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TxSue, I was cleared for Water aerobics the week after surgery (really surprised me). I did that for the first month and then started riding a recumbant bike (started at about 15 mins. per session - you have to start slow, remember) and now have slowly worked up to 40 to 45 mins. each session). By 6 weeks after surgery, I was cleared to do anything I wanted, including using circuit training machines. However, brisk walking is one of the very best things you can do for yourself - it's aerobic and builds muscle which is why I bought a good walking tape and am doing that 3 times a week. Whatever you do it's important to work different muscles -- to get good results and to keep from getting bored, mix up your exercise. I do bike, water aerobics and circuit training on M, W & Fri. Walking and step aerobics on Tues, Thursday and Sat and I take at least one day completely off each week, sometimes I take both Sat. and Sun off. If you do strength/circuit training, be sure to give your muscles rest time -- many people work upper body one day and lower body the next. Good luck to you on your journey. Linda

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Julie, I am still in Korea visiting the DD and her family. This includes a newborn and a 2 year old. I cannot possibly understand how you could be taking care of a 2 year old with the medical/surgical situation you have had the last few weeks. Your granddaughter will do fine with a sitter, esp if there are other children around. It will be a good opportunity for play and share time. And - you need to rest and heal.

I'm in the last week with DD and her family. We've had a bump in the road. They will not be coming back to the States this summer as we had hoped. DSIL will be posted at Seoul for at least the next year and maybe 2. They will move from Daegu to Seoul in the next few weeks, as soon as the official orders come through and they can clear their housing here. It is a much larger post and is very family oriented. There will be lots more to do for DD and the kids in the way of play dates and pre-school for the 2 year old, and DD is looking forward to getting back into running with a running club, and having more social options for them as a couple. I've met many of their friends here and enjoying all of them. But this is a really small post in the middle of a big city!

I have enjoyed this visit. We have not done a lot of touristy things, as we are a little housebound with one car (DSIL takes that most days because his office is at another camp and too far to walk), and it's not easy to get around with the 2 kids. Traffic in Daegu is unbelievable! I will never again complain about traffic in any American city - it is a breeze compared to Daegu and Seoul. Traffic laws seem to be a mere suggestion...

As of this morning I have lost 7 pounds since I left home on 4/7, so a little less than a month. I am very happy about that. I've been walking more here, but not on an "exercise" basis, just more active during the day. I've managed to stay with the guidelines most of the time. Tonight we are going for a traditional Korean meal, which is usually cooked at the table mostly by the diners themselves. A Korean friend and coworker of DSIL is taking us to a restaurant at a nearby lake. The main downfall will be rice, but I can limit my intake of that pretty easily. I am sure there will be lean meats, beef and chicken usually, and both fresh vegies, and kimshee (sp?). There are many types of kimshee, some are very spicy, and some not. I don't know how to describe, but probably "pickled" vegies might come closest. They are prepared by very traditional methods and are served at every meal in a Korean household. Breakfast for most Koreans is kimshee and rice, so kimshee is a staple in the Korean diet as much as rice is. I am looking forward to the dinner and have been saving for it all day (easy on the Breakfast and lunch today!)

Hope everyone is having a good day. Julie and Denise - I am thinking of you and hoping you both are doing well.

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Good morning. WHEW!! My parents left town yesterday, the birthday party for Grandma went great, as did the one for my son at my house the next day. Had to move our BBQ indoors due to the rain but it worked out. The only bad part is I am up 3 1/2 lbs!! GRRR I knew I was a little more lax than usual but EGADS!! I got all freaked out but then tried to turn it around in my head, heck I'm still down 120 lbs in 11 mos. today is my 11 mos surgery anniversary. I hope to lose 5 lbs this month though so I can reach 125 lbs lost by my surgery date and reach my docs highest goal for me. Tomorrow morning I leave for Barcelona and my cruise sets sail on Sunday. Been a busy, busy time for me, but I am loving it and can't believe how much I am able to do. If I had all this going on at this time last year I probably couldn't have handled it all. And I would be in pure panic mode about now about flying tomorrow and the airplane seatbelt. i even took my seat belt extender out of my carryon!!

