $$$ - Nichole let me harvest the other day..

Hi gang, the baby is napping so can take a couple minutes to chat.... My re-fill on Monday had me worried yesterday as after my 24 hours of liquids was up, I was starving and wanted to eat everything in sight.. And I did eat too much last night... I hadn't eaten except Soup since Sunday night and just couldn't do the right thing and eat what I needed instead of what I wanted.. And I didn't feel any restriction at all!!! But today seems different.. I had a half cup of cottage cheese with some fruit this morning and some Jerky mid-morning... Now I just tried to have some ham salad with a boiled egg on some lettuce... Three bites and I was PB ing.... I hate that... But I must have some restriction.......either that or I have a problem with lettuce that I didn't have before my unfill... Anyway, I feel a bit of relief in my mind that the band is working and that I'm not just going to go backwards after all I've accomplished.... I've been worried about that so much..... I did a half mile of my walking tape yesterday and after my Water aerobics was cancelled today I took my little one for a walk outside this morning.. I actually made it a more than a block past my house and back without huffing and puffing.. My left lung has been hard to get back to full force after all the medical stuff it went through lately.... I'm happy with what I did.... I hope all this means I'm headed in the right direction...

Girls, I'm glad you got your dad's under control again.. It's so hard when family members say things that hurt... I'm afraid I'm guilty of doing that to mine about topics other than weight... My mouth gets away from me and it comes out different than I mean it!!! My mother used to make me so mad earlier in my WL journey... I would say that I couldn't eat bread after my surgery and she would always ask why not.... I'd tell her the medical reason and also that I was choosing not to eat bread as it is a problem for me..... She just kept on offering it to me or making a fuss when I would say I couldn't have it... After 9 months she has finally quit commenting on it... She is very contrary some days and can really get to me.... But I try to remember that she is getting old and one day it will be me in her place driving my daughter crazy!!!!!

Charlene, good luck to your husband.... My husband's eating sometimes is hard for me.. He can and does eat anything, anytime and never gains weight.. Well actually, he did gain once... while he was in Iraq... While he was gone those 15 months he had a critical job and was always so busy that he didn't take time to go to the chow hall 5 miles away from his office and dorm.. He would eat MRE's (military "meals ready to eat'). They are meant to sustain a soldier in the field for 24 hours and have about 3000 caleries each.. He would mix and match and eat lots and then sometimes have a buddy bring him a "loaded sandwich' from the mess hall.. He is by nature a very active person and runs all the time, but while in Iraq he had a desk job (good for a 58 year old soldier!) . Those things worked together to let him be his heaviest weight when he came home.. Had to get him new clothes... But in 2 months of regular life it was all gone again... and I gained!!!!

Laura, glad your sister is doing well... I had the band, but had to have a full incision and 4 days in the hospital.. Those first time movings are difficult, but it gets easier... You'll be a great help to her.. enjoy your trip...

Better do a few things before baby wakes up.. Talk to you all later.. Julie[/QUOT

Julie - it sounds like you are getting better and better each and every day - and as you know it can take up to 2 weeks for a fill to settle in- Glad you have some restriction... And some days you can eat something and then the next you can't - I have been having ck breast all week for lunch - I bbq'd it on Sunday - it's moist so have not problems - but I make sure I take tiny bites - you know what gets me sometime and you would consider it a mushie - avocados -

I'm lucky my Aunt Dot - is just happy that I have gotten healthy. She's the closes thing I have to a parent..

Well, Arlene...you and Janet will just have to custom hire your harvest. Experience has proven that you can get it done for about $95,000 on 2500 acres!

Yep, we do have a nice time at our lake place. Usually have friends come up and stay on Wed and Thurs and DH comes on Friday nights. He is such a workaholic...he's up and heading home to work each weekend by 7am. We only live 40 miles away so very convenient. DH learns to relax about 1/2 through the summer and then starts gearing up for harvest about the same time. Could be worse...he could be in the bar or a couch potato!:redface:

I don't know how many acres I have yet - I think I can upgrade to a 20 x 20 farm - but gotta see if I have enought $$ - I wish we got 2500 for harvesting - something like $15 a plant depending on the plant :0)

Peas, thanks for the kind words about my weight graph. Friday marks my one year bandiversary. I can not believe it, one year ago I was on the liquid diet right now and very nervous and so sure that I would fail at this too and now one year later I am down 125 lbs!!! Who knew??? I love my band and am so grateful for it, and for everyone here that has been such a great support.

Arlene, you and hubby are going to do so great together.

Apples, your DH sounds like mine. IN fact he came home from work a few hours ago, and is going back in a bit. But he'd much rather be farming, I think it's a regret of his. There's some land in the family in SD and if circumstances ever warranted it, he'd be there in a heartbeat. In the meantime, my backyard is the envy of the neighborhood if I do say so myself. He's out there 'putzing' as he calls it, all the time.

Bubba, I can't do lettuce. It balls up and gets stuck on me just like bread, so it might have been just the lettuce. Kindda keep track of when it happens and what you ate, and you'll know for sure soon.

