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Hope everyone is having a good weekend. Wanted to jump on and catch Janet b/4 she left on her trip.

Janet...have a wonderful time. I, too, hate deciding what to take. I think I have packed and repacked three or four times for my Vegas trip. I think I have a handle on it now and taking a smaller suitcase (2) of them actually.

Bday party went off really well. But, days of prep, decorating, cooking, baking but happy we did it for our friend. Sorry...I had to let off some steam about it the other night.

Around here everyone knows everybody and when there is a party...everyone shows up whether they are invited or not. Had a great time. Had a couple of drinks very early in the evening and then switched to Water cuz I wanted DH to have some fun and I was the driver. Didn't get home till 1:30. Had clean up after DJ was done and then unload our truck when we got home.

Julie...so sorry you feel like you don't fit with the crowd....I have to tell you that I felt like you fit immediately. You are so open and friendly. Just give us a chance and you will see that we accept EVERYONE. You can be as negative as can be and we will lift you up. You should never worry about what you say in your posts. We've all been down the same road. I got your email but just didn't have time to respond this week. I will get ahold of you soon and we will talk.

Well, better get after it. Lots to do and think I will be leaving a day early due to the weather. It's a 4 hour drive to the airport and will get ahead of the weather the day b/4 and stay over night near the airport.

If I don't get back on, we'll talk to you all soon. Hugs to my friends!

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OOPS! Forgot to say congrats on the size 10's, Long. There are so many elating moments on this lapband journey, aren't there???????????

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Thanks, Long. This trip is going to be so much fun. I love to fly and do it as often as I can. Was able to get first class the last three times I have flown and also this trip. Getting spoiled and won't want to go back to coach next time. I would fly every day of my life if I could. Must be where DS gets it from. He has been a commercial pilot since he was 20. He is now in Atlanta starting up his own flight school. He instructs every day and has for over five years. It's so fun to watch your kids do things you wish you would have done!

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Hey Janet, everyone -

I haven't posted in awhile. I'm so sad and embarrassed by the lack of progress with my weight loss. As I write this I'm sitting in a hotel room in Colorado. Cant' stop crying. I'm at a business meeting (I travel alot!) and just left a group lunch where there was absolutely nothing I could eat without knowing it would get stuck.

I battle with my band every day. Either I can't eat anything, usually in the morning & lunch, and then at dinner I can eat anything and in any quantity.

My doc is working with me. We can't figure it out. All I know is I've had this band 8 months and I have only lost 30 lbs - most of it pre-op.

I read all your successes and I'm so happy for all of you. I guess I'm just feeling down about it all. I just want to be successful.


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:tongue2:Good Afternoon Gang ....

I'm taking a break - I've been up since 4;20 - been to the gym 3 miles 45 minutes - hair cut - nails done - last minute target shopping done - but then got home and I thought I had enought dog food - but alas I don't.. Washed out the garage (my fur babies like to poop in there I know tmi)

Took a shower and gave myself a spray tan.. I do that now adays - that and the gradual lotion stuff - I have tanned but wasn't a super sun worshiper - I'm fair but do tan if I do it slowly - when xdh and I went on cruise I started going to tanning beds - I love them and could be addicted to them.. As a child we vacationed at the beach every year and this was pre-sun block days - so I have freckle all over..

But laying in the sun - a waste of time - so I am a bottle tanner now...

Got the tennis shoes backed - most of the makeup/toiletiers packed - need to still get the sheets out of the dryer make the bed , vaccum and clean counter in bathroom..

So I am almost done - execpt for the things that have to wait til the morning (toothbrush hair brush etc)

Apples - I have my suit case packed and closed I'm not even going to open it - so I will just have to make do with what I have.. And I understand about the gf things - I love mine dearly but sometimes they can be real "Bs" Lucky girl 1st class - I could have up graded last yr for $100 for 1st class I kick myself in the butt for not doing it- but I needed the $$ for my Mall of America trip and CLOTHES

I bet you are going to have a blast in Vegas..

Joann - Exercise will be chasing that 2 yr old :smile: We don't have a Red Lobster here in the desert I don't know why not cuz it would be jammed packed - So I can't help there - hope you had a nice visit with your friends - sounds like a lot of fun...

Long - I think you have to resign up for email notices since they changed servers - I don't get them - cuz back when I joined my lucky #7 pple were so chatting that in 1 hour you would have 3 pages to read and my mail box full - now their are only about only 7 of us who still post regularly...

