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Hi everyone!

Sorry that I haven't been on to update you. When I'm not in class I tend to not go on the computer very much since I live on it every semester.

Well, here is the update......

I called the office manager on Wednesday and left her a very polite message asking why and if it was normal for my chart to be in dictation for two weeks? I also asked her to call me back at her earliest convenience.

I then called my insurance company just to make sure that they did indeed NOT get anything from my surgeons office. They assured me that they did not and then told me again exactly what I needed to get pre-approved, and additionally the fax number to give to the surgeons office in order for things to move more quickly.

Then, I called the woman who is in charge of the lap band at the surgeons office yet again! I gave her the fax number and she was kind of rude and I could tell annoyed that I was calling again. Well, if I'm not going to keep tabs on things, no one will! She again told me that my chart was STILL IN DICTATION!!!!! I reminded her, very politely that it had already been two weeks. Well, she informed me that she would call me as soon as she knew anything. Ok, so I thought that was that.

50 minutes later I got a call from her angrily accusing me of talking to the office manager about my chart being in dictation. I told her that I did not actually speak to the office manager, but rather I left her a simple message asking her why it was taking so long. The woman then told me that she had miraculously found my chart out of dictation and on the surgeons desk! Wow! Imagine that?! Then she told me that she already had sent it to the insurance company. It's about time! But, she told me it wasn't signed. What the heck? So, now I'm really annoyed. Oh well, there is still nothing that I can really do until I hear from the ins co. I am going to call them on Wednesday just to make sure that the process on their end is moving along.

Thats how that went. I cannot wait to let the surgeon know what kind of treatment his staff is giving to future patients! Oh, and another thing, Saturday I received a bill in the mail from the office for 260 dollars! My insurance covers these visits 100 percent so I should not have gotten any type of bill at all! They didn't even try to submit it to insurance! I will ck on all of this wednesday. But, it's frustrating to say the least.

Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!

I wont be such a stranger this week.


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Janet, do NOT worry you are fabulous! No stinky breath -- just pure love and inspiration. I think everyone is just busy with their own lives. Even I'm busier than usual with my exercise regime. Everyone have a great long weekend. Even I'm off on Monday. Whoo Hoo! Linda

Linda - 66 lbs in less than 6 months !!!! You will be at goal by your 1 yr anniversay !!!! WTG on the exercise - you are better than I ever was - I usually did 5 days in the beginning ..

Good evening. Checking in quick in the midst of a busy weekend. I went to Laramie, WY on Fri/Sat to a Beth Moore conference (a Bible Study teacher) with 32 gals from my church. WE had a good time and lots of laughs. Today it was to the in laws for a BBQ and to look at cruise photos. Tomorrow I work. GRRRRR The pool opened this weekend so we don't get the summer holidays off.

I did get a new workout toy this weekend. Anyone hear of the EASports 'Active' program for the Wii?? It's AWESOME! I had tried Jillian Michaels workout program for the Wii Fit and it was awful. This one comes with workout bands, a pouch you put on your leg with the numchuck and you jog, box, do biceps, etc. etc. It tells you how many calories you are burning etc. I am following the 30 day challenge workout but then after that you can customize the workouts. It works with the Wii Fit balance board but can be modified to work without it as well.

Long - I saw something new about the wii and exercise program - it looked good - My band daughter is coming to visit next month - she's bringing hers so I can try it out..

Hi everyone!

Sorry that I haven't been on to update you. When I'm not in class I tend to not go on the computer very much since I live on it every semester.

Well, here is the update......

I called the office manager on Wednesday and left her a very polite message asking why and if it was normal for my chart to be in dictation for two weeks? I also asked her to call me back at her earliest convenience.

I then called my insurance company just to make sure that they did indeed NOT get anything from my surgeons office. They assured me that they did not and then told me again exactly what I needed to get pre-approved, and additionally the fax number to give to the surgeons office in order for things to move more quickly.

Then, I called the woman who is in charge of the lap band at the surgeons office yet again! I gave her the fax number and she was kind of rude and I could tell annoyed that I was calling again. Well, if I'm not going to keep tabs on things, no one will! She again told me that my chart was STILL IN DICTATION!!!!! I reminded her, very politely that it had already been two weeks. Well, she informed me that she would call me as soon as she knew anything. Ok, so I thought that was that.

