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indio- i so want a buddy....i am just starting this journey and would love to have a support system outside of my other friends and family.....a support system of those going through the same process!!!! thanks for this opportunity.

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Thank you everyone for your kind words and encouragement! I have some even better news today......

Well, once insurance approval happens, these people are on their toes! I got my date!!!!!! June 26th! :crying: I finally have something solid to look forward to. I start my liquid diet on the 12th. I think that the time is going to go by fast now. Although this is exciting, now I'm kinda nervous too. I am so thankful to have all of you here for support and kind words. Thank God there are people out there that understand as well as all of you.:thumbup:

Laura, We are getting some lousy weather here too. It reminds me of Florida when I visited there last, hot, humid, and storms. I know that the weather there can be beautiful too, but apparently I have bad weather follow me whenever I travel.

Janet, you go girl! You are a strong tough one for sure! And, I cannot tell you how happy I am that you decided to start this thread 218 pages ago!

Everyone, Thank you once again for all of your support! You got me through the insurance/approval debacle with flying colors! I love reading about all of you and your experiences with the band. Another question.....what exactly does a surgery clearance from my pcp entail?

Thanks again!



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Hi everyone !

I want to share something that I found out Tuesday when I went to my Dr for a fill. I have been having this problem being too tight one day then fine the next. They told me its allergies. I'm to take an allergy pill everyday. Will see if it helps.

Phyl...you look fantastic !!! Love your new pic. :crying:

P J - I have heard that before - But can't say that for me it made me tighter - but again we are all diff... If I really listen to my band and not my head - I still have good restriction - without a fill in over a year.. But I think I am just lucky - got to sweet spot in 2 fills.. How's your food choices going and exercise...

Tell your Mom I said Hi... Hugs Janet

Oh Lordy Lordy! Janet~ I told you my mind was going! I meant LEG PRESS. Not bench press. Leg press was 250 max. Bench press with arms... I don't remember the amount. And it was on the machine for that... she was afraid to do MAX on the overhead bar with weights. We have done bar plus maybe 10 lbs on each side... that's it. I will have to write down the max arms. It was interesting the difference in training techniques between a YMCA trainer and then a college educated exercise physiologist. The EP places a lot more emphasis on having objective data - so that you can really compare progress and to adjust weights according to scientific research, not just what feels right. She also takes my BP before and during exercise and next week wants to do a modified treadmill stress test. There won't be an EKG attached.. but rather heart monitor and BP... and seeing how long I can go and what incline, to get a rough idea of my MET level and what my absolute TRUE max HR is. Back in 1997 when I went to the Duke University Diet and Fitness Center Diet & Fitness Center - Duke Diet & Fitness Center - DukeHealth.org, I had a stress test and got to 12 METS at that time. (I weighed 224 and thought that was the end of my rope, as far as weight was concerned!)

Curious if anyone else did any admissions to any university based Diet centers? I had 4 admissions over 2 years (NOT covered by insurance!) in an attempt to get healthy. It really was an awesome program, balancing medical/exercise/nutrition/& psychological components. I did great while I was there... and even for months after, but always gained it back and more. : (


Laura - Ok girl - I thought to myself - this is one strong girl :thumbup: - my legs are way stronger than my arms always have been - I did 200 machine leg press tonite - 70 on the inter/outer thigh machine and 90 on some other leg machine.

Arms it varies 25 - 30 -40 -50 depending on the machine

What's met ?? I take antenol 50 mg- for my bp - and it takes alot to get my heart rate up to 120 - I rarely do only if I jog - and I don't do that often usually in the 90's to 110 - at 250 I couldn't pass the stress test cuz I couldn't walk fast enough long enough to get my heart rate up - but question here if I am taking a med to lower my heart rate - I would have to exert 2 x the effort to get it up high enough - I had do have a nuclear stress test prior to surgery...

