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I was banded on April 7th and while I have lost 22 pounds I could sure use a buddy. I have questions everyday and the people in the chatroom sometimes do not respond.

Can you help me?


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I was banded on April 7th and while I have lost 22 pounds I could sure use a buddy. I have questions everyday and the people in the chatroom sometimes do not respond.

Can you help me?


Darjeel...as away!!!!!!!

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Laura~ I've been wanting to tell you that my Grandfathers name was Nelson. He was such a wonderful man and I've always loved his name. If I ever have children I have always planned to name the first born Nelson. Boy or girl! I love it that much! How did you decide on that name?

Best, Meredith


I love hearing about other people's special "Nelson". Mine was a quite easy decision. After 2 years of infertility... 10 + failed IVFs... we decided on adoption. We adopted the most beautiful baby boy from Turkey. My father is from Turkey and my husband's mother was from Turkey! Anyway, while searching and searching for names, I was looking up the meaning of my husband's name. His name is Nael (the Arab version of our Neal, which means Champion). Nelson thus means "son of a champion" or "son of Neal". And then you think of all the famous Nelson's in the world... and it just seemed perfect. I wanted a unique name, but a name that people could spell and remember.

I am off to my monthly bariatric support group meeting! I will write more tonight!

peas out~


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How do I get motivated to walk or exercise? I can't seem to make the first step.

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Hi Ladies! I am fairly new to the forum and have been looking for a good group and you guys seem awesome! I was banded 4/30/09 and am still struggling through the Protein Shake phase. Can start mushies next Friday and pureed food never sounds so good!!!! :D I can hardly wait! Anyhoo, I sure enjoy reading your positive messages and it really helps to hear that it will get better. :thumbup:

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I have been having the same problem with my hair. And my hair was already fine. Between work stress and my hubby in a bad mood with his work crap I am going to go crazy. My hair is so short right now compared to before surgery and my hubby does not like it. :D

Can a girl get break I am freaking out I can not even take a day at a time because I just want to scream. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH i am lost with my plan I think I have gained weight but have not dared weighed my self since I am already all crazy depressed and stressed out. And I take happy pills (i hope you know what I mean) I have a therapist but he is not in my network and he is like 150.00 a visit I talked him done to 100 but now that is still to high. I think I am eating around my band ecspecially with all the stuff going on with me. I am an emtional eater like alot of people.

Ok I need to breathe but OMG help. Why is I do okay and then crash everything seems to happen at once.

Yesterday my car broke down on the side of the rode and no one stopped at all :thumbup:. That makes a girl feel pretty. Anyways I had to wait 30 minutes until my hubby got to me to tell me some sesor fell out of my engine or something and it took two seconds to fix. I felt stupid.

Oh I think I am done venting this moment.

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I was banded on April 7th and while I have lost 22 pounds I could sure use a buddy. I have questions everyday and the people in the chatroom sometimes do not respond.

Can you help me?


Hi Darjeel Welcome !!!! Ya we are here for you... Ask away we will answer !!!


I love hearing about other people's special "Nelson". Mine was a quite easy decision. After 2 years of infertility... 10 + failed IVFs... we decided on adoption. We adopted the most beautiful baby boy from Turkey. My father is from Turkey and my husband's mother was from Turkey! Anyway, while searching and searching for names, I was looking up the meaning of my husband's name. His name is Nael (the Arab version of our Neal, which means Champion). Nelson thus means "son of a champion" or "son of Neal". And then you think of all the famous Nelson's in the world... and it just seemed perfect. I wanted a unique name, but a name that people could spell and remember.

I am off to my monthly bariatric support group meeting! I will write more tonight!

peas out~


Laura - Love the meaning behind the name - let us know how you group went..

I was banded on January 31, 2008 How do I get motivated to walk or exercise? I can't seem to make the first step.

MeMe - 1st step - just do it - put on the tennis shoes and go for a walk - depending on your weight and physical condition will determine how much you can do - but just start slowly and work your way into it . Don't think about how much you hate exercise - think about how good you will feel about yourself for doing it...