50 minutes later I got a call from her angrily accusing me of talking to the office manager about my chart being in dictation. I told her that I did not actually speak to the office manager, but rather I left her a simple message asking her why it was taking so long. The woman then told me that she had miraculously found my chart out of dictation and on the surgeons desk! Wow! Imagine that?! Then she told me that she already had sent it to the insurance company. It's about time! But, she told me it wasn't signed. What the heck? So, now I'm really annoyed. Oh well, there is still nothing that I can really do until I hear from the ins co. I am going to call them on Wednesday just to make sure that the process on their end is moving along.

Thats how that went. I cannot wait to let the surgeon know what kind of treatment his staff is giving to future patients! Oh, and another thing, Saturday I received a bill in the mail from the office for 260 dollars! My insurance covers these visits 100 percent so I should not have gotten any type of bill at all! They didn't even try to submit it to insurance! In any other circumstance I would be seeking out another surgeon to do the surgery, but I really like this surgeon and have heard only amazing things about him. Plus, my father and his best friend have both had surgeries done by him laproscopically. Anyhow, that is all of the venting I'm sure all of you can take for now.

I hope that everyone has a fantastic day off tomorrow. Enjoy!

I will keep everyone updated after I call the ins co on wednesday. And, of course I will check in before then. I will not be such a stranger this week.

Take care, Meredith

OMG Meredith ya you need to talk to the doc about his staff - she is costing hime $$$ and causing aggrevation to his clients.. Keep on sweaking !!!!

Appples, I have been lurking around since last fall. I started on the band journey in October with my six month diet plan and have been jerked around with some of my doctors and appointments for the testing I needed done. I have some of the problems you had, like I have skipped heart beats, bad knees, hips & shoulders. I also have diabetes, high blood pressure and bad circulation in my toes. I have been so discouraged jumping through all of the hoops and lately have wondered if it all will be worth it. After reading your post, I feel there is some hope. All of the women who post are so kind and helpful. I will be keeping in touch and thank you for being there.

Young@heart - Welcome - Glad to have you join our group - Apples is at the lake this weekend - she should be back Tuesday...

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I am more comfortable with eating now, not so scared as I was. Hubby and I were in Carmel yesterday and had lunch at From Scratch, I had a yogurt parfait that was to die for. Was able to eat about 1/3 of it and still able to let the rest go back. This in itself is an accomplishment. So today I realized that in the past food was eaten to the max to make me feel full and comfortable. Now I eat and enjoy the flavors by eating slowly and chewing so well that I have time to think about what I am eating. Had fish and hush puppies in Santa Cruz today, ok, half a fish and a hush puppy! It was wonderful but you can not go into any place to eat and ask for a half piece of fish, so I brought the rest home for dinner. Have learned so much from all of you. I am enjoying my learning and who says you can't teach an old dog!

Santa Cruz, Monterey..... I love those places and I love seafood! And Gilroy is one of my favorite places! We live in WA and winter in Desert Hot Springs CA. We stop at Gilroy coming and going each trip. Stay at the RV park behind Target. Always go to Garlic World.

Sounds like you are doing well! Isn't it like a miracle, almost a dream, an adventure feeling full after eating a small amount. I remember when it first hit me. I felt like jumping for joy!

I think I actually did.:lol:

I did not realize that you are in Northern Ca. I lived in Monterrey for a few years and have of course been through Gilroy. Loved the Garlic smell and the festivals! Santa Cruz, oh, I miss it all. You are so lucky to live out there. I live in a beautiful town in Hudson Valley, NY but I miss the beauty of Ca. Oceanview Blvd, Pebble Beach, Oh! So many memories!

I'm a NY native, too... Buffalo. I love that garlic smell in Gilroy, too! Would really enjoy that Garlic Festival, too!

Long, your cruise sounds exactly like one we did a few years back... well, it's probably around 10 years ago now! Time flies!! Really enjoyed it. We just got back from an Alaska cruise yesterday, but our DD & SIL finished a Greek cruise yesterday. Now they're in Rome and then going to London before they come home.

I love to travel!

