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So sorry you have been having troubles, Charlene. Best to get rid of temptations. It's tough when things like that just pull you right in.

You can get back on track. We've all been there and it's so nice to be able to come here to have a size 6 1/2 inserted!:rolleyes2:

It's a 9.5 :tt2::tt2::tt2: - I have big feet for being tiny (omw love using that word - and that's the word that pple use to discribe me now a days)

And really there was no butt kicking just pull the wool back up over the eyes - opening the curtains and when I do have to kick butt - it's always with love :tongue::tt1::tt1:

Just a little re-affirmation that we can't slip back

That's why we are all here !!!

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Janet, I guess I need some tough love. I have gone 100 calorie snack crazy the last two days. I gained a lb back. I haven't journaled either. So, straighten me up! You know when I have a good weight loss then I believe the lie that I can go back to eating carbs again. No one sabotages me, but me. Okay, I am done venting this morning. By the way, I stink at pathwords!..........gonna try again this evening.

I do the same thing. I get a good weight and then I try to go back. Why do we do this to ourselves? Geez I think I have done this so many times already. You know I think cause deep down I want it easy except I know I can't do it the easy way.

Okay all,

The doctor's office called me today and said my labs are fine. My white blood cell count is up a little but they believe it is because of the pulled muscle or stitch which ever one I did. They said to check back if I am not a lot better on Monday.

I hope I am because I want to work out with my trainer next Tuesday. In the meantime I am walking a little bit not as much as I need to because it hurts when I do to much. I want to push through it so I do not become to lazy.

Thanks for all the well wishes everyone.

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I do the same thing. I get a good weight and then I try to go back. Why do we do this to ourselves? Geez I think I have done this so many times already. You know I think cause deep down I want it easy except I know I can't do it the easy way.

Okay all,

The doctor's office called me today and said my labs are fine. My white blood cell count is up a little but they believe it is because of the pulled muscle or stitch which ever one I did. They said to check back if I am not a lot better on Monday.

I hope I am because I want to work out with my trainer next Tuesday. In the meantime I am walking a little bit not as much as I need to because it hurts when I do to much. I want to push through it so I do not become to lazy.

Thanks for all the well wishes everyone.

That's actually pretty good news. At least it's not something terribly serious. A trip to physical therapy if not better in the near future? Take care

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Apples - I know its all in fun :0)

1Day - glad to hear - do you go to chiroprators (sp) ??

I am not a big doc person- i usually wait a few days to see if it goes away - I don't like doctors - that's why for me having major surgery was a big big deal - I was 16 when had ds and was to dumb and young to worry or think about it - then 10 days before 30 I had my gall bladder taken out - this is when they cut you open - and that's it for me and hosptial..

Ok gang it 8:20 and I going to go eat and watch tv

sweet dreams - Hugs Janet

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Hi everyone, thanks for the birthday songs and wishes. Yes, my ds is a great one! He treats his wife and his mother great. We are lucky girls. Okay, so I did make it to the gym and did 40 mins. on the bike, 30 mins. circuit training and 50 mins. in Water aerobics. I try to do this 4 -5 days each week. So far this week just Monday and today as yesterday was DH's birthday and we went out for his b-day and I missed my evening work out. So far, the fill is good. I feel a litte more restriction -- actually right now I feel a little too full, I had a planned treat after dinner and I'm feeling it . Today's food: B: Egg beater omelette with 1/2 portion of sausage crumbles and 1 slice 2% Amer. cheese, 1 non fat yogurt and some fresh strawberries and 1/2 banana in the yogurt. Dinner was a very small salad with a chicken breast on top and shredded Monterey jack cheese, and non fat ranch dressing. Dessert was fat free frozen yogurt with fat free hot fudge on top (better than cake in my opinion!). Total of 840 calories, about 14 grams fat. Nay, as others have said, I had a lot of fear and doubts about getting the lap band, even the morning of my surgery. I kept thinking, "do I really want to go through with this?" even as I laid on the recliner watching the nurse put my IV in. When it was over, I was relieved but something else immediately clicked -- I realized I had a chance at a new life, I had a tool that would help me be cured from this terrible addiction and I just got busy on working on that. It truly is a blessing to have the lap band tool to help us. But it is only a tool, not magic -- we have to work hard, but it's worth it. Since January 13, I've gone down 4 sizes and look and feel so much better. But it's hard work, plain and simple. You gotta follow the rules and do the exercise. You can do it, trust me, you really can. None of us here are any different from you, we are each of us the same, we have all walked in the same shoes and all of us are here to cheer you and each other on. I wish you the best of luck on your journey. Linda

