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Hi to everyone......looks like everyone must be having a busy day...no one posting. Been busy with volunteering and party preparations. Tomorrow night is the night. 250 people or more. We are cooking for 300. How do I get myself into these things? So upset tonight. Met with my friend and made 450 Jello shots. Bday girl was sooooo rude and unappreciative. Have never known ANYONE that plans her own party right down to the sash and the tiara. I was gifted with the BEST 50th bday party ever. DS and DS planned it from FL and Iraq...250 people and I expected nothing. I was humbled when I walked in the door and saw the crowd.

This chickie-poo even sent out her own invitations and TOLD people they owed her and should perform and put her party on. Well, needless to say, my friend and I decided that everyone deserves a party even though she pissed most people off and they refuse to lend a hand. I'm definately not a doormat but getting up at 4:30am and making cake for 250, baked Beans with Italian sausage for 250 and so on...my other friend is making BBQ hamburger. After food prep I am having a shot of Yag and I'm going to sing Crazy at her FREE kaeoke!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Apples - OMW - what a diva !!!! That's a bit much... I'm surprise with that attidute that she has 250 friends :thumbup:

Heck - I don't have that many friends and I am a pretty nice person :0)- I think I need to move to where you live...

Well I just burned up my rice - I forgot to turn it down to simmer - :tongue_smilie: - you don't know how much food I burn up cuz I start cooking get on the computer and forget about the food..

So I don't want to wait another 20 minutes to eat - so I guess I'll make some pasta..

Rose - How did the wedding go....

Julie - Where have you been

Sharon - Visitng her mom

Becky - are you taking care of that lady again

Long - you said you lost 6 lbs on cruise - you were a very good girl...

Charlene - How are you doing...

Joann - only a little over a week til you go see DD & Gk's...

Linda - How are you girl

Ellen you aren't dissappearing againg are you..

Holly = I added you as friend on FB - thanks for telling me who you were :0) -

ok gang it's 8:17 - I going to watch some tv before bed

Oh ya - the A/C is on :tt2: so that means it's 79 in the house ---- it was like 92 today...

Well chickies - I will talk to you all tomorrow..

Sweet dreams - xoxox Janet

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Hi Janet, I'm here, fine, just been busy lately, going to the gym, Water aerobics. Had an eye dr. appt. yesterday in Des Moines, had a red hat luncheon today and back to work tomorrow. We had a plumber here today, dealing with a leak in one of our showers. The plumber thinks that the contractor "forgot" to put in a bladder (liner) under the shower before he tiled. Great. So, we may have to tear up that shower. We'll see. We will be going to L.V. first week of April to visit DS. We had a credit on an airline we had to cancel when I was in hospital last summer, and have to use it before June 1, so decided to go visit and see DS's new house. Looking forward to it. We've had some nice warm weather here, grass is getting green. Keeping fingers crossed that spring is actually here to stay. Hope everyone has a great Fri. and weekend. Linda

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Good Morning Gang !!!

It's FRIDAY !!! Only 2 days (well really one since today is already here) till I leave :thumbup::fruitsex::tt2:...

Hope today isn't to frantic at work - I hate it when my last day is frantic... Hopefully my producer won't be piling crap on my desk - mail will be light and phones won't ring :tongue_smilie:

Well you know how we say that the bad stuff goes down easily - Not always true !!! When I woke up around midnight - had to take dog out - I was picking at the bday cake - mostly the frosting :lol: but ate a tad of the cake - well I made this cake in a silcone heart shape pan and it came out more like pound cake and not light and fluffly... Well like I said I really only had a small bite or 2 of the cake - but omw did I get stuck :tt2: - and it seem like it took forever for it to come up and I wanted it to come up cuz it hurt.... Well once I laid down it finally came back up - just a wee bit but oh the releif !!! Well, now I know - no more of this cake and hopefully by the time I get home - GS will have finished it - if not in the trash it goes.

Linda - do you have any recourse against the original contractor - I would sure check into to it - It's a construction defect !!! That's why they have insurance - and if I were you I would go after (now remember this is my line of work Insurance) him !!!!

Ok gang just wanted to check in - I will be around tonite and again tomorrow - So I want to know how everyone is doing before I go....

Hugs - Janet

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Greeting all:

I had another fill Wednesday morning and now I am definitely restraint to 1/2 cup servings. So looking forward to onederland...