Hi Ladies! I am fairly new to the forum and have been looking for a good group and you guys seem awesome! I was banded 4/30/09 and am still struggling through the Protein shake phase. Can start mushies next Friday and pureed food never sounds so good!!!! :wub: I can hardly wait! Anyhoo, I sure enjoy reading your positive messages and it really helps to hear that it will get better. :thumbup:

Hi Kath and Welcome !!!- Thanks for the props - I do think we are a pretty good group if I do say so myself :wub:

Ya the first few weeks are hard - We all couldn't wait to get to mushies - but you just got to get inventive with the shakes - Are you on full liquids - for me that included creamed Soups - I made cream of pinto bean Soup (or whatever Beans you likes) make a pot of Beans - then scoop the beans out and put them in a blender add a little juice from the beans and puree them add them back to the bean juice/broth - cream of bean Soup - I know I got sick of all the sweet shakes (hard to beleive I got sick of sweets :0) I also was able to eat yogurts - sf fudgecicles - sf pudding.

Again we know it's hard but you gotta say on the liquids per doc's orders as your band is healing (stiches around the band that anchors it to your stomach) and you want them to heal completely...

And yes it does get better - but it's still a struggle for most of us - I'm 22 months out and I still struggles at times with making good food choice and I struggle daily to get all my Water in.. Some days I'm good and others I'm not...

We do have an addiction but the more knowledge that we have about our addiction the help of our bands - we can do this - we can be healthy pple...

Look forward to hearing from you again...

I have been having the same problem with my hair. And my hair was already fine. Between work stress and my hubby in a bad mood with his work crap I am going to go crazy. My hair is so short right now compared to before surgery and my hubby does not like it. :cursing:

Can a girl get break I am freaking out I can not even take a day at a time because I just want to scream. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH i am lost with my plan I think I have gained weight but have not dared weighed my self since I am already all crazy depressed and stressed out. And I take happy pills (i hope you know what I mean) I have a therapist but he is not in my network and he is like 150.00 a visit I talked him done to 100 but now that is still to high. I think I am eating around my band ecspecially with all the stuff going on with me. I am an emtional eater like alot of people.

Ok I need to breathe but OMG help. Why is I do okay and then crash everything seems to happen at once.

Yesterday my car broke down on the side of the rode and no one stopped at all :D. That makes a girl feel pretty. Anyways I had to wait 30 minutes until my hubby got to me to tell me some sesor fell out of my engine or something and it took two seconds to fix. I felt stupid.

Oh I think I am done venting this moment.

1Day :thumbup: Hugs on your stress

The hair will come back - I know that hard to deal with right now - but get your Protein - fat - Water and take your Vitamins and do what Meredith said it will come back..

We call them Happy pills too at my work - it must be an ins pple word - alot of pple at my work are on them - I use to take zolfot but haven't needed them for the last 4.5 yrs..

I wish I could do more than tell you what to do - I wish I could make that cowoker take the candy out of the office -

When crap happens it seems to happen all at once - but it will get better - I know that's hard to beleive while you are in the middle of it - but a month from now you will look back on thiis time and be able to take a breath...

Hugs and vent away... You say you are an emontional eating - this is a habit that you are going to have to break - plan and simple - or as I said before have low cal foods for when you can't control the urge to eat...

You are just going to have to talk to your other person - give her a name and tell her she isn't going to win that You Meredith are in control and you aren't going for the candy you and just going to work thru the stress by taking a walk ifyou can = get up from your desk go to the bathroom lock the door and take a moment for you.

