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OK - I'm trying to see if I got this ticker thing correct. Here we go....



Looks good!


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Hi all ~ just checking in. Doing fine. A little challenge at work cause someone bought in a whole tub of brownies - one of my personal chocolate favorites (baked goods are my weakness). I was able to walk by them yesterday and did so today; but I swear the imagine of them sitting there stays in my mind long after I've left the area. I know they will still be there tomorrow, so this is a real challenge. I'm still on mushies, so I know I can't eat them, but I do think about how I can chew on them until they are mushy enough to go down. I haven't followed through yet, but it sure is a challenge. Anyone have a first time challenge after banded; and how did you get through it? Oh yeah, a very good friend of mine at work celebrated his B-day and invited me to a little b-day party they gave him at work. Cake & ice cream - Oh boy. I said no thanks, but again even if I don't buy the food, someone is always trying to feed me. The trick is to nicely say "no thanks" when my tummy says "YES."

Ok - enough out of me. I hope everyone had a wonderful day and a better day tomorrow.


Browines with walnuts are one of my most fav things - I would make the batter and just eat it sometimes.. Avoidance is what I did - I just didn't go around it and the more you stay know the stronger you will feel as you will realize you are the one in control. - I am lucky my office is in another wing not close to the lunch room where all the junk is - I just stayed away and also for me I was highly motivated so it was pretty easy to say no.. Even today when I want junk - I look at the calories per serving and that right there usualy does it for me

At the corner store they sell individual pieces of cheesecake - 1 piece (and who eats 1 piece) is like 700 calories - that was all most all my daily calories in my weight lost phase and it's half my calories now - nope cuz as soon as you eat it you will want more that's what sugar does to me - I have a little and then just want more - I am still a volume eater really to a degree - I want the most food for the least amount of calories.

Well back from the gym did a mile before my arm work out w/trainer - need to go see what I am going to fix for dinner - I am a little hungry..


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Well I had a very busy day today. My oldest daughter is getting married on 3/14 and I had to go pick up my youngest daughters dress and while I was there I tried on a few dresses. I tried on size 16 and it was baggy on me. I was so happy. Like I said yesterday the scale is not moving this week but I can tell the inches are coming off. Janel no I never measured myself when I started this journey. I am going this Friday for my second fill. Maybe that will help with the scale. Janet what kind of exercises are you doing for the flab on your arms......I need to start working on that. I rode my stationary bike for 45 min tonight.

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Well I had a very busy day today. My oldest daughter is getting married on 3/14 and I had to go pick up my youngest daughters dress and while I was there I tried on a few dresses. I tried on size 16 and it was baggy on me. I was so happy. Like I said yesterday the scale is not moving this week but I can tell the inches are coming off. Janel no I never measured myself when I started this journey. I am going this Friday for my second fill. Maybe that will help with the scale. Janet what kind of exercises are you doing for the flab on your arms......I need to start working on that. I rode my stationary bike for 45 min tonight.

Rose Congrat on your baby getting married - hope you like your SIL :0)

As to the arms - I would have to become a professional weight lifter on steriods to build enought muscle to take the place of the fat and to fill up the extra skin :bananalama:

The skin issue will depend on many factors - your dna - how long it was streached out and age.. But excess skin isn't going to kill you like the fat would have.. That's my HO.

My arms are terrible - My tummy area is saggy but no apron just excess skin - legs saggy - I say I have the body of an 80 yr old lady - but a pair of high wasted spanx's takes care of the tummy - pants below the knee covers the leg issue and elbow length sleeves takes care of the arms. They are cut if it wasn't for the skin - I work weights 2 x week one day legs and the other arms - do various things on diff machines... Chest presses - tricip stuff - curls

Take your measurements now - and then in a couple of months take them again my waist went from like 44 to 29

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Hi all - good day today. Went to restaurant for first time today, ate Soup and eggplant w/garlic - stayed within the mushie requirement. Hungry again, but I'll drink some choco milk, have some sf pudding and then get ready for bed.

Hope everyone had a good day today and a better one tomorrow.:thumbup:

Goodnight! :biggrin:

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Good Evening Gang...

It's been quite today - If I remember right (and that's a big if) yesterday was Longs busy day - so she must be recouping and getting ready for her 5/09 Reward crusie :thumbup:

Today - worked on some of my Brother's Estate junk this morning... Then just busy at work for the rest of the day...