Janet, I might not post again before you leave on your cruise. Have a great time and I will keep you in my prayers-that all will be safe. I thought your GS was going with you. Sounds like you are well prepared.

Spring has sprung, in my greenhouses. Busy time for me. Holly

March Exercise 12/22

Banded 1/29/09


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Good morning. Finally some time to catch up!

Apples, how can your friend have that many friends with that attitude? I have no where near that many friends. I'd be lucky to have 20 people show at a party. My bdays always suck, everyone forgets them. Haven't gotten so much as a card from any of my inlaws in years nor my own sister. DH tries to make up for it and my kids though. Even amongst the few friends I see on a regular basis, mine is never mentioned though we go to lunch sometimes for others, etc.

Well gang, I did it. Last night DH and DS needed to go to Bass Pro shops so I tagged along. I like the jeans I got there once and they are cheap as I am going down sizes. So off I went to try on the next size down and guess what???/ THEY FIT!!! OMG, I am wearing a size 10 pair of jeans! The sales clerk burst my bubble a little and said that everyone is sizing down in those jeans. But heck, I don't care, the label says 10 and I can prove it!! I gotta wear them to a party at my daughters tonight, my sisters will be there!! Aren't I evil???

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Good morning. Finally some time to catch up!

Apples, how can your friend have that many friends with that attitude? I have no where near that many friends. I'd be lucky to have 20 people show at a party. My bdays always suck, everyone forgets them. Haven't gotten so much as a card from any of my inlaws in years nor my own sister. DH tries to make up for it and my kids though. Even amongst the few friends I see on a regular basis, mine is never mentioned though we go to lunch sometimes for others, etc.

Well gang, I did it. Last night DH and DS needed to go to Bass Pro shops so I tagged along. I like the jeans I got there once and they are cheap as I am going down sizes. So off I went to try on the next size down and guess what???/ THEY FIT!!! OMG, I am wearing a size 10 pair of jeans! The sales clerk burst my bubble a little and said that everyone is sizing down in those jeans. But heck, I don't care, the label says 10 and I can prove it!! I gotta wear them to a party at my daughters tonight, my sisters will be there!! Aren't I evil???

Long, join the club..... Oh, well, the older you get the more you don't want people to remember it. WOW! a size ten..........the only size ten I wear is shoe size. LOL. That is just awesome.


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JANET.........just checking in. Not much to report other than I am back to walking every day. The ticker is not moving, but I am not discouraged.

I want you to have a great time on your cruise. When will you be back? I am not getting email notifications from LBT so I have not been good at checking in. Take Care! Drink a Miami Vice for me.........I just love those things and I don't drink.

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does anyone know if it is ok to tan without hurting our band?

I can't imagine why that would be a problem.

If it is.... I am in DEEP "shimsky"!!

36_1_68.gif 16_6_1v.gif 16_4_23v.gif

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Hey Gang !!!

Long CONGRATS ON YOUR SIZE 10!!!! WTG !!! :ohmy: I had these jeans that said 8's when I was really still a ten - but I didn't care they said 8's and that's all I cared about too..

Your friends don't mention your bday - Heck I have all my friends trained well - I use to put it on their calendar's a month before !!!

How many friends do I have - Good Friends I would say 5 and then all the others maybe another 10 - If I threw my own bday party - I could have maybe 30 friends and some of those are freinds I have met threw my 5 friends-

Thanks Holly Yep my GS and his Cousin Janelle are going with me - this is for his 18th Bday/Graduation Present...

Just checking in... I have ironed a few things alreay got the suit case on the bed packed my 2 bathing suits and cover ups and pj.

Trying to decide what I really need to take or not to take - I hate makeing decision - who know's what I am going to feel like wearing...

Charlene - I'm use to be a drinker not much anymore - Hate the hang overs and I always would go over board - I was a big partyer back in the day... I had one of thos miami vice in Mazatlan - Ya they are good - like drinking a big stick -

I love the pomergraine lemonade crytal lite - will be taking that to make my own drinks like apples suggested.. I will have the sovinor (sp) glass - have them add the ice - a shot or 2 of liquor and then Water and my crystal lite..

Velvet - the only thing the tanning is going to hurt is your skin !!

Ok gang - back to figuring out what I am taking - will ck back in a bit - Hugs

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OMG I just spent 15 minutes typing a nice long post only to lose the whole thing... That is frustrating, isn't it Janet??? Here I go again..

