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Could not get on here earlier. Janet thanks for your help, I am getting a little nervous about my fill. My doctor does them on a time schedule at first. They say they are quite conservative when it comes to fills, meaning they put a very small amount of saline in for the fills, but I'm still nervous about it. I spent the morning cleaning out my closets and had a friend come by to try on some clothes -- she ended up taking the majority of them and the rest DH took to Goodwill. I'm excited to get those clothes out of the house as I am down about 3 sizes. Went to the gym for my workout and Water aerobics. Ate the rest of my catfish today. Had a good day, spring is coming, it's the end of February! Linda

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Janet, :( I lost the 2 lbs I had put on. Counting the calories and back to doing my walking tape. 3 more lbs and I will be in "ONDERLAND" I'm aiming for that by next weekend.

I really envy you, going on that cruise. I've never been on one, but hopefully someday I will. I know you're excited !! Have you bought a new bathing suit yet?

Well...going to go now and play pathwords, I saw yours on Facebook, I played it last night and love it !!

Have a great day ! Hugs, Pj

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Hi everyone, I've been absent for a couple days.. Not only is my computer going crazy, but so is my life.. Late yesterday afternoon I was just finishing with my granddaughter for the day when I got a call that my mother had passed out in the grocery store... She had left my house about 15 minutes earlier and seemed just fine.. So I rushed up there (small town so it only took a few minutes!).. Ambulance to Bismarck (40 miles)...emergency room for hours (jumped up too fast when called and my knee gave out so I took an embarrassing fall in the waiting room...Yeah!!!) lots of questions until they finally decided to put her in the hospital..... They think she had a seizure.. Got home at 1:30 am and then more today.... Still now concrete answers. But if it is a seizure and duely noted on her records that way, no driving for 6 months by ND state law.... This will have a definite impact on my life if she can't drive for 6 months... But she seems to be feeling okay, just frustrated about what is happening to her....... SO, I think I'm fine, but a bit frazzled.. There's always something to keep us on our toes it seems...

Apples, we didn't get that bad storm, thank goodness... 35 below wind chills, but not much snow.. We were on the edge of it.. Hope you are plowed out by this time...

Everyone have a good weekend... I'll be back if I can... Take care.......Julie

Hugs Julie it sounds like you had a trying time yesterday - hope Your Mom gets better - How old is she - It's funny now a days there has to be something seriously wrong with you - heck back in the old days - sometime you just fainted - didn't have to be something awful that caused it... How's your knee..

Could not get on here earlier. Janet thanks for your help, I am getting a little nervous about my fill. My doctor does them on a time schedule at first. They say they are quite conservative when it comes to fills, meaning they put a very small amount of saline in for the fills, but I'm still nervous about it. I spent the morning cleaning out my closets and had a friend come by to try on some clothes -- she ended up taking the majority of them and the rest DH took to Goodwill. I'm excited to get those clothes out of the house as I am down about 3 sizes. Went to the gym for my workout and Water aerobics. Ate the rest of my catfish today. Had a good day, spring is coming, it's the end of February! Linda

Linda - isn't it wonderful to get rid of your fat clothes - I gave mine away to a lady I work with - then took the rest to Martha's village - and you know what - I ended up having to give away my 12's, 10's 8's too... Even have some of my 6's that are a bit large - but all my friends are either plus sizes or don't go below 10's :(

Don't sweat your fill - it will be ok... I felt my 1st one for about 2 weeks but nothing major - then had to go back for the 2nd one.. Does your doc do blind fills or fluro??

Well Good Morning People - It's Saturday Yea !!! I am up (5:45 a.m) opend bills gotta pay them this weekend - having my coffee - waiting for gym to open at 7 - then home shower and take GS shopping -That's on my adgenda for the day - I need to call the groomer too as my fur babies really need a hair cut !!!

