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hi everyone. another question :eek: I haven't had a fill since March. Why is it somedays I can eat anything and other days I can't eat without it coming back up? Yesterday, Mom made Lasagna, I could not eat it. Last night for dinner I was able to eat some of it and keep it down?? This happens to me alot lately. :sad:

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Hi everyone. I really haven't been on in awhile. I haven't been feeling very well. I had a stomach ache almost the entire weekend and had to do some major hair for a wedding on Saturday. Sunday, I just relaxed and didn't do very much.

Anyhow, I called the surgeons office today to see if I could finally schedule my surgery. Apparently my chart is still in dictation! How long does this take?!?! I am frustrated and am just ready for this, but I cannot believe how long this is taking! My insurance is fantastic and I know that they are not going to be the problem. I mean this cannot be normal. I really think that the woman that schedules the surgery being on vacation really put people behind in this process. One of the patients was supposed to have her surgery done on one of the days that this woman was on vacation and they called her the morning of her surgery and told her not to come for surgery bc there was a problem with her insurance.

Sorry, I just had to vent. I am so ready to start this journey as soon as possible. EEEK! I'm sure that I am over-reacting, and just anxious, but I am also pretty sure that all of you can understand my frustration when you look back on having your own surgeries.

Hope everyone has a wonderful evening. Ck back later.


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Laura...give things some time. You are making the right choice by going back to soft foods for awhile. I had a stick about two months ago (ate chix breast too fast). It was two weeks b/4 I could eat solids again. Just knew that I shouldn't. You could still be swollen from your fill or you might not have chewed well enough. Be patient, try solids when you feel you are ready and go back to you doc if this doesn't clear up.

Hey....I could travel every day of my life, Laura. I love being on the go and am pretty sure this is where my youngest (25) gets his nickname "The Happy Wanderer". ..I think I could have been born with a suitcase in my hand. Being an airline attendent was my dream job.:eek:

Apples~ Thanks for your words of wisdom. Patience is not one of my virtues. It's good to hear a vet bandster say it was two weeks after a stick b4 they could have solids. I was able to eat 1/2 of a small wendy's chili today. I did fine with that. I am definitely less hungry than ANYTIME during this post-op period. For that I am immensely grateful! I can deal with liquids/softs for a while. I actually started experimenting with some things like Quinoa (Quinoa - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia) and some McCann's Steel-Cut Irish oatmeal. These are VERY filling and have a good amount of Protein. Curious if anyone else uses them? I just have to stay away from white starches. I know they are a trigger food for me... so i don't do white rice or bread. PERIOD.

I absolutely LOVED hearing the story about your son! What a go-getter! You know, I was the baby of the family too (of 3 of us)... and something about being the last one! I know I put the majority of the grey hairs on my parents' heads. I was the kid who worked 3p-3a in a trauma center in Charlotte after nursing school... then the P.C. and then grad school in Atlanta and volunteered at the Olympics and traveled a bunch. I love that your son is a pilot and is an instructor! My Dad is a pilot and still flies at age 75! He was 69 when he got his transport pilot license and flew a Citation I. My 5 year old loves flying with Grandpa! A bit too young to start right now,.. but we'll see. : ) My sister (the oldest one) has lived a mile from my parents her whole life and still does! It's funny how personalities can be so different in one family!

Hi everyone. I really haven't been on in awhile. I haven't been feeling very well. I had a stomach ache almost the entire weekend and had to do some major hair for a wedding on Saturday. Sunday, I just relaxed and didn't do very much.

Anyhow, I called the surgeons office today to see if I could finally schedule my surgery. Apparently my chart is still in dictation! How long does this take?!?! I am frustrated and am just ready for this, but I cannot believe how long this is taking! My insurance is fantastic and I know that they are not going to be the problem. I mean this cannot be normal. I really think that the woman that schedules the surgery being on vacation really put people behind in this process. One of the patients was supposed to have her surgery done on one of the days that this woman was on vacation and they called her the morning of her surgery and told her not to come for surgery bc there was a problem with her insurance.

Sorry, I just had to vent. I am so ready to start this journey as soon as possible. EEEK! I'm sure that I am over-reacting, and just anxious, but I am also pretty sure that all of you can understand my frustration when you look back on having your own surgeries.

Hope everyone has a wonderful evening. Ck back later.