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Goodness Meredith, for sure let the surgeon know how the staff is treating you. Sounds like you got some results when you talked to the office manager. Maybe you should call her back and let her know what this gal did in calling you and giving you grief about calling the manager and about it being unsigned???

Young, welcome. Maybe you need to get 'squeaky' like Meredith to get somewhere with your dr's office? Yes it is all worth it!

Phyl, I love to travel too and have gotten bitten once again by the travel bug. For years I pretended I didn't like to all because I was afraid of the airplane seats and seatbelt. It's the main reason I got my part time job, I put it all away to save for trips. We did your same Alaskan cruise last May. Loved it.

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Thanks to all the men & women who have died & fought for our country..

Hope everyone is having a good day, bbq ing with family and enjoying the day off..

I'm making chicken - grilled eggplant - corn on the cob - pinto Beans and watermelon and cherries...

Back from the gym - 4 miles and if you beleive the treadmil burned 500 caloires:rolleyes:

Think I am just going to kick back - wash and Iron today maybe jump in the pool - but that's about it..


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Thanks to all the men & women who have died & fought for our country..

Janet........just checking in......still walking and counting calories, but not losing. I am not discouranged because sooner or later I WILL lose a few.



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Good Morning Gang

Looks like it was quite yesterday - I did get on the computer around 8 but other than that had a quite day

I bbq'd early and just napped read a book and 4 episodes of brothers and sisters that I hadn't gotten to - Now I have 5 lost episodies to watch :0)...

Yesterday had some chicken veggies (corn aspargus) pinto Beans rice cherries fudgesicle and popcorn and drank all my water.. So I was very well - but my beans seem a little salty - my eyes are puffy this morning..

Well just cking in - ttyl Hugs

P.s. Charlene you are doing great - just keep it up it will come off

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Drive by post...............Hope everyone had a great Memorial Day weekend. We did. Friends, campfires, picnics, little children in Auntie's cabin watching movies and baking muffins, quality time with DH, great shopping deals on size 2 capris and tanks, graduations parties and some good sleep (not sure when we fit that in)!

Just got home this morning and heading out again tomorrow. Volunteer job today till 6pm and then laundry, cooking for the guys b/4 I head out in the morning. That's what my DH gets for choosing an independent farm wife!

Hope you all have a great week.

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Hello everyone! Just thought I'd say hi. Just got back from a camping trip for 4 days with 3 other couples and they love to cook so there was tons of food around. But I did ok, broke the rules a little but still managed to lose 1/2 pound while I was gone so I'm happy! I still haven't had my first fill but I definitely can't eat anywhere near what I used to so I know I have some restriction. We went to southern Maryland for a Blue Angels air show. Our friends' son is part of the team so we got to take pics with the pilots and go right up to the planes. We had a great time!

Indio-I see you are able to eat corn--my NUT told some horror stories about corn getting stuck and warned against it. Is it better after you have been banded awhile? I hate to give up corn entirely. But so be it if need be...Just like everything else, I guess the key is chewing really well.

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Drive by post...............Hope everyone had a great Memorial Day weekend. We did. Friends, campfires, picnics, little children in Auntie's cabin watching movies and baking muffins, quality time with DH, great shopping deals on size 2 capris and tanks, graduations parties and some good sleep (not sure when we fit that in)!

Just got home this morning and heading out again tomorrow. Volunteer job today till 6pm and then laundry, cooking for the guys b/4 I head out in the morning. That's what my DH gets for choosing an independent farm wife!

Hope you all have a great week.

Apple - CONGRATS ON YOUR 2's!!!!!

Hello everyone! Just thought I'd say hi. Just got back from a camping trip for 4 days with 3 other couples and they love to cook so there was tons of food around. But I did ok, broke the rules a little but still managed to lose 1/2 pound while I was gone so I'm happy! I still haven't had my first fill but I definitely can't eat anywhere near what I used to so I know I have some restriction. We went to southern Maryland for a Blue Angels air show. Our friends' son is part of the team so we got to take pics with the pilots and go right up to the planes. We had a great time!

Indio-I see you are able to eat corn--my NUT told some horror stories about corn getting stuck and warned against it. Is it better after you have been banded awhile? I hate to give up corn entirely. But so be it if need be...Just like everything else, I guess the key is chewing really well.

