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I just want to thank you for letting me vent and advice. I am going to get back to the basics, use smaller plates and start to measure and write down everything that goes into this mouth of mine. I will get out of bed in the morning when DH leaves for work and throw in a Richard Simmons workout video to start with. I have done these in the past so I know I can do it... I really need to do this for ME. No one else. I cannot have another fill until I lose at least 50 more pounds because my port is deep and the doc has to do under fluro and he tried to put in a full 4 cc's on top of 4 ccs I already had in my band and I couldn't even swallow my siliva. I am going to do a few days of full liquids to cleanse my system persay. I know I can do it and you all made me open my eyes and look at the bigger picture and realize that I WILL do this for my health. I need to just stop stessing so much about things that I cannot control (ie; finances) Thank you for being here...... I think I need to go back a few (quite a few) pages so I can sorta catch up on everyone here.... I have been outta sorts for a while and need to re-focus on myself......


p.s. - I just bought myself a really pretty journal to use... It's small enough to fit in my purse so I can pull it out whenever/where ever I put anything into my mouth.....

Gail WTG :glare: I am smiling ear to ear reading this - I love your renewed committment !!! Yes this is about you - your health !!! You CAN DO IT :eek: - For me the little journal that I could carry with me was the best - cuz it's to easy to forget that one little cracker here and there if you wait to sit at the computer to journal - in the little book you can jot down what you eat and then total the calories when you get to the computer if you don't know them while eating...

You go girl - so proud of you for taking the horse by the reins !!! Glad to have you back !!!!

Thanks for the support that is why I post here. Everyone is so helpful and friendly.Can someone tell me why we have to have everything happen at once? I guess then life would not be fun right? LOL AN you are right about the serial killer I never though about that.I guess I should count my blessings.


So why if I know it does no good and it hurts do I let it bother me do keep with this way of thinking?(I know the million dollar question right?) I just want to get a hold of my thinking and move on from this. It fills like I have been dealing with this for ever.


It has been better I am trying to hang on.

This is so true but I guess it will take a little bit for my brain to let go

You are right I am proud but I feel like I am losing ground with my thinking. i just want to be happy with where I am in my life. Of course I want to lose more but I think I need to work on being happy with myself.

1Day - you are still young and kids (yes dear my DS will be 38 in July - so to us oldies you are still a kid:tongue:) now a days it seems that kids want things right now - instant gratification it will come - you need to work on you and being happy with who you are right now - everything in its time - if you do the work it will come..


Good evening gang !!!

DS is watching Lakers - 5 yr GD washing dishes most likely using up the whole bottle of soap :eek: 14 yr GD is with friend - DIL is visiting with friends and GS is out jogging - the boy weighs maybe 110 and he's about 5'6..

So I thought I would ck in and see how everyones doing..

Well, will ck back in a few - gotta check my other threads and maybe fb..

Today's food

BF - Protein bar - 190 c 20 grms pt

L- Cobb salad & Ranch - 300 calories

D- Baked fish - small ear of corn - 1/2 c rice. 385 calories

S- Fresh strawberries 80 c and popcorn 100 and who knows what else it's only 8:13 here in cali.

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Hi Everyone!

My name is Barbara and I was banded on July 7,2008. I have posted on this thread during the last 10 months. You may have seen me lurking. I just want to say hi to all of you wonderful woman. I hope I am welcome to start posting regularly. I realize that I need to feel more connected personally to other bansters. I have done really well with my band. The amazing thing is that I have really bad arthritis in both knees(Phylliser-I know you relate) and cannot exercise at all. Even bike/elliptical and wii fit aggravates it. I went to physical therapy for a while and do continue at home with strengthening upper thighs and stretching. I am managing pain and stiffness with meds and losing 117 lbs has helped but not how Dr hoped it would. "Damage is done" he says. Anyway, want to wait as long as possible for replacements being that I am 44. I have a great husband who tells me to stop losing and Jessica,9 and Michael,12. My family is wonderful and supportive. I work as a nanny but that will end when school is over. Next year I have to find another gig. Not too worried(yet) I don't count calories anymore. I used to use daily plate but don't feel that I have to anymore. I stick to a high Protein diet and allow myself max of two 100cal pacs a day. I have learned from trial and error what fill level in my band works for me. 5.1-5.3 in my 10cc band. I feel as though I am lucky because for me the band really has helped my head hunger. I really believe that it has worked on the sensors in my brain.I have also worked very hard on my emotional stuff which caused me to turn to food- my longtime addiction. I also keep a personal journal with my food and feelings.

