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I am more comfortable with eating now, not so scared as I was. Hubby and I were in Carmel yesterday and had lunch at From Scratch, I had a yogurt parfet that was to die for. Was able to eat about 1/3 of it and still able to let the rest go back. This in itself is an accomplishment. So today I realized that in the past food was eaten to the max to make me feel full and comfortable. Now I eat and enjoy the flavors by eating slowly and chewing so well that I have time to think about what I am eating. Had fish and hush puppies in Santa Cruz today, ok, half a fish and a hush puppy! It was wonderful but you can not go into any place to eat and ask for a half piece of fish, so I brought the rest home for dinner. Have learned so much from all of you. I am enjoying my learning and who says you can't teach an old dog!

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I am more comfortable with eating now, not so scared as I was. Hubby and I were in Carmel yesterday and had lunch at From Scratch, I had a yogurt parfet that was to die for. Was able to eat about 1/3 of it and still able to let the rest go back. This in itself is an accomplishment. So today I realized that in the past food was eaten to the max to make me feel full and comfortable. Now I eat and enjoy the flavors by eating slowly and chewing so well that I have time to think about what I am eating. Had fish and hush puppies in Santa Cruz today, ok, half a fish and a hush puppy! It was wonderful but you can not go into any place to eat and ask for a half piece of fish, so I brought the rest home for dinner. Have learned so much from all of you. I am enjoying my learning and who says you can't teach an old dog!

Sounds like you are doing well! Isn't it like a miracle, almost a dream, an adventure feeling full after eating a small amount. I remember when it first hit me. I felt like jumping for joy!

I think I actually did.:laugh:

I did not realize that you are in Northern Ca. I lived in Monterey for a few years and have of course been through Gilroy. Loved the Garlic smell and the festivals! Santa Cruz, oh, I miss it all. You are so lucky to live out there. I live in a beautiful town in Hudson Valley, NY but I miss the beauty of Ca. Oceanview Blvd, Pebble Beach, Oh! So many memories!

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Well Barb, if you are ever here on visit we will have to meet for lunch. I know some great places as you probably do too. Monterey, Carmel, Santa Cruz, what more could anyone ask for? And of course, let's not forget The City, we love San Francisco. I am very lucky and lucky to have met such wonderful people here too. Anyone coming this way, let me know! Garlic Fesival is end of July, yum garlic ice cream! Really, I have never tried it but my daughter loves it. I have never been to any place in NY except NY City.

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Well Barb, if you are ever here on visit we will have to meet for lunch. I know some great places as you probably do too. Monterey, Carmel, Santa Cruz, what more could anyone ask for? And of course, let's not forget The City, we love San Francisco. I am very lucky and lucky to have met such wonderful people here too. Anyone coming this way, let me know! Garlic Fesival is end of July, yum garlic ice cream! Really, I have never tried it but my daughter loves it. I have never been to any place in NY except NY City.

Thanks, biklab- I will look you up when I come to Ca next time. Be careful with that Garlic Ice cream! It will slide right through your band:lol:LOL.

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BLK and Barb - Well, it IS a small world. My hubby is from Monterey, and he still has a a brother and sister, neices, nephews in Salinas. And San Francisco is my most favorite city in the world. If I ever get back there, I'll for sure will give a shout out. We love living in our small town here in Iowa but do miss a lot about California (like the weather -- we lived in Long Beach). My hubby would love to come for the garlic festival - maybe some day we will. I had a weird day -- maybe it was the weather -- rainy and cloudy and it was my day off from exercise, but I ate more than I usually do -- nothing bad, but had some extra food that I normally don't -- still stayed at around 1200 calories, but still it was the first time since my surgery that I've really caved in to some extra eating. Hopefully I'll get back on track tomorrow. Have a lovely week everyone. Linda

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Good evening!! I am home from my wonderful vacation and cruise!! I'm exhausted though. Hardly slept on the 9 hour plane ride to Atlanta nor the 3 hour one home until just about landing that is. LOL So have been up over 24 hours straight. We had flight troubles on the last leg (we fly standby) and Dh is due in about 20 min so am trying to wait up for him. The weather was perfect, the scenery gorgeous, the ship great and food yummy! However, I do believe I came home with no gain or a very small one. I will get the 'official' results in the morning! I walked and walked and walked some more. I had intentions of going to the gym, but with all the walking and stairs my knee hurt so bad and I decided that was enough exercise. I saw Barcelona, Rome, florence, Naples, VilleFrench, and Malta. Today was my birthday and it was spent almost entirely on airplanes or in airports, kindda boring bday but the week before makes up for it!