Kathy - Congrats on your 1/2 lbs !!!

I haven't had a problem with it - it's not something I eat all the time - I really prefer yellow corn to this white stuff - but it looked good - i roasted it on the bbq

I do have to make sure I eat it slowly and chew - but I can eat chick - shrimp etc and if I follow the banders rule - I don't have problem. 99% of the time - this is not to say I never get stuck or pb - I do - but it's usually my error for not chewing - taking a big bite and eating too fast...

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Good Morning Gang

Looks like it was quite yesterday - I did get on the computer around 8 but other than that had a quite day

I bbq'd early and just napped read a book and 4 episodes of brothers and sisters that I hadn't gotten to - Now I have 5 lost episodies to watch :0)...

Yesterday had some chicken veggies (corn aspargus) pinto Beans rice cherries fudgesicle and popcorn and drank all my water.. So I was very well - but my Beans seem a little salty - my eyes are puffy this morning..

Well just cking in - ttyl Hugs

P.s. Charlene you are doing great - just keep it up it will come off

Thanks, Janet. I called and canceled my fill appt for thursday. I will go in a couple of weeks. I am pbing in the mornings, but I am okay in the evenings. So, I will wait till that subsides.

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Thanks, Janet. I called and canceled my fill appt for thursday. I will go in a couple of weeks. I am pbing in the mornings, but I am okay in the evenings. So, I will wait till that subsides.

Yesterday I seemed tight - but today I can eat...

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Hi everyone! Meredith, glad you made some progress with surgeon's office, but I do hope you will still tell him about that woman. She is too much! How dare she call you back and accuse you of complaining to the office manager. But, I can imagine you're probably a little worried about irritating this woman any further until you get your date -- after that, I'd be sure to complain to the office manager and the surgeon. Unbelievable! Apples, you are so lucky you can get away so much, I'm sure you manage to make it through the harsh winter just dreaming of getting back to spending time at the lake each spring/summer. Sounds lovely. Long and Phyl I love traveling too and am so happy that I can fit in an airline seat so much more comfortably now. It makes so much difference! I cooked food for DH and DD and GD yesterday, but really wasn't even interested in eating any of it -- I just ate my usual green Beans and turkey tenderloin. I let them have all the fattening stuff. It's funny that I don't even care about eating food like that anymore. I just don't get it, cause any other time I used to watch my eating, I'd be looking forward to eating on holidays -- any excuse to eat -- now, I don't even care -- what is it about the band that causes that I wonder? It's weird. Janet, thanks for your kind words. I do work hard at my eating and exercise and it's nice to have the scale reward me each week. I really thought I'd have more trouble losing (since I'm waaaayyy over 50) than I have, so I'm thrilled I've been able to do so well. I have a question for you experienced bandsters -- I've had two fills so far, and have another scheduled for next week. I don't really get hungry and my meals keep me satisfied for at least 5 to 6 hours. I have never had a PB and have only experienced a stuck feeling in my chest for a few mins. when I've forgotten to chew as well as I need to. I don't really ever feel "hungry" so I'm wondering if I'm at my sweet spot. I can't seem to get a lot of info about what that really should be like. Before I had my second fill I did have a lot of "hunger" and I could eat a lot of food before feeling full. Now, I eat about what a bandster is supposed to eat -- 4 oz. Protein and about 1/2 cup veggies and I do stayed satisfied. I'm just trying to decide if I really need a fill or not. If any of you can help me out I'd appreciate it. I am really afraid of getting too tight. Maybe I should just postpone it until I start to feel hungrier inbetween meals? I do lose at a steady pace, but I do feel a lot of it is my own willpower as well as the foods I choose (low in fat, low in sugar, etc.) and I stay withing my calorie budget to lose 2 lbs. per week. If any of you have any suggestions on this, I'd appreciate your help. Thanks so much. Linda

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Hello everyone!

Great news! I just called my insurance company this afternoon to make sure that they recieved all of my pre-authorization paperwork. This wonderful woman that works there has helped me through all of this. She did indeed have all of the paperwork needed and insured me that it would be 2-4 weeks to wait for an approval. An hour later she called me back and told me that she felt bad for all I have been through dealing with all of this and she had taken care of everything herself. I'm approved! It took only 4 business days for approval! I could not be happier! She said that she was going to fax my paperwork immediately to the surgical office. Tomorrow, I hope to talk to the woman at the surgeons office who handles all of this so I can get a date set up there. Hopefully by this time tomorrow I will know the plan.