Sorry to go on- I just wanted to introduce myself again. I feel blessed to be able to post here with all you great girls who are on the band journey as I am. Thanks so much! Happy Mother's day to all you moms and grand-moms!!!!!

Edited by Barb12590

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Hi Everyone! Just thought I'd check in. I follow the posts on this string and they have been the best help I could ever ask for. I'm still in the full liquid phase (mushies start 5/15!) and I think I'm doing really well. Can't believe I haven't had solid food for over a week and I'm not starving and grouchy (which is what diets usually do to me the first couple of weeks). I think it must be the Protein Powder, I'm getting in 60-70 gms protein/day. :eek:

Hope everyone has a beautiful Mother's Day! FYI-I have three--DS#1-28 yrs old, DS#2-23 yrs old and DD 20 yrs old. No grandbabies yet (a good thing).

Truthfully, I am a little nervous about incorporating "real" food in my diet soon, hope I can stay on the 'straight and narrow'. I have a dietician appointment and a transition class next week so I'm sure they will give me lots of guidance and I'm determined to make this work!!! :glare:

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Hi Everyone!

My name is Barbara and I was banded on July 7,2008. I have posted on this thread during the last 10 months. You may have seen me lurking. I just want to say hi to all of you wonderful woman. I hope I am welcome to start posting regularly. I realize that I need to feel more connected personally to other bansters. I have done really well with my band. The amazing thing is that I have really bad arthritis in both knees(Phylliser-I know you relate) and cannot exercise at all. Even bike/elliptical and wii fit aggravates it. I went to physical therapy for a while and do continue at home with strengthening upper thighs and stretching. I am managing pain and stiffness with meds and losing 117 lbs has helped but not how Dr hoped it would. "Damage is done" he says. Anyway, want to wait as long as possible for replacements being that I am 44. I have a great husband who tells me to stop losing and Jessica,9 and Michael,12. My family is wonderful and supportive. I work as a nanny but that will end when school is over. Next year I have to find another gig. Not too worried(yet) I don't count calories anymore. I used to use daily plate but don't feel that I have to anymore. I stick to a high Protein diet and allow myself max of two 100cal pacs a day. I have learned from trial and error what fill level in my band works for me. 5.1-5.3 in my 10cc band. I feel as though I am lucky because for me the band really has helped my head hunger. I really believe that it has worked on the sensors in my brain.I have also worked very hard on my emotional stuff which caused me to turn to food- my longtime addiction. I also keep a personal journal with my food and feelings.

Sorry to go on- I just wanted to introduce myself again. I feel blessed to be able to post here with all you great girls who are on the band journey as I am. Thanks so much! Happy Mother's day to all you moms and grand-moms!!!!!


Congrats on your weight loss you have done great!!!:glare:

I wish my band helped with head hunger - yesterday all day I was starving - Full Moon :eek:

Glad to have you join us - for me I find that post here and giving back has helped me stay on task..

Hugs on the knee issues - but glad that you are doing exercise that you can with your limitations..

Look forward to having you join our little group..

Hi Everyone! Just thought I'd check in. I follow the posts on this string and they have been the best help I could ever ask for. I'm still in the full liquid phase (mushies start 5/15!) and I think I'm doing really well. Can't believe I haven't had solid food for over a week and I'm not starving and grouchy (which is what diets usually do to me the first couple of weeks). I think it must be the Protein Powder, I'm getting in 60-70 gms protein/day. :wub:

Hope everyone has a beautiful Mother's Day! FYI-I have three--DS#1-28 yrs old, DS#2-23 yrs old and DD 20 yrs old. No grandbabies yet (a good thing).

Truthfully, I am a little nervous about incorporating "real" food in my diet soon, hope I can stay on the 'straight and narrow'. I have a dietician appointment and a transition class next week so I'm sure they will give me lots of guidance and I'm determined to make this work!!! :eek:

Hey Kathy - glad you are doing well on your liquids - it's hard but doable cuz you really do want your band to heal - and going back to normal food isn't hard - Just make sure it's healthy - remember this isn't a diet - its about makeing the lifestyle change in our eating habits.

Good Morning Gang

I tried to get on earlier before I went to the gym (did 2.64 on the treadmill and 1.5 on the eliptical) but I couldn't connect...