I tried skimming to keep up with everyone, there were 6 pages to read so didn't read word for word! Welcome to the new folks!

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Welcome Home, Long, and Happy Birthday...... Glad you had such a good trip... It must be great to be able to do all that walking... We have a trip to the east coast planned for October and that's what I'm worried about, especially with my recent medical episode and being so weak still... But I'm working on it... Off to Water aerobics soon... I'm still staying in my doctors guidelines for not "dieting", but am really ready to go totally back to my "band" way of eating.. Two weeks until I can start my fills again, so I'm going to try to get back to my old routines... No more bread!!!!! That's my weakness.... So eggs and cottage cheese for breakfast!!! Then swimming and then my little one comes. We start our new schedule today... But I'm thinking I'm ready for it..... Just have to do it smart! She's very energetic, but kind of used to me being a "sit-down" grandma.... I was ready for outside walking and such in March, but the weather didn't cooperate.. then I got sick..... Now I'm going to have to work up to the outside stuff with her.... I do have a harness if need be.. That way she can't get away from me....

Well, better go get ready for my class...... Hope all had a great weekend and are refreshed and ready to tackle a new week.... Julie

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Long, that sounds so fun. What wonderful memories you have made. If you ever get the chance the Greek Isles are just beautiful and the Water is so clear and blue. We totally enjoyed that trip. Now I am looking forward to Amish country trip in the fall. That is one I have always wanted to do and go shopping. I am not that excited about flying and have a hard time sleeping too.

Julie, I too have a bread problem but just decided I would do without. I have had a bite and really chew it, but I know exactly what you mean, it tastes so darn good. As for the grandkids, well they are my realy weakness. My grandsons told there mom that if mom won't buy it, grandma will! LOL Well that is no exactly true, but they know I have a hard time telling them no. When I am down more I plan on riding the horses on the beach. Something I have not done for many years. A fat girl on a horse just does not look very nice! Our weather here has not been helping with the outside exercise either. It was a hot, hot, hot weekend getting to 93. Today we are back to normal and so much cooler from the ocean breezes. Nicer sleeping weather too.

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Good Morning Gang !!!!

Long - Belated HAPPY BIRTHDAY - yep your actual bday might not have be fab - but the prior week was - Glad to have you back - can't wait to hear all about it ..

You and DH fly separately??

Linda - We need to have a day every now and then with a treat - that's living and you did well with staying in your calorie budget...

Blklab - Hot you want to talk about hot - it was 90 at 5 a.m. this morning - I walked outside and say OH My today is going to be a blazer - but the weather said only 105 - go figure

Well just a quick ck in before I have to leave - cbl - have a good day...

Hugs Janet

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Indio, I kind of knew you would say that! LOL Been through Indio before. Had the most memorable experence with a CHP there on Hwy 10 between you and Palm Springs. We are driving along when he comes up to my daughters car behind us and tells her on the loud speaker that the speed limit is 75, not 78, not 77, it is 75! Then he comes up to us, says the same thing, goes on to the next car etc. It was so darn funny but it was well taken and more effective than him stopping one of us and everyone else flys by seeing him busy. Anyway we always stop in Indio to get dates. You are so lucky to have such wonderful dates there. Right now we are in cherry season and I hope I can eat a few before the season ends. Hot, you got that right!

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Long, that sounds so fun. What wonderful memories you have made. If you ever get the chance the Greek Isles are just beautiful and the Water is so clear and blue. We totally enjoyed that trip. Now I am looking forward to Amish country trip in the fall. That is one I have always wanted to do and go shopping. I am not that excited about flying and have a hard time sleeping too.

...... When I am down more I plan on riding the horses on the beach. Something I have not done for many years. A fat girl on a horse just does not look very nice!QUOTE]

I love Amish country, I lived in DE for a year and we'd go to Lancaster county PA for lots of drives, just beautiful and the roadside shopping is yummy too!! I so wanted to ride a horse on a beach and there was an excursion that did that on this cruise. I've never been able to before because of exceeding the weight limit. However, this time DH did. He's not that much overweight, only about 20 lbs or so but the limit was 230 and he's over that. He's 6'6 and 230 is his goal weight or 225 or so.

Good Morning Gang !!!!

Long - Belated HAPPY BIRTHDAY - yep your actual bday might not have be fab - but the prior week was - Glad to have you back - can't wait to hear all about it ..

You and DH fly separately??