Well I am having some exercise issues. I had it going so good for awhile. But I went with a few friends daily at 230pm and we did that Power 90 DVD. It's great to have workout partners, WHEN they are motivated too. However, when they peter out, it's tough. I didn't own the Power 90 and one of the other gals that has become very spoaradic did, however, I did get to burn a copy so have my own now. But when they don't go it's so easy not to. I've been doing my Wii Active at home and think DH is going to soon be my new partner, but I gotta stay consistent and am struggling.

Long this is why I don't have a workout partner - cuz if they flake on you it's to easy to say oh I won't go either.. I had a freind who joined my gym but never went - I said well meet me there and I'll work out with you - that way if she didn't show I would be there - and that's what happend she never showed..

I don't have a wii - am considering getting one - I just don't know when I would fit it in - between fb & lbt and maybe and hour of tv a night (my r&r) I don't have any time...

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Hi everyone, just checking in - had a lot of reading to do to catch up. Charlene, congrats on your DH's surgery date, we'll all be thinking of you both and wishing him a speedy recovery. Laura, I too was surprised at your post about your surgeon's attitude -- I'm like Long, I just expect that because you and your DH are in the medical profession that you would be treated much better by doctors and surgeons than us non-medical people. I think that your decision to get the band was your personal choice which was best for you and your family and your surgeon should honor that decision instead of being so negative. I'm glad you're a strong lady and can deal with that, so many people would be devastated by a comment like that. I had a very small fill today -- 1/2 a cc -- my surgeon agreed with me that a tiny fill was in order but he thinks (as I do) that I will be at my sweet spot after this one. I'm hoping so. He had a little bit of trouble finding the port again -- but no pain this time and it wasn't nearly as bad as the first but he did make a comment, "I hope it hasn't flipped" while searching that made very VERY nervous. A few seconds later he thankfully found it, thank Goodness! Julie, you are sounding good and glad you are getting stronger every day. Just keep it up. Meredith, if I didn't say congrats on the date yet, congrats. Glad you were strong enough to talk to your Dad and give him good information about your surgery. There's no need for such negativity. We have such marvelous medical miracles being performed everyday. I mean, yes, we all need to be cautious and abide by doctor's orders, but as someone else pointed out, they put you through enough screenings before surgery and they wouldn't perform surgery on you if you weren't in good enough shape for it. Rose, congrats on your Onederland!! It's so exciting. We're having a garage sale with our neighbors this weekend and I'm getting rid of some newer clothes that are already too big as well as some of my original big clothes that I kept back when I got rid of the first round. I'm also clearing out some other things I know I'll never use again, like my deep fryer, my onion blossom thingie, a huge Pasta pot, etc. I'm done with all that kind of cooking for good! Apples, I'm sure i missed you, but have a good time at the lake this week. Hope everyone has a lovely Thursday. Linda

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Hi everyone, just checking in - had a lot of reading to do to catch up. Charlene, congrats on your DH's surgery date, we'll all be thinking of you both and wishing him a speedy recovery. Laura, I too was surprised at your post about your surgeon's attitude -- I'm like Long, I just expect that because you and your DH are in the medical profession that you would be treated much better by doctors and surgeons than us non-medical people. I think that your decision to get the band was your personal choice which was best for you and your family and your surgeon should honor that decision instead of being so negative. I'm glad you're a strong lady and can deal with that, so many people would be devastated by a comment like that. I had a very small fill today -- 1/2 a cc -- my surgeon agreed with me that a tiny fill was in order but he thinks (as I do) that I will be at my sweet spot after this one. I'm hoping so. He had a little bit of trouble finding the port again -- but no pain this time and it wasn't nearly as bad as the first but he did make a comment, "I hope it hasn't flipped" while searching that made very VERY nervous. A few seconds later he thankfully found it, thank Goodness! Julie, you are sounding good and glad you are getting stronger every day. Just keep it up. Meredith, if I didn't say congrats on the date yet, congrats. Glad you were strong enough to talk to your Dad and give him good information about your surgery. There's no need for such negativity. We have such marvelous medical miracles being performed everyday. I mean, yes, we all need to be cautious and abide by doctor's orders, but as someone else pointed out, they put you through enough screenings before surgery and they wouldn't perform surgery on you if you weren't in good enough shape for it. Rose, congrats on your Onederland!! It's so exciting. We're having a garage sale with our neighbors this weekend and I'm getting rid of some newer clothes that are already too big as well as some of my original big clothes that I kept back when I got rid of the first round. I'm also clearing out some other things I know I'll never use again, like my deep fryer, my onion blossom thingie, a huge Pasta pot, etc. I'm done with all that kind of cooking for good! Apples, I'm sure i missed you, but have a good time at the lake this week. Hope everyone has a lovely Thursday. Linda

Yep Linda those are things of the past and don't fit into our new lifestyle.. I use to fry everything - now I bake or if it do fry it's not dripping in grease like it use to.. I use to go thru a tub of butter (marg) 1 a week now a tub last almost a month...

well off to the gym - yes it's 5 a.m on the west coast !!! but I didn't go tuesday nite so I gotta get my cardio in...


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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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