Janet, I'm here, and have been just quietly reading along with everyone.. I'm struggling a bit with feeling like I fit in.. You all seem to be so far ahead of me and I'm not able to contribute much but my woes.. So I'v just been silent and am trying to get my act together a little more... I have been exercising everyday... Water aerobics and my walking tape.. I actually did .5 miles yesterday and that is an accomplishment for me.. I think I've figured out why I've been having such a hard time lately.. I've been so busy doing everything for and about everyone else that I've neglected to keep "my" food around. I've just been getting along with whatever and that has led to craving the wrong things.. I even had 2 slices of bread one day... and my band didn't stop me.. So I've now got "my" food in the house and things are better.. I still think I need more restriction, so I scheduled yet another fill for 3-30.. Maybe more solid Protein in my diet will change that before then, but at least I have the appt if I still need it...

So, Janet, thanks for asking about me.. I'm still here, but may not be overly vocal for awhile... Have a great cruise.. I've always wanted to go on one, but worry about my motion sickness tendencies... Don't want to be green the whole time.. DH is content to stay home anyway...

Apples, I can sure relate about your friend and the party... It's hard to put your heart into it when you are feeling taken advantage of.... I hope you get through it and have a great time,too.. Aren[t you leaving on a trip to Vegas soon? Have a great time.

Linda is traveling,too.. It seems the whole gang is going somewhere.. You all have fun......

Charlene, I am stuck on a plateau, too.. Hopefully they will both move soon...

Long, congrats on the size 10.... I'd feel the same way.. I finally put away all my fat jeans... My husband started complaining that they looked so bad.......but they were comfortable... and the next size I have (22) fits, but they feel too short... I'm tall and I hate short pants... I have all these clothes is smaller sizes and am determined not to spend a bunch of money until I run out.. I'm waiting for warm weather so I can get out the capris that will fit now.. Although we had 55 today, we also have a storm and 12 inches of snow headed this was Sunday... Not time for capris yet....

Holly, I wish I had restriction after 1/2 cup.... enjoy....hope the scale moves down for you..

Everyone take care now and sleep well... Julie

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OMG I just spent 15 minutes typing a nice long post only to lose the whole thing... That is frustrating, isn't it Janet??? Here I go again..

Janet, I'm here, and have been just quietly reading along with everyone.. I'm struggling a bit with feeling like I fit in.. You all seem to be so far ahead of me and I'm not able to contribute much but my woes.. So I'v just been silent and am trying to get my act together a little more... I have been exercising everyday... Water aerobics and my walking tape.. I actually did .5 miles yesterday and that is an accomplishment for me.. I think I've figured out why I've been having such a hard time lately.. I've been so busy doing everything for and about everyone else that I've neglected to keep "my" food around. I've just been getting along with whatever and that has led to craving the wrong things.. I even had 2 slices of bread one day... and my band didn't stop me.. So I've now got "my" food in the house and things are better.. I still think I need more restriction, so I scheduled yet another fill for 3-30.. Maybe more solid Protein in my diet will change that before then, but at least I have the appt if I still need it...

So, Janet, thanks for asking about me.. I'm still here, but may not be overly vocal for awhile... Have a great cruise.. I've always wanted to go on one, but worry about my motion sickness tendencies... Don't want to be green the whole time.. DH is content to stay home anyway...

Apples, I can sure relate about your friend and the party... It's hard to put your heart into it when you are feeling taken advantage of.... I hope you get through it and have a great time,too.. Aren[t you leaving on a trip to Vegas soon? Have a great time.

Linda is traveling,too.. It seems the whole gang is going somewhere.. You all have fun......

Charlene, I am stuck on a plateau, too.. Hopefully they will both move soon...

Long, congrats on the size 10.... I'd feel the same way.. I finally put away all my fat jeans... My husband started complaining that they looked so bad.......but they were comfortable... and the next size I have (22) fits, but they feel too short... I'm tall and I hate short pants... I have all these clothes is smaller sizes and am determined not to spend a bunch of money until I run out.. I'm waiting for warm weather so I can get out the capris that will fit now.. Although we had 55 today, we also have a storm and 12 inches of snow headed this was Sunday... Not time for capris yet....

Holly, I wish I had restriction after 1/2 cup.... enjoy....hope the scale moves down for you..

Everyone take care now and sleep well... Julie


NEVER FEEL LIKE YOU DON'T FIT IN !!! That's what this thread is about - getting help - a shoulder to lean on - We are here to help motivate you to make the better choices..