Breakfast - 1 cup cinnamon shreddit wheat - lunch Cobb salad - dinner will be roasted chicken - rice and a veggie - I made mex shrimp cocktail for lunch tomorrow. My night time Snacks will be sherbet ice cream cone 120 calories - lite cran grape juice - OH YA SHARON you don't like Water so try this stuff 40 calories 8 oz and you can dilute it with Water in a 16 oz water bottle... and some walnuts and oj - right now not too hungry - had 2 triscuts when I got home from work..

Any Idol watchers??? Last night in the group thingie - I loved white chocolate - the guy with the black hair and eyeliner - OMG what a voice - they all had really good voices but to me he stood out the most - he will be in the final 11

Bonnie - how are you doing ???

Charlene - How are you??

Becky - Did you find the right paint yet??

Kathy - When do you come home

Ellen - We haven't heard from you in a long time

Joann - How are you doing

Rose - Whats up with you - get any rain - it looked like we would but so far nothing

Tweety - Hope you haven't eaten

Itchy - hows the preop going

Apples - how much longer is your holiday....

Well if I missed someone - please remember I'm 54 yr old :biggrin: so it's allowed - it's not intentional ok :tongue2:

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Yes we got rain today and its still raining here now. I hate when it rains and I have to drive in it. I only work out of my house 2 days a week on Mondays and Thursdays so today I got stuck in alot of traffic coming home. My 76 very ill mother lives with me and on the days I have to go into the office I rush home to get her fed. So Mondays and Thursdays are pretty hectic for me. I came home made dinner, gave my hubby a hair cut and did my treadmill for 30 min. Janet how many days a week do you work out. My daughter is telling me that I should only work out 5 days a week I have been doing 6? Well tomorrow I go for my second fill I will let you know how things go.

What I ate today:

B- oatmeal Low Sugar


L- Turkey/fat free cheese on 1/2 whole wheat pita bread

Lite and Fit Yogurt


D- 4 oz steak

steamed eggpland, onions and tomatos

S - 3 crakers with Peanut Butter

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I finally got to my 20lbs. mark now my next one is 50lbs. lost. I'm at stage 3 nowsolid foods and Protein. So glad to hear everybody is doing good. It is feel so good when people tell you that you are losing weight. Everyone keep up the good work it will pay off in the long run.

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It's Friday!!! I've been so tired this week. This 415am getting up gets to me sometimes and I try to take a nap or two during the week but this week got none.

I hit 102!!! I have to check my BMI after I update my ticker but I tihnk this puts me out of the obese category and now I am just overweight!! WOOHOO!!! This was even after going to our favorite Mexican place last night for their special $2 burritos! Half mine is in the fridge but I did have a few too many chips.

Edit to add: My BMI is exactly 30 so right on the line between overweight and obese. Almost!! next little bit I lose should do it!

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Yes we got rain today and its still raining here now. I hate when it rains and I have to drive in it. I only work out of my house 2 days a week on Mondays and Thursdays so today I got stuck in alot of traffic coming home. My 76 very ill mother lives with me and on the days I have to go into the office I rush home to get her fed. So Mondays and Thursdays are pretty hectic for me. I came home made dinner, gave my hubby a hair cut and did my treadmill for 30 min. Janet how many days a week do you work out. My daughter is telling me that I should only work out 5 days a week I have been doing 6? Well tomorrow I go for my second fill I will let you know how things go.

What I ate today:

B- oatmeal Low Sugar


L- Turkey/fat free cheese on 1/2 whole wheat pita bread

Lite and Fit Yogurt


D- 4 oz steak

steamed eggpland, onions and tomatos

S - 3 crakers with Peanut Butter


I didn't get rain til about 8 last night and just a tad but should have some today by the looks of the clouds outside.

Hugs on the Mom issue - I know how hard that is - I lost my parents 17 yrs ago - they died within 1 month of each other and I spend the last month w/my Dad in ICU and had been taking care of both of them for 6 months before they died..

food for the day was good...

