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Hi everyone, thanks for your advice. I am on hydrocodone, I take 2 teaspoons every 4 hous and I have been using a ton of gas x strips. The pain is on my left side where my port incision is. It is ok when I am just laying still but feels like someone is stabbing a huge knife into me when ever I move. I do feel a tiny bit better today...whenever I have to use the restroom I go walk around the house...went out front and walked around the yard too. After about 20 minutes of being up, I start to feel very hot and sick and have to go lay down again. I finally, after 2 days, of just Water and herbal tea, ate about 1/4 cup of broth and a SF Jell-o which went down great! Took a long time to eat but I had no problems at all. I havent had any solid food since last Sunday and I actually had a dream about food today lol. My issue with the bed today is over, my Mother is here to help me and THANK GOD FOR HER! She helped pull me up and I finally got to use the restroom :sneaky: My bed is very high up and my feet do not touch the floor so I have to completely pull myself up to get out of it. I decided that until I feel better, I am just going to sleep on the couch. I still need her help up for the time being but atleast it is with minimal pain! Thanks again for your messages to me, I was so grumpy and hurt and just wanted to sleep but couldnt this morning and I just knew that you guys would be the ones to understand :mad2:

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Hi all:

Just checking in. I'm doing good with the life change. Looks like I will be going to Long Beach to see my Dad the first of April. He is 82. I am excited so I went to shop for something nice to wear and tried on this brown pin strip jacket and I thought it said 18 and it was a little too snug and it turned out to be a 16. That was a relief. My Dad is very critical of my weight so I am nervous. Lost a few more pounds. You look so good Janet, it is very encouraging and comforting that I can do this.

Banded 1/29/09


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Hi All,

Sounds like everyone is doing okay - all of us are at different stages in this adventure, but we can all come together on this thread and talk about the issues we have. I learn from each and every one of you - love you ALL!

Janet - I don't DARE fall off the wagon with you around! and I guess if I did I would not have to admit it, since your advice to someone else in trouble would fit my issue, too! It's good to be away for a while and then come back and read lots of posts at one time. You are right, Janet. We are more alike than we are different. Such a variety of personalities, talents, education, careers, families - but we are alike in our relationship with food. It's comforting, soothing, stress-relieving, a friend when we are lonely, something to do when we are bored, and so many other things to us. It's been all of those things to us most of our lives. It's hard to find replacements after all this time. Janet has the right idea - start a hobby or pick up one you left behind in a former life, read a book, go for a walk or do an exercise tape, play with the dog, get on the computer - just get your mind working on something else and your body in gear. The goal here is a healthy lifestyle.

Thanks for all your "tough love" (emphasis on the "love"), Janet.

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Apples that is okay. Maybe I will lose as much weight as you have. I want to put my puppy, Charlie in there, but I have to wait and get one of my kids to do it. I am technically challenged.

Boy, I am so sick of this cold. This band is tight. I have been eating Soup and drinking hot tea. This is day 5 so maybe I'll be over it in a couple of days. I hope I lose a couple of lbs. I think I have already griped about this. Sorry, just venting!

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Hi everyone, thanks for your advice. I am on hydrocodone, I take 2 teaspoons every 4 hous and I have been using a ton of gas x strips. The pain is on my left side where my port incision is. It is ok when I am just laying still but feels like someone is stabbing a huge knife into me when ever I move. I do feel a tiny bit better today...whenever I have to use the restroom I go walk around the house...went out front and walked around the yard too. After about 20 minutes of being up, I start to feel very hot and sick and have to go lay down again. I finally, after 2 days, of just Water and herbal tea, ate about 1/4 cup of broth and a SF Jell-o which went down great! Took a long time to eat but I had no problems at all. I havent had any solid food since last Sunday and I actually had a dream about food today lol. My issue with the bed today is over, my Mother is here to help me and THANK GOD FOR HER! She helped pull me up and I finally got to use the restroom :tt2: My bed is very high up and my feet do not touch the floor so I have to completely pull myself up to get out of it. I decided that until I feel better, I am just going to sleep on the couch. I still need her help up for the time being but atleast it is with minimal pain! Thanks again for your messages to me, I was so grumpy and hurt and just wanted to sleep but couldnt this morning and I just knew that you guys would be the ones to understand :thumbup:

Kristen - Yep the port site hurts the most - and having a high bed doesn't help - When I started this journey alot of pple said they slept in a recliner for the first few days. I don't have one and my bed is high too - but you will adjust and it will get better - yep we understand we have been there - and for some of the pain is awful and others have a higher tolerance - but do know it does get better - I would say that my port site hurt/discomfort for about 2 week - just don't wear tight pants - I wore dresses for the first couple of weeks...

Hi all:

Just checking in. I'm doing good with the life change. Looks like I will be going to Long Beach to see my Dad the first of April. He is 82. I am excited so I went to shop for something nice to wear and tried on this brown pin strip jacket and I thought it said 18 and it was a little too snug and it turned out to be a 16. That was a relief. My Dad is very critical of my weight so I am nervous. Lost a few more pounds. You look so good Janet, it is very encouraging and comforting that I can do this.

Banded 1/29/09


Holly - Yep you can do this - if an old broad like me can you can :0).

Hi All,

Sounds like everyone is doing okay - all of us are at different stages in this adventure, but we can all come together on this thread and talk about the issues we have. I learn from each and every one of you - love you ALL!

Janet - I don't DARE fall off the wagon with you around! and I guess if I did I would not have to admit it, since your advice to someone else in trouble would fit my issue, too! It's good to be away for a while and then come back and read lots of posts at one time. You are right, Janet. We are more alike than we are different. Such a variety of personalities, talents, education, careers, families - but we are alike in our relationship with food. It's comforting, soothing, stress-relieving, a friend when we are lonely, something to do when we are bored, and so many other things to us. It's been all of those things to us most of our lives. It's hard to find replacements after all this time. Janet has the right idea - start a hobby or pick up one you left behind in a former life, read a book, go for a walk or do an exercise tape, play with the dog, get on the computer - just get your mind working on something else and your body in gear. The goal here is a healthy lifestyle.

Thanks for all your "tough love" (emphasis on the "love"), Janet.

Joann - You are too kind - thanks !!!!

Apples that is okay. Maybe I will lose as much weight as you have. I want to put my puppy, Charlie in there, but I have to wait and get one of my kids to do it. I am technically challenged.

Boy, I am so sick of this cold. This band is tight. I have been eating Soup and drinking hot tea. This is day 5 so maybe I'll be over it in a couple of days. I hope I lose a couple of lbs. I think I have already griped about this. Sorry, just venting!

Charlene - Vent all you want !!! Would love to see pic's of your fur baby - it's not that hard

Good morning gang - I slept in til 6:45 this morning and had a freind from work over for dinner last night - so that's why I wasn't online.

Gotta brag this morning - 5 miles yep 5 miles in 1.hour 15 minutes.. That's a personal best !!!! in time and in # of miles.

I gotta get another 1.5 lbs off from last weekend - I have a bday party this afternoon for my gf 80 yr old mom - I am going to skip the cupcakes today... That's my promise to myself - I can say not to food - it doesn't control me I am going to be in control today...

and this is why

Edited by IndioGirl55

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Janet, you do look wonderful... But I have to tell you that I'd be very happy to look like you did when you started. I have almost 60 pounds to go to get to that point.. However, I am 5'9" tall so I carry more weight than you anytime I guess... My goal is "one hundred something" even if it's 199... And I will need some surgery after I get most of this gone.. My upper thighs are my problem area.. I just hate them!!! ANYWAY, I wanted to say that I made it through yesterday... The scale said half a pound gone. When I counted my calories (I am very bad at that and any form of journaling?) I was only 1370 for the day. It wasn't what I ate the last few days, it was how I felt and why I did it... Maybe that's why I have continued to lose throughout these 6 months..... I do the food thing okay..... but it's the emotions that are the problem.. I need to feel better about myself... I've always been very hard on myself and it is showing now, too.. I expect more than I should and get down when it doesn't come to pass.... I'm in a hurry and I shouldn't be... I know this logically, but it's the emotionally that has got me down... So, things are okay today, no stalking the cupboards... DH and I have an appointment this afternoon with tax accountant that will take forever as we have a complicated mess this year... Then we have a movie planned for after... I will be out of the house and busy with things.. This is good!!!