May will be here before you know it - I booked this crusie the end of July 08 - seems like ages ago - but tomorrow we go...

Well back to work - cbl in a while .... xoxo J

Ellen & Rose where are you - and Kathy & Becky....

Charlene you posted yesterday so I know you are good..

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Hey Janet, everyone -

I haven't posted in awhile. I'm so sad and embarrassed by the lack of progress with my weight loss. As I write this I'm sitting in a hotel room in Colorado. Cant' stop crying. I'm at a business meeting (I travel alot!) and just left a group lunch where there was absolutely nothing I could eat without knowing it would get stuck.

I battle with my band every day. Either I can't eat anything, usually in the morning & lunch, and then at dinner I can eat anything and in any quantity.

My doc is working with me. We can't figure it out. All I know is I've had this band 8 months and I have only lost 30 lbs - most of it pre-op.

I read all your successes and I'm so happy for all of you. I guess I'm just feeling down about it all. I just want to be successful.


Kathy - you must have been posting the same time as me

Oh hugs GF - I know this has to be so hard for you. Especially all that traveling - I know when I am away from home food choices are harder and like I've said before - avoidance has been key for me..

I wish I had some answers for you - but I don't know what to say - except Hugs.. I know this has to be so frustrating for you...

The only thing I can say is that you are going to have to work on the dinner issues - as we know the band doesn't make our food choices - but again I guess you are straving by the time dinner comes -

I have read that others have this same problem - so don't feel like the lone ranger - Go start a thread about this problem and see if you can get some answers from other banders with this same problem..

Well, the dryer just went off - gotta make the bed

CBL - and again big hugs...

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Janet...when is your trip to MOA?????????

You are too late Apples - that was last summer when Janet and her Lucky #7 buddies went to Celebrate their one year anniversary at MOA. I THINK she had fun... hahaha

I had a really good day with friends. Red Lobster was easy - I had baked tilapia, included salad, broccoli, and potatoes. A few small bites of potatoes, same with broccoli, about half the tilapia, and half the salad. I was comfortably full. The friends were great and we had a nice time together. It's hard not seeing them every day - we have all moved in different directions. 2 are still at the company, 2 retired, the rest (4) have moved on to different jobs. The pharmaceutical industry is crazy - as are all the others - except for the two of us who are retired, the rest are still in clinical research in one capacity or another.

Tonight other friends called and we met for pizza. I had 2 small pieces of pizza and a tiny salad. We sure did bring a lot home. My GF - the skinny little b**** - ate half a med pizza! She lost about 30 pounds 20 years ago after her 2nd child and has never put any back on! Of course, she has an aerobics class every day. and the half pizza could have been the only thing she ate today...

It's so nice to have nice weekend and hubby around to play with. Lori - part time at BassPro would be great for your DH! He would love your discount and therefore appreciate you even more than he does now. They have lots of cute clothes, too. Several pieces may be going to Korea with me next month.

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Joanne..have never heard of Bass Pro...will have to go online and take a look..

Now I see what you mean about MOA, Joanne...she was talking about LAST year and I thought she was talking about saving $$$$$$$$$$$ for an upcoming trip to MOA. If she was heading that way, I was going to drive and meet her for a bit.

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Hi everyone, I probably missed Janet, but if not, have a great time! Julie, you are an inspiration to me -- you're quite a success story with your loss of 80 lbs. You just need to keep on taking care of yourself first. I know it's hard to do. I decided when I made the decision to have lap band surgery, that I needed to be selfish for the first time in my life. That's why DH is fending for himself in the kitchen and why I spend part of every day at the gym doing my exercise and Water aerobics. I couldn't do what Apples does, at least not yet. Maybe after a year I'll be more up to it, but I can't even imagine trying to cook like she does. I'm impressed by all of you ladies who are still cooking for your families! Long, congrats on the size 10! That's fantastic. I wish I were tall, I'm only 5'2, so it'll be a long, long time before I see size 10. Have a good Sunday everyone! Linda

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Good Morning Gang !!!

Today is the day and the stupid weather isn't cooperating !!!

It's windy with chances of showers!!!! Long Beach which is the port we are leaving from 61 degrees with 60% of showers

OMW I am going to have to change what I am wearing !!!! Or take my leather jacket - I don't want to pack something else - I am done now have to find room for that especailly for when I come home with all the junk I buy - Don't have much room for that kind of stuff..

Up at 4 - went to bed (9) early but I think I woke up every hour on the hour.. Most likely cuz of that dream I had last week about almost missing the ship..