No I haven't done anything else but WW Jenny Craig - Fen Phen - diet pills - and other stupid diets and read a few books - imho I like WW as it's a balance eating plan..

indio- i so want a buddy....i am just starting this journey and would love to have a support system outside of my other friends and family.....a support system of those going through the same process!!!! thanks for this opportunity.

Question09 - Welcome - Yes jump right on it - Are you banded yet - PJ is from TX and so is Charlene - I met PJ when I went to Fort Worth last Feb - Charlene lives farther away - but in texas - oh by houston - Dr. what's his name - big medicine did her band...


Well back from the gym - did legs - going in the a.m then tomorrow nite for make up from Monday will do arms

Having flounder for dinner - never had it before - gotta go ck out food TV to see how to cook it...

Meredith - what did you find out..

1 day - how are you doing


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Thank you everyone for your kind words and encouragement! I have some even better news today......

Well, once insurance approval happens, these people are on their toes! I got my date!!!!!! June 26th! :mad3: I finally have something solid to look forward to. I start my liquid diet on the 12th. I think that the time is going to go by fast now. Although this is exciting, now I'm kinda nervous too. I am so thankful to have all of you here for support and kind words. Thank God there are people out there that understand as well as all of you.:hurt:

Laura, We are getting some lousy weather here too. It reminds me of Florida when I visited there last, hot, humid, and storms. I know that the weather there can be beautiful too, but apparently I have bad weather follow me whenever I travel.

Janet, you go girl! You are a strong tough one for sure! And, I cannot tell you how happy I am that you decided to start this thread 218 pages ago!

Everyone, Thank you once again for all of your support! You got me through the insurance/approval debacle with flying colors! I love reading about all of you and your experiences with the band. Another question.....what exactly does a surgery clearance from my pcp entail?

Thanks again!




:crying:- YEA YEA YEA -:thumbup:

I know how jazzed you are right now - I wanted to yell it from the roof tops when I got my date..

It's normal to be scare & nervous - we all were - this is major fricking sugery - it's not another diet - it a permant tool to help you get healthy !!!

It's a drastic measure that we have all taken to get healthy - we need the help that the band proves

I am so happy for you...

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Congrats on getting your date. I remember that as being a very exciting day for me. My surgeon's office called while I was cruising around the neighborhood on my scooter. When I got back, first thing I saw was a big note DH had taped on the screen door....

"Your surgery date is July 20th"!

I was ecstatic!

My PCP says the surgeon is supposed to tell you or PCP what he wants done for "clearance".... EKG, bloodwork, chest x-ray, cardaic workup??? My PCP won't do anything until the surgeon makes it clear what is required for "clearance".

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I was banded 2/9/09 my journey So far has been very depressing ever since I got my surgery I have had nothing but bad news in my life 2 deaths & now I got laid off my job last week. they gave me a exit date of 6/19/09 thinking they are doing me a favor but I know they just need me here to clean up. I've been very depressed I gained 5pd that week eating, yes I do eat less but I eat a lot all day, everytime I could which make me feel terrible getting me deeper into depression I know it's all a mental thing but it keep my mind off things, the fullness & the getting sick if I do over eat just stops me from thinking of what's going on and about what the hell I'm going to do. I'm actually in tears right now. I get to the point when I just want to give up.My life has been nothing but hell since the age of 26 I had a brain tumor in my pituitary gland that is what caused the weight gain,that cause my diabetes and so much more there was so many complications do to that. blindness for over 6 months but with surgery I got some sight back but I'm still legally blind out of one eye. Any way it took me 2yrs to recover & still trying to get my life right but it just ain't happening I think I'm done trying. I have one more doc appt on the 17th to get my third fill I will go to the appt but may not get the fill because what if it's to tight & need to get some let out my insurance will be termed by then and i could never afford to pay for it myself so i'm at a loss of what to do and the more i feel bad the more I want to just throw my hands in the air and say f_ck it I guess I will just feel miserable with myself and live this life as it is. Damn I just want something good to happen in my life one thing to make me smile & laugh not just fake it in front of family so they don't worry about me.they've done enough of that.. I thought this was a start but ended up making things worse at least for me. I don't know my next step. Sorry I may not have made any sense. that's nothing new. well I guess i vented enough. As you can see on my wieght chart I haven't lost much weight then people I see on thuis site. I haven't even updated the chart to the 5pds I gained it make my sad to have to do that.