Just be glad that a serial killer didn't stop ... You DH knew what was wrong he fixed it - heck that's what they are for :0)


Hi Gang

Back from the gym worked with trainer tonite - weights/legs

Dinner's almost done - Baked Catfish with Cajun seasoning - asparagus and rice

My DS called and they should be here around 4 or 5 this morning - the are coming for Mother's Day.. Going to have a house full - So please know that I will be doing my share of venting even though I love them to death -

Well it's 8 going to go eat - I will talk to you all in the morning Hugs everyone --- Janet

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Morning gals,

DH and I had a nice anniversary supper last night.. I did well, with Protein and just a few carbs... and a lemonade.... at Applebees...... Shared a little shooter dessert, too.... strawberry cheesecake....... it was good, had two bites, and don't feel guilty at all... It was a nice treat.... Went shopping a little after and found the tanks I was hoping for.. So it was a good night... I seemed to sleep pretty well last night.... better than some night.. Stayed in bed until almost 4:00.... so, I'm rested today and should be able to get a few things done... May try to walk around the block.... YaH!!!!!

1 Day, sounds like you need to give yourself a break..... Relax and try not to let things get to you so much... This is coming from someone who has been there... It just does no good and hurts you.... I did it for years but have mellowed in my old age I guess... Wish I would have done it years ago... Things will get better.. A little time and a lotta prayers!!!!

Janet, have fun with your kids..... So good to have them come.... Wouldn't want it the other way. I have 2 steps who never come.... We only see or talk to them if I make the effort or they need something.... Even DH doesn't try.... Sad, but true.... So we concentrate on the daughter we do have who wants to be part of our lives.... and our little Mimi!!

Well, should go get dressed and start my day... I seem to get a little stronger every day, but still feel so whipped after any little effort... Yesterday I made the mistake of getting on the floor to clean out a corner cupboard and nearly didn't make it back up by myself.... Just still so weak..... So, no floor jobs today!! Everyone have a good day.... Oh, and welcome to all you new people.... this is a good place to be..


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Wishing everyone early Happy Mother's Day. Heading up to lake early evening so won't be around.

Janet...have a great time with DS and family.

Darjeelingtea....if you are looking for a place for questions to be answered and some support, you've come to the right place. Been hanging around here for quite some time and this is the first place I go when I have a question or just need to vent about something. Welcome.

Kath17268...You certainly are a new one...in the Protein Drink stage. Just think how life will be a year from now! I do remember just waiting to move on to each stage and being READY for it. It will all come together for you. Just make sure to follow ALL of your doc's rules and enjoy your new band life. It can be a challenge but there are so many benefits that come with it. Good luck!

MeMe...what Janet said. Start slow and build up to the point where you don't like MISSING the exercise. I was a slug. Now I cannot stand NOT moving. Kills me if I don't get my exercise in. Not fun at first but once you accomplish certain goals for yourself, you just feel so good and proud of yourself. Just a positive all the way around. Welcome and set some goals for yourself and stick to them. Start now!

Hey Laura...how did your support group meeting go? Find a lap band buddy? I have a couple of them from my group. Fun to get together for coffee and visit one on one. No one knows what we go through except another band person.

I often wish that all of us here could get together to meet in person. We had talked of a Vegas meet in October. There is a lap band meeting out there at that time. I have not heard a thing on it yet. I emailed Coach Cher (this meeting is not sponsored by Lapband) but have not heard anything on dates yet. Will let everyone know when I find out and maybe we can get a fun girls weekend planned and fit the seminar in at the same time.

1Day...sorry you had such a sucky day yesterday and hoping today started out better.

Where are you, PHYLL?????????????? Been missing you.

Ok...gotta go. Have a full day and gotta get it done so I can have a relaxing weekend.

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Forgot....Happy Belated Anniversary, Julie. Happy to hear that you and hubby had a nice time. Our 30th is in Nov. I swear that time just flew by or someone stole them from us. We still think the other is just adorable and (tmi) can't keep our hands off each other. But, we are not that couple that is out in public that needs to get a room.

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Good Morning Gang !!!

DS got here at 3:15 this morning :thumbup: - got up and gave them all hugs talked for a mintue - then went back to bed but couldn't go right back to sleep I know it was 4 last time I looked at the clock - the alarm goes off at 5 :unsure:

My 5 yr GD is just biting at the bit to go swimming - she was crying to Daddy when I left at 7 you promised to go swimming - I told her it was too early :thumbsup:

Julie - Belated Happy Anniversary !! Glad you had a good time last night and got some rest - don't' over do it today...