Yep Apples JoAnn is right was there last yr -there were 5 of us Phyl Linda Candice Steph & me.. You can just imagine how much I was in hog heaven at the M of A 3 stories to shop.. But now the problem is I was a 6 then a good 4 now so some of the stuff is a bit baggy..

We are going to Canada this year ... Candice is from Canada and she has opened up her house to us - 7/24 Elvis Fest somewhere close to her house Torornto is like an hour away she lives somewhere that I can't pronounce the name..

Didn't you say something about a LBT conference in LV this year or next - I think I put you in charge of that :) - I think that maybe Oct we all need to plan a trip to Vegas. Cuz we all gotta meet each other - I gotta meet PJTax when I went to Texas and Kathy when she was here in the Desert - But I need to meet the rest you..

Linda you are so right Julie is doing better than she thinks - and no it won't be that long before you see a 10 - I never imagined seeing that # but if you follow the rules - you will get there - I agree too that I couldn't cook like Apples I do cook for GS but nothing that I love - so it's not much of a problem for me

Well Gang just checking in before I leave - I love each and everyone of you and am going to miss you and will be thinking about you all while I'm away - will toast each of you everyday with my drink of the day (taking pomagranite lemonade to make my own drinks)... oh ya and I packed popcorn !!! Let's see if it gets thru security !!!!!

I expect you all to chat daily and check in on each other while I am gone - just cuz I am gone doesn't mean there isn't support - We are a family and we support each other .... You know the new saying it takes a tribe to raise a family - we are that Tribe... We should have a name... What should our name be.... There's a good topic to discuss while I'm gone - "I'm Here to Help Tribe" ???

Ok it's 5:16 - I gotta say goodbye to my Lucky #7 ladies and put the clean sheets on the bed for the house sitter/fur baby sitter..

Love to you all - Going to miss you (really truly) xoxoxo


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Hi, I was banded 6 months ago. Lost 60 pounds in the first 3-4 months. In the last 3 months I have hardly lost a pound. I think I need another fill maybe. How much food do you typically eat in a meal? Why was the first 60 pounds effortless and now I'm just stuck. I know I am eating some days 1200-1500 calories and other days I hit up to 2000. I just seem to be hungry. I have picked up the exercise and mixed it up a bit. Any advice or suggestions to get me back on track?


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Hey Janet, everyone -

I haven't posted in awhile. I'm so sad and embarrassed by the lack of progress with my weight loss. As I write this I'm sitting in a hotel room in Colorado. Cant' stop crying. I'm at a business meeting (I travel alot!) and just left a group lunch where there was absolutely nothing I could eat without knowing it would get stuck.

I battle with my band every day. Either I can't eat anything, usually in the morning & lunch, and then at dinner I can eat anything and in any quantity.

My doc is working with me. We can't figure it out. All I know is I've had this band 8 months and I have only lost 30 lbs - most of it pre-op.

I read all your successes and I'm so happy for all of you. I guess I'm just feeling down about it all. I just want to be successful.


Hey Kathy, where in Colorado are you? for how much longer? I'm in the Denver area. Sounds strange about your band if you can't eat all day and then can eat anything for dinner. I hope your dr is able to figure out what it is. That would be frustrating.


Hi, I was banded 6 months ago. Lost 60 pounds in the first 3-4 months. In the last 3 months I have hardly lost a pound. I think I need another fill maybe. How much food do you typically eat in a meal? Why was the first 60 pounds effortless and now I'm just stuck. I know I am eating some days 1200-1500 calories and other days I hit up to 2000. I just seem to be hungry. I have picked up the exercise and mixed it up a bit. Any advice or suggestions to get me back on track?


Niecy, Janet left for a cruise today so won't be back for a week to answer your question. It sounds to me like you need a fill, if you are able to eat that much. When was your last fill? Are you following the bandster rules of hard Protein first? Eating many slider foods that don't stay with you long to satisfy your hunger?

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Hey Kathy, where in Colorado are you? for how much longer? I'm in the Denver area. Sounds strange about your band if you can't eat all day and then can eat anything for dinner. I hope your dr is able to figure out what it is. That would be frustrating.

Hi Long - I'm at the beautiful Broadmoor in Colorado Springs. I arrived on Thursday and leave Tuesday. Thanks for your support. I hope it gets figured out soon. I have another appointment at the end of the month. It's hard because the doc, nor anyone I speak with has heard of what I am experiencing!


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    • Bashbee91

      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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