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Hi everyone - checking in. I decided to change my exercise routine a little. I'm going in the am now, instead of after work. So, right now I could fall asleep at my desk! I guess it takes getting used to the change.

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Hi there, I've just come back from my brother's house and he is doing well..... doesn't need me right now as his girlfriend was busy cooking and such for him... It's a beautiful day here in ND.... 70 with no wind... almost perfect. I enjoyed being out.. Had to drive past the place where my baby is at the sitter and she was playing outside with the other kids.. I watched from a distance so she didn't see me.... Yes, this is very good for her, but I do miss her little face....

I've been spending time on my clothes the last couple days... My "out" pile has grown to 3 - 33 gallon garbage bags.... Gosh, what a mess.. May try to have a garage sale with my daughter some time this summer.... My closet is now just things I can wear or are maybe a bit too small.... there are a few holes, like some white tanks to wear under outer shirts and such.. Guess I can fill those in easily.... But I'm thinking I'm okay for the summer now.. That's a relief... Next winter will be the challenge as I will be in uncharted sizes and should need most everything new by then... Can't wait for that...

Long, refresh my memory, where are you off to and when.....?

JoannMarie and LVJ, thanks for the words... I'm trying to take all the good advice... It's amazing how far down one can get after surgery....

Apples, I just love reading about your activities... No wonder you can't gain anything.. You run it off...

Company just came, gotta go... Julie

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Hi you all I'm freaking out my hair is falling out & I have thin hair as it is :thumbup::eek: is there anything to help this PLEASE help:frown:

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Hi you all I'm freaking out my hair is falling out & I have thin hair as it is :smile::eek: is there anything to help this PLEASE help:frown:

TV...try not to panic. I think it happens to most of us. I think I lost about 1/3 of my hair over a period of about three months. I took Biotin and Vit E long b/4 surgery and also got the recommended 70gr of protien a day. Plus, I always incorporated fats into my daily intake.

It will eventually slow down and grow back. My growth has caught up with the rest of my hair now and think it is as thick as it was b/4 loss.

I know that others have cut their hair shorter and layered to mask the loss. YOU WILL GET THROUGH THIS! I guess the only thing else I can tell you is just try to accept this Hair loss as part of the process. My doc said that he's never had a patient that had to wear a wig and he's had lots of patients. Just believe that it will get better.

Sending you some calming hugs your way!:thumbup:

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Hi there, I've just come back from my brother's house and he is doing well..... doesn't need me right now as his girlfriend was busy cooking and such for him... It's a beautiful day here in ND.... 70 with no wind... almost perfect. I enjoyed being out.. Had to drive past the place where my baby is at the sitter and she was playing outside with the other kids.. I watched from a distance so she didn't see me.... Yes, this is very good for her, but I do miss her little face....

I've been spending time on my clothes the last couple days... My "out" pile has grown to 3 - 33 gallon garbage bags.... Gosh, what a mess.. May try to have a garage sale with my daughter some time this summer.... My closet is now just things I can wear or are maybe a bit too small.... there are a few holes, like some white tanks to wear under outer shirts and such.. Guess I can fill those in easily.... But I'm thinking I'm okay for the summer now.. That's a relief... Next winter will be the challenge as I will be in uncharted sizes and should need most everything new by then... Can't wait for that...

Long, refresh my memory, where are you off to and when.....?

JoannMarie and LVJ, thanks for the words... I'm trying to take all the good advice... It's amazing how far down one can get after surgery....

Apples, I just love reading about your activities... No wonder you can't gain anything.. You run it off...

Company just came, gotta go... Julie

Julie...you sound soooooooooo much more upbeat today. So good to hear. News of your brother sounds good also. Always scary when family members and friends go through something like that.

Funny you find my activities interesting. Just a typical day on the farm! I was DH's right hand man for so many years and now I feel like I don't do enough. Since DS came back to farm with us, I feel like a princess. (3rd season of him farming with us).

Long..........we plant corn and soybeans. I do love our life but the stress spring and fall can be overwhelming. We are fortunate not to have livestock so we do have more down time. We run the other business we have starting early spring until right b/4 Christmas so some days I feel really overbooked. But, my choice to run off to the lake for a few days a week and cram so much into the time I am home. No guilt for this old lady though. I've broke my back for many years on this farm and this body needs a break from all the heavy work. Thus reason for all the hernia repairs in the last five years.

DH will NEVER retire...it would kill him. Farming is so in his blood and I am very happy to accept the fact that he will probably die on his tractor at the age of 95!

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Oh no.........after I re-read my post I think I need to clarify. Happy and death on a tractor should not be in the same sentence.