Exercise I agree w/DD as 6 days a week can be a bit much - you don't want to overwhelm yourself and make it so hard that when you miss that 6th day - you say oh whats the use - I found that if I gave my self some slack and didn't make exercise a chore - that I enjoyed it more - yes you read that right - ENJOY EXERCISE, that's a hard concept to beleive in the beginning but as you see your body transform you will come to the realization that excercise is part of it and it increases your endorphins too - which makes you feel better

and you will need to increase lenght of time & intensty over time and as you lose weight - Heck in the beginning I would burn 100 calories just looking at the treadmill (really in the beginning 2 miles on flat surface at 3.0 speed I would burn like 300 calories) now I only burn like 75 calorie at 4 mph on flat surface -

But if you are enjoying the 6 days then tell yourself - ok I will work out 5-6 days a week and if I miss that 6th day no biggie. I worked out MTWFS - took Thrus & Sunday off. Now I tell myself 3-4 days a week and if I miss that 4th day cuz life gets in the way - it's ok. But if I have been out of town for like a weekend and eaten a little higher than I normally do - then I make sure I get the full 4 days in...

I finally got to my 20lbs. mark now my next one is 50lbs. lost. I'm at stage 3 nowsolid foods and Protein. So glad to hear everybody is doing good. It is feel so good when people tell you that you are losing weight. Everyone keep up the good work it will pay off in the long run.

Tweety - Congrats on your 20 lbs and glad you now get to eat real food..

It's Friday!!! I've been so tired this week. This 415am getting up gets to me sometimes and I try to take a nap or two during the week but this week got none.

I hit 102!!! I have to check my BMI after I update my ticker but I tihnk this puts me out of the obese category and now I am just overweight!! WOOHOO!!! This was even after going to our favorite Mexican place last night for their special $2 burritos! Half mine is in the fridge but I did have a few too many chips.

Edit to add: My BMI is exactly 30 so right on the line between overweight and obese. Almost!! next little bit I lose should do it!

Congrats Long - I have always found that if I ate a little higher everynow and then during my weight loss phase that it would really help the scales move downward... Yep the next 5 lbs will put you in the overweight - That is a big big accomplishment for someone who was morbity obese - and before you know it - you will have a normal bmi !!!!!

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Hi All,

I had my second fill today. 2cc added to the 3cc I received last month (Realize band). It went well - I have been stopping at the restaurant across the street from the surgery center to have some lunch - I figure if I have a problem I can go back to her office and have a bit taken out... I'm allowed mushies after a fill, so I have a cup of clam chowder to check everything out (after drinking Water in the office). It's better than driving back home - 80 miles - then discovering I can't get anything down. I am very noticeably tighter, but not having a problem, just eating much less. That's the idea, right?? I even notice it when drinking my Water. gurgle, gurgle... I am a little upset with myself that I did not call for an earlier appointment. I know I could have had one, but I thought I would tough it out. DUH... I know now to get the fill when I am struggling with eating "just a little" too much. I believe that is why my loss has slowed down. At any rate I'm feeling good about this fill and looking forward to better losses in the next few weeks.

We have our teenage grandkids with us this weekend. GD will be 18 next month and graduates from HS in May. Last week she was 4 years old and fell asleep on my lap. GS is 14 and starts HS next year. I believe he was riding his tricycle down the driveway just the other day. Wow - they sure have been busy. I am glad our youngest DD is just getting her family started. We'll have a couple of babies to play with for a few years - more than a couple babies if DD and SIL have their way.

Glad to hear everyone seems to be doing well. Apples - hope you are having fun. I've been hearing weather reports from FL that sound more like KC! Still not as cold as MN, though!

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Hi All,

I had my second fill today. 2cc added to the 3cc I received last month (Realize band). It went well - I have been stopping at the restaurant across the street from the surgery center to have some lunch - I figure if I have a problem I can go back to her office and have a bit taken out... I'm allowed mushies after a fill, so I have a cup of clam chowder to check everything out (after drinking Water in the office). It's better than driving back home - 80 miles - then discovering I can't get anything down. I am very noticeably tighter, but not having a problem, just eating much less. That's the idea, right?? I even notice it when drinking my Water. gurgle, gurgle... I am a little upset with myself that I did not call for an earlier appointment. I know I could have had one, but I thought I would tough it out. DUH... I know now to get the fill when I am struggling with eating "just a little" too much. I believe that is why my loss has slowed down. At any rate I'm feeling good about this fill and looking forward to better losses in the next few weeks.

We have our teenage grandkids with us this weekend. GD will be 18 next month and graduates from HS in May. Last week she was 4 years old and fell asleep on my lap. GS is 14 and starts HS next year. I believe he was riding his tricycle down the driveway just the other day. Wow - they sure have been busy. I am glad our youngest DD is just getting her family started. We'll have a couple of babies to play with for a few years - more than a couple babies if DD and SIL have their way.