Did good yesterday with food even though I was STARVING all day at work - this is why I don't have food at my desk

Today - gotta go food shopping for tomorrow my DIL wants bbq chicken - mac salad - and I don't know what else - need to get nails done - so it's almost 10 so I better jump in the shower and get my stuff done before it gets 105 !!!

CBL :eek:

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Hi All - just checking in this afternoon. I got a good night's sleep last night - really needed after the "day" I had. In total I spent about 30 hours traveling back from Korea - combined in a 5 hour bus ride from Daegu to Inchon Int'l, then 10 1/2 hour flight to San Francisco, layover there, then flight to Denver, layover there, and finally the comparatively short flight to Kansas City and the arms of DH! My food intake was TERRIBLE for the "day." A Protein bar on the bus, a little airport food (hamburger w/o the bun), followed by two airplane meals (Lord knows how many fat calories went into that!), another airport offering, then nothing for the next 2 flights. Not nearly enough Water even though I took Water whenever it was possible. I just could not sleep on the planes, and was exhausted when I got home. I took a shower and went to bed! But DH was happy to see me - house was clean - he even brought home roses for me!! The reunion with Jack was fun - lots of dog kisses and hair flying (his AND mine!).

I am back to the food and water routine as of this morning and it feels so good to be in control again! I did fine in Korea - I know the band helped so much there. I did eat some things I normally do not eat - more carbs than usual, pizza a couple of times, etc. But the band did it's job and I was able to resist any urges to overindulge.

I think one of the biggest challenges I face is those pesky sliders. It is so easy to overdo them because they all taste good! and go down so easily! and you don't even feel full with them. I do work hard to stay away from them. I don't have chips, ice cream, candy, etc. in my house. DD always has chips because her DH likes them. He runs every morning, works out regularly, so it is not an issue with him. DD limits her intake, breastfeeds, and chases a 2 year old - not an issue with her, either. As the babies give her more time she will be running on a regular basis. I managed to ignore them (the chips, not my peeps).

My right knee and both ankles/feet are giving me fits. A lot of walking yesterday, even though I had help through the larger airports (shoot, they were ALL large airports...). Just about every joint in my body is complaining today - just GET OVER IT!!!! About 40 pounds gone, but that has not helped the pain of arthritis especially when physically stressed. I am disappointed in that. I remain hopeful that another 40 or 50 will help, and I know the knee replacement will have to be done. I just want that 40 or 50 more gone so the replacement will go smoother and I won't GAIN! That was my original goal and remains the most important one. (skinny clothes runs a close second...haha) Oh, yeah -there's my HEALTH!!

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Hi All - just checking in this afternoon. I got a good night's sleep last night - really needed after the "day" I had. In total I spent about 30 hours traveling back from Korea - combined in a 5 hour bus ride from Daegu to Inchon Int'l, then 10 1/2 hour flight to San Francisco, layover there, then flight to Denver, layover there, and finally the comparatively short flight to Kansas City and the arms of DH! My food intake was TERRIBLE for the "day." A Protein bar on the bus, a little airport food (hamburger w/o the bun), followed by two airplane meals (Lord knows how many fat calories went into that!), another airport offering, then nothing for the next 2 flights. Not nearly enough Water even though I took Water whenever it was possible. I just could not sleep on the planes, and was exhausted when I got home. I took a shower and went to bed! But DH was happy to see me - house was clean - he even brought home roses for me!! The reunion with Jack was fun - lots of dog kisses and hair flying (his AND mine!).

I am back to the food and water routine as of this morning and it feels so good to be in control again! I did fine in Korea - I know the band helped so much there. I did eat some things I normally do not eat - more carbs than usual, pizza a couple of times, etc. But the band did it's job and I was able to resist any urges to overindulge.

I think one of the biggest challenges I face is those pesky sliders. It is so easy to overdo them because they all taste good! and go down so easily! and you don't even feel full with them. I do work hard to stay away from them. I don't have chips, ice cream, candy, etc. in my house. DD always has chips because her DH likes them. He runs every morning, works out regularly, so it is not an issue with him. DD limits her intake, breastfeeds, and chases a 2 year old - not an issue with her, either. As the babies give her more time she will be running on a regular basis. I managed to ignore them (the chips, not my peeps).