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Hi all~

Glad to know it is not just happening to me... yesterday I typed a VERY long post and before I could post it... the website re-loaded and lost it all! And it happened tonight! uuughhhhhhhhhhhhh! I wil write more tomorrow. Just wanted to say hi!



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Hi all, I haven't been here in a while and I feel like throwing the towel into the ring and surrendering to defeat. I feel so dumb and fat and lazy. I know what needs to be done, just can't seem to get myself to do it. I do so good during the day at work, then I get so hungry just before it's time to leave work and I am not a fruit and/or veggie person and Water doesn't control the hunger during this time. By the time I walk through the door, I eat anything and everything that crosses my path food wise. I then load up my plate when dinner is finally done and then at times find myself wanting something while I am watching TV at night. I can't seem to get off my lazy butt and exercise at all. I know that would help, but my knees are constantly killing me and I am tired all the time because I don't sleep very well at all at night. I am so sorry for being so negative and depressing, but just needed to vent. I just don't know what to do and no where to turn right now. I have no support system at home and no one to do this journey with. I have to go back to the doctor & dietician next month and haven't lost a thing. I had my surgery back in April of 2008 and have lost and gained so much that i've actually only lost 2# since my surgery. I just had a fill in March (bad experience, he put in too much and I couldn't even swallow my siliva so some had to come out) and can see a difference, but still don't know what satisfied feels like. I eat till something gets stuck and then just wait till it goes down or comes up and then I finish whatever I put on my large plate. I just don't know how to stop this vicious cycle. I will end here before I totally depress the heck outta everyone here. Sorry for venting and rambling....


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Hello everyone!

Anyhow, as I was trying to all tell of you in my last post......tomorrow I am going to a lap band support group meeting, then Thursday I am going to the surgeon (finally!) to set up my date for surgery. I am shooting for four weeks from now. I gues that is the usual amount of time between this appointment and the actual surgery at this office. I feel like I've been talking about this appointment for months! I cannot wait to find out when! I'm sure all of you understand the anticipation.

Sorry that I haven't been on in so long. I was up north all weekend at my parents cabin. My dad was already up there turkey hunting, so Andrew and I went to relax for the weekend. It felt really good to have no cell phones or computers and just enjoy the outdoors. I don't get very much time here in the city to do that. It was especially enjoyable because last Tuesday was my last day of class for this semester! Whew! Now I get a few weeks off before summer classes begin.

Laura~ I've been wanting to tell you that my Grandfathers name was Nelson. He was such a wonderful man and I've always loved his name. If I ever have children I have always planned to name the first born Nelson. Boy or girl! I love it that much! How did you decide on that name?

I also wanted to thank everyone for all of their kind words and support on here. It has been so helpful to me! I feel like I am better prepared than most people that go into this. What a wonderful resource! Thank you!

Best, Meredith

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Hi you all I'm freaking out my hair is falling out & I have thin hair as it is :cool2::eek: is there anything to help this PLEASE help:frown:

The first thing I can tell you is not to worry! Not only has your diet dramatically changed, but you must remember that your body has just undergone surgery. I have noticed with many of my clients (I'm a hairstylist) that after they have surgery and have been put under anesthesia sometimes their hair begins to thin. Just like pregnancy does to a woman after she gives birth. Concentrate on getting lots of Protein into your diet. This is the most important. Also, don't be afraid to touch your hair. The most important thing you can do now is stimulate your hair follicles. Make sure you scrub your scalp with the PADS of your fingers in a vigorous circular motion. This should stimulate blood circulation to the follicle. Might I also recommend that you get a Shampoo such as Paul Mitchell Tea Tree shampoo, or a shampoo called Nioxin. Nioxin is not like Rogain, but it does help stimulate Hair growth.< /span>

I hope this helps.

Take care,


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Morning............. We have another nice day scheduled, except the wind is supposed to blow 40 mph.....ugh!!! It's our anniversary today so we are going to Bismarck to supper tonight.... Have to settle on a good place to eat.....

Kidder..... sorry you are having such a tough time.. Have you tried going back to the basics? The after surgery routine your doc gave you.... Many refer to the "5 day pouch test"... You can google it if you aren't familiar... Getting off track and trying to get back on it so hard to do... It's like falling off a diet!!! See your doc and confide your feelings and let him help you find your way... And stick around this site.... It's such a good place for support of all kinds.... Take it easy on yourself.... You'll make it....