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Good Morning Gang

Thought I would ck in early cuz I got alot to do at work today - and sometimes I find myself on lbt too much and not getting my work done:eek:

Linda you did great and you are so right about the band..

Well, Im off to the shower - I will ck in later ..

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Well now I am humbled. I got stuck on 1 oz. of Salmon. That was all the dinner I could get down. I had 5 grandkids over last night and we all tried this thing were you put Peanut Butter on a shredded wheat spooner and it was suppose to be good. Well I tried it and chewed well and it went down fine but stopped my dinner later. So, I don’t know if Janet is going to give me a ticket or not. In my defense I only had 700 calories yesterday.

I was so relieved when my hot drink went down this morning, because at 3am still couldn’t get Water down.

Every one have a good day!!


April exercise 15/20

Banded 1/29/09weight.png[/url][/img]

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Hi everybody, You all sound so up-beat and happy.. It's nice to read all the good stuff..... I'm doing okay... I've been able to do daycare for my little one, but she wears me out and I crash early in the evening... I do think I'm getting better a little at a time... See the doctor next Thursday and can hopefully get these drains pulled out...

1 day....... glad you found an answer to your pain... Mine was an ordeal with surgery,16 days in the hospital and now a long recovery. My band was totally unfilled and I have to start over when they give me the word......

I should go grab a nap while baby is sleeping... Take care all... I'm going to try to do better on here soon... I haven't been keeping up well at all..... Julie

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Hi everyone. I don't post on this thread to often, but I thought I would share this. A couple of months after my surgery I bought Tony Little's Rock-n-Roll Stepper. Well

I have been at the proper weight to use it for a couple of weeks now. Soo I finally stopped staring at it today and got on ot. Oh my word! The back of my calves, thighs and bottom are sore! Just 5 min. on it. I can definitely feel it. It is fun to use as soon as you get your balance. But it really does work. After that I hopped on the Gazelle for a few min. Side to side..back and forth, all in just a few min. and I feel like I have worked out for a couple of hrs.7_5_141.gif 7_5_142.gif 7_5_131.gif

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Hi everyone. I don't post on this thread to often, but I thought I would share this. A couple of months after my surgery I bought Tony Little's Rock-n-Roll Stepper. Well

I have been at the proper weight to use it for a couple of weeks now. Soo I finally stopped staring at it today and got on ot. Oh my word! The back of my calves, thighs and bottom are sore! Just 5 min. on it. I can definitely feel it. It is fun to use as soon as you get your balance. But it really does work. After that I hopped on the Gazelle for a few min. Side to side..back and forth, all in just a few min. and I feel like I have worked out for a couple of hrs.7_5_141.gif 7_5_142.gif 7_5_131.gif


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This is why when I am shopping now adays - I read the labels in the store - I look at the calories and decide if its going in my basket or not.

How old is your son?? When my ds was growing up he wasn't a bf person and this was when they 1st came out with kids should eat - so we would stop at circle k and he would get a small ok and beef stick - that was his bf when he was 4 - 5 :thumbup:

I have my GS and he can eat all the crap he wants and is still skinny - He too said oh lala I cried one day cuz we never have sweets in the house anymore.. He doesn't eat them daily but every few months he wants some - so now a days he gets them and after he has had 2-3 piece - it goes in the trash and if he want the rest it goes in his room..

On the fill issue - my doc does blind fills so it's up to what kind of restriction you say you have as you are drinking the Water - and after a few times it's hard to feel it - only when the Water doesn't go down at all - that's easy to identify but the in out in out gets confusing..