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Phyl, you look fabulous in that new pic!

Thanks, Charlene...

I appreciate everyone's compliments!

I was banded 2/9/09 my journey So far has been very depressing ever since I got my surgery I have had nothing but bad news in my life 2 deaths & now I got laid off my job last week. they gave me a exit date of 6/19/09 thinking they are doing me a favor but I know they just need me here to clean up. I've been very depressed I gained 5pd that week eating, yes I do eat less but I eat a lot all day, everytime I could which make me feel terrible getting me deeper into depression I know it's all a mental thing but it keep my mind off things, the fullness & the getting sick if I do over eat just stops me from thinking of what's going on and about what the hell I'm going to do. I'm actually in tears right now. I get to the point when I just want to give up.My life has been nothing but hell since the age of 26 I had a brain tumor in my pituitary gland that is what caused the weight gain,that cause my diabetes and so much more there was so many complications do to that. blindness for over 6 months but with surgery I got some sight back but I'm still legally blind out of one eye. Any way it took me 2yrs to recover & still trying to get my life right but it just ain't happening I think I'm done trying. I have one more doc appt on the 17th to get my third fill I will go to the appt but may not get the fill because what if it's to tight & need to get some let out my insurance will be termed by then and i could never afford to pay for it myself so i'm at a loss of what to do and the more i feel bad the more I want to just throw my hands in the air and say f_ck it I guess I will just feel miserable with myself and live this life as it is. Damn I just want something good to happen in my life one thing to make me smile & laugh not just fake it in front of family so they don't worry about me.they've done enough of that.. I thought this was a start but ended up making things worse at least for me. I don't know my next step. Sorry I may not have made any sense. that's nothing new. well I guess i vented enough. As you can see on my wieght chart I haven't lost much weight then people I see on thuis site. I haven't even updated the chart to the 5pds I gained it make my sad to have to do that.

I'm so sorry to hear of all your problems and challenges. I know how hard it is to stay on track in the midst of all that going on in your life. Are you in a support group of any kind Or getting any emotional support from anyone?? You can't walk through all that's going on by yourself. What kind of support system do you have on a daily basis??

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Wow, Phyll........you photo is georgeous!

Drive by post......just home long enough to plant flowers that I have babied since they were seeds. Started over 200 of them in my sun room a few months ago. Better get after it so I can get up to the lake and plant up there too. Then, off to a party tonight with girlfriends!

Hope everyone is doing well...have a nice weekend, friends!

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Meridith!! YAHOO!!!!! So happy you got your date. I was the same way, so excited to get it, I got my date and had surgery 4 days later. So then I went from excited, to OMG what am I doing and got totally freaked out and scared. Almost chickened out. But I am so glad I didn't. It's been the best thing I have ever done for myself. You will do great, the time it took you to fight for surgery, you have read up and learned so much about it, you are so prepared. All my PCP had to do for clearance was like a mini checkup to make sure there were no hidden dangers, or illnesses. I had already had my pulmonary, psych and cardio done at that time.

Phyl, I agree your new photo is great.

Apples, Whew!! you are one busy lady!! have fun planting!

TVas, I don't understand how the lapband has made your life worse. You have had some awful things come your way since then, but none of those are a result of the surgery and would've come regardless. Maybe the surgery will be the shining light in your life right now. The circumstances in your life suck right now with the job situation, but perhaps the new time in your life will allow you to focus on your new healthy living habits. So many things are out of control in your life, maybe you can use your band to control the food/eating area in your life and start there. I hope you are able to find some support in your area. Not sure if it's the case at all dr's offices, but mine does not charge for unfills. If I get a fill and it's too tight they will unfill some of it for free. Hopefully your's does too and that won't be a worry for you.