How is everyone doing? I see that it was a quiet weekend on here, hopefully that means that everyone was busy outside enjoying time with friends and family.

Congrats to all of you who have lost weight!!!!! It looks like everyone is doing a great job!

Check in tomorrow!


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Hello everyone!

Great news! I just called my insurance company this afternoon to make sure that they recieved all of my pre-authorization paperwork. This wonderful woman that works there has helped me through all of this. She did indeed have all of the paperwork needed and insured me that it would be 2-4 weeks to wait for an approval. An hour later she called me back and told me that she felt bad for all I have been through dealing with all of this and she had taken care of everything herself. I'm approved! It took only 4 business days for approval! I could not be happier! She said that she was going to fax my paperwork immediately to the surgical office. Tomorrow, I hope to talk to the woman at the surgeons office who handles all of this so I can get a date set up there. Hopefully by this time tomorrow I will know the plan.

How is everyone doing? I see that it was a quiet weekend on here, hopefully that means that everyone was busy outside enjoying time with friends and family.

Congrats to all of you who have lost weight!!!!! It looks like everyone is doing a great job!

Check in tomorrow!


OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG!!!:blush::blink::mad5:


I am soooooooooooooo happy for you!!!!!!! I can only imagine the he!! of waiting. Congrats! Hip hip horrrayyyyy!

I remember calling my insurance company BCBS-FL Blue Choice.... I had THE nicest lady on the phone. I could almost hear her voice crack when she had to tell me I had an exemption and that God himself couldn't get them to approve me! But thank God himself that I was blessed with the best DH in the world!!! He said, if you can do without extra this year... (and maybe next)... then let's do it! We are both so thankful we made the decision. It's the best investment in OUR life that we have ever made! EVERYTHING... is better!:blush::blink:

Hi everyone~ Glad to hear everyone had great celebrations with family and BBQ. Janet, I hear what you are saying that the band should keep me ok at cookouts. I still find it hard to be at food events. I don't have family in this state- around family it would be no big deal. But I went to a house party a few weeks ago and there was not ONE band friendly thing there except fruit. They had hot dogs and popcorn, funnel cakes and cotton candy (carnival stuff). They served alcohol and sodas. I was STARVING by the end. Just couldn't go somewhere right now where I have no control over the menu. In time it will be ok. I still have to be careful of trigger foods and things that get stuck.

I was up 1-2 lbs for the last few days... but it was TOM, etc. Now finally down 1 since last fill 12 days ago. (really down 3 if you count up 2..LOL). My next fill is supposed to be Thursday. I had such a time the first 5 days of this last fill... so am not sure what to do. I had two PB and had to switch back to mush and liquids. Then had two days of feeling tight and pain with eating 1/2 c of food. But because I did so much mush and liquids... I had a hard time staying in my calories. Went way over Protein one day b/c of Protein supplements. Last 4 days I feel good. Nothing getting stuck. No pain after eating. I feel I could still eat after a normal serving but am so afraid after those PBs and stucks.. that I stop. I feel like I could MAYBE benefit from a tiny fill.. but think I will wait a week. I left the RN a message today and she didn't call me back.

Lots of thunderstorms here in FL. Nelson HATES storms and is glued to my side when there is thunder. He's asleep now. Whew.... time to relax. DH on call. Time to surf (the tv) and fold laundry.

Peas out! Laura

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        Well done! I'm 9 days away from surgery! Keep us updated!

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        Congrats on the surgery!

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        Fairlife Core are by far the best. They taste just as they are - chocolate milk. You can either get the 26 grams or the 42 grams (harder to find and more expensive). For straight protein look at Bulksuppliments.com ..they have really good whey proteins and offer auto ship plus they test for purity. No taste or smell...

      2. BlondePatriotInCDA

        Fairlife has strawberry, vanilla and of course chocolate. No more calories than other protein drinks. Stay away from Premiere, they're dealing with lawsuits due to not being honest about protein content.

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