Meredith~ I can feel your frustration! A chart should NOT be in dictation for two weeks. I would call and ask to speak to the office manager. Sometime killing them with kindness works.. and then other times you have to be a BiT@&! My sister was being yanked around by her surgeon's office for RNY. She had been laid off of work and had moved back home with my parents waiting for the surgery. She finally sent the dr a certified letter stating the reasons she needed things to move along.. and that if they could not accommodate her, if they could help her transfer her records to another surgeon's office. THAT DAY.. she was scheduled for surgery for 25 days later! They asked her not to talk to other patients, as it might cause an uproar. Sometimes the squeaky wheel DOES get the grease! Good luck and hang in there!

Why is your stomach hurting??? What is going on.. have you seen your dr?

Keep your spirits up!

OK y'all~ Time to watch Dancing with the stars and the Bachelorette! Survivor was last night! I love this time of year for TV!!!

peasout~ Laura

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Meredith...Take a deep breath, Sweety, and then be ready to take on that doc's office. Two weeks is quite a long time for them to sit on your chart. I, too, was put off by the office manager of my surgeon's office the first two times I called to sign up for the initial seminar.

I gave her my stats the first call I made and she very bluntly told me that I would not qualify so I couldn't sign up for the seminar. I walked away from it for a year. I had already called to make sure my ins. company included bariatric procedures, weighed 249lbs at the time, had sleep problems, heart palpatations every time I laid down, high BP, open sores on my legs for a year that did not heal (due to poor circulation), trouble with both knees and hips. I felt sooooooooooo discouraged.

Second time I called I got the same answer out of her. This time I went over her head, went to the seminar and was told by my surgeon at the seminar that I was definately a good canditate and he got the ball rolling. He was not impressed when I told him of the turn-downs by his little assistant. After that she was sweet as pie to me when I needed to make calls to their office!

Do whatever you need to do to get your answers out of them and to get your papers submitted. Keep us posted.

Laura...your telling me about your father still flying at his age reminds me of a call we got from our son about a month ago. One of his students (80 yrs old) wanted to buy himself a bday gift and asked my son to take the trip with him to get it. An airplane. Just brought tears to my eyes.

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Hey Gang - Back from the Gym - Arms tonite - Went to Jury Duty got there only to be told they pick the jury last week we were free to go home.. :purplebananna: Why don't they have a place to post that on their website...

Indio, I kind of knew you would say that! LOL Been through Indio before. Had the most memorable experence with a CHP there on Hwy 10 between you and Palm Springs. We are driving along when he comes up to my daughters car behind us and tells her on the loud speaker that the speed limit is 75, not 78, not 77, it is 75! Then he comes up to us, says the same thing, goes on to the next car etc. It was so darn funny but it was well taken and more effective than him stopping one of us and everyone else flys by seeing him busy. Anyway we always stop in Indio to get dates. You are so lucky to have such wonderful dates there. Right now we are in cherry season and I hope I can eat a few before the season ends. Hot, you got that right!

Blklab - Maybe you had Dates from My Dad's Date ranches :0) - That's what my Dad did for a living - and I now own some date ranches (inherited them we don't farm - sold sold some trees and lease them out now)

I have always wanted to go to the Garlic Fest there isn't in July sometime - I love garlic !!''

I bought some cherries yesterday - when I was p.g. I ate like a pound in one sitting - Can't wait for watermelons - I have a pretty good one from Mexico - but nothing beats a good old USA Water melon... I love summer fruits !!

Long, that sounds so fun. What wonderful memories you have made. If you ever get the chance the Greek Isles are just beautiful and the Water is so clear and blue. We totally enjoyed that trip. Now I am looking forward to Amish country trip in the fall. That is one I have always wanted to do and go shopping. I am not that excited about flying and have a hard time sleeping too.

...... When I am down more I plan on riding the horses on the beach. Something I have not done for many years. A fat girl on a horse just does not look very nice!QUOTE]

I love Amish country, I lived in DE for a year and we'd go to Lancaster county PA for lots of drives, just beautiful and the roadside shopping is yummy too!! I so wanted to ride a horse on a beach and there was an excursion that did that on this cruise. I've never been able to before because of exceeding the weight limit. However, this time DH did. He's not that much overweight, only about 20 lbs or so but the limit was 230 and he's over that. He's 6'6 and 230 is his goal weight or 225 or so.

