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Just saying Goodnight, sleep tight, and don't let the bed bugs bite!!!!!!!!!

I had a WONDERFUL day. Wishing you all as happy a day tomorrow as I had today. XOXOXOXO

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Yep, I pb'd and threw up several different times with fish. It is kinda like white meat chicken......you have to chew, chew, chew. I haven't eaten fish , shrimp or fish in public in quite awhile. I just don't want to have to leave and heave.

Janet, got a fill today. It was .5cc, but she had to take out .1. So, hopefully I am close to a sweet spot. She said when I reach it I won't have to come back for about 4mos.

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I am not sure if I am posting this right but tomorrow(April 17,2009) is my surgery date for the lap band and I am happy and scared. I will leave my email address if someone want to mentor me.

Cheers Carrie


Welcome Carrie - Prayers for a safe surgery and speedy recovery - like Apples said just check in here daily ask your questions - and we will answer...

Go back to page one of this thread and read forward - alot of your questions will be answered and you will get to know a little about us here..

Hello everyone.....I need some advice. Since my last fill which was last Wednesday....its so strange I am fine for breakfast: usually oatmeal or special k or a egg. I am also at lunch usually some kind of veggie w/chicken or beaf Soup or chili. Than the problem has been with dinner tonight was the worse ever. I got stuck and slimed for over 2 hours. Everything finally came up. My chest is still hurting. I had cod....the same thing happened last night with cod. Has anyone ever had this problem with cod? Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

Rose - I don't eat cod so I don't know the texture - are you eating too fast - too big of a bite and not chewing .... I eat catfish most nights and even my butternut squash will stick if I eat too fast

I really only fine that I get stuck if I eat too fast - too big of a bite and don't chew - or one bite too many - and maybe you are tighter at night than in the morning - you will find out that some days you will be tight and then the next loose

Carrie...wishing you the best and a speedy recovery from surgery.

Just check in here on this thread daily...there are plenty of people that have been through this and have a few years under their belts. It's a great place to ask for advice and we LOVE hearing how everyone is doing. Please let us know how things go.

Janet...you can ticket me if I DON'T get my cals in. But, those tickects will be few and far between. I am as faithful getting them in as I was not getting them in after surgery!

Love that one Apples !!! not eatting all your calories :rolleyes2::lol:

Ok gang it's 8 - I have been on the computer since I got home tonite - no exercise - today and tomorrow are my days off (along with Sundays) and i need to go cook ...

Talk to you all in the morning

Hugs & Love - Sweet Dreams - Janet

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Thank you all for your input and advice. I am still so sore I feel like I was kicked in the chest. I am not going to eat cod for a very very very long time. I was taking very small bites......maybe I was eating too fast. I really need some dinner ideas. I am good for Breakfast and lunch dinner is tough. Any ideas or recipes would be greatly appreciated. Thank you everyone....its been a bad night.

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Janet - I'm scared about the tickets but thanx for the "kick in the butt". Do you give "warnings". LOL

Rose - I have problems with fish, especially shrimp. Like they are too thick. I'm better with them now but there was a time we'd go out to Outback and my DH would get the side of scallops or crab legs. It would ruin the whole dinner, maybe because it was "soft" I didn't chew enough. Hmm, never thought of that.


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Yep, I pb'd and threw up several different times with fish. It is kinda like white meat chicken......you have to chew, chew, chew. I haven't eaten fish , shrimp or fish in public in quite awhile. I just don't want to have to leave and heave.

Janet, got a fill today. It was .5cc, but she had to take out .1. So, hopefully I am close to a sweet spot. She said when I reach it I won't have to come back for about 4mos.

Charlene - Hopefully this will get you there - it's great to be there - I haven't had a fill since 1/08..

When I eat out I am very careful as to how fast I am eating - size of bites and chewing

I have had to get up only a couple of time and go to the restroom while out

I am so much more luckier than you all - when I pb - it come right up usually and it's a couple of throwups and then it's over - it has never lasted hours heck within 2 minutes its over and then I am wide open and can continue to eat within a 5 - 10 minutes..

Thank you all for your input and advice. I am still so sore I feel like I was kicked in the chest. I am not going to eat cod for a very very very long time. I was taking very small bites......maybe I was eating too fast. I really need some dinner ideas. I am good for Breakfast and lunch dinner is tough. Any ideas or recipes would be greatly appreciated. Thank you everyone....its been a bad night.

Hugs Rose - Dinner - Well for me 90% of the time its the same thing and has been for the last 21 months - catfish (made diff ways) rice and veggies..

White turkey meatloaf is good -

Italian season turkey for spaghitti (sp) - Phyl uses spagh sauce over french style green Beans - I have made maconni with it and a little spinach and riccotta cheese.

Steak - usually only about once a month

Ground turkey or beef - onion bell peppers jalapenos fried with a little evoo add some corn or zuchinne and tomatoe sauce and serve over a little rice or mashed tatoes or eat alone.