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Hello.... I'm enjoying a few minutes of peacefullness before continueing on with my day.. My baby was hear until 12:30 and was rather crabby today.. Lots of whining.. I can relate!!! Anyway she is off with her mother now and DH is out and about so I have a few minutes to breathe before getting some chores done.. I'm planning a baptism reception for my grand niece for next Sunday. Will have about 50 for Breakfast after church.. I love to entertain and cook and bake. I like the planning and etc... AND THE EATING, TOO!!!! I now try to pick wonderful recipes that are not really my favorites so they aren't so tempting.. Will do breakfast meats and eggs with all the baked goodies to go along.. I think I will handle it fine, I just don't do having all the leftover baked goods around too long after....

I also have to finish taking everything of importance off this computer so my guy can wipe it down and redo everthing on Monday.. I'm no computer whiz, so some of this is tough for me.. I have all my pictures off and important files.. And of course my e-mail addresses(can't lose those).. I'm just not looking forward to having to re-install everything that I need again... What a pain....but how do we live without them anymore??

My weight is dropping okay.. down 3 pounds since Tuesday. The liquids after a fill seem to do that rather nicely..but I have been the same for a couple days so I trust they are gone for good!! I'm hungry now, so need to hunt up something.. Will do a tuna salad... Now DH wants to go to Minot to shop... ugh!!! I'm not a shopper, but we always do the commissery when we get a chance to take advantage of the military discounts. There goes my chores... but I guess they'll still be here when I get back... Mother called to say she most likely can come home tomorrow, but the still haven't figured things out... Bye all.. Hope you have a great day and weekend... Julie

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I had trouble getting here for a few days. One whole day and ahalf a day I didn't have internet at all, then when I tried to come here I kept getting a message that 'my link appears to be broken'. HUH??? Glad to be able to get back. Still stuck on the scale, it's been 3 weeks now, my longest w/o losing. BUMMER! I'm flirting with the 199, I hit it, then go up 2, lose them again, then go back up them. I want it to stick and then go down some more!!

I did order a new tankini for my cruise from Land's End and it came yesterday and it fit!! WOO HOO!!

Mrs Bubba, I hope your mom is okay.

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I had trouble getting here for a few days. One whole day and ahalf a day I didn't have internet at all, then when I tried to come here I kept getting a message that 'my link appears to be broken'. HUH??? Glad to be able to get back. Still stuck on the scale, it's been 3 weeks now, my longest w/o losing. BUMMER! I'm flirting with the 199, I hit it, then go up 2, lose them again, then go back up them. I want it to stick and then go down some more!!

I did order a new tankini for my cruise from Land's End and it came yesterday and it fit!! WOO HOO!!

Mrs Bubba, I hope your mom is okay.

Long, What is a tankini?:wink:

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Hi to all,

Not much going on around this house today. We've had more snow today than we have had all winter! It was nice to stay home and watch the dog play in the snow. We have a surprise birthday party to attend tonight for a very good friend. I'm not concerned about eating poorly - have heard some of the menu and I can live with it pretty easily. I may have a smidgen of birthday cake, though. I think it is coming from the same bakery that did DD's wedding cake 3 years ago and if so it is too good to miss completely! teehee. Smidgen it is.

I, too, am struggling with the same weight for almost 2 weeks. It is so frustrating. I just keep doing what I'm supposed to do but the results are disappointing. Ah well... I am off to Topeka on Monday for my 3rd fill. We will discuss to see if I am missing something, or just slow.

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JoAnne...don't get discouraged. We all hit plateaus. As long as you know you are making good food choices...

We also have a surprise bday party tonight. Meeting a big group of friends at our local bar and grill first for some dinner and then off to the party. I love to have a few Snacks at parties. The cake I can leave alone. Not really into sweets. My weakness is things like Chex mix and peanuts. I just make sure I have some and then STEP AWAY FROM THE TABLE. (that's me yelling at myself!)

We had our share of snow this week...about 11inches on Thursday and yesterday woke up to -30 windchill. Today is nice with the nice shining.