Nope DH & I only fly seperate when we have to. He works for the airlines and we fly free but standby. The flight home only had 2 seats and with his parents with us there were 4 of us. If he travels with his parents they get a higher priority so he knew if he flew on my flight that his parents could be stranded awhile. So he sent me and his mom on one flight, the next flight had one seat so his dad went and then he came on the last one. It doesn't happen real often but does sometimes.

WEll gang, the official post cruise weigh in is in!!!!!!!!

I LOST 4 LBS!!!!!

Now granted before the cruise while my folks were here for Grandma's 100th bday I gained 3 lbs back, so I lost those 3 plus one more. I am at an all time low since surgery at 123 lbs lost!! I can hardly believe it. DH was so expecting to gain at least 5 to 7 lbs as he tried very hard to, LOL but he didn't gain either. We walked so much that had to have been it. And I'm still bloated and puffy from flying so hope that maybe there's even more of a loss in a day or so. Oh and I was so worried about flying and getting tight, my fill nurse even gave me a needle to take along to give to the ship dr in case I got too tight. Never even noticed it. I was so sure from flying for over 9 hours I'd be tight. Not even on the plane. I did have a little difficulty eating when we were in ports. Just in finding something band friendly. Everything was breads and pastas. I tried a bite or two of pizza and felt it right away so stopped before I got myself in trouble. In Barcelona one day for lunch I opted for chicken fingers at a Burger King just to get some type of Protein in. On the ship I had no problems finding appropriate foods.


WTG 123 LBS GONE !!! :Banane33:

YOU ROCK GIRL :success1:

I knew you flew for free - I would be scared to risk standby -:eek: I would be afraid that I would miss the ship..

I had no problem on the ship eating and didn't in Mexico either - ate the inside of a taco while in port cuz after a bite or 2 of the tortilla - I knew I was going to have a problem of being too full - and new I needed the Protein so just ate the meat - My prob was like when we got back from ziplining - the windjammer was closed and the other place had sandwiches & pizzaz - neither good bander food - I did eat the eggsalad out of the sandwich one day cuz I was hungry..

Hi Kids!!!!!!

Happy Birthday, Long!!!....and...happy to have you back and to hear that you had a great trip. You stinker....not even a gain. Good for you! You are lucky with not getting tight when you fly. I attribute most of my 20lbs lost to flying. It seems to take me at least a week for things to be right again after I fly. It doesn't happen with every LB person but when it does it's like no hunger whatsoever. Never getting stuck, just not appitite.

I have an NSV! Don't think I have ever posted one cuz just knew they came with weightloss. This one is a MIRACLE!!!! I have been doing a lot of weight lifting. Not too heavy...3lbs for arms. Well, my boobs started moving north and noticed over the weekend that they are sitting up there pretty good!

Speaking of boobs....was at the lake since Wed. There was frost on the nipples every morning! COLD and WINDY each day except Sunday. Had fun though. Bunch of GF were up there and went out to a club, played cards, watched movies and cried, BBQ'd, etc. DH did not make it up again as he was still planting soybeans. Will be done about 4pm today. We are both going to head up again on Wed morning and stay till Tuesday morning. A bunch of HS graduation parties that we need to come back for on Sunday but will go back up after we hit them.

Took me awhile to catch up with this thread. Haven't had time to look at any of my other ones. Sounds like everyone is doing quite well.

Better get back to work so I can leave again! Hugs

Apples - CONGRATS ON YOUR NSV !!! I wish I was as lucky - nothing but a scaple is going to help my boobs - and I lift 30 to 40 to 50 lbs depending on the machine and can leg press 180 200 lbs and now can do lungs and touch my knee to the ground - in fact my butt is killing me today - we worked leggs on saturday.. But for me exercise hasn't done a darn thing for the girls - the arms or the legs...

Still have the bag and sag going on - but look pretty damn good dressed - so am ok with it..