Pork chop cut up in small bite size piecs fried in nonstick pan with a little evoo - onion bell pepper garlic (always use it in everything - i didn't mention it above) jalapeno - then slice up some cabbage add it with a little uncooked rice - soy sauce and a little Water - cover and cook til done.

Or just turkey polish sauage - red potatoe - cabbage - with the bell pepper onion garlic ..

I have bbq chicken or the rotissatir (sp) chicks from the store that are all ready cooked they are quite most - I make chick taco's for gs and I take that mixture add veggies and rice or tatos to make something for me.

These are what I call my one pot wonder - 1 pot - throw in whatever you like - i am alway experimenting...

Janet - I'm scared about the tickets but thanx for the "kick in the butt". Do you give "warnings". LOL

Rose - I have problems with fish, especially shrimp. Like they are too thick. I'm better with them now but there was a time we'd go out to Outback and my DH would get the side of scallops or crab legs. It would ruin the whole dinner, maybe because it was "soft" I didn't chew enough. Hmm, never thought of that.


Denise - Yep I will give a warning if the offense isn't too bad :lol:

Yep girl it's all about our bite size how fast we tend to eat and the chewing - I am super careful of it when out - and even at home when I am extra hungry at dinner time - I really try and take tiny bite and eat slower even though I want to shovel it in.

I look at alot of my friends and they inhale their food ..


My plans for the weekend - I am having a Jewelry Party Sat night - so between tonite and tomorrow gotta get the house cleaned - you know how that is - the house is already clean but when you have pple coming over you gotta pay attention to the baseboards etc - my gs usualy picks up and does the vaccuming but he's not a deep cleaner

Gym in the morning - Nails need a fill badly it's been 4 weeks !!! - gotta figure out what munchies I am going to serve and drinks - I have some coconut rum :blink:

Ok I need to get some work done this morning - so will cbl gang :0)

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Morning gang! BRRRRR it is cold and right now raining. We are suppoesd to get either a couple inches of rain or a couple feet of snow. So the more rain I see the better. But it had better blizzard, we were to go out of town for the night and cancelled due to the dire weather predictions.

I believe I am at my sweet spot now. Ever since my slight unfill no more reflux, still great restriction and have been losing a little here and there this week.

When I get stuck I've always thrown it up immediately as well. Have never had one of those couple hour episodes, hope I never do. Whenever I do have a problem though it's because I ate too fast or too big a bite and is normally early in my meal. I usually have to excuse myself, it comes up, and then I can usually finish my meal.

Seeing as how I have nothing on my agenda today since I'm not supposed to be here, might be a good time to clean my closet and get rid of stuff that has hung in there for years. I've gotten rid of a lot but have somethings that were harder to part with. Even go through my shoes and underwear.

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Morning gang! BRRRRR it is cold and right now raining. We are suppoesd to get either a couple inches of rain or a couple feet of snow. So the more rain I see the better. But it had better blizzard, we were to go out of town for the night and cancelled due to the dire weather predictions.

I believe I am at my sweet spot now. Ever since my slight unfill no more reflux, still great restriction and have been losing a little here and there this week.

When I get stuck I've always thrown it up immediately as well. Have never had one of those couple hour episodes, hope I never do. Whenever I do have a problem though it's because I ate too fast or too big a bite and is normally early in my meal. I usually have to excuse myself, it comes up, and then I can usually finish my meal.

Seeing as how I have nothing on my agenda today since I'm not supposed to be here, might be a good time to clean my closet and get rid of stuff that has hung in there for years. I've gotten rid of a lot but have somethings that were harder to part with. Even go through my shoes and underwear.

Long so glad to hear that your fill is just right and no more reflux - it's great to be at your sweet spot

It took me sometime to throw out or give away my most fav fat clothes - in fact I just gave 2 shrits away a month ago - I was going to have them altered - but heck - I just gave them to my gf - shoes - ya got rid of a lot - if I haven't worn it in a year - it's out of my closet - I have some tops from last summer that I need to get rid of - as I have lost more weight since I got them and my arms are worse with just a few extra lbs gone - (they were shorter sleeve tops) but haven't done that yet..

I find that pants are easy for find - but tops here in the desert that are long sleeved - I have a $25 discount from Chico's I need to get somemore of those elbows lenght tshirts..

Today in the 80's - Sunday in the 90's - next week 98!!! The Coachella Fest is this weekend so the Lower end of the Coachella Valley (lndio/Coachella/LaQuinta) roads are going to be packed - Paul McCarthy is to perform tonite !!!

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Yeah I guess I had to find out what was a tad too tight to realize what my sweet spot really was. But it's really good right now, so hopefully this is it. At least I have free fills if I need more, but have no plans for one.

Since it is so yucky and cold out, I am making DH dinner in the crockpot. to me it looks so gross but hope he likes it. He's a hunter and had a rabbit in the fridge so found a recipe for a crockpot rabbit on recipezaar. Looks like I'll be having one of the frozen fishes I have in the freezer for just such an occassion. I rely on frozen fish filets when I'm fixing him one of his 'critters'.

