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Good Evening Ladies. Busy thread today and I was so busy getting ready to leave that I did not have time to visit until now.

Sharon...happy to see you back safe and sound and good you had a nice trip.

Julie...so sorry about your new bed...bummer. Hope you get your new one soon. Yum...rice pudding. I have some on the table at the moment waiting for the guys for their supper. Some portions in the frig also for meals this week. I love making homemade rice pudding as it is my DH's favorite. I make it with skim milk and Splenda.

You are right about those low sugar/fat free Cookies and such, Julie. They still have plenty of calories and just not worth having around the house. Congrats on your scale dropping!!!!!! You will be in Twoterville b/4 you know it. I am sooooo happy you are posting with your friends here. You just wait...you are going to feel like you cannot miss a day with us b/4 you know it!!!!

Long...sorry about your tummy ailment. Hope your are back to normal soon. Not a fun thing to worry about when you have the band.

Well, girls, leaving early in the morning. Worried about the weather coming and hope my plane leaves on time. The rest of the girls are getting worried also. Supposed to get crap weather tomorrow. All packed and ready to go!! Talk to you all in about a week. Have appt. with specialist regarding my kidney stones the day after I get back. I am hoping they will be able to blast them so I have a break from them for awhile.

Bye-Bye for now!

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Just saw the latest People Magazine. They have an article in it about Catherine VanZandt who is a star on Guiding Light, who lost 90 lbs. in the year since she had lap band surgery! Her pics look great! Good for her!

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Good Evening Ladies. Busy thread today and I was so busy getting ready to leave that I did not have time to visit until now.

Sharon...happy to see you back safe and sound and good you had a nice trip.

Julie...so sorry about your new bed...bummer. Hope you get your new one soon. Yum...rice pudding. I have some on the table at the moment waiting for the guys for their supper. Some portions in the frig also for meals this week. I love making homemade rice pudding as it is my DH's favorite. I make it with skim milk and Splenda.

You are right about those low sugar/fat free Cookies and such, Julie. They still have plenty of calories and just not worth having around the house. Congrats on your scale dropping!!!!!! You will be in Twoterville b/4 you know it. I am sooooo happy you are posting with your friends here. You just wait...you are going to feel like you cannot miss a day with us b/4 you know it!!!!

Long...sorry about your tummy ailment. Hope your are back to normal soon. Not a fun thing to worry about when you have the band.

Well, girls, leaving early in the morning. Worried about the weather coming and hope my plane leaves on time. The rest of the girls are getting worried also. Supposed to get crap weather tomorrow. All packed and ready to go!! Talk to you all in about a week. Have appt. with specialist regarding my kidney stones the day after I get back. I am hoping they will be able to blast them so I have a break from them for awhile.

Bye-Bye for now!




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Yes, Apple..... have a WONDERFUL time!

We will miss you!

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Morning girls,

I sure hope Apples got off to her plane.. I'm 200 miles from her, but we are in full-blown blizzard here.... It's very nasty out there... First we had rain and wind.... now snow and wind. It is crunchy and slippery and miserable.. The only positive thing to say at this point is that since it's almost April, it won't stay around too long.. But it sure makes things difficult for a few days.. We did lose some of our snow last week, which is why we have terrible flooding all over the state... We live about half a mile from the banks of the old Missouri River, but we aren't in danger as the river has been low and there is a big dam 35 miles upstream to manage that. We do know lots of people who are in serious danger. I knew all that snow was going to be problems!!!

Anyway, almost time for my baby to come. My house is clean thanks to help from DH and I can just sit and enjoy her today. The best thing to do in a blizzard is just cozy in and be comfortable... The scale just said 305..................amazing how one little pound can make such a difference in my mood and attitude!!

Have a safe, warm day everyone!! Julie

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Good Morning:

Our weather here is also yuk, Saturday was 72 degree and so nice. I agree, Julie thank goodness it is almost April.

Linda, our 27 year old daughter (with four kids under 4) has Juvenile diabetes, she has a hard time with it, also. I help her with her little ones regularly. It breaks my heart. How do you cope with two of yours having diabetes?

Charlene love the one arm bandit.

Well, the scales are down a little more today. Yippee!