Fills can be difficult - hope this next one is the one for you.

The little guy just turned 5. The good thing is MOST of the snack things he likes... I don't like AT ALL! (Like the juice Gummy Snacks and Goldfish and apple juice, etc.) He is good about fruit and loves cantelope, apples, bananas and grapes. The only vegetables he eats are tomatoes, cukes, corn and peas. He eats one of those 100 cal Green Giant frozen corns every day for the Fiber alone. His new thing today was he wanted to eat what Daddy had for Breakfast. (I figured a Protein Bar was a better choice than choc. chip muffins!) My dh started substituting Power Crunch Protein Bars for Breakfast, and then eating two sensible meals and stopped snacking. He has lost 30 lbs since my surgery! He won't exercise, but at least we are starting somewhere. He is down to 250. I told him to enjoy weighing less than me while he can.. b/c I can and will pass him soon! ; )

My surgeon does blind fills as well. I still have this little seroma around my port incision. He will likely drain it again next Thurs when I get my next fill. I wonder how much he will add this time? My port is much lower than even he thought it was. It's a good 3 inches below my incision. For you guys that are thin now, is your port easily felt? Does it poke out at all? Mine was tough for him to find the first time because of the swelling from the seroma.

Hope everyone is doing well tonight. Time to watch Survivor! That's what we all are... survivors!!!

peasout~ Laura

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**For all of those addicted to sugar do not read this post***

Okay so I had a very very bad day eating. I am going to list what I ate so I can stop hiding it and start over. My hours are 11am-8pm so my eating is off from what you would say is normal

9am - 2 cups of Water

10am - Star Bucks Venti Peppermint Latte

11am - 2 cups Water

1:15pm - Sausage pumpking Soup 1 cup

2pm - 1 cup water

3pm - A triple nutty buddy

4pm- Sausage pumpking Soup 1 cup with snack size corn chips

6pm - one snack size twix, i snack size snickers, 2 snack size M&M's. 1 snack size hershey almond dark chocolate

9:30pm - 3oz steak

I will finsh my water before bed for a total of 64 ozs

Anyways feel like crap from the sugar. You know I had agreat day yesterday i am down 51 lbs and now look what I did. maybe I am scared to get below a size 18 in pants.

Ok give me my tickets a kick in the a$$

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Well now I am humbled. I got stuck on 1 oz. of Salmon. That was all the dinner I could get down. I had 5 grandkids over last night and we all tried this thing were you put Peanut Butter on a shredded wheat spooner and it was suppose to be good. Well I tried it and chewed well and it went down fine but stopped my dinner later. So, I don’t know if Janet is going to give me a ticket or not. In my defense I only had 700 calories yesterday.

I was so relieved when my hot drink went down this morning, because at 3am still couldn’t get Water down.

Every one have a good day!!


April exercise 15/20

Banded 1/29/09[/url][/img]

Holly - LOL No ticket !! Tickets are for eating unplaned treats and for totally going over your calories eating plan !!!

Peanut Butter is Protein and shredded wheat was Fiber - but sounds like that was the culpret. but what's a shredded wheat spooner ??

Well now you know what to eat to stay full !!!!

Hi everybody, You all sound so up-beat and happy.. It's nice to read all the good stuff..... I'm doing okay... I've been able to do daycare for my little one, but she wears me out and I crash early in the evening... I do think I'm getting better a little at a time... See the doctor next Thursday and can hopefully get these drains pulled out...

1 day....... glad you found an answer to your pain... Mine was an ordeal with surgery,16 days in the hospital and now a long recovery. My band was totally unfilled and I have to start over when they give me the word......

I should go grab a nap while baby is sleeping... Take care all... I'm going to try to do better on here soon... I haven't been keeping up well at all..... Julie

Julie - glad each day is better - it's going to take time to recover from this ordeal..