Hugs Janet

Nope DH & I only fly seperate when we have to. He works for the airlines and we fly free but standby. The flight home only had 2 seats and with his parents with us there were 4 of us. If he travels with his parents they get a higher priority so he knew if he flew on my flight that his parents could be stranded awhile. So he sent me and his mom on one flight, the next flight had one seat so his dad went and then he came on the last one. It doesn't happen real often but does sometimes.

WEll gang, the official post cruise weigh in is in!!!!!!!!

I LOST 4 LBS!!!!!

Now granted before the cruise while my folks were here for Grandma's 100th bday I gained 3 lbs back, so I lost those 3 plus one more. I am at an all time low since surgery at 123 lbs lost!! I can hardly believe it. DH was so expecting to gain at least 5 to 7 lbs as he tried very hard to, LOL but he didn't gain either. We walked so much that had to have been it. And I'm still bloated and puffy from flying so hope that maybe there's even more of a loss in a day or so. Oh and I was so worried about flying and getting tight, my fill nurse even gave me a needle to take along to give to the ship dr in case I got too tight. Never even noticed it. I was so sure from flying for over 9 hours I'd be tight. Not even on the plane. I did have a little difficulty eating when we were in ports. Just in finding something band friendly. Everything was breads and pastas. I tried a bite or two of pizza and felt it right away so stopped before I got myself in trouble. In Barcelona one day for lunch I opted for chicken fingers at a Burger King just to get some type of Protein in. On the ship I had no problems finding appropriate foods.

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Good evening!! I am home from my wonderful vacation and cruise!! I'm exhausted though. Hardly slept on the 9 hour plane ride to Atlanta nor the 3 hour one home until just about landing that is. LOL So have been up over 24 hours straight. We had flight troubles on the last leg (we fly standby) and Dh is due in about 20 min so am trying to wait up for him. The weather was perfect, the scenery gorgeous, the ship great and food yummy! However, I do believe I came home with no gain or a very small one. I will get the 'official' results in the morning! I walked and walked and walked some more. I had intentions of going to the gym, but with all the walking and stairs my knee hurt so bad and I decided that was enough exercise. I saw Barcelona, Rome, florence, Naples, VilleFrench, and Malta. Today was my birthday and it was spent almost entirely on airplanes or in airports, kindda boring bday but the week before makes up for it!

I tried skimming to keep up with everyone, there were 6 pages to read so didn't read word for word! Welcome to the new folks!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY! We missed you. I am so glad you had a great time.

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Hi Kids!!!!!!

Happy Birthday, Long!!!....and...happy to have you back and to hear that you had a great trip. You stinker....not even a gain. Good for you! You are lucky with not getting tight when you fly. I attribute most of my 20lbs lost to flying. It seems to take me at least a week for things to be right again after I fly. It doesn't happen with every LB person but when it does it's like no hunger whatsoever. Never getting stuck, just not appitite.

I have an NSV! Don't think I have ever posted one cuz just knew they came with weightloss. This one is a MIRACLE!!!! I have been doing a lot of weight lifting. Not too heavy...3lbs for arms. Well, my boobs started moving north and noticed over the weekend that they are sitting up there pretty good!

Speaking of boobs....was at the lake since Wed. There was frost on the nipples every morning! COLD and WINDY each day except Sunday. Had fun though. Bunch of GF were up there and went out to a club, played cards, watched movies and cried, BBQ'd, etc. DH did not make it up again as he was still planting soybeans. Will be done about 4pm today. We are both going to head up again on Wed morning and stay till Tuesday morning. A bunch of HS graduation parties that we need to come back for on Sunday but will go back up after we hit them.

Took me awhile to catch up with this thread. Haven't had time to look at any of my other ones. Sounds like everyone is doing quite well.

Better get back to work so I can leave again! Hugs

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Hi gang~

I wrote a NICE long message over the weekend and as I was about to post it... the page refreshed on its own... and **POOF** it vanished! I was so P.O. that I just signed off. I told you guys last week.. but on Thursday 14th I had fill #4. He added 1cc but had to remove 1/2 of it b/c I had a mild Iron fist with a HUGE gulp of Water. I stayed on liquids that day. Friday he said return to normal food. dinner I made baked chicken pieces with veggies. The thigh meat was soft and tasty. I measured my 2oz., chewed well. I was nice and FULL after dinner. While cleaning the dishes I decided to take one more bite of the piece I had taken mine from, as to not put a half eaten thigh in the fridge. BIG BIG mistake! Either I ate too much (with the one more bite) or I didn't chew! I immediately had severe pain. I went to my room.. so my son wouldn't think mommy was dying. I tried EVERYTHING... then I felt it.. my first real PB. My eyes were tearing... but the pain was gone. Saturday I was tighter than ever (I guess swelling from the PB), so I stayed on liquids the first part of the day. lunch had a VERY soft scrambled egg.. went down fine. Dinner I tried ONE tiny bite of really soft stew meat. uh oh. Felt a twinge of pain and stopped eating. I barely got in 700 cal that day. Sunday I stayed with mush as well. I have REALLY good restriction, but I am SCARED to eat meat. Even a bite of tuna salad today caused some pain. I am hoping this is transient.. b/c I don't want the 0.5cc out... as I know before this fill I didn't have good restriction. <sigh> I am trying to be patient, b/c from my previous fills I know the "feeling" leaves in about 4-5 days. Just not sure how much of this is swelling from the trauma.