I'm missing my baby, but this is good not having to wrestle with her for a few days.. My daughter started a new job on Monday and she loves it... Maybe she can finally get herself up and out of the rut she has been in.. She's had so much to deal with... Pregnant by a man who turned out to be her worst nightmare.. He abused her routinely, but she didn't tell us..... Then the baby came and it got worse.... She finally told us when she got scared for baby.. We chased him out of here and filed charges on him... Turns out he has 8 children and doesn't take care of or care for any of them... He's the worst kind of man........ It's taken so long for DD to just not be afraid he is coming for her.... We have been doing all we can to help her move and and make a good life for the 2 of them... I think she's getting there.. If she could just get a little more financially independent it would be wonderful.. Maybe this new job will do the trick.... I'm praying that things will turn around for her soon.. In the meantime, daycare is what I can do for her to help with $$$.... I'm glad to do it, but it will be good for baby if she can continue at the sitter at least part time... We'll see how things go....

Well, should go find a chore to accomplish today.. Hope everyone has a good day.... Julie

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Good Morning Gang !!!!

Sorry I didn't get back yesterday but went to the gym after work - then Target to get some veggies and when I got home gf called to come by and pickup her jewelry from the jewelry party - and then she said want to go to Kohl's with me - heck it was like 7 by then - but I said ya why not... Now this is very out of character for both of us -we are very rountine pple - Didn't get home til after 9... Watched Idol the bed ... But for some reason I am not sleeping well - woke up like 3 or 4 times last night...

Holly - Ya Ah Ha Moment... This is truly a life style change

Long - I think I have missed you - Have a great Vacation...

Kathy - Good going on the exercise - your body will get use to your new shedule...

Meredith - I know how you feel about the phone computer etc - information overload - sometimes it feels good to be with all the tech stuff - even the tv - quite is good...

Can't wait to hear when your date will be..

Apples - You are a princess and yes it's about you now and enjoying yourself...

Laura - ya aint it frustrating....

Julie - Hugs on the daughters xbf issues - been there done that and yes a good job will help with herself confidence and your gd is most likely having a ball playing with other kids


Hugs on your issues - You have to want to do this for you - you have to say you are worth the effort. How's your restriction right now - Remember we have an addiction and it's not an easy thing to overcome...

You have to take one day at a time - really one hour at a time - what is happending at home that is so stressful or is it boredom that makes you want to eat.

I am the same what - especially after dinner - I want to continue to eat.

Sit down make a plan - write down a weeks menu - and stick to that - get the junk out of the house - find low cal Snacks - 100 cal popcorn snack packs are my life savers... Eat off the smaller plate. On the exercise issue - don't think about it - just do it - if you think about it - you will come up with all the excuses in the world... Tuesday is one of my cardio days but I do skip it when life happens - yesterday didn't have any thing else to take care of - but I didn't want to go - I wanted to skip - it's getting hot here and I hate being hot.. But - I came home just put on my exercise clothes and went - I didn't give myself a chance to talk myself out of it - I just did it.

As to our addiction - do you have insurance at work - will it cover you to see a counsler - I know that most policies will give you at least a few sessions - Have you talked to your doc about your issues - you know you aren't the only one struggling - alot of pple do..

Vaquez - I don't think anyone really knows why it happens - it happens to some and not to other - who knows - but know that it will come back

Ok gang need to get this posted so you don't think I have fallen off the face of the earth...


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This is my first post ever to this site. I hope I am doing this right. I will let this post be a test.

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Ok, it worked. I had lapband surgery on January 31, 2008. I was 242 on the day of my surgery. Now I am 220. I am so disappointed. Maybe I need a good support system. Good people to be accountable with. I have a realize band. I stayed away from the doctor for about 5 months, I did not gain any weight. I made a deal with the nurse practictioner, I would get back to trying. I had given up. I have been walking a little bit. I have a treadmill at home. I just can't seem to make a start.

I hope you can handle one more person needing support. Any help, advise would be appreciated.

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This is my first post ever to this site. I hope I am doing this right. I will let this post be a test.


Yep it worked !!! Welcome !!!

Are you banded?? or looking into it ??

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      Woohoo! I have 7 more days till surgery, So far I am already down a total of 20lbs since I started this journey. 
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        Well done! I'm 9 days away from surgery! Keep us updated!

    • Ladiva04

      I had my surgery on the 25th of June of this year. Starting off at 117 kilos.😒
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        Congrats on the surgery!

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        Fairlife Core are by far the best. They taste just as they are - chocolate milk. You can either get the 26 grams or the 42 grams (harder to find and more expensive). For straight protein look at Bulksuppliments.com ..they have really good whey proteins and offer auto ship plus they test for purity. No taste or smell...

      2. BlondePatriotInCDA

        Fairlife has strawberry, vanilla and of course chocolate. No more calories than other protein drinks. Stay away from Premiere, they're dealing with lawsuits due to not being honest about protein content.

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