Have company coming home with us from the party so better get back to "primping" the house. Almost done.

Everyone have a good evening.

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Hello everyone. Well its been a very hectic few days. Yesterday I was at the bank standing in line and all of sudden I started to get very hot and clamy I knew that I needed to sit down....well I ended up passing out for a second. The bank manager was great she asked if I needed them to call 911 I said no. I sat for a few minutes put some cold towels on my head and drank some Water. About 15 min later I called mu DH and he came and picked me up. I went directly to my doctor and he said that everything was fine. They think its just stress. Its been very stressful planning my daughters wedding, etc. I have been working out daily and today I am feeling fine.

I have gone down one dress size and am putting all my clothes that I canot wear anymore in a bag and plan on giving them to a co-worker. The pounds not be coming off but I can feel the inches.

Well I am planning on having a nice evening at home with my DH. Its the first weekend in months that he is off.

Janet I am very excited for you about your cruise. Sounds great.

Have a great day.

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Hi All ~ I too have had problems logging on to the site, getting same messages as Long, finally gave up. :wink: Things have been going pretty well - no major upsets. I am continuing with my walking on treadmill and doing sit-ups. Friday I walked for about an 1hour, I was actually trying to read the last few pages of a chapter in my textbook. My eating has been ok - but still not eating as welll as I should - but haven't gone crazy. I did have some popcorn last night, didn't eat whole bag, but I ate enough - definitely must need a fill. Yesterday, the club that I belong to agreed to paint the banquet hall where we have our meetings. Between the walking, sit-ups and painting, my back is a bit sore, but nothing where a little more walking and sit-ups won't cure.:thumbup:. Ms. Bubba, I hope your Mom is doing better and they won't decide it was seizure. Ms. Rose take care of yourself. Janet, I'm ok - haven't fell off the radar again. Well that's it for now, off to study. Talk with everyone soon - if I can get back in here.:eek:

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Janet, :thumbup: I lost the 2 lbs I had put on. Counting the calories and back to doing my walking tape. 3 more lbs and I will be in "ONDERLAND" I'm aiming for that by next weekend.

I really envy you, going on that cruise. I've never been on one, but hopefully someday I will. I know you're excited !! Have you bought a new bathing suit yet?

Well...going to go now and play pathwords, I saw yours on Facebook, I played it last night and love it !!

Have a great day ! Hugs, Pj

PJ - Congrat on getting those 2 lbs off - and keeping up your exercise - that's great - if you eat healthy and exercise you will get to onelander before you know it -

Yep pathword addicting !!!! Transfer addiction - a good way to stay out of the kitchen :0)

Hello.... I'm enjoying a few minutes of peacefullness before continueing on with my day.. My baby was hear until 12:30 and was rather crabby today.. Lots of whining.. I can relate!!! Anyway she is off with her mother now and DH is out and about so I have a few minutes to breathe before getting some chores done.. I'm planning a baptism reception for my grand niece for next Sunday. Will have about 50 for Breakfast after church.. I love to entertain and cook and bake. I like the planning and etc... AND THE EATING, TOO!!!! I now try to pick wonderful recipes that are not really my favorites so they aren't so tempting.. Will do breakfast meats and eggs with all the baked goodies to go along.. I think I will handle it fine, I just don't do having all the leftover baked goods around too long after....

I also have to finish taking everything of importance off this computer so my guy can wipe it down and redo everthing on Monday.. I'm no computer whiz, so some of this is tough for me.. I have all my pictures off and important files.. And of course my e-mail addresses(can't lose those).. I'm just not looking forward to having to re-install everything that I need again... What a pain....but how do we live without them anymore??