Have a good day. Holly

March exercise 14/22

Banded 1/29/09


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I was banded on Dec.26, 2007, so a about 15months ago. I've only lost about 30lbs although I can hardly keep any food down. It actually doesn't even get to my stomach, apparently I have a mucus issue...anyway, I haven't lost any weight since 06/08 and I'm very annoyed. I also have PCOS so I know alot of it is attributed to my Insulin Resistance, but I was still wondering if anyone can give me pointers. Have you gone through any of this? What can I do to step off this "plateau"?:mellow: This is my first post and any advise or help would be greatly appreciated. I have no clue how many cc's, I went last month for a 3rd fill but she told me she wasn't putting much in since I can't eat alot(which isn't b/c of no room, trust me!). Thanks all~ DXE

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I was banded on Dec.26, 2007, so a about 15months ago. I've only lost about 30lbs although I can hardly keep any food down. It actually doesn't even get to my stomach, apparently I have a mucus issue...anyway, I haven't lost any weight since 06/08 and I'm very annoyed. I also have PCOS so I know alot of it is attributed to my Insulin Resistance, but I was still wondering if anyone can give me pointers. Have you gone through any of this? What can I do to step off this "plateau"?:mellow: This is my first post and any advise or help would be greatly appreciated. I have no clue how many cc's, I went last month for a 3rd fill but she told me she wasn't putting much in since I can't eat alot(which isn't b/c of no room, trust me!). Thanks all~ DXE

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Hi Dxegrl:

Welcome to this thread. My mentor here is Janet and she is gone on a cruise this week. There are others here that can help you, though. You have been banded a year longer then I. So I am sure you know more than I. Slimming is probably what you are describing with the mucus issue. For what I have learned we all have that when we eat to fast or not chew enough or just certain kinds of foods will do it. For myself I find what helps is that writing every thing down that I eat and working on the Protein first (at least 50 grams per day, makes approx. 10 to 20 grams each meal). You know all those rules like 64 oz of liquids, all together the rules will work. But just getting closer to your goal will slow the weight loss down. Remember your first day of being in band land. Just liquids real slow. Wow, I do. Hope you are not that tight.

Best wishes, Holly

March exercise 14/22

Banded 1/29/09


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Hi Dxegrl:

Welcome to this thread. My mentor here is Janet and she is gone on a cruise this week. There are others here that can help you, though. You have been banded a year longer then I. So I am sure you know more than I. Slimming is probably what you are describing with the mucus issue. For what I have learned we all have that when we eat to fast or not chew enough or just certain kinds of foods will do it. For myself I find what helps is that writing every thing down that I eat and working on the Protein first (at least 50 grams per day, makes approx. 10 to 20 grams each meal). You know all those rules like 64 oz of liquids, all together the rules will work. But just getting closer to your goal will slow the weight loss down. Remember your first day of being in band land. Just liquids real slow. Wow, I do. Hope you are not that tight.

Best wishes, Holly

March exercise 14/22

Banded 1/29/09


Well put, Holly. I promised Janet I'd monitor this thread for her while she's gone. But I don't think I have any better answer than you do.

I'm not sure I understand the problem, DxGirl. So, are you PBing, vomiting, sliming and your food is not staying down?? Can you tell us what you eat in a typical day. Also, are you keeping a food journal of everything you eat? It is very important to eat very slowly, chew, chew, chew, small bites, put your fork down between bites, use small utensils and small plate. No drinking for an hour after you eat.

And are you exercising on a regular basis?? Those are all important in this weight loss journey. If you're not keeping food down, I don't understand why you aren't losing.

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Evening Guys ~ Just checking in. Sorry I missed Apple but I hope she has a good trip. I knew Janet was going somewhere - couldn't remember, but hope she is having fun. Hey Charlene - I saw an informercial about the Power 90 program and instantly thought about you. That program really sounds pretty intense - so you go girl. Well went back to work today, things were manageable. Eatiing is a still off track, wrong choices - but I'm not eating as much - which is a good thing. Had a real sleepless night last night - can't explain what was going on...back hurt, legs hurt, hearing noises through the house, thought it was raining - it wasn't. Didn't get to sleep until 3:30am and had to get up at 7:30, so a little tired now. Me and my soon to be ex are having one of our famous $$$ arguements again - has me a bit out of sorts - Geez I hate arguing with folks. No matter what I try to do, he seems to find some way to provoke an issue; the man is sooo vindictive - yuck. Oh well I went to the gym this evening YEAH!! and worked out for about an hour & 1/2. Feel real good about that. I really want to get a regular schedule going. When I work out, I seem to be able to control my eating much better.

