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Good Morning:

I am so thankful for each one of you. You all are what has been missing in my life. Thank God I found you all. Love, Love your words of wisdom. So glad Ellen that your computer is not wired shut. Sorry if this sounds strong but it is how I feel. Thank-you all.


HAPPY St. Patricks day!

March Exercise 9/22


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Happy St. Pat's Day!!!!


BACK AT YA! Hey, about those papaya tabs.....when do you take them? I told the PA yesterday that when I get stuck it is mainly trapped gas. She suggested I take gas-x before I eat. Then I thought about those papaya tabs you take. Do they help with the gas and digestion?

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Good Morning:

I am so thankful for each one of you. You all are what has been missing in my life. Thank God I found you all. Love, Love your words of wisdom. So glad Ellen that your computer is not wired shut. Sorry if this sounds strong but it is how I feel. Thank-you all.


HAPPY St. Patricks day!

March Exercise 9/22


Not too strong of words at all, Holly. Some days when we are not feeling just right or are having a weak day, all it takes is to come on here and there's always someone that's going to be there for us. We are all at different stages of this process but we all know that we are in for this for life and need each other and truly UNDERSTAND what each other are going through. What goes around comes around and I think we each give help and take that help when we need it.

Happy St. Patty's day everyone! I am a half Irish potato cooking and a half Norwegian coffee drinking girl. I always have an answer for myself when I have inner turmoil going on....it's the Norwegian in me b___tching at the Irish in me!:lunch:

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BACK AT YA! Hey, about those papaya tabs.....when do you take them? I told the PA yesterday that when I get stuck it is mainly trapped gas. She suggested I take gas-x before I eat. Then I thought about those papaya tabs you take. Do they help with the gas and digestion?

It does help with digestion. I have to be careful with it. They taste good! Sort of like candy!

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I have a question, why sometimes even eating watermelon for example i cant keep it down, i really dont get the heaving throw up but i do throw it up like i have to much saliva or mucus and burping, sometimes this happens when eating lunch meat, am i to full? in the morning i eat oatmeal it did keep me satisfied for a 1 1/2 hours now i dont stay satisfied and am hungry again within an hour, i have lost 40# so far and have had three fills, do you think i need another fill? any suggestions.

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Good Morning Gang - Just a quick check in - I was busy yesterday getting my desk cleaned up and last night had to make GS his Bday cake (he's 18 today) and I made him his fav dinner Enchilldas last night cuz he's going out to dinner with his Mom tonite..

Holly - I totally get you I love all you here too - Other people would think it strange that we have such a connection with people we have met on the interenet...

We become Sister - Family - When my Bro died in October - OMW the support that I got from all these ladies it was just unbeleivable!!! The comfort I have found here is wonderful

I can't wait to check in to see what's going on in everyone's lives - We cry together - We Laugh together - We Rant & Rave together - We pick each other up when needed - And we Cheer each other on our successes...

I have a question, why sometimes even eating watermelon for example i cant keep it down, i really dont get the heaving throw up but i do throw it up like i have to much saliva or mucus and burping, sometimes this happens when eating lunch meat, am i to full? in the morning i eat oatmeal it did keep me satisfied for a 1 1/2 hours now i dont stay satisfied and am hungry again within an hour, i have lost 40# so far and have had three fills, do you think i need another fill? any suggestions.

Velevet -Chew - small bites - and sometimes our bands are fickle - what you descirbed is Pbing (it's not really throwing up = but your body trying to get the food to go down (saliva/mucus) and it won't so up it comes)

Oatmeal is a slider food (soft food) so it doesn't stay in your pouch very long - This is why the Doc's want you to eat hard Proteins as they keep you full longer

As to needing a fill - that depends on you and how much you are eating per meal - I don't find that my band keeps me from being hungry - I still get hungry but the way I look at it a little hunger (waiting another 1 1/2 til my next meal) isn't going to kill me but being obese will. And if I just can't take it (hunger) I find something low calorie to tide me over til my next meal - but again budgeting calories so that I don't go over my daily limit...

Ok Gang - Like I said just a quick check in - I got stuff to do - we have a meeting at 8:30 so - I will be back tonight after gym and meeting with my Dog Sitter to give her keys...