Hi gang~

I wrote a NICE long message over the weekend and as I was about to post it... the page refreshed on its own... and **POOF** it vanished! I was so P.O. that I just signed off. I told you guys last week.. but on Thursday 14th I had fill #4. He added 1cc but had to remove 1/2 of it b/c I had a mild Iron fist with a HUGE gulp of water. I stayed on liquids that day. Friday he said return to normal food. dinner I made baked chicken pieces with veggies. The thigh meat was soft and tasty. I measured my 2oz., chewed well. I was nice and FULL after dinner. While cleaning the dishes I decided to take one more bite of the piece I had taken mine from, as to not put a half eaten thigh in the fridge. BIG BIG mistake! Either I ate too much (with the one more bite) or I didn't chew! I immediately had severe pain. I went to my room.. so my son wouldn't think mommy was dying. I tried EVERYTHING... then I felt it.. my first real PB. My eyes were tearing... but the pain was gone. Saturday I was tighter than ever (I guess swelling from the PB), so I stayed on liquids the first part of the day. lunch had a VERY soft scrambled egg.. went down fine. Dinner I tried ONE tiny bite of really soft stew meat. uh oh. Felt a twinge of pain and stopped eating. I barely got in 700 cal that day. Sunday I stayed with mush as well. I have REALLY good restriction, but I am SCARED to eat meat. Even a bite of tuna salad today caused some pain. I am hoping this is transient.. b/c I don't want the 0.5cc out... as I know before this fill I didn't have good restriction. <sigh> I am trying to be patient, b/c from my previous fills I know the "feeling" leaves in about 4-5 days. Just not sure how much of this is swelling from the trauma.

My DH and DS are ordering pizza and wings tonight so mommy doesn't have to cook. It's amazing how these very nice gestures turn into a double edged sword. Not sure I can handle the smell.... i am hungry. I think I might go make an egg before the pizza man arrives.

Glad to hear everyone is doing well. All these vacations are making me jealous! I do live in FL, so at least I get the nice weather a lot. But I miss my vagabond days of the Peace Corps.. traveling through South America with all my belongings in one backpack.

peasout~ Laura

Laura - stick with mushies for a while - make sure you chew and eat slowly - give it a few days - but it you can't eat hard protien go in an have a little taken out - heck just having .01 taken out can make all the diff..

hi everyone. another question :cursing: I haven't had a fill since March. Why is it somedays I can eat anything and other days I can't eat without it coming back up? Yesterday, Mom made Lasagna, I could not eat it. Last night for dinner I was able to eat some of it and keep it down?? This happens to me alot lately. :woot:

PJ - it's our bands are very fickle - some days I can eat a horse and other days 5 bite and can be full - Stress - hydration - I don't really know - just like Apple gets tight on a plan - and I don't nor did Long - it's were. You just have to make sure you are taking tiny bites and chewing and eating slowly - alot of time I have problem cuz I have eatn too fast and not chewed - or 1 bite to many

Hi everyone. I really haven't been on in awhile. I haven't been feeling very well. I had a stomach ache almost the entire weekend and had to do some major hair for a wedding on Saturday. Sunday, I just relaxed and didn't do very much.

Anyhow, I called the surgeons office today to see if I could finally schedule my surgery. Apparently my chart is still in dictation! How long does this take?!?! I am frustrated and am just ready for this, but I cannot believe how long this is taking! My insurance is fantastic and I know that they are not going to be the problem. I mean this cannot be normal. I really think that the woman that schedules the surgery being on vacation really put people behind in this process. One of the patients was supposed to have her surgery done on one of the days that this woman was on vacation and they called her the morning of her surgery and told her not to come for surgery bc there was a problem with her insurance.

Sorry, I just had to vent. I am so ready to start this journey as soon as possible. EEEK! I'm sure that I am over-reacting, and just anxious, but I am also pretty sure that all of you can understand my frustration when you look back on having your own surgeries.

Hope everyone has a wonderful evening. Ck back later.


I would be pissed too.... So Rant away ~~~ Call and bug - cry - beg = bribe :0) just kidding on that one...

Apples~ Thanks for your words of wisdom. Patience is not one of my virtues. It's good to hear a vet bandster say it was two weeks after a stick b4 they could have solids. I was able to eat 1/2 of a small wendy's chili today. I did fine with that. I am definitely less hungry than ANYTIME during this post-op period. For that I am immensely grateful! I can deal with liquids/softs for a while. I actually started experimenting with some things like Quinoa (Quinoa - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia) and some McCann's Steel-Cut Irish oatmeal. These are VERY filling and have a good amount of protein. Curious if anyone else uses them? I just have to stay away from white starches. I know they are a trigger food for me... so i don't do white rice or bread. PERIOD.