My right knee and both ankles/feet are giving me fits. A lot of walking yesterday, even though I had help through the larger airports (shoot, they were ALL large airports...). Just about every joint in my body is complaining today - just GET OVER IT!!!! About 40 pounds gone, but that has not helped the pain of arthritis especially when physically stressed. I am disappointed in that. I remain hopeful that another 40 or 50 will help, and I know the knee replacement will have to be done. I just want that 40 or 50 more gone so the replacement will go smoother and I won't GAIN! That was my original goal and remains the most important one. (skinny clothes runs a close second...haha) Oh, yeah -there's my HEALTH!!


Glad you are home safe and sound !!! I bet your DH & fur babies missed you - 30 HOURS OMW:eek: - I don't know if I could travel for those many hours - I would need some drugs - thats just too many people to be around ...

Glad you had a good time you DD & Family -- Yep slider I hear you on that one - My DS & Family are here - tomorrow is treat day - Choc cake - but we are have bbq chicken vegges and a little mac salad - I should be ok as long as I stay away from the cake !!!

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Hi everyone~

It has been SEVERAL days since I have been on! Lots of stuff going on in my life. I will try to update and make it as brief as possible. Thanks to everyone who made such sweet comments about my Nelson. He is the light of my life and one of my main reasons for wanting to get my health back!

~ my support group last week: was a disaster. The group met on Wed the first 3 months I went. They sent an email out saying see you on the 5th, but didn't state the day. I didn't realize they switched the day. So, I showed up on Wed, the 6th. It happened to be nurses day and the building where my meeting was supposed to be... was the location of a catered party for all the nurses. I asked where the meeting was... no one knew... and when I checked my Blackberry, I realized I was there a day late. I was encouraged by everyone to get a glass of wine and a plate. I said thanks but no thanks and left. I had rearranged my schedule to be there and felt like such a doofus for missing it. It was a psychologist that specializes in emotional eating. There's always next month.

My parents had been using our home as base camp for the winter while in South Florida.. but in reality they pop in for only days at a time. They go to their boat for two weeks or fly to another location. (they are the most active 70 somethings I know!) My dad at 75 is both a pilot and a licensed boat captain. On Wed, they were finally going back to NC for the season. They were returning via a 46' Hatteras boat. One hour into their trip my mom missed a step a "popped" her knee and couldn't bear weight. That night I drove 2 hours to pick them up after they finally got someone to tow them to a marina. Dad was unable to dock without a 1st mate! Thurs was spent taking her to the orthopedist... getting splints... meds... Friday was spent getting MRIs... other appointments. Saturday was spent going to check on the boat and keeping mom as comfortable as possible... and taking Nelson to a birthday party.. cleaning house.. doing laundry... cooking 3 meals a day for everyone. <SIGH> I am EXHAUSTED! Monday we will find out if it is the meniscus... and needs surgery. Because my husband is a M.D. and I am an N.P., they want to have it here of course. Also she will get somewhat of a VIP treatment here at least. To be continued.

Tomorrow for mother's day... the only thing I want is to sleep late. I have serious doubt it will happen. I asked everyone to go out to Breakfast without me. : )

On a positive note~ I have continued to exercise at least 4 times this week. Still serious workouts... 70 min circuit training with highest HR 165 and avg, including warm up, 138! I have started sweating WAY more than ever. I feel so much stronger and healthier. I lost 4 lbs this week and clothes are fitting SO much better... things are becoming unwearable and falling off! My last fill has definitely kicked in. I am still not quite sure that it is my sweet spot... but I am close. In the morning I am not hungry.. and find that I have coffee and a Protein shake. The amount I eat is 1/2 cup and I am full after that. I have had two episodes of "Iron fist"... once after taking a bite of cantaloupe that I didn't chew enough. The other was a small bite of cold grilled chicken breast. Both times I felt like I was going to vomit.. the cantaloupe came up- just some Water and the melon. I did have some salivating... but some relaxation breathing and sitting straight up... helped the chicken pass. But... the other side of the fit... is at night. I seem to have intense hunger and although I don't overeat... I feel like I could. So, now the decision is do I have another fill on Thursday? I feel like I could use 0.5cc. . I am ok with not being able to eat solids at Breakfast. And I honestly feel both times I got stuck was because I didn't chew properly.

~I don't have time to write a personal note to each of you. I have read everything you guys are writing though! Congrats to those of you who are doing so great! And hang in there to the ones who are struggling. And yeah to the ones who are about to embark on the band journey!!! I feel the most motivated I have felt in YEARS! This little piece of silicone has changed me in so many ways.

Happy Mother's Day to all of you (either you are a mom... or have a mom! or both!)

peas out~ Laura

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Laura OMW I am exhausted just reading about your week !!!