Well that's enough out of me. Hope everyone else is doing well. The bed situation gets straightened out - sleeping in the recliner can't be fun. I had to do that for about 2-3 months a year or so ago, when I broke my collarbone, so I feel for you. Anyway, night all.

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Evening, hope everyone is safe and warm.. Our blizzard is still raging.. My granddaughter didn't make it today.......lots of people off work and no school.. roads closed from snow banks and flooding.. It's a real mess around here. But with a day to myself I got a great deal accomplished... My house is clean for the most part, the laundry and dishes are done, I walked a half a mile in my basement, my paperwork is all caught up, my Easter decorations are in place, supper is made and I was all ready to sit and watch some TV.................and then the president had to have a news conference... So here I am with you guys...

Sharons, I can imagine that this arguing is about to make you crazy.. I've never been divorced, but am in the middle of a family fued and that is so difficult... You take care of yourself and don't let anyone take advantage of you... You are very important and you need to remember that in all things...

Well, time for NCIS, so will talk to you all later.... Julie

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I have a question. When I eat a plate of food it gets cold before I finish. So, do any of you know where I can get an insulated dinner plate? I thought about putting a saucer in a tortilla warmer and cover it . Got any ideas?

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Sharon.... good job on the exercise. Keep striving to make good food choices. Yes, when we exercise, then it seems to motivate us to make healthier food choices. Keep trying to figure out a regular schedule of exercise. It's easy for me when we're here at our RV park in the winter... Water aerobics at 8:55 a.m. Mon-Fri. When we get home, then it takes a little more discipline. But, DH goes to the hot tub every night after dinner, so I got in the habit of getting out my Wii Fit when he leaves and doing 45 min to an hour of exercise on the Wii Fit. Much of it doesn't seem too strenuous, but I'm usually sweating so I must be burning some calories. And I often end with walking in place. I have two knees that need to be replaced, so that is sometimes a bit of a challenge, but I can usually manage at least 10 minutes.

So.... bottom line... find a routine that works for you and stick to it. You're making progress! Good work!

Evening, hope everyone is safe and warm.. Our blizzard is still raging.. My granddaughter didn't make it today.......lots of people off work and no school.. roads closed from snow banks and flooding.. It's a real mess around here. But with a day to myself I got a great deal accomplished... My house is clean for the most part, the laundry and dishes are done, I walked a half a mile in my basement, my paperwork is all caught up, my Easter decorations are in place, supper is made and I was all ready to sit and watch some TV.................and then the president had to have a news conference... So here I am with you guys...

Sharons, I can imagine that this arguing is about to make you crazy.. I've never been divorced, but am in the middle of a family fued and that is so difficult... You take care of yourself and don't let anyone take advantage of you... You are very important and you need to remember that in all things...

Well, time for NCIS, so will talk to you all later.... Julie

Oh, my!! Still dealing with blizzards and it's almost April!

Watching the presidential debate on TiVo but can't wait to get on with other stuff... like NCIS and Biggest Loser!! This is boring!

I HATE those money arguments. We have them all the time!

This week we're having plastic surgery arguments,

and I'm sure much of the resistance is due to $$$$!!

I want to have my legs done prior to reaching goal and before I have my knee replacements.

He says that's stupid!

I have a question. When I eat a plate of food it gets cold before I finish. So, do any of you know where I can get an insulated dinner plate? I thought about putting a saucer in a tortilla warmer and cover it . Got any ideas?

LOL!! Good question! Didn't look at your age, but when MY kids were babies, you could get these litte toddler plates that had a reservoir in them. There was a little plug you would pull so you could fill up the reservoir with hot Water. That's what we need!! Tortilla warmer might help. Fortunately, I don't mind eating food that's just luke warm! But if you're one of those, like my DH, who has to have everything piping hot, you're in trouble! My coffee always gets cold before I can finish it and THAT, I don't like!

BTW... can't remember who it was that forgot where Janet is, she's on a cruise to the Mexican Riviera... Mazatlan, Puerto Vallarta, etc. with her grandson and his cousin... two teenagers, brave girl!! Hope she's making some friends so she has someone to hang out with besides the teens!! And someone to dance with!! She LOVES to dance.

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