I absolutely LOVED hearing the story about your son! What a go-getter! You know, I was the baby of the family too (of 3 of us)... and something about being the last one! I know I put the majority of the grey hairs on my parents' heads. I was the kid who worked 3p-3a in a trauma center in Charlotte after nursing school... then the P.C. and then grad school in Atlanta and volunteered at the Olympics and traveled a bunch. I love that your son is a pilot and is an instructor! My Dad is a pilot and still flies at age 75! He was 69 when he got his transport pilot license and flew a Citation I. My 5 year old loves flying with Grandpa! A bit too young to start right now,.. but we'll see. : ) My sister (the oldest one) has lived a mile from my parents her whole life and still does! It's funny how personalities can be so different in one family!

Meredith~ I can feel your frustration! A chart should NOT be in dictation for two weeks. I would call and ask to speak to the office manager. Sometime killing them with kindness works.. and then other times you have to be a BiT@&! My sister was being yanked around by her surgeon's office for RNY. She had been laid off of work and had moved back home with my parents waiting for the surgery. She finally sent the dr a certified letter stating the reasons she needed things to move along.. and that if they could not accommodate her, if they could help her transfer her records to another surgeon's office. THAT DAY.. she was scheduled for surgery for 25 days later! They asked her not to talk to other patients, as it might cause an uproar. Sometimes the squeaky wheel DOES get the grease! Good luck and hang in there!

Why is your stomach hurting??? What is going on.. have you seen your dr?

Keep your spirits up!

OK y'all~ Time to watch Dancing with the stars and the Bachelorette! Survivor was last night! I love this time of year for TV!!!

peasout~ Laura

Laura - I haven't tried the quinoa cuz I don't want to spend $8 and not like it - I know that one of my Lucky #7 tried it - she liked it - Apples eat wild rice or have you tried brown rice or couscous

I really couldn't get into Survior this year and I don't watch the bachelorette or bachelor - think it's totally stupid to put yourself out there like that - on national t.v. come on those are beautiful women and they have to go on a tv show to find "love" ya right - more like they want their 15 mintues of fame...- I can't wait for Idol tomorrow...

Heck between here and fb - I am usually behind in my tv watching - I have like 4 Lost shows I haven't watched yet..

Well need to go cook I am hungry had - salad for lunch and 3/4 fiber1 bar before gym...

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Happy Birthday and welcome back Long. You were missed! Congrats on not gaining and actually losing while on a cruise -- sounds impossible to me, but way to go! Funny, when I went to my LB support group meeting last Tuesday night, the woman I sat next to who isn't yet banded said they are taking that same exact cruise next month before she gets banded. Thanks for the support Janet, yes, I know some days we have to relax and enjoy ourselves, but it makes me nervous when I do give in to the head hunger even though I keep the calories in line. I guess I just feel weak or somethign. Will see what my weigh in tomorrow brings. Meredith, I agree with everyone - time to stop being the nice lady. I'd call and talk to either an office manager or even leave a message for the surgeon and let him know what is going on (as Apples said). Good Luck and keep us posted. Laura, you are a fill ahead of me -- I go for my 3rd on June 3, sounds like you'll have to work with this a bit, which is what I'm expecting next time too. My first was 3 cc and this past one was 2 ccs and occasionally I've had a few golf ball chest moments since the last fill, but I think it's cause I was eating too fast or not chewing enough but I've never had a pb and the feeling didn't last more than a few seconds. I've been lucky. Good luck and keep us posted on how it goes. I'lll certainly be keeping all that in mind when I get my fill next month. Apples, loved your story about your son, he reminds me of YOU. Everyone have a great night and a beautiful day tomorrow. Linda

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Hi All,

I went to the Dr yesterday and he gave me .5cc in my band since I could eat a whole chicken breast and sometimes more. I have not had a fill since 02/09/09. I have bought some food items to get me back on track.

So since I have not had alot going on. I woke up at 2am with such horrible lower abdominal pain in the pelvic area. I was sent to the hospital at 9am and I was just discharged 4:15pm. They though it was my appendix. So they did a CT which was not fun it took my like 2 hrs to drink the contrast stuff. It turn out I had a cyst that ruptured that I did not know I even had. They said I have Fluid in by Pelvic area and that is why I hurt like crap ( i could say something else). Anyway I am going to lay down I am supposed to go to my Gyno tomorrow to find out if everything is okay before I can go back to work. They said with time my body will absorb the Fluid.< /p>

I will check in with you guys later

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1 Day - I am so sorry for this setback. I hope your body absorbs this Fluid quickly - you sure don't need this!