Vitamins: I too take Centrum chewables, I take the Centrum Silver ones, also take calcium citrate the petite ones I can swallow so take Citracal, and I take a sublingual B-12, my last Vitamin tests I was low on B-12 and B-1 (this is thiamin I think). I just ran out of B-1 and stoped as the test was better. I do notice at times I bruise easier, which vitamin is this a deficiency in??

Clothes: I just went back to Ann Taylor Loft to get more colors in a pair of pants I got there that fit so well. In fact it was my lucky day yesterday. They weren't on sale and were $50 and I usually try not to pay full price, but loved the fit so did. On my way out I noticed a sign in the window that said 'buy one at regular price get one free' sale. I asked about it, she said it was sweaters only and that the sign said 'select items only'. I looked again and there was nothing that said that. The clerk looked and said you are right and said pick out another pair of pants for free!! So I got 2 more pair!! WOOHOO!!

Julie: am so glad you are getting a sitter, though I think your daughter should be a little more understanding. You are doing her the favor, dont you dare feel guilty about it. You need to heal so you can be there for everyone else in a better way!

Well time to leave for my last day of work for 2 weeks!!!

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Good Morning Everyone:

It has been a few days since I have posted but I have been doing good. I am up to jogging 2 miles every other day and lifting weights on the machines the other days and am down another pound. YES!! Linda you still inspire me as do you all..

So good to here from you Joann it is amazing we can communicate in this way from such a distance. I was in Tokyo years ago and the traffic was frightful. Enjoy the short time you have left there. Actually kimshee sounds good to me. Good job on the weight loss….

Long so wonderful to have those two weeks off. Your going on a southern cruise, right. Take care.

Janet you reached me with:

This is work - it's hard work to stay on top of our addiction - I am not kidding you - I know that most are still in the weight loss phase - but know that this is a LIFE LONG JOURNEY - IT'S NOT JUST ABOUT GETTING THE WEIGHT OFF THE MAIN THING HERE IS KEEPING IT OFF.

It has been ringing in my head every day since you said it.

I have to write down every day that I took my Vitamins on my food journal. That works for me.

Have a good day!!


May exercise 2/20

Banded 1/29/09


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JoAnne...so happy to hear that you are enjoying your trip and ALSO down 7lbs! That's great. Enjoy your last days with your family. Hoping you have made a lot of memories you can carry with you.

Long...........ENJOY YOUR TRIP!!!!

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Oops...don't know why that last one posted b/4 I was done.

Long...maybe part of that weight gain is Water weight? Really push the fluids today, when you fly and while you are on vacation. You might notice that the weight falls off. But, absolutely don't let it be a cloud over your head while you are on vacation. Eat healthy just like you would at home and you will do just fine. Do have one foo-foo drink for me though! (That is if you partake...not sure).

Good Morning to everyone else....I am buried deep in book work, farm stuff, cooking, gardening, etc. today and then heading for the afternoon at volunteer job. Think I need to cut back on that a little during the summer. Feeling somewhat overwhelmed and they want me to take on more. Nope...can't swing it.

Still maintaining my weight which is very important for me. Can't gain though. It will come. Being very patient. Yesterday had 2700 cals. and was not easy to get it in. My DH says he knows I eat more now than b/4 surgery. At least I am not continually thinking about getting that weight back on. Just amazed that I am only maintaining. And...what's really weird is that even with no weight loss, I have gone down a pants size in the last two months. Now, don't get the wrong idea. I DO have meat on my bones and feel good and DH and most friends say I look good and healthy. You have all seen my photos and know I have some meat. I am VERY small boned. Even when I weighed 249 I wore a medium yoga pants. I am down to a size 0 or 2 in my pants now. Long...you talk about finding a good fit...I need at least a 34' or 36' inseam due to my pony legs. I think you have mentioned that you need talls also? I really like NY & Co pants for that reason.

OK...enough about me....hope everyone has a great day. I need to get my A$$ back to work and keep my fingers crossed that I don't get called out to the field to pull out yet another tractor out of the mud!

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Hey Holly....great goin' on the excercise program. Takes a little bit of work all around to keep this weight loss journey going. A little band, a little will power, a little exercise, a little self-confidence that you CAN actually do this, and a whole lot of pride in the end!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Apples, I do like NY & Co for the talls as well, Gap has longs too but they are discontinuing my favorite jean. Also get some at Bass Pro of all places. My daughter just gave me some 10's from Express too that got too big on her and they fit me! Never did I think I could wear her hand me downs! My problem is in pants is usually the waist gaps and even at almost 300 lbs I'd have to wear a belt (under my shirt of course) to keep them from gaping and pulling down when I sat down. My waist it small for my butt or something.