My weight is dropping okay.. down 3 pounds since Tuesday. The liquids after a fill seem to do that rather nicely..but I have been the same for a couple days so I trust they are gone for good!! I'm hungry now, so need to hunt up something.. Will do a tuna salad... Now DH wants to go to Minot to shop... ugh!!! I'm not a shopper, but we always do the commissery when we get a chance to take advantage of the military discounts. There goes my chores... but I guess they'll still be here when I get back... Mother called to say she most likely can come home tomorrow, but the still haven't figured things out... Bye all.. Hope you have a great day and weekend... Julie

Julie Congrat on your 3 lbs - WTG Hows your Mom

I had trouble getting here for a few days. One whole day and ahalf a day I didn't have internet at all, then when I tried to come here I kept getting a message that 'my link appears to be broken'. HUH??? Glad to be able to get back. Still stuck on the scale, it's been 3 weeks now, my longest w/o losing. BUMMER! I'm flirting with the 199, I hit it, then go up 2, lose them again, then go back up them. I want it to stick and then go down some more!!

I did order a new tankini for my cruise from Land's End and it came yesterday and it fit!! WOO HOO!!

Mrs Bubba, I hope your mom is okay.

Long - you have done so well - those lbs will come off - are you back to tracking - are you eating enough - I always found if I spiked my calories for 1 day (not overboard) it helped the scales move..

Hi to all,

Not much going on around this house today. We've had more snow today than we have had all winter! It was nice to stay home and watch the dog play in the snow. We have a surprise birthday party to attend tonight for a very good friend. I'm not concerned about eating poorly - have heard some of the menu and I can live with it pretty easily. I may have a smidgen of birthday cake, though. I think it is coming from the same bakery that did DD's wedding cake 3 years ago and if so it is too good to miss completely! teehee. Smidgen it is.

I, too, am struggling with the same weight for almost 2 weeks. It is so frustrating. I just keep doing what I'm supposed to do but the results are disappointing. Ah well... I am off to Topeka on Monday for my 3rd fill. We will discuss to see if I am missing something, or just slow.

Joann - a taste of cake is good - this is life - as I have said before it's not that 1 piece that got us fat it's cuz we ate more than one if not the whole darn thing.

JoAnne...don't get discouraged. We all hit plateaus. As long as you know you are making good food choices...

We also have a surprise bday party tonight. Meeting a big group of friends at our local bar and grill first for some dinner and then off to the party. I love to have a few Snacks at parties. The cake I can leave alone. Not really into sweets. My weakness is things like Chex mix and peanuts. I just make sure I have some and then STEP AWAY FROM THE TABLE. (that's me yelling at myself!)

We had our share of snow this week...about 11inches on Thursday and yesterday woke up to -30 windchill. Today is nice with the nice shining.

Have company coming home with us from the party so better get back to "primping" the house. Almost done.

Everyone have a good evening.

Apples hope you had a good time at your party - I am sorry for all you guys who have snow - it was in the 80's yesterday - but suppose to be 60 this coming friday w/rain ....

Hello everyone. Well its been a very hectic few days. Yesterday I was at the bank standing in line and all of sudden I started to get very hot and clamy I knew that I needed to sit down....well I ended up passing out for a second. The bank manager was great she asked if I needed them to call 911 I said no. I sat for a few minutes put some cold towels on my head and drank some Water. About 15 min later I called mu DH and he came and picked me up. I went directly to my doctor and he said that everything was fine. They think its just stress. Its been very stressful planning my daughters wedding, etc. I have been working out daily and today I am feeling fine.

I have gone down one dress size and am putting all my clothes that I canot wear anymore in a bag and plan on giving them to a co-worker. The pounds not be coming off but I can feel the inches.

Well I am planning on having a nice evening at home with my DH. Its the first weekend in months that he is off.

Janet I am very excited for you about your cruise. Sounds great.

Have a great day.