Hi everyone. I don't post on this thread to often, but I thought I would share this. A couple of months after my surgery I bought Tony Little's Rock-n-Roll Stepper. Well

I have been at the proper weight to use it for a couple of weeks now. Soo I finally stopped staring at it today and got on ot. Oh my word! The back of my calves, thighs and bottom are sore! Just 5 min. on it. I can definitely feel it. It is fun to use as soon as you get your balance. But it really does work. After that I hopped on the Gazelle for a few min. Side to side..back and forth, all in just a few min. and I feel like I have worked out for a couple of hrs.7_5_141.gif 7_5_142.gif 7_5_131.gif

Gone4ever - Congrats on the Exercise - those sore mucles are good - the more muscle you have the more calories you burn - keep it up :)

The little guy just turned 5. The good thing is MOST of the snack things he likes... I don't like AT ALL! (Like the juice Gummy Snacks and Goldfish and apple juice, etc.) He is good about fruit and loves cantelope, apples, bananas and grapes. The only vegetables he eats are tomatoes, cukes, corn and peas. He eats one of those 100 cal Green Giant frozen corns every day for the fiber alone. His new thing today was he wanted to eat what Daddy had for Breakfast. (I figured a Protein Bar was a better choice than choc. chip muffins!) My dh started substituting Power Crunch Protein Bars for breakfast, and then eating two sensible meals and stopped snacking. He has lost 30 lbs since my surgery! He won't exercise, but at least we are starting somewhere. He is down to 250. I told him to enjoy weighing less than me while he can.. b/c I can and will pass him soon! ; )

My surgeon does blind fills as well. I still have this little seroma around my port incision. He will likely drain it again next Thurs when I get my next fill. I wonder how much he will add this time? My port is much lower than even he thought it was. It's a good 3 inches below my incision. For you guys that are thin now, is your port easily felt? Does it poke out at all? Mine was tough for him to find the first time because of the swelling from the seroma.

Hope everyone is doing well tonight. Time to watch Survivor! That's what we all are... survivors!!!

peasout~ Laura

Laura - that's funny about your port and incision - my port was right behind my incision in the beginning now my scar is below my port (from losing the weight) and yes my port is easliy felt - you can't see it stick out when standing but like right now I looked down ant it protrudes a little and you can surely feel it but it's no biggie really - I don't even think about it

in the future they need to come up with a low profile port - but they are working on a remote control band so that pple won't have to get stuck - you would just go to the doc and they would adjust it by remote control to make it tighter..

It's a good thing that you and your little one don't like the same treats - that's me and my GS - he can have chip ahoy Cookies in the pantry and I don't care - cuz I don't care for them.. But God forbid he had a pan of brownies on the counter... Or Xmas sugar Cookies with frosting or any kind of cake.. well the list could go on and on when it comes to sweets --

Well gang I slept TERRIBLE last night - my GS went out and I think I was worried about him - but don't know really what is was but I most likely got like 3 hrs sleep max - and I mean max... I know that the last time I looked at the clock it was like 3:30 and I get up at 5 - went to bed around 10 but woke up around 11 - so from 11 to 3:30 tossed and turned up and down...

Came home tonite and had a little catnap (it's my off night from the gym)

Food today and this is excellent cuz I'm really tired and that usually triggers me wanting to eat - in fact this afternoon - I had a sb protien bar at my desk the 210 calorie one that suppose to be a Meal Replacement - this was around 3 and I was starving so - I opened it and did only eat 1/2 and threw the rest away - I could have eaten the whole thing..

BF - Dannon lite & fit yogurt & 1/4 c granola 180 c

L - One Pot Wonder (pork zuchinee corn tomatoe sauce) 1.5 c 300

S - 1/2 pt bar & 100 cal popcorn = 200 cal

680 so far -

Dinner will be trout - gotta look it up - 120 per 3 oz so 40 c per oz so I will have 4 = 200 rice 120 - veggies 40 - dinner 360

That leave me around 250 for evening snacks...

Well gotta check my #7 thead - will cbl:wink:

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Linda, What wonderful words of wisdom and inspiration! Thank you very much for your insight. I know that all of us pre-banders really appreciate all that you have to offer. Thank you!!!!!



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      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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