Apples - Have a great time at the lake !!!

Don't want to jinx myself - but the scales are finally moving downwards - I know I am obessing about 2 lbs - but I have to or those 2 will turn into 20 - the whole secret imho is to stay on top of your weight - in the past oh it's ownly 5 lbs then 10 then 20 and then we just have too much to lose that we give up.. I know I have my little helper - but that's all it is a helper - I can eat around it - so I have to say on top of the 2 lbs - I have been logging food this week and I truely beleive that's what helping the weight come off plus my bumping up the exercise on Saturday - I will do it again this Saturday - That's going to be my new challenge to myself - on Saturday morning do something diff and work a little harder - push myself...

Ok gotta get my butt in gear

Oh ya 1Day listen to Julies advice - it is true

Relax and try not to let things get to you so much... This is coming from someone who has been there... It just does no good and hurts you.... I did it for years but have mellowed in my old age I guess... Wish I would have done it years ago... Things will get better.. A little time and a lotta prayers!!!!

This is comming from us with a few years under our belts - its very very good advice - cuz all this worrying stress anger isn't going to change what's happening at the moment - it only make it worse -

CBL - Have a good day ladies :grouphug:

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Hi everyone!

I went to a lap band support group meeting last night and it went wonderfully! I met some fantastic people and they ALL offered me their support. Most of them had the surgeon that I am going to have. I got their phone numbers and their e-mail addresses and I feel like I have a firmer grasp on the lap-band world.

Also, I went to the surgeon today for our first meeting. He said that I am a good candidate for surgery and was surprised at how much knowledge I already had about the lap band. (Thanks to all of you!!!!) Since I already had all of my paperwork done, he said that I could go ahead and schedule my surgery. BUT......Nancy, the woman that coordinates the surgery is out of the office until Wednesday of next week! I will have to wait until then for her to schedule me and to make my appointment to meet with the dietitian. UGH! I am sort of frustrated because I was so excited to finally have a date, but I will be patient. Good things come to those that wait I guess. So of course, I will keep you updated.

I was also disappointed because I set up a reward system for myself. I am going to buy a Troll or Pandora bead Bracelet and purchase a new bead for myself after every 10 pounds lost. That way I will be able to do something nice for myself as well as have a constant reminder of what I need to do everyday to keep on task. As soon as I get my surgery date, I am going to purchase that actual bracelet, and then go from there. I really wanted to get the bracelet today!!!! Oh well, Wednesday will come soon enough. I've waited this long, what is 6 more days?

Laura~ That is such a wonderful story about your son and his name! I too love "Nelson" stories. Sounds like that name was meant for him.

1Day~ It will be alright! Just look at all of the progress you have made so far! More than 50 pounds!

Ok, well that is all for now. Glad to see that the rest of you are doing well. Will check in later.


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Hello Everybody,

I am going to take your advise. I'm gonna just do it (walk). I want to tell you what I had to eat yesterday and today. Please give your honest opnion.

yesterday: Breakfast-1/2 cup kashi Cereal, 1/2 cup of 2% milk Snack: 10 whole peanuts Lunch: 1/2 chick fili salad with thousand island dressing. Snack: Kashi bar Dinner: Bite of Hot dog, Bite of Roast and carrots. Snack: Chip and Dip

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Meredith - What a great idea about the Pandora Bracelet. I have one too. Setting a goal like you suggest sounds fun and worth the effort!


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        Well done! I'm 9 days away from surgery! Keep us updated!

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        Fairlife Core are by far the best. They taste just as they are - chocolate milk. You can either get the 26 grams or the 42 grams (harder to find and more expensive). For straight protein look at Bulksuppliments.com ..they have really good whey proteins and offer auto ship plus they test for purity. No taste or smell...

      2. BlondePatriotInCDA

        Fairlife has strawberry, vanilla and of course chocolate. No more calories than other protein drinks. Stay away from Premiere, they're dealing with lawsuits due to not being honest about protein content.

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