Rose - are you drinking enough Water - are you on blood pressure meds - you may want to ck with the doc if you are

Becareful -

Hi All ~ I too have had problems logging on to the site, getting same messages as Long, finally gave up. :wink: Things have been going pretty well - no major upsets. I am continuing with my walking on treadmill and doing sit-ups. Friday I walked for about an 1hour, I was actually trying to read the last few pages of a chapter in my textbook. My eating has been ok - but still not eating as welll as I should - but haven't gone crazy. I did have some popcorn last night, didn't eat whole bag, but I ate enough - definitely must need a fill. Yesterday, the club that I belong to agreed to paint the banquet hall where we have our meetings. Between the walking, sit-ups and painting, my back is a bit sore, but nothing where a little more walking and sit-ups won't cure.:eek:. Ms. Bubba, I hope your Mom is doing better and they won't decide it was seizure. Ms. Rose take care of yourself. Janet, I'm ok - haven't fell off the radar again. Well that's it for now, off to study. Talk with everyone soon - if I can get back in here.:frown:

Sharon - Congrats on the exercise - I am glad you are getting back into the groove... Popcorn is a slider food for me - I buy the 100 cal snack pack and would say I have one almost every nite - it's my salvation. I admire your studying..


Good Morning Gang -

I think I have told you all that I love Marshalls - got a dress that I tried on last week - it was $39 then - yesterday it was marked down to $15 (donna karn or whatever her name is - I can't say I am really in to labels) another dress for $20 - Bermuda short $16... I love just love Marshalls...

Well, not much to report on - Did a little shopping - my GS ended up shopping on his own - calling me ten times asking me if his choices were good - I said yep - he's so cute - I gave him my card to get $$$ out of the bank - he only wanted to take out just a little and I said no take more he said are you sure - I said yes - clothes are expensive (also he was born with a club foot and has to buy 2 pairs of shoes cuz of the size diff so that gets expensive) he got 2 nice shirts and ties - swim trunks - 2 nice shirts and shoes

dinner last night was 1 taco and then some popcorn -

Well I'm off to the shower - I need to got to Kohls have a gift card that's burning a hole in my pocket..

Have a good Sunday gang - will check back later

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Good Morning Indie!

This thread is so helpful - hope to pick up ideas, and most of all confirmation!

I was banded one week ago tomorrow - Parma, Ohio - I have no idea why, but I feel great! I have had no pain meds - not tempting the Pain Gods! I think I may have had some good training in that 3 years ago I had total knee replacement . . . good thing there was no weapon handy or I would have been on the front page of a newspaper somewhere!!!!

The only #'s I am having a little trouble with is not enough calories, and I can honestly tell you, those words have never come out of my mouth before! For the majority of my Protein I use Atkins Advantage (15 grams of protein) or EAS (17 grams). For something hot I have Cream of Wheat with a little Splenda Brown Sugar or canned Soup which I liquify in my personal blender (like the Bullet only mine came from QVC - a little cheaper). Of course, Crystal Light, etc.

Tomorrow, because I feel so well, I am going to walk on the treadmill - no more than 2 miles an hour - to continue getting my system to release more gas and fluids.

I pray that this all continues, I already feel so much better about myself and cannot wait for the first item of clothing that I try on that is simply too big . . . a phenomenon I have not experienced in @15 years!!

I look forward to keeping in touch!


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Another lb. loss this morning. 2 more to go til ONEDERLAND !!

Everyone have a great day !

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This may sound dumb. But what is onederland?

I probably am not drinking as much Water as I should be. I am going to work on that. I am not on any medications.

Janet I love Marshalls too. I love a good deal. I hope you enjoy your shopping at Kohls.

Today the DH and I are going to spend the day together. He works alot so its not very often we get to spend the entire day together.

I got my workout in earlier this morning. Rode my bike for 45 min and did some weights.

Have a great day.

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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

    • Alisa_S

      Bought a treadmill and some 5 lb weights. Time to get off my butt and get moving!
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      1. DaisyChainOz

        That's a great choice! 😊

    • DaisyChainOz

      Surgery done!  Really looking forward to the next chapter 🥳😁
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      3. Alisa_S

        Fantastic! Best of luck to you & I hope you're healing nicely & not having much pain!🙏

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