Hugs & Tons of Love !!!! - Janet

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Hi everyone, just checking in. Missed you all, we've been busy, busy these past few days. Long and PJ, I had a very negative mother too -- I chose to live far away from her and almost everytime I talked to her on the phone I would cry when I hung up (and I'm pretty tough and not usually a crier). Visits were tough -- she would visit me when I was a single mom and would especially criticize me on how I was raising my son. My baby sister on the other hand (I was the oldest girl) had a completely different relationship with her. My mom never criticized her, thought everything she did was wonderful, etc. This was especially hard to take as I excelled in my life too. My son grew up and has been very successful, so she wasn't right about that. I loved her dearly, but never, never got any kind of praise from her. I mentioned here before that when I lost 100 lbs. earlier in life she kept telling me I was anorexic (I was not). All I ever wanted from her was to be told she was proud of me. She got lung cancer in 2003 and died 6 months later. I visited often those last 6 months and was always a devoted daughter as was my sister. I just still don't understand why she treated me so differently. Sometimes it still bothers me, but I just have to remember that just because she said it doesn't make it true, as was the case with my son. I was always just the opposite of my mother - constantly praised my son and step kids on all their accomplishments and successes and we share very close relationships. The only conclusion I can come up with was that God gave us those mothers because we needed them, for whatever reason. He only gives us what we can handle, as we all know. Don't expect them to change, cause that isn't going to happen. Janet, have fun on your cruise. If you have a few too many treats, go out on the dance floor for a little late night aerobics. Linda

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I have a question, why sometimes even eating watermelon for example i cant keep it down, i really dont get the heaving throw up but i do throw it up like i have to much saliva or mucus and burping, sometimes this happens when eating lunch meat, am i to full? in the morning i eat oatmeal it did keep me satisfied for a 1 1/2 hours now i dont stay satisfied and am hungry again within an hour, i have lost 40# so far and have had three fills, do you think i need another fill? any suggestions.

Hi Velvet,

I find if I am hungry too early and just have to have something, I have something small that is Protein - like a cheese stick or jerkey. Low in calories, but the Protein will help keep your blood sugar level and will stay with you until your next scheduled meal. You could also try having some extra protein with your oatmeal in the morning - a piece of Canadian bacon, turkey sausage, hard boiled egg, turkey bacon, even a few walnuts in the oatmeal. Think low fat protein with that oatmeal.

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Hearing all these discussions about negativity - it seems to come from everywhere, doesn't it? It's very discouraging. I was very lucky to have the parents I had - they were both very positive people and supported me in everything, though I am sure they wondered at some of my decisions as I became an adult... probably later on, too! Heck - sometimes I wonder about my decisions, too! Lori, I don't think you should try to defend your decisions to your mother. When she starts with the "you'll never keep it off - you have not changed your eating habits..." or her criticism du jour, just tell her you are following the guidelines your surgeon has given you (you are even the poster girl!!!), you are losing the weight you need to lose, and the band is designed to help you maintain your loss. You appreciate her concern, but you will not discuss the issue with her again because she does not understand the process and will not listen to you when you try to explain it. At that point walk away. Every time she brings it up, tell her your appreciate her concern, but you have said it all, and will not discuss with her again. TELL her that her negativity hurts you. Eventually she will get the point, or maybe not, but that does not matter. You must not give your mother the opportunity to hurt you again and again. You do not deserve that treatment and should not accept it.

My MIL was a very negative person, and of course DH was raised in that house. His brother is a mess, thanks to that method of parenting. DH fights it all the time. He is very positive and supportive with me and his children and grandchildren, but not with himself. Lori - that is what you have to fight. You will be positive with your husband and children, but you have to see yourself in the light you deserve. You are an amazing, beautiful, strong woman - and you inspire all of us. Please don't allow your mother's words make you feel GUILTY!

PJ - you are doing a great job. Ignore what you can, but don't allow your mom's remarks make you feel bad about yourself. You are doing a great job, following the plan - and you are in ONDERLAND!! How great is that???

I am hearing NOTHING from DS, DIL - and the DD here in town has only noticed when I shopped with her for something new and smaller. On the other hand - DD overseas has seen me only on Skype - and says my face is THIN! (far from true, but it is thinnER.) That's just the way it is. I'm okay with it. However - when I'm at the 100 pound mark!!!! That may be a different story!

I love you guys... You are all beautiful!

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Hi Janet,

I'm new to this site. I've done all the tests. I should be banded by may 09. I've joined Ballys and i've lost about 20 pounds. I've found my nutritionists very helpful. She explained to me about the food journals. She's also told me to think about what i eat before i eat it. I have high blood pressure but my doctor wants to take me off the medication but she wants to wait until i'm banded first. I also have problems with my knees. Since i've been going to the gym, i haven't had any problems with my knees.

I've been reading afew of the things that other people have written and ( i not sure if it's just my nerves)I curious, why have the surgery if you have to practice restraint (not sure if thats the right word).

From what i've been reading, the band is slower than gastric bypass. So, if you stay away from sweets and high calorie foods,(exercise also) won't you lose it without any surgery? If so, what's the surgery for?

I don't mean to sound negative, i'm just curious.