All your lake talk has me so jealous and remembering the 'cottage' of my growing up years. Such peaceful and happy times.

If they have Lava Flows on the ship I'll have one for you! With the umbrella of course.

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Apples, I do like NY & Co for the talls as well, Gap has longs too but they are discontinuing my favorite jean. Also get some at Bass Pro of all places. My daughter just gave me some 10's from Express too that got too big on her and they fit me! Never did I think I could wear her hand me downs! My problem is in pants is usually the waist gaps and even at almost 300 lbs I'd have to wear a belt (under my shirt of course) to keep them from gaping and pulling down when I sat down. My waist it small for my butt or something.

All your lake talk has me so jealous and remembering the 'cottage' of my growing up years. Such peaceful and happy times.

If they have Lava Flows on the ship I'll have one for you! With the umbrella of course.

Not a huge drinker but do like to have a couple on the weekend at the lake or when we happen to go out for dinner (like twice a year, LOL). I order a vodka/water and pour my crystal lite in it. Just a thought for something a little more low-cal.

I'm in a belt for the first time in a long time. Not only do I have long legs, I am short waisted. I LOVE the lower rise jeans. They were made for me. And, slacks that sit at the waist.....well...I may as well just tuck them under my underwires!:thumbdown:

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Not a huge drinker but do like to have a couple on the weekend at the lake or when we happen to go out for dinner (like twice a year, LOL). I order a vodka/water and pour my crystal lite in it. Just a thought for something a little more low-cal.

I'm in a belt for the first time in a long time. Not only do I have long legs, I am short waisted. I LOVE the lower rise jeans. They were made for me. And, slacks that sit at the waist.....well...I may as well just tuck them under my underwires!:thumbdown:

Too funny. I hate the lower waisted ones as they gap in the butt even more. But I don't like them too high either, picky picky that's me. That's why when I found this pair of pants I wanted more colors as they hit just right. She called them their trouser cut so I will have to remember that.

I'm not a drinker at all. In fact at the bday party we had a champagne toast and I only had 3 sips and I felt that. LOL Not sure if that's because it's my first drink in forever, or because of the band or both. But in Hawaii, I do like my lava flows. I asked last time I was there what they were made of or similar too and he said similar to a strawberry colada. But I've had strawberry coladas and it's not the same, maybe I'm just missing the cabana boy bringing it to me and the beach in Hawaii for the effect. LOL

Well I've unpacked and repacked and managed to take out one shirt and 2 pairs of slacks. Still have way too much I think but am going with it. A first for me, I am only bringing one pair of jeans well actually wearing them on the flight over. Usually that's all my wardrobe is/was. It's fun to be able to buy different things, or I guess I should say want to buy different things. I guess I care more how I present myself now, not that I was a slob before, I never left the house w/o make up etc. but find myself thinking differently about what I wear, etc.

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Too funny. I hate the lower waisted ones as they gap in the butt even more. But I don't like them too high either, picky picky that's me. That's why when I found this pair of pants I wanted more colors as they hit just right. She called them their trouser cut so I will have to remember that.

I'm not a drinker at all. In fact at the bday party we had a champagne toast and I only had 3 sips and I felt that. LOL Not sure if that's because it's my first drink in forever, or because of the band or both. But in Hawaii, I do like my lava flows. I asked last time I was there what they were made of or similar too and he said similar to a strawberry colada. But I've had strawberry coladas and it's not the same, maybe I'm just missing the cabana boy bringing it to me and the beach in Hawaii for the effect. LOL

Well I've unpacked and repacked and managed to take out one shirt and 2 pairs of slacks. Still have way too much I think but am going with it. A first for me, I am only bringing one pair of jeans well actually wearing them on the flight over. Usually that's all my wardrobe is/was. It's fun to be able to buy different things, or I guess I should say want to buy different things. I guess I care more how I present myself now, not that I was a slob before, I never left the house w/o make up etc. but find myself thinking differently about what I wear, etc.