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thank you all for listening. I have my mother only for support but I try not to bother her she has had enough of worrying about me & taking car of me well I was ill. There is support groups but there all at night. I can't drive nights because of the sight issue. This site is all I have to read. thanks again I hope this is a new beginning. I just have to be strong and wait end see.

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I was banded 2/9/09 my journey So far has been very depressing ever since I got my surgery I have had nothing but bad news in my life 2 deaths & now I got laid off my job last week. they gave me a exit date of 6/19/09 thinking they are doing me a favor but I know they just need me here to clean up. I've been very depressed I gained 5pd that week eating, yes I do eat less but I eat a lot all day, everytime I could which make me feel terrible getting me deeper into depression I know it's all a mental thing but it keep my mind off things, the fullness & the getting sick if I do over eat just stops me from thinking of what's going on and about what the hell I'm going to do. I'm actually in tears right now. I get to the point when I just want to give up.My life has been nothing but hell since the age of 26 I had a brain tumor in my pituitary gland that is what caused the weight gain,that cause my diabetes and so much more there was so many complications do to that. blindness for over 6 months but with surgery I got some sight back but I'm still legally blind out of one eye. Any way it took me 2yrs to recover & still trying to get my life right but it just ain't happening I think I'm done trying. I have one more doc appt on the 17th to get my third fill I will go to the appt but may not get the fill because what if it's to tight & need to get some let out my insurance will be termed by then and i could never afford to pay for it myself so i'm at a loss of what to do and the more i feel bad the more I want to just throw my hands in the air and say f_ck it I guess I will just feel miserable with myself and live this life as it is. Damn I just want something good to happen in my life one thing to make me smile & laugh not just fake it in front of family so they don't worry about me.they've done enough of that.. I thought this was a start but ended up making things worse at least for me. I don't know my next step. Sorry I may not have made any sense. that's nothing new. well I guess i vented enough. As you can see on my wieght chart I haven't lost much weight then people I see on thuis site. I haven't even updated the chart to the 5pds I gained it make my sad to have to do that.

Hey there T - Sorry for your struggles, ya it sure sounds like you have had a lot going on in your life.. Hugs about that..

Ok you list all the things bad going on - so now list the good that is in your life and their is some - you might have to reach to find it but it's there - you gotta focus on the good - You DID Recovery from the surgery - You still have your Mom - You have your band - As far as Insurance goes - you will have cobra once you are laid off so that will p/u your fill bills - and see what you said - "Don't want to go cuz the fill might make me too tight - you are already looking at the negative - think - Oh ya I need to go before the insurance runs out - and I can get to my sweet spot this time"

I know it's really hard right now to think postitively - but gf you got to - and filling up on food really doesn't take your pain away or makes the sitituation any better - it's making it worse (more guilt on your shoulder which you don't need)

You can't control what happens to you from the outside world (death job lay off etc) but what you do have control of is how you deal with those thing and what foods you put in your mouth..

As far as your ticker goes - I haven't even looked at it - what I am concerned with is your mental health right now - so what if you haven't lost as much as Jane Doe - who cares - you have a loss and that's what matters - this isn't a race or competition.

I do remember you are 41 - ok GF you are an adult - having to deal with adult sistuations - it's hard but it's life - #1 what are your propects for a new job - what line of work are you in - will unemployement get you by for awhile - do you have a dh - or are you single- got kids at home - if so how old..

Start updating your ressume and getting it out there read the papers - get on line - see who's hiring (I know right now times are tough - but there are some jobs out there - you might not be making as much - but something is better than nothing)

Make a list of the good things in your life and post them here - I want to know what you are thankful for and I know there is something good in your life

When you are at home and want to eat - get on the computer come and talk to other lapbanders - go out side for a walk - clean out your closet - knit - crochet - clean up your bathroom - all of us can stand to clean out our make drawers or under the bathroom sink..