I hope the fill helps you get back on track. It's funny (peculiar, that is, not haha) how quickly we can slip away from the plan we have set before us. I seem to be fighting that mini-battle every day, too.


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Hi, this is my first post on this website. I was actually looking for a lap-band support group in the Lansing, Michigan area, and came to this one first, so logged on. I had surgery in Sept. 08 and started at 239 and am down to 215. I was adjusted last Thurs, at which time I only lost 1 lb. I joined the gym and work out twice a week, I know it should be cardio 30 minutes daily. Do you have a certain diet you follow that helps you? It sounds like you are doing Amazingly Great! Do you have a certain calorie count also? Anything you can share would be great. Tulip Girl :unsure:

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hi everyone. another question :unsure: I haven't had a fill since March. Why is it somedays I can eat anything and other days I can't eat without it coming back up? Yesterday, Mom made Lasagna, I could not eat it. Last night for dinner I was able to eat some of it and keep it down?? This happens to me alot lately. :laugh:

I don't know PJ, I know Pasta is a food I am not supposed to have. They said it can ball up and get stuck easily as well as it expands once you swallow it and can stretch the pouch. Maybe if you are eating Pasta or breads it's the types of foods you are eating that get stuck. I know every dr seems to have his own diet but mine says no breads, pasta and be extra careful with lettuce. Hope you can get it figured out.

Thanks, gals, for the welcome back and bday wishes. I'm still playing catch up. I went back to work this morning, go back to my volunteer gig at the hospital tomorrow, and laundry is about done and house is about cleaned (kids stayed here and house and dog sat and well it was a mess but I was grateful they stayed).

Guess who may become a support group leader for my hospitals bariatric program. They called and asked me about it today. The thought both scares me and excites me.

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1Day....I have had ovarian cysts burst three times in my life. First when I was 22. I actually passed out two of the times it happened. Painful. You should feel better in a couple of days. Hang in there!

Long...congrats on being asked to head up your group. You can do it. It would be like being a Pampered Chef consultant. The first few parties you might be nervous but then you would adjust.

PJ....our bands are certainly fickle, aren't they? Mine seems to go in two week cycles. I'm not hungry for two weeks and then I have two weeks of evenings where I am starving. I just really try to stay strong and plan well.

Try to have fruits and veggies cut up and ready to eat for those times when things feel out of control. I know that a warm drink always helps me control hunger. I have NEVER tried Pasta or bread since being banded. In fact, I gave it all up in Nov, 2007 to prepare myself for being banded. Just not worth it and my doc insists that his patients give it up.

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Happy Birthday and welcome back Long. You were missed! Congrats on not gaining and actually losing while on a cruise -- sounds impossible to me, but way to go! Funny, when I went to my LB support group meeting last Tuesday night, the woman I sat next to who isn't yet banded said they are taking that same exact cruise next month before she gets banded. Thanks for the support Janet, yes, I know some days we have to relax and enjoy ourselves, but it makes me nervous when I do give in to the head hunger even though I keep the calories in line. I guess I just feel weak or somethign. Will see what my weigh in tomorrow brings. Meredith, I agree with everyone - time to stop being the nice lady. I'd call and talk to either an office manager or even leave a message for the surgeon and let him know what is going on (as Apples said). Good Luck and keep us posted. Laura, you are a fill ahead of me -- I go for my 3rd on June 3, sounds like you'll have to work with this a bit, which is what I'm expecting next time too. My first was 3 cc and this past one was 2 ccs and occasionally I've had a few golf ball chest moments since the last fill, but I think it's cause I was eating too fast or not chewing enough but I've never had a pb and the feeling didn't last more than a few seconds. I've been lucky. Good luck and keep us posted on how it goes. I'lll certainly be keeping all that in mind when I get my fill next month. Apples, loved your story about your son, he reminds me of YOU. Everyone have a great night and a beautiful day tomorrow. Linda

Linda - Yes we live on a slippery slope don't we... Had lunch today with 2 bypass pple - one is with my doc - the other had her surgery in 05 somewhere else - she has gained back 20 lbs - she's back on tract and my friend who goes to my doc has hit a platues (sp) but come to find out she's drinking Protein shakes and eating meals - told her that shakes were Meal Replacements not in addition too..