Glad to hear everyone seems to be doing well. Apples - hope you are having fun. I've been hearing weather reports from FL that sound more like KC! Still not as cold as MN, though!


Glad your fill went well - 80 miles ya - that's tough I would want to me sure too...

My GS who lives w/me will be 18 next month too - and yes it was just the other day that he came home from the hospital - I have 14 yr GD too she started HS this yr 12/1 baby so she just made the cut off - and then I have a 4 yr old - omw her bday is 3/2 she will be 5 - I won't be having any more GK as my DIL say she's done - she 31 and my DS will be 38 in July and hope it's a few more yrs til I have some GGK's :confused:

PJ What's the weather suppose to be like in Texas next week??

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Its been a rainy day here. I went for my second fill today he but 1cc so I have a total of 5cc in a 10cc band. All went well and he said that he could have put 2cc in today but he prefers to take is slow and easy to have me get to my sweet spot. So he said to see how I do in the next 2 weeks with my weight loss if i am not loosing than I can come in in 2 weeks for another 1cc if the weight is coming off at a steady pace than he will see me in a month. So I will just wait and see how I do. I have been on mushies today and have not been very hungry. Thank you so much for all your advice Janet. I did ask my doctor about doing sit ups he said that he would prefer me waiting another few weeks for that. Tomorrow we have a busy day we have to go get my husband fitted for his tux for the wedding and than we have to go to the mall to get my shoes and purse. Than our son and the grandkids are coming over for poker night. It will be fun. Everyone have a great weekend.

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Janet,....just checking in. For some reason I could not get on LBT yesterday. Anyway, My body won't give up the last 3lb so I can meet my Valentine's challenge. UP one.....down two....up three. I go next week for a fill, but I don't know if I need it. I have some restriction. I think my main problem is head hunger.

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Its been a rainy day here. I went for my second fill today he but 1cc so I have a total of 5cc in a 10cc band. All went well and he said that he could have put 2cc in today but he prefers to take is slow and easy to have me get to my sweet spot. So he said to see how I do in the next 2 weeks with my weight loss if i am not loosing than I can come in in 2 weeks for another 1cc if the weight is coming off at a steady pace than he will see me in a month. So I will just wait and see how I do. I have been on mushies today and have not been very hungry. Thank you so much for all your advice Janet. I did ask my doctor about doing sit ups he said that he would prefer me waiting another few weeks for that. Tomorrow we have a busy day we have to go get my husband fitted for his tux for the wedding and than we have to go to the mall to get my shoes and purse. Than our son and the grandkids are coming over for poker night. It will be fun. Everyone have a great weekend.

Rose - I hope that fill gets you to your sweet spot - it's wonderful to get there - but I agree w/doc it's better to be a little slow cuz you sure don't want to be too tight - that's the worse thing in the world..

Sounds like a fun weekend - I go for nails & hair this weekend next weekend - I won't be on line - Leaving Friday for Texas to see my 93 yr old Aunt and meet with PJTax lady from the boards here - Will be back Sunday night and we have Monday off -

Janet,....just checking in. For some reason I could not get on LBT yesterday. Anyway, My body won't give up the last 3lb so I can meet my Valentine's challenge. UP one.....down two....up three. I go next week for a fill, but I don't know if I need it. I have some restriction. I think my main problem is head hunger.


I hear you girl - I still struggle with head hunger - most of the time I win but it's a real battle - have you been able to get any exercise in. You say you have restriction but how much - another reason I don't think it's good to be too tight is cuz then you can't eat real food and will really tend to eat around the band with the softer/slider foods..

Last night I had steak to cook but really didn't want that - wanted comfort food which is what I have always wanted on a Friday night after a long week - well I found some italitan Soup mix in the pantry which I had before added some chicken that I had from the other day - and had a cup it was really good - then though I went and had a cup of real ice cream - not the best choice but I really was ok as far as my calories for the day - but I hate it when I do that - I feel like I am testing the Water to eat diff and then you know what can happen..

I need to get dressed hair appointment at 9 - but need to get to they gym 1st and if I don't go in the next few minutes I am not going to have enough time for my 3 miles come home shower etc..

So ladies - I will cbl - :cursing:

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    • Bashbee91

      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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