Kristin: I had a very lengthy recovery because I had a full incision rather than the laproscopic ones. 4 days in the hospital, insicion split open because doc used wrong staples and then he stitched it up when I was wide awake with no anesthetic, and I had to wear a binder for 3 months... It wasn't pleasant, but I made it... I can still feel the port pain somedays if I overdue.. You take care and remember, this, too, shall pass!!!

Have a good day everyone.. Julie

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Janet, I would harldy know that was the same person in those photos. Looking good!!

MrsBubba, I am 5'9 as well. Trouble is with being tall, it takes longer for our losses to show to other people. If a 5'9 person and a 5'0 person both lost 25lbs, you'd notice it much quicker on the 5'0. But hang in there it will happen! I am at 201 and desperately want that 199, I haven't been in Onederland since my 'baby' was born, he's almost 26 yrs old. I am bad at tracking too, I tracked faithfully the first several months, but now I just do it when I need to do a check up on myself and make sure I am still in my limits. I only looked at the calories (usually about 700-900 with a higher calorie day about once a week) and my Protein grams (trying to be sure I hit 60 at least). It helps a lot, I use www.mydailyplate.com

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Hey gang I'm baaack! Well I have had a bad bad cold. Finally feeling a little better. Today (Sat was my first day for real food again since the fill). I did really well. Didn't get alot down with that cold. Tonight I made 3 oz of chicken salad for my first real solid meat. Ate 2 bites and got stuck, pd and I was hungry. Anyway I guess I am really tight and I am going to have to go slower. So far all I have had is things like oatmeal, Soup, unjury with milk, Beans and cheese. I am glad to hear everyone is going along okay. For you new people, it will get easier. I am going to start back with exercise again tomorrow. I gave up for almost a week and half since I was sick. Janet, those pictures are fabulous. I have noticed that my skin is starting to look loose all over my body. It sure don't look like you have that problem. You look great. As for the family issues, had an estate problem in my family also with family members. It nearly broke our family up. Deaths and estates make people act different. I happen to like elderly people. Most of them are really very sweet. I also love babies and children though. Hey Apples, glad to see your back. I need a vacation after this kitchen is done. I sure hope somethin good happens with this economy situation. There are so many problems right now with money issues for people. I worry about that. I haven't got enough sense to not spend money. I do save though also. Hey I haven't seen Phyl on here for a while. I guess she stays on the other thread most of the time. Well nothing else to report for now.

See you girls and "guys" later.

Love ya


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How long does it take to lose the wight i gained fron surgery??? Ni kidding, I gained 14 lbs in the hospital probably from all the IV's I was given.

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Janet, you do look wonderful... But I have to tell you that I'd be very happy to look like you did when you started. I have almost 60 pounds to go to get to that point.. However, I am 5'9" tall so I carry more weight than you anytime I guess... My goal is "one hundred something" even if it's 199... And I will need some surgery after I get most of this gone.. My upper thighs are my problem area.. I just hate them!!! ANYWAY, I wanted to say that I made it through yesterday... The scale said half a pound gone. When I counted my calories (I am very bad at that and any form of journaling?) I was only 1370 for the day. It wasn't what I ate the last few days, it was how I felt and why I did it... Maybe that's why I have continued to lose throughout these 6 months..... I do the food thing okay..... but it's the emotions that are the problem.. I need to feel better about myself... I've always been very hard on myself and it is showing now, too.. I expect more than I should and get down when it doesn't come to pass.... I'm in a hurry and I shouldn't be... I know this logically, but it's the emotionally that has got me down... So, things are okay today, no stalking the cupboards... DH and I have an appointment this afternoon with tax accountant that will take forever as we have a complicated mess this year... Then we have a movie planned for after... I will be out of the house and busy with things.. This is good!!!