Hi All,

I went to the Dr yesterday and he gave me .5cc in my band since I could eat a whole chicken breast and sometimes more. I have not had a fill since 02/09/09. I have bought some food items to get me back on track.

So since I have not had alot going on. I woke up at 2am with such horrible lower abdominal pain in the pelvic area. I was sent to the hospital at 9am and I was just discharged 4:15pm. They though it was my appendix. So they did a CT which was not fun it took my like 2 hrs to drink the contrast stuff. It turn out I had a cyst that ruptured that I did not know I even had. They said I have Fluid in by Pelvic area and that is why I hurt like crap ( i could say something else). Anyway I am going to lay down I am supposed to go to my Gyno tomorrow to find out if everything is okay before I can go back to work. They said with time my body will absorb the Fluid.< /p>

I will check in with you guys later

1Day OMG Hugs GF - That had to be painful... Hope you are feeling better real soon...

1 Day - I am so sorry for this setback. I hope your body absorbs this fluid quickly - you sure don't need this!

I hope the fill helps you get back on track. It's funny (peculiar, that is, not haha) how quickly we can slip away from the plan we have set before us. I seem to be fighting that mini-battle every day, too.


Joann - Belated Happy Birthday - what did you do yesterday !!

Hi, this is my first post on this website. I was actually looking for a lap-band support group in the Lansing, Michigan area, and came to this one first, so logged on. I had surgery in Sept. 08 and started at 239 and am down to 215. I was adjusted last Thurs, at which time I only lost 1 lb. I joined the gym and work out twice a week, I know it should be cardio 30 minutes daily. Do you have a certain diet you follow that helps you? It sounds like you are doing Amazingly Great! Do you have a certain calorie count also? Anything you can share would be great. Tulip Girl :unsure:

Hi Tulipgirl !!! Welcome

During my weight loss phase I ate between 800-1200 calories a day (varing them daily) and I went to the gym and walked on the treadmill 4-5 x per week walking at least 1 mile in the beginning on flat surface working myself up to 3 miles on 6 incline at 3.8 sppeds and March 08 I got a trainer and do weights 2 x a week - and cardio now 1 to 2 days a week.

I am not dieting - I am eating heatlhy - low fat - limited white carbs - and mostly sugar free

I eat fish most nites - I like it - and I have anywhere from 1/4 to 1/2 cup of starch with dinner every night...

Also during my weight loss phase - I kept a food diary (did that for the 1st year) it's a proven fact that keeping a food diary is most successfull when trying to lose weight..

You have lost 38 lbs and that's something to be proud.

I gotta say that I was/am very diligent about changing my eating habits and exercising - I still am - I have treats but they are every now and then and always planed and within my calorie budget... and if I go over that budget - I add an extra day of exercise...

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I don't know PJ, I know Pasta is a food I am not supposed to have. They said it can ball up and get stuck easily as well as it expands once you swallow it and can stretch the pouch. Maybe if you are eating Pasta or breads it's the types of foods you are eating that get stuck. I know every dr seems to have his own diet but mine says no breads, pasta and be extra careful with lettuce. Hope you can get it figured out.

Thanks, gals, for the welcome back and bday wishes. I'm still playing catch up. I went back to work this morning, go back to my volunteer gig at the hospital tomorrow, and laundry is about done and house is about cleaned (kids stayed here and house and dog sat and well it was a mess but I was grateful they stayed).

Guess who may become a support group leader for my hospitals bariatric program. They called and asked me about it today. The thought both scares me and excites me.

LONG CONGRATULATIONS !!!! You will do great !!!

1Day....I have had ovarian cysts burst three times in my life. First when I was 22. I actually passed out two of the times it happened. Painful. You should feel better in a couple of days. Hang in there!

Long...congrats on being asked to head up your group. You can do it. It would be like being a Pampered Chef consultant. The first few parties you might be nervous but then you would adjust.

PJ....our bands are certainly fickle, aren't they? Mine seems to go in two week cycles. I'm not hungry for two weeks and then I have two weeks of evenings where I am starving. I just really try to stay strong and plan well.

Try to have fruits and veggies cut up and ready to eat for those times when things feel out of control. I know that a warm drink always helps me control hunger. I have NEVER tried pasta or bread since being banded. In fact, I gave it all up in Nov, 2007 to prepare myself for being banded. Just not worth it and my doc insists that his patients give it up.