My DH and DS are ordering pizza and wings tonight so mommy doesn't have to cook. It's amazing how these very nice gestures turn into a double edged sword. Not sure I can handle the smell.... i am hungry. I think I might go make an egg before the pizza man arrives.

Glad to hear everyone is doing well. All these vacations are making me jealous! I do live in FL, so at least I get the nice weather a lot. But I miss my vagabond days of the Peace Corps.. traveling through South America with all my belongings in one backpack.

peasout~ Laura

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Hi gang~

I wrote a NICE long message over the weekend and as I was about to post it... the page refreshed on its own... and **POOF** it vanished! I was so P.O. that I just signed off. I told you guys last week.. but on Thursday 14th I had fill #4. He added 1cc but had to remove 1/2 of it b/c I had a mild Iron fist with a HUGE gulp of Water. I stayed on liquids that day. Friday he said return to normal food. dinner I made baked chicken pieces with veggies. The thigh meat was soft and tasty. I measured my 2oz., chewed well. I was nice and FULL after dinner. While cleaning the dishes I decided to take one more bite of the piece I had taken mine from, as to not put a half eaten thigh in the fridge. BIG BIG mistake! Either I ate too much (with the one more bite) or I didn't chew! I immediately had severe pain. I went to my room.. so my son wouldn't think mommy was dying. I tried EVERYTHING... then I felt it.. my first real PB. My eyes were tearing... but the pain was gone. Saturday I was tighter than ever (I guess swelling from the PB), so I stayed on liquids the first part of the day. lunch had a VERY soft scrambled egg.. went down fine. Dinner I tried ONE tiny bite of really soft stew meat. uh oh. Felt a twinge of pain and stopped eating. I barely got in 700 cal that day. Sunday I stayed with mush as well. I have REALLY good restriction, but I am SCARED to eat meat. Even a bite of tuna salad today caused some pain. I am hoping this is transient.. b/c I don't want the 0.5cc out... as I know before this fill I didn't have good restriction. <sigh> I am trying to be patient, b/c from my previous fills I know the "feeling" leaves in about 4-5 days. Just not sure how much of this is swelling from the trauma.

My DH and DS are ordering pizza and wings tonight so mommy doesn't have to cook. It's amazing how these very nice gestures turn into a double edged sword. Not sure I can handle the smell.... i am hungry. I think I might go make an egg before the pizza man arrives.

Glad to hear everyone is doing well. All these vacations are making me jealous! I do live in FL, so at least I get the nice weather a lot. But I miss my vagabond days of the Peace Corps.. traveling through South America with all my belongings in one backpack.

peasout~ Laura

Laura...give things some time. You are making the right choice by going back to soft foods for awhile. I had a stick about two months ago (ate chix breast too fast). It was two weeks b/4 I could eat solids again. Just knew that I shouldn't. You could still be swollen from your fill or you might not have chewed well enough. Be patient, try solids when you feel you are ready and go back to you doc if this doesn't clear up.

Hey....I could travel every day of my life, Laura. I love being on the go and am pretty sure this is where my youngest (25) gets his nickname "The Happy Wanderer". He went to National Guard basic training at barely 18, moved to Alaska with two duffels on his back directly from basic. Lived there two years...worked for an aviation company and got the bug to fly. Moved to Santa Barbara for a year and went to SBU and on the side worked on getting his commercial license by the time he was 20. Moved to Daytona and flew through Embry-Riddle in 3 yrs with 2 degrees and 2 minors plus held a job as a flight instructor 40 hours a week. Now lives in Atlanta since Dec and is starting up his own flight school. Whew...he makes my head spin. I do admire him but every once in awhile thank my 28 yr old for just being a normal kid and farming with dad.

Anyway, my point is...I think I could have been born with a suitcase in my hand. Being an airline attendent was my dream job.:eek:

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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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