Hope your Mom will be ok and not have to have surgery..

Congrats on your 4 lbs - WTG :tt2:

Exercise is great !!!:biggrin:

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Hope you all have a Wonderful Mother's Day



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Thank you, Janet. Happy Mother's Day to you!

(and everyone!) ;)

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1Day - you are still young and kids (yes dear my DS will be 38 in July - so to us oldies you are still a kid:tongue:) now a days it seems that kids want things right now - instant gratification it will come - you need to work on you and being happy with who you are right now - everything in its time - if you do the work it will come..

Yes you are right us kids want things now. LOL Thanks so much for you love and support it helps so much.

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Hope you all have a Wonderful Mother's Day

Janet~ Thank you hon, you too! Hope you had a great day!

I did NOT get my wish of sleeping late. <SIGH> But Nelson was about to bust to give me his hand made mother's day card and my husband caved in and let him wake me up. The sight of opening my eyes to that little face always makes my day! The fact that God allowed ME to have this special little boy in my life! I got up... made everyone else breakfast... and even cleaned the kitchen. Everyone thought the restaurants would be packed and didn't want to fight the crowd. I made everyone waffles and wasn't even tempted.

I did have a sitter this afternoon. The adults went to see "The Soloist". It was a great movie. No popcorn for any of us. (My family is the best support!) I had 10 RAISINETs and 10 Goobers (? 50 - 75 cal??)... and sipped on a Muscle Milk Light (160 cal/14 oz and 20 gms of protein).

dinner was a quick pick up of grocery store Rotisserie chicken (2 oz/95 cal)) and Tabouli 2 oz (90 cal) and one tablespoon of Baked Beans (?50 cal) and 1 melba toast (20 cal).

I bought Nelson ONE beautiful cupcake... just for him. Gave him a lick kiss on the cheek before wiping his hands and face! (???1000 calories.... he's sooooooo sweet!!!) LOL

Tired today... didn't exercise... needed a day of rest. : )

Hope all is well!!!



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Hello everyone! I hope that all of you mommies had a beautiful day. I spent a wonderful day with my mom and both of my grandmothers.

Anyhow, my mom and I are watching brothers and sisters. So, I just wanted to stop in and say "hi" .

Check in tomorrow.


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Hi everyone, hope you all had a nice, restful Mother's Day. We went to church and then I made dinner for my mother, daughter, granddaughter, brother and his 2 daughters and 1 baby granddaughter... That was only 9 with the 2 little ones... Grilled steaks, baked chicken, lots of veggies and salad..... Homemade angel food cake with berries and whipped topping for dessert... I tried to make it more heart healthy for my brother... Everyone was happy... I, of course, did something dumb and tried to eat chicken breast and it stuck and hurt for a while but didn't come up.... I settled on the salad and veggies after that.... My back was really hurting when I finished the meal, but then I just sat and rested most of the day.... Managed to get my kitchen back in order..... Today I'm back with my little one... Had to stay the night at DD's as she had to leave for work at 5:00 am... Baby got up at 7:30 and then got her ready and brought her to my house... She's napping now and we have been doing okay.. I'm being smarter now and don't try to man-handle her.. I make her come to me... This is working better and I think I am a little stronger now, too... Don't have much more to do today with all the leftovers in the fridge....

Joann, glad you are home safe..... I hate those overseas flights..... I can never sleep either.... Now you are home you can rest up and settle back into your life.... congrats on doing so well while gone...

Laura, take a breath and re-group... things will come back to normal....

Welcome to the new ones again... I understand the "lurking"... I did it quite a while, too... Glad you'll be joining us....

Well, better go do something while Mimi's still sleeping.. I have a meeting here at 6:00... Should get things in order and make a little list or two....

Take care......... Julie

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Hello everyone,

I hope you all had a great Mother's Day. Today has been so so. As IndioGirl said, I'm gonna have to just do it. I'm recommiting to making better food choices this week.

So far today I have had:

Breakfast: Kashi bar, cup of noodles (chicken flavor)

Snack: peanuts

Lunch: 3 fried chicken legs.

Snack: peanuts and fruit punch (16 ounces)

I did say, tomorrow will be a better day. The next meal will be better.

I'm trying to be honest. Please help me keep it real

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        Fairlife has strawberry, vanilla and of course chocolate. No more calories than other protein drinks. Stay away from Premiere, they're dealing with lawsuits due to not being honest about protein content.

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