I admire your determination - I don't do pasta or bread often but will have it everynow and then - bread the lite kind 45 cal per slice - I like a sandwich everynow and then - and the lean cusine alfreado and I add scallops & or shrimp is to die for..

You leave tomorrow for the lake again right - you are really a lady of leisure theses days lol - ya I know you just do 5 days of work in 2 instead of 5... where as it takes me 7 days to do 5 days of work :0)

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LONG CONGRATULATIONS !!!! You will do great !!!


I admire your determination - I don't do Pasta or bread often but will have it everynow and then - bread the lite kind 45 cal per slice - I like a sandwich everynow and then - and the lean cusine alfreado and I add scallops & or shrimp is to die for..

You leave tomorrow for the lake again right - you are really a lady of leisure theses days lol - ya I know you just do 5 days of work in 2 instead of 5... where as it takes me 7 days to do 5 days of work :0)

Oops...I lied. I did try a piece of dry garlic toast once. I mean DRY all the way through. Just made my doc a promise in the beginning that bread and Pasta would not be on my menu.

Yep..life of leisure. I usually hit the floor running on Monday morning about 4:30am and fit everything in that I can so I can head back to the lake on Wed. Just finished my work for the day and it's 10pm here. Have a few hours in the morning of work and heading out. hair appt stop on the way. Going to get younger!

Have a great weekend everyone.

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Hi y'all~

During the first few months did any of you get ditsy? (more ditsy in some of your cases..LOL) I am finding myself forgetting things... or missing appointments that I would normally never do! I think it is the low calories and my body needs all the calories to just get through the day and doesn't share any with the brain! ; )

I completed my 12 sessions with my YMCA trainer and now have decided to switch it up a bit. The hospital where I had my surgery has a wellness center... and part of the "deal" of having bariatric surgery there is you get 3 months free at the gym. I decided to go check it out yesterday. I had NO idea it meant 3 months of 3 times a week of personal training by an EXERCISE PHYSIOLOGIST! OMG I am so excited! That's like $1500 gift that fell into my lap. (Or for the ditsy me.. $1500 that I found while cleaning my house... and just didn't know where I put it!) I have to drive 25 min to get there but it's a nice time to listen to some good music or catch up on the phone. It's just a bit more ME time. I also find that I get in a bottle of Water going and coming home! win/win! I will let you guys know how it goes.

I was sooooooooooo hungry yesterday. Had the HIGHEST calories since my surgery! 1300!

BF: Healthwise Cereal (15g prot/90 cal)

Milk 1% 4oz (50cal)

banana (1/2 med, 50)

Snack: Muscle Milk 14 oz. (160cal/20gm prot)

Lunch: Black Bean salad with 1/2 avocado, olive oil, tomatoes, onions, 1/2 c blackbeans

Snack: Yoplait yogurt (100cal)

Dinner: Amy's Veggie Shepherd's pie (150cal)

Snack: Healthwise Protein bar (170cal)

Breaskstone's Cottage cheese 90 cal

Yoplait yogurt 100 cal

***Notice I still cannot get in hard Proteins. Perhaps that is why I am so hungry???

I realize what I did. (get it.. realize, i have a realize band!) anyway.. I had TWO Meal Replacement Protein supplements... and didn't replace any MEALS! I was just so hungry and had a big workout and just felt that protein would "hold" me better than eating "junk". It just sucks how much it all adds up! And I was up late last night... hubby on call... and American Idol and Dancing finales. I need to start going to bed early and stop watching tv and have my DH quit taking call. We can move out of our house and camp! : )

Nelson came home early yesterday with low fever and had vomited at school. He was FINE yesterday and last night. This morning before sending him he has a 99.8. He is a little punky and don't have the heart to send him to school. Feeling guilty though because I have a workout scheduled and I am NOT taking myself off the list today.. since DH is postcall and OFF today. (albeit sleepy).

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        Well done! I'm 9 days away from surgery! Keep us updated!

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        Congrats on the surgery!

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        Fairlife Core are by far the best. They taste just as they are - chocolate milk. You can either get the 26 grams or the 42 grams (harder to find and more expensive). For straight protein look at Bulksuppliments.com ..they have really good whey proteins and offer auto ship plus they test for purity. No taste or smell...

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        Fairlife has strawberry, vanilla and of course chocolate. No more calories than other protein drinks. Stay away from Premiere, they're dealing with lawsuits due to not being honest about protein content.

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