Kristin: I had a very lengthy recovery because I had a full incision rather than the laproscopic ones. 4 days in the hospital, insicion split open because doc used wrong staples and then he stitched it up when I was wide awake with no anesthetic, and I had to wear a binder for 3 months... It wasn't pleasant, but I made it... I can still feel the port pain somedays if I overdue.. You take care and remember, this, too, shall pass!!!

Have a good day everyone.. Julie

Julie our weight is all relative - Yep you have a few more than me to lose - but it can be done - I was just posting pic's to show that it can be done..

With the help of your band and your work on eating healthy & exercising You can get to your goal - whatever that maybe..

I will tell you something cuz you are younger than me - I don't know why I wasted so many years carrying all that extra weight and telling myself I was fine with the extra weight -

I feel so much better - I can't tell you how liberated I feel without all those extra pounds - I hate the saying - nothing taste as good as thin feels - cuz I still love the taste of food - but now I know that if I give in to the taste of food - then I will have to give up the quality of the life I have now and I don't want to do that

- Losing the weight improves the quality of your life 100% - you have more energy - you want to do things - you don't want to sit in front of the tv and eat 24/7 - you aren't tired from just vacuuming the living room.. It's not a chore to get dressed - It's not a chore to bring in the grocery's - it's not a chore just to tie your shoes..

Hugs on your surgery - sounds like you didn't have a very easy time of it... Waking up during surgery - I thought that was only on tv... I would have gone after the anesthesiologist (sp) how could they let that happen..

Janet, Awesome pics! That is what I want to do..... and I WILL!!!!!!!!!!

Charlene - Yes you will - you are on your way !!!

Janet, I would harldy know that was the same person in those photos. Looking good!!

MrsBubba, I am 5'9 as well. Trouble is with being tall, it takes longer for our losses to show to other people. If a 5'9 person and a 5'0 person both lost 25lbs, you'd notice it much quicker on the 5'0. But hang in there it will happen! I am at 201 and desperately want that 199, I haven't been in Onederland since my 'baby' was born, he's almost 26 yrs old. I am bad at tracking too, I tracked faithfully the first several months, but now I just do it when I need to do a check up on myself and make sure I am still in my limits. I only looked at the calories (usually about 700-900 with a higher calorie day about once a week) and my Protein grams (trying to be sure I hit 60 at least). It helps a lot, I use www.mydailyplate.com

Thanks Long - Us shorties - are jealous of you tallies - cuz you are so right 25 lbs shows more on us short ones than it does on you tall ones - but again it's all relative...

Long I bet it you tracked for 2 weeks it would help you get to onelander .. it's a proven fact - pple who track lose more than those who don't

Hey gang I'm baaack! Well I have had a bad bad cold. Finally feeling a little better. Today (Sat was my first day for real food again since the fill). I did really well. Didn't get alot down with that cold. Tonight I made 3 oz of chicken salad for my first real solid meat. Ate 2 bites and got stuck, pd and I was hungry. Anyway I guess I am really tight and I am going to have to go slower. So far all I have had is things like oatmeal, Soup, unjury with milk, Beans and cheese. I am glad to hear everyone is going along okay. For you new people, it will get easier. I am going to start back with exercise again tomorrow. I gave up for almost a week and half since I was sick.

Janet, those pictures are fabulous. I have noticed that my skin is starting to look loose all over my body. It sure don't look like you have that problem. You look great.

As for the family issues, had an estate problem in my family also with family members. It nearly broke our family up. Deaths and estates make people act different. I happen to like elderly people. Most of them are really very sweet. I also love babies and children though.

Hey Apples, glad to see your back. I need a vacation after this kitchen is done. I sure hope somethin good happens with this economy situation. There are so many problems right now with money issues for people. I worry about that. I haven't got enough sense to not spend money. I do save though also.

Hey I haven't seen Phyl on here for a while. I guess she stays on the other thread most of the time. Well nothing else to report for now.

See you girls and "guys" later.