I envy your 80's (not the 90s) and know it will be here soon. Heck we are supposed to be mid 70's in 2 days. How quick the weather changes this time of year.

Well just got out my trashbags so better get at my closet. Then I can take them too Goodwill and say goodbye to them.

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Hey gang, how's everyone????? I read about rain, snow, blizzards, 70's, 80's, and 90's.........don't know what it is here....I don't have much of a view.......BUT, I get to go home today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yeah......... I'm very weak and the pain is still there, but I;m ready for some fresh air..... My pastor just stopped in for a visit....nice to know the prayers are still going out... He's a very nice man.....

Anyway, I'll be back when I get settled at home.....Thanks all......Julie

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Thank you everyone for your advice. I am still alittle sore this morning but was able to get oatmeal down for breakfast. I am going to really focus on bite sizes and try and chew chew chew. I will not eat cod for a very long time. Janet I will try some of you recipes. If anyone has any more I would love them. I have a hard time eating the same thing all the time. I get bored. Sounds like it will be a fun time in PS this weekend Janet. We will be out car shopping this weekend.

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Hello everyone! Just stopping in to say "hi". My doctor called me yesterday and told me that my blood work came back and everything looks good. So, one more thing down. Psych appt on monday. I just keep plugging along waiting for my day to come too! I'm not very patient.

Here in MI it is BEAUTIFUL today! The bf and I have begun walking everyday at the park. We have a beautiful city park with a marina and a great view of lake st. clair. This is what I have looked forward to! I'm not a fan of the short sleeves now though. In a few months i probably will love them! It's always been hard to wear the short sleeves for the first few days of the warmer season. Hopefully this will be the last year I feel that way.

I have another question, has anyone asked their doctor what we can expect from our bands in 10, 15, or 20+ years? I know that people that get breast implants need to replace them every 10 or so years, what about our bands? Just curious.

Hope everyone has a wonderful day!


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Thank you everyone for your advice. I am still alittle sore this morning but was able to get oatmeal down for breakfast. I am going to really focus on bite sizes and try and chew chew chew. I will not eat cod for a very long time. Janet I will try some of you recipes. If anyone has any more I would love them. I have a hard time eating the same thing all the time. I get bored. Sounds like it will be a fun time in PS this weekend Janet. We will be out car shopping this weekend.


FYI - I read somewhere that is best to stick with the same menu and not to add too much variation - this was about eating healthy altogether nothing to do with the band - don't really remember all the ins and out - I ate zuchinnee & yellow squash for the 1st yr - then got a little sick of it - but had some yellow squash while at ds house and will go back to buying it..

Good luck you car shopping - I hate dealing with car salespeople - they are worse than insurance sales pple :0)

Hey gang, how's everyone????? I read about rain, snow, blizzards, 70's, 80's, and 90's.........don't know what it is here....I don't have much of a view.......BUT, I get to go home today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yeah......... I'm very weak and the pain is still there, but I;m ready for some fresh air..... My pastor just stopped in for a visit....nice to know the prayers are still going out... He's a very nice man.....

Anyway, I'll be back when I get settled at home.....Thanks all......Julie

Yea Julie - Glad you get to go home !~!!!!

Hello everyone! Just stopping in to say "hi". My doctor called me yesterday and told me that my blood work came back and everything looks good. So, one more thing down. Psych appt on monday. I just keep plugging along waiting for my day to come too! I'm not very patient.

Here in MI it is BEAUTIFUL today! The bf and I have begun walking everyday at the park. We have a beautiful city park with a marina and a great view of lake st. clair. This is what I have looked forward to! I'm not a fan of the short sleeves now though. In a few months i probably will love them! It's always been hard to wear the short sleeves for the first few days of the warmer season. Hopefully this will be the last year I feel that way.

I have another question, has anyone asked their doctor what we can expect from our bands in 10, 15, or 20+ years? I know that people that get breast implants need to replace them every 10 or so years, what about our bands? Just curious.

Hope everyone has a wonderful day!



The ban hasn't been around for 20 15 yrs yet - insurance just started approving it in 2001 - so there aren't a lot of USA statistics to go on..

But that being said in England & Austriala they have been doing it for a while - but I don't think 15-20 yrs

It will depend on how you take care of your band - plus the luck of the draw - that's how I looked at it... I had to do something - and I wanted it instead of bypass.

If I lost my band I would have the sleeve done - it doesn't require maintenance - but I don't think insurance covers the sleeve -

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Hey Janet, Phyl and other Facebookers. I just signed up how do I find you??

Janet Wright

Phyllis Hand

You know Charlenes name - just put them in the search area - and then you will be recommeded pple by our friends - you can look at my friends - you will find alot (mostly) lapband pple in my friends.

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

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        Thank you ❤️

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        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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        That's a great choice! 😊

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      Surgery done!  Really looking forward to the next chapter 🥳😁
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        Fantastic! Best of luck to you & I hope you're healing nicely & not having much pain!🙏

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