All of my friends are overweight and we all talk about ways to lose weight. My best friend had gastric bypass 5 years ago. She started at a size 34. She went down to a size 14. ( with lose flabby skin everywhere) She's went back up to a size 22. Now she wants to be banded.

Back to me, can someone get to me with a response.

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Ah, Joann, thanks so much for your encouragement. You have some good ideas there on how to handle the negativity in the future. I do always try to defend myself, I like your approach better. Thanks so much.

WG, I am a little unsure of what you are asking. You say you are having surgery but also saying why have it if you have to practice restraint. Well the reason I had it, is the band helps me be much more successful in practicing that restraint. It's much easier to have restraint when you are full on a few ounces vs. when it takes mega amounts of food to make you full. Because you have such a small pouch, howeer, you do need to practice good nutrition. Your success depends on how well you follow the rules of the band. You can eat around the band quite easily after awhile. Unfortunately most junkfoods go right through, they call these slider foods. If you eat too many of these you won't lose so well. Good luck to you in your journey, I hope you find the answers you are looking for.

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WG - Long said it very well. It's a lot easier to practice restraint when you are banded because you simply cannot eat as much as you can unbanded. Most of us didn't KNOW when we were full - and consequently didn't stop eating when we should. The band helps you stop eating when you are full. It is definitely a learning process.

For me - the best benefit of the band is that it will help me maintain my healthy weight once I have lost the excess and reached my goal. I've lost over and over in my adult life - never able to keep the weight off because I did not change my eating habits permanently. If you read the posts of our friends on this thread who are at goal, you will see that they have been able to maintain their losses. It STILL takes the conscious effort to eat healthy and exercise (and practice restraint), or you will gain the weight back. The BAND helps you to do that, but you have to do your part, too. It is not a magic bullet - simply a tool to help you reach a healthy weight and stay there. Please don't go into this expecting an overnight miracle. It is still hard work - but with the added probability of lifelong success if you follow the rules of healthy eating and exercise.

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Good Morning Gang

Got invited to go to dinner w/GS Mom & Stepdad last night - so I went :) - Leftovers for lunch today- grilled shrimp & asparagus..

WG - Long & Joann gave you great responses...

Our bands are only a tool - period end of story - the tool only works if you keep it maintained (restriction). Having surgery is NOT THE QUICK FIX - I don't care if it's bypass or the band... These surgeries only are tools - look at your friend who has gain back some of her weight - Pple go into these surgeries thinking that the surgery will do all the work and with bypass it does do alot of the work for them cuz they don't absorb their calories but after awhile - their intestine adapat to being rerouted and they start absorbing the calories again - where as with the band we absorb all the calories of the foods we eat - so if we choose to eat around the band (candy cookie high fat high sugar) we are not going to lose the weight

As Long said once you have proper restriction you will feel full on a smaller amount of food. But you make your food choices not the band - so if you don't change your eating habits then you may have minimal success just by the fact that you are eating smaller amounts of food - but if you eat healthy & exercise then you will have great success.

And the other reason for wls is to help pple keep the weight off - how many times have we all lost weight - but to only regain it back and then some.. Now with the band we have permanet restriction.

Again - as the saying goes - diets don't work - cuz after we have lost the weight we go back to eating normal - which is what got us fat in the 1st place.

This is truly a lifetime lifestyle change - Eat Healthy + Exercise + Band = Success

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Hey Gang - What's up tonite - you all have been really quite today... I know I haven't been around 24/7 like I usually am - but as you know I am getting ready for vacation..

Since I didn't get to the gym last night -I went tonite to make up what I missed - came home cleaned the kitchen, put a load of wash in - and thought I would ck to see what my peeps have been up to...

But alas no one's posted... :tongue_smilie:

Well going to check my #7 thread - will ck back later

Hugs - Janet

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Hi to everyone......looks like everyone must be having a busy day...no one posting. Been busy with volunteering and party preparations. Tomorrow night is the night. 250 people or more. We are cooking for 300. How do I get myself into these things? So upset tonight. Met with my friend and made 450 Jello shots. Bday girl was sooooo rude and unappreciative. Have never known ANYONE that plans her own party right down to the sash and the tiara. I was gifted with the BEST 50th bday party ever. DS and DS planned it from FL and Iraq...250 people and I expected nothing. I was humbled when I walked in the door and saw the crowd.

This chickie-poo even sent out her own invitations and TOLD people they owed her and should perform and put her party on. Well, needless to say, my friend and I decided that everyone deserves a party even though she pissed most people off and they refuse to lend a hand. I'm definately not a doormat but getting up at 4:30am and making cake for 250, baked Beans with Italian sausage for 250 and so on...my other friend is making BBQ hamburger. After food prep I am having a shot of Yag and I'm going to sing Crazy at her FREE kaeoke!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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