Like I said and I truly mean it- Hugs on the crap you have been having to deal with lately - I know it's hard - heck last yr I had tons of crap going on with my son - dil being stab by a burglar - my bro died - so ya I have had some crap too - but like I said earliers - You can't control the outside world and how it treats you but you can control how you react to it - what you do or do not eat.

Find the good things that are in your life and that you have cause to be thankful for and concintrate on those things.

And you always have us to come and vent to when need be..

Good Luck and Prayers that things will turn around for you soon.

Hugs - Janet

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Thanks Lucky #7 you put a smile on my face with tears but it's a smile with some hope behind it. I'm just going to say. I start my journey today with positive thoughts. I will be fine some times I just need to vent and regroup myself positive thoughts not going backwards.

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Hello again! Well today it is 4 weeks since my band and I just went back to work yesterday. (the holiday weekend extended my FMLA which was nice!) It's a bit weird but I feel like a nervous wreck now that I'm back to my old routine. I am not sure what's wrong with me but sometimes I just feel like crying. I think part of it is because my job is pretty demanding and I am a bit overwhelmed with trying to make sure I am following the program with gms of Protein and getting in Water, etc while trying to deal with work stress. I was in a pretty good rhythm while I was off work but now I am around people and food all the time and it is feeling so weird. My NUT told us that hormones can get whacky after this kind of surgery, maybe that is part of it. But I think mostly it is that I used to love to eat and looked forward to it but now it makes me feel nervous. I am so afraid of failing again with this weight thing, not to mention not chewing well enough and PB'ing or having pain that I think it is a major mental change and it is freaking me out. On the other hand, I am losing well and very happy about that so I know it will all be worth it. I told you I am just not making any sense...I could sure use some of your words of wisdom, ladies!

And TV--hang in there...life is sure hard sometimes but Indio is sooo right, try to stay focused on the positive and remember--when God closes a door, He opens a window--things will get better.

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Hello again! Well today it is 4 weeks since my band and I just went back to work yesterday. (the holiday weekend extended my FMLA which was nice!) It's a bit weird but I feel like a nervous wreck now that I'm back to my old routine. I am not sure what's wrong with me but sometimes I just feel like crying. I think part of it is because my job is pretty demanding and I am a bit overwhelmed with trying to make sure I am following the program with gms of Protein and getting in Water, etc while trying to deal with work stress. I was in a pretty good rhythm while I was off work but now I am around people and food all the time and it is feeling so weird. My NUT told us that hormones can get whacky after this kind of surgery, maybe that is part of it. But I think mostly it is that I used to love to eat and looked forward to it but now it makes me feel nervous. I am so afraid of failing again with this weight thing, not to mention not chewing well enough and PB'ing or having pain that I think it is a major mental change and it is freaking me out. On the other hand, I am losing well and very happy about that so I know it will all be worth it. I told you I am just not making any sense...I could sure use some of your words of wisdom, ladies!

And TV--hang in there...life is sure hard sometimes but Indio is sooo right, try to stay focused on the positive and remember--when God closes a door, He opens a window--things will get better.


This is quick cuz I have gyn in 10 minutes

Ya you have a whole new world and it's going to take getting use to - I love to eat - still do - I miss pigging out sometime - but I feel to good to go back to my old ways...

Just take it one day at a time - focus on your foods that you bring to work and think to yourself - I am eating healthy I am not dieting... I have never considered myself on a diet from day one - like I said I enjoyed eating high fat and high sugar foods too - and I do allow for treats, so they aren't totally taken away - now it's just not that often.

When eating with others I look how the scarf down their food and it sorta makes me sick - pple eat way way too fast - no wonder our brains never got the message that we were full or if it did we ignored it - well with the band you can't ignore it...

I am more aware when eating with other..

Well, I gotta go - will be back later to chat..

T - Hugs I am glad there was a smile with those tears !!! Come back talk vent whatever you need we will try our best to help you thru this awful time.... Hugs J

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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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