I always tell myself I will NOT overpack but usually do. I like to take at least 3 extra outfits for a week...just in case I want to change. Always throw in a couple of dressy outfits. Then I swear on the way home cuz I have that extra suitcase!

I, too, never left the house without having make up, clean hair, dressed neat but really fun now to have some options on what to wear.

Have a GREAT time!:thumbdown:

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I'm like you in just telling my immediate family. Haven't told my Mom because she's so judgmental. I think I may never tell anyone unless they are like us and need some help.

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I gotta get my butt in gear so this is going to be short :0)

Well I can't get to this right now - it's been in the background for 2 hrs now - will respond tonite - I am super busy...

But I am here :0)

Janet...I've never missed a day of taking my Vitamins for the last 18 months. Just a habit and I panic and run to the cupboard if I forget them at Breakfast. Just a routine at our house.

Now I really am confused....so...you get the B12 in the Vitamin isle????????????????

Yes target blue bottel small pill

Thanks for the support !! I will go get one.

Yeah I realized after I sent to the post I meant to say skirts and dresses I have not worn in a very long time LOL:lol: anyways I plan on getting one soon. I am a customer service rep for a worker's comp company. So I am on the phone all day in a cube so I wear comfy stuff :thumbdown:

Hey we both work insurance :0) - Apples did too - It's a stressful job to say the least..

Julie, so glad you are hiring a sitter for the baby. You are one heck of a lady and I'm sure everyone appreciates all you do, but right now you need to heal and get your strength back. I'm sure the baby will do just fine and this way you'll be ready to babysit again that much sooner! Sorry to hear about your brother's surgery, and I'm sure you'll be very helpful to him -- you have a lot of knowledge that would help him if he'll let you. I hope he can stop the smoking -- I am a former smoker and can tell you that it was the hardest thing I ever did in my life -- and I did put on lots of weight when I quit. I'm proud to say it's been over 5 years since I quit and I know I will never ever have another cigarette -- it's not something I even think about anymore and they are available to me -- my hubby still smokes (in the garage or on the patio only). It's not easy but I hope your brother will be able to overcome that habit. Keep positive thoughts for him. Laura, your son is so adorable, it makes me miss those years when my son was young (he's 37 this year) and when my step son was young (I raised him from the age of 3 and he's now 20). I adore my granddaughter but there's a special place in my heart for little boys too! Apples, I'm so glad you have your lake place -- you deserve to enjoy a few days of rest -- you work so hard. I was raised on a farm and I know it's constant WORK. My grandma was also cooking and baking bread. When you write about the meals you make it makes me remember my childhood -- it's lovely to have such great memories. Janet, glad you're feeling better. I'm bad about remembering my Vitamins too (Flinstones) but think I could benefit from some B complex too with all the exercise I'm doing. I had my interview for that new job today -- it went well, I should know something by end of next week. If that doesn't happen, I think I could switch to days in my own dept. as one of the day girls gave notice today. So, either way, I think I'll be changing schedules. When I had my sleep study last summer, the sleep study doctor told me to quit working nights -- that it's not healthy to change your body's natural rhythm. It's been bugging me ever since she said that. Did I mention I bought one of those Jennie O Turkey tenderloins? I saw it on Biggest Loser a few weeks ago and then bought one at Sam's club. I baked in my convection oven with my probe and it turned out great -- nice and moist and delicious. Has only 1 gram of fat and 110 calories per 4 oz. Just thought I'd pass that info along. Have a great Tuesday everyone! Linda
Julie, I am still in Korea visiting the DD and her family. This includes a newborn and a 2 year old. I cannot possibly understand how you could be taking care of a 2 year old with the medical/surgical situation you have had the last few weeks. Your granddaughter will do fine with a sitter, esp if there are other children around. It will be a good opportunity for play and share time. And - you need to rest and heal.

I'm in the last week with DD and her family. We've had a bump in the road. They will not be coming back to the States this summer as we had hoped. DSIL will be posted at Seoul for at least the next year and maybe 2. They will move from Daegu to Seoul in the next few weeks, as soon as the official orders come through and they can clear their housing here. It is a much larger post and is very family oriented. There will be lots more to do for DD and the kids in the way of play dates and pre-school for the 2 year old, and DD is looking forward to getting back into running with a running club, and having more social options for them as a couple. I've met many of their friends here and enjoying all of them. But this is a really small post in the middle of a big city!