Love ya


Becky - Under those clothes I have the body of an 90 yr old woman... I am not kidding - but you won't find me posting pics of my in my bra and underwear:lol:... My arms are bad and bug me the most cuz here in the Desert in the Summer it's nice to wear the shorter sleeves - my tummy & thighs have saggy skin too - but it could be worse and heck I had grandma boobs even at 250 - I could use a body lift - but I doubt I would ever have one - I may do arms - but not for a while due to the whole economy thing - I think I need to hang on to the $$ I have for now - I can wear elbow length sleeve - I just have to shop a little harder to find them..o

the way I look at it as the saggy skin isn't going to kill me whereas the fat was going to..

The family estate issues have put a big crack in my relationship w/my Sis - and I don't know if it will ever get back to what it was...

Becky - if you can't eat hard Proteins you may be too tight - you aren't suppose to be so tight that you can't eat meats.. Please keep and eye on your restriction - being too tight can cause problems

Phyl is in Washington - she flew home for a few days to see her daughter and help out with kids cuz SIL was going somewhere and she got a fill while she was there... She should be back soon..

How long does it take to lose the wight i gained from surgery??? Ni kidding, I gained 14 lbs in the hospital probably from all the IV's I was given.

Ant - I don't know - I didn't gain I don't think - I didn't weight myself the morning of surgery cuz I had my colonoscoopy on Friday before my surgery (following Tues) and then Monday another colon cleanse day (2 within 2 days) so I didn't feel that I would be getting an actuate number...

If you aren't drinking enough your body is going to hold on to the Water - so just sip all day long and walk and watch your sodium - give it a few days - do you feel like you are retaining Water? ??

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Janet, thanks for the tips and the great pictures.. I'm not ready to put any of me on here yet... I started at 387 and had been up past 400 a few years ago... That's why 250 sounds so good to me. And I think maybe I am older than you... I'm 56.... I'm a 1952 model...... However when you get to those numbers it doesn't really matter anymore.. I feel very young some days and very old other days...

On a positive note, my husband bought me a new bike seat today.. We bought matching bikes a couple years ago and never really used them They came with those little "thong" seats that seem as though they could get lost somewhere!!!!! I got one that will handle my backside a bit better.. I can hardly wait for the snow to leave so I can try it out.... Should be fun if I don't fall on my face....

Long2bthin... Sounds as though we are on the same track... When I had my initial interview for surgery, they said my ideal weight is 163... That almost made me laugh.... I can't even think about a number like that.. First of all, I'll probable have 20 pounds of fat and skin on my upper, inner thighs that will have to be cut off... So, I'm not really going for a number, but a feeling.. Like I said before, 199 sounds just wonderful after 387.....

Icth..... I gained weight after surgery, too, with 4 days in the hospital and all that IV fluid... Thought it would never leave me, but it did.... It will surprise you when it leaves.... and leave you wishing it would all fall off so fast... Good luck to you...

Take care all... Have a good Sunday... Julie

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Wow Janet !! The picture of you in the skirt doesn't look like you. Love that new picture of you, you're so pretty. I can't wait to be thin like you are. I will be there this time next year for sure. Thanks again for all your help and advice.



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I'm back from WA but feeling miserable. Picked up a bug from my daughter.. or maybe wiped too many runny noses. At any rate, my sinuses feel yucky, throat is sore and this morning, stomach feels upset, too. Trying to drink my coffee. DH making me an omelet that I'm not sure I can eat. Had a fill while I was home and so I"m pretty tight, too. I'm just full of Sunday morning cheer today!!

On a positive note, I think I"m down a couple of pounds. I was down 2 lb on my daughter's scale the first few days I was there. Haven't weighed since I'm back because Thursday is my weigh in day, so not yet claiming the lbs until it's official weigh in day.


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Phyllser, I have had a cold or sinus thing for the last week. I started drinking hot tea. I used a bag of Luzianne Decaf and celestial peppermint decaf. I really opened up my head and loosened up my band a little. Anyway, just a suggestion. Hope you feel better soon!

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