Girl you have lost 80 lbs - you have made great strides in your weight loss.... Heck half the time we just talk about our days.. We all have our woe's and this is a good place to share them - We understand your struggles - We aren't perfect here - We all struggle at one time or another

Look what you have been doing exercising every day !!! Thats great...

Yes restriction is a big part of this along with taking time for you - being prepared and planning - this is a new way of life but look you are exercising - you realize where you are messing up - you took the time to get the foods you need to get you back on the wagon...

We have an addiction and it's not easy to over come it..

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Well I'm packed - just need to pack makeup & hair stuff and toothbrush etc. heck I have 5 pairs of shoes plus 3 pairs of sandals.. They have a suitcase of their own :thumbup:

Need a book - just realized extra cash is needed for gambling :smile: - so tomorrow won't be rushing - I hate to rush...

Well it's 8:30 - I need to go watch some t.v.

I will ck back in the morning..

Hugs J

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Just checking in this Saturday morning. Nice temps in Kansas City today, with some rain and thundershowers over the next several days - sure signs of spring on the way. I have a birthday lunch to go to today - I get together with some of my former work friends to Celebrate our birthdays - 6 or 7 of us scattered through the year. It's always fun to catch up with everybody. Since DH went back to work last year (at BassPro, Long! - those are my favorite jeans, too - esp since I get his employee discount!) I spend a lot of time alone during the week. I enjoy his days off as much as he does - having somebody besides Jack (the dog) to play with is kinda nice. Jack thinks so, too. DH does much more interesting things than I do - and outside, to boot!

Our lunch is at Red Lobster today. I'm going to check their menu on-line to see what would be best for me. I don't have a problem with salads, but obviously can't eat very much and they don't hold well when I bring them home. I'll probably go for a grilled fish or shrimp and some vegies. Does anybody have a favorite menu item there? We do small and inexpensive gifts for each other - kinda just a remembrance kind of thing. This year my gift to each is a bar of handmade soap scented with herbs (not made by me) wrapped in a hand-knitted cotton washcloth (made by me). They are quick and easy to knit, and the soap smells really G-O-O-D. Even the gift bag smells good!

I've had exercise issues lately. The arthritis is flaring up, but the bike is downstairs waiting for me, and I have not been faithful to it (therefore to me). Only about 3 weeks before the trip - I am hereby commiting to 4 days a week on the bike or at the gym between now and Apr 7. Formal exercise while on our trip may be even more of an issue, but I will do the best I can with it. Surely chasing a 2-year old will help some!

I hope everyone has a great weekend. Janet - I wish you a wonderful cruise with the kids. Have a great time!

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Good afternoon. I seemed to have stopped getting email notifications again and then forget to come check thinking everyone is quiet. Then it got too long and realized we never go that long without something to say!! It's a beautiful day here, supposed to be 76, but snow coming maybe on Monday. DH got some fertilizer today to put on the grass so if we do get the moisture maybe it will start greening up.

Joann, DH tells me all the time I should get a part time job at Bass Pro just so he can get a discount! Maybe I'll have to for the jeans. LOL At Red Lobster I usually get the 'add on' crab legs. Just the right portion and they let me order them even w/o ordering an entree all the time. I will then sneak a bit or two of DH's veggies.

MrsBubba, you sound pretty down. That is when you need to post and come here for support. If you can eat that much bread easily, sounds like you need a fill. You've done great so far! I am tall too and get what you are saying about short pants. My new jeans are on the short side, I am thinking for summer and with flip flops or sandals (can't say thongs anymore that means something totally different these days!) they'll be okay. I had so many sizes in my closet when I started out and it felt so good when I finally exhausted even the smallest sizes in there. I'm in mostly 12's now and I've never had a 12 in my closet since before I had my first child 28 yrs ago. I did get a nice new 3/4 sleeve cardigan sweater today at costco. Perfect to put over a Tshirt I love it.

Janet, have fun on your cruise. I can't wait for mine. It's not for a month and a half yet but they just sent me something saying I could print my docs now. Makes it seem closer.

Velvet, I can't imagine what tanning would have to do wtih the band, though it could damage your skin. I love to tan and have to really practice restraint on that. I always said it was the one thing I did well. LOL I tan very dark and used to rarely burn. Though now that I am practicing restraint I notice when I am out in the sun I do burn more these days. My favorite thing to do is lie on an air mattress at the beach and just float. Though at 300+ lbs it's been a few years since I've done that, hmmmm maybe this year!

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      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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