I have enjoyed this visit. We have not done a lot of touristy things, as we are a little housebound with one car (DSIL takes that most days because his office is at another camp and too far to walk), and it's not easy to get around with the 2 kids. Traffic in Daegu is unbelievable! I will never again complain about traffic in any American city - it is a breeze compared to Daegu and Seoul. Traffic laws seem to be a mere suggestion...

As of this morning I have lost 7 pounds since I left home on 4/7, so a little less than a month. I am very happy about that. I've been walking more here, but not on an "exercise" basis, just more active during the day. I've managed to stay with the guidelines most of the time. Tonight we are going for a traditional Korean meal, which is usually cooked at the table mostly by the diners themselves. A Korean friend and coworker of DSIL is taking us to a restaurant at a nearby lake. The main downfall will be rice, but I can limit my intake of that pretty easily. I am sure there will be lean meats, beef and chicken usually, and both fresh vegies, and kimshee (sp?). There are many types of kimshee, some are very spicy, and some not. I don't know how to describe, but probably "pickled" vegies might come closest. They are prepared by very traditional methods and are served at every meal in a Korean household. Breakfast for most Koreans is kimshee and rice, so kimshee is a staple in the Korean diet as much as rice is. I am looking forward to the dinner and have been saving for it all day (easy on the breakfast and lunch today!)

Hope everyone is having a good day. Julie and Denise - I am thinking of you and hoping you both are doing well.

Good morning. WHEW!! My parents left town yesterday, the birthday party for Grandma went great, as did the one for my son at my house the next day. Had to move our BBQ indoors due to the rain but it worked out. The only bad part is I am up 3 1/2 lbs!! GRRR I knew I was a little more lax than usual but EGADS!! I got all freaked out but then tried to turn it around in my head, heck I'm still down 120 lbs in 11 mos. today is my 11 mos surgery anniversary. I hope to lose 5 lbs this month though so I can reach 125 lbs lost by my surgery date and reach my docs highest goal for me. Tomorrow morning I leave for Barcelona and my cruise sets sail on Sunday. Been a busy, busy time for me, but I am loving it and can't believe how much I am able to do. If I had all this going on at this time last year I probably couldn't have handled it all. And I would be in pure panic mode about now about flying tomorrow and the airplane seatbelt. i even took my seat belt extender out of my carryon!!

Vitamins: I too take Centrum chewables, I take the Centrum Silver ones, also take Calcium Citrate the petite ones I can swallow so take Citracal, and I take a sublingual B-12, my last Vitamin tests I was low on B-12 and B-1 (this is thiamin I think). I just ran out of B-1 and stoped as the test was better. I do notice at times I bruise easier, which vitamin is this a deficiency in??

Clothes: I just went back to Ann Taylor Loft to get more colors in a pair of pants I got there that fit so well. In fact it was my lucky day yesterday. They weren't on sale and were $50 and I usually try not to pay full price, but loved the fit so did. On my way out I noticed a sign in the window that said 'buy one at regular price get one free' sale. I asked about it, she said it was sweaters only and that the sign said 'select items only'. I looked again and there was nothing that said that. The clerk looked and said you are right and said pick out another pair of pants for free!! So I got 2 more pair!! WOOHOO!!

Julie: am so glad you are getting a sitter, though I think your daughter should be a little more understanding. You are doing her the favor, dont you dare feel guilty about it. You need to heal so you can be there for everyone else in a better way!

Well time to leave for my last day of work for 2 weeks!!!

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Hi everyone!

I just wrote the longest post and I lost it!!!!! So annoying!

Anyhow, I was up north with my dad and boyfriend all weekend long and had the best, most relaxing time.

Oprah is on now, and I want to watch, so I will fill you in on everything that I wrote in my lost post later on tonite!

Have a great afternoon!


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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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      Bought a treadmill and some 5 lb weights. Time to get off my butt and get moving!
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      1. DaisyChainOz

        That's a great choice! 😊

    • DaisyChainOz

      Surgery done!  Really looking forward to the next chapter 🥳😁
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      2. Bugzy46


      3. Alisa_S

        Fantastic! Best of luck to you & I hope you're healing nicely & not having much pain!🙏

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